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On the basis of the most recent data, the fraction of known Wolf-Rayet binaries is 0.22. In the solar neighbourhood (d<2.5 kpc) this fraction is 0.34In order to assess the relative importance of massive binary evolution as one of the ways to produce WR stars, the galactic distribution of WR binaries is compared with that of single WR stars using improved intrinsic parameters and new data for the fainter WR stars.In the galactic plane the increase of the binary frequency with galactocentric distance is confirmed.In a direction perpendicular to the galactic plane it is demonstrated at all distances from the Sun that the single-line spectroscopic WR binaries with small mass functions have definitely larger -distances than the single WR stars and the WR binaries with massive companions. This is consistent with the evolutionary scenario for massive binaries summarized by van den Heuvel (1976). Among the single WR stars the fraction of those with large |z|-distances is increasing with galactocentric distance, like the fraction of the known binaries. This implies that among the high-|z| single WR stars as well as among the WR stars with lower |z|-values many binaries are still to be discovered.The total WR binary frequency in the Galaxy could be well above 50%.Contribution from the Bosscha Observatory No. 79.Invited paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple model of chemical evolution is proposed, according to which active phases of star formation occured, each followed by a quiescent phase where the formation of stars withm1m was totally inhibited. The contraction of the gaseous component of the system was not stopped during quiescent phases, according to observed distributions of chemical and dynamical parameters in objects of different populations. Building up a detailed model we assume that: (i) star formation is inhibited during a given active phase, at a rate which is connected to the number of supernovae born at that time; (ii) total mass is conserved in the unit comoving volume; (iii) instantaneous recycling approximation holds. According to these hypothesis, theoretical metal abundance distributions as function of a single parameter may be derived and then compared with empirical distributions related to different kinds of populations. It is found that theoretical curves systematically overestimate the objects of lower metallicity and underestimate the objects of higher metallicity in respect to observations, as a possible consequence of the last two assumptions reported above. If we leave the detailed explanation of this effect to more refined models and taking other observational data into account, the chemical evolution of both Galactic spheroid component and solar neighbourhood may be derived and the results are to be considered as essentially qualitative. If three active phases of star formation occurred during the history of the Galactic spheroid component, the yield of metals, , had to increase passing from an active phase to the next even if (metal content) and the disk mass fraction,R D, had not to exceed a value of about 0.4 when is assumed as a characteristic value for the disk component and the main part of this last is thought to have formed at the end of the second active phase. If a single active (and no quiescent) phase occurred during the history of the solar neighbourhood, the yield did not increase appreciably up to to-day and no more than half (if any) of the initial mass could escape from the system in form of galactic wind. A disk mass fractionR D0.2 is further derived, if a birth-rate stellar function smoothly dependent on the gas mass fraction and a ratio of mean past to present star formation rate of the order of unity are to be reproduced, in agreement with recent observations.  相似文献   

We review observations and theoretical studies of the evolution of massive asymptotic giant branch stars in the Magellanic Clouds. Recent results support the hypothesis that AGB is truncated, probably through mass loss, before these stars can attain the theoretically predicted maximum luminosity. In particular, IRAS observations of the LMC provide little evidence for the presence of highly obscured cocoon stars.  相似文献   

In this paper closed one-zone models with a birth-rate stellar function depending on gas density and temperature are built up, in order to make a zeroth order approximation of thermo-chemical evolution of galaxies. To get a more realistic picture, the models are allowed first to expand with the universe and then to contract according to three successive time-scales, in order to simulate violent relaxation, rapid contraction, and slow contraction processes.Star formation occurs according to a birth-rate (m, t) g n T r m p ( g , gas density;T, gas temperature; andm, star mass), which reproduces the usual Schmidt-type law in the limitr0. Further we suppose that synthesized metals and helium are instantaneously mixed when returned to gas component at star death, and that relative metal abundances are time-independent: ( any element heavier than He, ). An energy fraction of each typical supernova event is assumed to heat interstellar medium, which is also though always to maintain a steady state.Under these hypotheses it becomes possible to use the interstellar cooling function of Dalgarno and McCray (1972), which is related to a special cosmic abundance of elements, to express analytically an interstellar cooling function related to any abundance. At this stage, numerical computations are performed up to about 12 Gy and the results analyzed in order to reproduce some morphological features observed in the galaxy, namely: (i) the extreme scarcity of stars with nearly zero metal content; (ii) the metal content and mass fraction of halo stars; (iii) the metal content and mass fraction of disk stars; and (iv) the ratio of the present-day birth-rate to the past birth-rate averaged over the age of the disk. It is found that a whole class of theoretical models exist, with slope of the mass spectrum between –2.5 and –2.6, which range from a Schmidt's law limitn=1.3 andr=0 to the opposite limitn=0 andr=–1.2, and are able to fit more or less at the same extent the observations mentioned above. On the analysis of further computations, it is also shown that an universal birth-rate stellar function is in contradiction with neither a dynamical hystory starting from the initial expansion of proto-galaxies, nor a morphological sequence where the amount of angular momentum is the only free parameter for any given mass, at least for what concerns spiral types. Finally, possible refinements for future work are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

The propagation of linear sound and thermal waves in a reacting fluid, in which the heating and cooling processes can be represented by a heat-loss functionL(, T, is studied. A complex dispersion relation is found, from which the phase velocity and the scale length for damping (or amplification), of the above two-wave mode are calculated Wave amplification may occur in reacting locally stable fluids. Results are applied to a hydrogen plasma model assumed to be heated at a non-specified constant rate and cooled by recombination, excitation, and ionization by collisions, and free-free transitions. The phase velocity , the scale-length for damping , and the relevant relaxation times are calculated as functions of the dimensionless frequency , for temperatures ranging from those at which the hydrogen plasma is neutral to those at which it becomes completely ionized.  相似文献   

The very young open star cluster NGC 2362 was investigated by the strip method on charts of two photographs taken with the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the European Southern Observatory. Up to the limiting magnitudeM v * =5 . m 8 the cluster contains 100 stars and can be described by the Gaussian density law (6). Further results are: Mass = 246 , central mass density 0 = 43.1 = 246 pc-3 , radiusR2.6 pc, mean velocity of the stars = 0.64 km s–1.

Mitteilungen Serie A.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics and evolution of coalescing neutron stars. The three-dimensional Newtonian equations of hydrodynamics are integrated by the Piecewise Parabolic Method on an equidistant Cartesian grid. The code is purely Newtonian, but does include the emission of gravitational waves and their back-reaction. The properties of neutron star matter are described by the equation of state of Lattimer and Swesty (1991). Energy loss by all types of neutrinos and changes of the electron fraction due to the emission of electron neutrinos and antineutrinos are taken into account by an elaborate neutrino leakage scheme. We simulate the coalescence of two identical, cool neutron stars with a baryonic mass of 1.6M and a radius of 15 km and with an initial center-to-center distance of 42 km. The initial distributions of density and electron concentration are given from a model of a cold neutron star in hydrostatic equilibrium. We investigate three cases which differ by the initial velocity distribution in the neutron stars. The orbit decays due to gravitational-wave emission and after one revolution the stars are so close that dynamical instability sets in. Within 1 ms the neutron stars merge into a rapidly spinning (P 1 ms), high-density body ( 1014 g/cm3) with a surrounding thick disk of material with densities 1010 – 1012 g/cm3 and orbital velocities of 0.3-0.5 c. The peak emission of gravitational waves has a maximum luminosity of a few times 1055 erg/s and is reached for about 1 ms. The amplitudes of the gravitational waves are close to 3 10–23 at a distance of 1 Gpc and the typical frequency is near the dynamical value of the orbital motion of the merging neutron stars of 2 KHz. In a post-processing step, the rate of neutrino-antineutrino annihilation is calculated from the neutrino luminosities generated during the hydrodynamical simulations. We find the integral annihilation rate to be a few 1050 erg/s during the phase of strongest neutrino emission, which is too small to generate the observed bursts considering the fact that the merged object of about 3M will most likely collapse to a black hole within milliseconds.  相似文献   

Vibrational transition probabilities-namely, Franck-Condon factors and -centroids-have been evaluated using an approximate analytical method for theD-X system of SiS. Morse potential energy curves forD 1 andX 1+ states of SiS have been constructed using the latest spectroscopic data. The value of -centroids for the band have been found to decrease linearly with the corresponding wavelength.  相似文献   

We present the first direct distance determination to a detached eclipsing binary in M33, which was found by the DIRECT Project. Located in the OB 66 association, it was one of the most suitable detached eclipsing binaries found by DIRECT for distance determination, given its 4.8938 day period. We obtained follow-up BV photometry and spectroscopy from which we determined the parameters of the system. It contains two O7 main sequence stars with masses of and and radii of and , respectively. We derive temperatures of K and K and determine the reddening . Using HST photometry for flux calibration in the V band, we obtain a preliminary distance modulus of mag ( kpc). The photometry and thus distance is subject to revision in the final paper.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric energy distribution data of the shell stars Per and Per are reported in the wavelength range 3200–8000 Å. The effective temperature of these stars is derived by comparison of observed energy distribution with theoretical models. Both the stars show higher values of derived effective temperature. The continuum energy distribution in the ultraviolet region has also be discussed.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to a search for relativistic objects in massive close binary systems without strong X-ray emission (L x <1034 erg s–1). It is pointed out that, according to the present-day theory on the evolution of massive close binaries, the number of neutron stars and black holes in non-X-ray binary systems must be 100 times the number of the known X-ray binaries comprising OB supergiant stars; that is why, in studying non-X-ray binary systems, the chances are to detect about a hundred of black holes in the Galaxy.Criteria are formulated for the relativistic nature of companions in the binary systems, such as high spatial velocity values and height Z over the galactic plane for OB stars (runaway stars) and for Wolf-Rayet stars. As reported by Tutukov and Yungelson (1973), as well as by van den Heuvel (1976), the presence of ring-type nebulae can serve as another indication of a relativistic nature of companions in the case of Wolf-Rayet stars.Data are collected on Wolf-Rayet stars with low-mass companions (Table I), which can be relativistic objects accreting within a strong stellar wind from Wolf-Rayet stars. Presented are new findings in respect of spectral examination of the runaway OB-stars (Table II), bringing together data on eight OB stars which can represent binary systems with relativistic companions (Table III).A list of 28 OB-stars (Table IV) which offer a good chance for finding relativistic companions is given.  相似文献   

Line-forming regions around close binaries with strong winds ( /4r * v 10–4 g cm–2) are large in extent compared with the stars, large enough to screen them. Their orbitally-modulated Doppler shifts can overestimate the mass function, because of a larger rotational lever arm. In particular, most of the black-hole candidates need not involve companions more massive than a neutron star.The solar-wind problem is reconsidered. An extrapolation to Wolf-Rayet stars suggests that their winds are centrifugally driven. Their mass-loss rates tend to have been overestimated.Seemingly single (massive) stars can hide a (compact) companion.  相似文献   

A new radial velocity curve of V 1329 Cyg has been obtained from emission lines originating around an evolved star. The latter might be faced by an M-type mate, whose mass is larger than 23±6 solar masses. The system seems at |Z|>250 pc from the galactic plane. The 6830 unidentified band, found in V 1329 Cyg and among BQ [ ] stars, symbiotic stars and a few planetary nebulae, could be used as a diagnostic tool to identify very evolved stars. The close similarity of the optical spectrum of V 1329 Cyg to that of the optical counterpart of GX 1+4 is remarkable.On leave from Nagoya University, Japan.  相似文献   

Intermediate resolution (/ 25 000) CCD spectra of the oxygen triplet at 7770 Å have been analyzed to determine oxygen abundances in a sample of metal-deficient stars with metallicities covering the range –2.5[Fe/H]–0.2. Important oxygen overabundances ([O/Fe]1) are found in the more metal deficient stars of the sample. We briefly discuss the information that these observations provide about the early nucleosynthesis history and chemical evolution of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

The continuum energy distribution data of ten Be stars — namely, HR 1761, HR 1786, HR 1820, Ori, Ori, OT Gem, Lyr, HR 7983, Cyg, and 59 Cyg — have been presented in the wavelength range 3200–8000 Å. The observed energy distribution curve shows near infrared excess for majority of Be stars and a double Balmer jump for HR 8047 and HR 8146. Empirical effective temperatures of these stars have been estimated by comparing the observed continuum energy distributions with that of computed theoretical models given by Kurucz (1979).On the basis of an HR diagram with evolutionary tracks for different solar masses the masses of these Be stars have been estimated. Position of these studied stars on the HR diagram suggests that these Be stars may be in the stage of core contraction after exhausting hydrogen at the centre and have undergone hydrogen exhaustion in the thick shell.  相似文献   

The cosmic scatter of 147 of the best known visual binary stars on the Main Sequence is discussed and a new estimation of the luminosity distribution function for multiple star systems is presented. As long as the mass ratioq of a close binary is not smaller than 0.5, the distribution of close binary components is identical to the van Rhijn liminosity-function. For smaller mass ratios (q<0.5) the number of close companions decreases rapidly. It appears that less than 13% of visual binaries in our sample are simple binary systems.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846).  相似文献   

Vibrational transition probabilities, namely Franck—Condon factors and -centroids have been evaluated by an approximate analytical method for the (A–X), (A–X), and (A–X) system of YO molecule. Morse potential energy curves forX 2+,A 22,A22, andA22, states of YO have been constructed using the latest spectroscopic data. The value of -centroids for the band have been found to decrease linearly with the corresponding wavelengths. We show results for two new transitions of (A–X) and (A–X) and five new bands of (A–X) of YO in the umbral spectrum of the Sun.  相似文献   

Some planetary nebulae in the galactic thick disk display extremely low abundances of heavy elements such as O, Ne, S, and Ar, compared with normal or type II nebulae. Their central stars are generally relatively cool and underluminous, indicating that the progenitor stars had very low masses. It is suggested that strong stellar winds have had an important role in the formation of these objects, which is supported by the large mass loss rates now observed.  相似文献   

Modes of nonradial oscillations of six composite polytropic models have been investigated numerically to study the effect of central condensation parameter being the density at the centre and the mean density of a stellar model) on the modes of nonradial oscillations of stellar models.  相似文献   

We show that in evolved stars, even at relatively low surfaceamplitudes, nonradial modes become strongly nonlinear in thehydrogen shell source, where the Brunt-Väisälä frequency hasits absolute maximum. The measure of nonlinearity is the productof horizontal displacement times the radial wavenumber, . It becomes large already in evolved -Scuti stars.This nonlinearity presents a major problem for interpretations ofamplitude modulation in RR Lyrae stars in terms of nonradial modeexcitation.  相似文献   

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