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Field investigations were carried out to determine the occurrence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), the source zone architecture and the aquitard integrity at a 30‐ to 50‐year old DNAPL release site. The DNAPL source zone is located in the clay till unit overlying a limestone aquifer. The DNAPL source zone architecture was investigated through a multiple‐lines‐of‐evidence approach using various characterization tools; the most favorable combination of tools for the DNAPL characterization was geophysical investigations, membrane interface probe, core subsampling with quantification of chlorinated solvents, hydrophobic dye test with Sudan IV, and Flexible Liner Underground Technologies (FLUTe) NAPL liners with activated carbon felt (FACT). While the occurrence of DNAPL was best determined by quantification of chlorinated solvents in soil samples supported by the hydrophobic dye tests (Sudan IV and NAPL FLUTe), the conceptual understanding of source zone architecture was greatly assisted by the indirect continuous characterization tools. Although mobile or high residual DNAPL (S t > 1%) only occurred in 11% of the source zone samples (intact cores), they comprised 86% of the total PCE mass. The dataset, and associated data analysis, supported vertical migration of DNAPL through fractures in the upper part of the clay till, horizontal migration along high permeability features around the redox boundary in the clay till, and to some extent vertical migration through the fractures in the reduced part of the clay till aquitard to the underlying limestone aquifer. The aquitard integrity to DNAPL migration was found to be compromised at a thickness of reduced clay till of less than 2 m.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional, transient-flow, and transport numerical model was developed to simulate in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene by potassium permanganate in fractured clay. This computer model incorporates dense, nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution, reactive aquifer material, multispecies matrix diffusion, and kinetic formulations for the oxidation reactions. A sensitivity analysis for two types of parameters, hydrogeological and engineering, including matrix porosity, matrix organic carbon, fracture aperture, potassium permanganate dosage, and hydraulic gradient, was conducted. Remediation metrics investigated were the relative rebound concentrations arising from back diffusion and percent mass destroyed. No well-defined correlation was found between the magnitude of rebound concentrations during postremedy monitoring and the amount of contaminant mass destroyed during the application. Results indicate that all investigated parameters affect ISCO remediation in some form. Results indicate that when advective transport through the fracture is dominant relative to diffusive transport into the clay matrix (large System Peclet Number), permanganate is more likely to be flushed out of the system and treatment is not optimal. If the System Peclet Number is too small, indicating that diffusion into the matrix is dominant relative to advection through the fracture, permanganate does not traverse the entire fracture, leading to postremediation concentration rebound. Optimal application of ISCO requires balancing advective transport through the fracture with diffusive transport into the clay matrix.  相似文献   

A study of the effects of grid discretization on the migration of DNAPL within a discrete-fracture network embedded in a porous rock matrix is presented. It is shown that an insufficiently fine discretization of the fracture elements can lead to an overprediction of the volume of DNAPL that continues to migrate vertically at the intersection of a vertical and horizontal fracture. Uniform discretization of elements at the scale of one centimetre (or less) accurately resolved the density and capillary pressure components of the head gradient in the DNAPL. An alternative, non-uniform method of discretization of elements within the discrete-fracture network is presented whereby only fracture elements immediately adjacent to fracture intersections are refined. To further limit the number of elements employed, the porous matrix elements adjacent to the fracture elements are not similarly refined. Results show this alternative method of discretization reduces the numerical error to an acceptable level, while allowing the simulation of field-scale DNAPL contamination problems. The results from two field-scale simulations of a DNAPL-contaminated carbonate bedrock site in Ontario, Canada are presented. These simulations compare different methods of grid discretization, and highlight the importance of grid refinement when simulating DNAPL migration problems in fractured porous media.  相似文献   

Volume reduction and lowering of capillary pressure within a large DNAPL pool are utilized as objectives in the design of a large-scale dual phase recovery system at a chemical manufacturing facility in the United States. By reducing DNAPL pool height through mass removal, capillary pressure is lowered, resulting in a reduced potential for future vertical and horizontal mobilization of the chlorinated solvent DNAPL pool. The DNAPL pool extends over an approximately 200 m by 275 m area in low permeability fill deposits overlying a clay aquitard. A three-dimensional multiphase flow model was employed to arrive at a final design incorporating nine horizontal drains (total length 664 m) and a pulsed pumping system. The numerical model was calibrated to the results of a 42-day field pilot-test involving the removal of approximately 25,000 L of DNAPL from a single, 55 m long horizontal drain. Numerical simulation revealed that gravity drainage, as opposed to hydraulic gradients in the water phase, is the dominant recovery mechanism at this site. This stems from the relatively high density and the viscosity of the DNAPL, and the relatively low permeability of the formation deposits. The use of pulsed pumping is shown to reduce the volume of contaminated ground water recovered from the 9-drain system, without significant reduction of the total volume of DNAPL recovered.  相似文献   

Release of an estimated 150,000 gallons (568,000 L).of 1.2–dichloroethane (EDC) from a buried pipeline into a ditch and surrounding soil resulted in shallow subsurface contamination of a Gulf Coast site. Short-term remediation included removal of EDC DNAPI. (dense nonaqueous phase liquid) by dredging and vacuuming the ditch, and by dredging the river where the ditch discharged. EDC saturation in shallow impacted sediments located beneath the ditch was at or below residual saturation and these sediments were therefore left in place. The ditch was lined, backfilled, and capped. Long-term remediation includes EDC DNAPL recovery and hydraulic containment from the shallow zone with long-term monitoring of the shallow, intermediate, and deep (200 foot) aquifers. Ground water, DNAPL., and dissolved phase models were used to guide field investigations and the selection of an effective remedial action strategy. The DNAPL. modeling was conducted for a two-dimensional vertical cross section of the site, and included the three aquifers separated by two aquitards with microfractures. These aquitards were modeled using a dual porosity approach. Matrix and fracture properties of the aquitards used for DNAPL modeling were determined from small-scale laboratory properties. These properties were consistent with effective hydraulic conductivity determined from ground water flow modeling. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the vertical migration of EDC was attenuated by dissolution of EDC into the matrix of the upper aquitard. When the organic/water entry pressure of the aquitard matrix, or the solubility of EDC were decreased to unrealislically low values. EDC DNAPL. accumulated in the aquifer below the upper aquitard.
EDC DNALM, did not reach the regional (deepest) aquifer in any of the cases modeled. The limited extent of vertical EDC migration predicted is supported by ground water monitoring conducted over the four years since the spill.  相似文献   

Invasion percolation (IP) models of dense non‐aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) invasion into saturated horizontal fractures typically neglect viscous and gravity forces, as it is assumed that capillarity dominates in many situations. An IP model simulating DNAPL invasion into saturated horizontal fractures was modified to include gravity as a local effect. The model was optimized using a genetic algorithm, and demonstrated that the inclusion of gravity is important for replicating the architecture of the DNAPL invasion pattern. The optimized gravity‐included simulation showed the DNAPL invasion pattern to be significantly more representative of the experimentally observed pattern (80% accuracy) than did the optimized gravity‐neglected simulation (70% accuracy). Additional simulations of DNAPL invasion in 360 randomly generated fractures were compared with and without gravity forces. These simulations showed that with increasing fracture roughness, the minimum difference between simulations with and without gravity increases to 35% for a standard deviation of the mid‐aperture elevation field (SDz) of 10 mm. Even for low roughness (SDz = 0.1 mm), the difference was as high as 30%. Furthermore, a scaled Bond Number is defined which includes data regarding DNAPL type, media type and statistical characteristics of the fracture. The value of this scaled Bond Number can be used to determine the conditions under which gravity should be considered when simulating DNAPL invasion in a macroscopically horizontal fracture. Finally, a set of equations defining the minimum and maximum absolute percentage difference between gravity‐included and gravity‐neglected simulations is presented based on the fracture and DNAPL characteristics.  相似文献   

A field demonstration was performed at Edwards Air Force Base to assess bioaugmentation for treatment of a well‐characterized tetrachloroethene (PCE) dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source area in fractured rock. Groundwater recirculation was employed to deliver remedial amendments, including bacteria, to facilitate reductive dechlorination and enhance DNAPL dissolution. An active treatment period of 9 months was followed by a 10‐month posttreatment rebound evaluation. Dechlorination daughter products were observed in both the shallow and deep fracture zones following treatment. In the shallow fracture zone, the calculated DNAPL mass removed was approximately equal to the DNAPL mass estimated using partitioning tracer testing, and no rebound in chlorinated ethenes or ethene was observed during the posttreatment period. A maximum DNAPL dissolution enhancement factor of 5 was observed in the shallow fracture zone. In the deep fracture zone, only approximately 45% of the DNAPL mass—as estimated via partitioning tracer testing—was removed and rebound in the total molar chlorinated ethenes + ethene was observed. The difference in behavior between the shallow and deep fracture zones was attributed to DNAPL architecture and the fracture flow field.  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion can attenuate the rate of plume migration in fractured bedrock relative to the rate of ground water flow for both conservative and nonconservative solutes of interest. In a system of parallel, equally spaced constant aperture fractures subject to steady-state ground water flow and an infinite source width, the degree of plume attenuation increases with time and travel distance, eventually reaching an asymptotic level. The asymptotic degree of plume attenuation in the absence of degradation can be predicted by a plume attenuation factor, beta, which is readily estimated as R' (phi(m)/phi(f)), where R' is the retardation factor in the matrix, phi(m) is the matrix porosity, and phi(f) is the fracture porosity. This dual-porosity relationship can also be thought of as the ratio of primary to secondary porosity. Beta represents the rate of ground water flow in fractures relative to the rate of plume advance. For the conditions examined in this study, beta increases with greater matrix porosity, greater matrix fraction organic carbon, larger fracture spacing, and smaller fracture aperture. These concepts are illustrated using a case study where dense nonaqueous phase liquid in fractured sandstone produced a dissolved-phase trichloroethylene (TCE) plume approximately 300 m in length. Transport parameters such as matrix porosity, fracture porosity, hydraulic gradient, and the matrix retardation factor were characterized at the site through field investigations. In the fractured sandstone bedrock examined in this study, the asymptotic plume attenuation factors (beta values) for conservative and nonconservative solutes (i.e., chloride and TCE) were predicted to be approximately 800 and 12,210, respectively. Quantitative analyses demonstrate that a porous media (single-porosity) solute transport model is not appropriate for simulating contaminant transport in fractured sandstone where matrix diffusion occurs. Rather, simulations need to be conducted with either a discrete fracture model that explicitly incorporates matrix diffusion, or a dual-continuum model that accounts for mass transfer between mobile and immobile zones. Simulations also demonstrate that back diffusion from the matrix to fractures will likely be the time-limiting factor in reaching ground water cleanup goals in some fractured bedrock environments.  相似文献   

A systematic hydrogeologic site characterization has been completed in a fractured rock flow system, with the objective of identifying contaminant migration and fate pathways from a historical release of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA). The study integrated hydrogeologic analysis techniques such as borehole geophysical logging, pumping test analysis, and hydrochemical facies analysis to study the impact of a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in a sparsely fractured crystalline bedrock. The assessment methodology can be divided into two parts: (1) characterization of the source area, where DNAPL is acting as a residual source of TCA, and (2) characterization of the downgradient plume. Reduction in DNAPL mass in the source area has resulted in significant and sustained reductions in downgradient concentrations, suggesting that remediation of fractured crystalline bedrock contaminated with DNAPL is possible and not "technically infeasible."  相似文献   

At sites where a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) was spilled or released into the subsurface, estimates of the mass of DNAPL contained in the subsurface from core or monitoring well data, either in the nonaqueous or aqueous phase, can be highly uncertain because of the erratic distribution of the DNAPL due to geologic heterogeneity. In this paper, a multiphase compositional model is applied to simulate, in detail, the DNAPL saturations and aqueous-phase plume migration in a highly characterized, heterogeneous glaciofluvial aquifer, the permeability and porosity data of which were collected by researchers at the University of Tübingen, Germany. The DNAPL saturation distribution and the aqueous-phase contaminant mole fractions are then reconstructed by sampling the data from the forward simulation results using two alternate approaches, each with different degrees of sampling conditioning. To reconstruct the DNAPL source zone architecture, the aqueous-phase plume configuration, and the contaminant mass in each phase, one method employs the novel transition probability/Markov chain approach (TP/MC), while the other involves a traditional variogram analysis of the sampled data followed by ordinary kriging. The TP/MC method is typically used for facies and/or hydraulic conductivity reconstruction, but here we explore the applicability of the TP/MC method for the reconstruction of DNAPL source zones and aqueous-phase plumes. The reconstructed geometry of the DNAPL source zone, the dissolved contaminant plume, and the estimated mass in each phase are compared using the two different geostatistical modeling approaches and for various degrees of data sampling from the results of the forward simulation. It is demonstrated that the TP/MC modeling technique is robust and accurate and is a preferable alternative compared to ordinary kriging for the reconstruction of DNAPL saturation patterns and dissolved-phase contaminant plumes.  相似文献   

The release of stored dissolved contaminants from low permeability zones contributes to plume persistence beyond the time when dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) has completely dissolved. This is fundamental to successfully meeting acceptable low concentrations in groundwater that are driven by site‐specific cleanup goals. The study goals were to assess the role of DNAPL entrapment morphology on mass storage and plume longevity. As controlled field studies are not feasible, two‐dimensional (2D) test tanks were used to quantify the significance of mass loading processes from source dissolution and stored mass rebound. A simple two‐layer soil domain representing a high permeable formation sand overlying a zone of lower permeability sand was used in the tests. DNAPL mass depletion through dissolution was monitored via X‐ray photon attenuation, and effluent samples were used to monitor the plume. These data enabled analysis of the DNAPL distribution, the dissolved plume, and the dissolved phase distribution within the low permeability layer. Tests in an intermediate tank showed that mass storage contributes substantially to plume longevity. Detectable effluent concentrations persisted long after DNAPL depletion. The small tank results indicated that the DNAPL morphology influenced the flow field and caused distinctive transport mechanisms contributing to mass storage. Zones of high DNAPL saturation at the interface between the low and high permeability layers exhibited flow bypassing and diffusion dominated transport into the low permeability layer. In the absence of a highly saturated DNAPL zone near the soil interface the contaminant penetrated deeper into the low permeability layer caused by a combination of advection and diffusion.  相似文献   

The performance of cyclodextrin (CD)‐enhanced push‐pull (PP) and line‐drive (LD) approaches to remediation of a site contaminated with a multicomponent dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) present in a surficial sandy aquifer was evaluated in this field study. The treatment techniques were compared to each other and to the projected performance of a conventional water‐flushing system. Performance was assessed based on contaminant mass removed per unit volume of extraction solution and per unit time of operation. As expected, the CD‐enhanced LD and PP approaches to remediation were more efficient than conventional flushing with water. Between the two techniques, the PP approach performed 1.5 to 2 times better than the LD approach, particularly for higher DNAPL saturation of the source zone. This result suggests that forcing the flushing solution directly into and through the DNAPL source zone minimized flow bypassing and consequently resulted in a more efficient transfer of contaminant mass between the DNAPL phase and the flushing solution. Nonuniform treatment zone contaminant concentrations and changes in contaminant composition influenced the treatment performances, but these effects were small and still permitted the comparison of successive tests. Although CD was used as the solubility‐enhancing flushing agent in this study, it is likely that the results can be transferred to other chemically enhanced flushing technologies that use, for example, surfactants or alcohols.  相似文献   

Hydraulic displacement is a mass removal technology suitable for stabilization of a dense, nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone, where stabilization is defined as reducing DNAPL saturations and reducing the risk of future pool mobilization. High resolution three-dimensional multiphase flow simulations incorporating a spatially correlated, heterogeneous porous medium illustrate that hydraulic displacement results in an increase in the amount of residual DNAPL present, which in turn results in increased solute concentrations in groundwater, an increase in the rate of DNAPL dissolution, and an increase in the solute mass flux. A higher percentage of DNAPL recovery is associated with higher initial DNAPL release volumes, lower density DNAPLs, more heterogeneous porous media, and increased drawdown of groundwater at extraction wells. The fact that higher rates of recovery are associated with more heterogeneous porous media stems from the fact that larger contrasts in permeability provide for a higher proportion of capillary barriers upon which DNAPL pooling and lateral migration can occur. Across all scenarios evaluated in this study, the ganglia-to-pool (GTP) ratio generally increased from approximately 0.1 to between approximately 0.3 and 0.7 depending on the type of DNAPL, the degree of heterogeneity, and the imposed hydraulic gradient. The volume of DNAPL recovered as a result of implementing hydraulic displacement ranged from between 9.4% and 45.2% of the initial release volume, with the largest percentage recovery associated with 1,1,1 trichloroethane, the least dense of the three DNAPLs considered.  相似文献   

A release of 1,2-dichloroethane. also known as ethylene dichloride (EDC), resulted in shallow subsurface freephase contamination of a Gulf Coast site in the southern United States. The site stratigraphy consists primarily of a low permeability, surficial peat. silt, and clay zone underlain by fractured clay; a confined 12 in deep sand ground water flow zone; a confined 21 m deep fine sand zone of limited ground water flow, followed by a deep aquitard. The Gumbo clay and sandy clay aquitard below the release area overlies and protects the 61 m deep Upper Chicot Aquifer, which is a confined regional aquifer. An ongoing recovery and hydraulic containment program from the primary impacted and laterally and vertically restricted shallow 40-foot sand zone has effectively recovered dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and contained dissolved phase EDC.
Natural attenuation of EDC was demonstrated through (1) a laboratory microcosm study substantiating the ability of the native microbial population in the deeper aquifer lo degrade EDC under anaerobic environmental conditions found at the site. (2) field investigations showing reductions in EDC concentrations over time in many of the wells on site, and (3) an evaluation of the ground water for EDC and its degradation products and oilier geo-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and pH. Degradation products of EDC found in the field investigations included 2-chloroeihanol, ethanol. ethene, and ethane. Dissolved EDC concentrations in selected wells between the first recorded samples and the fourth quarter of 1997 ranged from greater than 4% to 99% reductions. First-order exponential decay half-lives ranged from 0.21 to 4.2 years for wells showing decreases in FDC concentrations over time. Elevated methane concentrations indicated carbon dioxide to be the major terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of variable-density flow and solute transport have been conducted to investigate dense plume migration for various configurations of 2D fracture networks. For orthogonal fractures, simulations demonstrate that dispersive mixing in fractures with small aperture does not stabilize vertical plume migration in fractures with large aperture. Simulations in non-orthogonal 2D fracture networks indicate that convection cells form and that they overlap both the porous matrix and fractures. Thus, transport rates in convection cells depend on matrix and fracture flow properties. A series of simulations in statistically equivalent networks of fractures with irregular orientation show that the migration of a dense plume is highly sensitive to the geometry of the network. If fractures in a random network are connected equidistantly to the solute source, few equidistantly distributed fractures favor density-driven transport. On the other hand, numerous fractures have a stabilizing effect, especially if diffusive transport rates are high. A sensitivity analysis for a network with few equidistantly distributed fractures shows that low fracture aperture, low matrix permeability and high matrix porosity impede density-driven transport because these parameters reduce groundwater flow velocities in both the matrix and the fractures. Enhanced molecular diffusion slows down density-driven transport because it favors solute diffusion from the fractures into the low-permeability porous matrix where groundwater velocities are smaller. For the configurations tested, variable-density flow and solute transport are most sensitive to the permeability and porosity of the matrix, which are properties that can be determined more accurately than the geometry and hydraulic properties of the fracture network, which have a smaller impact on density-driven transport.  相似文献   

Semianalytical transient solutions have been developed to evaluate what level of fractured porous media (e.g., bedrock or clay) matrix cleanup must be achieved in order to achieve compliance of fracture pore water concentrations within a specified time at specified locations of interest. The developed mathematical solutions account for forward and backward diffusion in a fractured porous medium where the initial condition comprises a spatially uniform, nonzero matrix concentration throughout the domain. Illustrative simulations incorporating the properties of mudstone fractured bedrock demonstrate that the time required to reach a desired fracture pore water concentration is a function of the distance between the point of compliance and the upgradient face of the domain where clean groundwater is inflowing. Shorter distances correspond to reduced times required to reach compliance, implying that shorter treatment zones will respond more favorably to remediation than longer treatment zones in which back‐diffusion dominates the fracture pore water response. For a specified matrix cleanup goal, compliance of fracture pore water concentrations will be reached sooner for decreased fracture spacing, increased fracture aperture, higher matrix fraction organic carbon, lower matrix porosity, shorter aqueous phase decay half‐life, and a higher hydraulic gradient. The parameters dominating the response of the system can be measured using standard field and laboratory techniques.  相似文献   

Air sparging was evaluated for remediation of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) present as dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) in aquifers. A two-dimensional laboratory tank with a transparent front wall allowed for visual observation of DNAPL mobilization. A DNAPL zone 50 cm high was created, with a PCE pool accumulating on an aquitard. Detailed process control and analysis yielded accurate mass balances and insight into the mass-transfer limitations during air sparging. Initial PCE recovery rates were high, corresponding to fast removal of residual DNAPL within the zone influenced directly by air channels. The vadose zone DNAPL was removed within a few days, and the recovery in the extracted soil vapors decreased to low values. Increasing the sparge rate and pulsing the air injection led to improved mass recovery, as the pulsing induced water circulation and increased the DNAPL dissolution rate. Dissolved PCE concentrations both within and outside the zone of air channels were affected by the pulsing. Inside the sparge zone, aqueous concentrations decreased rapidly, matching the declining effluent PCE flux. Outside the sparge zone, PCE concentrations increased because highly contaminated water was pushed away from the air injection point. This overall circulation of water may lead to limited spreading of the contaminant, but accelerated the time-weighted average mass removal by 40% to 600%, depending on the aggressiveness of the pulsing. For field applications, pulsing with a daily or diurnal cycling time may increase the average mass removal rate, thus reducing the treatment time and saving in the order of 40% to 80% of the energy cost used to run the blowers. However, air sparging will always fail to remove DNAPL pools located below the sparge point because the air will rise upward from the top of a screen, unless very localized geological layers force the air to migrate horizontally. Unrecognized presence of DNAPL at chlorinated solvent sites residual and pools could potentially hamper success of air sparging cleanups, since the presence of small DNAPL pools, ganglia or droplets can greatly extend the treatment time.  相似文献   

Modeling fracture porosity development using simple growth laws   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of porosity development has been developed to investigate general relationships between simple fracture aperture growth laws and fracture porosity in evolved fracture arrays in aquifers. The growth of fracture apertures in two-dimensional orthogonal arrays with initially spatially uncorrelated lognormal aperture distributions has been studied, where aperture growth rate is proportional to an exponent of the flow rate through each fracture. The evolved arrays show geometrical phase changes as a function of the aperture growth rate exponent, e, and the standard deviation of the initial aperture distribution, sigma(z). Low values of e and sigma(z) lead to bimodal aperture distributions, where apertures parallel to flow are preferentially enlarged. At moderate values of e and sigma(z), there is a transition to a regime of more complex geometries consisting of networks of channel-like structures of preferentially enlarged apertures. At larger values of e, array-spanning channel-like paths of preferentially enlarged apertures develop, where the tortuosity of the channel-like paths is a linear function of sigma(z). Following an initial growth phase, during which dynamically stable aperture configurations develop, arrays undergo simple amplification. The geometry of the evolved aperture fields is diverse and they can be highly complex; consequently, parameterization and prediction of their evolution in terms of the initial aperture distributions and growth rate laws is not trivial.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring radon in ground water can potentially be used as an in situ partitioning tracer to characterize dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) saturations. The static method involves comparing radon concentrations in water samples from DNAPL-contaminated and noncontaminated portions of an aquifer, while the push-pull method involves the injection (push) and extraction (pull) of a radon-free test solution from a single well. In the presence of DNAPL, radon concentrations during the pull phase are retarded, with retardation manifested in greater dispersion of radon concentrations relative to a conservative tracer. The utility of these methods was investigated in the laboratory using a physical aquifer model (PAM). Static and push-pull tests were performed before and after contamination of the PAM sediment pack with trichloroethene (TCE), and after alcohol cosolvent flushing and pump-and-treat remediation. Numerical simulations were used to estimate the retardation factor for radon in push-pull tests. Radon partitioning was observed in static and push-pull tests conducted after TCE contamination. Calculated TCE saturations ranged up to 1.4% (static test) and 14.1% (push-pull test). Post-remediation tests showed decreases in TCE saturations. The results show that radon is sensitive to changes in DNAPL saturation in space and time. However, the methods are sensitive to DNAPL saturation heterogeneity, test location, sample size, and test design. The influence of these factors on test results, as well as the apparent overestimation of the retardation factor in push-pull tests, warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Estimates of contaminant fluxes from DNAPL sources as a function of time and DNAPL mass reduction are important to assess the long-term sustainability and costs of monitored natural attenuation and to determine the benefits of partial source removal. We investigate the accuracy of the upscaled mass transfer function (MTF) proposed by Parker and Park [Parker JC, Park E. Modeling field-scale dense nonaqueous phase liquid dissolution kinetics in heterogeneous aquifers. WRR 2004;40:W05109] to describe field-scale dissolved phase fluxes from DNAPL sources for a range of scenarios generated using high-resolution 3-D numerical simulations of DNAPL infiltration and long-term dissolved phase transport. The results indicate the upscaled MTF is capable of accurately describing field-scale DNAPL dissolution rates as a function of time. For finger-dominated source regions, an empirical mass depletion exponent in the MTF takes on values greater than one which results in predicted mass flux rates that decrease continuously with diminishing DNAPL mass over time. Lens-dominated regions exhibit depletion exponents less than one, which results in more step-function like mass flux versus time behavior. Mass fluxes from DNAPL sources exhibiting both lens- and finger-dominated subregions were less accurately described by the simple MTF, but were well described by a dual-continuum model of the same form for each subregion. The practicality of calibrating a dual-continuum model will likely depend on the feasibility of obtaining spatially resolved field measurements of contaminant fluxes or concentrations associated with the subregions using multilevel sampling or some other means.  相似文献   

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