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Data assimilation in numerical weather forecasting corrects current forecast values by subtracting a portion of interpolated forecast‐minus‐observation differences at the points of a three‐dimensional grid. Deviations used in updating a forecast data field are forecast errors obtained or derived from observations available at update time. When observations are missing at mandatory levels, construction of full vertical soundings by interpolation introduces extraneous errors. The present paper is concerned with determination of the error in vertical extrapolations of surface winds, and of aircraft and satellite cloud‐tracked winds. In addition it examines the effect on accuracy of using location‐specific statistics compared to averaged statistics as the basis for the interpolation weighting scheme and compares errors of one‐ and two‐variable interpolations.

Interpolation accuracy tests demonstrate the influence of the interpolation scheme on the quality of interpolated information used in forecast updating. The results show that the level of accuracy exceeds the benchmark provided by monthly mean forecast error values only with bivariate interpolation of wind components from off‐level data sources.  相似文献   


Analysis error patterns have been established for the Pacific Weather Centre Experiment Area, and comparisons made between errors computed for meteorological observing arrays, including Ocean Weather Ship (OWS) P, and errors computed for several alternative arrays which excluded OWS P. These assessments of the impact of replacing the ocean weather ship with alternative observing equipment indicate that, above the 1000‐mb pressure surface, there will be a significant loss of accuracy in the forecast‐minus‐observation analyses regardless of proposed additional report systems. Near the surface, forecast error variances are estimated to decrease slightly with an increase of reports from buoys and ships of opportunity within the region.

The dependence of the assessments on the data selection procedure and on correlation representations for the region suggest that some loss may be compensated by more efficient use of available data. Refinements in the objective analysis scheme are seen to be especially important to analysis accuracy in regions lacking radiosonde coverage.  相似文献   


The seasonal cycle of the GLAS/U of Maryland GCM is analysed in terms of the behaviour of the monthly and seasonal mean fields and the structure of the annual harmonic. (The stationary and transient eddies are treated in a companion paper.)

Both polar regions at upper levels are much too cold in the annual mean, leading to excessive zonal winds above 200 mb. The problem is present in all seasons, but is most severe in local winter. A compensating belt of warm temperatures at lower latitudes is found. It is argued that the inclusion of gravity wave drag is not necessarily the solution to this problem.

The simulated annual harmonics of Northern Hemisphere sea‐level pressure and 200‐mb heights are realistically intense over the eastern continents and weak over the eastern oceans. Problems in the simulation include the anomalously deep Aleutian low and the low values of the height over Europe, both occurring in winter.

The simulation of the annual harmonic in sea‐level pressure and 200‐mb heights in the Southern Hemisphere is realistic. The GCM fails to show the observed amplitude of the annual harmonic in 200‐mb temperature over Antarctica.

The GCM precipitation is too intense over land, particularly in summer. It is suggested that the problem is related to the parametrizations of moist convection and the boundary layer. The seasonal patterns of precipitation over the western tropical Pacific are generally realistic.

There is no evidence that the GCM systematically underestimates momentum flux convergence.  相似文献   


A new mesoscale version of the regional forecast system became operational at the Canadian Meteorological Centre on 18 May 2004. The main changes to the regional modelling system include an increase in both the horizontal and vertical resolutions (15‐km horizontal resolution and 58 vertical levels instead of 24‐km resolution and 28 levels) as well as major upgrades to the physics package. The latter consist of a new condensation package, with an improved formulation of the cloudy boundary layer, a new shallow convection scheme based on a Kuo‐type closure, and the Kain and Fritsch deep convection scheme, together with a subgrid‐scale orography parametrization scheme to represent gravity wave drag and low‐level blocking effects. The new forecast system also includes a few changes to the regional data assimilation such as additional radiance data from satellites.

Objective verifications using a series of cases and parallel runs, along with subjective evaluations by CMC meteorologists, indicate significantly improved performance using the new 15‐km resolution forecast system. We can conclude from these verifications that the model exhibits a marked reduction in errors, improved predictability by about 12 hours, better forecasts of precipitation, a significant reduction in the spin‐up time, and a different implicit‐explicit partitioning of precipitation. A number of other features include: sharper precipitation patterns, better representation of trace precipitation, and general improvements of deepening lows and hurricanes. In mountainous regions, several aspects are better represented due to combined higher‐resolution orography and the low‐level blocking term.  相似文献   


This paper presents the seasonal dependence of the stationary and transient eddies of the GLAS/UMD GCM from a two‐year annual cycle integration.

The simulated Northern Hemisphere stationary waves are realistic in winter (below 250 mb) and in spring and fall; in winter a large anomalous ridge over the date‐line is noted above 250 mb. The model does not simulate the winter barotropic trough over eastern Canada. In summer the mid‐latitude stationary waves are poorly simulated (possibly owing to anomalous summer rainfall), but the monsoonal structure in the tropics is captured.

The stationary wave field at 500 mb in the Southern Hemisphere is not well simulated, with the range of season‐to‐season variability being much larger than observed. The zonally averaged stationary wave rms is realistic below 200 mb in winter and spring, but is less so in summer and autumn, possibly due to erroneous summertime precipitation.

The geographical distributions of 500‐mb transient and band‐pass height rms, of transient 850‐mb heat flux and of 200‐mb momentum flux in the Northern Hemisphere are well simulated except for summer. The latitude‐height dependence of height rms and low‐level transient heat flux is realistic in both summer and winter, but the transient momentum flux is not well simulated in summer. The mid‐level transient heat flux is too strong.

The overall pattern of transient activity at 500 mb in the Southern Hemisphere is reasonable in the GCM, although there is too much variability in the eastern Pacific, while the observed peak in rms in the New Zealand sector is displaced eastwards in the GCM. The latitude‐height dependence of transient height rms and transient fluxes of heat and momentum looks quite realistic, and is similar in accuracy to the Northern Hemispheric results.  相似文献   


A series of fifteen 96‐h forecasts made with a spectral numerical weather prediction model is studied with reference to errors in the planetary wavelengths. The major contributor to the short (less than 48‐h) range forecast error is identified as an external mode. The medium range forecast error (96 h) is internal in character and reflects a deficiency in the simulation of the quasi‐stationary components.  相似文献   


Inaccuracies in the data at the boundaries of a limited area may be a major source of forecast errors in that area. With a global spectral shallow water model we show that the major part of these local errors propagate from the boundaries at a speed equal to the local wind speed with a maximum speed of propagation along the jet stream. Thus, taking into account the forecast length and the accuracy of the data at the boundaries in limited‐area models, one needs to adjust the extent of the buffer region where errors propagate and contaminate the forecast.  相似文献   


The sensitivity of forecast errors to initial conditions obtained from the adjoint of a numerical weather prediction model provides new insights into the analysis errors responsible for poor short‐range to mediumrange forecasts. In recent years, we have developed a sensitivity analysis system based on the tangent linear and adjoint of the Global Environmental Multiscale model, in which an iterative procedure minimizing the shortrange forecast errors leads to the so‐called key analysis errors. These errors are dominated by a small number of atmospheric structures, those growing the most rapidly. The algorithm has proven very useful in understanding improvements to the three‐dimensional variational data assimilation (3D‐Var) system implemented in the Canadian Meteorological Centre operational suite in December 2001. The main difference between the old and the new 3D‐Var systems is the assimilation of temperature and surface pressure from surface and upper air stations as opposed to geopotential heights, additional Tiros Operational Vertical Sounder channels, new sources of observations such as temperature observations from aircraft, and wind and temperature from dropsondes.

In this paper, we examine key analysis errors of the old 3D‐Var analysis, which led to a very poor 3‐day forecast of a severe winter storm that struck eastern Canada on 10 February 2001. In this case, the same 3‐day forecast from the new 3D‐Var analysis is much better. We compare the difference between the two 3D‐Var analyses and the key analysis errors. We find that the main key analysis errors, in terms of potential vorticity, is located along the west shore of southern California and is characterized by a strong baroclinic structure that has its maximum amplitude in the upper part of the troposphere. The difference between the two analyses is three times more energetic than the key analysis errors and its structure is much more barotropic in the troposphere. However, we show that the large improvement in the new 3D‐Var analysis stems mainly from the reduction of the analysis errors that project onto the key analysis structures.  相似文献   


A powerful storm passed over the coastal waters of eastern Canada on the 21 and 22 January 2000 causing significant damage to coastal infrastructure. The storm generated a large (>1.4 m) storm surge in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence that unfortunately coincided with a high spring tide. This resulted in record high water levels in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (e.g., the highest level at Charlottetown since records began in 1911) and severe flooding around Prince Edward Island and along the eastern shore of New Brunswick.

During January 2000, a recently developed storm surge forecast system was running in pre‐operational mode at Dalhousie University. The core of the forecast system is a depth‐averaged, non‐linear, barotropic ocean model driven by forecast winds and air pressures produced by the Canadian Meteorological Centre's regional atmospheric forecast model. In this study we assess the forecast skill of the surge model for the 21 January storm by comparing its 24‐hour forecasts with two independent hourly dataseis: (i) sea levels recorded by 12 tide gauges located in eastern Canada and the north‐eastern United States, and (ii) depth‐mean currents recorded by an acoustic Doppler current profiler deployed on the outer Scotian Shelf. Overall, the forecasts of coastal sea level and depth‐mean currents are reasonable and have forecast errors below about 0.1 m and 0.1 m s?1 respectively.  相似文献   


The authors studied the error of spatial interpolation in the context of a climatic data gridding project (Cli‐Grid). Four objective analysis (QA) techniques were implemented: the empirical techniques of Barnes, Cressman and Shepard, and a Gandin‐based statistical technique. These were applied to the interpolation of irregularly distributed daily rainfall data. Spatial resolution of the interpolated arrays was 0.05 degree of latitude by 0.05 degree of longitude.

In this experiment, radar rainfall patterns served as reference data for evaluations of O A techniques. Each reference pattern was sampled at the irregularly spaced locations of a climatic rain‐gauge network. The sampled data were then input to one of the four OA techniques. The resulting analysis was subtracted from the corresponding reference pattern. Absolute values of the differences were recorded. This sampling‐to‐difference cycle was repeated with 63 reference patterns. Every map of absolute differences was summed. The resulting map of total errors was normalized by the sum of the reference patterns. Average bias, average RMS error and averages of the ratios of the standard deviations were also computed.

All four OA techniques were evaluated separately. The authors recognized that totally unbiased intercomparisons were not possible because of the range in execution parameters for each OA technique. Reasonable efforts were made to minimize subjectivity in the setting of parameters. For application to the specific project grid, the statistical optimal interpolation technique displayed the lowest RMS errors. This technique and Shepard OA, were found more suitable than the other two techniques studied. Statistical and Barnes OA displayed zero average bias and would be useful for areal average computations. The Cressman OA was judged least suitable for interpolation of daily rainfall.

An application of the two‐dimensional error maps to network analysis was demonstrated by plotting the relationship between interpolation errors and distance (D) from the closest station. Error increased as D1/2. It was also verified that error and station density were inversely related.  相似文献   


Numerical simulation experiments published in 1974 by Daley have been repeated with a much higher resolution, spectral, shallow water model. With a forecast period extending toll d, it is shown that a global model in which only the largest scales are used at initial time in the Southern Hemisphere yields a more accurate forecast for the Northern Hemisphere than a hemispheric model does. Compared with a uniform high‐resolution, global model, the error in the Northern Hemisphere forecast is high in the ultra‐long waves but decreases rather rapidly while the resolution of the initial Southern Hemispheric data is increased.  相似文献   


Previous studies by Nakamura (1976) and Kirkwood and Derome (1977) have shown that the use of a relatively low vertical resolution in a numerical model of the atmosphere can lead to a poor representation of the forced stationary planetary waves. In the present study the consequences of this result on short‐term numerical forecasts are investigated. This is done by performing forecast experiments using a low resolution linear β‐plane model that is initialized with data extracted from the steady forced solution of the high resolution (reference) version of the model. The deviation of the low resolution forecast from the initial state, which can be interpreted as the forecast error due to insufficient vertical resolution, is examined as a function of time.

It is shown that the short‐range forecast error is dominated by a westward propagating external mode and that in time some of the eastward moving internal modes gain in importance.  相似文献   


The Meighen Ice Cap synoptic climate classification system, developed from the study of six years of summer meteorological and glaciological observations, appears to account for significant variations in the energy‐ and mass‐balance climates of the ice cap. In relating the summer frequency of the three synoptic types to fourteen years of mass‐balance measurements, it was found that variations in surface conditions, solar angle and type of precipitation could be accounted for by the relative sequence of synoptic types. Further it was shown that the types could be represented by the position of the dominant 500‐mb cold Low influencing Meighen Island, thus providing a link between the mass balance and the general circulation.

Dominance of the winter pattern of a 500‐mb Low in the Hudson Bay –Baffin Island region throughout the summer season is capable of maintaining Meighen Ice Cap at its present size. A shift of the 500‐mb Low from the winter position directly to the Beaufort Sea or adjoining Polar Ocean area is capable of increasing the size of the ice cap. On the other hand, a shift of the 500‐mb vortex to the Asiatic side of the Polar Ocean before taking up position in the Beaufort Sea – Polar Ocean area produces negative mass‐balance conditions. When the 500‐mb Low remains on the Asiatic side of the Polar Ocean during most of the summer season the slow accumulation of two decades of Polar Ocean years is destroyed.  相似文献   


The initial development of the westerly acceleration phase of the tropical quasi‐biennial oscillation in late 1979 was examined using FGGE analyses at the 20‐ and 10‐mb levels. The analysed winds were found to undergo strong equatorially‐centred westerly accelerations. These accelerations are narrower in meridional extent than those expected to result from the interaction of the Wallace‐Kousky Kelvin wave with the mean flow.  相似文献   


High‐resolution versions of the Canadian operational regional finite‐element model (RFE) have been developed to assess their potential in simulating mesoscale, difficult‐to‐forecast and potentially dangerous weather systems commonly referred to as polar lows. The operational (1989) 100‐km version and a 50‐km version of the model have been run for two different polar low cases: one over Hudson Bay and one over Davis Strait. More integrations have also been performed on the Hudson Bay event both at 50 and 25 km to assess the model sensitivity to ice cover. As expected, the reduction in spatial truncation errors provided by the increase in resolution results in a better simulation of the systems. Moreover, when run at higher resolutions the model shows a significant sensitivity to ice cover. The results of the ice‐cover experiments also put into perspective the interaction between the heat and moisture fluxes at the surface, the low‐level wind structure, and the relation of these to the development of the polar low. This study suggests that the improved forecast accuracy obtained from increased resolution is limited by the correctness of the analysis of the ice cover, which acts as a stationary forcing for the entire forecast period.  相似文献   


An intercomparison of the Väisälä MicroCora system used in the Automated Shipboard Aerological Program (ASAP) and the Atmospheric Environment Service upper‐air system (GMD/ADRES) was conducted in May‐June 1983. Thirty‐three paired ascents were made. The ASAP system dry‐bulb temperatures averaged 0.3°C warmer. For the lowest 100 mb, the dew‐point temperature difference (ASAP ‐ GMD/ADRES) was near ‐1°C whereas for the 780–500 mb layer, the difference was 1°C. The wind component mean differences averaged were small but with a 4 m s?1 standard deviation.  相似文献   


Using GATE A/B‐scale U.S.S.R. ship data, heat and moisture budget analyses have been carried out for the three‐day period: 0000 GMT, 7 September to 2400 GMT, 9 September, 1974. The period has been subdivided into an undisturbed period (0000 GMT, 7 September ‐1800 GMT, 8 September) and a disturbed period (1800 GMT, 8 September ‐ 2400 GMT, 9 September) based on surface precipitation and satellite cloud observations. During the undisturbed period, precipitation was very light (1–3 mm day‐1). On the other hand, the precipitation rate became well over 10 mm day‐1 during the disturbed period. A/B‐scale heat and moisture budget results for both periods are presented.

It is found that during the undisturbed period, cumulus clouds have heating and moistening effects in the lower troposphere below 700 mb, and cooling and moistening effects in the upper troposphere above 600mb. In the disturbed period, clouds have strong heating and drying effects throughout the entire cloud layer.

Using the diagnostic scheme developed by Cho (1977), the collective properties of cumulus clouds for both the undisturbed and the disturbed periods are also determined. During the undisturbed period, some clouds reached as high as the 300‐mb level, however, little precipitation was produced. The total cloud mass flux is found to be negative in the upper troposphere and can be attributed to downdrafts induced by the evaporation of cloud liquid water. On the other hand, total cloud mass flux for the disturbed period is positive throughout the entire troposphere.  相似文献   


The first substantial radiative effects of the El Chichón volcanic cloud were observed in Fairbanks in the winter of 1982/83. Winter is the time when stratospheric temperatures can vary widely owing to sudden stratospheric warmings, and interannual variations are large. Mean monthly temperatures of the stratosphere were analysed for the 50‐, 40‐, 30‐, 25‐, 20‐, 15‐, and 10‐mb levels, with the greatest density of the volcanic cloud expected to be around the 20‐mb level. For the four winter months, December 1982 to March 1983, an increase in temperature was observed. This increase was not only observed in Fairbanks, but also for two other stations (McGrath and Anchorage) close by, for which we also analysed the stratospheric temperatures.

Further, the interdiurnal variation of temperature (the radiosonde ascents are made at 0200 and 1400 local time) showed marked and significant increases for all three stations. This can be explained by the fact that during daytime the volcanic cloud is warmed by absorption of solar radiation, while at night no substantial temperature effect for this layer was detected.  相似文献   


On‐site and off‐site forecasts for the CFB Summerside aerodrome, written coincidentally over a six‐week period, are verified using the Ranked Probability Score and compared by means of a two‐tailed test of paired differences. The results show that, at a 10% level of significance, forecasts made on‐site are significantly better than forecasts made off‐site for at least four hours into the forecast period. When compared with persistence, both forecast offices were superior. At no time did the persistence forecasts score significantly better than those issued by a meteorologist. When compared with climatology, on‐site forecasts were significantly better for the first nine hours, while off‐site forecasts were significantly better for the first ten hours.  相似文献   


Bogusing errors associated with estimating rainfalls for ungauged points on Canada's eastern Prairies based on the near real‐time network have been determined for growing season totals, summer monthly amounts and summer daily values. The bogusing errors as a percentage of the concurrent area‐average amount or the coefficients of variation decreased as the measurement period increased. Growing season precipitation totals can be approximated to within 20%. The error associated with bogused summer monthly amounts was more than twice as large. The field of summer daily rainfall amounts cannot be estimated accurately. It can be concluded, therefore, that the precipitation network on the eastern Prairies is not sufficient for applications requiring the input of summer daily or monthly precipitation amounts from points other than the gauged locations. The network does, nevertheless, provide relatively accurate estimates of the growing season's precipitation field to assist in defining the climate.

Reductions in the magnitude of the bogusing errors associated with estimated precipitation amounts can be achieved by adding new stations to the network. While additional sites provide data at the newly gauged points, they do little to improve the network's representation of the rainfall field unless the new stations are added in fairly large numbers.  相似文献   

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