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Benthic resource utilization by, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) was studied in a restored, mangrove-rimmed impoundment (Cabbagehead Bayou) of Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, and in a nearby, natural site of unaltered tidal regime (Double Branch Bay). Diets of fish captured from August 1990 to May 1992 were determined from stomach content analysis. Simultaneously, food availability was evaluated by sampling benthic macroinvertebrates, mobile decapods, and small fish. Red drum and spotted seatrout utilized the restored habitat 1 yr after it was opened to tidal influence. Both species also were collected in the natural mangrove. Although there were noted differences in benthic assemblages between the two sites, red drum and spotted seatrout exhibited flexibility in diet, feeding on abundant and accessible prey. The high abundance of microcrustacea, such as amphipods, on detritus accumulated in the restored habitat constituted a main food resource for both fish species. Major food items in the diet of small (<200 mm) red drum were amphipods, mysids, and nereid and arenicolid polychaetes. Large (200–590 mm) red drum fed on polychaetes, xanthid crabs, palaemonid shrimp, and small fishes. Spotted seatrout preyed primarily upon mysids, shrimp, and small fishes, and to a lesser extent, upon a nereid polychaete. Our findings on fish feeding in a restored mangrove impoundment indicated that the detrital-associated benthic community is utilized by reinvading fish within a short time period, suggesting that not only habitat but food resources were augmented by the reopening of this wetland.  相似文献   

Cedar Bayou, a natural tidal inlet, was recently dredged to allow for direct water exchange between the Gulf of Mexico and Mesquite Bay, TX, USA. We quantified changes in densities of juvenile nekton (fish, shrimps, and crabs) and community structure in Mesquite Bay after Cedar Bayou was reopened by collecting samples at both control and impact sites using an epibenthic sled 1 year before (October 2013–April 2014) and after (October 2014–April 2015) opening. Significantly higher densities of total nekton were observed at the impact sites after opening using a before-after control-impact design. Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), post-larval penaeid shrimps (Farfantepenaeus aztecus, F. duorarum, and Litopenaeus setiferus), and Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were significantly more abundant at impact sites after Cedar Bayou was opened. Multivariate analysis showed a significant change in impact site communities after opening and was driven by an increased presence of estuarine-dependent species. Overall, this study demonstrates that opening tidal inlets, such as Cedar Bayou, and reconnecting Mesquite Bay to the Gulf of Mexico increased the presence of numerous estuarine-dependent species, many of which were not present or occurred at very low densities prior to reopening. Thus, reestablishing the historical connectivity between a productive estuary and the open Gulf of Mexico via Cedar Bayou should reinstitute natural nekton recruitment processes important to the Aransas, Mesquite, and San Antonio Bay regions.  相似文献   

On 19 April 2005, an oil spill occurred in southeastern Louisiana’s Barataria Bay estuary. We used a drop sampler to characterize the marsh-edge nekton community. Thirty-six locations were sampled in pre- and post-spill time frames from March through May 2005. Before–after control–impact (BACI) analyses of the total number of individuals (fishes + decapod crustaceans), total fishes, and sensitive species found significant interactions between the temporal (before/after) and spatial (control/impact) treatments and indicated an effect of the oil spill. Nonparametric analyses detected varied faunal assemblages across temporal treatments, but were similar in species composition among spatial treatments. While the BACI analyses showed event effects, differences were not strongly detected in nonparametric analyses of community structure. Fish are mobile and left the spill area after the disturbance, whereas the less mobile but more numerous benthic decapod crustaceans remained. The overall community structure appears to be robust and quickly recovered from the localized spill event.  相似文献   

The use of tidal currents by fishes for movements to and from onshore spawning, foraging, and nursery grounds is well documented. However, fishes’ use of the water column in tidal currents frequently exceeding 1.5 m?·?s-1 is largely unknown. With growing interest in extracting energy from the tides, understanding animal use of these dynamic environments has become essential to determining environmental effects of tidal energy devices. To assess the effects of a tidal energy device on fishes, we used down-looking single-beam hydroacoustic technology to collect pre-deployment data on the presence and vertical distribution of fishes at a pilot project site and a control site in Cobscook Bay, ME. Twenty-four-hour stationary surveys were conducted in each season of 2010 and 2011. Relative fish density and vertical distribution were analyzed for variation with respect to site, year, month, and diel and tidal cycles. A seasonal pattern in fish density was apparent in both years at both sites, with maxima in spring and late fall. Fish density was generally highest near the sea floor. Diel changes in vertical distribution were frequently observed, but changes in distribution related to tidal cycle were inconsistent. Results from the project and control sites were very similar, demonstrating that the control site provides a reference for quantifying changes in fish density and vertical distribution related to the tidal device. This approach and baseline dataset will be used to compare hydroacoustic data collected at the project and control sites after device deployment.  相似文献   

Forty-eight core and grab samples were taken from two impoundments and an adjacent tidal creek and salt marsh during each of six sampling periods (January, June and November 1983; and January, April and July 1984). Habitats sampled within the impoundments included the perimeter ditch and shallow vegeted areas dominated byRuppia maritima, Spartina alterniflora, andScirpus robustus. The adjacent tidal creek bottom and low marsh ofS. alterniflora were sampled for comparison with the impoundment sites. Major differences in faunal composition and density of macrobenthic invertebrates were observed between habitats in this study. Macrobenthic density was highest (475 individuals 0.05 m?2) at the impoundment site dominated byScripus robustus, where oligochaetes were abundant. The open marsh site had a density of 254 individuals 0.05 m?2. Among unvegetated sites, density for all sampling periods was higher in Chainey Creek than in the perimeter ditches of the impoundments. The total number of taxa was highest for the open marsh and tidal creek sites. The impoundments contained vegetated sites which were inhabited by fewer species than nonimpounded sites, while the perimeter ditch sites were comparatively depauperate. Cluster and nodal analyses identified four broad assemblages based on habitat: 1) an open marsh assemblage, 2) a creek assemblage, 3) a eurytopic assemblage, and 4) an impoundment assemblage. The separation of faunal assemblages by sampling site rather than sampling period suggests that physical differences between habitats were important factors determining distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Vertical accretion of impounded marsh and adjacent natural marsh at four sites in southwestern Louisiana was estimated in 1994 by determining the depth of a stratum containing137Cs deposited in 1963. With relative marsh elevation, soil bulk density, organic matter content, and organic and mineral matter accumulation rates were used to describe soil formation. Three sites were impounded in 1956 and one site in 1951. Impounded marshes had lower marsh surface elevation than natural marshes because of hydrologic isolation from tidal sediment subsidies and substrate oxidation during forced drying. The elevation of natural marshes ranged from 12 cm to 42 cm higher than the elevation of the impounded marshes in 1963 and from 20 cm to 32 cm higher in 1994. Vertical accretion between 1963 and 1994 ranged from 9 cm to 28 cm in impounded marsh and from 15 cm to 21.5 cm in natural marsh. Only in impounded marsh that remained permanently flooded was accretion greater than in natural marsh.  相似文献   

The benthic amphipod Ampelisca abdita dominates mudbottom benthic communities in Jamaica Bay (New York). In this study, we investigated the trophic role of Ampelisca in relation to winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) populations—the most frequently trawled fish species in Jamaica Bay. Flounders collected by trawl during summer 1989 were primarily juveniles. Stomach analyses indicated that amphipod crustaceans contributed >99% of prey individuals, with A. abdita making up 88%. Density and size frequency analyses of Ampelisca at three sites indicated two overlapping cohorts: a spring cohort released in June and a summer cohort released in late summer. Most overwintering survivors come from the summer cohort. Secondary production of Ampelisca was estimated at three sites using the cohort summation of biomass method. Estimates of annual production ranged from 25 g DW to 47 g DW m?2 (mortality + residual biomass); production due to growth ranged from 20 g DW to 26 g DW. Simulations of spring cohort production using a range of plausible growth and mortality schedules suggested that P∶B may be more sensitive to variability in survivorship than growth. Ampelisca secondary production in Jamaica Bay is compared with other amphipod species and with macrobenthic production in other coastal and estuarine systems. We conclude that observed amphipod production is probably more than sufficient to support local winter flounder populations in Jamaica Bay, and we speculate that high nutrient loadings may indirectly stimulate amphipod production. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY058 00010  相似文献   

In a continuing effort to monitor the fish response to marsh restoration (resumed tidal flow, creation of creeks), we compared qualitative and quantitative data on species richness, abundance, assemblage structure and growth between pre-restoration and post-restoration conditions at two former salt hay farms relative to a reference marsh in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. The most extensive comparison, during April–November 1998, sampled fish populations in large marsh creeks with otter trawls and in small marsh creeks with weirs. Species richness and abundance increased dramatically after restoration. Subsequent comparisons indicated that fish size, assemblage structure, and growth of one of the dominant species,Micropogonias undulatus, was similar between reference and restored marshes 1 and 2 yr post-restoration. Total fish abundance and abundance of the dominant species was greater, often by an order of magnitude, in one of the older restored sites (2 yr post-restoration), while the other restored site (1 yr post-restoration) had values similar to the reference marsh. The success of the restoration at the time of this study suggests that return of the tidal flow and increased marsh area and edge in intertidal and subtidal creeks relative to the former salt hay farms contributed to the quick response of resident and transient young-of-the-year fishes.  相似文献   

The fauna of seagrass-covered mud banks in Florida Bay, documented in the mid 1980s prior to recent seagrass die-off, phytoplankton blooms, and other ecosystem changes, was reexamined in the mid 1990s for faunal changes that might be associated with environmental perturbations. During both decades, decapod crustaceans and fishes were collected with 1-m2 throw traps from seagrass beds at six sites that differ in the amount of freshwater and/or marine influence and in seagrass community metrics. The most common faunal changes were declines in seagrass-canopydwelling forms and increases in benthic forms. At three sites with relatively lush seagrass meadows, above-ground seagrass standing crop declined and abundance of the benthic predatory fishOpsanus beta increased. The degree of faunal change among these sites appeared to be related either to salinity variability or to the degree of exposure to the ecosystem changes that have taken place in Florida Bay. At two sites with poorly developed seagrass meadows, seagrass standing crop and canopy height did not change significantly between decades, but there was an increase in shoot density and total leaf area. The animal communities at these sites were characterized by significant increases in the abundance of benthic crustaceans. At the site on the edge of Rankin Lake, the basin where seagrass die-off was first observed in Florida Bay during 1987, seagrass standing crop, canopy height, shoot density, and leaf area declined significantly between decades, but species richness of both crustaceans and fishes increased. The abundance of canopy-dwelling crustaceans and fishes declined markedly at this site, whereas the abundance of benthic forms less dependent on seagrass cover generally increased. In retrospect, we believe the fauma at this site during the 1980s, characterized by high productivity but few species, was already showing signs of the stresses that led to the seagrass die-off that began in 1987.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of 24 elements for sediments and suspended solids, water parameters and the diatoms from Yatsushiro Bay tidal flat, Kuma River, and Arase Dam have been determined to examine changes from 2002 to 2013. In 2002, sediment delivered to the bay by the Kuma River was restricted by the Arase Dam; however, in April 2010 two gates were opened and also repeated seasonal flushing allowing resumption of natural sediment transport. Bulk chemical composition of the tidal flat sediments has changed since 2002, with marked decreases in concentrations of As, Zn, Pb and total sulfur. Decreased heavy metal contents in 2012 and 2013 for bay sediments after opening the dam and repeated flushing is attributed to dilution by previously impounded quartz and feldspar. Restoration of natural sediment transport by opening the dam and repeated flushing has thus brought about a recovery in the Yatsushiro marine environment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of selected anthropogenic chemical contaminants and levels of pollution-related biological effects were measured during three consecutive years (1990–1992) in hardhead catfish (Arius felis), Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis), longnose killifish (F. majalis), and red drum (Scieaenops ocellatus) from 12 subtidal and intertidal sites in Tampa Bay and nearby Sarasota Bay. Each species was collected from at least four sites. Compared to nonindustrialized sites, concentrations of PCBs, DDTs, and alpha-chlordane in liver, and of fluorescent aromatic compounds in bile, were highest in fish from sites in or near Hillsborough Bay, the most industrialized portion of Tampa Bay. The results of analyses for two biochemical markers of contaminant-induced effects in fish, hepatic cytochrome P4501A activities and levels of hepatic DNA adducts, also showed the highest levels to be in all four fish species from sites in the vicinity of Hillsborough Bay. Liver lesions, considered to be pollution-associated in several other bottom-feeding fish species, were found in hardhead catfish and longnose killifish, exclusively from sites in Hillsborough Bay. Overall, concentrations of selected contaminants and their derivatives in the four target fish species generally reflected concentrations of these contaminants found in sediment. The biochemical and histopathological responses demonstrated that chemical contaminant concentrations in the vicinity of Hillsborough Bay are sufficiently high to cause adverse effects in indigenous fish species. The results, collectively, showed that the extent of contaminant exposure and biological effects in fish from sites in Tampa Bay were low to moderate compared to more urbanized coastal sites of the United States. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY073 00009  相似文献   


We examined fish assemblages in tidal salt marsh creeks in Delaware Bay in order to evaluate their response to treatment forPhragmites removal following initial treatment in 1996. In Alloway Crrek, a tributary to Delaware Bay, reference creeks draining marsh of untreatedPhragmites or naturally occurringSpartina were compared with creeks in marshes treated forPhragmites removal. These reference and treated creeks occur in close proximity and share many characteristics including salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, although creeks inPhragmites sites differed slightly in bathymetry. We analyzed a time series of otter trawl collections (22 monthly sample periods from 1999 to 2001) for differences in juvenile fish assemblage among creeks with different vegetation history. Periodically, young-of-the-year (YOY) and age 1+ white perch (Morone americana), YOY spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), YOY Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), and other species were relatively more abundant atPhragmites sites, but other dominant species were preiodically abundant at all sites. Among-treatment differences based on principal response curves analysis accounted for about 19% of the total species variation, but differences varied widely among sample periods and there is little or no indication of a trend over the 3-yr period. Larger collections were often associated with subtidal structure, which was more common atPhragmites sites and potentially represents a sampling artifact. Assemblages of creeks with differing vegetation history differ weakly but recognizably, suggesting slow or little response to treatment, at least based on otter trawl collections in subtidal marsh creeks.


We used a combined field and modeling approach to estimate the potential for submergence for one rapidly deteriorating (Bayou Chitigue Marsh) and one apparently stable (Old Oyster Bayou Marsh) saltmarsh wetland in coastal Louisiana, given two eustatic sea level rise scenarios: the current rate (0.15 cm year−1); and the central value predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (48 cm by the year 2100). We also used the model to determine what processes were most critical for maintaining and influencing salt marsh elevation including, mineral matter deposition, organic matter production, shallow subsidence (organic matter decomposition + primary sediment compaction), deep subsidence, and sediment pulsing events (e.g., hurricanes). Eight years of field measurements from feldspar marker horizons and surface elevation tables revealed that the rates of vertical accretion at the Bayou Chitigue Marsh were high (2.26 (0.09) cm yr−1 (mean ± SE)) because the marsh exists at the lower end of the tidal range. The rate of shallow subsidence was also high (2.04 (0.1) cm yr−1), resulting in little net elevation gain (0.22 (0.06) cm yr−1). In contrast, vertical accretion at the Old Oyster Bayou Marsh, which is 10 cm higher in elevation, was 0.48 (0.09) cm yr−1. However, there was a net elevation gain of 0.36 (0.08) cm yr−1 because there was no significant shallow subsidence. When these rates of elevation gain were compared to rates of relative sea level rise (deep subsidence plus eustatic sea level rise), both sites showed a net elevation deficit although the Bayou Chitigue site was subsiding at approximately twice the rate of the Old Oyster Bayou site (1.1 cm yr−1 versus 0.49 cm yr−1 respectively). These field data were used to modify, initialize, and calibrate a previously published wetland soil development model that simulates primary production and mineral matter deposition as, feedback functions of elevation. Sensitivity analyses revealed that wetland elevation was most sensitive to changes in the rates of deep subsidence, a model forcing function that is difficult to measure in the field and for which estimates in the literature vary widely. The model also revealed that, given both the current rate of sea level rise and the central value estimate, surface elevation at both sites would fall below mean sea level over the next 100 years. Although these results were in agreement with the field study, they contradicted long term observations that the Old Oyster Bayou site has been in equilibrium with sea level for at least the past 50 years. Further simulations showed that the elevation at the Old Oyster Bayou site could keep pace with current rates of sea level rise if either a lower rate for deep subsidence was used as a forcing function, or if a periodic sediment pulsing function (e.g., from hurricanes) was programmed into the model.  相似文献   

Net-pen aquaculture results in the introduction of excess fish food and fecal matter in coastal waters. These wastes may modify the benthic environment. Mathematical models are developed in this study to simulate tidal and wind-driven currents, waves, and the resulting dispersion of fish food and fecal matter in coastal Maine, a region where limited modelling studies have been performed. Cobscook Bay and Toothacher Bay in Maine are studied in detail through the use of mathematical models and field data. We find that a systematic, site-specific, step-by-step modeling strategy involving the use of numerical models to simulate the overall hydrodynamic environment in combination with a waste-particle transport model can be an extremely powerful method of determining a priori whether aquaculture operations will cause high rates of net-pen waste accumulation at a particular site.  相似文献   

Construction of two dams in 1958 and 1982 reduced freshwater inflow events to Rincon Bayou, part of the Nueces Delta near Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. Inflow reduction led to a reverse estuary, where low-salinity water flooded the delta on incoming tides and higher salinities were found near the Nueces River. Hypersaline conditions caused by high evaporation rates and low water levels were common during summer in the upper reaches. In October 1995, an overflow diversion channel was created by lowering the bank of the Nueces River to restore inflow events into Rincon Bayou, which is the main stem creek that runs through the center of the Delta. Hypersaline conditions occurred four times from mid-1994 to mid-1997 and only once after mid-1997. Lower, rather than higher, salinity conditions were found after August 1997 in the upper reaches. Benthic faunal recovery was monitored by changes in macrofauna and meiofauna communities. Macrofauna responded to inflow events with increased abundances, biomass, and diversity but decreased during hypersaline conditions. Meiofauna abundance also increased with increasing inflow. Benthic characteristics were different in Rincon Bayou than in a reference site, upstream from introduced inflow. As inflow events have increased due to the diversion, the opportunities for positive responses to increased flow have increased. Although the oveflow channel was filled in at the end of the demonstration project in fall 2000, the City of Corpus Christi reopened the channel in fall 2001 because the ecological benefits were credited toward the state-mandated minimum flow requirement for the Nueces Estuary.  相似文献   

Sediment toxicity and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure were measured as one component of a study cohceived to determine the distribution and effect of sediment contamination in tidal freshwater portions of the Potomac and Anacostia rivers in the Washington, D.C., area. Samples were collected at 15 sites. Analyses included a partial life cycle (28 d) whole sediment test using the amphipod Hyalella azteca (Talitridae) and an assessment of benthic community structure. Survival and growth (as estimated by amphipod length) were experimental endopoints for the toxicity test. Significant mortality was observed in 5 of 10 sites in the lower Anacostia River basin and at the main channel Potomac River site. Sublethal toxicity, as measured by inhibition of amphipod growth, was not observed. Toxicity test results were in general agreement with synoptically measured sediment contaminant concentrations. Porewater total ammonia (NH3+NH4 +) appears to be responsible for the toxicity of sediments from the Potomac River, while correlation analysis and simultaneously extracted metals: acid volatile sulfide (SEM∶AVS) results suggest that the toxicity associated with Anacostia River sediments was due to organic compounds. Twenty-eight macroinvertebrate taxa were identified among all sites, with richness varying from 5 to 17 taxa per site. Groups of benthic assemblages identified by group-average cluster analysis exhibited variable agreement with sediment chemical and sediment toxicity results. Integration of toxicological, chemical, and ecological components suggests that adverse environmental effects manifest in the lower Anacostia River benthos result from chemical contamination of sediment.  相似文献   

Winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) were sampled from three sites located near Norwalk, New Haven, and Niantic, Connecticut, in Long Island Sound during February 1987, to evaluate the degree of chemical contamination and to determine possible effects of contaminant exposure. At each site, sediment and infaunal invertebrates were also collected and analyzed for trace metals and organic chemicals. Specimens of liver and kidney from winter flounder were examined for histopathological conditions, including the presence of macrophage aggregates in liver tissue. Liver samples were also analyzed for DNA damage (i.e., the formation of adducts between DNA and chemical contaminants). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for erythrocyte micronuclei. The sampling site near New Haven was determined to be the most affected site, from the standpoints of greater chemical contamination and possible effects on winter flounder. Concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were highest in sediment from this site, and the highest prevalences of the histopathological changes and DNA alterations were also found in the livers of winter flounder from this site. No differences in the concentrations of contaminants in fish or in frequencies of erythrocyte micronuclei in fish blood were found between sites. None of the sites sampled had contaminant levels or prevalences of lesions as high as previously found at other East Coast locations (e.g., Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, Raritan Bay, New York). Overall, our results indicate moderate levels of pollution at two of the urban sites in Long Island Sound and provide a framework for expanded studies to better define the extent and impact of chemical pollution in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

Restoration of horseshoe crab spawning habitats through beach nourishment may be considered as a potential strategy to enhance reproductive success in areas where estuarine beaches have been lost to coastal erosion and development. The US Army Corps of Engineers performed a beach nourishment project at Plumb Beach (Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn, NY) in 2012 to stabilize the shoreline. While the addition of sand was done to protect infrastructure, it created an opportunity to examine the responses of American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) to beach nourishment using a BACI (before-after control impact) design. During Spring 2012, before beach nourishment, horseshoe crabs made minimal use of the highly degraded western section of Plumb Beach in comparison to a nearby reference site, as quantified by numbers of spawning adults at high tide and densities of horseshoe crab eggs in core samples. In the first post-nourishment field season (Spring 2013), there was no detectable increase in horseshoe crab spawning activity on the newly restored beach. In 2014 and 2015, the density of spawning females began to increase at the nourished beach, although their numbers and especially the density of horseshoe crab eggs remained much lower than at the reference site. Three years after beach nourishment, differences in sediments texture (mean grain diameter, percent gravel, sorting, skewness, and hardness) were still evident between the nourishment and reference sites. Our results suggest that (1) at this site, beach nourishment appeared to bring about only slow increases in horseshoe crab spawning density after several seasons and (2) subtle differences in beach geomorphology over relatively short distances can be detected by horseshoe crabs and may underlie their selection of specific nesting sites.  相似文献   

Species richness declines to a minimum (artenminimum) in the oligohaline reach of estuaries and other large bodies of brackish water. To date, observations of this feature in temperate estuaries have been largely restricted to benthic macroinvertebrates. Five years of seine data collected during the summers of 1990–1995 in the major tidal tributaries to the lower Chesapeake Bay were examined to see if this feature arose in estuarine fish assemblages. Estimates of numerical species richness (alpha diversity) and rates of species turnover between sites (beta diversity) were generated via rarefaction and detrended correspondence analysis. Two spatial attributes of the distribution of littoral fish species along salinity gradients in the tributaries of the lower Chesapeake Bay were revealed: (1) a species richness depression in salinities of 8–10% and (2) a peak in the rate of species turnover associated with the tidal freshwater interface (salinities of 0–2%). Expression of the minimum is influenced by the physical length of the salinity gradient and the interaction between a species’ salinity preferences and tendency to make long excursions from favorable habitats.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use by fish of restored tidal wetlands and identified links between fish species composition and habitat characteristics. We compared the attributes of natural and constructed channel habitats in Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, San Diego Bay, California, by using fish monitoring data to explore the relationships between channel environmental characteristics and fish species composition. Fishes were sampled annually for 8 yr (1989–1996) at eight sampling sites, four in constructed marshes and four in natural marshes, using beach seines and blocking nets. We also measured channel habitat characteristics, including channel hydrology (stream order), width and maximum depth, bank slope, water quality (DO, temperature, salinity), and sediment composition. Fish colonization was rapid in constructed channels, and there was no obvious relationship between channel age and species richness or density. Total richness and total density did not differ significantly between constructed and natural channels, although California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) were found in significantly higher densities in constructed channels. Multivariate analyses showed fish assemblage composition was related to channel habitat characteristics, suggesting a channel’s physical properties were more important in determining fish use than its restoration status. This relationship highlights the importance of designing restoration projects with natural hydrologic features and choosing proper assessment criteria in order to avoid misleading interpretations of constructed channel success. We recommend that future projects be designed to mimic natural marsh hydrogeomorphology and diversity more closely, the assessment process utilize better estimates of fish habitat function (e.g., individual and community-based species trends, residence time, feeding, growth) and reference site choice, and experimental research be further incorporated into the restoration process.  相似文献   

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