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CulturalgeographyinChinaisasubjectthathasevolvedfromtheancienttimesthroughmoderntimes,anddistinguishedachievementshavebeenaccomplishedduringallthisperiod(Wang,1991).Yetitisa“newlyestablished”inquiryinChinainthesensethatnosubstantialprogresshasbeenm…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION~ntially,environmentalproblemisaneconomicproblem.Atpresent,variousenvironmentalpoblernswhichmanarebeingconfrontedisadirectandindirectman-effectedrestilt.Meanwhile,environmentalproblemsareclOSelyrelatedto~ialproblems,eSpeciallyrapidgr'OwthofPOpulation(on,1994).So,whenenvironmentalproblemsforoneregionareanalyzed,itisnec~toconsiderits~ialandeconomicdevelOPmentlevel.2~Y~2.IbeaveralBasicconceptions2.1.1Environmentalcomprehensioni~(ECI)ECIexpressesthechangeOftotalenvironment…  相似文献   

当前,国内外地理学史界对中国先秦地理学的成就普遍认识不够。本文认为先秦地理学的成就相当辉煌,是中国地理学著作的创立时代,亦是中国古代地理学成为一门学问的时代。先秦地理学还有着考察自然、研究自然的好传统,秦汉及其以后的中国古代地理学基本上丢失了这个传统,走上侧重地理沿革的考证、社会历史和社会状况的记述之路,形成内容上以史学地理、经学地理、沿革地理为主体的中国传统地理学。先秦与秦汉地理学之间存在一个大断裂。这个大断裂影响了中国古代地理学取得的成就,致使中国古代地理学无法发展衍生为近代地理学。  相似文献   

Based on development level of regional society and economy, the paper attempts to analyze the present situation, types and change of regional environment in China through the definition of four conceptions environmental pollution index (EPI), social and economic comprehensive index (SECI), —environmental comprehensive index (ECI) and social, economic and environmental comprehensive index (SEECI) and some mathematical calculation, and draws some conclusions to be worth referring: 1). There exists close relation between economic development and environmental situation. With high-speed development of economy, the discharge of the three wastes in China has been increasing, but its environmental social and economic benefit has also been improved at the same time. 2) In the course of economic development, regional environment situation in China has continuously been changing, and there exists the difference of environmental quality between provinces, which is bigger than that of economic development level between them. 3) Except very few provinces, regional EPI in China has risen in varying degrees since the 1980s, which shows that the task for China to prevent environment from polluting its still arduous.  相似文献   

Since 1978, many changes have happened on the background of urban regional structure in China, such as the economy system restructuring, the social transforming including the population flow accelerating and social demand diversifying and individualizing, the political and economic systems reforms, the rise of the real estate market and the changing relationship between human and nature. From the macroscopic view, these changes make the national urban system to be a newer pattern with a widening gap among the cities in spite of the rising of the cities as a whole. At the same, the urban land use structures are changing with both the trends of intensification and diversification, and the trends of the regional diversification and the economic integration. Besides, urban structures with multiple centers are emerging in several metropolitan areas in China. These changes and trends mentioned above are confirmed by a case study of Nanjing City, a growing metropolitan area in east China. The case study also points out some problems in urban regional structure reforming, especially the poor social and ecological considerations. We should pay more attention to some ideas like balance of intensification and decentralization, development of suburban centers and a reasonable mixing of the functional activities to develop a sustainable urban regional structure. Biography: XU Yi-lun (1971–), male, a native of Zhejiang Province, Ph. D. His research interests include urban geography, urban and regional planning.  相似文献   

Urbansocialgeographyanditssubfield—urbansocialspatialdifferentiationhavebeendevelopedsincethe1960s.Tillnow,byitsbasementandtheory,itcanbedividedintothreestagesandfourresearchschools:1)methodologicaldescriptionstage;2)behaviorstudystage;3)radicalMar…  相似文献   

Regional innovation system (RIS) is the new research field of modern economic geography in the age of knowledge economy. Based on the researches of regional economic geography, the authors of the paper consider RIS as the integrated and interactive systems with innovation milieu, elements, units, structure and functions. Five aspects of evaluation indicators including innovation input scale and output scale, innovation milieu transition, innovation inner operation, as well as innovation outer impact are worked out for final indicators of RIS scale and quality. According to different RIS situations, three patterns of independent, imitative and cooperative development are put forward for choosing. At the latter part of the paper, we select 12 provincial regions (including three municipalities and one autonomous region) of China for empirical study. The results show that there exists great difference among each region from the aspects of innovation scale and quality mainly owning to the diversification of RIS social and economic milieu, the major innovative units of enterprises, universities and R&D institutes. Finally, the paper points out the innovation development decisions for each region. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40131010) LIU Shu-guang (1966–), male, a native of Xiajin County of Shandong, Ph. D., associate professor, specialized in regional economic development and regional innovation system. E-mail: dawnliu9631@263.net  相似文献   

The development of any analytical method should have to experience at least four stages: its initial status, growth, mature and declining. However, although the regional input-output analysis has been widely applied for more than forty years, it is still one of the most important approach in regional economic analysis and forecast at present in the world. This is due to the never ended modifications and its great potentials. In this paper, we review the historical development of the regional input-output analysis.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Northeast China consists of the three provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, this region has supported the whole country with huge quantity of grain, raw materials, primary products, and heavy industrial products at the cost of environment and resources, and thereafter became an old industrial base as well as an important marketable grain base in the whole country (Zhang et al., 2004). However, since the 19…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAs significant economic motors and political actors, the global cityregions have been regarded as crucial parts of development strategies in China. In the "Eleventh Five- year Plan" by the National Development and Reform Commission of P. R. China, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Province (Jing-Jin-Ji) region, one of the typical mega- lopolises or global cityregions in the East Coastal China will be paid much more attention in the future (GU and YU,2002;YAO,2005;MAO,2005)…  相似文献   

中国地理学史上的一次大断裂——兼评《汉书·地理志》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
先秦地理学有着考察自然、研究自然的传统,而且在这方面取得了辉煌的成就。汉代及其以后的中国古代地理学基本上丢失了这个传统,始作俑者为东汉班固。西汉董仲舒的“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,不但排斥或扼杀了其他诸子百家,也摧残了先秦儒家注重自然的传统。班固著《汉书·地理志》,屈从当时的潮流,忽视先秦时期“山川,地理也”的传统,赋予“地理”另一种含义,即以记述疆域、政区的建制置和沿革为主,而把山川等自然知识作为附庸,使以后的中国古代地理学走上侧重地理沿革考证、记述社会历史和社会状况之路,形成内容上以史学地理、经学地理、沿革地理为主体的中国传统地理学。先秦地理学与秦汉地理学之间存在一个大断裂。这个大断裂影响了中国古代地理学取得的成就,并使中国古代地理学无法发展衍生出近代地理学。  相似文献   

姜超  柳林 《地球信息科学学报》2013,15(6):801-808853
近30年来,随着公安部门犯罪防控需求的增加,中国犯罪地理学正处于新的发展机遇期。为了能较客观、全面地把握我国犯罪地理学的研究现状与动态,本文从中国知网、万方和维普3大电子资源数据库中筛选出与犯罪地理研究主题相关的期刊论文,以此为样本,对研究内容与研究实力等情况进行统计分析。结果表明,自1980s中期以来,中国犯罪地理学在论文数量、研究方法、实证区域、研究机构与核心作者等方面都日益增多,已经在城市犯罪地理、警用地理信息系统、规划设计预防犯罪、情境犯罪预防等4个主要研究方向出现了导向作用明显的核心作者,呈现出良好的发展态势。进入21世纪后,新的发展机遇在促进犯罪地理学论文数量与研究实力快速增加的同时,也导致了案例研究、量化研究的所占比重显著减少,研究区域的空间范围也大幅收敛,集中在长三角、京津、珠三角地区。新的研究阵营不断涌现,核心作者比重不断下降,犯罪地理学进入了研究阵营争鸣角力的重构期。未来我国犯罪地理学的发展任重而道远,不仅亟需完善相关的理论体系、加强国内的案例实证,而且还需注意研究规范的统一、核心作者群的代际更替等诸多问题。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONCOOKEetal.(1996)conductedadetailedsurveyontheconceptsofregionalinnovationsystem(RIS)aftertherevolutionarystudyofFREEMAN(1987)andLUNDVALL(1992)onthenationalinnovationsys-tem.COOKEpointedoutthatRISisagroupofgeo-graphicallyadjacententerprises,R&Dinstitutesanduniversities,whichsupportsandproducesinnovation.WIIGandWOOD(1999)arguedthatthebroadsenseofRISshouldalsoincludethelocalgovernmentsandlocalservicessuchasfinancialbusinessinstitutes.BasedonthereviewofRISconcept…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone (called the Golden Quadrangle) among China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand is one of the most isolated and troublesome re- gionsinthe world. It hasa longhistoryasone ofthe most politicallysensitive spotsin the world. Wars, refugee mi- grations, drug, closed national borders and lack ofinfras- tructurehavelongbeenconstantbarrierstothisarea. Quadrangle Economic Cooperation Zone is now the focus of Asia. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and China …  相似文献   

陈述彭先生是中国地理学家、遥感学家、地理信息系统学家,是我国现代地图学、遥感与地球信息科学的一面旗帜。在纪念陈先生诞辰100周年之际,通过梳理先生对我国地貌制图学发展的贡献,传承他的科研经验,感悟他的科研精神等。通过对陈先生在地貌制图学研究成果的归纳,进一步梳理国内外地貌制图学的发展历程,总结我国地貌类型图、地貌区划图、数字地形分析与制图等方面取得的成果。展望现代地貌制图学的发展,将在区域精细地形表达、中国精细地貌类型与区划制图、全球地貌类型与区划制图、行星形貌制图、地貌过程数值模拟等方面继续探索,努力将中国的地貌制图学发扬光大。  相似文献   

GIS在历史地理学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GIS技术的日益发展,对历史地理学缺乏量化指标,历史地理制图内容单一、时空覆盖率低、无法反映历史变化等缺点发出挑战。中国历史地理信息系统(CHGIS)、过去2000年中国环境综合研究、省级断代历史地理信息系统研究相继启动,GIS开始应用于历史地理研究中。历史地理信息系统尚处起步阶段,还有许多工作要做。  相似文献   

Northeast Asia with China ,Japan and South Korea as the main components has drawn more and more atten-tion worldwide.Many scholars have researchec on the prospect of some alternatives of regional economic integration in Northeast Asia/or Yellow Sea Rin as its core area.In this paper the authors start with an introduction of the major arguments embracing Yellow Sea Rim regionalism,and attemptto identify the dynamics challenging the proposed approach-es of sub-regionalism of Northeast Asia.The paper firstly gives a brief review on the undate development of bilateral econom-ic exchanges,mainly Sino-Japanese and Sino-South Korean trades and direct investments with related contemporary is-sues.When the changing pattern of economic interactions is analyzed,special concerns are given to the possibility to real-ize the supposed potential of regional economic cooperation mainly based on economic complementarity among the related regions of China ,North Korea,South Korea,and Japan.The authors then made their major efforts on putting forward possible approaches of multilateral cooperation of three countries in the near future,that is ,deepened cooperation in select-ed sectors of industry and transportation and coordinated development among major cities.The authors stress that the develop-ment of sub-regional sectoral cooperation and the formation of interactive network of city-regions via social and economic interactions at local level are significant to the future regional integrated development in Northeast Asia..  相似文献   

Since China opening to outside world, the economy in the Pearl(Zhujiang) River Delta(PRD) has been dou-ble digit growth. It has been known as one of mature fast growth areas in the world and become the model and hope of Chi-nese reform and opening to outside world. The regional development in PRD is the outcome of polarization effects. The polar-ization effects actually are extension of international regional division and a combination of Hongkong‘‘s influence and re-form and open-door policies on the mainland. Since the 1990s, driven by knowledge-based economy, the PRD has furtheradjusted the industrial structure and achieved good progress in upgrading industrial structure. Its high technology industryhas developed quickly and the economic internationalization has deepened, meanwhile, the region is going through transforma-tion and some new trends have begun to appear, which include: university towns springing up, industrial globalization andthe construction of Hi-tech development zones. The paper suggests that with the economic growth changing from relying onthe low level production elements to relying on high level production elements, the regional policies in GuangdongProvince should develop correspondingly: 1) make a plan to prohihite the blind construction in innovative spatial construc-tions; 2) make measures to attract the overseas talents to establish a pool of talent; 3) work out the favorable policies forabsorbing larger capital; 4) formulate the policy of attracting a cluster of industries to speed up the upgrade of industrialdevelopment.  相似文献   

中国环境污染的区域联防方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境污染的区域性发展趋势要求污染治理从区域角度进行统筹规划,这与我国按照行政区域进行环境管理的现状存在矛盾。因此,迫切需要进行环境污染区域联防方面的研究。通过运用区域地理学、经济地理学的理论和研究成果,同时借鉴国内外相关案例,并结合我国自然环境、经济发展的区域差异,提出了区域性环保机构设置方案。该方案包括建立5个国家直属局和12个省级分局,这些区域性环保机构既考虑区域环境现状又兼顾未来发展趋势,能够对我国今后的环境保护管理改革提供资料。  相似文献   

Chinese had noticed regional differences in ancient times and thus arouse the concept of regional sustainable development which was successfully applied to delta cultivation and civilization. Over the long term of regional development and regional exchange, much experience therefore was accumulated based on coastal zones, toward both inner land and open ocean. Regionalization, a basic job preceding sustainable development of a region, has also been carried out in China since ancient times. More important, patterns of regionalization were retained, these presents serve as references even today. Reflections on China’s historical enlightenment can assist us in locating the breakthroughs in regional development in the 21st century: facing the oceans with the seaport cities as nucleuses.  相似文献   

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