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北极海冰范围时空变化及其与海温气温间的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用美国国家冰雪中心提供的1989-2014年海冰范围资料,分析了北极海冰范围的年际变化和季节变化规律。分析发现,北极海冰范围呈减少趋势,每年减小5.91×104 km2,夏季减少趋势显著,冬季减少趋势弱。北极海冰范围显现相对稳定的季节变化规律,海冰的结冰和融化主要发生在各个边缘海,夏季期间的海冰具有融化快、冻结快的特征。结合海温、气温数据,进行北极海冰范围与海温、气温间的数值分析,结果表明北极海冰范围变化通过影响北极海温变化进而影响北极气温变化。海冰范围的季节变化滞后于海温和气温的季节变化。基于北极考察走航海温气温数据,进行楚科奇海海冰范围线与海温气温间的数值分析,发现楚科奇海海冰范围线所在区域的海温、气温与纬度高低、离陆地远近有关。  相似文献   

北极海冰对全球气候起着非常重要的调制作用,海冰范围是海冰监测的基本参数。近40年,北极地区持续变暖,北极海冰显著减少,进而引发北极自然环境恶化、北半球极端天气频发、全球海平面上升等一系列环境和气候问题。准确获取北极海冰范围及其演变趋势,确定海冰变化对全球气候系统的响应,是研究和预测全球气候变化趋势的关键之一。HasISST和OISST海冰数据集在海冰监测中应用最为广泛,可为北极地区长时间序列海冰变化研究提供基础数据,但这2套数据集空间分辨率相对较低,应用于北极关键区对中国气候响应研究方面存在很大的局限,为解决这一问题和弥补国内海冰监测微波遥感数据的空白,2011年6月27日,国家卫星气象中心(National Satellite Meteorological Center, NSMC)发布了FY(Fengyun, FY)北极海冰数据集,该数据集利用搭载在FY卫星上的微波成像仪(Microwave Radiation Imager, MWRI)数据,使用Enhance NASA Team算法制作,该算法利用前向辐射传输模型模拟北极地区4种海表类型(海水、新生冰、一年冰和多年冰)在不同大气条件下MWRI辐射亮温,进而得到每种大气条件下0~100%的海冰覆盖度查找表(海冰覆盖度每次增加1%),通过观测值与模拟值的比对得到海冰覆盖度,由该数据集计算得到的北极海冰范围在大部分区域与实际情况相符。该产品虽已进行通道间匹配误差修正和定位精度偏差订正,但由于其搭载的微波成像仪(Microwave Radiation Imager, MWRI)天线长度有限,造成传感器探测到的地物回波信号相对较弱,难以区分海冰和近岸附近的陆地,影响了该数据集的精度和应用。为解决这一问题,本文基于美国冰雪中心(National Snow and Ice Data Center, NSIDC)发布的海冰产品对FY海冰数据集进行优化,NSIDC产品利用判断矩阵对海岸线附近的像元进行识别,并对误差像元进行不同程度的修正,由NSIDC产品计算得到的北极海冰范围与实际情况更为符合。数据集优化大大提高了FY海冰数据集的精度,研究结果表明,优化后FY海冰数据集与NSIDC产品相关系数高达0.9997,且二者日、月、年平均最大海冰范围偏差仅为3.5%、1.9%、0.9%,且FY海冰数据集优化过程对其较好的空间分异特征无明显影响。该数据集可正确地反映北极海冰范围及其变化情况,且海岸线附近海冰的分布情况更准确,可为北极海冰变化研究提供可靠的基础数据。  相似文献   

光学卫星影像云覆盖时空特征评估是衡量其作为重要遥感监测数据源的前提。Sentinel-2 A/B影像因其免费获取、多光谱(红边)、更高时空分辨率等优势,已在全球不同尺度陆面植被与生态监测中受到重视。相较于Landsat等同类影像产品,有关Sentinel-2 A/B的云覆盖分析还未见报道。本文利用2016—2018年老挝北部所有5288景Sentinel-2 A/B影像(Granule/Tile)的云覆盖元数据,基于不同云覆盖阈值(0~100%)水平下的影像获取概率差异确定了影像获取概率分析的云覆盖适宜阈值,并揭示了云量特征阈值水平下的影像获取概率时空差异。主要结论如下:① Sentinel-2 A/B影像获取概率分析云覆盖适宜特征阈值为20%(即云覆盖≤20%),该阈值水平下老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像的逐月累积平均获取概率最高(约27.41%);② 在20%云覆盖阈值水平下,老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率差异在时间上与旱季(11月—次年4月)雨季(5月—10月)的时间分布较为吻合。旱季获取概率约为42.91%,3月概率(50.27%)最大,4月与2月次之,时间上与刀耕火种焚烧与橡胶林落叶特征吻合;雨季相应概率约为11.81%,6月最低(约1.26%);③ 老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率在空间上存在东西差异,旱季西部省域单元(如琅南塔)影像获取概率远高于东部,雨季西部地区影像获取概率则略低于东部地区。本研究既可为后续开展大区及全球Sentinel-2 A/B影像云量分析提供借鉴,也对开展联合国减少森林砍伐和退化排放(UN-REDD)计划引发的土地利用变化如刀耕火种农业演变、橡胶林扩张等遥感监测有指导意义。  相似文献   

针对高分辨率遥感数据进行土地利用类型分类时出现的“同谱异物”现象,以及中分辨率遥感数据划分土地利用类型时受空间分辨率限制产生的“混合象元”问题,本文以高分一号数据(GF-1)和Landsat-8数据(OLI)为例,提出了一种协同利用高分辨率遥感数据和中分辨率遥感数据进行土地利用类型模糊分类的方法。首先,利用主成分变换的方法分别对GF-1纹理信息和OLI光谱信息进行压缩和增强,并将增强后的纹理信息和光谱信息进行特征协同;然后,根据各地物类型的光谱、纹理特征,对特征协同数据进行60、80、100共3个尺度的分割;最后,根据地物类型间的光谱特征和纹理特征的差异,构建各地物类型的模糊逻辑隶属度函数,实现对影像土地利用类型的模糊分类。实验结果表明,主成分变换的方法有效地将研究区GF-1和OLI数据的光谱、纹理信息压缩、增强,为面向对象分类中分类特征的选取提供了一种思路;同时,本文方法成功划分了研究区土地利用类型,并获得了较高分类精度,总体分类精度达到93.52%,对其它高空间分辨率与高光谱分辨率遥感数据协同分类研究具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

及时、准确地获取农作物种植信息,对于农业生产管理和国家粮食安全有重要意义。目前越来越多的免费卫星数据可以用于作物分类及生理参数反演。Sentinel-2卫星于2015年6月发射,提供了13个光谱波段,具有较高的时间分辨率、空间分辨率和光谱分辨率,为不同作物特征区分以及大范围作物种植面积快速提取业务化运行的精度与效率提高带来了契机。随着Sentinel-2数据的免费下载,这就为大面积生产下一代区域或者国家尺度的高分辨率(10~30 m)农情遥感产品提供了可能。物候信息包含了作物随着季节不断变化的特征,利用如NDVI等时间序列植被指数找出不同作物的特征进而开展作物分类得到了广泛应用。本文以油菜为主要研究对象,以长江中下游地区的江汉平原为实验区,基于作物物候差异与面向对象决策树的方法,对Sentinel-2卫星影像用于油菜种植区提取的效果进行了评估与分析。首先利用作物不同生长时期各波段光谱信息以及归一化植被指数等信息的差异分析并找出油菜种植区提取的最佳时相,然后对影像进行多尺度分割,根据对象特征建立决策树逐一去除非植被、林地等干扰类型,进而提取出油菜种植区域。通过分析发现,基于Sentinel-2影像的图像分割可以有效生成不同作物类型的对象;油菜开花期的特征是其区分于其他作物的关键因素,利用该特征可以有效消除分类时其他地物类型对油菜的影响,提高作物分类信息提取的精度和效率。研究表明:在区分油菜的决策树分类特征信息中,贡献最大的是归一化植被指数(NDVI),近红外波段(NIR)和亮度(Brightness)信息。用162个油菜验证样本点计算混淆矩阵,油菜种植面积提取的总体分类精度为98%以上,Kappa系数为0.95。说明结合物候信息利用Sentinel-2数据进行大范围作物种植面积提取具有巨大潜力,可以提高大范围油菜种植区域快速提取的精度和效率。  相似文献   

Google Earth Engine支持下的江苏省夏收作物遥感提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏省是农作物种植大省,国家统计局统计数据显示,江苏省近10年冬小麦、冬油菜的总播种面积分列全国第五、第七,快速准确地获取冬小麦和冬油菜的空间分布对于该省的农业发展具有重意义。基于单机的传统遥感分类能够准确获取农作物的空间分布信息,但是耗时较长。随着地理大数据与云平台、云计算的发展,Google Earth Engine(GEE)作为一个基于云平台的全球尺度地理空间分析平台,为快速遥感分类带来了新的机遇。本文基于GEE,使用Sentinel-2数据快速提取了江苏省2017年冬小麦与冬油菜的空间分布。首先,利用GEE获得覆盖江苏省119景无云质优的Sentinel-2影像;其次,在此基础上分别计算了遥感指数、纹理特征、地形特征,并完成原始特征的构建与优化;最后,分别试验了朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机、分类回归树和随机森林4种分类器,比较了各分类器的分类精度,并提取了冬小麦与冬油菜的空间分布信息。得出以下结论:①GEE能够快速完成覆盖江苏省影像数据的去云、镶嵌、裁剪及特征构建等预处理,较本地处理具有明显优势;②J-M距离值位于前两位且大于1将特征数量从28个压缩到11个,有效压缩了原始特征空间;③光谱+纹理+地形特征组合训练,朴素贝叶斯、支持向量机、分类回归树、随机森林的平均验证精度分别为61%、87%、89%、92%。  相似文献   

黄土高原不同地貌类型对应的地形起伏变化特征各不相同,地形起伏在不同方向上的变化特征具有很大差异性,即地形各向异性。本文引入多重分形谱参数描述不同地貌类型地形各向异性的变化规律,以反映不同黄土地貌地形各向异性的局部和整体变化格局。本研究以5 m分辨率的DEM数据为基础,选取淳化、甘泉、绥德3个典型黄土塬梁峁地貌类型研究样区,对其地形各向异性的变化特征进行分析。研究表明:①3种黄土地貌类型地形各向异性变化具有显著的多重分形特征,地形各向异性变化的奇异强度由强到弱依次为淳化、绥德、甘泉;②淳化样区地形各向异性奇异强度在1.4的概率最大,在奇异强度为2.2附近又有一个小的峰值,总体以奇异强度1.4为主;③甘泉样区的奇异强度在1.8有一个小的峰值,总体以奇异强度0.7为主;④绥德样区奇异强度为0.8的概率最大,且较为均匀地分布在0.8附近,地形各向异性的概率分布呈现为对称分布。研究结果为黄土塬梁峁地形各向异性变化奇异强度为黄土塬最大,黄土峁次之,黄土梁最小。该研究可为黄土地貌的精确分类提供定量信息支持,为区域水土侵蚀评价提供地形指标。  相似文献   

利用储层流动带指标,采用概率统计法对大庆油田北三区东部西块葡萄花油层岩石物理相进行分类,以不同岩石物理相的含油饱和度变化规律为指导,分析目的层的剩余油分布特征.结果表明:以高弯曲分流河道砂体沉积为主的水上分流平原相,平面上已大片水淹,剩余油主要分布在二线受效、废弃河道遮挡所造成的厚油层中上部低、未水淹型油层部位,是三次...  相似文献   

多光谱遥感分类与影像空间分辨率有着密切的关系,在适宜空间分辨率影像上进行地物分类能够获得更高的精度。随着遥感影像空间分辨率的提高,纹理特征被广泛用于遥感分类,但由于不同地类空间尺度不同,纹理对不同地物分类的影响程度也有所差异。本文基于高分一号2 m全色和8 m多光谱影像融合后的高空间分辨率多光谱数据构建反射率空间序列,选用3种分类方法对序列分类,并分别计算2 m融合数据及8 m多光谱影像的纹理特征,选择特征波段与相应多光谱波段组合用以分类研究,最后计算混淆矩阵评价分类精度。研究结果表明,通过回归分析得到多光谱分类的最佳空间分辨率为5 m,与其他研究中利用全色波段分类的结论一致,这说明最佳空间分辨率的选择不受光谱信息影响;对多光谱分类精度随空间分辨率变化的变化趋势分析发现,分类精度在20~30 m分辨率范围区间内快速降低,这为多光谱遥感分类数据空间分辨率的选择提供了重要参考;此外,对光谱与纹理特征结合后不同地类分类精度的变化分析显示,加入纹理特征后,冬小麦、人工建筑、有林地和水体的分类精度在2 m分辨率下分别提高了1.49%、1.51%、4.94%、1.54%,8 m分辨率下分别提高了2.95%、10.95%、5.91%、5.14%,说明引入纹理特征有利于提高分类精度,但其对不同地物类型、不同分辨率影像的影响程度不同。  相似文献   

通州区作为北京城市副中心,地面沉降对其城市建设和发展会产生潜在的影响.采用2019年1月至2020年2月升、降轨Sentinel-1数据,基于SBAS-InSAR技术提取通州区高精度地表形变信息,运用GIS空间分析方法,结合地下水和土地利用类型数据,综合分析通州区地面不均匀沉降的原因.结果表明:升、降轨SAR数据获取的通州区地面沉降数据具有较好的一致性,存在不均匀地面沉降特征,北部、西北部地区沉降速率偏高,有明显的沉降漏斗;通州区地面沉降具有季节性变化特征,四季中夏季累计沉降量最大;地下水漏斗区与地面沉降区的位置基本一致,水位埋深变化与沉降量变化具有相似的趋势;建设用地规模不断地扩大,对地面沉降产生重要的影响.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is one of the southernmost areas for sea ice formation in the northern hemisphere.Sea ice disasters in this body of water severely affect marine activities and the safety of coastal residents.In this study,we analyze the variation characteristics of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea and establish an annual regression model based on predictable mode analysis method.The results show the following:1)From 1970 to 2018,the average ice grade is(2.6±0.8),with a maximum of 4.5 and a minimum of 1.0.Liaodong Bay(LDB)has the heaviest ice conditions in the Bohai Sea,followed by Bohai Bay(BHB)and Laizhou Bay(LZB).Interannual variation is obvious in all three bays,but the linear decreasing trend is significant only in BHB.2)Three modes are obtained from empirical orthogonal function analysis,namely,single polarity mode with the same sign of anomaly in all of the three bays and strong interannual variability(82.0%),the north–south dipole mode with BHB and LZB showing an opposite sign of anomalies to that in LDB and strong decadal variations(14.5%),and a linear trend mode(3.5%).Critical factors are analyzed and regression equations are established for all the principal components,and then an annual hindcast model is established by synthesizing the results of the three modes.This model provides an annual spatial prediction of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea for the first time,and meets the demand of operational sea ice forecasting.  相似文献   

In this paper,a Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm is first used based on the HY-2A/SCAT data,and a backpropagation(BP)neural network is used to classify the Arctic sea ice type.During the implementation of the Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm,linear sea ice model parameters and the backscatter variance suitable for HY-2A/SCAT were proposed.The sea ice extent obtained by the Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm was projected on a 12.5 km grid sea ice map and validated by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2(AMSR2)15%sea ice concentration data.The sea ice extent obtained by the Bayesian sea ice detection al-gorithm was found to be in good agreement with that of the AMSR2 during the ice growth season.Meanwhile,the Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm gave a wider ice edge than the AMSR2 during the ice melting season.For the sea ice type classification,the BP neural network was used to classify the Arctic sea ice type(multi-year and first-year ice)from January to May and October to De-cember in 2014.Comparison results between the HY-2A/SCAT sea ice type and Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid(EASE-Grid)sea ice age data showed that the HY-2A/SCAT multi-year ice extent variation had the same trend as the EASE-Grid data.Classification errors,defined as the ratio of the mismatched sea ice type points between HY-2A/SCAT and EASE-Grid to the total sea ice points,were less than 12%,and the average classification error was 8.6%for the study period,which indicated that the BP neural network classification was a feasible algorithm for HY-2A/SCAT sea ice type classification.  相似文献   

Solar radiation penetrating through sea ice under very low solar altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the optical data for transmitted radiation through sea ice in the Arctic during the late autumn and early winter of 2007,the authors studied the arriving solar radiation,reflected radiation and transmitted radiation under very low solar altitude.Through the atmosphere,the light of the arriving solar radiation at short wavelength was weakened,with the spectral distribution of double peaks centered at 490 nm and 683 nm.The magnitude of the peak at 683 nm even exceeded that at 490 nm under the very low solar radiation condition.The reflection was lower than that in summertime because of the thin thicknesses of ice and snow,allowing higher ratio of heat to enter the sea ice and snow.When higher ratio of solar radiation entered sea ice in late autumn,the new ice freezing would be affected.The spectral reflectivity from snow surface was almost a constant,but the reflection without snow decreased at longer wavelengths.In the transmission spectrum,the light of 490nm was dominant.It indicates that the radiation at longer wavelength was weakened by sea ice.Therefore,under the condition of low solar altitude,the radiation at shorter wavelength was weakened by the atmosphere while the radiation at longer wavelength was weakened by the sea ice.The combined effect of atmosphere and sea ice made the solar radiation under sea ice much weaker.The absorption of sea ice for the longer-wavelength radiation allowed the sea ice to gain more heat to slow down the freezing process.  相似文献   

An overview of the seasonal variation of sea-ice cover in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea is given. A coupled ice-ocean model, CECOM, has been developed to study the seasonal variation and associated ice-ocean processes. The sea-ice component of the model is a multi-category ice model in which mean concentration and thickness are expressed in terms of a thickness distribution function. Ten categories of ice thickness are specified in the model. Sea ice is coupled dynamically and thermodynamically to the Princeton Ocean Model. Selected results from the model including the seasonal variation of sea ice in Baffin Bay, the North Water polynya and ice growth and melt over the Labrador Shelf are presented.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Itiswellknownthatseaiceinthepolarregionplaysanimportantroleintheglobal climatechangesasapartofclimatesystem(Carleton1989;YuanandMartinson2000, 2001;ChengandBian2002;LiuandMartinson2002;LiuandZhang2004;Gigorand Wallace2002etal).Infact,numerousmodelingstudiessuggestanimportantinfluence throughtheseaicefieldsalone(Grumbine1994,Meehl1990,Rindetal.1995).Inor dertounderstandthevariabilityofArcticandAntarcticseaicealongwiththepossiblecon nectionswithclimaticanomaliesindetail…  相似文献   

Space borne radar scatterometers are primarily designed to measure the wind vector over the world ocean; yet they also provide useful information on sea ice type and extent. In this paper, it is shown how the SeaWinds scatterometer can be used to detect new sea ice at the very beginning of its growth. Taking advantage of the very good coverage of the East Greenland Sea by SeaWinds on board the QuickSCAT satellite it has been possible to detect the early stage of formation of the sea ice peninsula, named the Odden, and to monitor its evolution during March 2001. The early sea ice detection has been validated by using RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar scenes. It is also shown that microwave radiometers, such as the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), which are used as standard sensors for sea ice monitoring, do not detect the very early stage of sea ice growth and lag behind new sea ice occurrence by about twelve to twenty four hours.  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice in the polar region provides a cold habitat for microbial community. Arctic sea ice microorganisms are revealed to be of considerable importance in basic research and potential in biotechnological application. This paper investigated the culture condition and extraceIlular hydrolase of 14 strains of different Arctic sea ice bacteria. The results showed that optimal growth temperature of strains is 15 ℃ or 20 ℃. The optimal pH is about 8.0. They hardly grow at acid condition. 3 % NaCl is necessary for better growth. These strains have different abilities in producing amylase, protease, eellulase and lipase. Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi429 and Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi539 produced both cellulose, protease and lipase. These results provide a basis for further developing and exploiting the cold adapted marine enzyme resources.  相似文献   

In this study, we used Landsat images and meteorological data to examine the spatiotemporal distribution and variability of sea ice in Jiaozhou Bay(JZB) between 1986 and 2016. The results show that JZB is not always covered by sea ice in winter, but in some extreme cases, sea ice has covered more than one-third of the sea area of the bay. Sea ice in JZB has generally formed between January 1 and February 5, primarily along the coast, and gradually expanding to the central area of the bay. Both meteorological and artificial factors have played important roles in modulating the sea ice distribution. We found sea ice coverage to have been strongly correlated with the accumulated freezing-degree days nine days before the occurrence of sea ice(R2 = 0.767). North-northwest surface winds have dominated the freezing period of sea water in the JZB, and wind speed has exerted a more significant influence on the formation of sea ice when the sea ice coverage has been generally small. Additionally, artificial factors began to affect the expansion of sea ice in JZB since 2007. The construction of the Jiao-Zhou-Bay Bridge(JZBB) is believed to have retarded water flow and reduced the tidal prism, thereby leading to the formation of an ice bridge along the JZBB, which effectively prevents the southward expansion of sea ice.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Nowadaysglobalclimatechangehasbeenanimportantissueintheworld.Antarctic areaisjustthekeyandsensitiveregion,fromwhichscientistsaretryingtheirbesttofind theomenofglobalclimatechange.Andfortherevolvingglobalatmosphere,PolarRegions arecoldsource.TheoceanicandatmosphericconditionofPolarRegionsisimportantto globalatmosphericcirculationandclimatechange.Antarcticareaisoneofthecoldsources ofglobalearth atmospheresystem,whileequatorialareaisitsmainheatsource(seeZhou andLuetal.1996).…  相似文献   

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