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黄河经常改道,给中国带来肥沃的耕地,也带来灾难。历代黄河河道变迁反映在地图上,可以断定地图的成图年代。先秦至宋代,黄河基本在华北平原用不同河道进入渤海。自1194年开始,黄河夺淮,分两支,北入渤海,南注黄海。1580年治河后,黄河只有南支汇淮河入黄海,到1855年再恢复单支入渤海。黄河4次大改道的历史可以印证地图成图年代。《坤輿万国全图》上的黄河分两支,为1194—1580年状态,不是利玛窦与李之藻时代的黄河,他们应该目击而未更正,证明两者均没有参加《坤輿万国全图》的测绘,地图存在远较二人时代为早。卫匡国的《中国新地图集》,黄河只表示南支入黄海,是1580年以后的材料,比1541年的《广舆图》资料更新。地图制作有勘探、测绘、拼合、制版、印刷、翻译等步骤。严格来说,地图最重要的创作者是勘探测绘者,其他的任务是后勤,翻译重绘更是省事。《中国新地图集》主要制作人不是卫匡国,实为中国历代省、县、乡分工测绘,明代统其成,已用经纬线,球形投影绘制。《坤輿万国全图》则是郑和等率领大航海的经验总结。卫、利、李等人只参与翻译,添加地名和序言。这两份外国保存的中国地图重现中国历史,证明郑和时代的大航海是世界地理大发现的先驱,近代地图学为中国原创,中国地图学西传才更接近史实。  相似文献   

公元1430年前中国测绘美洲——《坤舆万国全图》探秘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定性与定量分析《坤舆万国全图》和同时期的欧洲绘世界地图:墨卡托(1569)、奥特里乌斯(1570)、墨卡托(1595)北极圈地图和普兰修斯(1594)地图,揭示《坤舆万国全图》内容并非采自欧洲地图.《坤舆万国全图》显示文艺复兴前的欧洲,而美洲一半的地名在同时期的欧洲绘地图上没有出现,部分是利玛窦去世至少200年后欧洲人才知道的地理.《坤舆万国全图》准确标示今日的加利福尼亚、雷尼尔山(雪山)、阿拉斯加的冰川峡湾(美湾)、安克拉治附近的水潮与北美最高峰迪纳利(水潮峰)纬度与地理特征完全符合,南美智利与秘鲁的经度比较正确.普兰修斯与墨卡托的地图严重错误和不确定.《坤舆万国全图》的中国地名地理不是利玛窦年代的,是公元1430年以前的,比哥伦布到达美洲早60年以上.传教士卫匡国1655年出版的《中国新地图集》不可能是他测绘,只能翻译中国原数据,说明明代中国有能力测绘大面积有准确经纬度和球形投影的地图.这两种地图证实中国的世界地理知识和地图学并非来自西方.《坤舆万国全图》证明中国明代大航海是世界地理大发现与地图学的先行者.  相似文献   

李兆良 《测绘科学》2016,41(7):59-66
通过对详细的地理地名考析,结论是《坤舆万国全图》并非意大利传教士利玛窦根据欧洲世界地图翻译绘制,该地图的地理测绘不是1602年完成,而是1430年左右,即郑和第六次大航海之后。该地图的欧洲部分是1400年以前的地理,中国部分为1430年左右,部分美洲却是1800年以后欧洲人才知道的,与西方公认的地理大发现历史严重冲突。卫匡国的《中国新地图集》不可能是他在中国9年内完成,证明经纬度、球形投影等技术是明代中国人发明的地图绘制技术,不是"西学东渐"。此外,其他明代文化文物在美洲遗存等旁证有力支持地图论据,证明明代中国人比哥伦布先抵美洲,《坤舆万国全图》是中国文献,用现代地图学技术测绘,明代中国人是15世纪世界地理大发现和现代地图学的真正先驱。  相似文献   

1593年刻印的《乾坤万国全图天下人物事迹》地图载有亚伯尔耕、加拿大的名字,没有亚墨利加,显示明代知道新大陆的地名比利玛窦制作的《坤舆万国全图》早9年。1570年的奥特里斯的世界地图说明欧洲还没有到过美洲西部。普兰修斯1590年和1594年的地图完善了欧洲人还没有到过美洲的西部和亚洲地理,比对中文的《坤舆万国全图》的准确性,唯一可能是西方采纳了来自中国的信息。其中最大可能是荷兰航海者林斯豪滕和他相熟的中国通在印度果阿的交流,果阿是郑和当年必经之地。1590年后,西方地图有了飞跃的发展,其后西方海洋霸权中心从葡萄牙转移到荷兰和英国。奥特里斯1570年的世界地图,普兰修斯1590年与1594年的世界地图,3种地图逐步改善了西方对新大陆和中国的认识,但是没有欧洲人测量的文献根据,应该是中国的世界地理知识传入西方。《乾坤万国全图天下人物事迹》《郑和航海图》与《坤舆万国全图》代表3种不同用途的地图,均为中国创绘。《坤舆万国全图》的原图是明代内府藏的世界地图,约1430年成图,远早于利玛窦和李之藻时代。明代中国人是世界地理大发现者,是现代地图学的先驱,地图学起码是中国独立创建的,不是来自西方。  相似文献   

李敬敏  骆遥 《测绘科学》2021,46(4):121-134
《坤舆万国全图》是我国现存最早的世界地图,针对以往难于窥见巨幅地图全貌,国内学者对其投影类型及性质一直存在争论,该文利用美国国会图书馆高清扫描件对其进行考证,确认《坤舆万国全图》主图采用Ortelius椭圆投影,并利用现代计算机技术对其进行恢复,提取出精确的地理信息,为进一步研究中西测绘史提供了数字化实例.同时,针对近年来明代中国人环球测绘《坤舆万国全图》的说法,该文对成图年代、部分地名注记、南美大陆形状等进行研究,认为质疑《坤舆万国全图》的主要观点并不成立,该图作者应是利玛窦,利玛窦世界地图无疑是东西方文化交流互鉴中最具传奇色彩的历史见证.  相似文献   

龚缨晏  黄冶辉 《地图》2003,(5):20-25
1582年,意大利传教士利玛窦来到中国。1584年,他在广东肈庆绘制出第一幅世界地图,这也是近代意义上最早的中文世界地图。此后,他在中国各地又绘制了多种世界地图。1603年,利玛窦在北京绘制了《两仪玄览图》。但是,长期以来,人们对于利玛窦在华绘制世界地图的过程及这些地图的收藏情况并不十分清楚,直到今天,依然有许多错误的说法。在此《两仪玄览图》问世400周年之际,特撰此文,以志纪念。  相似文献   

《天下九边分野人迹路程全图》图说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《天下九边分野人迹路程全图》图说陈健(北京图书馆舆图组100081)《天下九边分野人迹路程全图》最近在英国地图拍卖市场上出现,下面就简单介绍一下该留情况。这幅图可以说是中国古代编制的一幅比较完整的世界地图,是—幅价值很高的图。它是清朝早期摹绘下来的少...  相似文献   

《地图》杂志征稿启事1)《地图》杂志欢迎下列来稿:地图学理论、地图制图新技术、专题地图、地图生产技术经验、地图学史、地图制印、地图学教育、地理与地图、地图应用、地图学人物介绍、地理信息系统、地图书刊评介、地国科普、小品、文摘等。2)因涉及知识产权等复...  相似文献   

1991年11月在北京举行的第四届全国地图学学术讨论会是中国历史上规模最大的一次地图学专业讨论会,共收到论文(摘要)250余篇。为了促进学术交流,推动地图学理论、生产、应用的发展,会议决定出版《论文选集》,委托《地图》杂志编辑部编辑,由中国地图出版社出版。中国测绘学会地图制图专业委员会、中国地理学会地图学与地理信息系统专业委员会、中国地质学会地质制图专业委员会的负责人和第四届全国地图学学术讨论会4个分会场的负责人以及《地图》杂志编辑部的同  相似文献   

由国际地图学协会(ICA)组织编写,向世界各国推荐作为地图专业学生和技术人员适用的教科书《基础地图学》(Basic Cartography)(第一卷已由陆漱芬、王近仁译出,测绘出版社于1991年8月出版发行)。该书英文版1984年编成,参加编写的有6位不同国藉的知名学者,包括2位教授、3位博士和1位制印专家,他们在统一体系下分工合作配合默契,取得了良好的协作效果。该书中文版本是继西班牙文  相似文献   

In the early 1780s, Nagakubo Sekisui, the first Japanese scientific geographer, published a world map containing latitudes and longitudes, based on Matteo Ricci's map of 1602. The map and its extensive explanatory text had a considerable impact on the educated classes of the late Edo Period (1603–1868) toward their new vision of the world. We are providing here an analysis of the map and the first complete English translation of Nagakubo Sekisui's most interesting, long explanatory text.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):243-253

Indigenous people throughout the world developed their own mapping skills and systems of knowledge. While Westerners are prone to overlook these communities' geographical knowledge and imagine their mapping activities to be primitive or non-existent, their mental maps are often impressive in sophistication and detailed even if based on cosmologies that are quite foreign to Western thinking. This article depicts a mental map of the ocean floor shared by Polynesians of Anuta, a remote community in the Solomon Islands. It situates Anuta's reef map in relation to academic discussions of indigenous cartography and describes the process that resulted in the map's physical representation.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):199-201

The author reflects on some of the main influences on map design which occurred during his own working lifetime in cartography. These include the post-World War II developments in graphic arts technology and the impetus these gave to what is now regarded to 'traditional' cartography; the design challenge of the photomap; theory and research in the nineteen seventies and early nineteen eighties and finally the digital transition.

The use of powerful digital systems to experiment with cartographic design, and the improvements in design standards which expert systems may offer to noncartographers are regarded as important prospects in the immediate future.  相似文献   


John Keates is very well known for his numerous scholarly contributions to cartography as an academic discipline and science. However, throughout his career, he was also very actively involved in the design and production of maps. Mostly these were specialized thematic maps produced as the result of scientific research in the field sciences, especially in geology, glaciology and vegetation studies. However, during the 1970s he was much involved in the design and production of a considerable number of maps for recreation purposes, including maps for orienteering. Many of these maps were regarded at that time as being extremely innovative in terms of their cartographic design and layout. The article outlines the development of what became known as the 'Glasgow' style of map design John Keates' involvement with recreation maps in the 1970s.  相似文献   

Fifty Years of The Cartographic Journal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Cartographic Journal was established a year after the founding of the British Cartographic Society in 1963 and so 2014 marked 50 years since the first, general-distribution journal of cartography in English was published. This paper offers a brief account of its genesis and its development in reflecting and shaping the leading themes in cartographic research over the years, and explains how the Society's flagship publication and an official journal of the ICA (International Cartographic Association) has maintained its position at the forefront of academic publishing in cartography.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):329-341

The background and context to the cartography of the French military engineer Lewis Petit and his work in Scotland is explained. Petit was responsible for drafting the earliest plans and profiles of four castles in the north-west Highlands of Scotland (1714), as well as the earliest town plans of Perth and Inverness (1716). A consideration of their functions, particularly through the Board of Ordnance archives, allows a better understanding of these plans and their value as historical sources, as well as their accurate dating. Petit's work reflected national and international developments, including war in Europe and the Jacobite rebellions in Britain. His cartography illustrates the spread of new European military theories and practices, at a time when a professional corps of military engineers was being established in Great Britain. Through studying Petit and his maps we can gain a fuller understanding not only of the Board of Ordnance in Hanoverian Scotland, but also of the militarisation of cartography in the eighteenth century, and the emergence of standards relating to colour, scale and terminology.  相似文献   

The author, in response to a critical review of his book on automation in cartography by K. A. Salishchev (see preceding article), defends his ideas on “raster digitizing” (proposed as only one of several approaches to cartographic automation) by documenting the need for a certain level of uniformity in the storage and presentation of information. In the process he continues a debate on the theoretical basis that should govern the development of automated cartography that occupied the entire “Cartography” section of the May 1986 issue of Geodeziya i kartografiya. In a preface to the section, the editorial board of the Soviet journal emphasized that there is no single, universally accepted position on standards for automating cartography or on the ultimate role automation should play in the discipline as a whole. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1986, No. 5, pp. 38–43.  相似文献   

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