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The impact of mesozooplankton (>210 μm, mostly adult copepods and late-stage copepodites) and micrometazoa (64–210 μm, mostly copepod nauplii) on phytoplankton size structure and biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary was investigated using various14C-labeled algal species as tracers of grazing on natural phytoplankton. During spring and summer, zooplankton grazing pressure, defined as %=mg C ingested m?2 h?1/mg C produced m?2 h?1 (depth-integrated rates)×100, on total phytoplankton ranged between 0.04% and 1.9% for mesozooplankton and 0.1% and 6.6% for micrometazoa. The greatest grazing impact was measured in fall when 20.2% and 44.6%, respectively, of the total depth-integrated primary production from surface water phytoplankton was grazed. Mesozooplankton exhibited some size-selective grazing on phytoplankton, preferentially grazing the diatomThalassiosira pseudonana over the larger diatomDitylum brightwelli, but this was not found for micrometazoa. Neither zooplankton group grazed on the dinoflagellateAmphidinium sp. We conclude that metazoan zooplankton have a minimal role in controlling total phytoplankton biomass in the lower Hudson River estuary. Differences in the growth coefficients of various phytoplankton size-fractions—not grazing selectivity—may be the predominant factor explaining community size-structure.  相似文献   

The effect of a 7-mo drought (La Niña 1988) was evaluated on pelagic properties in the large Patos Lagoon (30°12′–32°12′S, 50°40′–52°15′W). From December 1987 to December 1988, surface water was sampled along the longitudinal axis of the lagoon for temperature (10–29°C), salinity (0–31.4), dissolved inorganic phosphate (0.02–4.73 μM), nitrate (0.05–66.25 μM), nitrite (0.01–3.54 μM), ammonium (0.09–33.19 μM), silicate (1.11–359.20 μM), phytoplankton chlorophylla (chl; 0.4–41.2 mg m?3), primary production (gross PP 1.72–161.82 mg C m3 h?1; net PP 0.04–126.19 mg C m3 h?1), and species composition and abundance (42–4,961 ind ml?1). In the wet season the whole system acted as a river and light availability limited phytoplankton growth. During the drought from February to August monthly freshwater runoff was low and the inflow of marine water to the southern sector generated spatial variability of the analyzed properties and five functional areas were recognized. The northernmost Guaíba River (1) presented low light availability and phytoplankton chl concentration compared to the northern limnetic area (2) (chl mean 13.3 μg I?1; max 41.2 μg I?1; gross PP mean 52.6 mg C m3 h?1), which acted as a biological filter removing dissolved inorganic nutrients. Silicate concentration was strongly diminished in this area due to diatom uptake (Aulacoseira granulata, 9,330 cells ml?1). In the northern limnetic and central oligohaline (3) areas, phytoplankton biomass was controlled by light but nitrogen also played a limiting role. In the southern area (4) that is under marine influence, low chl concentration (mean 4.5 μg I?1) and gross PP (mean 28.1 mg C m3 h?1) coincided with co-limitation of nitrogen and light while the channel to the ocean (5) was strongly light limited. This study demonstrated that low light and high silicate input had a buffer effect at Patos Lagoon, hampering negative expression of cultural eutrophication. The main effect during the drought period occurred in the northern limnetic region, where low silicate values due to diatom uptake led to higher cyanobacteria abundance, and enhanced mineralization occurred in the central oligohaline lagoon. Increased rainfall resulted in light limitation and decreasing primary production in the entire freshwater lagoon, and the adjacent coastal region benefited from nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

The rate of zooplankton ammonium regeneration was measured in Great South Bay, Long Island, New York, between July 1982 and May 1984. Ammonium excretion by macrozooplankton (>200 μm) ranged from 7 μg atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in winter to 156 μg-atoms NH4 1+?N m?3 d?1 in spring. Ammonium excretion by ctenophores was greater than or equivalent to that of macrozooplankton during the period of ctenophore biomass maximum in summer and fall. The temperature coefficient (Q10) for NH4 1+ excretion was 1.74 from 2.2 to 27.5°C for macrozooplankton and 1.63 between 17 and 26°C for the ctenophores. Ammonium nitrogen excretion by macrozooplankton and ctenophores combined, accounted for 1 to 3% of phytoplankton nitrogen requirements in summer when primary productivity was high and 39% in the spring. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY040 00005  相似文献   

An experimental in situ microcosm study was conducted in the tropical lagoon La Mancha (Gulf of Mexico) to determine whether or not nutrient limitation occurs and to examine the direct effect of an inorganic nutrient pulse on the phytoplankton community structure. The phytoplankton community response to the addition of four treatments with different combinations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) (+N-NH4 +, +P-PO4 ?, +Si-SO3, and N:P16) showed that phytoplankton was N-limited as indicated by an increase in phytoplankton biomass (i.e., chlorophyll a) (range, 8–34 mg m?3) during the dry season in two consecutive years (2006 and 2007). Picophytoplankton abundance significantly increased in the +N treatment (145.46 103 cells L?1), while microphytoplankton reached a maximum abundance (68.38 103 cells L?1) in the N:P16 treatment. Phytoplankton composition changed from a community initially dominated by dinoflagellates (e.g., Prorocentrum spp.) to another dominated by diatoms (Thalassiosira and Nitzschia longissima) in the N:P16 treatment. The +N treatment significantly increased Synechococcus sp. growth rates (1.3 divisions per day) (picocyanobacteria). Biomarker pigments measured in the experimental microcosms confirmed observed changes in phytoplankton groups. Our results reveal that La Mancha lagoon is a N-limited coastal system during the dry season and provides evidence of the temporal species successional patterns and mechanisms regulating the phytoplankton community response to nutrient enrichment pulses in this already eutrophic coastal lagoon.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope fractionation by seventeen species of marine phytoplankton, representing the classes of Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae and Dinophyceae have been determined in laboratory culture experiments using bicarbonate enriched artificial sea water. The ΔHCO3? values (ΔHCO3? = δ13C of algae vs HCO3?) range from ?22.1 to ?35.5%. Nitzschia closterium shows the smallest fractionation of ? 22.1% and Isochrysis galbana, the greatest of ?35.5%,. Since these algae were cultured under identical laboratory conditions, the wide range of ΔHCO3? values is seemingly due to the presence of different metabolic pathways within these organisms.A temperature dependent fractionation of 0.36% per °C with decreasing temperatures was measured for Skeletonema costatum whereas, smaller temperature dependencies of ?0.13, +0.15 and ?0.07%. per °C were observed for Dunaliella sp., Monochrysis lutheri and Glenodinium foliaceum, respectively.The consistency of ΔHCO3? values of Skeletonema costatum, Dunaliella sp. and Monochrysis lutheri grown at salinities of 22, 26, 32 and 36% indicates that natural salinity variations have negligible effects on the isotopic composition of marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   

During summer, bloom-forming cyanobacteria, including Anacystis, Aphanizomenon, and Microcystis aeruginosa, dominate tidal-fresh waters of the upper Potomac River estuary with densities exceeding 108 cells l?1. In an attempt to determine the importance of these high cyanobacteria densities to planktonic herbivory in the system, short-term grazing experiments were conducted in July and August 1987. Using size-fractionated river phytoplankton assemblages, zooplankton grazing rates were determined for dominant or subdominant planktonic microzooplankton and mesozooplankton feeding on 14C-labeled river assemblages, 14C-labeled river assemblages enriched with unlabeled cyanobacteria, and unlabeled river assemblages enriched with 14C-labeled cyanobacteria. Grazing rates were estimated for the rotifers Polyarthra remata, Hexarthra mira, Asplanchna brightwelli, Brachionus angularis, Epiphanes sp., Trichocerca similis, and the cyclopoid copepod Cyclops vernalis. Neither rotifers nor the copepod grazed heavily on Microcystis. Rotifer grazing rates on labeled cyanobacteria ranged from 4 to 1,650 nl· [individual · h]?1 while copepod rates ranged from undetectable to 135 μl · [copepod · h]?1. Grazing rates on labeled river phytoplankton assemblages were 4–100 times higher than noted for zooplankton feeding on cyanobacteria. The addition of the colonial alga to labeled river phytoplankton assemblages resulted in mixed zooplankton responses, that is, lower and higher grazing rates than observed on river assemblages with no added cyanobacteria. Total zooplankton demand for cyanobacteria and river phytoplankton assemblages was estimated for the study period July–August 1987. Rotifer plus C. vernalis herbivory would have removed 1–5% and 49%, respectively, of the standing stock of the two autotroph pools each day. Literature-derived clearance rates for Bosmina indicate, however, that herbivory by this cladoceran could increase demand to 24% and 60%, respectively, in bloom and nonbloom assemblages. These data suggest that the majority of cyanobacterial production remains ungrazed and may be transported to the lower estuary for salinity-induced aggregation and sedimentation.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of three size classes of phytoplankton (<5 μm, 5–22 μm, >22 μm) was measured monthly at six sites within San Francisco Bay throughout 1980. These sites in the three principal embayments were chosen to represent a range of environments, phytoplankton communities, and seasonal cycles in the estuary. Temporal variations in productivity for each size class generaly followed the seasonality of the corresponding fraction of phytoplankton biomass. The 5–22 μm size class accounted for 40 to 50% of the annual production in each embayment, but production by phytoplankton >22 μm ranged from 26% in the southern reach to 54% of total phytoplankton production in the landward embayment of the northern reach. A productivity index is derived that predicts daily productivity for each size class as a function of ambient irradiance and integrated chlorophylla in the photic zone. For the whole phytoplankton community and for each size class, this index was constant and estimated as ?0.76 g C m?2 (g chlorophylla Einstein)?1. The annual means of maximum carbon assimilation numbers were usually similar for the three size classes. Spatial and temporal variations in size-fractionated productivity are shown to be primarily due to differences in biomass rather than size-dependent carbon assimilation rates. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY034 00005  相似文献   

Phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration, biovolume, cell diameter, and species composition differed across the narrow, low salinity zone between 0.6‰ to 4‰ and may influence copepod food availability in the northern San Francisco Bay Estuary. The highest chlorophyll a concentrations (range 3.2–12.3 μg 1?1), widest cell diameters (>5 μm diam), highest diatom densities and highest production rates of >10 μm diam cells occurred at the landward edge of the salinity zone in April during a strong spring tide and May during a strong neap tide. Near optimum predator/prey ratios, large prey estimated spherical diameters, and high chlorophyll a concentrations suggest these phytoplankton communities provided good food quantity and quality for the most abundant copepods, Eurytemora affinis, Sinocalanus doerrii, and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi. At the center of the zone, chlorophyll a concentrations, diatom densities, and production rates of >10 μm diam cells were lower and cell diameters were smaller than upstream. Downstream transport was accompanied by accumulation of phytoplankton with depth and tide; maximum biomass occurred on spring tide. The lowest chlorophyll a concentrations (1.4–3.6 μg 1?) and consistently high densities (3,000–4,000 cells ml?1) of <5 μm diam cells occurred at the seaward edge of the zone, where the green alga Nannochloris spp. and the bluegreen alga Synechococcus spp. were the most abundant phytoplankton. Low chlorophyll a concentrations and production rates of >10 μm diam cells, small prey estimated spherical diameters, and high predator/prey ratios suggested the seaward edge of the zone had poor phytoplankton food for copepodids and adult copepods. The seaward decrease in phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration and cell diameter and shift in species composition in the low salinity zone were probably a function of an estuary-wide decrease in chlorophyll a concentration, cell diameter, and diatom density since the early 1980s that was enhanced in the low salinity zone by clam herbivory after 1987. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00008  相似文献   

We investigated spatial and temporal changes in spectral irradiance, phytoplankton community composition, and primary productivity in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA. High concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were responsible for up to 84 % of the attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR). Green-yellow wavelengths were the predominant colors of light available at the two sampling sites: Clam Bank Creek and Oyster Landing. Vertical attenuation coefficients of PAR were 0.7–2.1 m?1 with corresponding euphotic zone depths of 1.5–6.7 m. Phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll a [chl a]) varied seasonally with a summer maximum of 16 μg chl a l?1 and a winter minimum of 1.4 μg chl a l?1. The phytoplankton community consisted mainly of diatoms, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and haptophytes, with diatoms and prasinophytes accounting for up to 67 % of total chl a. Changes in phytoplankton community composition showed strongest correlations with temperature. Light-saturated chl a-specific rates of photosynthesis and daily primary productivity varied with season and ranged from 1.6 to 14 mg C (mg chl a) ?1?h?1 (32–803 mg C m?3?day?1). Calculated daily rates added up to an annual carbon fixation rate of 84 g C m?3?year?1. Overall, changes in phytoplankton community composition and primary productivity in North Inlet showed a strong dependence on temperature, with PAR and spectral irradiance playing a relatively minor role due to short residence times, strong tidal forcing and vertical mixing.  相似文献   

The solubility of quartz has been determined in borax buffer solutions having total boron concentrations of 0.10, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60 mol kg?1 and over the temperature range 130–350°C at the saturated vapour pressure of the system. The first ionization constant of silicic acid was calculated from the solubility data and varied from ?logK1 = 8.88 (± 0.15) at 130°C to ?logK1 = 10.06 (± 0.20) at 350°C. The solubility of quartz in these solutions was due to the presence of the three species, H4SiO4, H3SiO4? and NaH3SiO4°. The equilibrium constant for the reaction, Na+ + H3SiO4? = NaH3SiO4° extended from log Kas = 1.18?1.40 (± 0.20) over the temperature interval 135–301°C. The formation of NaH3SiO4° ion pairs was concluded to contribute significantly to the solubility of quartz in alkaline hydrothermal solutions when pH > 8 and sodium concentration exceeds 0.10 mol kg?1.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrate biomass and ammonium excretion rates were measured at four stations in the Gulf of Mexico near the Mississippi River mouth. Calculated areal excretion rates were then compared to sediment-water nitrogen fluxes measured in benthic bottom lander chambers at similar stations to estimate the potential importance of macroinvertebrate excretion to sediment nitrogen mineralization. Excretion rates for individual crustaceans (amphipods and decapods) was 2–21 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1 h?1. The mean excretion rates for the polychaetes, Paraprionaspio pinnata [6–12 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1h?1] and Magelona sp. [27–53 nmoles NH4 + (mg dry weight)?1h?1], were comparable or higher than previous measurements for similar size benthic or pelagic invertebrates incubated at the same temperature (22±1°C). Although the relatively high rates of excretion by these selective feeders may have been partially caused by experimental handling effects (e.g., removal from sediment substrates), they probably reflected the availability of nitrogen-rich food supplies in the Mississippi River plume. When the measured weight-specific rates were extrapolated to total areal biomass, areal macroinvertebrate excretion estimates ranged from 7 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 at a 40-m deep station near the river mouth to 18 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 at a shallower (28-m deep) station further from the river mouth. The net flux of ammonium and nitrate from the sediments to the water measured in bottom lander chambers in the same region were 15–53 μmole NH4 + m?2h?1 and ?25–21 μmole NO3 ? m?2h?1. These results suggest that excretion of NH4 + by macroinvertebrates could be a potentially important component of benthic nitrogen regeneration in the Mississippi River plume-Gulf shelf region.  相似文献   

The heat capacities of lawsonite, margante, prehnite and zoisite have been measured from 5 to 350 K with an adiabatic-shield calorimeter and from 320 to 999.9 K with a differential-scanning calorimeter. At 298.15 K, their heat capacities, corrected to end-member compositions, are 66.35, 77.30, 79.13 and 83.84 cal K?1 mol?1; their entropies are 54.98, 63.01, 69.97 and 70.71 cal K?1 mol?1, respectively. Their high-temperature heat capacities are described by the following equations (in calories, K, mol): Lawsonite (298–600 K): Cp° = 66.28 + 55.95 × 10?3T ? 15.27 × 105T?2 Margarite (298–1000 K): Cp° = 101.83 + 24.17 × 10?3T ? 30.24 × 105T?2 Prehnite (298–800 K): Cp° = 97.04 + 29.99 × 10?3T ? 25.02 × 105T?2 Zoisite (298–730 K): Cp° = 98.92 + 36.36 × 10?3T ? 24.08 × 105T?2 Calculated Clapeyron slopes for univariant equilibria in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system compare well with experimental results in most cases. However, the reaction zoisite + quartz = anorthite + grossular + H2O and some reactions involving prehnite or margarite show disagreements between the experimentally determined and the calculated slopes which may possibly be due to disorder in experimental run products. A phase diagram, calculated from the measured thermodynamic values in conjunction with selected experimental results places strict limits on the stabilities of prehnite and assemblages such as prehnite + aragonite, grossular + lawsonite, grossular + quartz, zoisite + quartz, and zoisite + kyanite + quartz. The presence of this last assemblage in eclogites indicates that they were formed at moderate to high water pressure.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) on photosynthesis of differently cell-sized phytoplankton, natural phytoplankton assemblages from the coastal waters of the South China Sea were separated into three groups (>20, 5–20, and <5 μm) and exposed to four different solar UV spectral regimes, i.e., 280–700 nm (PAR?+?UVR), 400–700 nm (PAR), 280–400 nm (UV-A?+?B), and 315–400 nm (UV-A). In situ carbon fixation measurements revealed that microplankton (>20 μm) efficiently utilized UV-A for photosynthetic carbon fixation, with assimilation number of up to 1.01 μg C (μg chl a)?1?h?1 under 21.4 W?m?2 UV-A alone (about half of noontime irradiance at the surface), about 40 % higher than nanoplankton (5–20 μm). UV-B (280–315 nm) of 0.95 W?m?2 reduced the carbon fixation by approximately 20 and 57 % in microplankton and nanoplankton assemblages, respectively. In contrast, smaller picoplankton (<5 μm) was unable to utilize UV-A for the photosynthetic carbon fixation. In addition, only micro-sized assemblages demonstrated the UV enhancement on their primary productivity in the presence of PAR, by about 8 % under moderate intensities of solar radiation.  相似文献   

We measured dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in samples collected along 13 transects of the salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay. Riverine DOC and POC end-members averaged 232±19 μM and 151±53 μM, respectively, and coastal DOC and POC end-members averaged 172±19 μM and 43±6 μM, respectively. Within the chlorophyll maximum, POC accumulated to concentrations 50–150 μM above those expected from conservative mixing and it was significantly correlated with chlorophylla, indicating phytoplankton origin. POC accumulated primarily in bottom waters in spring, and primarily in surface waters in summer. Net DOC accumulation (60–120 μM) was observed within and downstream of the chlorophyll maximum, primarily during spring and summer in both surface and bottom waters, and it also appeared to be derived from phytoplankton. In the turbidity maximum, there were also net decreases in chlorophylla (?3 μg l?1 to ?22 μg l?1) and POC concentrations (?2 μM to ?89 μM) and transient DOC increases (9–88 μM), primarily in summer. These occurred as freshwater plankton blooms mixed with turbid, low salinity seawater, and we attribute the observed POC and DOC changes to lysis and sedimentation of freshwater plankton. DOC accumulation in both regions of Chesapeake Bay was estimated to be greater than atmospheric or terrestrial organic carbon inputs and was equivalent to ≈10% of estuarine primary production.  相似文献   

Subsolidus phase relations for a K-doped lherzolite are investigated in the model system K2O–Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O at 1.5–6.0 GPa and 680–1,000°C. Phlogopite is ubiquitous and coexists with Ca-amphibole up to 3.2 GPa and 900°C. High-pressure phlogopites show a peculiar mineral chemistry dependent on pressure: e.g., at 5.5 GPa and 680°C, excess of Si (up to 3.4 apfu) coupled with deficiency in Al (as low as 0.58 apfu) and K + Na (as low as 0.97 apfu), suggest a significant amount of a talc/10 Å phase component ([v]XIISi1K?1Al ?1 IV , where [v]XII is interlayer vacancy). Mixed layering or solid solution relations between high-pressure phlogopites and the 10 Å phase, Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 nH2O, are envisaged. Phlogopite modal abundance, derived by weighted least squares, is maximum at high-pressure and relative low-temperature conditions and therefore along the slab–mantle interface (10.3 ± 0.7 wt.%, at 4.8 GPa, 680°C). In phlogopite-bearing systems, Ca-amphibole breaks down between 2.5 and 3.0 GPa, and 1,000°C, through the water conservative reaction 5(pa + 0.2 KNa?1) + 17en + 15phl = (10di + 4jd) + 5py + 12fo + 20(phl + 0.2 talc), governed by bulk composition and pressure-dependent variations of K/OH in K-bearing phases and as a result, it does not necessarily imply a release of fluid.  相似文献   

The kinetics of zoned garnet porphyroblast growth is exemplified in a sample of garnet-staurolite-biotite schist from the northern Ladoga region. The diffusion-controlled porphyroblast growth was accompanied by a decrease in the kinetic coefficient during phase reactions. Even at insignificant (1–2°C) thermal overstepping, the leading role of diffusion as a factor that controls kinetics of porphyroblast growth in medium-grade metapelites is consistent with the parameters of metamorphic crystallization: T = 500–650°C, t = 1 Ma; D A1 app = 10?14 cm2/s, L = 0.2–0.6 cm, r = 1–3 mm, ΔC Al = 1.5 × 10?4–1.5 × 10?3 mol/cm3.  相似文献   

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) graze on phytoplankton, and decreased phytoplankton concentrations have been associated with zebra mussels in lakes. It is not known, however, how the zebra mussel will affect phytoplankton in turbid systems such as rivers and the freshwater portions of estuaries. To determine whether zebra mussels can effectively remove phytoplankton in these turbid systems, and to determine what components of the suspended material are removed and at what rates, we conducted a series of grazing and size-selection experiments using ambient Hudson River water and its natural phytoplankton community. Zebra mussels removed both phytoplankton and total suspended weight (TSW) at comparable rates (~115 ml mussel?1 h?1). Variation in filtration rates were not correlated with TSW or chlorophylla (chla) concentration, and did not appear to depend on relative proportions of either component. Mussels removed particles with approximately equal efficiency in all particle size classes measured (0.4 μm to >40 μm). Zebra mussels appear to remove Hudson River phytoplankton effectively in the presence of suspended sediment and do so at rapid rates. Based on our measurements and unpublished estimates of the size of the population, zebra mussels filter a volume equivalent to the entire volume of the tidal freshwater portion of the Hudson River about every 2 d.  相似文献   

Plankton samples of the MECCAS- (Microbial Exchanges and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems) Project, taken in February, June, and August 1985 and April 1986, were analyzed to study the spatio-temporal distribution of sand shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa, larvae of Chesapeake Bay. With up to 250.9 larvae m?3, results confirm C. septemspinosa as a very abundant decapod larval form in early spring in the study area. The overwhelming majority (94.5%) of the larvae occurred in April 1986; a second minor peak of larval production was observed in February 1985. The first two larval stages comprised 81.1% of the collected larvae, and complete series of all developmental stages including juveniles were obtained in June 1985 and April 1986. Newly hatched larvae occurred over a wide range of salinities (22.00–33.60‰), while more advanced forms were found mainly at higher salinities (>30‰). High larval abundances (>50 larvae m?3) were obtained between 10°C; another considerably smaller peak in abundance occurred at temperatures ranging from 2.7°C to 4.5°C. Compared to other developmental stages, high abundances of the first two larval stages were collected at the highest chlorophyll concentrations. The significance of phytoplankton as a possible energy source for early stages of planktonic larvae and the role of phytoplankton as a possible chemical stimulus for larval release is discussed in terms of stomach and mouthpart structure and larval sensitivity to their chemical environment. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY066 00016  相似文献   

The Cananéia Lagoon estuarine system lies at 25°S, near the latitudinal limit for mangroves. It is 110 km long, consisting of 1–3 km wide channels behind a barrier island, with narrow inlets at the southern and northern ends. Average and maximum depths are 6 m and 12 m. The system is microtidal and subtropical. Mean annual temperature is 21.4°C (annual amplitude=7.0°C). When the area receives sporadic frosts, temperatures close to 2°C occur in the estuary. Annual precipitation (2,270 mm) exceeds annual potential evapotranspiration (1,656 mm). The water budget of the 1,339 km2 watershed is controlled primarily by local rainfall. Before 1978, a large river discharged a significant portion of its flow into the lagoon, but closure of the diversionary channel has since caused changes in salinity, phytoplankton populations, and mangrove coverage. About 90 km2 of intertidal habitat is occupied by mangroves and tidal marsh; mangroves are dominant. Fringe and riverine forests (dominated byRhizophora) are more structurally developed than the basins dominated byLaguncularia and have higher litterfall rates (2.08 g m?2 d?1, fringes; 1.04 g m?2d?1, basins). Primary production exhibits pronounced seasonal pulses; heterotrophic processes lag photosynthetic production and are partially driven by particulate matter inputs. Synthetic models must consider the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of this region.  相似文献   

Abundance of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii was quantified via light microscopy at 2-week to monthly intervals in Massachusetts Bay (southern Gulf of Maine, NW Atlantic) during 1992–2012. Variability in the abundance and seasonal cycle of Phaeocystis are described and synoptic hydrographic, nutrient, and meteorological data were analyzed to identify factors that may influence Phaeocystis abundance. The maximum Phaeocystis abundance was 14?×?106 cells L?1 (10 Apr 2008). It was frequently (5 of 8 years) absent prior to year 2000, but not thereafter. Seasonally, it first appeared in February to early March, reached peak abundance in mid-April, and persisted until May or early June for a duration of 0–112 days (mean 34 days). A long-term alternation between Phaeocystis and centric diatom abundance was apparent, suggesting winter-spring selection of either Phaeocystis or centric diatoms. Phytoplankton community analysis suggested that blooms affected the rest of the phytoplankton community. Phaeocystis blooms were manifest as a substantial increase in particulate nutrients above normal levels. Phaeocystis blooms were preceded in February by a slightly elevated concentration of NO3 (9.3 vs. 6.5 μM when absent) and PO4 (0.99 vs. 0.79 μM when absent). Blooms were also preceded by elevated ratios of NO3/PO4, NO3/Si, and PO4/Si, and warmer, saltier waters reflecting reduced river discharge. The correlation with salinity and river discharge suggests that Phaeocystis bloom variability is partially determined by annually varying circulation processes that determine the degree of low nutrient, low salinity coastal water intrusion into Massachusetts Bay.  相似文献   

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