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Although the fast development of OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) WFS (Web Feature Service) technologies has undoubtedly improved the sharing and synchronization of feature-level geospatial information across diverse resources, literature shows that there are still apparent limitations in the current implementation of OGC WFSs. Currently, the implementation of OGC WFSs only emphasizes syntactic data interoperability via standard interfaces and cannot resolve semantic heterogeneity problems in geospatial data sharing. To help emergency responders and disaster managers find new ways of efficiently searching for needed geospatial information at the feature level, this paper aims to propose a framework for automatic search of geospatial features using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies and natural language interfaces. We focus on two major tasks: (1) intelligent geospatial feature retrieval using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies; (2) a natural language interface to a geospatial knowledge base and web feature services over the Semantic Web. Based on the proposed framework we implemented a prototype. Results show that it is practical to directly discover desirable geospatial features from multiple semantically heterogeneous sources using Geospatial Semantic Web technologies and natural language interfaces.  相似文献   

数字城市是利用计算机、互联网、3S等技术将城市地理信息与其他信息进行结合并再现的虚拟空间,地理空间框架则是数字城市的核心组成部分之一。本文以宁波市北仑区为研究区域,介绍了基于云架构的数字地理空间框架的构建思路、组成部分及主要创新点,探讨了项目成果在规划、环保、民政等领域的应用模式和前景,以期为其他地区建设或升级数字城市地理空间框架提供有益参考。  相似文献   

本文研究在数字城市地理空间框架相关成果的基础上,通过共享地理信息公共平台基础地理数据,提出城乡规划一张图数据库组织结构及建设标准,在共享联合的基础上实现规划项目管理信息化、规划业务审批电子化、规划决策管理一体化的建设思路与方法,并以数字黄冈地理空间框架城乡规划管理信息系统建设为示范进行系统实践应用,替代有纯文本的办公环境,以一体化的数据管理方式为规划审批与决策提供信息化手段与支持。  相似文献   

构建及时、有效的卫星遥感应急监测信息服务框架,是开展自然灾害应急救援能力建设的重要内容。本文以数据统筹管理、多源数据处理、应灾信息分析及信息服务快速发布等关键技术为核心,依托高效互联机制和高速数据通道,构建了卫星遥感应急监测信息服务框架。通过在四川木里森林火灾应急遥感监测中的具体应用,实现了对灾前灾后数据的实时推送,以及灾区遥感解译图、三维地形、救援通达性及火灾变化等综合信息服务的及时发布,为四川省火灾一线救援工作提供了科学指导,为新时期国家应急能力建设提供了探索性技术途径。  相似文献   

刘磊  刘津  翟永  邢绪超 《测绘通报》2019,(9):135-138,146
通过分析应急测绘指挥调度的基本特点与实际需求,结合国家应急标准规范,采用基于多通道多协议的数据通信与传输技术、基于MPP架构的分布式数据库管理技术、基于UML模型化的任务规划技术,根据无人机、多功能方舱等应急装备实时回传的位置、状态和应急测绘地理信息,以及快速处理与共享系统等产生的数据成果与作业信息,设计完成了具有应急调度方案制定、指令快速下达、测绘装备动态调度与实时跟踪、测绘任务进度监控及应急任务演练等功能的应急测绘调度系统。  相似文献   

基于关系型数据库的空间数据存储与处理是地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)领域的主流模式,但伴随着物联网、移动互联网、云计算及空间数据采集技术的发展,空间数据已从海量特征转变为大数据特征,对空间数据的存储和管理在数据量和处理模式上提出了新的挑战。首先分析了基于传统的集中式存储与管理模式在处理和应用大数据方面的局限性,包括存储对象的适应性、存储能力的可扩展性及高并发处理能力要求;然后在分析当前几大主流NoSQL数据库特点的基础上,指出了空间大数据基于NoSQL数据库的单一存储模式在数据操作方式、查询方式和数据高效管理方面存在的局限性;最后结合GIS领域空间大数据存储对数据库存储能力的可扩展性及数据处理和访问的高并发要求,提出基于内存数据库和NoSQL数据库的空间大数据分布式存储与综合处理策略,并开发了原型系统对提出的存储策略进行可行性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

刘纪平  张福浩  徐胜华 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1678-1687
近年来,地理空间大数据引起了产学研及政府部门的高度关注,甚至引发了许多变革。面向电子政务的地理空间大数据技术为政府信息管理和决策提供了新的手段。本文在阐述政务地理空间大数据的内涵及特点的基础上,重点梳理了政务地理空间大数据处理的关键技术,包括政务地理空间大数据整合、存储与管理、挖掘与分析、可视化以及决策支持服务技术,最后分析了当前和未来政务地理空间大数据所面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

如何实现用户快速获取图形化地理信息,减少网络上的数据传输量是信息共享必须解决的问题之一。基于JSP、SVG和后台数据库的地理信息服务是一个崭新的研究领域。系统研究的主要内容是使用JSP、SVG技术,结合数据库技术,构建一个“网上电子地图应用系统”。系统采用SQLServer作为数据库和数据库管理系统;使用JSP技术访问数据库并动态生成SVG图形;实现了基于SVG的空间数据可视化;结合JavaScript技术实现电子地图的各个功能模块。  相似文献   

黎夏  刘小平 《遥感学报》2016,20(5):1308-1318
中国的国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划以及城乡规划都是法定规划,但由于规划主体、技术标准和编制办法、实施手段和监督机制等的不同,导致"三规分离"、各个规划之间相互冲突的问题较为突出。虽然国家为了消除冲突,正在开展"三规合一"的有关工作,但缺乏有关技术手段的支持。本文以地理信息科学为出发点,对地理过程建模在国内外研究中的应用进行了总结,阐述了地理模拟与优化的框架体系可以成为目前中国正在进行的"三规合一"工作的重要理论和方法支撑。  相似文献   

Many time-critical applications such as emergency response, location-based services, and real time traffic management need instant access to diverse data to make quick decisions and take instantaneous actions. However, two issues block time-critical applications to quickly acquire and integrate spatial data over the web: (1) the heterogeneity of existing GIS systems, and (2) the file-level data sharing systems over the web. This research examines current open standards, protocols, and technologies capable of solving the two issues for real-time spatial data sharing over the web. Focusing on investigating the role of Web Feature Services (WFS) and Web Map Services (WMS), this research has developed a solution for real-time geospatial data sharing at the feature level over the web. A prototype has been implemented to query, extract, create, delete, update, and map geographic features stored in web-accessible OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) simple feature datastores for transportation emergency applications. The prototype results show that the OGC WFS and WMS play important roles in real-time geospatial data sharing and exchange from heterogeneous sources at the feature level for time-critical applications. The WFS and WMS eliminate time-consuming data translation and facilitate reuse of existing geospatial data over the web. Several issues related to the solution are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

为了实现快速地分析处理应急测绘地理信息数据,往往需要对不同模型进行集成建模,提出了面向应急测绘的空间集成建模框架,并对其关键技术展开研究。该框架基于案例驱动进行空间集成建模,以服务链形式自动化分析处理应急测绘数据。此外,还提供应急测绘模型耦合校验方法,保证组合方案的可执行性和稳定性。最后以济南市化工厂危化品泄露应急分析原型系统为例,在可计算应急测绘案例库的驱动下,面向应急测绘的空间集成建模框架可以高效地进行应急空间信息服务组合。提出了基于案例驱动的空间信息服务组合方法,实现了组合方案的快速构建。  相似文献   

地理信息技术的发展经历了集中式、模块化、组件化的过程,目前正向地理信息的Web服务方向发展。传统的集中式地理信息系统中,功能的分类决定了用户的分类;而在地理信息服务的架构中,用户的分类导致服务的分类及其与用户分类的映射。本文从地理信息服务的架构出发,分析并提出了面向服务的地理信息公共服务的用户群分类与对应的服务分类,为地理信息公共服务平台的构建和地理信息服务资源的有效组织和整合提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Disaster management and in particular disaster response phase are highly time-sensitive and dynamic processes, demanding that real-time information reaches disaster responders prior making critical decisions. During the last decade, disaster management has been widely enabled through utilizing spatial data sourcing and related technologies in the whole process of collection, access, and usage of disaster information. Currently, there are unique challenges that cannot be met without incorporating in situ sensing as an emerging technology for sourcing and managing disaster information. These include (1) high temporal and spatial resolution of information, (2) broad range of disaster data, and (3) automated operations. Incorporating in situ sensing into the disaster management process can potentially address such challenges by providing data that support all of these requirements. Following an examination of current concepts and methods for integrating multisourced sensors, a framework of the requirements for integrating in situ sensors for disaster management, is suggested. Based on this framework and its components, an evaluation of the methods is developed and applied. The results highlight that information integration of multisourced sensors is a major challenge and has not yet adequately addressed for sensor data enablement of disaster management.  相似文献   

根据贵港市对城市规划管理的实际需求,利用数字贵港地理空间框架提供的基础地理信息数据和空间信息技术,建设贵港市规划项目选址辅助系统,笔者在完成多个数字城市地理空间框架建设示范应用系统建设的基础上,对贵港市规划项目选址辅助系统建设进行了探讨与分析,可为正在建设或将要开始建设相关信息系统的单位部门提供有益参考。  相似文献   

依据教育部关于加强实习教学改革、推进实习信息化建设的指引,本文在分析传统自然地理学野外实习不足的基础上,引入GIS、RS和三维可视化等新技术,设计开发了自然地理学野外实习管理平台,实现了实习多源异构数据的集成与融合、一站式实习管理、实习路线组织与规划、特色实习专题图表达与分析及三维虚拟实习等功能。平台可为自然地理学野外实习管理流程化、信息化、虚拟仿真化提供一个崭新的教学方式,具有较强的实用性和推广价值。  相似文献   

如何根据智慧城市运行管理、建设规划和应急指挥等政府决策部门的综合需求,实现分散信息资源的统一集成、复杂模型资源的有效调用和决策时空信息的高效共享与可视化,成为现阶段城市综合决策的重大挑战。首先提出了感知联网与时空信息接入、地理空间模型联网与认知、决策时空信息聚焦服务等智慧城市时空信息综合决策共性关键技术,突破了城市时空信息智能分析、协同决策与主动聚焦服务的瓶颈;其次,设计并实现了智慧城市时空信息综合决策原型系统,并以太原市燃气泄漏应急响应为例,验证了系统辅助城市综合决策的可行性和适用性;最后,概括了城市(群)立体感知网、城市(群)模型网和城市(群)时空大数据3大主要发展趋势。  相似文献   

轻小型无人机测绘遥感系统研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继贤  刘飞  王坚 《遥感学报》2021,25(3):708-724
地球空间信息是人工智能、大数据时代的重要数据基础,轻小型无人机测绘遥感技术作为中国当前和未来获取厘米级分辨率、实时响应遥感数据的主要手段,必将发挥更加重要的作用。本文首先介绍了固定翼、多旋翼、无人直升机以及飞行控制系统、地面监控系统和遥控遥测链路的发展现状和潜在发展趋势;其次重点研究了数码相机、视频摄像机、倾斜相机、激光雷达、合成孔径雷达和定姿定位系统的利用现状和发展趋势;然后总结分析了当前无人机测绘遥感面临的系统检测、大范围实时遥感和遥感大数据精准解译方面的问题和挑战;最后面向人工智能、大数据、物联网、云计算等技术背景给出了轻小型无人机测绘遥感技术在飞行控制智能化、测绘遥感作业智能化和实时、实景无人机遥感技术应用模式创新等方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Most prior multimodal transport networks have been organized as relational databases with multilayer structures to support transport management and routing; however, database expandability and update efficiency in new networks and timetables are low due to the strict database schemas. This study aimed to develop multimodal transport networks using a graph database that can accommodate efficient updates and extensions, high relation-based query performance, and flexible integration in multimodal routing. As a case study, a database was constructed for London transport networks, and routing tests were performed under various conditions. The constructed multimodal graph database showed stable performance in processing iterative queries, and efficient multi-stop routing was particularly enhanced. By applying the proposed framework, databases for multimodal routing can be readily constructed for other regions, while enabling responses to diversified routings, such as personalized routing through integration with various unstructured information, due to the flexible schema of the graph database.  相似文献   

A Task-Based Ontology Approach to Automate Geospatial Data Retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a task‐based and Semantic Web approach to find geospatial data. The purpose of the project is to improve data discovery and facilitate automatic retrieval of data sources. The work presented here helps create the beginnings of a Geospatial Semantic Web. The intent is to create a system that provides appropriate results to application users who search for data when facing tasks such as emergency response or planning activities. In our task‐based system, we formalize the relationships between types of tasks, including emergency response, and types of data sources needed for those tasks. Domain knowledge, including criteria describing data sources, is recorded in an ontology language. With the ontology, reasoning can be done to infer various types of information including which data sources meet specific criteria for use in particular tasks. The vision presented here is that in an emergency, for example, a user accesses a Web‐based application and selects the type of emergency and the geographic area. The application then returns the types and locations (URLs) of the specific geospatial data needed. We explore the abilities and limitations of the OWL Web Ontology Language along with other Semantic Web technologies for this purpose.  相似文献   

地理空间数据分类与编码是指导数字城市地理空间数据库建设的一项重要标准,本文从分析数字城市项目建设的主要地理空间数据分类与编码的基础上,依据现有国家标准、行业标准和地方标准,将地理空间数据划分为基础地理信息数据、公共管理地理信息数据、公共服务地理信息数据和专题地理信息数据四大类,并综合设计了城市级的地理空间数据编码,为数字城市建设中的多种类、多尺度和多时相的地理空间数据整合、建库、管理及共享提供参考。  相似文献   

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