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We present H α , [N  ii ] and [O  iii ] ground-based and HST archive images, VLA–A 3.6-cm continuum and H92 α emission-line data and high-resolution long-slit [N  ii ] spectra of the planetary nebula Hu 2-1. A large number of structural components are identified in the nebula: an outer bipolar and an inner shell, two pairs of collimated bipolar structures at different directions, monopolar bow-shock-like structures, and an extended equatorial structure within a halo. The formation of Hu 2-1 appears to be dominated by anisotropic mass ejection during the late-AGB stage of the progenitor and by variable, 'precessing' collimated bipolar outflows during the protoplanetary nebula and/or early planetary nebula phases. Different observational results strongly support the existence of a binary central star in Hu 2-1, among them (1) the observed point-symmetry of the bipolar lobes and inner shell, and the departures from axial symmetry of the bipolar lobes, (2) the off-centre position of the central star, (3) the detection of mass ejection towards the equatorial plane, and (4) the presence of 'precessing' collimated outflows. In addition, (5) an analysis of the kinematics shows that the systemic velocity of the bipolar outflows does not coincide with the systemic velocity of the bipolar shell. We propose that this velocity difference is a direct evidence of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary system. From a deduced orbital velocity of ∼10 km s−1, a semimajor axis of ∼ 9–27 au and period of ∼ 25–80 yr are obtained, assuming a reasonable range of masses. These parameters are used to analyse the formation of Hu 2-1 within current scenarios of planetary nebulae with binary central stars.  相似文献   

We present [N  ii ] and H α images and high-resolution long-slit spectra of the planetary nebula IC 4846, which reveal, for the first time, its complex structure and the existence of collimated outflows. The object consists of a moderately elongated shell, two (and probably three) pairs of collimated bipolar outflows at different orientations, and an attached circular shell. One of the collimated pairs is constituted by two curved, extended filaments the properties of which indicate a high-velocity, bipolar precessing jet. A difference of ≃10 km s−1 is found between the systemic velocity of the precessing jets and the centroid velocity of the nebula, as recently reported for Hu 2-1. We propose that this difference is as a result of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary central star. The orbital separation of 30 au and period 100 yr estimated for the binary are similar to those in Hu 2-1, linking the central stars of both planetary nebulae to interacting binaries. Extraordinary similarities also exist between IC 4846 and the bewildering planetary nebula NGC 6543, suggesting a similar formation history for both objects.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of the first probable Galactic [WN] central star of a planetary nebula (CSPN). The planetary nebula candidate was found during our systematic scans of the AAO/UKST Hα Survey of the Milky Way. Subsequent confirmatory spectroscopy of the nebula and central star reveals the remarkable nature of this object. The nebular spectrum shows emission lines with large expansion velocities exceeding 150 km s−1, suggesting that perhaps the object is not a conventional planetary nebula. The central star itself is very red and is identified as being of the [WN] class, which makes it unique in the Galaxy. A large body of supplementary observational data supports the hypothesis that this object is indeed a planetary nebula and not a Population I Wolf–Rayet star with a ring nebula.  相似文献   

With the Hamilton echelle spectrograph at the Lick Observatory, emission-rich spectral lines of the planetary nebula NGC 6543 were secured in the wavelength range from 3550 to 10 100 Å. We chose two bright regions, ∼8 arcsec east and ∼13 arcsec north of the central star, the physical conditions and chemical abundances of which may differ as a result of the different physical characteristics involving the mass ejection of different epochs. By combining Hamilton echelle observations with archive UV data secured with the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ), we obtain improved diagnostics and chemical compositions for the two observed regions. The diagnostic diagram gives the average value of T e=8000∼8300 K, and the electron number density near N e∼5000 cm−3 for most ions, while some low-excitation lines indicate much higher temperatures, i.e. T e∼10 000 K. With the construction of a photoionization model, we try to fit the observed spectra in a self-consistent way: thus, for most elements, we employ the same chemical abundances in the nebular shell; and we adopt an improved Sobolev approximation model atmosphere for the hydrogen-deficient Wolf–Rayet type central star. Within the observational errors, the chemical abundances do not seem to show any positional variation except for helium. The chemical abundances of NGC 6543 appear to be the same as in average planetary nebulae. The progenitor star may have been an object of one solar mass, most of the heavier elements of which were less plentiful than in the Sun.  相似文献   

We present Hα, [N  II ]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size ≃ 11 × 9 arcsec2 in [N  II ]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width 0.7–1.3 arcsec) S-shaped region which extends almost all along the nebula (≃ 7 arcsec). The 6-cm continuum emission also arises in this narrow region, which is characterized by an exceedingly high point-symmetry and systematic and continuous changes of the orientation with respect to the nebular centre. The properties of the narrow region suggest that it represents a system of precessing bipolar jet-like components. Two low-excitation, compact bipolar knots near the tips of the jet-like components are observed in the deduced [N  II ]/Hα image ratio. These knots may be generated by the interaction of the collimated outflows with surrounding material. A comparison of the optical and radio images shows the existence of differential extinction within the nebula. Maximum extinction is observed in a disc-like region which traces the equator of the elliptical shell previously observed at 20-cm continuum. All available data strongly suggest that K 3-35 is a very young planetary nebula in which we could be observing the first stages of the formation of collimated outflows and point-symmetric structures typically observed in planetary nebulae. The properties of the jet-like components in K 3-35 are in good agreement with models of binary central stars in which highly collimated outflows originate either from a precessing accretion disc or via magnetic collimation in a precessing star.  相似文献   

We have analysed the near-infrared (NIR) and far-infrared (FIR) colours of MASH I and MASH II (the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg surveys) planetary nebulae (PNe), using data deriving from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey and Infrared Astronomical Satellite . We were able to identify ∼5 per cent of the sources in the NIR, and a slightly larger fraction (∼12 per cent) in the FIR. It is concluded that whilst the NIR colours of these nebulae are consistent with those of less evolved (and higher surface brightness) PNe, their FIR colours are markedly different. This disparity is likely to arise as a result of an evolution in dust temperatures, in their line emission characteristics, and in the relative contributions of the 8.6 and 11.3 μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features. A rump of ∼9 per cent of the detected sources have values  log[ F (25 μm)/ F (60 μm)]  which are lower than can be explained in terms of normal nebular evolution, however. If these are comparable in nature to the undetected PNe, then this would argue that ∼1 in 10 of MASH I and II nebulae may represent galactic H  ii regions, Stromgren spheres, symbiotic nebulae or other unrelated categories of source.  相似文献   

We have studied the chemistry of the molecular gas in evolved planetary nebulae. Three pseudo-time-dependent gas-phase models have been constructed for dense (104–105 cm−3) and cool ( T ∼15 K) clumpy envelopes of the evolved nebulae NGC 6781, M4-9 and NGC 7293. The three nebulae are modelled as carbon-rich stars evolved from the asymptotic giant branch to the late planetary nebula phase. The clumpy neutral envelopes are subjected to ultraviolet radiation from the central star and X-rays that enhance the rate of ionization in the clumps. With the ionization rate enhanced by four orders of magnitude over that of the ISM, we find that resultant abundances of the species HCN, HNC, HC3N and SiC2 are in good agreement with observations, while those of CN, HCO+, CS and SiO are in rough agreement. The results indicate that molecular species such as CH, CH2, CH2+ , HCl, OH and H2O are anticipated to be highly abundant in these objects.  相似文献   

In a search for new Galactic planetary nebulae from our systematic scans of the Anglo-Australian Observatory/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope (AAO/UKST) Hα Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane, we have identified a Population I Wolf–Rayet star of type WN7h associated with an unusual ring nebula that has a fractured rim. We present imagery in Hα, the 843-MHz continuum from the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST), the mid-infrared from the Midcourse Space Experiment ( MSX ), and confirmatory optical spectroscopy of the character of the nebula and of its central star. The inner edge of the Hα shell shows gravitational instabilities with a well-defined wavelength around its complete circumference.  相似文献   

We have undertaken echelle spectroscopy and narrow-band line imaging of the bipolar planetary nebula M 1-8. This has permitted us to map the outflow in [N  ii ]λλ 6548+6583 Å, Hα, and in the v = 1–0 S(1) transition of H2 at λ 2.122 μm. It has also permitted us to acquire high-resolution spectra for [N  ii ]λ 6583 Å, Hα and He  ii λ 6560 Å. Our observations support the results of a previous 2MASS analysis by two of the authors (J. P. Phillips and G. Ramos-Larios), and confirm that there is strong H2 emission outside of the ionized zone, as well as along the major axis of the outflow. Finally, we have investigated the spatial structure of the outflow in low and high excitation lines, and noted evidence for strong ionization stratification within the envelope of the source. We also note that major axis spectra show asymmetries attributable to outflow along the lobes, oriented at an angle i ∼ 35°–40° to the line of sight. Asymmetries along the minor axis, by contrast, appear to be associated with the central collimating disc, and may be interpretable in terms of asymmetries in disc structure, or rotation at an angular velocity of Ω∼ 1.4 10−12 rad s−1. If the disc arises due to common-envelope evolution, then it seems that angular momentum constraints must be relatively tight, and can only be satisfied given fairly extreme physical assumptions (such as low disc mass, high primary star mass, a low distance to the source and so forth).  相似文献   

We study the formation of radially aligned condensations and tails through the compression of material inside ionization shadows at early ionization phases of planetary nebulae. A dense clump, formed before ionization starts, forms an ionization shadow behind it. The surroundings, which are ionized before the shadow, have a higher temperature, and as a result compress the material in the shadow, forming a compressed tail. If the compressed tail crosses a dense shell, a dense condensation (clump) is formed there. At later stages this condensation is ionized and observed as a bright knot, radially aligned with the inner clump. We find that for the shadow to be effective, the clump should be already present as the ionization by the central star starts, and its density enhancement should be by a factor of ≳ 5. We propose this mechanism as an explanation for the radially aligned condensations recently found in the planetary nebula IC 4593.  相似文献   

Flux-calibrated low-resolution spectra covering the optical wavelength range from 3400 to 7500 Å have been obtained over the central region and the surroundings of the extraordinary planetary nebula (PN) KjPn 8 (PNG 112.5-00.1). The spectrum from the core is of low excitation with T e(N  II ) = 8000 K and n e(S  II ) = 550 cm−3. KjPn 8 is found to be a Type I PN according to the original classification scheme of Peimbert & Torres-Peimbert, with enriched He/H and N/O ratios with respect to mean values for PN. Increased O/H, Ne/H and Ar/H ratios over those of average PN reflect the possible metal-rich environment from which the progenitor star formed, and also are similar to those found in the extreme Type I PN He 2-111. The N/H ratio is found to be only moderately high compared to the average PN and consequently, the large O abundance pulls the N/O ratio towards the lower limit of the criterion for Type I planetary nebulae (PNe) in this case. In addition, the spectra of some knots and faint regions in the KjPn 8 surroundings are presented, which show only a few spectral lines. Low electron densities ranging from 100 to 300 cm−3 have been derived in these outer regions.  相似文献   

We present NH3(1,1) and (2,2) observations of MBM 12, the closest known molecular cloud (65-pc distance), aimed at finding evidence for on-going star formation processes. No local temperature (with a T rot upper limit of 12 K) or linewidth enhancement is found, which suggests that the area of the cloud that we have mapped (15-arcmin size) is not currently forming stars. Therefore this nearby 'starless' molecular gas region is an ideal laboratory to study the physical conditions preceding new star formation.
A radio continuum source has been found in Very Large Array archive data, close to but outside the NH3 emission. This source is likely to be a background object.  相似文献   

We calculate the X-ray emission from both constant and time-evolving shocked fast winds blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare our calculations with observations. Using spherically symmetric numerical simulations with radiative cooling, we calculate the flow structure and the X-ray temperature and luminosity of the hot bubble formed by the shocked fast wind. We find that a constant fast wind gives results that are very close to those obtained from the self-similar solution. We show that in order for a fast shocked wind to explain the observed X-ray properties of PNe, rapid evolution of the wind is essential. More specifically, the mass-loss rate of the fast wind should be high early on when the speed is  ∼300–700 km s−1  , and then it needs to drop drastically by the time the PN age reaches ∼1000 yr. This implies that the central star has a very short pre-PN (post-asymptotic giant branch) phase.  相似文献   

The central stars of highly evolved planetary nebulae (PNe) are expected to have closely similar absolute visual magnitudes MV . This enables us to determine approximate distances to these sources where one knows their central star visual magnitudes, and levels of extinction. We find that such an analysis implies values of D which are similar to those determined by Phillips; Cahn, Kaler & Stanghellin; Acker, and Daub. However, our distances are very much smaller than those of Zhang; Bensby & Lundstrom, and van de Steene & Zijlstra. The reasons for these differences are discussed, and can be traced to errors in the assumed relation between brightness temperature and radius.
Finally, we determine that the binary companions of such stars can be no brighter than   MV ∼ 6 mag  , implying a spectral type of K0 or later in the case of main-sequence stars.  相似文献   

We have observed a large sample of compact planetary nebulae in the near-infrared to determine how the 21P–21S He  i line at 2.058 μm varies as a function of stellar effective temperature, T eff. The ratio of this line with H  i Br γ at 2.166 μm has often been used as a measure of the highest T eff present in a stellar cluster, and hence of whether there is a cut-off in the stellar initial mass function at high masses. However, recent photoionization modelling has revealed that the behaviour of this line is more complex than previously anticipated. Our work shows that in most aspects the photoionization models are correct. In particular, we confirm the weakening of the 21P–21S line as T eff increases beyond 40 000 K. However, in many cases the model underpredicts the observed ratio when we consider the detailed physical conditions in the individual planetary nebulae. Furthermore, there is evidence that there is still significant 21P–21S He  i line emission even in the planetary nebulae with very hot     central stars. It is clear from our work that this ratio cannot be considered as a reliable measure of effective temperature on its own.  相似文献   

We have used the RXTE and INTEGRAL satellites simultaneously to observe the high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) IGR J19140+0951. The spectra obtained in the 3–80 keV range have allowed us to perform a precise spectral analysis of the system along its binary orbit. The spectral evolution confirms the supergiant nature of the companion star and the neutron star nature of the compact object. Using a simple stellar wind model to describe the evolution of the photoelectric absorption, we were able to restrict the orbital inclination angle in the range 38°–75°. This analysis leads to a wind mass-loss rate from the companion star of  ∼5 × 10−8 M yr−1  , consistent with an OB I spectral type. We have detected a soft excess in at least four observations, for the first time for this source. Such soft excesses have been reported in several HMXBs in the past. We discuss the possible origin of this excess, and suggest, based on its spectral properties and occurrences around the superior conjunction, that it may be explained as the reprocessing of the X-ray emission originating from the neutron star by the surrounding ionized gas.  相似文献   

We present high spatial resolution (∼0.8 arcsec) diffraction-limited 12.8-μm Ne  ii fine-structure emission line and 12.5-μm continuum images of the bright southern compact H  ii region G333.6–0.2, taken with the mid-infrared imaging polarimeter NIMPOL. The two images show remarkably similar, compact, yet asymmetric, flux distributions. The [Ne  ii ] image shows a complex structure near the ionizing source(s) which we interpret in terms of the ionization structure of the H  ii region. It is found that G333.6–0.2 is more likely to be excited by a cluster of O and B stars than by a single star.  相似文献   

The central stars of two of the new planetary nebulae found during scans of the AAO/UKST H α Survey of the Milky Way have been found to exhibit Wolf–Rayet (WR) emission features. One (PMR 1) is an early-type star of class either [WO4] or [WC4]. The other (PMR 2) is a late [WC] star which, depending on the classification scheme used, is either intermediate in class between [WC9] and [WC10] or the sole member of the [WC10] class. Both stars exhibit unusual spectral features which may be attributed to enhanced nitrogen in their atmospheres and could be indicative of unusual stellar evolution.  相似文献   

We present 10-μm ISO -SWS and Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the region in the cluster Wd1 in Ara centred on the B[e] star Ara C. An ISO -SWS spectrum reveals emission from highly ionized species in the vicinity of the star, suggesting a secondary source of excitation in the region. We find strong radio emission at both 3.5 and 6.3 cm, with a total spatial extent of over 20 arcsec. The emission is found to be concentrated in two discrete structures, separated by ∼ 14 arcsec. The westerly source is resolved, with a spectral index indicative of thermal emission. The easterly source is clearly extended and non-thermal (synchrotron) in nature. Positionally, the B[e] star is found to coincide with the more compact radio source, while the southerly lobe of the extended source is coincident with Ara A, an M2 I star. Observation of the region at 10 μm reveals strong emission with an almost identical spatial distribution to the radio emission. Ara C is found to have an extreme radio luminosity in comparison with prior radio observations of hot stars such as O and B supergiants and Wolf–Rayet stars, given the estimated distance to the cluster. An origin in a detatched shell of material around the central star is therefore suggested; however given the spatial extent of the emission, such a shell must be relatively young (τ ∼ 103 yr). The extended non-thermal emission associated with the M star Ara A is unexpected; to the best of our knowledge this is a unique phenomenon. SAX (2–10 keV) observations show no evidence of X-ray emission, which might be expected if a compact companion were present.  相似文献   

We present evidence for interaction between the supernova remnant (SNR) G357.7+0.3 and nearby molecular clouds, leading to the formation of wind-swept structures and bright emission rims. These features are not observed at visual wavelengths, but are clearly visible in mid-infrared mapping undertaken using the Spitzer Space Telescope . Analysis of one of these clouds, the bright cometary structure G357.46+0.60, suggests that it contains strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features in the 5.8 and 8.0 μm photometric bands, and that these are highly variable over relatively small spatial scales. The source is also associated with strong variations in electron density; a far-infrared continuum peak associated with dust temperatures of ∼30 K; and has previously been observed in the 1720 MHz maser transition of OH, known to be associated with SNR shock excitation of interstellar clouds. This source also appears to contain a young stellar object (YSO) within the bright rim structure, with a steeply rising spectrum between 1.25 and 24 μm. If the formation of this star has been triggered recently by the SNR, then YSO modelling suggests a stellar mass  ∼5–10 M  , and luminosity   L YSO∼102–2 × 103 L  .
Finally, it is noted that a further, conical emission region appears to be associated with the Mira V1139 Sco, and it is suggested that this may represent the case of a Mira outflow interacting with a SNR. If this is the case, however, then the distance to the SNR must be ∼half of that determined from CS   J = 2–1  and 3–2 line radial velocities.  相似文献   

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