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山东省海水养殖研究所与日照县海带育苗场协作,今年在石臼所利用海水池塘进行罗非鱼海水养殖试验中获得高产。在4.3亩试验水面中,经105天养殖,共收获罗非鱼7008.6斤,平均亩产罗非鱼1629.9斤。其中1号池平均亩产1865.5斤,商品鱼平均尾重0.56斤,最大尾重1.25斤。养殖期间共投喂商品饵料7023.6斤,平均饵料系数为1.11,是目前国内海水养殖罗非鱼单产最高水平。罗非鱼具有食性杂、生长快、适盐性广、群体产量高、耐低氧、肉味鲜美等优点,是海  相似文献   

本文通过海水养殖试验,研究红罗非鱼(Red Tilapia sp.)由淡水转入海水中养殖的可能性,为发展沿海养殖高质鱼类提供依据。根据实验结果表明,红罗非鱼经过海水驯化,能改变其生活习惯,适应新环境,成活率可达93.9%;放养0.15kg的鱼种,经过5个月左右的养殖,可增长到0.4—0.5kg,产量比黑罗非鱼提高39.1%,可作为黑罗非鱼的更新品种。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼是淡水养殖的好品种。近年来我国已大量引进并大面积进行淡水养殖。但是,从国内外资料看,尼罗罗非鱼还很少作为海水养殖对象,使其与东方对虾混养更是一个新课题。山东掖县防潮堤管理局试验的尼罗罗非鱼与东方对虾混养总结出了新经  相似文献   

作者对引进的红罗非鱼进行了生物学特性、繁殖育种及海水驯养等方面的试验研究,结果得出:①亲鱼的怀卵量与体长呈正相关(关系式为:Y=124.78L—588.8),在北方地区每年产卵3—4次,产卵量为怀卵量的1/2;②水温25—30℃,11—18d受精卵孵出鱼苗;③红罗非鱼不仅可在淡水中生存,且在自然海水和半咸水中均能生存,是海水养殖的优良品种;④红罗非鱼同虾混养,可提高鱼虾成活率,增大养成规格。  相似文献   

罗非鱼Tilapia sp具有生产周期短、产量高、食性广、适应性强等许多优点,如今已发展成为仅次于鲤鱼Cyprinus Carpio L.的世界范围的养殖鱼种。随着“200海浬时代”的到来,以及我国调整海洋渔业的要求,罗非鱼等优良品种的养殖引起了广泛的注意。但是,要把罗非鱼作为海水养殖对象,尚有一些生物学问题需要进一步商榷,国内有关报告也不多见。为此,我们将近年的初步试验简单报告如下:  相似文献   

中国的海岸线长达1.8万多公里,海洋生物资源丰富,拥有740多万亩可供海水养殖的海域。目前,全国海水养殖总面积已达167.6万亩。从解放以来,海水养殖事业有了较大发展,从无到有地发展了海带和紫菜的全人工养殖;动物养殖中鱼类养殖的比重很小,以虾类和贝类等无脊椎动物为主,在群众养殖经验的基础上,通过试验研究,发展了多品种、全人工养殖,现分别概述如下。  相似文献   

吴奕 《海洋信息》2001,(1):26-26
乐清湾40余万亩浅海滩涂,业已成为当地名副其实的聚宝盆。据乐清市水产主管部门统计,1999年该市海水养殖向积已达11.4万亩,海水养殖产景达5.6421万吨,养殖产值占全市农业总产值的1/3强,全市从事海水养殖的劳力达2.73万人,渔民劳均收入2.75万元,海水养殖已成为该市新的经济增长点与沿海渔民勤劳致富的好门路。 乐清湾系我国著名的大海湾之一,是我国海水养殖的发祥地之一。改革开放后,乐清湾海水养殖进入了新的历史阶段,经多年努力,养殖品种增至30余种,鱼、虾、蟹、贝、藻齐全。尤其  相似文献   

江苏盐城市射阳港对虾养殖公司继1990年试养82亩(1亩=666.6 m~2)两茬对虾获成功后又于1991年养殖了441亩两茬对虾取得了较好的经济效益,平均亩产217.1 kg亩盈利823.59元,比该公司单茬养虾亩盈利提高401.83元。  相似文献   

我们于1984年进行了中国对虾(Penaeus orientalis)与尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia nilotua)在海水中的混养试验。混养面积3.28亩。于7月20日发现罗非鱼呈不安状态,在沙石上蹭来蹭去,有的浮上水面,单独慢行,体色发黑。我们马上取样观察,发现罗非鱼身上有鱼虱(Caligus orientalis Gussev)爬行。鱼的头背部最多,有的遍布全身,被咬得皮肉模糊。如果是罗非鱼单养,用敌百虫马上就可把鱼虱杀死;但混养同时又会把对虾全部杀死。所以,为了使鱼、虾共生,达到中国对虾和罗非鱼混养试验成功的  相似文献   

秦皇岛市沿海各县、区利用自然优势,开发海水养殖业,已在短期内取得明显经济效益。秦皇岛市地处渤海之滨,海岸线长达一百一十公里,近海浅海面积达二十万亩,荒芜滩涂十万亩,为发展海水养殖业提供了有利的自然条件。海上发展紫贻贝、栉孔扇贝、网箱养虾,滩涂发展养虾、尼罗罗非鱼都有良好的前途。  相似文献   

氮磷营养盐与有机汞联合作用对微氏海链藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨在高营养盐(氮、磷、硅分别为浮游植物生长的营养盐阚值≥40、50、9倍)条件下,氮浓度及氮磷摩尔比值[n(N)/n(P)]变化、汞(甲基汞和乙基汞)对微氏海链藻(Thalassiosira weissflogii)生长的影响。结果表明,高营养盐区海链藻的生长遵循营养盐限制的唯一因子论;氮浓度和氮磷比提高促进生长,当n(N)/n(P)=64则呈抑制效应;生长初期,甲基汞和乙基汞均产生毒性抑制作用,生长中后期,适量甲基汞(浓度≤1.0μg/L)、乙基汞(浓度≤0.5μg/L)却呈兴奋效应,促进生长;汞形态不同,剂量-效应关系不同。氮和有机汞是海链藻生长的刺激因子。适度有机汞污染与氮富营养化对微氏海链藻的生长产生协同效应。  相似文献   

从上行控制角度,通过野外采样和围隔培养实验,研究了水母的代谢及分解过程对水体环境中pH、溶解氧、营养盐组成的影响,以及该过程中浮游植物的变化。实验结果表明,沙海蜇在代谢过程中短时间内会大量消耗水体中的溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO),使水体出现低氧和轻度酸化。代谢过程释放出大量营养盐,使水体中的溶解无机氮(dissolved inorganic nitrogen,DIN)浓度在24h内增加为原来的12倍,溶解无机磷(dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP)浓度增加了40多倍,进而引起水体中叶绿素a(chlorophyll a,chl a)浓度的增加。沙海蜇的分解过程使水体表现出明显的低氧(缺氧)和酸化现象。沙海蜇生物量越大,分解时间越长,对水体的改变程度越明显,此外,还释放出大量的营养盐并改变原有的营养盐结构,可以刺激甲藻和绿藻的生长,甚至可能引发藻华。  相似文献   

通过分析海绵清除大肠杆菌的过程,研究海绵净化细菌的机理。作者利用荧光显微镜和激光共聚焦显微镜观测等手段,监测和分析了绿色荧光大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)在繁茂膜海绵(Hymeniacidon perlevis)体内、体外水环境中数量变化过程。在1 L含有3×107个/m L绿色荧光大肠杆菌的海水中放入鲜重(1.02±0.11)g的繁茂膜海绵24块,处理7 h,海水中的荧光大肠杆菌数量逐渐降低;而海绵体内荧光大肠杆菌数量在2 h时内逐渐增多,之后的2 h趋于稳定,4 h以后开始逐渐减少。水体中大肠杆菌不仅进入海绵体内,而且进入海绵细胞内。含有荧光大肠杆菌的海绵块转入无菌海水中后,海绵体内及细胞中大肠杆菌逐渐消失,而且大肠杆菌没有被释放到环境海水中。分析表明,繁茂膜海绵能够以摄食的方式净化水环境中的大肠杆菌。  相似文献   

海水酸化暴露可对海洋生物产生多层面的影响。本研究以潮间带野生与潮下带养殖长牡蛎(不同生境背景)的不同组织(鳃、外套膜及消化腺)为研究对象,分析在室内调控p CO2模拟海水酸化暴露条件下,其基础代谢活动、能量代谢以及氧化应激相关指标的变化情况。结果显示:海水酸化暴露后,两种长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)的基础代谢过程均受到了一定抑制作用且受影响程度差异明显。潮间带野生与潮下带养殖长牡蛎的关键生理过程(能量代谢及氧化应激)对海水酸化暴露存在不同的响应变化,表明两种长牡蛎应对海水酸化的调节机制可能存在差异。依据PLS-DA分析结果显示,在所有生理指标中,对样本的差异贡献较高(VIP值1)的指标为:SDH、AST、ATPase、ATP含量、糖原含量、CAT、GST及SOD,表明海水酸化暴露后,在两种长牡蛎的3种组织中上述指标的响应变化程度更大。综合评价分析多个生理指标的整体变化揭示:在海水酸化暴露条件下,潮间带野生长牡蛎比潮下带养殖长牡蛎对海水酸化的生理响应更为剧烈;相比于鳃及消化腺组织,长牡蛎外套膜组织可能受影响更大。  相似文献   

夏季外海水入侵对大亚湾浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨熙  谭烨辉 《海洋科学》2019,43(7):96-105
夏季大亚湾存在由粤东沿岸上升流所引起的外海水入侵现象,且入侵强度存在年际差异,作者利用大亚湾2004~2017年历年夏季航次调查数据,将弱入侵年份与强入侵年份进行对比分析,以探讨外海水入侵对大亚湾浮游植物群落结构的影响。结果显示,当外海水入侵由弱变强时,湾内水体理化特征发现显著变化,水体由高温低盐转变为低温高盐,N、P等营养盐含量出现下降。海水理化性质的改变导致了浮游植物群落结构的变化,硅藻、甲藻种类数以及浮游植物Shannon-wiener指数均出现升高;浮游植物总丰度和硅藻丰度下降,甲藻丰度变化不明显;常见浮游植物种类伪菱形藻属(Pseudo-nitzschiasp.)、角毛藻属(Chaetocerossp.)和叉角藻(Ceratiumfurca)丰度出现下降,而中肋骨条藻(Skeletonemacostatum)和菱形海线藻(Thalassionemanitzschioides)丰度出现升高;优势种由单一硅藻种类向硅藻和甲藻共为优势转变。此外,外海水入侵还会通过改变海水理化因子的空间分布以及湾内上层水体流向来影响浮游植物群落结构的空间分布。  相似文献   

Microbial degradation and utilization of proteins derived from bacterial detritus were investigated in a microcosm experiment using Pseudomonas aeruginosa detritus as a substrate. To assess the effects of natural marine microbial communities on degradation and utilization of protein derived from P. aeruginosa cells, four microcosms were prepared: natural seawater (containing the natural microbial community) with P. aeruginosa detritus (N+Pa), autoclaved seawater with P. aeruginosa detritus (A+Pa), natural seawater (N) and autoclaved seawater (A) without adding anything as a control. The numbers of total and growing bacterial cells, protease activity, and transition of P. aeruginosa proteins were monitored in the four microcosms. Changes in the numbers of total and growing bacterial cells and protease activities indicated that bacterial detritus significantly stimulated the microbial community in the microcosms. Both the surviving P. aeruginosa in A+Pa and natural microbial community in N+Pa microcosms were able to degrade and utilize P. aeruginosa detritus; however, the community in N+Pa including various microbes maintained high activity longer, indicating that diversity is an important factor in keeping the community active. Even under the very high protease activity in N+Pa, 39-kDa and 48-kDa proteins from P. aeruginosa remained in the microcosm during the entire experiment (150 days). Immunoblotting suggested the 48-kDa protein was an intact molecule of OprP, which had been detected from the dissolved fraction of natural seawater in previous studies. This result suggests that the protein molecules that had been detected from natural seawater actually had a high tolerance to microbial degradation.  相似文献   

1. The adsorption action of basic zinc carbonate adsorbent on uranium in natural seawater can be expressed with the following formula of adsorption isotherm:C=k(U*)n = 8.51× 10-1(U*)0.49,where C is the concentration of uranium on adsorbent; U* is content of uranium in natural seawater employed.2. when the quantity of basic zinc carbonate adsorbent (T) is constant, with the increase of natural seawater quantity through the adsorption column (G), also increased are the adsorption content of uranium of the adsorbent (U), the concentration of uranium on the adsorbent (C) and the concentration of residual uranium (C0*) in natural seawater after adsorbing uranium, while the rate of recovery of uranium (R) is decreased. With the increase of (G) the coefficient of distribution (Kd) decreases to a certain value and then a little rises again.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of seawater acidification induced by ocean CO2 sequestration on bathypelagic prokaryotes. We simulated acidification conditions by bubbling high-CO2 air or adding chemical buffer solutions to seawater samples in order to examine changes in total cell counts, heterotrophic production rate, direct viable cell count, and relative abundance of Bacteria and Archaea. Considerable suppression of prokaryotic activities was observed at pH 7.0 or lower, especially in samples enriched with organic matter. The relative abundance of Archaea increased with increasing CO2 concentration. We found that seawater acidification can potentially alter heterotrophic activities and community structure of bathypelagic prokaryotes.  相似文献   

In the framework of the KEOPS project (KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water), we aimed to provide information on the water mass pathways and vertical mixing on the Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Ocean, based on 228Ra profiles. Because 228Ra activities are extremely low in this area (~ 0.1 dpm/100 kg or ~ 2.10− 18 g kg− 1), the filtration of large volumes of seawater was required in order to be able to detect it with minimal uncertainty. This challenging study was an opportunity for us to test and compare methods aimed at removing efficiently radium isotopes from seawater. We used Mn-fiber that retains radium and that allows the measurement of all four radium isotopes (226Ra, 228Ra, 223Ra, 224Ra). First, we used Niskin bottles or the ship's seawater intake to collect large volumes of seawater that were passed onto Mn-fiber in the laboratory. Second, we filled cartridges with Mn-fiber that we placed in tandem on in situ pumps. Finally, we fixed nylon nets filled with Mn-fiber on the frame of in situ pumps to allow the passive filtration of seawater during the pump deployment.Yields of radium fixation on the cartridges filled with Mn-fiber and placed on in situ pumps are ca. 30% when combining the two cartridges. Because large volumes of seawater can be filtered with these pumps, this yields to effective volumes of 177–280 kg (that is, higher than that recovered from fourteen 12-l Niskin bottles). Finally, the effective volume of seawater that passed through Mn-fiber placed in nylon nets and deployed during 4 h ranged between 125 and 364 kg. Consequently, the two techniques that separate Ra isotopes in situ are good alternatives for pre-concentrating radium from seawater. They can save ship-time by avoiding repeated CTD casts to obtain the large volumes of seawater. This is especially true when in situ pumps are deployed to collect suspended particles. However, both methods only provide 228Ra/226Ra ratios. The determination of the 228Ra specific activity is obtained by multiplying this ratio by the 226Ra activity measured in a discrete sample collected at the same water depth.  相似文献   

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