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In a previous paper, we have shown that the classical definition of E+A galaxies excludes a significant number of post-starburst galaxies. We suggested that analysing broad-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) is a more comprehensive method to select and distinguish post-starburst galaxies than the classical definition of measuring equivalent widths of (Hδ) and [O  ii ] lines.
In this paper, we will carefully investigate this new method and evaluate it by comparing our model grid of post-starburst galaxies to observed E+A galaxies from the MORPHS catalogue.
In the first part, we investigate the UV-optical-NIR (near-infrared) SEDs of a large variety in terms of progenitor galaxies, burst strengths and time-scales of post-starburst models and compare them to undisturbed spiral, S0 and E galaxies as well as to galaxies in their starburst phase. In the second part, we compare our post-starburst models with the observed E+A galaxies in terms of Lick indices, luminosities and colours. We then use the new method of comparing the model SEDs with SEDs of the observed E+A galaxies.
We find that the post-starburst models can be distinguished from undisturbed spiral, S0 and E galaxies and galaxies in their starburst phase on the basis of their SEDs. It is even possible to distinguish most of the different post-starbursts by their SEDs. From the comparison with observations, we find that all observed E+A galaxies from the MORPHS catalogue can be matched by our models. However, only models with short decline time-scales for the star formation rate are possible scenarios for the observed E+A galaxies in agreement with our results from the first paper.  相似文献   

Radial and 2D colour properties of E+A galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the radial colour gradient and two-dimensional (2D) colour properties of 22 E+A galaxies with  5.5 < Hδ equivalent width(EW) < 8.5 Å  and 49 normal early-type galaxies as a control sample at a redshift of <0.2 in the Second Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We found that a substantial number of E+A galaxies exhibit positive slopes of radial colour gradient (bluer gradients toward the centre) which are seldom seen in normal early-type galaxies. We found irregular 'colour morphologies'– asymmetrical and clumpy patterns – at the centre of g − r and r − i 2D colour maps of E+A galaxies with positive slopes of colour gradient. Kolomogorov–Smirnov two-sample tests show that g − r and r − i colour gradient distributions of E+A galaxies differ from those of early-type galaxies with a more than 99.99 per cent significance level. We also found a tight correlation between radial colour gradients and colours, and between radial colour gradients and the 4000-Å break in the E+A sample; E+A galaxies which exhibit bluer colour or weaker D 4000 tend to have positive slopes of radial colour gradient. We compared the GISSEL model and E+A observational quantities,  Hδ EW, D 4000  and u − g colour, and found that almost all our E+A galaxies are situated along a single evolutionary track. Therefore, these results are interpreted as E+A galaxies evolving from  Hδ EW ∼ 8 Å  to  Hδ EW ∼ 5 Å  , with colour gradients changing from positive to negative, and with the irregular 2D colour map becoming smoother, during a time-scale of ∼300 Myr. Our results favour the hypothesis that E+A galaxies are post-starburst galaxies caused by merger/interaction, having undergone a centralized violent starburst.  相似文献   

E+A galaxies are characterized as galaxies with strong Balmer absorption lines but without any [O  ii ] or Hα emission lines. The existence of strong Balmer absorption lines indicates that E+A galaxies have experienced starburst within the past one gigayear. However, the lack of [O  ii ] and Hα emission lines indicates that E+A galaxies do not have any on-going star formation. Therefore, E+A galaxies are interpreted as post-starburst galaxies. For many years, however, it has been a mystery why E+A galaxies started starburst and why they quenched star formation abruptly. Using one of the largest samples of 266 E+A galaxies carefully selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2, we have investigated the environment of E+A galaxies from 50 kpc to 8 Mpc scale, i.e. from a typical distance to satellite galaxies to the scale of large-scale structures. We found that E+A galaxies have an excess of local galaxy density only at a scale of <100 kpc (with a 2σ significance), but not at the cluster scale (∼1.5 Mpc) nor at the scale of large-scale structure (∼8 Mpc). These results indicate that E+A galaxies are not created by the physical mechanisms associated with galaxy clusters or the large-scale structure, but are likely to be created by dynamical interaction with closely accompanying galaxies at a <100 kpc scale. The claim is also supported by the morphology of E+A galaxies. We have found that almost all E+A galaxies have a bright compact core, and that ∼30 per cent of E+A galaxies have dynamically disturbed signatures or tidal tails, which quite strongly suggest the morphological appearance of merger/interaction remnants.  相似文献   

We follow the chemical evolution of a galaxy through star formation and its feedback into the interstellar medium (ISM), starting from primordial gas and allowing for gas to inflow into the region being modelled. We attempt to reproduce observed spectral line strengths for early-type galaxies in order to constrain their star formation histories (SFH). The efficiencies and times of star formation are varied, as are the amount and duration of inflow. We evaluate the chemical enrichment and the mass of stars made with time. Single stellar population (SSP) data are then used to predict line strengths for composite stellar populations. The results are compared with observed line strengths in 10 ellipticals, including some features which help to break the problem of age–metallicity degeneracy in old stellar populations. We find that the elliptical galaxies modelled require high metallicity SSPs (> 3 Z⊙) at later times. In addition, the strong lines observed cannot be produced by an initial starburst in primordial gas, even if a large amount of inflow is allowed for during the first few × 108 yr. This is because some pre-enrichment is required for lines in the bulk of the stars to approach the observed line strengths in ellipticals. These strong lines are better modelled by a system with a delayed burst of star formation, following an early SFH which can be a burst or more steady star formation. Such a model is representative of star formation in normal ellipticals or spirals, respectively, followed by a starburst and gas inflow during a merger or strong interaction with a gas-rich galaxy. Alternatively, a single initial burst of normal stars with a Salpeter initial mass function could produce the observed strong lines if it followed some pre-enrichment process which did not form long-lived stars (e.g. population III stars).  相似文献   

We have analysed the distribution of inclination-corrected galaxy concentrations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that unlike most galaxy properties, which are distributed bimodally, the distribution of concentrations is trimodal: it exhibits three distinct peaks. The newly discovered intermediate peak, which consists of early-type spirals and lenticulars, may contain ∼60 per cent of the number density and ∼50 per cent of the luminosity density of  0.1 Mr < −17  galaxies in the local universe. These galaxies are generally red and quiescent, although the distribution contains a tail of blue star-forming galaxies and also shows evidence of dust. The intermediate-type galaxies have higher apparent ellipticities than either disc or elliptical galaxies, most likely because some of the face-on intermediate types are misidentified as ellipticals. Their physical half-light radii are smaller than the radii of either the disc or elliptical galaxies, which may be evidence that they form from disc fading. The existence of a distinct peak in parameter space associated with early-type spiral galaxies and lenticulars implies that they have a distinct formation mechanism and are not simply the smooth transition between disc-dominated and spheroid-dominated galaxies.  相似文献   

We have measured central line strengths for a complete sample of early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster, comprising 11 elliptical and 11 lenticular galaxies, more luminous than M B  = −17. In contrast to the elliptical galaxies in the sample studied by González (and recently revisited by Trager) we find that the Fornax ellipticals follow the locus of galaxies of fixed age in Worthey's models and have metallicities varying from roughly solar to three times solar. The lenticular galaxies, however, exhibit a substantial spread to younger luminosity-weighted ages, indicating a more extended star formation history. We present measurements of the more sensitive indices: C4668 and HγA; these confirm and reinforce the conclusions that the elliptical galaxies are coeval and that only the lenticular galaxies show symptoms of late star formation. The inferred difference in the age distribution between lenticular and elliptical galaxies is a robust conclusion as the models generate consistent relative ages using different age and metallicity indicators even though the absolute ages remain uncertain. The young luminosity-weighted ages of the S0s in the Fornax cluster are consistent with the recent discovery that the fraction of S0 galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters is a factor of 2–3 lower than found locally, and suggest that a fraction of the cluster spiral galaxy population has evolved to quiescence in the 5-Gyr interval from z  = 0.5 to the present. Two of the faintest lenticular galaxies in our sample have blue continua and strong Balmer-line absorption, suggesting starbursts ≲2 Gyr ago. These may be the low-redshift analogues of the starburst or post-starburst galaxies seen in clusters at z  = 0.3, similar to the Hδ-strong galaxies in the Coma cluster.  相似文献   

We investigate the environments and clustering properties of starburst galaxies selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) in order to determine which, if any, environmental factors play a role in triggering a starburst. We quantify the local environments, clustering properties and luminosity functions of our starburst galaxies and compare to random control samples. The starburst galaxies are also classified morphologically in terms of their broad Hubble type and evidence of tidal merger/interaction signatures. We find the starburst galaxies to be much less clustered on large (5–15 Mpc) scales compared to the overall 2dFGRS galaxy population. In terms of their environments, we find just over half of the starburst galaxies to reside in low to intermediate luminosity groups, and a further ∼30 per cent residing in the outskirts and infall regions of rich clusters. Their luminosity functions also differ significantly from that of the overall 2dFGRS galaxy population, with the sense of the difference being critically dependent on the way their star formation rates are measured. In terms of pin-pointing what might trigger the starburst, it would appear that factors relating to their local environment are most germane. Specifically, we find clear evidence that the presence of a near neighbour of comparable luminosity/mass within 20 kpc is likely to be important in triggering a starburst. We also find that a significant fraction (20–30 per cent) of the galaxies in our starburst samples have morphologies indicative of either an ongoing or a recent tidal interaction and/or merger. These findings notwithstanding, there remain a significant portion of starburst galaxies where such local environmental influences are not in any obvious way playing a triggering role, leading us to conclude that starbursts can also be internally driven.  相似文献   

We study, through 2D hydrodynamical simulations, the feedback of a starburst on the ISM of typical gas-rich dwarf galaxies. The main goal is to address the circulation of the ISM and metals following the starburst. We assume a single-phase rotating ISM in equilibrium in the galactic potential generated by a stellar disc and a spherical dark halo. The starburst is assumed to occur in a small volume in the centre of the galaxy, and it generates a mechanical power of 3.8×1039 or 3.8×1040 erg s−1 for 30 Myr. We find, in accordance with previous investigations, that the galactic wind is not very effective in removing the ISM. The metal-rich stellar ejecta, however, can be efficiently expelled from the galaxy and dispersed in the intergalactic medium.
Moreover, we find that the central region of the galaxy is always replenished with cold and dense gas a few 100 million years after the starburst, achieving the requisite for a new star formation event in ≈0.5–1 Gyr. The hydrodynamical evolution of galactic winds is thus consistent with the episodic star formation regime suggested by many chemical evolution studies.
We also discuss the X-ray emission of these galaxies and find that the observable (emission-averaged) abundance of the hot gas underestimates the real one if thermal conduction is effective. This could explain the very low hot-gas metallicities estimated in starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

We present illustrative models for the UV to millimetre emission of starburst galaxies which are treated as an ensemble of optically thick giant molecular clouds (GMCs) centrally illuminated by recently formed stars. The models follow the evolution of the GMCs owing to the ionization-induced expansion of the H  ii regions and the evolution of the stellar population within the GMC according to the Bruzual & Charlot stellar population synthesis models. The effect of transiently heated dust grains/PAHs on the radiative transfer, as well as multiple scattering, is taken into account.
The expansion of the H  ii regions and the formation of a narrow neutral shell naturally explain why the emission from PAHs dominates over that from hot dust in the near- to mid-infrared, an emerging characteristic of the infrared spectra of starburst galaxies.
The models allow us to relate the observed properties of a galaxy to its age and star formation history. We find that exponentially decaying 107–108 yr old bursts can explain the IRAS colours of starburst galaxies. The models are also shown to account satisfactorily for the multiwavelength data on the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 and NGC 6090, a starburst galaxy recently observed by ISO . In M82 we find evidence for two bursts separated by 107 yr. In NGC 6090 we find that at least part of the far-infrared excess may be due to the age of the burst (6.4×107 yr). We also make predictions about the evolution of the luminosity of starbursts at different wavelengths which indicate that far-infrared surveys may preferentially detect older starbursts than mid-infrared surveys.  相似文献   

We investigate the angular correlation function, ο(θ), of the galaxies detected in the 2.1-μm K ' band in 17 fields (101.5 arcmin2 in total), each containing a z ∼1.1 radio galaxy. There is a significant detection of galaxy clustering at a limit of K ∼20, with a ο(θ) amplitude similar to that estimated by Carlberg et al. at K =21.5. The ο(θ) amplitudes of these K -limited samples are higher than expected from the faint galaxy clustering in the blue and red passbands, but consistent with a pure luminosity evolution model if clustering is stable (ε=0) and the correlation function of early-type galaxies is steeper than that of spirals.
We do not detect a significant cross-correlation between the radio galaxies and the other galaxies in these fields. The upper limits on the cross-correlation are consistent with a mean clustering environment of Abell class 0 for z ∼1.1 radio galaxies, similar to that observed for radio galaxies at z ∼0.5, but would argue against an Abell class 1 or richer environment. As Abell 0 clustering around the radio galaxies would not significantly increase the ο(θ) amplitude of galaxies in these fields, stable clustering with a steep ξ( r ) for E/S0 galaxies appears to remain the most likely interpretation of the ο(θ) amplitude.
At K ≤20, the number of galaxy–galaxy pairs of 2–3 arcsec separation exceeds the random expectation by a factor of 2.15±0.26. The excess of close pairs is comparable to that previously reported for R -band data, and consistent with a ∼(1+ z )2 evolution of the galaxy merger rate.  相似文献   

We present a study of pixel colour–magnitude diagrams (pCMDs) for a sample of 69 nearby galaxies chosen to span a wide range of Hubble types. Our goal is to determine how useful a pixel approach is for studying galaxies according to their stellar light distributions and content. The galaxy images were analysed on a pixel-by-pixel basis to reveal the structure of the individual pCMDs. We find that the average surface brightness (or projected mass density) in each pixel varies according to galaxy type. Early-type galaxies exhibit a clear 'prime sequence' and some pCMDs of face-on spirals reveal 'inverse-L' structures. We find that the colour dispersion at a given magnitude is found to be approximately constant in early-type galaxies but this quantity varies in the mid and late types. We investigate individual galaxies and find that the pCMDs can be used to pick out morphological features. We discuss the discovery of 'Red Hooks' in the pCMDs of six early-type galaxies and two spirals and postulate their origins. We develop quantitative methods to characterize the pCMDs, including measures of the blue-to-red light ratio and colour distributions of each galaxy and we organize these by morphological type. We compare the colours of the pixels in each galaxy with the stellar population models of Bruzual & Charlot to calculate star formation histories for each galaxy type and compare these to the stellar mass within each pixel. Maps of pixel stellar mass and mass-to-light ratio are compared to galaxy images. We apply the pCMD technique to three galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field to test the usefulness of the analysis at high redshift. We propose that these results can be used as part of a new system of automated classification of galaxies that can be applied at high redshift.  相似文献   

We present line-strengths and kinematics from the central regions of 32 galaxies with Hubble types ranging from E to Sbc. Spectral indices, based on the Lick system, are measured in the optical and near-infrared (NIR). The 24 indices measured, in conjunction with models of the effects of varying abundance ratios, permit the breaking of age/metallicity degeneracy, and allow estimation of enhancements in specific light elements (particularly C and Mg). The large range of Hubble types observed allows direct comparison of line-strengths in the centres of early-type galaxies (E and S0) with those in spiral bulges, free from systematic differences that have plagued comparisons of results from different studies. Our sample includes field and Virgo cluster galaxies. For early-type galaxies our data are consistent with previously reported trends of Mg2 and Mgb with velocity dispersion. In spiral bulges we find trends in all indices with velocity dispersion. We estimate luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and heavy-element abundance ratios (enhancements) from optical indices. These show that bulges are less enhanced in light ( α -capture) elements and have lower average age than early-type galaxies. Trends involving age and metallicity also differ sharply between early and late types. An anticorrelation exists between age and metallicity in early types, while, in bulges, metallicity is correlated with velocity dispersion. We consider the implications of these findings for models of the formation of these galaxies. We find that primordial collapse models of galaxy formation are ruled out by our observations, while several predictions of hierarchical clustering (merger) models are confirmed.  相似文献   

The galaxy population in rich local galaxy clusters shows a ratio of one quarter elliptical galaxies, two quarters S0 galaxies, and one quarter spiral galaxies. Observations of clusters at redshift 0.5 show a perspicuously different ratio, the dominant galaxy type are spiral galaxies with a fraction of two quarters while the number of S0 galaxies decreases to a fraction of one quarter (Dressler et al. 1997). This shows an evolution of the galaxy population in clusters since redshift 0.5 and it has been suspected that galaxy transformation processes during the infall into a cluster are responsible for this change. These could be merging, starburst or ram-pressure stripping. We use our evolutionary synthesis models to describe various possible effects of those interactions on the star formation of spiral galaxies infalling into clusters. We study the effects of starbursts of various strengths as well as of the truncation of star formation at various epochs on the color and luminosity evolution of model galaxies of various spectral types. As a first application we present the comparison of our models with observed properties of the local S0 galaxy population to constrain possible S0 formation mechanisms in clusters. Application to other types of galaxies is planned for the future. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 group catalogue of Yang et al., we investigate sizes, concentrations, colour gradients and surface brightness profiles of central and satellite galaxies. We compare central and satellite galaxies at fixed stellar mass, in order to disentangle environmental from stellar mass dependencies. Early- and late-type galaxies are defined according to concentration. We find that at fixed stellar mass, late-type satellite galaxies have smaller radii and larger concentrations than late-type central galaxies. No such differences are found for early-type galaxies. We have also constructed surface brightness and colour profiles for the central and satellite galaxies in our sample. We find that late-type satellite galaxies have a lower surface brightness and redder colours than late-type central galaxies. We show that all observed differences between satellite and central galaxies can be explained by a simple fading model, in which the star formation in the disc decreases over time-scales of 2–3 Gyr after a galaxy becomes a satellite. Processes that induce strong morphological changes (e.g. harassment) and processes that strip the galaxy of its entire interstellar medium need not to be invoked in order to explain the environmental dependencies we find.  相似文献   

We outline the project of multifrequency observation of five clusters of galaxies spanning a redshift between 0.05 and 0.2. The core of the project is an HI survey of clusters accomplished with the VLA in its C configuration, and complemented with GMRT data. The 21 cm imaging is being combined with optical spectroscopy and deep NIR imaging with the aim to obtain a database on galaxy evolution in the nearby universe. We choose a sample of clusters with different degrees of dynamical evolution, some containing an important population of starburst or/and post–starburst galaxies, and a hot intracluster medium with emission in X–ray. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The analysis of the four-colour maps of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) has revealed, in the sample of 0.4< z <1 early-type field galaxies, the existence of ellipticals with a predominantly old coeval stellar population. However, there is another, unexpected, category of HDF early-type galaxies, in which the galaxy core is significantly bluer than the outer regions. We demonstrate that these colour gradients are predicted by the multizone chemodynamical model for the evolution of elliptical galaxies.
We suggest that the colour gradient could be used as a chronometer for the evolution of elliptical galaxies: galaxies younger than a few Gyr exhibit cores bluer than the surrounding galaxy as a result of ongoing star formation, while more evolved galaxies have redder cores because of metallicity gradients increasing toward the centre.  相似文献   

The evolution in X-ray properties of early-type galaxies is largely unconstrained. In particular, little is known about how, and if, remnants of mergers generate hot gas haloes. Here we examine the relationship between X-ray luminosity and galaxy age for a sample of early-type galaxies. Comparing normalized X-ray luminosity to three different age indicators, we find that L X L B increases with age, suggesting an increase in X-ray halo mass with time after the last major star formation episode of a galaxy. The long-term nature of this trend, which appears to continue across the full age range of our sample, poses a challenge for many models of hot halo formation. We conclude that models involving a declining rate of type Ia supernovae, and a transition from outflow to inflow of the gas originally lost by galactic stars, offer the most promising explanation for the observed evolution in X-ray luminosity.  相似文献   

Dwarf galaxies, as the most numerous type of galaxy, offer the potential to study galaxy formation and evolution in detail in the nearby universe. Although they seem to be simple systems at first view, they remain poorly understood. In an attempt to alleviate this situation, the MAGPOP EU Research and Training Network embarked on a study of dwarf galaxies named MAGPOP-ITP. In this paper, we present the analysis of a sample of 24 dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) in the Virgo cluster and in the field, using optical long-slit spectroscopy. We examine their stellar populations in combination with their light distribution and environment. We confirm and strengthen previous results that dEs are, on average, younger and more metal-poor than normal elliptical galaxies, and that their [α/Fe] abundance ratios scatter around solar. This is in accordance with the downsizing picture of galaxy formation where mass is the main driver for the star formation history. We also find new correlations between the luminosity-weighted mean age, the large-scale asymmetry, and the projected Virgocentric distance. We find that environment plays an important role in the termination of the star formation activity by ram-pressure stripping of the gas in short time-scales, and in the transformation of discy dwarfs to more spheroidal objects by harassment over longer time-scales. This points towards a continuing infalling scenario for the evolution of dEs.  相似文献   

The evolution of number density, size and intrinsic colour is determined for a volume-limited sample of visually classified early-type galaxies selected from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields (version 2). The sample comprises 457 galaxies over 320 arcmin2 with stellar masses above  3 × 1010 M  in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 1.2  . Our data allow a simultaneous study of number density, intrinsic colour distribution and size. We find that the most massive systems  (≳3 × 1011 M)  do not show any appreciable change in comoving number density or size in our data. Furthermore, when including the results from 2dF galaxy redshift survey, we find that the number density of massive early-type galaxies is consistent with no evolution between   z = 1.2  and 0, i.e. over an epoch spanning more than half of the current age of the Universe. We find large discrepancies between the predictions of semi-analytic models. Massive galaxies show very homogeneous intrinsic colour distributions, with nearly flat radial colour gradients, but with a significant negative correlation between stellar mass and colour gradient, such that red cores appear predominantly in massive galaxies. The distribution of half-light radii – when compared to   z ∼ 0  and   z > 1  samples – is compatible with the predictions of semi-analytic models relating size evolution to the amount of dissipation during major mergers.  相似文献   

NGC 3310 is a local galaxy with an intense, ongoing starburst thought to result from a merger with a companion galaxy. It has several known tidal features in the northwest and southern regions around the main galactic disc, as well as a closed, tidal loop emerging from the eastern side of the disc and rejoining in the north. This loop appears to be distinct from the rest of the shells surrounding NGC 3310 and is the first of its kind to be detected in a starburst galaxy. In this work, we present U BV R photometry to faint surface brightness levels of this debris network, and we explore various strategies for modelling NGC 3310's disc and subtracting its contribution from each region of debris. We then compare these photometric results with the GALaxy EVolution (GALEV) spectral synthesis models, and find possible material from the intruder galaxy, suggesting that the recent accretion of several small galaxies is driving the evolution of NGC 3310.  相似文献   

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