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The EU Blue Growth Agenda targets maritime economic activities that have the sea and the coasts as drivers. These activities are supported by marine Ecosystem Services (ES) in combination, or not, with abiotic outputs from the marine natural capital. This paper analyses Blue Growth activities with regards to the demand and supply of marine ES and Good Environmental Status (GES). The results show that marine provisioning ES support aquaculture and blue biotechnology, while blue energy is supported by marine provisioning ES and by abiotic provisioning, and abiotic provisioning supports extraction of marine mineral resources. Maritime, coastal and cruise tourism is supported by cultural marine ES and cultural settings dependent on marine abiotic structures. All these multi-sectoral economic activities depend on healthy marine and coastal ecosystems that are provided by regulating and maintenance ES combined with the abiotic regulation and maintenance by natural marine physical structures and processes. In order to balance concurrent sectoral interests and achieve sustainable use of marine resources there is the need to consider indicators for demand for ES, which are social and economically driven, and for the supply, which are dependent on ecosystems capacity to provide the required marine ES. Some of the actions foreseeing GES are already anticipated in legislation that underpin Blue Growth, whilst others could benefit from additional regulation, particularly in what concern the exploration and exploitation of marine mineral and biological resources. Blue Growth options require navigating trade-offs between economic, social and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

An industry to recover mineral resources on the abyssal plains is emerging. Albeit at an explorative stage in areas beyond national jurisdiction, the commercial mining of seafloor non-living resources containing strategic metals is a realistic proposition, spurred by the demand for renewable, low-carbon energy infrastructure. The achievement of worldwide techno-economic growth must, under the principle of sustainable development, be coupled with the protection of the marine environment and its natural resources. Overall, this presents not only challenges to the development of mining technologies, but also tests the resilience of international standards governing the regulation of mining activities at great depths, including the development of the highest standards of environmental protection ab inito. This paper explores the approach being taken by the International Seabed Authority in advancing the legal regime for the regulation of mining activities in the Area, and in particular the tools and mechanisms targeted toward the protection of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The New Zealand region contains untapped natural mineral, oil, and gas resources while also supporting globally unique and diverse faunal communities that need to be managed sustainably. In this paper key information from the international literature is reviewed that can underpin an Environmental Mining Management System which includes elements of Environmental Risk Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Planning. This paper focuses on four developing areas of seafloor mining activities presently being undertaken or planned in the New Zealand region: hydrocarbons (oil and gas), minerals, ironsands and phosphorite nodules. A number of issues with the implementation of environmental management systems are identified including the difficulty of assessing new marine activities or technologies and the need for standardised reporting metrics. Finally, the development of ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning is discussed which will be required to enhance environmental mining management frameworks in New Zealand.  相似文献   

面向海域管理的海洋资源资产负债表编制框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
编制海洋资源资产负债表是海洋生态文明建设的重要举措,然而目前对海洋资源资产负债表的研究相对薄弱,存在关键概念缺乏科学定义、核算方法可行性不足、报表体系设计不完善等问题。本文基于"生态管海、生态用海"的理念,针对现有问题探讨了海洋资源资产负债表编制框架:首先,根据自然资源资产负债表编制的目的和要求,界定了海洋资源资产负债表编制过程中的关键概念,并基于此,进一步考虑海洋资源属性、开发利用特点和当前海域管理重点任务确定了海洋资源资产的核算范围,包括海洋生物资源资产、海洋空间资源资产与海洋矿产资源资产;其次,针对不同海洋资源的特性,提出了具有较高可行性的海洋资源资产实物量和价值量核算方法;再次,根据不同海洋资源的价值特点,确认了资源过度耗减、环境破坏与生态损害三种负债形式并提出了相应的核算方法;最后,基于以上研究,形成了较为完善的海洋资源资产负债表报表体系,以期为海洋资源精细化管理和科学配置提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

中国近海建筑用海砂勘查回顾与面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国自20世纪50年代就开始了近海的地质调查及区域填图工作,80年代起在近岸水域进行了针对重砂矿的相关调查研究,90年代中后期,随着区域经济的迅速发展,近岸建筑用海砂矿产的勘查工作迅速兴起,形成了遍布我国海岸线的几十个矿区。自2004年起,在我国近海海域根据资源分布状况圈定了9个潜力区块,实施近海海砂及相关资源潜力调查。分析我国近海海砂勘查评价与开发现状及面临的主要问题,提出了我国近海海域建筑用海砂开发利用亟待解决的基础性工作及建议,以对我国近海建筑用海砂矿产调查、评价及开发有所裨益。  相似文献   

Marine genetic resources are a subject of a growing body of research and development activities, as demonstrated by the abundance of marine patented genes reported in GenBank. Given the lack of a comprehensive legal regime for the management of marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction, the General Assembly of the United Nations met in 2006 to discuss whether there are regulatory or governance gaps and how to address them. Besides the crystallization of the different political positions, the process is now advancing towards making a decision about whether to develop an international instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity, within which the regulation of access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits from their utilization has emerged as an in-dissociable issue. In order to propose concrete options to be considered for the establishment of a legal framework addressing these issues, policy-makers need to better understand the feasibility, the costs and the modalities of scientific activities undertaken, together with the actual level of commercialization of new products. They also need to be aware of the already advanced practices in place within the scientific community, especially regarding sharing of non-monetary benefits. This paper particularly highlights and discusses practical scenarios to advance in the international process, based on the approaches adopted in other regional and international regimes for the management of genetic resources and on the best practices developed within the scientific community.  相似文献   

Vast reserves of marine minerals are known to occur within the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone. These reserves include: (1) heavy mineral placers rich in titanium and iron along the coast of San Antonio del Mar, Baja California and the southern States of Oaxaca and Guerrero; (2) phosphorites, which represent the only source for superphosphate fertilizers along the Pacific coast off the Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of Tehuantepec; and (3) manganese oxide deposits in nodule and crusts located adjacent to the Clarion-Clipperton Zone and containing high concentrations of Cu + Ni + Co (up to 1.9%), which are essential for the steel and super-alloy industries. Few but important efforts toward surveying these deposits have been carried out by Mexican and international researchers. Relevant data generated by these investigations are reviewed here and put together in a single document. Adequate knowledge of Mexican mineral resources is essential for the development of management strategies when offshore mining starts during this century. Thus, the review discusses the economics inherent to ocean mining in Mexico, setting baselines for future exploration and development activities in the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone.  相似文献   


Vast reserves of marine minerals are known to occur within the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone. These reserves include: (1) heavy mineral placers rich in titanium and iron along the coast of San Antonio del Mar, Baja California and the southern States of Oaxaca and Guerrero; (2) phosphorites, which represent the only source for superphosphate fertilizers along the Pacific coast off the Baja California peninsula and the Gulf of Tehuantepec; and (3) manganese oxide deposits in nodule and crusts located adjacent to the Clarion-Clipperton Zone and containing high concentrations of Cu + Ni + Co (up to 1.9%), which are essential for the steel and super-alloy industries. Few but important efforts toward surveying these deposits have been carried out by Mexican and international researchers. Relevant data generated by these investigations are reviewed here and put together in a single document. Adequate knowledge of Mexican mineral resources is essential for the development of management strategies when offshore mining starts during this century. Thus, the review discusses the economics inherent to ocean mining in Mexico, setting baselines for future exploration and development activities in the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone.  相似文献   

文章基于我国2006—2016年10年间区域用海规划的批复和实施情况,运用数据整理法和图表法,发现区域用海规划数量及规模的变化情况在年际变化、空间分布和用海类型等方面均有明显特点。在此基础上,从社会经济、国家政策、海洋资源禀赋条件等方面对区域用海规划实施主要驱动机制进行剖析。研究结果显示,区域用海规划的实施受国家政策法规的引导作用最为显著,其次与社会经济发展水平也有显著的正相关,而海洋资源禀赋条件的驱动作用较弱。  相似文献   

海洋牧场是维持海洋生态平衡、促进海洋可持续发展,以及满足人类对海洋资源需求的一种新兴技术和产业,海域中投放的人工鱼礁可以为牡蛎生物提供理想的繁殖和栖息生境。天津大神堂海洋牧场中已发现大量新生的牡蛎生物体,然而牡蛎的空间分布并不均衡,存在异质性,其影响因素尚未明确,需进一步探索和研究。本文立足于天津大神堂海域国家级海洋牧场示范区,基于线性相关和逐步多元回归分析,量化了礁体与牡蛎分布之间的相关性,明确了牡蛎分布的影响因素并识别了主次关系。结果表明:区域水深、坐底时长、礁体密度、牡蛎礁距离均对牡蛎生物量有重要影响,其中,坐底时长、礁体密度与牡蛎生物量为正相关,区域水深、牡蛎礁距离与牡蛎生物量为负相关,坐底时长、礁体密度及牡蛎礁距离等3 个环境变量对牡蛎生物量影响更为显著。本文研究成果可以为海洋牧场的建设和牡蛎礁的修复提供重要的技术支持。  相似文献   

北冰洋中脊海底热水活动研究及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海底热水活动是当前海洋地质研究的热点,北极是全球变化研究的理想地区,发生在北极地区的海底热水活动不仅对大洋矿产资源研究有着现实意义,而且对全球变化研究也有重要意义。在介绍北冰洋中脊的地质背景和北冰洋Gakkel海岭的海底热水活动特征的基础上,从地球物理、海洋矿产、海洋化学、海洋热结构、海洋生物研究等角度提出了一些研究展望,认为北极地区热水活动的发现和研究必将提升对海底热水活动研究的认识,而且对北冰洋乃至全球的热结构、气候变化以及极端环境下的生命活动的研究起到重要作用。  相似文献   

海岛是海洋资源开发利用价值的核心内容之一。为合理保护及开发利用粤港澳大湾区海岛资源,促进海岛产业布局优化,从海岛资源空间分布角度出发,探析海岛在粤港澳大湾区发展中重点平台的作用。以粤港澳大湾区纳入中国海域海岛标准名录的850个海岛为研究对象,在对其地理坐标、陆域面积等基础数据进行数理统计的基础上,通过ArcGIS软件平台,采用最邻近距离法、核密度估计法、洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数方法,对粤港澳大湾区海岛的空间分布特征进行了分析与研究。结果表明:粤港澳大湾区海岛在空间上趋于集聚分布,呈现总体带状分布,局部组团分布的特点,形成了湾区西部海岛分布带和大鹏湾-大亚湾区、九州列岛区、万山-佳蓬担杆列岛区、川山群岛区4个明显的集聚区;粤港澳大湾区海岛以沿岸岛为主,面积分布呈现不均衡性的特点,基尼系数达0.58。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面系统在海洋工程勘察、海洋矿产资源探测等方面发挥着重要的作用。美国EdgeTech公司生产的3200系列是一种应用较为广泛的Chirp信号浅地层剖面系统,该仪器原始记录的JSF格式数据与传统的SEGY地震数据格式存在很多不同的地方,具体体现在文件头和道头部分,特别是数据记录方式上它同时记录了包络信号和振幅信号两种类型的数据。因此,编写适用的C程序代码将JSF原始数据转换为包络信号和振幅信号两种类型的SEG-Y标准地震数据,并运用该程序读取并转换了南海北部某区域的实测浅剖数据,并分析了浅剖资料解释中采用包络信号数据的原因,为利用振幅信号数据反演海底反射系数等后续工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

探测查明海砂分布及其资源量, 对海洋矿产资源规划和社会经济发展有重要意义。利用在中国台湾浅滩采集的单波束测深、侧扫声呐、浅地层剖面、单道地震等多源地球物理数据, 识别出海底沙脊、沙波、埋藏古河道等有利于海砂赋存的地貌标志, 以及厚泥盖层等不利标志, 它们在平面上渐变交错分布。地球物理数据与表层沉积物、钻孔岩心结果对比, 证实浅地层剖面能有效识别表层砂体上部和排除厚泥盖层(厚度>10m), 表层砂体上部呈断续中弱振幅杂乱反射; 单道地震剖面能有效识别砂-泥地层界面, 垂向上刻画表层及埋藏砂体形态, 砂体最主要的特征为连续性差的弱振幅反射中夹杂空白、杂乱的“白雾”反射。砂体响应特征反映了砂体声学较难穿透的特性, 同时也可能是砂体含气所致。分析表明在砂体形态多变或钻孔分布密度低时, 利用地球物理方法, 结合一定数量的钻孔岩心约束, 相比仅依靠大量钻孔岩心, 可更为经济、高效地对砂体的垂向形态和平面展布进行精细刻画, 从而有利于更准确地估算海砂的资源量。  相似文献   

随着海洋开发活动的不断加剧,各海洋开发类型综合效益的评估与分析对维持海洋社会经济与海洋生态环境的可持续发展具有重大意义,不同海洋开发活动带来不同的社会、经济效益,也产生了海洋资源的损耗,影响了海洋环境和海洋生态服务功能。根据江苏省海洋资源开发活动特点,筛选出江苏海岸带资源开发中常见的4种典型的开发利用类型,选取了能够突出反映海洋开发活动综合效益的经济效益指标、社会效益指标、资源损耗指标、环境成本指标构建海洋开发类型综合效益评估体系。基于层次分析法与熵权法组合权重,运用综合效益指数评价模型分别计算了单一指标效益值、准则层效益值、各研究案例效益值、各用海类型效益值并对以上研究数据之间的相互关系进行了深入分析,探求各用海类型综合效益评估值的关键影响因素。通过实证研究发现4种海洋开发类型的综合效益评估值均介于0.4~0.6之间,处于一般的综合效益状态,综合效益从高到底依次排序:临港工业用海类型为0.551 3、海上风电用海类型为0.492 4、排污倾倒用海类型为0.441、围海养殖用海类型为0.434 3。海洋开发类型综合效益的评估对及时调整海洋开发对策,缓和海洋开发与海洋生态环境的矛盾具有积极意义。  相似文献   

海洋开发活动在产生社会经济效益的同时也造成了海洋资源的损耗,并对海洋环境及其生态服务功能产生影响。根据江苏省海洋资源开发活动特点,筛选出江苏海岸带资源开发中常见的5种典型的开发利用方式,选取了经济效益指标、社会效益指标、资源损耗指标、环境成本指标构成海洋开发活动综合效益评估体系,采用灰色关联法定量分析各项目以及其评价指标对综合效益的贡献程度。其中围海养殖、海上风电、排污倾倒、城镇建设与综合效益的关联度均值分别为0.464,0.459,0.509和0.490;临港工业开发方式与综合效益的关联度均值为0.657,处于较好状态,所以建议优先选择临港工业开发方式,从而得出海洋开发方式的选择依据。  相似文献   

深海浅钻在海洋区域地质调查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深海浅钻是集机、电、液、光等多学科于一体的复杂系统,能够实现定点获取岩石样品,主要应用于深海底矿产资源勘探和深海底地质调查等方面。"海洋六号"船配备的深海浅钻是目前国内先进的光电复合缆供电取样钻机,并首次应用到我国海洋区域地质调查中,成功钻获3个岩石样品和2个沉积物样品,为进一步研究南海矿产资源及深海过程演变等提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

张登  袁园  陶春辉  张涛  金颖 《海洋测绘》2020,40(3):68-72
为了评估DGS AT1M-3海洋重力仪的精度,首先通过分割的有效重力测线进行重力异常质量的内符合精度评价,得出该海洋重力仪测量精度符合海洋调查规范要求。然后与Sandwell v23测高卫星重力异常进行比对分析,对重力异常质量进行外符合精度评价,可看出DGS测量异常与Sandwell卫星测高异常在整体变化趋势上基本一致。最后以西南印度洋断桥热液区为例,简要阐述DGS所测重力数据的有效性。通过评估,可知该海洋重力仪在动态环境下的工作性能较好,测量精度较高,为今后的海洋矿产资源勘探提供新的测量工具。  相似文献   

随着对海洋开发力度的不断加大,海洋生态环境问题日益突出,已成为中国海洋可持续发展的制约因素。作为衡量海洋可持续发展的主要手段之一,海洋生态环境承载力的定量化评价是必不可少的重要环节。针对海洋生态环境承载力的突变特性,基于熵值-突变级数法,从压力和承压两方面构建海洋生态环境承载力评价指标体系,结合障碍因子诊断模型,考量环渤海地区4个省市2006-2014年的海洋生态环境承载力的空间差异和时序特征,剖析影响承载力发展水平的主要障碍因子。研究表明:环渤海地区2006-2014年海洋生态环境承载能力整体较差,承载力水平呈下降趋势;2014年海洋生态环境承载强度分为两类,山东和天津为较弱承载力水平,河北和辽宁为弱承载力水平;生态弹性小、环境污染重、生态资源匮乏已成为制约环渤海海洋生态环境承载力发展水平的普遍问题。  相似文献   

作为深海科学研究的重要基础装备,深海超长沉积物柱状取样系统在海底地形地貌、海洋地质构造、气候环境变化等研究领域发挥了重要作用,其在海底矿产资源勘探、海洋工程地质勘察等方面展现了巨大应用价值。针对传统超长柱状沉积物取样系统在作业过程中存在的盲目采样、安全隐患大、甲板作业空间受限等问题,自主研制了一套适用于深海的超长可控可视沉积物柱状取样系统,该系统具有液压锤击、立式收放和实时监控功能,能获取连续、超长、具有精准姿态方位信息的柱状沉积物样品。现通过对独立排缆方式、取样管快速拆装、样品封堵、低扰动取样刀头等关键技术细节进行优化,解决了样品扰动大、取样率低的问题,提高了取样作业效率与样品质量,且降低了作业安全风险。2017—2021年,该取样系统搭载不同母船在南海1 700,1 725 和1 778 m水深分别获取了15.25、16.01和15.83 m的长柱状沉积物样品。该设备的成熟应用,可为我国深海探测研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   

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