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在2020年COVID-19第一波疫情中,通过一系列非药物干预措施,国内许多城市实现了疫情的快速抑制。对这些交叉叠加的多项干预措施进行单项措施的效果评估,识别出关键的防控策略,能够为未来的疫情防控提供重要的经验与科学依据。本研究以深圳市为例,利用融合了多源时空轨迹大数据的空间显式智能体模型评估深圳市快速抑制第一波疫情的各项非药物干预措施效果,识别出核心措施与辅助措施。模拟结果显示,在深圳市第一波疫情中,单项干预措施有效性从高到低依次为居家令、综合隔离、佩戴口罩与分批复工。其中,居家令或综合隔离均能有效抑制疫情的大范围暴发,被本研究称之为核心措施;佩戴口罩或分批复工则只能从不同程度上降低总体感染规模并延缓疫情峰值,并不能抑制疫情暴发,被本研究称之为辅助措施。考虑到社会经济成本以及常态化防疫中人群依从性降低,本研究建议在COVID-19 散发疫情防控中将核心措施与辅助措施相结合,重点实施各项隔离措施,同时将外出佩戴口罩作为疫情常态化防控手段。此外,本研究展示了结合时空大数据与智能体模型精细化模拟城市内部传染病扩散过程的优势:不仅能在城市内部高精度推演疫情发展过程,而且能够支撑评估面向个体及各类型出行活动的非药物干预措施实施效果,为制定针对性、精细化的“时间-空间-人群”防控策略提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

出租车作为城市公共交通的重要补充,是城市面向公众的一个窗口,在人们日常出行中起到越来越重要的作用。出租车资源时空分布的不均衡,直接影响到城市公共交通的运行效率和城市形象。通过研究出租车上下客的时空分布特征,不仅可以反映城市居民的工作、生活、出行的规律和模式,也可反映城市空间在不同时段内的动态性和“热度”。本文基于出租车GPS轨迹大数据,针对出租车上下客事件轨迹呈现的线状特征,以及城市道路网络空间不同时段“热度”的动态分段特征,提出了出租车上下客时空分布的线密度探测模型。该模型通过对时间多粒度描述与表达,对不同城市道路网络空间,进行出租车上下客事件的探测和分析,获取城市出租车上下客的时空分布规律,更深刻地理解和认知了城市空间的动态性。  相似文献   

基于改进熵权DEA-TOPSIS模型的乡村国土综合整治格局优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国土综合整治时空格局优化的多目标量化问题,以空间脆弱性和时间迫切性为切入点,构建以目标功能为主线的乡村社会-生态系统脆弱性和迫切性评价指标体系,采用改进熵权DEA模型开展脆弱性效率评价和改进熵权多因素综合模型进行迫切性评价;在此基础上,采用层次目标分解法和主导问题归因法构建“业态兴旺、形态优化、生态宜居和综合复兴”4种国土综合整治多目标格局优化方案,采用改进熵权TOPSIS分析法开展多目标最优决策定量分析,以期从有限多目标系统优选和排序视角识别和划分国土综合整治多目标时空格局类型,实现对乡村国土综合整治多目标格局优化体系构建的目的。研究以上海市青浦区184个行政村为例进行实证,研究结果表明:改进熵权DEA模型能有效克服多行政村高度关联造成的结果偏大问题,提高了空间适宜性的应用精度;改进熵权TOPSIS模型能较为准确地划分国土综合整治的多目标格局优化方案,细化各最优方案间的异质性;2018年青浦区社会-生态系统脆弱性均值表现为社会子系统脆弱性(0.605)>经济子系统脆弱性(0.577)>生态子系统脆弱性(0.549),社会子系统脆弱成为影响该区脆弱性的重要原因;行政村社会-生态系统脆弱性空间上呈现由中部向南北递增变化趋势;而村域国土综合整治迫切性空间团聚状分异显著,其值域范围为[0.435, 0.785],农业产业整治迫切性最大;针对脆弱性-迫切性多目标构建的4种多目标方案决策评价结果,将该区国土综合整治时空格局优化类型划分为16种。该研究结果丰富了乡村地理学理论,可为乡村区域治理、乡村振兴和区域可持续发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

在“新冠”肺炎疫情发展过程中,人群动态的观测理论研究与应用受到了国内外许多研究人员和民众的重点关注,特别是公共卫生学、临床医学、地理学、公共管理学等多学科交叉,探索科学的疫情动态监测、精准防控、准确预测与有效应对等方面的理论与方法。本文首先系统介绍人群动态的观测理论研究背景和意义,概括地描述其核心的3个问题(观测其如何变、分析其为何变、控制其如何变),从信息地理学、测绘学等领域角度阐述人群动态的观测理论研究意义及其学科价值。接着,围绕人群动态的观测与时空应用,本文阐述地理时空大数据背景下人群动态的关键观测理论框架(如基础时空理论、时空定量与综合观测理论、时空过程优化理论等),及其所存在的瓶颈问题和发展需求。然后,结合未来理论研究与关注变化,阐述了4个典型的人群动态观测理论趋势变化,包括:数字化社会治理与公共安全/卫生应急等需求驱动下的精细化观测、公共利益至上与个人保护最大化兼顾下的差异化观测、对人观测与对地观测的集成化观测理论发展、高阶需求层次管控与服务的人群动态观测理论突破。最后,本文强调在多学科交叉背景下,指出重点发展人群大数据感知、多空间精细化观测、人地系统化建模等方面的基础理论与方法,实现差异化、集成化、层次化的对人观测,系统支撑面向地学的研究与时空应用,科学支撑不可逆的管理、控制、服务等社会治理现实应用决策。该方面理论研究,将对“新城镇化”、“美丽中国”、“人工智能”、“新基建”等国家战略中城市和区域的绿色、高效、智慧与可持续发展等都有重要支撑作用。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,高分辨率对地观测技术实现了对地球表层地理现象和地理过程最为真实、量化、全面覆盖又快速更新的数据化记录,可为地理空间认知研究的新发展奠定时空信息聚合与挖掘计算的基准。地理图斑是影像空间映射到地理空间中对于地理实体的抽象化表达,是构建地理场景和承载地理空间各类信息进而开展模式挖掘的最小单元。本文以地理图斑为基本对象,通过分析其中视觉模拟、符号推测等几类机器学习的协同计算机制,从空间、时间与属性等维度构建了集“分区分层感知”、“时空协同反演”、“多粒度决策”三者于一体的地理图斑智能计算模型,并以在贵州息烽县、广西江州区开展的农业种植结构制图与规划决策为应用案例,探索了地理图斑分布、生长以及功能3种模式的挖掘方法,并进一步设计了动态视角下开展图斑动力模式挖掘的研究思路。  相似文献   

随着遥感数据网、传感网、物联网和人工智能的发展,逐渐形成空天地海立体化、集成化和一体化的地理空间传感网。地理空间传感网感知资源呈现出多源、异构和分散的特征,面向多层次用户个性化、即时化和智能化应用需求,存在异构资源共享管理、多协议实时接入、时空无缝感知、自动化感知和精准预测等技术挑战。静态地理信息服务由于无法提供鲜活的地理信息,难以满足地理事件的综合监测、决策预警和聚焦应用需求,急需发展地理空间传感网融合服务技术和实时动态地理信息服务平台。本文围绕信息物理网环境下空天地海观测平台的观测高效共享和融合服务问题,提出了传感网观测共享信息模型和点面观测协同无缝重建模型,突破了观测在线接入、集成管理、星地融合、时空预测和聚焦服务等地理空间传感网融合服务关键技术,研制了包含“感—联—知—控”等功能的传感网时空信息网络感知服务系统GeoSensor,介绍了GeoSensor在流域、海洋和城市等典型应用。未来将进一步发展“人—水—城”智能感知认知理论,突破“空天地海人”群智感知、空间智能和认知服务技术,开展长江经济带应用。  相似文献   

传统网络电子地图生成是以要素进行组织的,在表达地理实体动态变化、关联关系以及多粒度特征时存在一定的局限性。而多粒度时空对象数据模型旨在解决现实世界到对象所组成的事物空间之间的映射这一科学问题,为时空实体的可视化提供了新的思路,为展示地图要素间复杂关联、多维动态等特征提供了模型基础和数据保证。本文将多粒度时空对象数据模型引入网络电子地图生成当中,渐进得改变了以往网络电子地图依靠图层数据生成的模式,基于多粒度时空对象的概念、模型框架以及数据存储与管理方式,提出了2种网络电子地图生成方法。一种是利用多粒度时空对象数据重建图层,为现有网络制图工具提供“中间件”,使其能够调度和使用多粒度时空对象数据;另一种是将多粒度时空对象数据和地图符号进行绑定,使网络电子地图不再依赖于图层而能根据多粒度时空对象动态更新,同时便于将对象之间的关系、组成结构等非结构化属性特征进行可视化。同时,本文通过实验验证了2种方法的可行性,为多粒度时空对象在网络电子制图领域的应用进行了有效实践。  相似文献   

时空聚类是数据挖掘研究的主要内容之一,在环境保护、疾病预防与控制、犯罪预防与打击等领域具有重要的应用价值。已有的时空聚类方法中,时间“距离”都认为是真实的间隔,而对于具有社会属性的案事件而言,其在不同时间尺度下具有明显的周期性特征,忽略这些特征将很难反映出案事件真实的时空规律。本文综合考虑多时间尺度下的时间属性,构建等效时空邻近域,并借鉴经典的密度聚类算法,提出了多时间尺度等效时空邻近域密度聚类算法(MTS-ESTN DBSCAN)。通过对福州市区2013年案事件数据的聚类分析表明,该方法在案事件时空聚类方面具有可行性,对于进一步深入研究城市犯罪地理具有一定的理论意义和实际价值。  相似文献   

基于Agent建模的地理模拟是认识和理解动态地理现象的有效方法,但随着地理模拟的规模和复杂性不断增加,模型的计算问题开始凸显。分布式并行仿真是解决大规模Agent复杂模拟计算的途径,然而已有研究基于Agent建模/仿真软件构建并行仿真系统的方式并不适用于具有高移动与行为交互的空间Agent建模及其模拟过程的实时可视化。为解决这个问题, 本文提出了一个分布式地理模拟框架DGSimF,用于大规模动态空间Agent模拟,支持模拟过程的实时表示与分析。设计了一个简单但高效的时空数据模型建模空间Agent,支持直接基于Agent行为建模集成地学模型,采用了时间微分方法协同各计算节点行为的执行,实现以“任务并行”的方式进行分布式计算以提高仿真性能,构建了基于三维地球渲染引擎的虚拟地理环境,提供模拟过程的实时可视化。最后,以“红蓝对抗”案例进行了实验验证,对不同模拟计算量和不同客户端数量下的仿真性能进行了分析,结果表明DGSimF可以为具有时空特征变化与行为交互的大规模空间Agent模拟提供一个有效的平台。通过扩展计算节点,DGSimF可以有效地缓解复杂模拟计算的压力问题,并且仿真性能较高,在实验中并行效率保持在0.7以上。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化是在自然、社会和人类决策者的时空多尺度综合作用下发生的,具有高度的复杂性。基于复杂系统理论并以土地使用决策者为核心的智能体模型对于描述人地关系中的"人本"思想和复杂交互具有重要的意义。文章在对基于智能体模型的内涵以及应用领域进行分析的基础上,指出目前智能体模型的发展主要面临三个方面的问题:数据可获得性、行为建模的制约以及模型校准和验证。综合目前研究的进展与面临的问题,提出了基于智能体模型的发展趋势:(1)大数据与数据价值挖掘;(2)多角度探索决策规则;(3)创新校准和验证方法。  相似文献   

中国的贫困地区主要分布在山区,山地灾害的多发,易发在某种程度上成为制约贫困地区经济发展的因素之一.目前,山地灾害的研究集中于动力学研究,缺乏风险尤其是灾害致使贫困风险的研究.本文对山地灾害特有灾害与一般地质灾害的概念进行了区分;根据贫困的内涵与可量测性,定义了山地灾害的贫困脆弱性及山地灾害致贫风险;以贫困脆弱性分布和灾害危险性分布,构建区域山地灾害致贫风险评价模型,并基于此模型对少数民族特困地区--湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州(简称恩施州)进行应用研究.在示例分析中,首先利用确定性系数模型和频率比例法对山地灾害的危险性进行了评价;然后,从暴露性和应对能力2个方面选取了经济,社会及自然指标,以进行脆弱性评价;最后,利用通用灾害风险评价公式对研究区由于山地灾害导致的贫困风险在空间的分布进行评价,得到了研究区的山地灾害致贫风险分布与分级图.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility,magnitude(area-velocity ratio) and landslide frequency of the area of interest were produced based on information derived from a geomorphological landslide inventory; the latter was generated by using very high resolution satellite stereo pairs along with information derived from other sources(Google Earth,aerial photographs and historical information).Estimations of landslide susceptibility were determined by combining four statistical techniques:(i) logistic regression,(ii) quadratic discriminant analysis,(iii) linear discriminant analysis, and(iv)neuronal networks. A Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of 10 m spatial resolution was used to extract the slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation and relief.These factors, in addition to land cover, lithology anddistance to faults, were used as explanatory variables for the susceptibility models. Additionally, a Poisson model was used to estimate landslide temporal frequency, at the same time as landslide magnitude was obtained by using the relationship between landslide area and the velocity of movements. Then,due to the complexity of evaluating it, vulnerability of population was analysed by applying the Spatial Approach to Vulnerability Assessment(SAVE) model which considered levels of exposure, sensitivity and lack of resilience. Results were expressed on maps on which different spatial patterns of levels of landslide hazard and vulnerability were found for the inhabited areas. It is noteworthy that the lack of optimal methodologies to estimate and quantify vulnerability is more notorious than that of hazard assessments.Consequently, levels of uncertainty linked to landslide risk assessment remain a challenge to be addressed.  相似文献   

为揭示生态环境脆弱性的时空分异和驱动因子,本研究在山江海视角下,以桂西南喀斯特-北部湾海岸带为典型研究区,运用空间主成分分析法,地理探测器模型,结合生态环境脆弱性综合指数,系统分析桂西南喀斯特-北部湾海岸带生态环境脆弱性的时空分异特征及驱动机制。结果表明:① 研究区2008、2013、2018年脆弱性指数分别为0.54、0.61、0.69,多年平均值为0.61,整体处于中度脆弱,在空间上,由城市中心向四周逐渐降低的趋势;在时间上,生态环境脆弱等级呈微恶化趋势; ② 在单因子作用中6个驱动因子对生态环境脆弱性的解释力强度为汛期降雨量(0.457)>植被覆盖度(0.384)>高温季节温度(0.311)>废水入海量(0.248)>NPP(0.184)>人口密度(0.036)。在多因子交互中,只有汛期降水量和NPP, NPP和高温季节温度、废水入海量和NPP呈非线性增强,其余的交互作用均为双线性增强,而且汛期降水量和植被覆盖度的单因子影响较强,交互作用后影响也是最强(0.679),说明了汛期降水量和植被覆盖度为该区域的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization leads to dramatic changes in land use patterns, and the land use/cover change(LUCC) can reflect the spatial impact of urbanization on the ecological environment. Simulating the process of LUCC and predicting the ecological risk future changes can provide supports for urban ecological management. Taking the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration(YRDUA),China as the study area, four developmental scenarios were set on the basis of the land use data from 2005 to 2015. The temporal land use changes were predicted by the integration of the system dynamic and the future land use simulation(SD-FLUS) model, and the geographically weighted regression(GWR) model was used to identify the spatial heterogeneity and evolution characteristics between ecological risk index(ERI) and socio-economic driving forces. Results showed that: 1) From 2005 to 2015, the expansion of construction land(7670.24 km~2) mainly came from the occupation of cultivated land(7854.22 km~2). The Kappa coefficient of the SD-FLUS model was 0.886, indicating that this model could be used to predict the future land use changes in the YRDUA. 2) Gross domestic production(GDP) and population density(POP) showed a positive effect on the ERI, and the impact of POP exceeded that of GDP. The ERI showed the characteristics of zonal diffusion and a slight upward trend, and the high ecological risk region increased by 6.09%, with the largest increase. 3) Under different developmental scenarios, the land use and ecological risk patterns varied. The construction land is increased by 5.76%, 7.41%, 5.25% and 6.06%, respectively. And the high ecological risk region accounted for 12.71%, 15.06%, 11.89%,and 12.94%, correspondingly. In Scenario D, the structure of land use and ecological risk pattern was better compared with other scenarios considering the needs of rapid economic and ecological protection. This study is helpful to understand the spatio-temporal pattern and demand of land use types, grasp the ecological security pattern of large-scale areas, and provide scientific basis for the territory development of urban agglomeration in the future.  相似文献   

In this study, by carrying on the spot investigation to the seven coal cities in Northeast China and interviewing with the local authority and the residents, the authors definite the vulnerability that is closed to exposure, sensitivity and resilience, and set up vulnerability model of coal cities in Northeast China. At the same time, the authors broadly illustrate how the components of natural-social-economic system act in the coal area, so as to probe the ways to reduce vulnerability more effectively, such as preferential national policy and so on. Furthermore, the article studies the relationship between vulnerability and sustainable development. Vulnerability is a spatio-temporal function of sustainable development. The regional sustainable development refrains the spiral ascending of vulnerability. And the regional vulnerability and sustainable development appear in turn. Then the article analyzes the natural vulnerability, social vulnerability and economic vulnerability of coal cities in Northeast China. At last, combing vulnerability model and situation of coal cities in Northeast China, the authors put forward regional technology innovation mode, multi-dimension structure transformation mode, attracting investment mode and recycling economy mode to reduce vulnerability.  相似文献   

地下水防污性能评价反映地下水遭受污染的可能性,可以为土地利用规划、地下水资源保护规划、地下水水质监测等提供科学依据。该文采用美国EPA地下水防污染性能评价方法(DRASTIC),对威海市主城区范围内地下水防污性能进行了评价,为政府部门合理开采利用地下水提供了科学依据,有利于地下水资源保护和城市建设协调发展。  相似文献   

Vulnerability is a new field and analytical tool in the study of urban safety. Analysis and assessment of vulnerability provide a new basis for urban planning. This study constructed a quantitative index system for assessing vulnerability, based on the city’s sensitivity and emergency response capacity. City size, density, and spatial form influence a city’s sensitivity to crises and risks, to which vulnerability is positively related. Levels of socio-economic development, infrastructures, and emergency management contribute to a city’s emergency response capacity, with which vulnerability is inversely associated. Vulnerability of 19 large Chinese cities was assessed. Harbin and Shenzhen demonstrated the highest and lowest vulnerability among 19 cities, while Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou ranked the 5th, the 9th and the 12th. Spatially, northern cities tended to be more vulnerable than southern cities. And the differences in vulnerability among cities were explored based on cities’ physical geography conditions, level of socio-economic development, infrastructures, regional status, history of disaster, history of urban planning and development, government policies, etc.  相似文献   

In this paper,we proposed a framework for evaluating the performance of ecosystem strategies prepared for enhancing vulnerability reduction in the face of hazards due to climate change.The framework highlights the positive effects of human activities in the coupled human and natural system(CHANS) by introducing adaptive capacity as an evaluation criterion.A built-in regional vulnerability to a certain hazard was generated based upon interaction of three dimensions of vulnerability:exposure,sensitivity and adaptive capacity.We illustrated the application of this framework in the temperate farming-grazing transitional zone in the middle Inner Mongolia of the northern China,where drought hazard is the key threat to the CHANS.Specific indices were produced to translate such climate variance and social-economic differences into specific indicators.The results showed that the most exposed regions are the inner land areas,while counties located in the eastern part are potentially the most adaptive ones.Ordos City and Bayannur City are most frequently influenced by multiple climate variances,showing highest sensitivity.Analysis also indicated that differences in the ability to adapt to changes are the main causes of spatial differences.After depiction of the spatial differentiations and analysis of the reasons,climate zones were divided to depict the differences in facing to the drought threats.The climate zones were shown to be similar to vulnerability zones based on the quantitative structure of indexes drafted by a triangular map.Further analysis of the composition of the vulnerability index showed that the evaluation criteria were effective in validating the spatial differentiation but potentially ineffective because of their limited time scope.This research will be a demonstration of how to combine the three dimensions by quantitative methods and will thus provide a guide for government to vulnerability reduction management.  相似文献   

The Yushu Ms 7.1 earthquake occurred on April 14,2010 in Qinghai Province,China.It induced a mass of secondary geological disasters,such as collapses,landslides,and debris flows.Risk assessment maps are important for geological disaster prevention and mitigation,and also can serve as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction.Firstly,a hazard assessment index system of secondary geological disasters in the earthquake region was built in this paper,which was based on detailed analysis of environmental and triggering factors closely related to geological disasters in the study area.GIS technology was utilized to extract and analyze the assessment index.Hazard assessment maps of secondary geological disasters were obtained by spatial modeling and overlaying analysis.Secondly,an analysis of the vulnerability of hazard bearing bodies in the area was conducted,important information,such as, population density,percentage of arable land, industrial and agricultural outputs per unit area were regarded as assessment indices to evaluate socioeconomic vulnerability.Thirdly,the risk level of secondary geological disasters of the area was obtained by the formula:Risk=Hazard×Vulnerability. Risk assessment maps were categorized into four levels,including"low","moderate","high"and"very high".These results show that some urban areas are at very high risk,including Jiegu,Chengwen,Xiaxiula and Sahuteng towns.This research can provide some references and suggestions to improve decisionmaking support for emergency relief and post- earthquake reconstruction in the study area.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution has serious influences on programming and development for a city.So it has a special importance to assess reasonably the vulnerability to pollution for urban groundwater.DRASTIC is an effective method for groundwater vulnerability assessment,which has been adapted in USA and Europe countries.In this paper,DRASTIC method is applied in vulnerability assessment of shallow groundwater environment in Kunming.A total of 1 339 units are divided in this area and the grade of each unit for seven indexes is determined.Then vulnerability zones are divided in the area by DRASTIC value,which has an important meaning to city programming.  相似文献   

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