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采用染色薄片鉴定、阴极发光显微镜观察、微量元素分析、碳氧稳定同位素测定及包体侧温等手段,对塔里木盆地巴楚断隆区寒武系和奥陶系白云岩的特征及成因进行了研究,共划分出四种类型的白云岩:①泥粉晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)平均为3-10,Sr含量高(>300×10-6 ),m(Sr)/m(Ba)>>1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+1‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境为潮上带云坪,为准同生作用阶段潮上萨布哈白云化作用形成。②含雾心亮边白云石的细晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量中等(100×10-6-200×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba) >1,?13C值在-2‰左右,18O值低,在-7‰左右,沉积环境为开阔台地浅滩,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段回流渗透白云化作用形成。③含明亮白云石晶体及钙质残余的钙质白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1左右),Sr含量最低(100×10-6左右),m(Sr)/m(Ba) < 1,?13C值最低(-1‰--3‰),?18O值较低(-6‰左右),沉积环境为灰坪、云坪及开阔台地,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段混合水白云化作用形成。④砂糖状白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量低(<100×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba)<1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+3‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境多为浅滩,为晚期成岩作用阶段埋藏白云化作用形成。  相似文献   

The Malmani Subgroup northwest of Johannesburg consists of dolomite and chert with only minor clastic sediments.A precise upper intertidal to marginal supratidal analogy and the associated relationship of varied structures suggest that much of the succession represents a tidal flat to intertidal complex formed within differing semiprotected to protected conditions. The dolomites from these environments are recrystallized, reflecting a meteoric influence, and the cherts which are commonly developed within them are also related to prevailing lower pH's. This dolomitization is considered to have been enhanced by the influx of meteoric waters which however resulted in the dolomites having undersaturated iron-manganese ratios. Rare colour-banded dolomites containing columnar stromatolites are thought to represent more steeply shelving intertidal conditions than are normally encountered in the epeiric sea. These dolomites contain quartz crystals rather than chert, suggestive of a lower concentration of silica in the original alkaline solutions. The exposure is part of a very widespread carbonate unit, dated at ca. 2.250 m.y.Subtidal conditions in which large elongate stromatolitic domes developed can be related to a marine transgression across a basal clastic beach sand; and secondly to a progradational tidal flat seawards of which a talus breccia developed on a steepened slope leading down to the subtidal regime. These dolomites formed by interaction with marine waters saturated with respect to iron and manganese, while the absence of chert reflects persisting alkaline conditions.A dark chert-free dolomitic facies with high iron and manganese contents of saturated ratios is considered to have developed in an alkaline lagoonal environment behind a subaqueous bar that is now represented by an overlying thick oolitic unit.The succession contains numerous chert breccias with which shales are associated. The breccias represent subaerial exposure phenomena related to regressions which were followed by periods of short-lived terrigenous influx.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地下古生界白云岩勘探潜力巨大。在下古生界构造演化、沉积背景分析的基础上, 结合前人的白云岩分类方案, 首先根据形成时期将塔里木盆地下古生界白云岩分为准同生白云岩和准同生后白云岩两大类。在此基础上, 综合运用岩心、薄片、阴极发光、扫描电镜、碳氧稳定同位素资料, 对上述两类白云岩进一步细分。其中准同生白云岩, 可进一步分为云坪型准同生白云岩、潟湖型准同生白云岩与微生物白云岩, 云坪型、潟湖型准同生白云岩是在准同生阶段由蒸发泵白云化形成的;本次研究首次在膏模孔内发现完整哑铃状白云石, 拓宽了微生物白云岩的存在范围。准同生后白云岩包括浅埋藏白云岩、中—深埋藏白云岩和热液白云岩3类, 浅埋藏白云岩由调整白云化及渗透回流白云化形成;中—深埋藏白云岩主要为埋藏白云化的产物;热液白云岩由沿断裂或裂缝的热液白云化所形成。  相似文献   

The algal dolostone of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation (corresponding to the Ediacaran system) in the Upper Yangtze Platform of China possesses a rich diversity of microorganisms and is an ideal site for the study of ancient microbial dolomite. We focused on algal dolostone and its microbial dolomite in the Hanyuan area of Sichuan Province, China. The macroscopic petrological features, microscopic morphology, texture characteristics of the fossil microorganisms and microbial dolomite, and geochemical characteristics were investigated. We found rich fossil microorganisms and microbial dolomites in the laminated, stromatolithic, uniform and clotted (algal) dolostones. The microorganisms present were mainly body fossils of cyanobacteria (including Renalcis, Girvanella, Nanococcus, and Epiphyton) and their trace fossils (including microbial mats (biofilms), algal traces, and spots). In addition, there was evidence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria, and red algae. The microbial dolomites presented cryptocrystalline textures under polarizing microscope and nanometer-sized granular (including spherulitic and pene-cubical granular) and (sub) micron-sized sheet-like, irregular, spherical and ovoidal morphologies under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The microbial dolomites were formed by microbially induced mineralization in the intertidal zone and lagoon environments during the depositional and syngenetic stages and microbially influenced mineralization in the supratidal zone environment during the penecontemporaneous stage. The microbial metabolic activities and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) determined the morphology and element composition of microbial dolomite. During the depositional and syngenetic stages, the metabolic activities of cyanobacteria and SRB were active and EPS, biofilms and microbial mats were well-developed. EPS provided a large number of nucleation sites. Accordingly, many nanometer-sized pene-cubical granular and (sub) micron-sized sheet-like microbial dolomites were formed. During the penecontemporaneous stage, SBR, cyanobacteria, and moderately halophilic aerobic bacteria were inactive. Furthermore, nucleation sites reduced significantly and were derived from both the EPS of surviving microorganisms and un-hydrolyzed EPS from dead microorganisms. Consequently the microbial dolomites present nanometer-sized spherulitic and micron-sized irregular, spherical, and ovoidal morphologies. Overall, the microbial dolomites evolved from nanometer-sized granular (including spherulitic and pene-cubical granular) dolomites to (sub) micron-sized sheet-like, irregular, spherical and ovoidal dolomites, and then to macroscopic laminated, stromatolithic, uniform, and clotted dolostones. These findings reveal the correlation between morphological evolution of microbial dolomite and microbial activities showing the complexity and diversity of mineral (dolomite)-microbe interactions, and providing new insight into microbial biomineralization and microbial dolomite in the Precambrian era.  相似文献   

Application of sedimentological, geochemical and discriminant analysis techniques to the engineering geological investigation of damsites assists in understanding the variation of rock types, stratal correlation, porosity, folding and faulting, through studying the history of depositional and diagenetic environments.

Factor analysis (Rao & Naqvi, 1977) resulted in the proposal of a tidal depositional model consisting of subtidal, shoal, bar, intertidal and supratidal carbonate environments, and channels and dune‐and‐flat terrigenous environments. Discriminant analysis has now been employed to extend the paleo‐environmental model laterally. Samples (142) from four new drill holes were examined, and the data compared with the earlier data by a discriminant analysis technique. The results confirm our pre‐existing model of a prograding tidal complex.

Regional correlation of depositional environments of strata shows an anticlinal structure. Faulting in the sequence is indicated by secondary dolomitisation, breccia‐tion and stfatal discontinuities. The secondary dolomites replaced both limestones and sandstones in the sequence. The amount of porosity is related to depositional facies and dolomitisation. It is possible to understand the hydrologic regime with the aid of regional structure, depositional and diagenetic facies, and porosity.

Because this factor and discriminant analysis technique intensively uses information from each length of drill core, the possibility exists of more confident interpretation of new data from less extensive drilling, with consequent saving in cost.  相似文献   

Due to difficulties in correlating aeolian deposits with coeval marine facies, sequence stratigraphic interpretations for arid coastal successions are debated and lack a unifying model. The Pennsylvanian record of northern Wyoming, USA, consisting of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sequences deposited in arid, subtropical conditions, provides an ideal opportunity to study linkages between such environments. Detailed facies models and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were developed for the Ranchester Limestone Member (Amsden Formation) and Tensleep Formation by integrating data from 16 measured sections across the eastern side of the Bighorn Basin with new conodont biostratigraphic data. The basal Ranchester Limestone Member consists of dolomite interbedded with thin shale layers, interpreted to represent alternating deposition in shallow marine (fossiliferous dolomite) and supratidal (cherty dolomite) settings, interspersed with periods of exposure (pedogenically modified dolomites and shales). The upper Ranchester Limestone Member consists of purple shales, siltstones, dolomicrites and bimodally cross‐bedded sandstones in the northern part of the basin, interpreted as deposits of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate tidal flats. The Tensleep Formation is characterized by thick (3 to 15 m) aeolian sandstones interbedded with peritidal heteroliths and marine dolomites, indicating cycles of erg accumulation, preservation and flooding. Marine carbonates are unconformably overlain by peritidal deposits and/or aeolian sandstones interpreted as lowstand systems tract deposits. Marine transgression was often accompanied by the generation of sharp supersurfaces. Lags and peritidal heteroliths were deposited during early stages of transgression. Late transgressive systems tract fossiliferous carbonates overlie supersurfaces. Highstand systems tract deposits are lacking, either due to non‐deposition or post‐depositional erosion. The magnitude of inferred relative sea‐level fluctuations (>19 m), estimated by comparison with analogous modern settings, is similar to estimates from coeval palaeotropical records. This study demonstrates that sequence stratigraphic terminology can be extended to coastal ergs interacting with marine environments, and offers insights into the dynamics of subtropical environments.  相似文献   

The northern tract of the Chichibu Belt on Shikoku Island, Southwest Japan, in places contains dolomites of Late Carboniferous age displaced into radiolarian cherts. The sections here examined are along the Niyodo gorge, central Shikoku. The sequence begins with thinly interbedded dolomitized radiolarian cherts and dolomites with a small amount of dolomitized radiolarian claystone and calcisiltite beds. These rocks, 5–10 m thick, are succeeded by a thick section of bedded and massive dolomites, commonly 40–50 m thick, which have thin intercalations of radiolarian claystone in the upper part. This dolomite sequence is depositionally overlain by a sequence, up to 50 m thick, comprising thinly interbedded radiolarian cherts and claystones, which, in turn, contain lenticular bodies of dolomite.Thin-section examination reveals that most of dolomites of the area have an arenitic or lithic texture, and should be termed doloarenite and dololithite. This means that dolomites are detrital. All lines of evidence suggest that the dolomites were not formed in the same depositional site in which the radiolarian cherts were being accumulated, but formed instead as allochthonous bodies which were displaced into a deep oceanic basin of chert deposition.The following sequence of events is postulated: (1) deposition of shallow-water calcareous sediments in a subtidal area; (2) dolomitization in a very shallow-water to supratidal environment; (3) displacement of dolomitized sediments, possibly mainly as debris flows into a deep-water, truely pelagic realm, in which siliceous radiolarian sediments were accumulating; (4) continued accumulation of siliceous sediments after the major influx of dolomitized sediments; and (5) minor influxes of dolomitized sediments during the continuous accumulation of siliceous sediments.  相似文献   

华北地台东部下古生界白云岩的类型及储集性   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
华北地台东部下古生界的白云岩可分为泥-粉晶白云岩和细-粗晶白云岩。前者包括含石膏的和不含石膏的;后者包括等晶粒的和不等晶粒的,含石膏的和不含石膏的泥-粉晶白云岩分别是干旱和潮湿气候潮上带蒸气发泵浓缩白云化的产物;等晶粒细-粗晶白云岩主要分布于平行不整合面之下,乃混合水白云化之产物;不等晶粒细-粗晶白云岩由早期的白云岩重结晶形成。 白云岩中的孔隙类型多样,其储集性受白云石含量和颗粒大小以及粘土含量等因素影响。  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

湖相白云岩是渤海湾盆地北塘凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发现的一种特殊油气储层类型。根据钻井岩心、古生物、薄 片、扫描电镜及电子探针等分析,确定了该套白云岩的主要岩石类型及矿物特征,并通过地球化学特征分析,对白云岩的 形成环境进行了探讨。北塘凹陷白云岩常与泥岩和方沸石岩呈互层状产出,其次为均匀块状;矿物成分主要有白云石、方 沸石、粘土矿物等。通过X射线衍射、主微量元素地球化学分析,对白云岩形成时的古盐度、古温度、水深、氧化还原条 件等进行了研究,认为研究区白云岩沉积于高盐度、较高水体温度和较高PH值的半咸水湖湾还原环境。海水的侵入使湖水 的含盐度增大,提供了有利的物理化学条件,促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   

Data from point counts of 376 thin sections from six stratigraphic sections in the Chickamauga Group carbonates (Middle Ordovician of northeastern Alabama) were smoothed by time-trend methods. The resulting curves were plotted against the stratigraphic sections to show depositional trends and to facilitate interpretation of depositional environments. The depositional environments in the lower third of the sequence studied were dominantly subtidal; in the middle portions they were interbedded subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal; in the lower upper third they were supratidal; and in the uppermost portions they were interbedded subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal. Time-trend methods proved to be useful in this study, for they are easy to use and eliminate much noise observed in the data, whereas preserving major trends. Correlation between outcrops was by means of two continuous bentonites; comparison of the time-trend curves show that they would have been useful for correlation if the bentonites had been absent, although small differences in the vertical positions of beds between localities (indicating lateral migration of environments) would not have been detected by time-trend methods.  相似文献   

The Kimmeridgian‐Tithonian aged Arab Formation, as the main reservoir of the Jurassic succession in the Balal oilfield, located in the offshore region of the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf, is investigated in this study. The formation is composed of dolomites and limestones with anhydrite interbeds. Based on detailed petrographic studies, six microfacies are recognized, which are classified in four sub‐environments including supratidal, intertidal, lagoonal and the high energy shoal of a homoclinal carbonate ramp. The main diagenetic features of the studied succession include dolomitization, anhydritization, cementation, micritization, fracturing and compaction. Based on stable isotope data, dolomitization of the upper Arab carbonates is related to sabkha settings (i.e. evaporative type). In terms of sequence stratigraphy, three shallowing‐upward sequences are recognized, based on core and wireline log data from four wells of the studied field. Considering depositional and diagenetic effects on the reservoir quality, the studied facies are classified into eight reservoir rock types (RRT) with distinct reservoir qualities. Dolomitization has played a major role in reservoir quality enhancement, whereas anhydritization, carbonate cementation, and compaction have damaged the pore throat network. Distribution of the recognized RRTs in time and space are discussed within the context of a sequence stratigraphic framework.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩是冀中坳陷下古生界重要的古潜山油气储集层。研究表明,冀中坳陷奥陶系属于陆表海型台地,进一步划分为潮上带、潮间带、局限潮下和开阔潮下4个沉积亚相,以及泥云坪、膏云坪、云坪和云质潟湖等11种沉积微相,并构成了4个三级层序(SQ1~SQ4),其中SQ4仅发育海侵域。奥陶纪首次海侵期沉积的冶里期(SQ1-TST)在区内由北向南发育了开阔潮下—潮间—潮上亚相沉积。亮甲山期(SQ1-HST)主要发育潮间亚相沉积,局部为潮上亚相。下马家沟期(SQ2-TST)和上马家沟组沉积晚期(SQ3-TST)分别为第2次和第3次海侵,区内均以局限潮下和开阔潮下亚相为主,局部发育生屑滩和砾屑滩;上马家沟组沉积早期(SQ2-HST)和峰峰组沉积早期(SQ3-HST)以发育潮间和潮上亚相为主,是白云岩的稳定沉积期。峰峰组沉积晚期(SQ4-TST)记录了第4次海侵,以发育开阔潮下亚相为主,北部地区零星发育潮间云灰坪微相。受加里东构造运动影响,华北地台整体抬升,冀中坳陷奥陶系顶部受到剥蚀,直至石炭纪再次接受沉积。  相似文献   

The origin of fine‐grained dolomite in peritidal rocks has been the subject of much debate recently and evidence is presented here for a microbial origin of this dolomite type in the Norian Dolomia Principale of northern Calabria (southern Italy). Microbial carbonates there consist of stromatolites, thrombolites, and aphanitic dolomites. High‐relief thrombolites and stromatolites characterize sub‐tidal facies, and low‐relief and planar stromatolites, with local oncoids, typify the inter‐supratidal facies. Skeletal remains are very rare in the latter, whereas a relatively rich biota of skeletal cyanophycea, red algae and foraminifera is present in the sub‐tidal facies. Some 75% of the succession consists of fabric‐preserving dolomite, especially within the microbial facies, whereas the rest is composed of coarse dolomite with little fabric preservation. Three end‐members of dolomite replacement fabric are distinguished: type 1 and type 2, fabric retentive, with crystal size <5 and 5–60 μm, respectively; and type 3, fabric destructive, with larger crystals, from 60 to several hundred microns. In addition, there are dolomite cements, precipitated in the central parts of primary cavities during later diagenesis. Microbialite textures in stromatolites are generally composed of thin, dark micritic laminae of type 1 dolomite, alternating with thicker lighter‐coloured laminae of the coarser type 2 dolomite. Thrombolites are composed of dark, micritic clotted fabrics with peloids, composed of type 1 dolomite, surrounded by coarser type 2 dolomite. Marine fibrous cement crusts are also present, now composed of type 2 dolomite. Scanning electron microscope observations of the organic‐rich micritic laminae and clots of the inter‐supratidal microbialites reveal the presence of spherical structures which are interpreted as mineralized bacterial remains. These probably derived from the fossilization of micron‐sized coccoid bacteria and spheroidal–ovoidal nanometre‐scale dwarf‐type bacterial forms. Furthermore, there are traces of degraded organic matter, probably also of bacterial origin. The microbial dolomites were precipitated in a hypersaline environment, most likely through evaporative dolomitization, as suggested by the excess Ca in the dolomites, the small crystal size, and the positive δ18O values. The occurrence of fossilized bacteria and organic matter in the fabric‐preserving dolomite of the microbialites could indicate an involvement of bacteria and organic matter degradation in the precipitation of syn‐sedimentary dolomite.  相似文献   

G. V. WOOD  M. J. WOLFE 《Sedimentology》1969,12(3-4):165-191
Study of 176 ft. (53.7 m) of core from the Arab/Darb Formation of the Umm Shaif Field, Abu Dhabi Marine Areas, has revealed a sequence of sediments which can be related to nine distinct cycles of sabkha formation. The sabkha cycle consists of a basal algal grainstone/boundstone (which is interpreted as a shoal) passing upwards through lagoonal dolomite, intertidal algal mat and into a final supratidal development of nodular anhydrite and associated dolomite. Dolomiti-sation and the formation of nodular anhydrite were early-stage products of diagenesis. Poikilotopic anhydrite is common in the lagoonal dolomites but it is thought that this was not formed until the sediment was completely lithified.
Stylolites, although of small amplitude, are more common in dolomite than in limestone; a generalisation which is at variance with earlier observations.  相似文献   

钟逸斯  王立成  董浩伟 《沉积学报》2022,40(5):1188-1214
蒸发岩是由于蒸发作用从卤水中化学作用沉淀出来的一种含盐岩类,明显受控于沉积环境。蒸发岩是重要战略资源和优质的储层之一,中国的矿床和石油学界都在致力于寻找大型蒸发岩矿床。近几十年来国内外学者都对不同类型的蒸发岩做了地区性的研究,提供了丰富的实际资料,对蒸发岩成矿沉积环境理论也有相应的修正和补充,但是蒸发岩分类繁多,成因复杂,国内对蒸发岩岩相及其常见组合所对应的环境综合解释并未具体着墨。通过梳理国内外有关蒸发岩文献、应用Miall构架单元理论,从结构、构造整理了29种碳酸型、37种硫酸型、11种氯化物型以及13种混合蒸发盐型岩相与其对应的沉积环境与岩相组合。蒸发沉积环境按海相和陆相划分,亚相细分为萨布哈、潮上带、潮间带—潮下带和半深海—深海环境,以及陆内萨布哈(包括干盐湖)、滨湖、浅湖和半深湖—深湖,对每一个亚相出现的常见蒸发岩组合进行了概述,这对中国进一步寻找大型蒸发岩矿床具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

白云石成因研究新方法--白云石晶体结构分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的白云石研究方法对于白云石成因分析具有多解性,对于已有白云石成因模式的套用或重新建立新的白云石成因模式将白云石的形成机理过于简单化、模式化。白云石的晶体结构保存了晶体的形成环境、结晶速度、晶体生长与变化特征、流体特征的证据,白云石晶体结构分析是进行白云石成因分析的有效手段,之前很少有研究者从晶体结构角度进行白云石成因分析。在岩石学和地球化学研究的基础上,本文对四川盆地灯影组-寒武系鞍状白云石、纤状白云石、残余颗粒细晶白云石、孔洞充填粗晶白云石和泥晶白云石五种白云石进行了微组构取样,并利用X衍射仪、透射电镜等晶体结构研究手段,从晶体结构角度对五种白云石组构的有序度、晶胞参数、晶格条纹、晶面间距、晶格缺陷等晶体结构参数进行了差异性研究,分析了它们不同的形成环境和成岩演化特征,初步建立了不同类型白云石晶体结构判识标志。  相似文献   

通过中上扬子地区寒武系野外露头实测、踏勘、前人研究成果整理以及盆地腹地露头缺乏地区的钻井资料的分析,研究了中上扬子地区中寒武世的古地理背景。白云岩的成因、平面上以及垂向上的分布特征都受控于古地理。中寒武统整个台地区为局限台地,在台地发育咸化澙湖、潮坪、局限潮下、浅滩等次一级的古地理单元。中寒武统的膏岩与白云岩不同程度互层。向台地内部,滩相发育愈少,咸化澙湖、潮坪以及局限潮下越发育;越往台地的边缘,滩相越发育。研究区中寒武统白云岩按照晶体大小可以分为泥粉晶白云岩和砂糖状白云岩。泥粉晶白云岩为潮坪准同生白云岩,机理为蒸发泵作用,白云化流体来自于澙湖浓缩的海水。砂糖状白云岩绝大多数为回流渗透白云化成因,白云化流体主要来自于蒸发泵机理富余的高镁钙比流体。回流渗透白云化过程缓慢,白云石结晶较好。寒武系岩性在垂向上有很好的叠置关系,反映古地貌随地质时代的变迁。  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2003,120(3-4):327-364
The Nash Fork Formation in the upper part of the early Paleoproterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup, Medicine Bow Mountains of Wyoming, was deposited on a mature passive margin along the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton and straddles the end of the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion. Two drowning events marked by black shales subdivide the carbonate platform into three parts. The lower Nash Fork Formation consists of outer shelf to supratidal deposits represented by massive and stromatolitic dolomites, heterolithic siliciclastics-carbonates, large silicified domal digitate stromatolites, nodular dolomites and stromatolitic dolomites. Molds after evaporite crystals are pervasive in the heterolithic siliciclastics-carbonates. Large silicified domal digitate stromatolites formed biostromes and bioherms following flooding events. The middle Nash Fork Formation comprises two intervals of black shale separated by inner shelf heterolithic siliciclastics-nodular carbonates. Black shales are organic- and pyrite-rich, contain turbidites and developed in response to drowning of the platform. Overlying massive dolomite of the upper Nash Fork Formation was deposited in an unprotected intertidal setting and displays an upward-shallowing trend terminated by a prominent karstic surface in the middle of the unit. The Nash Fork Formation is open-marine with no evidence for restricted circulation on the carbonate platform. The two drowning events on the carbonate platform are likely related to dissection of the mature passive margin associated with the breakup of Kenorland. The younger drowning event is associated with the end of the carbon isotope excursion. The main building elements of the lower and middle Nash Fork carbonate platform are dolomitic mudstones and stromatolites. Macroscopic seafloor precipitates are volumetrically negligible with the exception of tufa deposits and domes in the massive and stromatolitic dolomites and, possibly, digitate stromatolites within domal digitate stromatolites. The upper Nash Fork Formation comprises dolomitic mudstones, relatively rare stromatolites and inorganic precipitates that are more common than in the underlying carbonates. Styles of carbonate deposition on this early Paleoproterozoic platform differ from those documented on late Archean carbonate platforms; there are fewer macroscopic seafloor precipitates and more dolomitic mudstones. This pattern is considered to be related to a rise of the atmospheric oxygen level that led to a decrease in bicarbonate saturation in the ocean.  相似文献   

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