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从三个方面概述了80年代以来,国际人口迁移的状况、(1)欧洲、亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲移民的数量与趋势。(2)迁移的原因及三种不同类型的移民。(3)从迁出国和迁入国两方面考察了迁移所产生的积极和消极的影响。  相似文献   

国际人口迁移概观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从三个方面概述了80年代以来,国际人口迁移的状况。(1)欧洲、亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲移民的数量与趋势。(2)迁移的原因及三种不同类型的移民。(3)从迁出国和迁入国两方面考察了迁移所产生的积极和消极的影响。  相似文献   

三峡库区退耕坡地环境移民压力研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
坡耕地退耕还林还草作为生态环境建设的重要措施正在三峡库区逐步实施。然而,坡耕地退耕将减少退耕地区的耕地数量,特别是坡耕地集中分布的区域,从而引发环境移民问题。利用GIS技术建立了基于GRID的坡耕地退耕压力指数模型及环境移民模型,并对三峡库区坡耕地退耕引发的潜在环境移民的数量进行模拟。模拟结果表明三峡库区坡耕地退耕引发的潜在环境移民数量较大。在退耕压力指数为40%时潜在环境移民数量高达89万人,相当于三峡水库淹没需要安置的水库移民数量。环境移民压力是该地区生态环境建设面临的一大难题。  相似文献   

自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情肆虐以来,全球国际移民流动按下暂停键。我国也面临着同样的情况,部分城市内部聚集着因疫情难以回国的国际移民,这对于地方政府的移民管治提出了巨大挑战。通过结合运用地理学与人类学的跨学科视角,在福柯的权力与异端辩证关系框架的基础上,加入了“管治-响应”的逻辑思路进行重组,并采用该分析框架,以广西阳朔为例,讨论后疫情时代国际移民管治与个体生存策略。通过结合参与式观察法与网络民族志法,结果发现:首先,为避免疫情防控中政治尺度跃迁引发的国际舆论事件,地方政府在国际移民群体中寻找权力代理人,并与之形成权力联盟,对移民个体进行管治,包括“规训/照料”“医治/隔离”“监控/放任。这种转换将原本权力关系中的地方政府与移民个体之间的矛盾转化为权力代理人与移民个体之间的矛盾,有效地规避了尺度跃迁问题。其次,移民个体结合自身的社会资本,采用特有的响应策略,包括“权力代理人”“顺从/搭便车”“治疗/自我管治”“不合作/破坏”。这些发现有利于加深对国际移民社会融合的理解,为地方政府的移民管治提供新思路。  相似文献   

全球化背景下的日本移民动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以日本外务省的移民统计数据为基础,对1990年代以来日本海外移民在世界和中国的分布及其结构变化情况进行了分析。探讨了日本移民的数量变化、人口结构、迁移类型、迁移方式、地区分布及其变化趋势,并考察了其在中国的分布及构成特点。日本移民主要流向北美、亚洲太平洋地区,尤以洛杉矶、纽约、上海、曼谷等城市分布最为集中。在中国的日本移民近年增长迅速,主要分布在上海、北京、香港、广州、深圳等大城市,并以男性移民为主。本文分析了这些日本移民的分布动向,并对今后中国大城市的移民问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,全球化进程加速,国际移民成为研究热点问题,而当前欧美学界针对移民社会融合的研究具有三方面特征:首先,国际移民社会融合的维度呈现多样化;其次,移民社会融合的主动性及其对社区空间的塑造作用成为研究热点;最后,研究视角存在“方法论上的民族主义”和“政治正确的价值倾向”。与之相对,国内学界对国际移民社会融合的研究能够准确地把握国家背景、政治制度、移民政策对移民社会融合的影响作用;以及在全球化背景下国际移民在世界城市快速流动的旅居者特性,且充分注意到移民的多元性和融合的开放性。而不足之处在于,缺少对于社会融合多尺度、多维度的探讨;缺乏对于不同族裔、不同类型的移民群体间社会融合路径、模式、机制的比较。新形势下,国内研究有必要超越西方学者的思考,探讨国际移民社会融合的中国路径,为我国城市解决全球化带来的国际移民融合问题提供新思路。  相似文献   

第廿五届国际地理学大会将于1984年8月下旬在法国巴黎召开。巴黎大会之前,1982年8月中旬,拉丁美洲地区会议将在巴西首都举行。拉丁美洲地区会议是由国际地理学联合会巴西国家委员会组织的。会议总议题是“发展中国家,尤其是拉丁美洲发展中国家社会和经济发展问题”。廿五个自然地理和  相似文献   

以拉丁美洲33个主权国家为研究对象,从国际、区域、国内3个尺度出发,构建了基于“一带一路”的拉丁美洲地缘风险评价指标体系对其地缘风险予以评价,利用地理探测器对拉丁美洲三大地理区域的地缘风险空间分异格局驱动因子群予以精准识别。结果表明:1)基于“一带一路”的拉丁美洲地缘风险空间异质性显著,地缘风险指数、国际地缘风险、区域地缘风险以及国内地缘风险下的政治风险和生态环境风险均表现为南美洲地区最高,墨西哥及中美洲地区次之,加勒比地区最低的空间格局;国内地缘风险表现为墨西哥及中美洲地区最高,南美洲地区次之,加勒比地区最低;经济风险表现为南美洲地区最高,加勒比地区次之,墨西哥及中美洲地区最低;社会风险表现为加勒比地区最高,南美洲地区次之,墨西哥及中美洲地区最低;双边关系风险表现为墨西哥及中美洲地区最高,加勒比地区次之,南美洲地区最低。2)各因子群对三大地理区域地缘风险空间分异格局的作用力各不相同。对南美洲地区作用力显著的因子群主要有政治风险、国际地缘风险和社会风险等;对墨西哥及中美洲地区作用力显著的因子群主要有经济风险、双边关系风险、国际地缘风险、政治风险等;对加勒比地区作用力较大的因子群主要有社会风险、国际地缘风险、政治风险、双边关系风险等。  相似文献   

三亚作为国际旅游目的地,国际流动人口塑造了俄语语言景观,吸引了俄语区国家移民流动至三亚。论文通过定性研究方法,在流动性框架下分析三亚俄语区移民与城市空间的联结。在新型流动性范式下,借助流动/停泊辩证观分析移民空间实践与身份建构,以理解俄语区移民的流动性特征,从日常流动实践中揭示移民空间集聚形成的停泊点结构与意义。研究发现,群体身份可通过社会网络和组织来营造与认同。俄语区移民居所与社会身份具有流动性及不稳定特征,但空间性建构的基础设施作为其日常流动的停泊点赋予特殊地方性意义。停泊点以空间地方性建构引导群体的日常生活流动,开启社会网络的重建。在此过程中,群体对地方性的塑造与体验,通过语言文化产生了群体身份的营造与认同,以及他者对群体的社会建构,形成俄语国家的社交网络。移民在停泊空间的日常流动空间实践与社会交往相互影响、相互依赖,移民的空间实践与身份认同构成人地互动下新的社会网络的重要因素。研究结论丰富了移民流动性的研究案例,拓展了在华跨国移民群体研究对象与其在旅游城市日常生活的探讨,具有重要的政策参考意义。  相似文献   

旅游移民研究体系及方法初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨钊  陆林 《地理研究》2008,27(4):949-962
近年来,一种基于大众旅游的新人口迁移现象——旅游移民受到西方学者的高度关注。在我国,旅游移民现象已经出现,但研究较少。西方学者对旅游移民的研究较为注重实证分析,缺少对旅游移民概念及其研究体系的准确界定。笔者在对国外相关文献分析和已有实证研究基础上,对旅游移民的概念体系进行了界定,把旅游移民划分为旅游劳工移民和旅游消费移民两大类,确定旅游移民研究的三大方向为行为理论研究、发生论研究和社会影响研究,并对每个研究方向的主要内容进行了明确,构建出旅游移民的研究体系。同时,提出了旅游移民研究可借用的相关移民动力学、行为学、社会学等理论,以及质性研究、量化研究、比较研究、长期站点监测和个案研究等具体研究方法和需要注意的方面,对我国旅游移民研究进行了理论和方法的初步探讨。  相似文献   

"Using 1990 census data, this paper calculates the flow [of the foreign-born population in the United States] between states and from abroad; also, a multinomial logistic regression model of destination choice is estimated for resettlers and for migrants from abroad. There are three major findings. Firstly, Florida and California are the largest recipients of foreign-born resettlers; New York is the biggest loser of secondary migrants. Secondly, the presence of large communities of Mexicans in California and Cubans in Florida are very attractive to both resettlers and migrants from abroad. Thirdly, immigrants that are most in need of ethnic support networks (i.e. new arrivals or immigrants with low human capital resources) are most likely to choose one of the traditional immigration states as a destination."  相似文献   

Since 2000, the American suburb has emerged as a principal destination for new immigrants to the United States, both documented and undocumented. Whereas some suburban communities have responded to perceived undocumented immigrants with hostility in the form of exclusionary local immigration policies, others have introduced policies designed to welcome immigrants independent of federal legal status. In this article, I employ a qualitative comparative case study analysis of four local immigration policies in the Chicago and Washington DC metropolitan areas to explain how suburbs justify their policy positions. I find that these suburban communities relied on conceptions of American identity and the ‘American Dream’ in support of their policies, but leveraged these tropes in vastly different ways depending on the broader strategic purposes of the policies. These divergent suburban immigration policies both challenge traditional notions of suburban political and cultural homogeneity and reveal how such heterogeneity has produced a distinct unevenness in contemporary local policy responses to undocumented immigration within metropolitan regions.  相似文献   

人口集聚区吸纳人口迁入的影响因素——以东莞市为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吕晨  孙威 《地理科学进展》2014,33(5):593-604
人口集聚区的地域特征差异对人口迁移行为产生较大影响,从地域特征出发研究人口集聚区对于迁入人口的作用机制可为地域功能区划和配置公共服务设施提供参考。本文以人口迁移的推拉理论为基础,构建人口集聚区对迁入人口拉力作用的指标体系。以东莞市为案例,综合运用主成分分析和多元回归分析方法,识别人口集聚区对迁入人口的作用力以及各类拉力的作用强度。结果显示:① 东莞市各乡镇人口集聚程度差异较大,且空间分布不均衡;在1995-2000年全市人口迅速集聚期,区域人口集聚度主要与地区就业岗位增加、人均收入水平提高、人口迁移的路径依赖相关。② 该市以劳动密集型加工业为主的产业特色给迁入人口提供了更多的就业机会;其相对较高的工资水平,对外来人口形成了强大的吸引力。③ 人口以路径依赖的形式进行链式迁移可以减低迁移过程中的风险和成本。④ 对人口集聚作用由强到弱依次为:路径依赖拉力、就业岗位拉力、收入水平拉力;综合的区域拉力与人口集聚度呈三次曲线关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Acquiring good jobs is vital for the economic success of immigrants, yet occupational attainment is understudied in the immigration literature. One particularly neglected aspect is the role of ethnicity in occupations beyond the ethnic niche. This study examines the occupational attainment of long‐term Latin American immigrants from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Ecuador, and Colombia in four metropolitan areas with large Latino populations. The findings show that occupational attainment varies considerably by country of origin across these areas, although important human and social capital factors also are significant variables. These findings lend support to the proposition that, for immigrants, place of origin and destination play an important role in job‐queue position.  相似文献   

移民对中国在美国直接投资的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈瑛  李芬英  马斌 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1483-1490
基于中国对美国各州的移民和直接投资数据,运用重心模型分析得出:美国华人移民的人口重心和集聚重心均向东北方向移动,中国对美国直接投资的重心变化区域也位于美国东、中部地区,二者在空间上的重叠性和耦合性日益增强。进而运用灰色关联法实证华人移民对中国在美国直接投资的影响处于中等水平,且影响长期稳定。  相似文献   

Oman is a major recipient of South Asian labor immigrants, and correspondingly, the demographic statistics reveal that the non-Omani populations primarily are constituted of the Asians. This research examines whether the largest immigrant groups (Indian, Bangladesh, Pakistani and Sri Lankan) in Oman form residential clusters according to their work skills (higher and lower skills). The residential geographies of South Asian workers at the subnational administrative boundaries have been investigated in the current study. Empirically, the study employs the use of Location Quotients (LQ) and Entropy Index within the GIS environment to spatially analyze the immigrant residential distributions based on their work skills. Interestingly, the findings of this research confirm the primary influence of geography on the residential patterns of the low-skilled immigrants. Initially, Al-Batnah governorates constituted the main destinations of low-skilled Bangladeshis. Further, the research also highlights significant clusters of Indian and Pakistani high-skilled immigrants in urban residential communities within the Muscat governorate. In addition, the South Asian are found to be a relatively constant stream of immigrants to inhabit the Omani urban areas, with employments in various public and private economic sectors (e.g. educational, health, manufacturing, finance, business etc.). This concentration pattern of low skilled immigrants is attributable to the need to labor shortages of native populations in certain jobs. The research results also indicate that the rural and suburban communities of Al-Batnah coastal plain not only have a greater number of low skilled immigrants but also display equitable distributions of the four South Asian groups in the residential settlements. For policy makers, it is imperative to understand the spatial patterns of low and high-skilled immigrants in Oman, which exert several geographic, economic, social and demographic implications. The significant role of immigration in development necessitates the identification of the predominant destinations for immigrants. It has been observed that the immigrants are crucial to several sectors of Omani urban economy, and urban areas with a large number of immigrants are more likely to grow and expand faster. In addition, the immigrants’ laborers offer potential economic benefits to the host country, which include fostering entrepreneurial activities, small businesses and reducing wages, especially in unskilled jobs. Despite the negative impacts of immigration (e.g. losing national cultural and creating socio-spatial segregation), the diverse and distinctive locational patterns of immigrant groups in Oman contribute crucially to the socioeconomic development and immigration policy. Yet understanding of the spatial dynamics of immigration in structuring the Omani regions and its influences remains very limited. Thus, further research accounting for the different spatial and attribute ancillary data is necessitated.  相似文献   


This paper examines two key dimensions of the impact of immigration for Australia and related policy aspects. One is sub-national and the other is national. They are, first, the regional location aspects of immigration and, second, the aggregate unemployment implications of immigration. These are chosen so as to focus on two important issues that condition public attitudes towards immigration. In relation to the first, there is a common positive view that channelling migration towards regional areas assists regional development and reduces pressure on metropolitan areas. The paper reviews regional concepts embodied in Australian immigration policy and the ways in which visa arrangements have implemented policies geared towards the regional dispersal of immigrants. Using official data, it discusses the demographic impacts of these policies and, in particular, considers the extent to which immigrants to regional Australia remain there over the longer term. In relation to unemployment, a common concern is that immigrants take jobs from local workers. The paper examines—using statistical regression methodology—the relationship between immigration and national aggregate unemployment in Australia. It evaluates the net consequences of immigration for both existing residents and new arrivals together. The paper concludes that, with good policy design in each case, regional location encouragement can be effective for immigrants and that immigrants need not take more jobs than they create. The analysis demonstrates that mixed-methods approaches to important social science issues can be productive, and helpful also for policy. Evidence, such as that presented in this paper, offers a powerful basis from which to counter negative public and political discourses surrounding immigration in contemporary Australia.  相似文献   

美国是全球最大的移民接收国,墨西哥是美国最大的移民来源国,特殊的地缘关系和巨大的发展差距使众多墨西哥人移民美国。墨裔移民为美国提供了充足的劳动力,在美墨边境地区,移民集聚带动了两国边境地区的发展。但族裔矛盾始终是美国主要社会问题之一,特别是“9·11”事件后,少数族裔和非法移民问题加剧美国社会分裂和对立,成为美国国内政治博弈的焦点。基于区域地缘关系的视角来看,美国与墨西哥之间长期不对等的国际关系决定了跨国移民的流入状态和生存境遇,也是美国族群矛盾的主要原因之一。移民问题政治化将持续强化墨裔移民政策的不确定性,使移民个人与家庭面临更大的融入困难。  相似文献   

Immigration settlement patterns are examined within a pooled cross-section time-series framework. Trends in settlement patterns from 1970 to 1979 differentiate the immigration streams from various source areas. Certain “new'’immigrants show an increasing propensity to concentrate, while immigrants from traditional source areas deconcentrate in some cases. The analysis suggests that immigration is a dynamic process with characteristics and determinants that change over time.  相似文献   

The year 2018 saw a moral panic in the United States in the media and among many citizens over the treatment of refugees/asylees at the U.S. southern border, particularly the separation and detention of children apart from their parents. This happened in the context of a period in U.S. political history in which “immigration,” without much discernment about different types of immigration, was central to political discourse. In fact, in terms of numbers, there was no immigration crisis at the border. Undocumented migration from Mexico across the southern border of the United States has been in decline for many years, and the irregular movement of people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras is currently small by historical standards. The only crisis, to which the U.S. panic was a response, has been a human rights crisis. Families and children seeking asylum from horrendous civil‐rights conditions in their countries of origin were criminalized and denied their right to asylum hearings. The panic points both to the extreme politicization of immigration in the United States, particularly since Donald Trump's entry into national politics in 2015, and to popular confusion over categorizing different types of immigrants. But it also raises questions about the nature of the U.S. southern border in relation to the United States’ place in the world. Rather than thinking about the United States as simply the rich destination country of unfortunate people coming from poor origin countries, the refugee panic of 2018 brings into the focus the fact that the United States itself is complicit in the conditions in those countries that produce so many refugees in the first place.  相似文献   

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