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The analysis of simultaneous observations of 128 cases of high-latitude magnetic impulse events (MIEs), as well as geomagnetic pulsations in the Pc1–2 band observed in the area of the dayside cusp, was carried out. We investigated magnetograms from the Mirny Observatory, Antarctica. As a result of the examination, three groups of impulses were identified: (1) impulses accompanied by impulsive bursts of intervals of pulsations with rising periods (IPRPs)-type geomagnetic pulsations—16% of all events, (2) impulses accompanied by impulsive bursts of the Pi1B type (bursts of irregular magnetic pulsations)—48% of all events, and (3) impulses which were not accompanied by geomagnetic pulsations within a high-frequency band—36% of all events.It was found that the maximum frequency of occurrence of the impulses accompanied by impulsive bursts of the IPRP and Pi1B types was observed between 1200 and 1300 MLT. The events of the first two groups were observed predominantly when Bz>0. It was shown that the filling frequency of impulsive bursts that accompany the occurrence of impulses depends on the amplitude of the bursts. The maximum frequency of the occurrence of impulses which were not accompanied by impulsive bursts is between 1000 and 1100 MLT. The events of the third group were observed predominantly when Bz<0. In most cases, the occurrence of impulsive bursts coincided with the leading edge of the MIE.It is supposed that the MIE generation is stimulated by intensification of the plasma turbulence level at the dayside magnetopause in consequence of modulation instability development or reconnection processes.  相似文献   

A complex of geophysical phenomena (geomagnetic pulsations in different frequency ranges, VLF emissions, riometer absorption, and auroras) during the initial phase of a small recurrent magnetic storm that occurred on February 27–March 2, 2008, at a solar activity minimum has been analyzed. The difference between this storm and other typical magnetic storms consisted in that its initial phase developed under a prolonged period of negative IMF B z values, and the most intense wave-like disturbances during the storm initial phase were observed in the dusk and nighttime magnetospheric sectors rather than in the daytime sector as is observed in the majority of cases. The passage of a dense transient (with N p reaching 30 cm−3) in the solar wind under the southward IMF in the sheath region of the high-speed solar wind stream responsible for the discussed storm caused a great (the AE index is ∼1250 nT) magnetospheric substorm. The appearance of VLF chorus, accompanied by riometer absorption bursts and Pc5 pulsations, in a very long longitudinal interval of auroral latitudes (L ∼ 5) from premidnight to dawn MLT hours has been detected. It has been concluded that a sharp increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure under prolonged negative values of IMF B z resulted in the global (in longitude) development of electron cyclotron instability in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

A very strong magnetic storm of May 15, 2005, was caused by an interplanetary magnetic cloud that approached the Earths’ orbit. The sheath region of this cloud was characterized by a high solar wind density (~25–30 cm?3) and velocity (~850 km/s) and strong variations (to ~20 nT) in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). It has been indicated that an atypical bay-like geomagnetic disturbance was observed during the initial phase of this storm in a large longitudinal region at high latitudes: from the morning to evening sectors of the geomagnetic local time. Increasing in amplitude, the magnetic bay rapidly propagated to the polar cap latitudes up to the geomagnetic pole. An analysis of the global space-temporal dynamics of geomagnetic pulsations in the frequency band 1–6 mHz indicated that most intense oscillations were observed in the morning sector in the region of the equivalent ionospheric current at latitudes of about 72°–76°. The wavelet structure of magnetic pulsations in the polar cap and fluctuations in IMF was generally similar to the maximum at frequencies lower than 4 mHz. This can indicate that waves directly penetrated into the polar cap from the solar wind.  相似文献   

Polar and high latitude substorms and solar wind conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All substorm disturbances observed in polar latitudes can be divided into two types: polar, which are observable at geomagnetic latitudes higher than 70° in the absence of substorms below 70°, and high latitude substorms, which travel from auroral (<70°) to polar (>70°) geomagnetic latitudes. The aim of this study is to compare conditions in the IMF and solar wind, under which these two types of substorms are observable on the basis of data from meridional chain of magnetometers IMAGE and OMNI database for 1995, 2000, and 2006–2011. In total, 105 polar and 55 high latitude substorms were studied. It is shown that polar substorms are observable at a low velocity of solar wind after propagation of a high-speed recurrent stream during the late recovery phase of a magnetic storm. High latitude substorms, in contrast, are observable with a high velocity of solar wind, increased values of the Bz component of the IMF, the Ey component of the electric field, and solar wind temperature and pressure, when a high-speed recurrent stream passes by the Earth.  相似文献   

本文基于2002年至2010年的GRACE卫星的观测密度统计分析南北极点的热层大气密度的世界时(即磁地方时)变化.研究发现:在9—11月份地球处于行星际磁场为背向太阳的扇区内(背向扇区)时,南极点热层密度在约17∶00 UT(13∶30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约22%;而在6—8月份,当地球处于行星际磁场为面向太阳的扇区内(面向扇区)时,北极点热层密度在06∶00 UT(12∶30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约13%.南极点的磁纬是-74°,其在15∶30 UT处于磁地方时正午,恰与极尖区位置重合.北极点在5∶30 UT处于磁地方时正午,此时北极点与极尖区位置最靠近.因此,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化可能是其周期性靠近极尖区的结果.南北极点热层密度的磁地方时变化分别在背向和面向扇区内更明显,这可能与行星际磁场By分量对南北半球密度的不同影响有关.统计结果还表明,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化在冬季半球内不明显.这可能是由于在冬季半球,沉降于极尖区的粒子相比夏季半球少、沉降高度低,因而能量沉降所引起的热层上部的密度增强较小.  相似文献   

日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,简称CME)和共转相互作用区(Corotating Interaction Region,简称CIR)是造成日地空间行星际扰动和地磁扰动的两个主要原因,提供了地球磁暴的主要驱动力,进而显著影响地球空间环境.为深入研究太阳风活动及受其主导影响的地磁活动的时间分布特征,本文对大量太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的数据进行了详细分析.首先,采用由NASA OMNIWeb提供的太阳风参数及地磁活动指数的公开数据,通过自主编写matlab程序对第23太阳活动周期(1996-01-01—2008-12-31)的数据包括行星际磁场Bz分量、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压等重要太阳风参数及Dst指数、AE指数、Kp指数等主要的地磁指数进行统计分析,建立了包括269个CME事件和456个CIR事件列表的数据库.采用事例分析法和时间序列叠加法分别对两类太阳活动的四个重要太阳风参数(IMF Bz、太阳风速度、太阳风质子密度、太阳风动压)和三个主要地磁指数(Dst、AE、Kp)进行统计分析,并研究了其统计特征.其次,根据Dst指数最小值确定了第23太阳活动周期内的355个孤立地磁暴事件,并以Dst指数最小值为标准将这些磁暴进一步分类为145个弱磁暴、123个中等磁暴、70个强磁暴、12个剧烈磁暴和5个巨大磁暴.最后,采用时间序列叠加法对不同强度磁暴的太阳风参数和地磁指数进行统计分析.统计分析表明,对于CME事件,Nsw/Pdyn(Nsw表示太阳风质子密度,Pdyn表示太阳风动压)线性拟合斜率一般为正;对于CIR事件,Nsw/Pdyn线性拟合斜率一般为负,这可作为辨别CME和CIR事件的一种有效方法.从平均意义上讲,相较于CIR事件,CME事件有更大的南向IMF Bz分量、太阳风动压Pdyn、AE指数、Kp指数以及更小的Dstmin.一般情况下,CME事件有更大的可能性驱动极强地磁暴.总体而言,对于不同强度的地磁暴,Dst指数的变化呈现出一定的相似性,但随着地磁暴强度的增强,Dst指数衰减的速度变快.CME和CIR事件以及其各自驱动的地磁暴事件有着很多不同,因此,需要将CME事件驱动的磁暴及CIR事件驱动的磁暴分开研究.建立CME、CIR事件及地磁暴的数据库以及获取的统计分析结果,将为深入研究地球磁层等离子体片、辐射带及环电流对太阳活动的响应特征提供有利的帮助.  相似文献   

Long-period geomagnetic pulsations during the SSC of July 14, 2012, are studied. The prenoon longitudinal sector (09:20–11:30) MLT, from the boundaries of which pulsations propagate azimuthally onto the dawn and dusk sides with an opposite polarization direction and increased amplitude, has been distinguished. The position of this sector relative to noon (a shift to the dawn side) depends on the front azimuthal inclination. It has been found that the polarization direction reverses in going from low (<30°) to middle/subauroral (≥50°) latitudes on the entire dayside. The geomagnetic pulsations mainly fluctuate near the f1 = 2.9 and f2 = 4.4 mHz frequencies. Fluctuations with frequency f1, which coincide with the fluctuation frequency of the IMF х component, predominate at the polar cap latitudes (the open field line region) in the form of rapidly attenuating impulses and at low latitudes with a much smaller amplitude. Fluctuations with frequency f2 are globally registered at all latitudes in the dayside sector below the magnetopause projection as a train of several fluctuations. It is assumed that fluctuations with frequency f1 penetrate from the solar wind, and fluctuations with frequency f2 are radial magnetopause oscillations.  相似文献   

The solar wind–magnetosphere coupled system is characterized by dynamical processes. Recent works have shown that nonlinear couplings and turbulence might play a key role in the study of solar wind–magnetosphere interaction processes.Within this framework, this study presents a statistical analysis aimed to investigate the relationship between solar wind MHD turbulence and geomagnetic activity at high and low latitudes as measured by the AE and SYM-H indices, respectively. This analysis has been performed for different phases of solar cycle 23. The state of turbulence was characterized by means of 2-D histograms of the normalized cross-helicity and the normalized residual energy. The geomagnetic response was then studied in relation to those histograms.The results found clearly show that, from a statistical point of view, solar cycle 23 is somewhat peculiar. Indeed, good Alfvénic correlations are found unexpectedly even during solar activity maximum. This fact has implications on the geomagnetic response as well since a statistical relationship is found between Alfvénic fluctuations and auroral activity. Conversely, solar wind turbulence does not seem to play a relevant role in the geomagnetic response at low latitudes.  相似文献   

The effect of the interplanetary parameters on the latitudinal position of the substorm westward electrojet is studied in the work. The data from the IMAGE chain of magnetic stations and POLAR and WIND satellites for the period close to the solar activity minimum (1995–1996) and for the period of the solar activity maximum (2000) have been used for this purpose. It has been indicated that the electrojet poleward edge reaches, on average, higher latitudes at a higher solar wind velocity and at a larger (B s ) IMF southward component. It has been indicated that the average latitude of the westward electrojet center increases with increasing solar wind velocity and decreases with increasing IMF southward component, as a result of which the electrojet center is, specifically, not observed at high geomagnetic latitudes at large values of the IMF southward component.  相似文献   

Based on the DMSP F6 and F7 satellite observations, the characteristics of precipitating particles in different auroral precipitation regions of the dayside sector have been studied depending on the solar wind plasma density. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions (|AL| < 100 nT and B z > 0), a considerable increase in the fluxes of precipitating ions is observed in the zones of structured auroral oval precipitation (AOP) and soft diffuse precipitation (SDP). A decrease in the mean energy of precipitating ions is observed simultaneously with the flux growth in these regions. The global pattern of variations in the fluxes of precipitating ions, which shows the regions of effective penetration of solar wind particles into the magnetosphere at a change in the solar wind density from 2 to 20 cm?3, has been constructed. The maximal flux variation (ΔJ i = 1.8 · 107 cm?2 s?1, i.e., 3.5% of an increase in the solar wind particle flux) is observed in the SDP region on the dayside of the Earth. The dependence of precipitating ion fluxes in the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL), dayside polar cusp, and mantle on the solar wind density at positive and negative values of the IMF B z component has been studied. In the cusp region, an increase in the precipitating ion flux is approximately 17% of an increase in the solar wind density. The IMF southward turning does not result in an appreciable increase in the ion precipitation fluxes either in the cusp or in the mantle. This fact can indicate that the reconnection of the geomagnetic field with southward IMF is not the most effective mechanism for penetration of solar wind particles into these regions.  相似文献   

本文根据搭载于Cluster卫星的CIS/CODIF和RAPID仪器的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中的H+、O+离子在磁暴期间的时间变化特性,及其对太阳风条件的响应.观测结果表明:(1) 磁暴开始前,O+离子(0~40 keV)数密度保持在较低水平.随着磁暴的发展,O+数密度缓慢上升,其峰值出现在Dst极小值附近;H+离子(0~40 keV)数密度在磁暴开始之前的较短时间迅速增加并达到峰值,在磁暴开始之后迅速降低,并在整个主相和恢复相期间保持在相对较低水平.更高能量的离子则在磁暴开始后迅速增多,并在低能O+离子达到峰值之前达到峰值.因此我们推测磁暴初期从等离子体片注入环电流的主要是H+离子,主相后期O+离子可能扮演更为重要的角色.(2)在地磁活动时期,太阳风密度和动压强与等离子体片中的H+、O+数密度存在一定相关性.等离子体片中的H+离子对北向IMF Bz较为敏感,而IMF Bz南向条件下更有利于太阳风参数对等离子体片中O+数密度的影响.在地磁活动平静期,太阳风条件对等离子体片中的离子没有明显影响.  相似文献   

Based on the WIND and GOES satellite data on the solar wind and IMF parameters and the data on the surface magnetic field, it has been indicated that the secondary MHD rarefaction wave can affect the geomagnetic field during a storm sudden commencement (SSC) event. The secondary rarefaction wave originates in the magnetosheath when the shock wave interacts with the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The substorm characteristics during the main phase of a large magnetic storm of November 20, 2003, are studied based on the data of TV observations of auroras and auroral absorption at Tixie Bay station and at the global network of magnetic stations. The contribution of auroral particles, responsible for the emission of discrete auroras, has been estimated based on an analysis of the spatial-time variations in the auroral luminosity intensity. This contribution accounted for ~40% of the total luminous flux, which is approximately twice as large as was previously observed in substorm disturbances. Responses of the solar wind and IMF parameters in substorms and variations in the magnetic indices, characterizing geomagnetic activity in the northern polar cap and ring current (PCN, ASY-H and SYM-H), have been detected. The spatial-time distribution of the equivalent ionospheric currents has been constructed, and the total value of these currents along the meridian has been determined based on the [Popov et al., 2001] method and using the IMAGE magnetic data. It has been obtained that the maximal total equivalent ionospheric current in the premidnight sector (~2000 MLT) leads the minimal value of the SYM-H index by ~1.5 h.  相似文献   

Polarization characteristics (polarization type, ellipticity ε, tilt angle τ of the polarization ellipse’s major axis) of high-latitude magnetic impulse events (MIEs) observed at the latitude of the dayside polar cusp are studied. It is established that all impulses are elliptically polarized, being right-polarized in 43% of cases (R-type) and left-polarized in 57% of cases (L-type). The right-polarized MIEs on the ground are more pronounced in the azimuthal direction, whereas the left-polarized events are more clearly marked in the meridional direction. The MIEs of both polarization types have the properties of intermittent processes. It is shown that diurnal and seasonal variations in the occurrence frequency and amplitudes of the events depend significantly on the type of their polarization. The R- and L-type impulse events are predominantly observed during the descending and ascending phase of the solar cycle, respectively. Solar wind high-speed streams (HSSs) are more favorable for exciting right-polarized impulses, whereas left-polarized impulse events are more efficiently excited by coronal mass ejection (CME). It is established that R-type impulses emerge in the conditions when the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field vector is close to the radial direction against the development of moderate magnetospheric substorms whereas the L-type impulses appear when IMF is perpendicular to the Sun–Earth line in the absence of substorms. The behavior of the characteristics of impulse events significantly depends on the value of the IMF Bz-component and on the angle θxB = arccos(Bx/B). It is conjectured that excitation of the two groups of impulses is caused by the IMF structures in the solar wind stream with the characteristic configuration in the ecliptic plane, which determine the polarization type and properties of MIEs.  相似文献   

The short-term regional responses of the mesosphere–lower thermosphere (MLT) dynamics over Scandinavia to the exceptionally strong solar storms with their accompanying solar proton fluxes on the Earth in late October 2003 have been investigated using radar measurements at Andenes (69°N, 16°E) and Esrange (68°N, 21°E). Several solar activity storms resulted in solar proton events (SPEs) at this time, but a particularly active period of high proton fluxes occurred between 28 and 31 October 2003. The significant temperature drop (∼25 K), detected by the meteor radar at Andenes at altitude ∼90 km, was in line with the enhancement of the proton fluxes and was caused by the dramatic reduction of the ozone in the high-latitude middle atmosphere monitored by satellite measurements. This exceptionally strong phenomenon in late October 2003 was composed of three geomagnetic storms, with the first one occurring in the daytime of 29 October and the other two storms in the nighttime of 29 and 30 October, respectively. The responses of the prevailing wind and the main tides (24- and 12-h tides) were studied in detail. It was found that the response of the MLT dynamics to the first geomagnetic storm occurring in the daytime and accompanied by solar proton fluxes is very different from those to the second and third geomagnetic storms with onsets during the nighttime. Some physical mechanisms have been suggested in order to explain the observed short-term variability of the MLT dynamics. This case study revealed the impact of the SPEs observed in late October 2003 and the timing of the geomagnetic storms on the MLT neutral wind responses observed over Scandinavia.  相似文献   

基于Van Allen Probes近三年的EMFISIS仪器波动观测数据,对内磁层下频带哨声模合声波幅度的全球分布特性对地磁活动水平的依赖性进行了详细的统计分析,着重研究下频带合声波平均场强幅度随磁壳值L、磁地方时、地磁纬度的分布特征及不同强度区间的合声波的发生概率.结果表明,下频带合声波的波动强度与地磁活动密切正相关,处于强磁扰期间的合声波具有更大的振幅,其发生率与地磁活动强度具有同样的正相关特性.下频带合声波主要发生于午夜至下午的磁地方时区间,其余的磁地方时时段下频带合声波较弱.赤道面附近的下频带合声波主要分布在夜侧至黎明这一时段内,随着磁纬度的增加逐步向日侧扩展.下频带合声波在午夜侧(21-03 MLT)主要出现在15°的磁纬范围内,在晨侧(03-09 MLT)可以到达15°磁纬甚至更高纬度.下频带合声波主要发生于L=~4.5的附近区域.随着地磁活动的增加,下频带合声波所覆盖的L-shell空间区域增大,趋势为向高、低L值区域同时扩展.建立的下频带哨声合声波的全球分布模型将有助于进一步深入理解该重要磁层波动对辐射带电子的波粒作用散射效应和对辐射带动力学过程的定量贡献.  相似文献   

We have combined ∼300 h of tristatic measurements of the field-perpendicular F region ionospheric flow measured overhead at Tromsø by the EISCAT UHF radar, with simultaneous IMP-8 measurements of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) upstream of the Earth’s magnetosphere, in order to examine the response time of the ionospheric flow to changes in the north-south component of the IMF (Bz). In calculating the flow response delay, the time taken by field changes observed by the spacecraft to first effect the ionosphere has been carefully estimated and subtracted from the response time. Two analysis methods have been employed. In the first, the flow data were divided into 2 h-intervals of magnetic local time (MLT) and cross-correlated with the “half-wave rectifier” function V2Bs, where V is the solar wind speed, and Bs is equal to IMF Bz if the latter is negative, and is zero otherwise. Response delays, determined from the time lag of the peak value of the cross-correlation coefficient, were computed versus MLT for both the east-west and north-south components of flow. The combined data set suggests minimum delays at ∼1400 MLT, with increased response times on the nightside. For the 12-h sector centred on 1400 MLT, the weighted average response delay was found to be 1.3 ± 0.8 min, while for the 12-h sector centred on 0200 MLT the weighted average delay was found to increase to 8.8 ± 1.7 min. In the second method we first inspected the IMF data for sharp and enduring (at least ∼5 min) changes in polarity of the north-south component, and then examined concurrent EISCAT flow data to determine the onset time of the corresponding enhancement or decay of the flow. For the case in which the flow response was timed from whichever of the flow components responded first, minimum response delays were again found at ∼1400 MLT, with average delays of 4.8 ± 0.5 min for the 12-h sector centred on 1400 MLT, increasing to 9.2 ± 0.8 min on the nightside. The response delay is thus found to be reasonably small at all local times, but typically ∼6 min longer on the nightside compared with the dayside. In order to make an estimate of the ionospheric information propagation speed implied by these results, we have fitted a simple theoretical curve to the delay data which assumes that information concerning the excitation and decay of flow propagates with constant speed away from some point on the equatorward edge of the dayside open-closed field line boundary, taken to lie at 77° magnetic latitude. For the combined cross-correlation results the best-fit epicentre of information propagation was found to be at 1400 MLT, with an information propagation phase speed of 9.0 km s−1. For the combined event analysis, the best-fit epicentre was also found to be located at 1400 MLT, with a phase speed of 6.8 km s−1.  相似文献   

Sq电流系午前午后不对称性现象的来源   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
太阳静日变化Sq是地球变化磁场的基本组成部分,Sq的特征反映电离层的电性质和高层大气的潮汐特性.研究Sq的变化特性,能够加深对电离层\|热层耦合的认识.准确分离出Sq,为计算地磁指数(如Dst、Kp和AE等)以及空间天气的准确预报提供必要信息.本文利用地磁观测数据,重点分析了北半球Sq形态及其午前午后不对称现象、Sq日变幅的变化特征、不同纬度地区日变幅与太阳天顶角的相关性的差异.研究表明低纬电流系和高纬电流系是引起Sq形态变化的重要来源,也是各种不对称性的主要起因.  相似文献   

We investigate the features of the planetary distribution of wave phenomena (geomagnetic pulsations) in the Earth’s magnetic shell (the magnetosphere) during a strong geomagnetic storm on December 14–15, 2006, which is untypical of the minimum phase of solar activity. The storm was caused by the approach of the interplanetary magnetic cloud towards the Earth’s magnetosphere. The study is based on the analysis of 1-min data of global digital geomagnetic observations at a few latitudinal profiles of the global network of ground-based magnetic stations. The analysis is focused on the Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations, whose frequencies fall in the band of 1.5–7 mHz (T ~ 2–10 min), on the fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and in the solar wind density in this frequency band. It is shown that during the initial phase of the storm with positive IMF Bz, most intense geomagnetic pulsations were recorded in the dayside polar regions. It was supposed that these pulsations could probably be caused by the injection of the fluctuating streams of solar wind into the Earth’s ionosphere in the dayside polar cusp region. The fluctuations arising in the ionospheric electric currents due to this process are recorded as the geomagnetic pulsations by the ground-based magnetometers. Under negative IMF Bz, substorms develop in the nightside magnetosphere, and the enhancement of geomagnetic pulsations was observed in this latitudinal region on the Earth’s surface. The generation of these pulsations is probably caused by the fluctuations in the field-aligned magnetospheric electric currents flowing along the geomagnetic field lines from the substorm source region. These geomagnetic pulsations are not related to the fluctuations in the interplanetary medium. During the main phase of the magnetic storm, when fluctuations in the interplanetary medium are almost absent, the most intense geomagnetic pulsations were observed in the dawn sector in the region corresponding to the closed magnetosphere. The generation of these pulsations is likely to be associated with the resonance of the geomagnetic field lines. Thus, it is shown that the Pc5 pulsations observed on the ground during the magnetic storm have a different origin and a different planetary distribution.  相似文献   

Pc3 geomagnetic field fluctuations detected at low latitude (L’Aquila, Italy) during the passage of a high velocity solar wind stream, characterized by variable interplanetary magnetic field conditions, are analyzed. Higher frequency resonant fluctuations and lower frequency phenomena are simultaneously observed; the intermittent appearance and the variable frequency of the longer period modes can be well interpreted in terms of the variable IMF elements; moreover their polarization characteristics are consistent with an origin related to external waves propagating in antisunward direction. A comparison with simultaneous observations performed at Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) provides additional evidence for a clear relationship between the IMF and Pc3 pulsations also at very high latitudes.  相似文献   

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