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王靓靓 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1269-1277
磷是生物体所必需的营养元素,因其不可替代性及未来迅速枯竭性,被中、德、日、英、美等国相继列入战略性矿产资源清单。全球磷矿石资源丰富,但是分布极不均衡,70%以上集中在非洲,著名的磷矿资源国有摩洛哥及西撒哈拉地区,阿尔及利亚、南非、埃及、突尼斯、塞内加尔、多哥等国磷矿储量也较为丰富,非洲可谓是全球磷矿储量的绝对担当。矿床类型主要有沉积型、岩浆型和鸟粪型,以沉积型为主,同时具有储量大、品位高、伴生有其他具有经济价值元素等特点。近年来,非洲已成为全球重要磷矿产地与供应地,目前,在非洲从事磷矿勘查开发的矿业公司以本土矿业公司为主,摩洛哥磷酸盐集团是全球上最大的磷酸盐生产和出口商。非洲磷矿石主要出口大国为摩洛哥、埃及、多哥、阿尔及利亚等;出口至印度、印度尼西、墨西哥、巴西等国家。未来,非洲仍将为全球主要磷矿供应地之一,并将扮演更加重要的角色。  相似文献   

2005年8月8日至18日,由水利部水文局、南京水利水文自动化研究所、国家发改委、长江委水文局、黄委水文局、江西省水利厅等单位专家组成的水文水资源监测技术代表团,访问了南非、埃及有关水文、水资源政府部门:  相似文献   

以色列地处中东,降雨稀少且分布不均,天然淡水资源短缺。为解决这一困境,以色列自1948年建国后就一直致力于发展水资源高效利用技术,在水资源生产、运输、回收等领域研发出诸多领先全球的新技术。经过多年努力,该国从一个缺水的国家成为高效用水的农业大国,甚至被誉为“欧洲国家的菜篮子”。文章首先介绍了以色列的地理气候情况和水资源类型,然后介绍了水资源利用结构,最后列举了以色列在解决水资源危机时发展的6项创新技术。文章可为我国水资源高效利用与管理提供借鉴,同时也可为今后我国与以色列开展水资源方面的相关合作及学术研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

国家质检总局、海关总署、外经贸部、国家经贸委、外交部、国土资源部今天发布联合公告,宣布自2003年1月1日起在中华人民共和国实施金伯利进程国际证书制度,以履行我国的国际义务,制止“冲突钻石”非法交易,维护非洲地区的和平与稳定. “冲突钻石”问题主要是指非洲一些国家的反政府武装在其控制区内非法开采、销售钻石,并以此换取军火,发动和延续内乱.为遏制“冲突钻石”,南非、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚等非洲国家于2000年5月发起“金伯利进程”,讨论建立国际毛坯钻石证书制度.世界主要钻石生产国、加工国和贸易国均参加了这一进程.  相似文献   

从最古老的时代至1985年,世界金矿总产量(金属量)大约为116000吨。主要由下述国家和地区提供: 1.历前和古代总产量为10257吨。其分布情况如下: 非洲:4185吨,主要来自埃及)1710吨)如努比亚(1600吨)。1.历前和古代总产量为10257吨。其分布情况如下: 非洲:1155吨,主要来自埃及)1710吨)  相似文献   

吉尔吉斯斯坦水资源及其开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国地处中亚中心,山地众多,山脉纵横,冰川广泛发育,水资源十分丰富,是中亚五国的"水塔",控制着中亚五国的水资源命脉.吉尔吉斯斯坦经济社会发展潜力巨大且发展意愿十分强烈,研究其水资源及开发利用对找寻妥善的中亚水资源问题解决之道具有十分积极的意义.分析介绍了吉尔吉斯斯坦自然地理以及与水资源形成有关的气候、地形地貌和冰川融雪概况,评价了吉尔吉斯斯坦水资源总量.然后在阐述吉尔吉斯斯坦独立以来至今的社会经济发展概况的基础上,分析介绍了其主要水资源开发工程与水力发电、用水量变化,并对吉尔吉斯斯坦水资源开发利用中存在的主要问题进行了深入剖析.  相似文献   

黄晓兵 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1107-1114
埃及因其便利的海陆运输通道、重要的战略地位、丰富的油气资源、良好的发展前景、巨大的市场需求以及强烈的发展意愿成为我国“一带一路”倡议合作构想的理想区域。本文以埃及能源历史供需格局演变为切入点,综合预测其未来发展趋势;将埃及“2030愿景”规划与我国“一带一路”倡议及中非“十大合作计划”相结合,分析中国和埃及两国在能源及相关领域的合作机遇。得出:(1)埃及能源需求快速增长,而供应能力逐年下降,能源供需格局已由供大于求转变为供不应求,未来供需缺口将持续扩大,供需矛盾将不断加剧;(2)中埃两国合作优势互补,埃及能源及相关领域投资合作正处于良好机遇期。建议我国企业以深水地中海、西部沙漠及红海沿岸等作为重点区域开展油气勘查开发,以大开罗为中心、地中海沿岸-苏伊士运河-红海沿岸为环线开展电力及新能源、基础设施等多元化投资,将埃及打造成为我国企业进入中东-北非市场的战略支撑点。  相似文献   

国际河流开发给中国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析亚洲的两河流域、北美洲的圣劳伦斯河、欧洲的多瑙河、非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河等国际河流的开发案例,借鉴成功与失败的开发经验和教训,得出加强合作、整体开发、全流域开放、协调生态环境等一些对我国合理、高效开发利用国际河流水资源的有益启示,并对我国国际河流开发管理提出了"与邻为善,以邻为伴"的建议。  相似文献   

非洲锰矿床成矿规律、开发利用与勘查建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾卓然 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1216-1228
锰矿是我国重要的战略矿产资源,需求量不断增长,长期依赖国外资源保障供需关系。本文总结分析了非洲锰矿资源的特点、矿床类型与成矿规律等地质特征与勘查开发利用及贸易现状。分析表明:非洲是全球探明锰矿储量和资源量最多的地区,具有分布集中,规模大、品位高、杂质少的特点;锰矿床类型主要有条带状含铁建造(BIF)型、海相沉积型、海相火山-沉积型、陆相(湖相三角洲)沉积型、岩浆热液型等五大类,普遍遭受表生风化淋滤(溶蚀)作用改造;主要分布在卡普瓦尔克拉通、刚果克拉通西北部的加蓬地块和西非克拉通南缘的马恩-莱奥地盾中;成矿时代主要集中于前寒武纪,尤其是2.2~2.0Ga;非洲锰矿资源的勘查开发程度较高,其中南非是非洲锰矿勘查程度最高的国家,中非、北非国家的勘查开发程度较低;南非是全球最大的锰矿石生产国和锰矿产品出口国,目前占全球出口量的68.19%以上,我国是非洲锰矿产的最大出口地,占其出口总量的70.19%。建议:我国在非洲的勘查应重点关注非洲中部的条带状含铁建造(BIF)型锰矿和海相火山-沉积型锰矿;在非洲已有的中企基础上,组建大型的集团公司,建立多元的锰矿资源供应体系。  相似文献   

张振芳 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1257-1268
非洲的锆资源丰富,沿海岸带成群连片分布。通过对非洲51个锆矿床(点)的地质特征、时空分布及勘查开发历史和现状等进行分析研究,查明非洲的锆资源具有分布集中、规模大、易采易选,伴生矿物种类多,综合利用价值高等特点。非洲已查明锆储量占全球52%,其中莫桑比克、南非、马达加斯加、塞内加尔和肯尼亚集中了非洲99%的锆矿资源。矿床类型以滨海锆砂矿为主,矿体多为平行海岸线的沙丘群,通常为上新世-全新世未固结的薄而平坦的砂层,走向延伸10~100km,重矿物以锆石、金红石和钛铁矿为主,含量2%~12%。非洲锆矿的勘查始于20世纪20年代的尼罗河三角洲,开发始于20世纪50年代的南非,特诺、力拓等大型矿业公司是非洲锆矿开发的主力,济南域潇集团等中资企业近年来积极参与。非洲的锆矿开发主要集中在南非和莫桑比克,近10年来的产量约占全球锆产量的40%,成为全球主要锆资源供应地。马达加斯加和肯尼亚的锆矿资源丰富,是与中国签署共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录的国家,与中国在锆矿资源领域的合作潜力巨大。  相似文献   

世界磷矿储量近695亿t(2019年),但分布不均,磷矿储量最为丰富的北非地区集中了全球80%以上的磷矿资源.该区域的摩洛哥和西撒哈拉是世界磷矿资源最为丰富的国家,2019年其磷矿储量达500亿t,占世界的近72%.目前世界上主要利用的磷矿类型为沉积型磷块岩矿,其最主要的成矿时代为震旦—寒武纪和中生代—新生代,前者以中...  相似文献   

South Asia is the subregion of Asia with the most neighbors of China. Although the high mountains in the Great Himalayas spatially separate South Asia from East Asia along the border of China’s autonomous region of Tibet, the geographical items such as mountains and rivers link the countries in South Asia with China, resulting in a special and complex geopolitical environment and relationship. In this geopolitical relationship, the transboundary rivers are becoming a key issue of this region in an era of increasing water stress. Depleted and degraded transboundary water supplies have the potential to cause social unrest and spark conflict within and between countries in South Asia, and complicate the geopolitical relationship among them. In addition, the increasing impacts from climate change and human activities will definitely bring many transboundary eco-environmental issues in this region, projecting a big challenge to regional stability and development. The key issues related to the water resources supplement and exploration require the transboundary rivers to be a positive role in regional water resources utility and exploration, and the result will definitely affect regional relationship and water security. How to handle these issues and challenges will be a question for the countries in this region with a long time. Currently, the “Belt and Road” Initiative represents an opportunity to build a shared vision for common prosperity through regional cooperation and is a way to inject new positive energy into world peace and development. In the light of this, the countries with transboundary rivers in South Asia must come together to construct a cooperative mechanism of water security, and adopt a win-win cooperation for the use of transboundary rivers under the principles of “equal”, “equitable” and “reasonable”.  相似文献   

王丰翔 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1229-1242
铂族元素(Platinum group elements,PGEs)作为地壳最稀缺的一类金属元素,是重要的战略性矿产资源,与金一样,具有经济和科技双重的功能。非洲铂族金属矿产资源丰富且高度集中,占世界资源量> 80 %,主要集中在南非和津巴布韦。本文在前人研究基础上,对非洲PGEs矿床主要成矿类型、时空分布特点和开发利用现状进行了总结,研究认为:(1)非洲大型-超大型PGEs矿床成因类型主要为岩浆型,在时空上与世界级铁质-镁铁质大火成岩省(南非布什维尔德和津巴布韦大岩墙)密切相关,可细化分为脉状铜镍硫化物型、整合接触型铜镍硫化物型、脉状铬铁矿型和钒钛磁铁矿型。依据区域构造演化及其所产出的矿化特征,认为以铁质-镁铁质岩有关的岩浆型矿床仍具有较大的找矿潜力。(2)非洲铂族金属矿产勘查开发程度相对较高,近十年是全球勘查资金投入最多的地区,同时也是世界第一大Pt生产地和第二大Pd生产地。从事勘查开发的主要为世界顶级PGEs矿业寡头。(3)非洲是全球一次性铂族金属矿产品主要供应国,主要出口至美国、日本、中国、德国和英国。加强与南非、津巴布韦等国家之间的合作,保障PGEs资源供应的安全对我国尤为重要。  相似文献   

The proposed Natural Resources Management Facility (NRMF) seeks to achieve poverty reduction and employment generation through ecologically sustainable, economically viable and people-participatory management of natural resources (resources of waters and soils, coastal and marine resources, ecotourism, energy resources, mineral and other resources). The NRMF will have five functional divisions for technology policy, environmental education, extramural cooperation, technical facility and information network, and international cooperation. At the heart of the NRMF is a state-of-the-art analytical laboratory (with ICP-AES, GC-ECD, GC-MS, etc.) in Maputo. This will be networked with five field stations which will have portable instruments for water, soil, food, etc. analysis. The NRMF will custom-design integrated natural resource management models for different areas of the country, in the context of their particular biophysical and socio-economic environments. Innovative management techniques have been developed to make the NRMF sustainable and largely self-financing. The NRMF will cooperate with, and assist the member countries of SADC (Southern Africa Development Community) in environmental management for mutual benefit, and could, hopefully, serve as a pilot model for the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Received: 30 September 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Commercial afforestation in South Africa dates back to the 1870s and started as an alternative to the fast disappearing indigenous timber resource. It involves the planting of exotic timber species and has impacts on water resources, soil biodiversity, landscapes, etc. Commercial afforestation of land has been subjected to regulation through the Afforestation Permit System (APS) since 1972, primarily to protect the national water resource. Since the APS no longer adequately dealt with afforestation regulation, it was replaced in 1999 with a procedure that was supposed to integrate the requirements of relevant legislation and general environmental management principles. This paper is a theoretical review of the background and development of the new South African Streamflow Reduction Activities licensing procedure, as well as whether it complies with the requirements of an environmental management system such as ISO 14001. The main conclusion is that the new procedure, although an improvement on the previous procedure, still has shortcomings especially with regard to the operational and decommissioning phases of forestry in South Africa. It is recommended that these aspects be addressed in order to mitigate the impact of forestry on water sustainability in South Africa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Faisal Elias 《GeoJournal》2017,82(6):1165-1177
South Africa’s National Water Act and National Water Resource Strategy set out an ambitious societal vision with a strong focus on the redistribution of water resources towards the marginalised and on empowering historically disadvantaged communities including women. This vision is reflected in the framework for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) that acknowledges women as pivotal in water management practices. Based on this premise, this paper examines the challenges women face in performing their roles in IWRM in rural South Africa. It draws on a study of a water user association that operates in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The design of the study was qualitative in nature with a semi-structured interview as the main data collection tool. The interview involved 14 respondents from Limpopo. The results showed marked gender difference in terms of roles performed. Based on the study, three kinds of roles were revealed: domestic, productive and decision-making roles. Men were significantly involved in productive roles, giving low priority to domestic roles. The key factors found to affect the role of women in decision-making in IWRM were cultural practices, low self-confidence, low levels of capacity, and high workloads. These factors were identified as key institutional inherent within the specific society. As such, these findings have significant implications for the efforts aimed at promoting gender equality. Particularly, the impact of culture on women in water management raises concerns regarding gender issues in rural and remote areas where people are poorer and more culturally conservative.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the major disasters around the world which cause great social and economic hardship. Recent events of severe droughts have motivated comprehensive research on drought management in China like many other countries of Asia, Europe and Africa. In this paper, the mechanism of drought management has been analyzed in light of water supply and water demand management considering water shortage as an inductor of drought. Catastrophe theory has been proposed to explain transitions through discontinuities and unexpected changes in water system. The study indicates that supply management can increase water supply; however, in long term, it may not be sustainable for drought mitigation. Water demand management, on the other hand, improves water use efficiency with less investment. Therefore, the study emphasizes water demand managements for drought management under future changing scenarios.  相似文献   

我国水资源开发利用业绩与前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新中国成立以来,我国水利事业得到迅速发展,有效地促进了社会的进步与经济的繁荣。我国是世界上人均水资源贫乏的国家之一,如何实现水资源与社会,经济、环境的协调发展,实现水资源的可持续开发利用,仍将是我国可持续发展的关键问题之一。回顾了新中国成立以来水资源开发利用发展的阶段与过程,简要介绍了在水资源开发利用与保护方面的主要成就,较为系统地回顾和总结了我国水资源管理方面的主要工作,并对21世纪我国水资源可  相似文献   

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