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赵志中 《城市地质》2001,13(3):40-42
想像基本可分为“再创性想像”和“创造性想像”。再创性想像就是学习的过程。而创造性想像以再创性想像为基础,是新的意像的独立创造,能创造出有价值的产品。在地质找矿中,应建立适合于矿床学特点的正确想像。  相似文献   

融水苗家喜斗马。 马一般都是由农家单独喂养,平时用于耙田、拉车,很少与同类争斗。但公马之间偶然相遇,一旦烈性爆发,就会发生争斗。其格斗之凶猛,场面之激烈,十分吓人。  相似文献   

通过实例论述了再创性想像与创造性想像在地质找矿中的重要作用.其中,后者比前者复杂和困难得多,它是新意像的独立创造,其必须在实践中才能进行.在地质找矿过程中,矿床学想像具有相当的普遍性,同时也具有相当重要的特殊性.  相似文献   

赵志中 《广东地质》2001,16(2):93-95
通过实例论述了再创性想像与创造性想像在地质找矿中的重要作用。其中,后者比前者复杂和困难得多,它是新意像的独立创造,其必须在实践中才能进行。在地质找矿过程中,矿床学想像具有相当的普遍性,同时也具有相当重要的特殊性。  相似文献   

1 "沉积之声"定位与特点"沉积之声"微信公众号创建于2019年9月12日,以向地学爱好者和普通大众传播地学知识,方便同行之间进行快速交流与学习为宗旨,并提出了"爱科研、学知识、爱传播、讲科普"的口号,号召共同打造地质学,特别是沉积学的基础知识专题,用科普性的语言介绍学科最新研究进展,科技服务大众。  相似文献   

张贵兴的早期小说曾受到台湾文坛热捧,但其创作中的异质风格与台湾文坛创作风气是不同的。从留台生文学的青涩模仿,到不同经验的书写实践,再到自成一脉的雨林书写,他用自己的笔墨展现出自己创作生涯中的不同的艺术实践过程,后期的南洋雨林魔幻世界的书写,集合象征、寓言和历史再现于一体,展现出一位旅台马华作家对原乡书写的不懈追求。  相似文献   

吴根耀  关静 《地质科学》2005,40(3):414-414,438,456
著名构造地质学家马杏垣先生的遗著《解析构造学》,2004年11月由地质出版社出版,全书共463页,885千字。解析构造学是20世纪80年代中期马杏垣先生在总结自己和研究集体的实践经验的基础上创建的。之后,在他的领导下,他的学生们在各自的研究岗位上做了许多工作,既丰富和完善了解析构造学的理论和方法,也使解析构造学在我国学术界得到进一步推广和应用。本书系统地介绍了解析构造学的形成与发展,构造解析的原则与方法,中国前寒武纪构造、大陆伸展构造、重力作用与构造运动、中国大地构造发展的基本样式与地壳构造演化,地学断面研究、中国地震活动与现今地球动力学研究等方面的内容。  相似文献   

国土资源管理工作极其重要,担负着保护资源保障发展的重任。我国重点经济工作无不与国土资源管理工作息息相关,许多关乎国计民生、经济社会发展的国土资源话题备受社会各界关注。为了加大国土资源宣传力度,让社会更多的人了解和关注国土资源,从本期起,本刊开辟"热点透视"栏目,特邀中国国土资源报社副刊部副主任、中国土地学会土地文化分会副秘书长、中国国土资源作家协会常务理事马亮撰稿,对国土资源热点问题进行剖析,以飨读者。  相似文献   

修正哈达马变换的快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以修正哈达马变换为基础,建立了修正哈达马变换的快速算法。首先,从N=8这种特殊情况出发,利用矩阵分解法,获得了快速修正哈达马变换及其逆变换的基本原理和方法,然后,又导出了快速算法的一般迭代公式。  相似文献   

由中国地质学会和北京科技大学等单位主办的国际金矿流体包裹体研究与找矿学术讨论会,于1992年8月12日~15日在北京召开。参加会议的中外代表共82人,他们分别来自俄罗斯、美国、英国、丹麦、西班牙、德国及中国。会议共收到论文摘要117篇,内容涉及矿物包裹体及金矿研究的矿床学、岩石学、矿物学、矿床地球化学、同位素地球化学及找矿学等。会议上交流的论文达48篇之多,并有以展示文字图表等方式的学术交流。  相似文献   

Björn Surborg 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):344-357
Information and communication technologies in general and the internet in particular are often praised as a means for enhancing democracy and providing new spaces for the development of an egalitarian civil society, in which all members of society can participate equally. However, there are various possibilities to monitor, manipulate and control cyberspace, of which the internet is an essential part. This paper examines the efforts of the Vietnamese government and the Vietnamese Communist Party to control cyberspace as well as the physical spaces through which the virtual world is accessed. There are attempts to control the internet in a similar fashion as the traditional print and broadcast media. Any such control is neither absolute nor without effect. Instead control is exercised in a highly flexible manner, allowing for some officially unwanted or illegal activity to occur. At the same time authorities can apply internet regulations, if it serves their political objectives as for example strengthening the Party’s official monopoly on political power. The paper traces the development of the internet as well as the regulatory environment surrounding it and analyses the inconsistent enforcement of regulations. The analysis is framed in the theoretical works of Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas.  相似文献   

The ground motion hazard for Sumatra and the Malaysian peninsula is calculated in a probabilistic framework, using procedures developed for the US National Seismic Hazard Maps. We constructed regional earthquake source models and used standard published and modified attenuation equations to calculate peak ground acceleration at 2% and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock site conditions. We developed or modified earthquake catalogs and declustered these catalogs to include only independent earthquakes. The resulting catalogs were used to define four source zones that characterize earthquakes in four tectonic environments: subduction zone interface earthquakes, subduction zone deep intraslab earthquakes, strike-slip transform earthquakes, and intraplate earthquakes. The recurrence rates and sizes of historical earthquakes on known faults and across zones were also determined from this modified catalog. In addition to the source zones, our seismic source model considers two major faults that are known historically to generate large earthquakes: the Sumatran subduction zone and the Sumatran transform fault. Several published studies were used to describe earthquakes along these faults during historical and pre-historical time, as well as to identify segmentation models of faults. Peak horizontal ground accelerations were calculated using ground motion prediction relations that were developed from seismic data obtained from the crustal interplate environment, crustal intraplate environment, along the subduction zone interface, and from deep intraslab earthquakes. Most of these relations, however, have not been developed for large distances that are needed for calculating the hazard across the Malaysian peninsula, and none were developed for earthquake ground motions generated in an interplate tectonic environment that are propagated into an intraplate tectonic environment. For the interplate and intraplate crustal earthquakes, we have applied ground-motion prediction relations that are consistent with California (interplate) and India (intraplate) strong motion data that we collected for distances beyond 200 km. For the subduction zone equations, we recognized that the published relationships at large distances were not consistent with global earthquake data that we collected and modified the relations to be compatible with the global subduction zone ground motions. In this analysis, we have used alternative source and attenuation models and weighted them to account for our uncertainty in which model is most appropriate for Sumatra or for the Malaysian peninsula. The resulting peak horizontal ground accelerations for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years range from over 100% g to about 10% g across Sumatra and generally less than 20% g across most of the Malaysian peninsula. The ground motions at 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years are typically about 60% of the ground motions derived for a hazard level at 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The largest contributors to hazard are from the Sumatran faults.  相似文献   

正由中国科协机关党委和中国科协科技社团党委主办的"不忘初心牢记使命"——党的十九大精神知识竞答决赛2018年6月29日在中国科技会堂圆满落幕。来自中国科协直属单位和所属全国学会的12支代表队参与现场竞答。中国地质学会代表队表现出众,获得多个奖项。在中国地质学会理事长和中国地质学会党委的支持和  相似文献   

Geographical Conditions and National Strategies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper is a summary based on the relationship between national conditions and development strategies for decades of consulting research. Through cases, the paper outlined the basic meaning of national conditions and geographical conditions and their close relationship with national development strategies, and emphasized the importance of comprehensive thinking and scientific judgment in the process of carrying out the governments’ strategies and development policies, and making development policies. At last, suggestions were made that the points of China’s national conditions and the rules of connection with government decision-making should be written into geography textbooks as well as into textbooks for party schools of the Communist Party of China.  相似文献   

Representative samples of diamonds from five kimberlite pipes (Lomonosovskaya, Archangel’sk, Snegurochka, XXIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), and Internationalnaya) of the Arkhangelskaya and Yakutian diamond provinces in Russia have been studied. Thirty-three varieties of metal films have been identified as syngenetic associated minerals. The films consist of 15 chemical elements that occur in the form of native metals and their natural alloys. Remnants of metal films were detected within diamond crystals. The metal films coating diamonds are a worldwide phenomenon. To date, these films have been described from Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. Native metals, their alloys, and intermetallides are actual companion minerals of diamond.  相似文献   

管志炜 《江西地质》1999,13(4):309-311
本文列举了新中国成立以来江西地质科技工作在基础地质,矿产地质,工程地质,水文地质,物化探,环境地质等方面取得令人瞩目的成就,对外科技交注与合作方面的丰硕成果的地矿事业50年的历史巨变,歌颂了伟大的中国共产党,优越的社会主义制度和伟大的祖国。  相似文献   

2011年元月,中共中央国务院发布了一号文件:"关于加快水利改革发展的决定",强调要实行最严格的水资源管理制度。地下水是公共生活供水和工农业用水的最佳水资源,是防旱抗旱最为可靠的后备水资源,尤其值得注意的是地下水是保证国家安全的战略水资源。根据目前我国地下水遭遇日益严重的过量超采和水质污染,并引发一系列地质灾害。要加强对全国地下水资源的科学管理,提出6点建议:1)开展水文地质补充勘察和调查;2)强化地下水综合监测网的建设;3)把监测和水质保护作为新时期加强地下水管理的重要内容;4)加强地下水的科学研究;5)要建立和完善保障地下水安全和合理开发的法规体系;6)理顺地下水专业人才培养渠道,培养高级专业人才。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代和60年代是曹聚仁随笔散文写作的高峰期。这一时期,无论是内地还是港台,政治气氛都十分浓厚。而作为国共两党的联系人的曹聚仁疏离政治,可以自由地往来于大陆和港台之间,仍然保持与母体文化联系,从而使他在写作上保持一定的文化优势。曹聚仁在随笔写作中重在对所游之地、所读之书的文史挖掘,显示出深厚的文化底蕴。曹聚仁以随笔散文的方式传承着民族文化的血脉,独自守望着古老而深厚的民族文化,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文利用川西盆地"安县"运动产生的不整合面,对存在多个地层划分分区的川西盆地上三叠统须家河组地层进行了岩性地层和层序地层的对比和划分。在具体分析了前陆盆地逆冲断层的幕式活动基础上,提出了前陆盆地中可容空间变化的不统一性,并且进一步在总结Posamentier(1992)利用盆地中构造沉降速度的分带现象将前陆盆地二分理论的基础上,提出了前陆盆地可容空间变化带分为四带:消失带、减小带、增加带、产生带。进而从构造运动、气候变化、物源供给和河流平衡剖面迁移四个方面对影响前陆盆地可容空间变化特征的因素进行了分析,认为河流平衡剖面迁移在前陆盆地中起到比断陷湖盆中更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

The tribute to Ivan Mikhaylovich Gubkin as written by M. I. Varentsov not only notes his contribution to Russian economic geology and to petroleum geology in particular but also his contribution to the Communist Party and the socialist government which it directs. The paper includes a discussion of his political philosophy. It stresses his insistence upon rigorous mental attack of geologic problems. It points out his realization that the solution of many practical geologic problems lies in a better understanding of the stratigraphic and tectonic framework (or geologic history) of major geologic regions such as geosynclines and platforms. [Much material of political nature is omitted in this abridged translation]. --WD. Lowry.  相似文献   

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