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This paper examines the use of fossil larval trichopteran communities to investigate and describe the flow environment of a paleochannel network in the middle reaches of the River Trent floodplain (UK). Previous research utilising fossil insect communities (principally O. Coleoptera, O. Chironomidae) has focussed upon climate reconstruction. However, larval trichopteran communities (O. Trichoptera) also offer an aquatic signal, giving information regarding channel habitat structure and flow environments. The taxonomic diversity of each fossil community and the categorisation of each taxon into a known flow group, using the “LIFE” methodology, facilitates the reconstruction of the river flow conditions at each site based upon known faunal associations with mean flow velocity. A total of 49 trichopteran taxa were recorded from 17 paleochannels (n = 170 samples). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) identified a environmental gradient on the first DCA axis that reflected variability in flow, from rapid/fast flow to slow flowing and standing water habitats. In addition, two distinct faunal groups were identified on the second DCA axis characteristic of (i) small nutrient rich lentic habitats; and (ii) larger water bodies displaying features of both lentic, lotic and ephemeral habitats where marginal vegetation is abundant on a mineral substratum. The results demonstrate that larval Trichoptera can be used in paleolimnological research to reconstruct a flow signal and provide additional information regarding the aquatic habitat structure. Their wider use in describing the aquatic environment, in association with other proxies (e.g., Chironomidae and Coleoptera), may provide a more holistic understanding of floodplain paleoenvironment succession.  相似文献   

水生态空间分类体系是研究水生态空间变化的重要前提。目前,水生态空间分类体系一般都基于特定的研究或者管理目的,没有相对统一的划定标准。因此,这些水生态空间分类体系间的可比性及可操作性就存在一定的局限。鉴于此,论文结合遥感观测技术,基于系统论提出了适用于遥感影像的水生态空间多功能分类体系。该分类体系具有一定的理论基础,同时也兼具遥感技术的可操作性和可比性,能为研究水生态空间的面积动态变化提供理论基础和技术保障。此外,研究还结合生产管理经验和专家咨询等方法,建立了适用于Landsat卫星遥感数据的各类水生态空间的解译标志。最后,以中国为例,运用2015年的Landsat卫星遥感数据,划定了中国各类水生态空间的分布,并得到了不同水生态空间类型所占的面积比,这为进一步研究中国水生态空间的演化规律奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

Macrofossils are known as a useful tool in reconstructing their original plant communities. However, most studies have been focused on comparing the composition and distribution of living plant communities and their remains in temperate lakes. Mediterranean shallow lakes have been historically far less studied and little is known about the relationships between Mediterranean macrophyte communities and their remains. The aim of our study is to assess how contemporary aquatic macrophyte communities are represented by their sedimentary remains in terms of composition, distribution and concordance between the contemporary and the subfossil assemblages in a procrustean superimposition space, and to determine which surface sediment cores, collected along a depth gradient, may represent best the whole-lake macrofossil assemblage. These analyses were carried out for both species and macrophyte growth forms (submerged hydrophytes, floating-leaved hydrophytes, helophytes and charophytes) in order to check which of the two (species and growth forms) were represented best by their macro-remains. The most abundant present-day species (Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. and Potamogeton trichoides L.) were under-represented while Characeae and some floating-leaved hydrophytes (Polygonum amphibium L. and Ranunculus peltatus Schrank) were over-represented in sedimentary samples. Additionally, macro-remains of submerged hydrophytes and helophytes were generally found in the central areas and in close proximity to contemporary vegetation, whereas floating-leaved hydrophytes distributed close to the near-shore. Notwithstanding some disparities between contemporary vegetation and their macrofossil assemblages, we found a good agreement between present-day and sedimentary datasets for both species and macrophyte growth forms. Furthermore, our study suggests that sediment cores from deep areas are more likely to represent best the whole-lake macrofossil assemblage because of their high diversity, equitability and heterogeneity. We conclude that aquatic macrophyte subfossils from the central areas of the basin can be a very useful tool in tracking the species composition and structure of the original macrophyte communities in shallow Mediterranean lakes. Additionally, when considering the use of macro-remains to reconstruct the composition and structure of macrophyte growth forms, we recommend a multicore approach that uses transects running from the shore to the lake center.  相似文献   

Patterns in soil bacterial communities, and the factors that determine them, have been little explored in arid and semi-arid environments. It is unclear to what extent the diversity and community composition of arid-land soil bacterial communities follow vegetation habitats, or conversely other relatively independent soil variables. It is also unclear whether the factors (e.g. pH) that contribute to variation in bacterial communities in some moister environments also operate on a local scale in semi-arid environments. To identify the main factors in shaping bacterial community structure in semi-arid environments, we sampled a mosaic of habitats under different vegetation, landscape and edaphic conditions in central Mongolia, including steppe, forest-steppe, and abandoned wheat field. Soil DNA was extracted and pyrosequenced for 16S rRNA gene identification. NMDS results showed that bacterial community structures are slightly different from one habitat to another. However, the similarity between communities both within and between habitats is determined more strongly by soil texture than by vegetation type and drainage conditions. Moreover, the relative abundances of certain phyla are correlated with specific soil properties such as salinity and soil texture, in ways that have not previously been found in semi-arid environments. Actinobacteria, for example, show a negative correlation with salinity and Bacteroidetes display a positive relationship with percentage silt and clay. It also appears that the most important environmental variables (soil texture and salinity) affecting the bacterial community within this semi-arid environment are different from those found in moister environments, with no detectable effect of pH.  相似文献   

The influence of air emissions from the enterprises of the city of Norilsk on the vegetation cover of adjacent territories was revealed. The categories of resistance of some plant species and communities to technogenic loads have been ascertained. The protective role of overmoistening of habitats was observed for plants.  相似文献   

三峡库区生物多样性的变化态势及其保护对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章家恩  徐琪 《热带地理》1997,17(4):412-418
三峡库区拥有丰富的生镜多样性,物种多样性与基因多样性,是一个天然生物宝库,然而,由于人类活动长期的强烈干预和破坏,库区生境日趋退化,生物种群发生逆行演替,生物多样性在逐渐减少或丧失。加强对生物多样性保护和研究具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

基于无人机遥感的古银叶树群落健康快速诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用无人机低空遥感与地面调查相结合的方法对邻海陆地、远海陆地和盐生沼泽生境的古银叶树群落健康进行评价,利用冠层高度、林窗特征、光合有效辐射截面比、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、氮素反射指数(NRI)、黄色波段指数(YI)以及森林健康指数(FHI)等遥感指标指征古银叶树群落的健康状况。空-地结合的调查结果表明:1)盐生沼泽生境的古树由于树龄高,其树洞大且数量多,生境内生物多样性最低,邻海陆地生境的生物多样性最高。2)盐生沼泽生境的冠层高度最低;林窗面积最大,数量最少,形状复杂度最低;光合有效辐射截面比最小。以上指标在邻海陆地和远海陆地间差异不明显。NDVI、NRI、YI以及FHI的数值均表现出盐生沼泽小于远海陆地和邻海陆地的趋势,而在远海陆地和邻海陆地间的差异较小。3)无人机遥感的评价结果与地面调查结果契合度较高,客观地反映了不同生境古银叶树的健康状态。基于无人机遥感的评价体系在针对具体植物群落修改完善后,可以作为一种快速、无损和定量化的古树群落健康诊断方法。  相似文献   

间歇性湿地作为湿地的特殊类型,具有生物多样性保护、调节径流、改善水质和调节小气候、稳碳增汇等丰富的经济和生态价值。研究表明:全球间歇性湿地的数量和质量逐年下降,特殊生境受到严重威胁,但目前学者对间歇性湿地的关注仍然不够,国内还未有系统的研究。影响间歇性湿地生态功能的环境因素主要有淹水和干旱时间间隔、持续时间、干旱暴露频率和水生生物群落结构的变化,同时还受水文及地貌的差异控制。综述了20世纪以来人类活动对间歇性湿地类型和分布的影响,并概述了间歇性湿地在全球水-碳循环和生物多样性保护中发挥的生态和社会功能。间歇性湿地作为野生动植物的重要生境,为毗邻生态系统提供营养物质供给、蓄水防洪、水质过滤、稳碳增汇等功能,是自然和社会环境的重要生态安全屏障。  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of dams have emphasized large and very large dams; less well understood are the impacts caused by smaller dams. Using Texas as an example area, this article highlights the role of small- and medium-sized dams in affecting the surface hydrology of river systems. Analysis of data from the National Inventory of Dams (NID) in a geographic information system showed that small and medium dams comprise about 97 percent of the dams registered in Texas. A small-or medium-sized dam is found approximately every 100 km2 of area and about 120 km of river length. Different from large dams, which affect water storage the most, the major impact of these smaller dams is fragmentation of river landscapes. Analysis of data for dams extracted from digital orthoquads and for water bodies from the National Hydrography Dataset indicates that the extent of river fragmentation is likely greater than that suggested by data from the NID, because the NID underrepresents the smaller dams. Such extent of river fragmentation can degrade stream habitats and pose barriers to the migration of aquatic species and transport of sediment. Because small and medium dams are largely built for fire protection and stock ponds, mitigating the impacts associated with these dams likely involves working with the private individuals who own them.  相似文献   

长湖湿地水生植被演替研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在2006年调查的基础上,结合长湖湿地历史资料,对长湖湿地1985年至2006年21a间水生植被的演替进行了研究。结果表明,长湖湿地破坏严重,生物多样性下降。长湖现有14个水生群落,其中挺水群落3个,浮叶群落3个,沉水群落8个。优势群落发生了变化,从1985年的菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)群落演替为1999年的微齿眼子菜(P.maackianus)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)群落;进一步演替为2000年的苦草、微齿眼子菜群落,至2006年演替为莲(Nymphaea nelumbo)、莲 菰(Zizania na-duciflora)群落。优势群落生活型由沉水型转变为挺水型,植被覆盖度由100%减少到30.35%;群落总生物量为2202.08t(未包括挺水植物群落生物量),其中狸藻(Utricularia aurea) 轮叶狐尾藻(M.verticillatum)群丛最大为1633.48t,微齿眼子菜 日本茨藻(N.gracillima)最小为0.43t。群落单位面积平均生物量从1195.67g/m2增加到1850.53g/m2。人类的活动如过度养殖、打捞水草及污水排放等导致了长湖湿地植被面积、种类及总生物量的下降。  相似文献   

野外实地调查表明,光滩、藻类盐渍带-藨草、海三棱藨草带-芦苇带-堤内养殖塘4种典型湿地生境是长江口北支湿地水鸟的主要活动区域。光滩、藻类盐渍带中水鸟的种类和数量均最多,其次为堤内养殖塘和藨草、海三棱藨草带,芦苇带中水鸟的种类和数量均最少,食源状况是导致不同生境中水鸟群落分布差异的主要原因。在4种典型湿地生境中,鸟类群落的物种多样性和均匀度均存在差异,但总体上差异不明显,物种多样性均处在中等偏上水平,而均匀度普遍较低。光滩、藻类盐渍带与堤内养殖塘水鸟群落的相似性最高,相似性指数高达0.697;芦苇带与其他3种生境中水鸟群落的相似性均很低,相似性指数均不大于0.257。表明芦苇带与其他3种生境中水鸟群落组成有较大差异。  相似文献   

As a contribution to the International Polar Year program MERGE (Microbiological and Ecological Responses to Global Environmental change in polar regions), studies were conducted on the terrestrial and aquatic microbial ecosystems of northern Canada (details at: http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/merge/). The habitats included permafrost soils, saline coldwater springs, supraglacial lakes on ice shelves, epishelf lakes in fjords, deep meromictic lakes, and shallow lakes, ponds and streams. Microbiological samples from each habitat were analysed by HPLC pigment assays, light and fluorescence microscopy, and DNA sequencing. The results show a remarkably diverse microflora of viruses, Archaea (including ammonium oxidisers and methanotrophs), Bacteria (including filamentous sulfur-oxidisers in a saline spring and benthic mats of Cyanobacteria in many waterbodies), and protists (including microbial eukaryotes in snowbanks and ciliates in ice-dammed lakes). In summer 2008, we recorded extreme warming at Ward Hunt Island and vicinity, the northern limit of the Canadian high Arctic, with air temperatures up to 20.5 °C. This was accompanied by pronounced changes in microbial habitats: deepening of the permafrost active layer; loss of perennial lake ice and sea ice; loss of ice-dammed freshwater lakes; and 23% loss of total ice shelf area, including complete break-up and loss of the Markham Ice Shelf cryo-ecosystem. These observations underscore the vulnerability of Arctic microbial ecosystems to ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Aspects of communities and events in the concentrating ponds (S.G. 1.130 to 1.214) and salt crystallizing ponds (S.G. 1.215 to 1.264) of solar saltworks pertinent to salt manufacture are described. Communities that aid salt manufacture enable continuous and efficient production of high quality salt at a saltworks' design capacity, and they provide important controls on levels of organic matter in the brine. Fluctuating salinities, high concentrations of nutrients, and petroleum products are disturbances that causeAphanothece halophytica andDunaliella salina to release excessive quantities of organic matter, and that suppress or cause death to nutrient stripping organisms. Disturbances result in decreased quality and quantity of salt and increased costs for salt harvest, washing, and pond upkeep. Organic matter can be controlled by management techniques that keep nutrient stripping communities at proper levels and maintain a narrow and unchanging range of salinities in each pond, by constructing pond dikes able to withstand wind and water erosion, and by preventing spills of petroleum products in the ponds.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of two salt ponds at Aveiro was studied to evaluate its density and diversity. Samples were collected biweekly from the salt ponds Esmolas and Tanoeiras. Samples were first separated into Holoplankton (Copepoda, nauplii,Acartia, Ostracoda and Anostraca) and Meroplankton (Mollusca, Insecta, annelidan larvae and Ichthyoplankton). The Holoplankton was mainly composed of:Acartia tonsa, Acartia sp.,Eurytemora velox, Artemia sp., and harpacticoids and calanoids. In both salt ponds, species diversity was identical, but total zooplankton density was higher in the Tanoeiras salt pond, probably because its physical and chemical characteristics allowed the development of stable communities.  相似文献   

以泉州湾河口湿地为研究对象,开展海陆一体化修复工程,包括滩涂红树植物种植和互花米草控制、鱼塘改造和退养还湿、海陆交错带植被修复等手段。通过评估植被和生境恢复情况,对比修复前后鹭科鸟类的群落组成变化,探讨滨海湿地修复对鸟类的生态作用和修复的有效性。结果表明:修复工程开展后,滩涂和鱼塘生境得到了改善;海陆交错带植被覆盖率和植被指数NDVI呈上升趋势;研究区内共记录到鹭科鸟类11种18164只次;与修复前相比,修复后第2年鹭类种类和数量均呈现一定程度的下降;修复后第4年鹭类数量显著增加。泉州湾河口湿地修复工程为鹭类提供了更多适宜的栖息环境,对鹭类多样性保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2011年8~10月,对北京市以再生水为补充水源的11座公园河、湖湿地进行了植物现状调查,共记录了水生植物42种,隶属于22科35属。42种植物中,有沉水植物5种,占被调查的植物物种总数的11.9%;浮水植物7种,占总数的16.7%;挺水植物30种,占总数的71.4%。挺水植物是被调查植物资源中的优势生态型。采用二歧指示种分析(two-way indicators species analysis,TWINSPAN)方法,将调查的143个植物群落样方划分为9种植物群落类型,其中,荷花+香蒲-睡莲+萍蓬草-苦草+金鱼藻群落(Com.Nelumbo nucifera+Typha orientalis-Nymphaea tetragona+Nuphar pumilum-Vallisneria natans+Ceratophyllum demersum)、芦苇+千屈菜+野慈姑-金鱼藻+石龙尾群落(Com.Phragmites australis+Lythrum salicaria+Sagittaria trifolia-Ceratophyllum demer?sum+Limnophila sessiliflora)、荻-王莲+凤眼莲-轮叶狐尾藻群落(Com.Triarrhena sacchariflora-Victoria sp.+Eichhornia crassipes-Myriophyllum verticillatum)为北京市典型的3种湿地水生植物群落类型,且前二者为优势植物群落类型;其余6种为零星分布的湿地水生植物群落类型。  相似文献   

We compared water chemistry and environmental data with midge assemblage data, using multivariate analysis to assess the environmental gradients that limit midge (Chironomidae, Chaoboridae and Ceratopogonidae) distributions in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, northeastern Manitoba, Canada. Midge remains, comprising 62 taxa, were obtained from surficial sediments of 63 ponds. Ponds were sampled to maximize the salinity gradient. Specific conductance ranged from 46 to 29,000 μS cm?1. Proximity to the coast was a principal determinant of pond salinity, with ponds closer to Hudson Bay shoreline more saline that those farther away. Multivariate analysis indicated that midge distributions have a significant relationship ( $ {\text{r}}_{\text{boot}}^{2} = 0.68 $ ) with salinity in the data set. This work will allow paleolimnological inferences of midge community responses to changing sea level (i.e. salinity) via isostatic rebound within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, and will provide essential limnological information to scientists and managers in a region where understanding of aquatic ecosystems is limited. One undescribed midge taxon was dominant in ponds with the highest salinities and may be a key indicator for inferring highly saline environments.  相似文献   

调查记载了滕州湿地挺水植物群落、浮水植物群落、浮叶根生植物群落、沉水植物群落等4大类典型水生维管植物群落,其中包括芦苇群落、香蒲群落、菰群落、豆瓣菜群落、水苦荬群落、酸模叶蓼群落、空心莲子菜群落、浮萍群落、紫萍群落、水鳖群落、槐叶萍群落、莲群落、莕菜群落、睡莲群落、眼子菜群落、菱群落、芡群落、菹草群落、水毛茛群落、马来眼子菜+穿叶眼子菜群落、狐尾藻群落等21种群落类型,群落的组成以世界广布的植物为主,其次为暖温带性质的种类。同时对水生维管植物群落的生态价值、人类干扰及保护和利用等方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

采用表面荧光显微分析方法对2014年夏季中国第6次北极科学考察期间采集于加拿大海盆7个海冰站位的融池、冰芯和冰下海水样品进行了细菌和原生生物群落分析。结果表明,上述3类生境中的第一优势类群均为细菌(不包括ICE07站位出现水华融池的统计),分别占总生物量的42.8%、37.8%和50.7%;第二优势类群均为鞭毛虫,分别占总生物量的40.2%、34.3%和37.5%。包含细菌、鞭毛虫和纤毛虫在内的异养生物在总生物量中占有优势,显示微食物环在其中起着重要作用。在北冰洋夏季快速融冰的背景下,3类生境总体上缺少快速生长的条件,总生物量偏低。其中ICE07站位出现融池水华和冰表自养鞭毛藻高值,推测合适的藻种和营养盐的额外补充共同促成了该站位冰表(融池)藻华的形成。  相似文献   

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