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 经济不均衡增长是区域发展的一种常态。分析区域经济增长时空差异及成因,对于认识和加快落后地区的经济发展具有重要的意义。本研究在GIS技术的支持下,对黄土高原地区近20年来以县市为单元的经济增长时空分异特征进行了系统的分析。主要结论有:改革开放以来,黄土高原地区的GDP水平呈现出持续的快速增长态势。近20年来,陕北和内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区增长最为迅速;人均GDP的空间分布整体上呈现出"两高一低"的带状分布格局,且这种格局明显地受到极化增长的扰动和重塑;经济增长表现出显著的极化增长特征,且经济增长极的极化作用与增长极之间地位的调整是同时进行的;与常态化的城市产业集聚推动型经济相比,机遇性的资源开发拉动型经济对人均GDP的拉动速度更快,但可持续性较差。未来,黄土高原地区应走以中心城市带动为主,以能矿产资源开发拉动为辅,两者相互促进,共同带动整个区域经济更快、更好、更可持续地发展的道路。  相似文献   

运用计量经济及支柱产业指标法对我国海洋文化产业与海洋经济的关系进行分析,认为海洋文化产业与海洋经济存在长期协整关系,海洋经济增长是海洋文化产业增长的格兰杰原因,但在现阶段海洋文化产业增长不是海洋经济增长的格兰杰原因,并且海洋文化产业不是海洋经济的支柱产业。  相似文献   

针对城市住宅业发展与其经济增长之间的单向或双向因果关系问题,有关学者利用宏观统计分析的方法得到了不同的结论。本文通过构建二者的时空数据集,在城市内部微观层面上剖析了二者的耦合联系及其空间差异性,以期在细尺度上解释二者之间的关系。本文选取郑州市作为研究区,提出了一种基于夜光遥感数据的GDP空间化估算方法,进而生成GDP时空数据集;基于住宅小区POI点数据对城市住宅进行空间密度估计,得到住宅小区的时空分布数据集;最后对GDP和住宅建设密度进行了空间互相关分析,探究住宅发展与经济增长像元尺度上的共变趋势。结果表明:与前人的宏观研究论断不同,耦合分析结果显示住宅业发展与经济增长之间的关系在城市内部具有空间差异性,两者既存在相互影响的区域,也存在无相关的区域;耦合协调关系极显著的区域约占两成,且主要位于市属区和县域中心区;耦合不显著和不相关的区域超过七成,大部分位于市属县域。  相似文献   

国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量地区经济发展水平的重要指标,GDP的空间化可以为灾害风险分析等多学科交叉研究提供基础数据。空间化代用数据的选择是社会经济统计数据空间化的关键,本文以京津冀地区作为研究区,将夜间灯光、全球人口密度(LandScan)和亚洲人口密度(AsiaPop)空间分布信息作为代用数据,将市级GDP统计数据空间展布到栅格单元,以绝对误差、相对误差和均方根误差为指标,利用县级统计数据对展布结果进行误差分析,并对比3种数据对GDP空间模拟的表达效果。结果表明:相对于夜间灯光和LandScan数据,AsiaPop模拟得到的综合误差最小;基于夜间灯光和LandScan的GDP空间展布误差格局比较接近,即存在经济较发达的市辖区GDP值被低估、市郊区县GDP被高估的误差“两极区”倾向,而基于AsiaPop的GDP空间展布误差格局与经济发展水平关系不密切。因此,利用单一代用数据很难合理地反映经济活动的空间分布,综合夜间灯光、人口密度、道路和建筑物等多源空间数据是提高GDP空间展布精度的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在历次五年规划中,经济增长指标从来最受人关注. "十一五"规划GDP年均增长目标为7.5%,人均GDP增长目标是6.6%.而实际执行情况是,2005-2010年中国经济年均增长率有望达到10.1%,比规划目标要高2.6个百分点;人均GDP增速将达到10.4%,比规划目标高出3.8个百分点.  相似文献   

物流业是现代经济发展中的一个重要产业部门,对一个国家和地区的经济发展起到了巨大的推动作用。在分析物流业对经济影响的基础上,剖析了湛江市目前物流业发展状况及其存在的问题,并针对所存在的问题,提出了湛江市发展现代物流业的构想与措施。  相似文献   

房地产与城市可持续发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国房地产业正处于新一轮的发展高潮,房地产开发价升量增、供需两旺,全国住宅开发的竣工面积及销售价格更是叠创新高,房地产及固定资产投资对国民经济的贡献日益显著,房地产已经成为我国经济新的增长点和支柱产业。影响经济发展的因素很多,本文仅从房地产对经济发展的贡献角度,谈谈我个人的看法。 什么是发展?什么是增长?两者的关系如何?这是我们首先必须认识清楚的问题。长期以来我们对发展和增长的概念是模糊而混淆的,我们往往用GDP(国内生产总值)来作为考量经济增长的指标,作为全面建设小康社会的重要指标之一。追求GDP的增长很有…  相似文献   

我国经济增长的自组织模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济系统的复杂性决定了经济变动及影响因素解释的困难性.应用自组织数据挖掘方法,建立一个解释我国GDP增长的自组织模型,同时与用主成分分析方法建立的GDP增长模型进行比较,分析影响我国经济增长的主要因素,并在此基础上提出相应的对策思路.  相似文献   

物流业是现代经济发展中的一个重要产业部门,对一个国家和地区的经济发展起到了巨大的推动作用。在分析物流业对经济影响的基础上.剖析了湛江市目前物流业发展状况及其存在的问题,并针。对所存在的问题,提出了湛江市发展现代物流业的构想与措施。  相似文献   

新增亿元GDP用地量是衡量土地节约集约利用的重要指标,在分析烟台市新增亿元GDP用地量现状的基础上,确定烟台市新增亿元GDP用地量,并以此为基础对烟台市未来5年合理新增用地量进行预测,为促进土地节约集约利用提供参考。  相似文献   

湛江是海洋经济总量连续多年稳居广东省第三的海洋大市,其海洋产业迎来了快速发展的良机,亟需资金支持。基于金融创新理论、信贷配给理论和融资约束理论等金融发展理论,在分析湛江海洋产业资金支持实践和存在问题的基础上,提出信贷政策引导、多层次资本市场融资、海洋投资信托基金、信用担保、海洋保险联动和海洋金融服务平台等方面的建议,为探索促进湛江市海洋产业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

There are many defects in researches on the relationship of the regional financial development(FD)and economic growth of China,such as simply assuming the causality direction,not highlighting financial institution,us-ing incomplete financial indicator,etc.This article,taking Suzhou City of Jiangsu Province,China as a case,builds a simple model to study the level of FD from three aspects of financial scale,structure and institution.Three original in-dicators of PRIVY(private investment/aggregate investment),DEPTH(aggregate loan/GDP)and FDIVG(FDI/GDP)are used to construct the FD economic indicator through Principal Component Analysis approach.Then we use Granger method to analyze the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou.Empirical test results show that the FD of Suzhou is the Granger reason of economic growth,while economic growth is not the reason for FD,because the relationship between the FD and the economic growth of Suzhou is just in the"supply-leading"period.In terms of Suzhou experiences,the local government should strengthen the protection of private investment,improve the institutional environment,and establish the reasonable financial structure.So we can concluded that FD could play a great role in promoting economic growth at the economy takeoff stage.  相似文献   

湛江具有独特的区位、自然资源和政策优势,但湛江经济发展与广东省其他城市及同批沿海开放城市相比却日趋落后。在剖析湛江经济发展中存在问题的基础上,提出了湛江各级政府应准确定位,彻底转变职能;做大做强支柱产业,积极培育战略产业;加大扶持农业龙头企业力度,提升湛江名牌、特色产品国际竞争力等实现湛江经济跨越式发展的路径。  相似文献   

Local governments have long been ardently pursuing the industrial specialization effect (MAR externalities) and industrial diversification effect (Jacobs externalities). Such a pursuit has resulted in severe distortion of resource allocation and negative effect on sustainability of local economic development. Regarding the effect from both MAR and Jacobs externalities on local economic development existing literature records notable disputes. Therefore, for local economic development, one important issue is which externality (MAR or Jacobs) can better bring the effect into play. By studying a panel data of 283 Chinese cities from 2003 to 2012 and applying dynamic plane data GMM method, this paper conducted a regression analysis of the relationship among industrial agglomeration externalities, city size, and regional economic development. The result indicates that with regard to the whole nation, MAR externalities are conducive to regional economy development whereas Jacobs externalities will, to an extent, restrain regional economic development. As regards eastern, middle, and western regions, MAR externalities are conducive only to the economic development of the eastern region; their effects on middle and western regions are insignificant. Moreover, the interaction item between MAR externalities and city size has a significant negative synergistic effect on national economic development and a certain acceleration effect on eastern region as well as a strong negative synergistic effect on the middle region and an insignificant effect on the western region. The interaction item between Jacobs externalities and city size has a positive synergistic effect on only the middle region and has an insignificant synergistic effect on both eastern and western regions. Capital stock and labor input have significant accelerating effects on GDP growth per capita of Chinese cities, whereas material capital and labor input remain primary driving forces for Chinese local economic development. Furthermore, human capital contributes to accelerating urban economic development, whereas government intervention restrains urban economic development.  相似文献   

Measuring the economic and social effects of the Northeast China Revitalization Strategy is critical to addressing regional sustainable development in China. To shed light on this issue, an integrated perspective was adopted that is combined with the difference-in-differences method to measure the effects of the strategy on economic growth and social development in Northeast China. The findings suggest that the strategy has significantly improved regional economic growth and per-capita income by increasing its gross domestic product(GDP) and GDP per capita by 25.70% and 46.00%, respectively. However, the strategy has significantly worsened the regional employment in the secondary industry of the region. In addition, the strategy has not significantly improved regional infrastructural road, education investment or social security, and has had no significant effect on mitigating regional disparity. In addition, the policy effects are highly heterogeneous across cities based on city size and characteristics. Therefore, there is no simple answer regarding whether the Northeast China Revitalization Strategy has reached its original goals from an integrated perspective. The next phase of the strategy should emphasize improving research and development(RD) and human capital investments based on urban heterogeneity to prevent conservative path-dependency and the lock-in of outdated technologies.  相似文献   

新型智慧城市是"十三五"期间国家重点关注和投入发展的经济增长点,也将成为推动国家供给侧改革、新型城镇化建设的重要着力点。新型智慧城市建设涉及体量较大,单独依靠政府财政投入难以持续,必须改变过去完全由政府主导建设的模式,国家和地方层面提出在相关领域发展推广PPP的建设模式。文章分析了新型智慧城市建设需求和PPP模式特点,总结了不同类型企业参与新型智慧城市PPP建设的策略建议,并结合实际案例阐述如何通过PPP模式进行资源整合、募集社会金融资本,开展新型智慧城市建设运营的模式,促进新型智慧城市建设投资市场化、运营市场化、机制市场化;在最后提出了未来还需关注探讨的几个问题。  相似文献   

The economic growth of China has led to increasing growth disparities between regions. Such disparities are uncontrolled and are severely negative symptoms in the process of economic development. On the basis of system dynamics (SD) modeling and the rela- tionship between industrial relocation and regional economic growth, we construct a model of the interrelationship between the two aforementioned phenomena. The model is an effective and creative exploration for examining effects of industrial relocation on Chinese regional economic growth disparities. The SD model is employed in this study to build an inter-regional labor migration SD model, an inter-regional capital migration SD model, an intra-industry SD model, an intra-regional population SD model, and an intra-regional SD model which are based on realities in labor and capital flow from the view of industrial relocation. VENSIM software is utilized to per- form a system simulation based on the data of the eastern, middle, and western regions from 2000 to 2010. Results show that indus- trial relocation gradually narrows the relative disparity in GDP among the three regions. Moreover, the absolute one is enlarged con- tinuously. The absolute and relative disparities in per capita GDP among eastern, middle, and western regions generally exhibit de- creasing trends.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to answer the following key question: how will a city′s world rank change in the face of crisis in its main economic sector? Crisis is defined here as a decline in financial performance in the given sector, which leads to the decline of its constituent firms and corporations on the world economic scene. The World Economic Center Index(WECI) has been created in order to rank cities based on the value of their resident corporations by sector and show their level of stability upon the removal of the most important sector. This provides information on the potential of each analyzed city as well as on its advanced features or area of specialization. Research has shown that nearly half the World Economic Centers are dominated by the financial and materials sectors of the economy. Different sectors dominate different regions of the world. For example, consumer staples and materials were dominant in North America, while information technology and financials were dominant in Europe. In Asia, several sectors tend to dominate the economy. Research has shown that the ability of a principal economic sector to resist economic crisis largely depends on the strength of the command and control function of a city. Finally, a high globalization level of a city is a key determinant of its susceptibility to economic crisis.  相似文献   

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