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The Liddell Seam occurs in the lower part of the Permian Foybrook Formation of the Sydney Basin, eastern Australia. The seam profile is dominated by banded lithotypes (clarain). Maceral and microlithotype analyses of lithotypes indicate a limited degree of uniformity in their composition. A comparison of whole-seam petrographic analyses with compositions calculated on the basis of the seam lithotype profile and lithotype petrography suggests that the latter method may provide for a rapid assessment of petrographic variation in operating mines.Petrographic analyses form the basis of an interpretation of Liddell peat-swamp facies. The seam contains few clastic layers which are associated with relatively dull coals whose petrography reflects elevated water levels during deposition in the limno-telmatic, reed-moor and open-moor facies. Between these zones the seam profile is dominated by relatively bright coals deposited between periods of inundation, in the telmatic forest-moor and reed-moor zones. The lithotype profile and the high vitrite and clarite content indicate the significant influence of arborescent vegetation, a feature typical of seams deposited in tectonically unstable areas.  相似文献   

Seams from the St. Rose and Chimmey Corner coalfields, Nova Scotia, Canada, were sampled and examined for petrographic and geochemical composition. Rank determinations indicate a rank of high volatile C-B bituminous. Seams show regular alternations of dull and bright microbanded lithotypes, with dull lithotypes predominant in the central portion of the main seam (No. 5 seam). Brighter lithotypes are dominated by vitrinite (>80%), with minor inertinite (avg. 12%) and minor liptinite. Duller lithotypes contain greater amounts of inertinite (up to 40%) and liptinite (primarily sporinite). Mineral matter consists of epigenetic pyrite, with lesser amounts of clay and quartz. Cabonates are common in the Chimney Corner seams. Elemental composition of the seams is similar to other Canadian coals and fall within world coal ranges, with the exception of high concentrations of Cl, Zn, Ni, Mo, Pb, Cu and As.Depositional environment of the seams as indicated by maceral composition, lithotypes and geology suggest a predominance of wet forest to reed moor conditions, in a fluvial-lacustrine setting. Periodic episodes of flooding and drying are indicated by lithotype, maceral and mineral variations.  相似文献   

The coal deposits of Meghalaya occur in the Lakadong Sandstone (25–250 m thick) of Eocene age. The coal-bearing formations are understood to have been deposited over platform areas in estuarine and lagoonal environments and subjected to recurrent marine transgressions and regressions during the Eocene period. There are three major groups of coalfields in Meghalaya, viz. Garo Hills (West Daranggiri and Siju Coalfields), Khasi Hills (Langrin and Mawlong–Shella Coalfields) and minor coalfields (Laitryngew, Cherrapunji and Bapung Coalfields). Pillar coal samples have been collected from 10 seams at 15 locations and have been subjected to a detailed petrographic examination for their characterization. An effort has been made to trace the path of their evolution based on coal petrography-based models. The quantitative petrographic analysis shows that these coals are vitrinite rich (45.0–92.9%, mean 73.4% mmf basis) with low concentration of inertinite (0.0–13.8%, mean 3.0% mmf basis), whereas the liptinite occurs in appreciable concentration (5.5–53.1%, mean 22.5% mmf basis). Further, these coals are rich in vitrite (51.6–100%, mean 78.3% mmf basis). The volatile matter (from 38.5% to 70.0%, d.a.f.) and vitrinite reflectance (Rom from 0.37% to 0.68%) characterize these coals, as per German (DIN) and North American classification, approximately as sub-bituminous ‘C' to high volatile ‘C' bituminous. The occurrence of teleutospore (single, double and triple celled) suggests that these coals have originated from a characteristic Tertiary flora. The maceral and microlithotype composition in the coal petrography-based depositional models suggest that the coals of Garo Hills were formed in reed to open water swamps in telmatic to limnic conditions. The coals of Khasi Hills were dominated by forest swamps and telmatic to limno-telmatic conditions. In addition, the occurrence of large-size resins suggests prolific growth of conifers in the swamps.  相似文献   

The intermontane basin of Ptolemais is part of a major tectonic trench, located in NW Greece and includes around 65% of Greek coal reserves. The Upper Xylite Layer (UXL) is a distinct lignite layer, being 3–6 m thick and outcropping in the upper part of the Pliocene Lignite-bearing Sequence at the Notio Field and Tomeas Eksi Mines of Ptolemais. Compared with the xylite-rich lithotypes, the matrix lithotypes within UXL contain more ash. Micropetrographic studies suggest that the Upper Xylite Layer is rich in huminite (>90%). Textinite dominates in the xylite-rich lithotypes, while attrinite dominates in the matrix lithotypes. The liptinite content is <10%, while inertinite rarely occurs. Palaeobotanical determination revealed that the xylite-rich coal originated from Coniferous vegetation, specifically from Glyptostrobus europaeus. The occurrence of G. europaeus as a coal-forming element is significant because, though this kind of vegetation was common in many Greek coals of Miocene age, this is the first time it has been recorded from the Pliocene. This study suggests that the Upper Xylite Layer is autochthonous. According to coal-facies diagrammes, peat accumulated under pure telmatic conditions in a relatively wet forest fen. Both herbaceous and arboreal vegetation contributed to peat formation.  相似文献   

In the Leão-Butiá Coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul the coal seams occur in the Rio Bonito Formation, Guatá Group, Tubarão Supergroup of the Paraná Basin, Brazil and are of Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) age.This study is the first detailed investigation on the coal petrographic characterization of the coal-bearing sequence in relation to the depositional settings of the precursor mires, both in terms of whole seam characterization and in-seam variations. The study is based on the analyses of nine coal seams (I2, CI, L4, L3, L2, L1, S3, S2, S1), which were selected from core of borehole D-193, Leão-Butiá and represent the entire coal-bearing sequence.The interpretation of coal facies and depositional environment is based on lithotype, maceral and microlithotype analyses using different facies-critical petrographic indices, which were displayed in coal facies diagrams. The seams are characterized by the predominance of dull lithotypes (dull, banded dull). The dullness of the coal is attributed to relatively high mineral matter, inertinite and liptinite contents. The petrographic composition is dominated by vitrinite (28–70 vol.% mmf) and inertinite (> 30 vol.% mmf) groups. Liptinite contents range from 7 to 30 vol.% (mmf) and mineral matter from 4–30 vol.%. Microlithotypes associations are dominated by vitrite, duroclarite, carbominerite and inertite. It is suggested that the observed vertical variations in petrographic characteristics (lithotypes, microlithotypes, macerals, vitrinite reflectance) were controlled by groundwater level fluctuations in the ancient mires due to different accommodation/peat accumulation rates.Correlation of the borehole strata with the general sequence-stratigraphical setting suggests that the alluvial fan system and the coal-bearing mudstone succession are linked to a late transgressive systems tract of sequence 2. Based on average compositional values obtained from coal facies diagrams, a deposition in a limno-telmatic to limnic coal facies is suggested.  相似文献   

A detailed macro- and micro-petrological investigation of 8 coal seam profiles of Eocene age from the sub-Himalayan zone of Jammu was undertaken in order to characterize them petrographically and to focus on their evolution. The quantitative data suggest that these coals are vitrinite rich, with low concentrations of inertinite and rare occurrences of liptinite. According to microlithotype concentration these coals may be characterized as vitrinite rich, with minor amounts of clarite, vitrinertite and trimacerite. The dominant minerals are clays, siderite and pyrite (occurring mostly as disseminations, cavity filling and in framboidal state). These coals are vitric in type, low volatile bituminous in rank and ashy in grade.The petrographic character and the presence of teleutospores suggest that, similar to other Tertiary coal deposits in the world, the angiosperm flora contributed chiefly to the development of coal facies in the area. The maceral and microlithotype composition shows that these coals originated from the low forest and undisturbed (in situ) peat in foreland basins under limno-telmatic depositional conditions. The water was brackish with regular influxes of fresh water.  相似文献   

平顶山矿区二_1煤层煤相分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用煤岩学和煤化学方法,对平顶山矿区二_1煤层的煤相组成、泥炭沼泽类型及其形成条件进行了探讨。将煤相划分为还原相和氧化相。它们具有相应的定性和定量指标。二_1煤层由3~4个周期性相序构成,反映了成煤沼泽由森林沼泽向草本或草本木本混生沼泽的演化过程。这种相序可能代表一种滨海平原环境下的聚煤特征。二_1煤属贫营养的雨成凸起沼泽,基本上为原地堆积成煤。二_1煤层形成于淡水泥炭沼泽,但其顶部曾受过半咸水环境影响。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to characterize the coals of Satpura Gondwana basin using a large number of pillar coal samples drawn from the working coal mines of Pench, Kanhan, and Tawa (Pathakhera) Valley Coalfields of this basin. This westernmost Gondwana basin of Peninsular India is graben/half-graben type and occupies an area of 12 000 km2 with sedimentary fills (>5000 m) ranging in age from Permian to Cretaceous. The Barakar Formation (Permian) is exclusively coal-bearing with a total coal reserve of nearly 2000 Mt. The results show that the coals of this basin are equally rich in inertinite (22.8–58.7%, 24.5–62.0% mmf basis) and vitrinite (24.4–52.4%, 24.4–56.0% mmf basis). The concentration of liptinite ranges from 8.8% to 23.2% (9.0–26.0% mmf basis). The dominant microlithotypes of these coals are inertite and vitrite with comparatively low concentrations of vitrinertite and clarite. The vitrinite reflectance (Rom% values) suggests that the Pench Valley (0.30–0.58%) coals are subbituminous C to high volatile C bituminous in rank, while the Kanhan and Tawa Valley coals (0.52–0.92%) are subbituminous A to high volatile A bituminous in rank. The localized enhancement of rank in the latter two basins has been attributed to the extraneous heat flow from deep-seated igneous intrusions in the basin. The microlithotype composition of these coals is suggestive of their evolution in limno-telmatic zones, under fluvio-lacustrine control with the development of upper deltaic and lower deltaic conditions near the fresh water lacustrines. The floral input is characteristic of forest swamps with intermittent floods, leading to the development of reed moor and open moor facies, particularly in the Pench Valley basin. The Gelification Index (GI) and Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) are suggestive of terrestrial origin with high tree density. Further, moderately high GI and exceedingly high telovitrinite based TPI along with high ash content, particularly for the coals of Kanhan and Tawa Valley Coalfields, are indicative of the recurrence of drier conditions in the forested swamps. Furthermore, lateral variation in TPI values is indicative of increase in the rate of subsidence vis-à-vis depth of the basin from east to west (Pench to Tawa Valley Coalfield). The Ground Water Index (GWI) suggests that these coals have evolved in mires under ombotrophic to mesotrophic hydrological conditions. The Vegetation Index (VI) values are indicative of the dominance of herbaceous plants in the formation of Pench Valley coals and comparatively better forest input in the formation of Kanhan and Tawa Valley coals.  相似文献   

Samples of early Miocene Muara Wahau coal from three drill cores were investigated with respect to maceral composition. Huminite macerals are dominant in the coal, ranging from 73.3 to 88.0% (vol.) with an average value of 77.4% (vol.). Liptinite macerals account for lower amount, from 0.7 to 6.7 with an average value of 1.8% (vol.). Inertinite macerals vary from 4.3 to 34.0% (vol.), averaging at 15.3% (vol.). Some paleoenvironmental indices based on the maceral composition were determined. Groundwater index (GWI) and vegetation index (VI) were considered as indicators for hydrological regime and type of peat vegetation. Tissue preservation index (TPI) and gelification index (GI) were determined to indicate the degree of preservation and relative wetness of the peat forming conditions. The VI-GWI diagram suggest that the coal was developed from herbaceous plants in ombrotrophic type of peat. TPI-GI diagram shows that the preservation was low and the peat was relatively wet or limnic. However, ombrotrophic peat type have commonly been related to relatively drier or telmatic environments. It is therefore, interpreted that the limnic condition could occur in ombrotrophic peat type, as the water level was rising up during the development of a high moor peat.  相似文献   

浅析贵州二叠系上统龙潭组27号煤层的聚煤规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对27号煤层沉积背景、环境演化过程、分布特点、赋存状态、结构特点和煤厚变化特征进行分析,认为27号煤层主要沉积于海陆交互相环境,赋存在龙潭组中下部,厚0.1~4.8m,为薄-中厚煤层。该煤层在威宁-毕节以东、兴仁-贵阳-遵义以西范嗣内都有分布,夹石0~5层,~般为3层,向两南方向夹层增多。煤层厚度有北薄南厚、由西向东为薄-厚-薄的变化规律,六盘水煤田、织纳煤田为聚煤中心地带,  相似文献   

In order to get detailed information about the facies and genesis of Upper Carboniferous coal seams of Northwest Germany, maceral analyses of complete seam profiles (Westphalian B-D, mainly Westphalian C) were carried out. Four main facies and twelve subfacies could be distinguished. The main facies are:
1. (1) The sapropelic-coal facies, consisting of fine-grained inertinite and liptinite, which forms from organic sediments deposited at the bottom of moor lakes.
2. (2) The densosporinite facies which is high in inertinite and liptinite and low in vitrinite. Syngenetic pyrites, clastic layers, thick vitrains and fusains do not occur. This facies originates from peats of ‘open mires’ with higher groundwater table and herbaceous vegetation. The ‘open mire’ was situated in the centre of extensive swamps. Consequently, clastic sedimentation did not affect this swamp type and nutrient supply and pH values were low.
3. (3) The vitrinite-fusinite facies, which is high in vitrinite. This is the result of abundant vitrains. Under the microscope, fusains were mostly identified as fusinite. The vitrinite-fusinite facies originates from a forest mire. More or less abundant seam splits and clastic layers show that rivers flowed in the neighbourhood of this area.
4. (4) The shaly-coal facies, which represents the most marginal part of the former swamp frequently affected by clastic sedimentation.
Within the Carboniferous of the Ruhr Region it seems unlikely that the thin coal seams of the Namurian C and Westphalian A1 contain a densosporinite facies. The swamps were situated in the lower delta plain where they were often affected by marine influences. Consequently, coals are high in minerals and sulfur and they are thin and discontinous. The best conditions for the formation of extensive swamps, with open mires (densosporinite facies) in their central parts, prevailed during Westphalian A2 and B1 times. Low contents of sulfur and minerals and high content of inertinite are typical for these coals. Sedimentation mainly took place in the transitional zone from the lower to the upper delta plain. During the Westphalian B2 and C fluvial sedimentation dominated. Within the coal seams minerals, sulfur and pseudovitrinite increase while inertinite decreases. This is the consequence of coal of the densosporinite facies occurring with increased rarity. The coal seams of the Westphalian C2 contain no densosporinite facies because peat formation was restricted by increasing fluvial sedimentation and by a better drainage. As a consequence, extensive swamps with ‘open mires’ in the centre were no longer formed after the formation of the “Odin” seams. Above the “Odin” seams coal of the vitrinite-fusinite facies contains thick-walled torisporinites. Variations and lowering of the groundwater table caused mild oxidative influences during peat formation. This is documented by an increase in pseudovitrinite, the occurrence of torisporinites and the absence of spheroidal sideritic concretions. Sulfur content increases in the absence of the low-ash and low-sulfur coal of the densosporinite facies.In Upper Carboniferous coal seams of the Ibbenbüren Region the inertinite and telocollinite contents are higher than in those of the Ruhr Region. Therefore, variations of the groundwater table have been more pronounced and resulting oxidative influences must have been more severe. Seldom occurring marine and brackish horizons and a higher fusinite (fusain) content indicate a slight elevation of this area. From Early Westphalian D times onward, peat formation was no longer possible because of the better drainage. This resulted in severe oxidative conditions which excluded peat formation.  相似文献   

煤层"后生夹层"是指在煤层形成以后,由于地质构造作用而形成的夹矸,根据其发育部位、形态特征、产出状态,可将其划分出4种主要类型:刺状夹矸,包卷夹矸,板状夹矸和泥皮夹矸,文中详细讨论了各种夹矸的特征并阐述了研究意义。   相似文献   

To develop a method for quantifying the vegetation of Pennsylvania-age coal beds, of four coal-ball (permineralized peat) profiles and four coal column samples from the Herrin coal bed (Kentucky No. 11) Carbondale Formation in western Kentucky were compared. An estimated 89.5% of the coal can be identified botanically. Compaction ratios for individual tissues were estimated using point counts of organic matter in coal balls. The estimated abundances of major plant groups (lycopods, ferns, sphenopsids, and pteridosperms) in coal balls differ by less than 10% compared to coal after accounting for differential compaction of plant tissues. Standard deviations in taxonomic and maceral composition among coal columns are generally less than 2%.Consistent differences in botanical composition were found between benches showing that the method is consistent when applied to sufficient thicknesses of coal. It was not possible to make fine-scale correlations within the coal bed using the vegetational data; either the flora varied considerably from place to place or the method of quantification is unreliable for small increments of coal (5 cm or less).In the coal, pteridosperm abundance is positively correlated with underlying shale partings. This correlation suggests that pteridosperms are favored either by higher nutrient levels or disturbance.In the third of four benches in the Herrin coal bed, a succession from Sigillaria-containing zones to zones dominated by Lepidophloios hallii is interpreted as a shift towards wetter conditions. In the other benches, the main factors controlling the taxonomic composition appear to have been the relative abundance of nutrients and/or the frequency of disturbance as indicated by the relative abundance of partings.Criteria for distinguishing between domed and planar swamps are discussed. These include: distribution of partings, type of plant succession, and changes in plant diversity, average plant size, preservational quality and sporinite content. The infrequency of partings in bench C suggests a peat dome developed while the peat of that bench was accumulating but other evidence either fails to support the development of a peat dome or is ambiguous. The maceral composition resembles those of other Carboniferous coals which are thought to have formed from planar peat swamps.Formation of fusain bands appears to be associated with processes occurring above the peat surface, such as burning or prolonged oxidative exposure. Oxidation of accumulated peat is unlikely because fusain bands rarely include more than a single plant.  相似文献   

The research work details the maceral organization of eleven coal seams intersected at a maximum depth of 446.45 m from Bhupalpalli area of the Mulug coal belt, in Warangal district of Godavari valley. Samples for petrographic study have been collected from ten coal seams intersected between 106 m and 299 m depth range from Bore-hole No. 618 which includes, IA and its underlying I, II, Index below II, IIIB, IIIA, III, IVA, IV and Index below IV respectively. However, the coal samples from the bottom most V seam were collected from Bore-hole No. 616 encountered between 445.65 m and 446.45 m. The study has revealed that V seam is marked by vitric type and seam IVA contains coal of fusic nature. The seams I, II, Index below II, IIIB, IIIA and IV, however, are represented by mixed type of coal. Whereas, the seams IA and III have the prevalence of vitric as well as mixed coal types. IA seam has witnessed alternate oxic and anoxic moor condition and also wet moor with intermittent moderate to high flooding. All the other seams have been deposited during alternate oxic and anoxic moor conditions. The coal seams of the study area have shown a wide range of variation in vitrinite reflectance (Ro mean %). The top of III, basal part of IV and the entire Index below IV have recorded high vitrinite reflectance (Ro mean %), which ranges between 0.66-0.67% thus they have reached high volatile bituminous B stage, all the other seams show lower reflectance and therefore have attained high volatile bituminous C rank.  相似文献   

为了探讨伊利石对煤化作用和沉积环境的指示作用,以华北地区京西煤田侏罗纪煤层夹矸为研究对象,采用X射线衍射方法(XRD)和X射线荧光方法(XRF)分别测定煤层夹矸的矿物组成和化学组成,研究夹矸中伊利石矿物学特征及成因。结果表明,京西煤田侏罗纪煤层夹矸主要由伊利石、绿泥石和石英组成,其中,伊利石质量分数平均为62.92%。将XRD数据和XRF数据进行对比分析,计算得到伊利石平均化学式为(K0.37(NH40.03)Al2(Si3.60Al0.40O10)(OH)2。京西煤田煤层夹矸中伊利石主要由高岭石转化而来,伊利石的NH4+占层间阳离子的比例具有随沉积古盐度升高而逐渐升高的趋势,n(Si)/n(Al)Ⅳ具有随煤化程度升高而逐渐降低的趋势,这表明京西煤田侏罗纪煤层夹矸中的伊利石矿物学特征对沉积环境和煤化作用具有一定的指示作用。   相似文献   

Western Canadian subbituminous coal is mined using strip-mining methods. The coal is used to feed coal-fired power plants for electricity generation. Parameters that influence the mercury content of these coals include the occurrence and frequency of partings in the seam, weathering, and epigenetic mineralization. Most partings have higher mercury content than the coal layers in the same seam, with the single bentonite bed having the highest Hg content. However, some high ash components, such as sandy siltstone, do not follow this trend. The incorporation of the high mercury partings into the as-mined coal may increase the Hg content in the feed coal. Epigenetic mineralization may also increase the mercury content of coal, depending on the nature of the mineralization.Calculation of the weighted mean of mercury content for various combination of lithological components of a seam illustrates how these components influence the total mercury content of the seam. This approach also suggests how selective mining might be used to reduce mercury in “as-mined” coal.Results of weighted average calculations of mercury indicate that the thin lithological units with moderate mercury may not necessarily influence that overall weighted average of Hg for a seam. However, there can be exception, such as presence of thin (3.5 cm) bentonite parting with high mercury in a 94.5 cm seam that increased the mercury content of seam by 83.4%.  相似文献   

根据鄂尔多斯盆地神木煤田延安组1~(-1)、1~(-2)及2~(-2)煤层的平均光泽和结构特征,划分出了12种宏观煤岩类型。显微研究表明,该区煤中均质镜质体的含量较高,且多为草本植物和灌木类所组成,因此认为根皮镜质体的大量存在是该区煤的主要煤岩特征之一。此外,一些过渡型显微组分,如半镜质体和半丝质体的含量也相对高。依据因子分析和聚类分析结果并结合凝胶化指数和结构保存指数,划分出4种沼泽相:开阔水域水生植物淤泥相、深覆水草甸沼泽相、浅覆水草本灌木混生沼泽相和陆地森林沼泽相。  相似文献   

采用沉积学、煤地质学、古生物学、地层学及地球化学等多技术手段,结合比较分析法的思路,分析了事件型海侵的特点和海侵事件沉积组合特征,研究发现:海侵事件沉积组合为区域对比性强、具沉积时间连续性与相序间断性的暴露沉积-煤层-灰岩组合,其关键沉积学特征是煤层底板的暴露沉积.海侵事件组合灰岩的古生化石个体小、破碎强烈等特征表现为高能量水体运动等环境,孢粉表现为低含量的单缝孢和裸子植物及高含量的三缝孢.地球化学分析表明暴露沉积为陆相环境,煤层中的微量元素表现为海相主要原因是由于泥炭沼泽覆于深水后受海水影响所致.海侵事件成煤与海侵过程成煤差异体现在两个方面:第一,盆地属性差异,即海侵事件成煤形成于陆表海盆地之中,而海侵过程成煤则形成于具有缓坡的边缘海盆地,第二,成煤原理存在着差异,海侵事件成煤强调的是成煤前海侵未发生前的碎屑体系废弃而发育大量泥炭沼泽且被后期突发性海侵终止,而海侵过程成煤则强调的是泥炭沼泽发育于滨海的活动碎屑体系并终止于后期的缓慢海平面上升.  相似文献   

槽波地震勘探技术在探测工作面内部断层、陷落柱发育情况、煤厚变化等方面已经取得较好的应用效果,现已成为井下地质构造探测的首选方法。但对于含夹矸的复合煤层地质构造的探测,槽波方法还存在一定的问题,为研究复合煤层中夹矸对槽波地震探测中断层落差解释的影响,通过建立不同的数值模型进行正演分析,并选取山西某矿复合煤层进行槽波探测试验。研究结果表明:复合煤层中的夹矸对槽波探测解释断层落差有较大影响,夹矸的厚度与煤层差异较小时,槽波探测解释断层落差时的单位煤厚标准应为复合煤层的总厚度;差异较大时,单位煤厚标准应为激发接收层的单一煤层厚度。研究结果可为槽波实际资料的解释、分析提供参考依据。   相似文献   

煤层是成煤物质成分、特征和形成环境的统一体,煤岩组分、煤的化学组成等是煤层物质成分和形成环境的体现。通过对宜山煤田中部上二叠统合山组K7、K6、K3煤层煤质特征分析,得出本区煤层形成的沉积环境不论是成煤前期还是成煤期受海水的影响较大,海水的作用白下而上逐渐减弱。成煤期的潜水面比较低,K3煤层覆水深度比K6、K7浅,都处于动荡环境条件中,同时受到周期性干燥环境和潮湿环境相互交替作用影响。水介质条件以碱性为主,从弱还原环境或中性环境向还原环境过渡。  相似文献   

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