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随着测绘、网络和通信技术的进步,地图的表现形式发生了翻天覆地的变化,互联网地图和地理信息服务已经成为互联网信息服务的一项重要内容。实景影像是近几年在互联网上推出的一种新形式地图,本文从介绍实景影像的获取方法和特点入手,结合公开地图技术审查基本原则,探讨实景影像地图的审查重点和实现技术手段,摸索信息化条件下实景影像地图的监管方法。  相似文献   

刘文 《现代测绘》2014,(1):59-60
三维景观旅游地图是当今旅游地图发展的一个新趋势。此类地图的编制方法是在运用传统地图语言表现地图基本地理内容的基础上,利用大比例尺的地形数据、遥感影像,通过矢量建模、标量合成叠加等技术,着力表现真实立体的地貌、建筑物和景观实景,让使用者有一目了然、身临其境的感受。三维景观旅游地图的成品既有实用性又有美观性。  相似文献   

实景三维是国家新型基础设施的重要组成部分,在各行业具有广泛的应用。如何在安全的前提下促进三维数据最大程度的共享已成为实景三维应用的迫切需要。针对实景三维纹理中存在涉密敏感目标问题,传统依赖人工检索敏感目标并通过图像编辑工具处理的脱密方法效率低,本文提出一种结合深度学习的纹理影像敏感目标自动识别与脱密方法。首先通过秘密点POI检索包含秘密目标的三维模型及对应的纹理影像;然后基于YOLOv5s网络模型自动识别纹理影像中的敏感目标,并利用GrabCut有效提取目标;最后基于多尺度的Patch match对纹理影像块进行修复。试验表明,本文方法目标识别准确率为95.3%,与人工处理相比全流程用时缩短40%以上,有效提取并去除纹理影像中的敏感目标,实现了快速脱密,促进了实景三维模型数据的安全共享。  相似文献   

左栋  张雨心 《测绘通报》2016,(9):108-111
随着基于互联网及各类导航设备的电子地图和地理信息服务的迅速发展,互联网地图上涉及国家安全保密信息的泄露和传播问题日益凸显,严重损害了国家利益,威胁着国家安全。承载这些涉密信息的最重要的载体便是POI。本文对我国互联网地图POI存在的涉密问题及其产生原因进行了分析,并从行政管理和软件技术两个方面提出了互联网地图POI涉密问题的解决办法,使互联网地图在更好地服务于社会公众的同时,确保国家主权与安全不受侵犯与威胁。  相似文献   

回顾了北京市测绘设计研究院二十多年地理信息产业的发展历史,分析了所面临的机遇与挑战,认为空间数据的可视化输出-地图生产是地理信息产业的主要任务之一。搞好这项工作应建立GIS数据库到地图数据库的双向通道;扩展地图数据库的地图制图和桌面出版功能;编制好系列基础底图和社会公众普遍需要的普通地图、政区图、地名图、交通旅游图,逐步实现编制导航地图,争取导航电子地图资质;做好用户需求调查,编制若干专题地图产品;开发影像地图、三维地图、实景地图等地理信息新品种;跟踪国家开展的各类普查或调查项目,编制高科技含量的地图集。  相似文献   

影像地图是一种地图产品,基于ArcGIS软件平台提出了一种影像地图制作的方法,介绍了影像地图的设计与数据选择,详细说明了该软件平台下影像地图的符号制作、模板制作、图外整饰、数据输出方面的内容。  相似文献   

从项目目的出发,基于地理信息数据的特点、扶贫区域影像特殊性以及制图的基本要求,研究了不同于常规城市影像地图制作,而符合地理国(省)情监测区域国家扶贫点专题影像地图要求的制作方法。以陕西为例,从幅面设计、内容设计、符号设计等方面阐述了扶贫点专题影像地图制作的总体设计思路。  相似文献   

曹勇  何宗宜 《测绘通报》2014,(7):98-101
影像丝绸地图作为一种地图产品,兼具丝绸地图的艺术性、实用性与影像地图的真实直观。相较于普通的纸质线划地图,影像丝绸地图在设计和制作上也有着不同的要求。本文结合《广州市影像(丝绸)地图》编制过程,详细论述了影像丝绸地图在数字制图环境下表示内容设计、色彩、符号设计等方面的原理与方法,介绍了该地图的制作流程与方法。  相似文献   

随着社会科技的不断发展,实景地图以真实直观的现实实景与传统的二维地图相结合,给人们带来更真实的视觉效果。目前,实景地图正广泛应用、服务于人们的工作、生活等各个方面。在实景地图生产制作过程中,对于作业人员而言经常会因为各种原因导致生产受阻,无法进行正常作业。本文结合近年来实景地图生产实践,分析了作业过程中常见的问题,并给出解决办法,大大提高了实景地图作业的生产效率及质量。  相似文献   

在前人研究的基础上,结合笔者所从事的具体的地图编、审工作,探讨公开地图的信息开放与安全问题.对地图的涉密内容进行梳理和分类.针对社会发展对地图的现实需求已经发生重大变化和技术发展为地图信息开放提供了条件这些现实问题,提出地图信息开放的必要性、及时性以及地图信息的安全处理问题.  相似文献   

杨永崇  郭岚 《测绘科学》2007,32(4):185-186,165
比例尺与分辨率是两个相似的概念,但比例尺通常被理解为缩小倍数,而分辨率则通常被理解为细节表现力或精细度。与纸质地图不同,地图比例尺的概念对于数字地图是没有实际意义的。所以用分辨率代替比例尺来描述数字地图较为贴切。数字地图的分辨率主要是说明地图中地理信息的详细程度、细致程度、精确程度和表达方式,数字地图的空间分辨率可用类似于比例尺精度的数字来表示。  相似文献   

Persuasive maps are ubiquitous in society, yet cartographers have largely neglected to conduct serious, holistic research on them. Persuasive maps represent a form of visual communication that differs markedly from scientific geovisualization. First, many of these maps' communicative goals are anathema to those of scientific representation. Second, many persuasive maps ignore and defy established cartographic conventions. This article argues two things. First, the cartographic discipline can gain insight about how maps communicate information from the longitudinal and holistic analysis of persuasive maps. By comparing the differences and similarities of persuasive maps to scientific geovisualizations, researchers can begin to understand how persuasive maps communicate differently than scientific ones. Second, breaking persuasive maps down into composite parts may make it possible to identify persuasive map norms (i.e., methods of design that are embraced by producers of persuasive maps). The results of a content analysis of 256 persuasive maps are discussed. The article concludes that it may be possible to take the most statistically significant results from this study to begin identifying different rhetorical styles of persuasive maps.  相似文献   

作为一种新的空间信息认知工具,在线地图适时性强,传播方便。文章总结了在线地图的特点和使用方式,并以交通查询为例分析了用户使用在线地图的地图信息认知过程、信息获取的阶段并根据以上分析得出了在线地图空间认知的一般规律。为数字环境下的空间信息表达与认知提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


Since the publication of the first waterway map in 1990, the Inland Waterways of Britain series has expanded to a total of twenty three individual maps, a national route planning map, the first ring atlas and a directory of the inland waterways which explores aspects of preservation, restoration and heritage. Many of the titles have featured in walking guides, directories, promotional literature and web sites. This paper outlines the development of the series from the first map, describing the maps themselves, tracking the evolution of production methodologies, defining marketing and sales strategies and discussing the decision-making processes behind the publication and introduction of new titles.  相似文献   

女性一直被认为缺少空间感和方向感,但在借助地图指向时,这种现象就不那么明显了.随着女性活动范围的扩大,地图的作用就越发显得重要.文章分析了现行地图不为女性常用的原因,提出女性参与设计编辑面向女性的专用地图,使地图表现更加多样化,同时,借助因特网、智能手机等数字信息引导,使得女性使用地图更加便捷、有效.  相似文献   


Social, economic, and environmental statistical data associated with geographic points are currently globally available in large amounts. When conventional thematic maps, such as proportional symbol maps or point diagram maps, are used to represent these data, the maps appear cluttered if the point data volumes are relatively large or cover a relatively dense region. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new type of thematic map for statistical data associated with geographic points: the point grid map. In a point grid map, an input point data set is transformed into a grid in which each point is represented by a square grid cell of equal size while preserving the relative position of each point, which leads to a clear and uncluttered appearance, and the grid cells can be shaded or patterned with symbols or diagrams according to the attributes of the points. We present an algorithm to construct a point grid map and test it with several simulated and real data sets. Furthermore, we present some variants of the point grid map.  相似文献   

随着信息技术、网络技术和多媒体技术在数字地图学领域的不断渗透,网络地图已经成为地图产品的重要组成部分。通过分析研究现有的网络地图产品,总结了网络地图的特点和存在的问题,分析了其发展趋势,并提出了相应的一些设想。  相似文献   

The potentialities of satellite remote sensing for acquiring informations useful for forest management have already been recognised. The analysis of satellite data can provide reconnaissance survey maps showing the spatial distribution of forest type and other useful information of the existing forest resources in the area in very short time. The present study has been carried out in Godavari river Basin, Nallamalai and Seshachalam hiil ranges, which are potential areas for Teak, bamboo and red-sanders respectively. The three Landsat scenes have been analysed using Multispectral Data Analysis System (M-Das) to make maps on 1:250,000 scale. The Computer classified colour coded maps show the spatial distribution of the industrially important species and association with other forest types existing in the area. The results have been discussed in the context of using Landsat data for reconnaissance survey of forest resources at a national level.  相似文献   


One of the most important challenges for cartographers is to be able to transmit information appearing in maps in a simple manner to users. The commonest strategy to do so consists in displaying visual information in a hierarchical way, that is, making it some elements to appear as being more important than others. Nevertheless, recent research has shown that people also pay attention to configurational information, or information about relationships among elements appearing in a map, to retrieve hierarchical information of it. This is the topic of this paper. It aims to investigate the role of metric and configurational information in enabling people to retrieve hierarchical information from maps. The main problem consisted in identifying ‘the main street’ of different layouts whose paths were sometimes widened to make them appear more important. The main findings show that people retrieved hierarchical information by paying attention to a combination of metric and configurational factors.

One of the main challenges that cartographers face is to transmit information in a way that is simple to understand for everyone. The most frequent strategy for this is to display the information in a hierarchical way; that is, by exaggerating the size or width of specific elements and thus assigning them a greater degree of importance. Nevertheless, recent research has shown that when reading maps, people also read configurational information. This is the topic of this paper. It aims to investigate the role of metric and configurational information in enabling people to retrieve hierarchical information from maps. For this, a set of exercises was designed and carried out where people were asked to identify the main street of different specially designed layouts. The main findings show that people retrieved hierarchical information by paying attention to a combination of metric and configurational factors.  相似文献   

The bus route map is a diagram that aims to convey necessary information for map readers to find an appropriate way of moving from an origin to a destination. Design of bus route map is a complicated and time-consuming task that requires careful consideration of readability and aesthetics. This paper proposes a new computational method for designing bus route maps. The method helps us to reduce six types of undesirable elements in bus route maps, i.e., gap, shift, crossing, overlap, misalignment, and acute bend. The method consists of two phases: line layout phase determines the relative order of bus routes on each road segment and map layout phase calculates the actual position of bus routes drawn on a map. This paper applies the method to the design of bus route maps of Chiba City, Japan. The result supports the effectiveness of the method as well as reveals open topics for future research.  相似文献   

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