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The development of magnetohydrodynamical centrifugal instability is considered as a possible mechanism for the formation of solar magnetic arcades. The computations show that the plasma in a cylindrical, magnetized, rotating layer can develop two families of waveguide-resonance instability modes. These are gyroscopic resonance modes of the rotating, cylindrical layer and harmonics of fast magnetoacoustic waves that propagate along the forming cylindrical layer and initiate resonance instability in the layer. The joint action of these two mechanisms is able to produce the observed morphology of solar magnetic arcades.  相似文献   

We review high spatial resolution microwave observations of solar active regions, coronal loops and flares. Observations of preflare active regions are presented; in particular we discuss the interpretations of reversal of polarization at the flare site and the role of newly emerging flux in triggering the onset of flares. We discuss the spatial locations of microwave burst emitting regions; loops or arcades of loops appear to be the sites of flare energy release in microwave bursts. We provide direct observational evidence of magnetic reconnection as the primary cause of acceleration of electrons in microwave bursts.  相似文献   

The development of the solar magnetic activity in cycle 24 has been analyzed. It has been shown that the significant north–south asymmetry of magnetic activity was accompanied by the asynchronous reorganization of solar magnetic fields in the northern and southern hemispheres. The formation of unipolar magnetic regions after the decay of activity centers has been studied. The meridional transport of unipolar magnetic regions leading to changes in the zonal structure of the solar magnetic field has been shown. Long-lived centers of flare activity have been found to exist during the periods of magnetic field restructuring. The spatiotemporal analysis of the flare ensemble making it possible to diagnose non-stationary processes in the solar atmosphere has been shown.  相似文献   

The propagation of a fast magnetoacoustic shock wave the magnetosphere of a solar active region is considered the nonlinear geometrical acoustics approximation. The magnetic field is modeled as a subphotospheric magnetic dipole embedded in the radial field of the quiet corona. The initial parameters of the wave are specified at a spherical surface in the depths of the active region. The wave propagates asymmetrically and is reflected from regions of the strong magnetic field, which results in the radiation of the wave energy predominantly upwards. Substantial gradients in the Alfvén speed facilitate appreciable growth in the wave intensity. Non-linear damping of the wave and divergence of the wave front lead to the opposite effect. Analysis of the joint action of these factors shows that a fast magnetoacoustic perturbation outgoing from an active region can correspond to a shock wave of moderate intensity. This supports the scenario in which the primary source of the coronal wave is an eruptive filament that impulsively expands in the magnetosphere of an active region.  相似文献   

Results of simultaneous measurements of radiation fluxes from post-eruption arcades on the Sun at 171, 195, 284, and 304 ? (from STEREO spacecraft data) and at radio wavelengths (from the RATAN-600 radio telescope) are presented. An original probabilistic approach developed earlier by Urnov was used to determine the differential emission measure. This method requires no regularization, and the obtained results do not depend on the choice of the temperature grid. This approach has yielded the differential measure of emission at temperatures approximately from 0.3 to 15 MK. The subsequent calculation of thermal magnetobremsstrahlung in a multi-temperature model with the magnetic field decreasing with height produces a spectrum similar to that observed on RATAN-600. Thus, in many non-stationary events with modest powers, a thermal multi-temperature model is quite able to explain the emission of post-eruption arcade systems, and it is not necessary to invoke the emission of accelerated particles. The proposed model enables direct estimation of the ratio of the magnetic and gas pressures at the tops of post-eruption arcades, and determination of the conditions required for the origin of secondary nonstationary processes in the decay stage of the main flare.  相似文献   

It is shown that a hypothetical relict magnetic field in the solar radiative-transport zone that penetrates into the convective zone would affect the solar dynamo, resulting in radical changes in the butterfly diagrams. This would transform the traveling waves of activity into standing waves. A comparison of our results with the well-known butterfly diagrams for the Sun gives an upper limit of the order of some tens G for the value of relict magnetic field penetrating into the solar convective zone. At the same time, it is not ruled out that such relict magnetic fields in other solar-type stars are strong enough to make the activity waves become standing waves.  相似文献   

The scenario of the triggered origin of the solar system suggests that the formation of our planetary system was initiated by the impact of an interstellar shock wave on a molecular cloud core. The strength of this scenario lies in its ability to explain the presence of short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system. According to the proposal, the radioactivities were produced in a stellar source, transported into the molecular cloud core by a shock wave and mixed into the collapsing system during the interaction between the shock wave and the core. We examine the viability of the scenario by presenting results from recent numerical simulations. The calculations show that molecular cloud cores can be triggered into collapse by the impact of a shock wave propagating at the velocity of 10–45 km s−1. Some of the shock wave material incident on the core, typically 10–20%, can be injected into the collapsing system. The time scale of the process is ∼104–105 years, sufficiently short for the survival of the short-lived radioactivities. The simulations therefore confirm the viability of the scenario of the triggered origin of the solar system.  相似文献   

Gnevyshev’s hypothesis of time space organization of sunspot activity over the solar surface like impulses is considered. Using numerical simulation it was shown that complex solar cycle shape can be explained by distribution of impulses in the northern and southern hemispheres. For long solar cycles, impulses at higher latitudes breaking Sp?rer’s law were found. Comparison of the time-latitude diagrams of solar magnetic fields and impulses has shown that each wave of new polarity to the poles is accompanied by impulse of sunspot activity.  相似文献   

The evolution of large solar activity centers is studied, and the conditions resulting in powerful nonstationary processes are clarified. In addition to the factors that are usually considered (changes in sunspot area, the structure of magnetic fields, the character of motions), we examine to what extent observations of nonstationary processes (flares and associated coronal mass ejections) can be used to predict the development of such processes in the subsequent evolution of the activity center. We considered the example of a powerful group in October 2003, which could be observed before its appearance at the eastern limb using a spacecraft in near-Mars orbit. We plotted for events occurring in 2003 images of flares in various spectral ranges and analyzed high-energy processes in group 486, which was isolated at the beginning of its development, and then in the interrelated groups 486 and 484. The analysis of the peculiar early development of group 486 suggested that an intensification of the activity could be expected due to the emergence of new magnetic flux (and satellite groups), as well as the interaction and synchronization of two and then three large groups of the end of October 2003. In other words, in this case, extremely powerful nonstationary processes are associated with a relatively higher contribution of large-scale magnetic fields. We compare our results to analyses of motions and magnetic fields in this activity center throughout its transit across the disk from October 23 to November 5, 2003.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the source and formation of large-scale streams in the solar wind is presented. Radio-astronomical data from 1998 are compared with optical SOHO observations and solar coronal magnetic fields calculated from Zeeman data obtained at the Wilcox Observatory. A correlation between the geometry of the solar-wind transition region and the strength of coronal magnetic fields is revealed. For the moderate heliolatitudes studied, this correlation divides into three branches corresponding to three types of coronal magnetic-field structures: open structures with field lines escaping into interplanetary space, closed structures with loop-like field lines, and intermediate structures including both open and closed configurations. High-speed streams of solar wind originate in regions with open magnetic structures. These structures are connected with the lateral lobes of streamers at moderate heliolatitudes. Low-speed flows originate above closed magnetic structures, typical of the main bodies of streamers. The lowest-speed solar-wind flows are not associated with coronal streamer structures, and originate in coronal regions with intermediate magnetic configurations simultaneously containing open and closed field lines. In these regions, the white-light corona becomes an extended and amorphous area with high luminosity, which stratifies into a radial structure with narrow stripes at higher resolution.  相似文献   

A mixing-length approximation is used to calculate Kλ for a Parker dynamo wave excited by the dynamo mechanism near the base of the solar convection zone (K is the wave number of the dynamo wave and λ the extent of the dynamo region). In a turbulent-dynamo model, this number characterizes the modes of the global magnetic field generated by a mechanism based on the joint action of the mean helical turbulence and solar differential rotation. Estimates are obtained for the helicity and radial angular-velocity gradient using the most recent helioseismological measurements at the growth phase of solar cycle 23. These estimates indicate that the dynamo mechanism most efficiently excites the fundamental antisymmetric (odd), dipole, mode of the poloidal field (Kλ≈?7) at low latitudes, while the conditions at latitudes above 50° are more favorable for the excitation of the lowest symmetric (even), quadrupole, mode (Kλ≈+8). The resulting north-south asymmetry of the poloidal field can explain the magnetic anomaly (“monopole” structure) of the polar fields observed near solar-cycle maxima. The effect of α quenching increases the calculated period of the dynamo-wave propagation from middle latitudes to the equator to about seven years, in rough agreement with the observed duration of the solar cycle.  相似文献   

In this work, we report a global mapping of vector lunar magnetic field based on new method of separation of internal and external fields. The magnetic measurements collected during the lifetime of lunar prospector (LP) extended mission during 1999 were strongly disturbed by the solar wind, a period which coincided with a maximum of the 23 cycle activity. The multiscale wavelength external fields were analyzed using spherical harmonic transform. The external field determined by inversion was then removed from each magnetic field component for each half orbit. To map the vector magnetic crustal anomalies, all LP magnetometer data collected at low altitudes in the three different lunar environments: (1) geomagnetic tail, (2) solar wind, and (3) geomagnetic sheath were processed using this new approach. The results obtained using these selection criteria allow us to get a global coverage of the lunar surface by the vector magnetic field at variable spacecraft low altitudes. To validate our mapping, we have developed and applied a method based on properties of potential fields functions. This method can be used to determine both horizontal north and east components using only vertical component. The validated lunar internal magnetic measurements obtained at variable spacecraft altitudes were then continued to a common altitude of 30 km using an inverse method. This mapping confirms firstly the nature of the crustal sources of lunar magnetic field and clearly shows that the strongest concentrations of anomalies are associated with high albedo and/or located antipodal to large young basins (Orientale, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Crisium) of age about 3.9 Ga.  相似文献   

We present the results of numerical simulations of the development of a current sheet in the solar corona over a bipolar region during the emergence of two new sunspots arranged collinearly with older spots. Two fronts of increased plasma density form at the boundary of the rising new magnetic flux. One of these is due to the generation of a current sheet, whose magnetic field accumulates energy for a flare. The other front is a branch of the density perturbation, and separates the old and new magnetic fluxes in a region where the magnetic field lines have the same direction on both sides of the boundary. The development of this perturbation is not associated with the energy accumulation in the corona, and hinders observation of the preflare state and complicates analysis of the results. This second front can be interpreted as the eruption of a filament before the onset of the flare. A scheme conservative with respect to magnetic flux was introduced in the Peresvet code that solves the MHD equations, in order to suppress numerical instabilities in regions of large magnetic-field gradients.  相似文献   

Multi-wavelength observations and magnetic-field data for the solar flare of May 10, 2012 (04: 18 UT) are analyzed. A sign change in the line-of-sight magnetic field in the umbra of a small spot has been detected. This is at least partly associated with the emergence of a new magnetic field. A hard X-ray flare was recorded at almost the same time, and a “sunquake” was generated by the impact of the disturbance in the range of energy release on the photosphere. A sigmoid flare was recorded at the beginning of the event, but did not spread, as it usually does, along the polarity inversion (neutral) line. SDO/HMI full vectormagnetic-fieldmeasurements are used to extrapolate the magnetic field of AR 11476 into the corona, and to derive the distribution of vertical currents jz in the photosphere. The relationship between the distribution of currents in the active region and the occurrence of flares is quite complex. The expected “ideal” behavior of the current system before and after the flare (e.g., described by Sharykin and Kosovichev) is observed only in the sigmoid region. The results obtained are compared with observations of two other flares recorded in this active region on the same day, one similar to the discussed flare and the other different. The results confirm that the formation and eruption of large-scale magnetic flux ropes in sigmoid flares is associated with shear motions in the photosphere, the emergence of twisted magnetic tubes, and the subsequent development of the torus instability.  相似文献   

The effects of a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on a solar coronal streamer located roughly 90° from the main direction of the CME propagation observed on January 2, 2012 by the SOHO/LASCO coronograph are analyzed. Radial coronal streamers undergo some bending when CMEs pass through the corona, even at large angular distances from the streamers. The phenomenon resembles a bending wave traveling along the streamer. Some researchers interpret these phenomena as the effects of traveling shocks generated by rapid CMEs, while others suggest they are waves excited inside the streamers by external impacts. The analysis presented here did not find convincing arguments in favor of either of these interpretations. It is concluded that the streamer behavior results from the effect of the magnetic field of a moving magnetic flux rope associated with the coronal ejection. The motion of the large-scale magnetic flux rope away from the Sun changes the surrounding magnetic field lines in the corona, and these changes resemble the half-period of a wave running along the streamer.  相似文献   

The main argument against the idea that the intense radio emission observed from active regions on the Sun and flare stars is electron-cyclotron maser (ECM) radiation is that such radiation should be strongly absorbed in higher-lying layers where the condition for the cyclotron resonance at harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency is fulfilled. Cyclotron absorption lowers the efficiency of ECM radiation virtually to zero for a broad range of angles between the direction of propagation of the radiation and the magnetic field. Less severe absorption is possible only in narrow angular “windows” along (for ordinary and extraordinary waves) and perpendicular to (for ordinary waves) the magnetic field. However, the ECM radiation that is generated does not fall into these windows of transparency due to the kinematic conditions corresponding to coronal magnetic traps. We investigate the efficiency of induced scattering of ECM radiation on ions in the equilibrium plasma in the source. Under certain conditions, induced scattering leads to the formation of a condensate of ECM radiation with the direction of its wave vectors approximately along the magnetic field, enabling the escape of the radiation through windows of transparency. The most favorable conditions for this phenomenon are realized for ordinary waves. We estimate the optical depths of the sources of the ECM radiation to the scattering and the angular width of the condensate for ordinary and extraordinary waves for the cases of the flare radio emission of the star AD Leo and the sources of type I noise storms in the solar corona. In both cases, the polarization of the emergent radiation should correspond to the ordinary wave.  相似文献   

Latitude-time (butterfly) diagrams of the large-scale solar magnetic field differ appreciably from the butterfly diagrams for sunspots. Tilted features corresponding to waves propagating from the middle latitudes to the equator are virtually absent from the diagrams for the large-scale magnetic field. The latitude-time diagram of the 22-year solar cycle based on data for the large-scale surface field appears as a checkerboard pattern rather than a traveling wave. Solutions describing similar behavior for the poloidal magnetic field are found for Parker’s solar-dynamo equations. These solutions agree with observations especially well if meridional circulation is added to the two sources generating the magnetic-field in this dynamo-differential rotation and mirror-asymmetric convection.  相似文献   

Evidence that the distribution of the abundances of admixtures with low first-ionization potentials (FIP < 10 eV) in the lower solar corona could be associated with the typology of the largescale magnetic field is presented. Solar observations show an enhancement in the abundances of elements with low FIPs compared to elements with high FIPs (>10 eV) in active regions and closed magnetic configurations in the lower corona. Observations with the ULYSSES spacecraft and at the Stanford Solar Observatory have revealed strong correlations between the manifestation of the FIP effect in the solar wind, the strength of the open magnetic flux (without regard to sign), and the ratio of the large-scale toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields at the solar surface. Analyses of observations of the Sun as a star show that the enhancement of the abundances of admixtures with low FIPs in the corona compared to their abundances in the photosphere (the FIP effect) is closely related to the solar-activity cycle and also with variations in the topology of the large-scale magnetic field. A possible mechanism for the relationship between the FIP effect and the spectral type of a star is discussed in the framework of solar–stellar analogies.  相似文献   

太阳风中磁流体湍流的特征和本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在空间探测的早期,太阳风湍流现象就已经被空间飞船的观测发现了。但是太阳风湍流不同于过去学术界熟悉的流体湍流。虽然国际学术界已进行了长期的研究,但太阳风湍流的本质仍不能得到明确的认识,许多观测现象都得不到解释。涂传诒等[1~5]研究了这些现象,促进了理论上的新进展。这些研究指出,太阳风起伏中存在着非线性湍流相互作用,但不是完全发展的湍流,而是正处于由阿尔芬波向着完全发展的湍流过渡的状态。这一新的概念把阿尔芬波传播理论与磁流体湍流理论结合起来,导致了理论上的新进展,从而揭示了太阳风湍流的本质,阐明了一系列过去不能解释的观测现象。着重介绍了这些研究的成果和意义。  相似文献   

Two impulsive limb coronal mass ejections (CMEs), one of which was accompanied by an active prominence and the other by a flare, are analyzed using AIA/SDO solar data. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, in both cases, the sources of the CME formation were magnetic tubes rising from beneath the photosphere at high velocity. One or more arch structures can be located in the path of the magnetic tube, which it influences and drags along with it. The arch structures may then participate in the formation of the future CME, whose main basis is the magnetic tube itself.  相似文献   

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