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The role of hotter than ambient plume mantle in the formation of a rifted volcanic margin in the northern Arabian Sea is investigated using subsidence analysis of a drill site located on the seismically defined Somnath volcanic ridge. The ridge has experienced > 4 km of subsidence since 65 Ma and lies within oceanic lithosphere. We estimate crustal thickness to be 9.5–11.5 km. Curiously < 400 m of the thermal subsidence occurred prior to 37 Ma, when subsidence rates would normally be at a maximum. We reject the hypothesis that this was caused by increasing plume dynamic support after continental break-up because the size of the thermal anomalies required are unrealistic (> 600 °C), especially considering the rapid northward drift of India relative to the Deccan-Réunion hotspot. We suggest that this reflects very slow lithospheric growth, possibly caused by vigorous asthenospheric convection lasting > 28 m.y., and induced by the steep continent–ocean boundary. Post-rift slow subsidence is also recognized on volcanic margins in the NE Atlantic and SE Newfoundland and cannot be used as a unique indicator of plume mantle involvement in continental break-up.  相似文献   

We propose to characterize land–ocean distributions over Late Proterozoic to Phanerozoic times from measurement of perimeters and areas of continental fragments, based on paleomagnetic reconstructions. These measurements serve to calculate geophysically constrained breakup and scatter indexes of continental land masses from 0 to 1100 Ma. We then provide quantitative investigation and modelling of relationships between scatter of continental landmasses and mean age of the oceanic lithosphere during Mesozoic times, which appears to range from 56 to 62 Ma over the last 170 My. We then inverse the scatter of continental landmasses in terms of global oceanic crust mean age over the last 600 My, i.e. back in times where no measurement of seafloor accretion history is possible because of subduction. We finally show that the inferred evolution of oceanic lithosphere mean age over the Phanerozoic remarkably correlates in time with long-term sea-level changes since the Cambrian.  相似文献   

Oligocene dome complexes of trachydacitic to rhyolitic composition are common in the southern portion of the Mesa Central physiographic province, which forms part of the southern Basin and Range extensional province as well as of the southern Sierra Madre Occidental volcanic province. Generally, dome complexes occur aligned with regional fault systems, mostly associated with the southern Basin and Range province, and thus suggesting that faults controlled the felsic magmas that formed these domes. Two distribution patterns are evident, one aligned NE–SW and another aligned NNE. The set of domes were emplaced at 33–28 Ma. Emplacement of domes occurred in three continuous phases starting with those of trachydacite affinity at 33–32 Ma, to trachydacite–rhyolitic at 32–31 Ma, and finally to those with rhyolitic composition at 31–28 Ma. Felsic magmas that originated the domes were apparently generated by partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Contrary to previous hypothesis, our evidence suggest that these magmas in these particular areas of the Mesa Central were not accumulated in large magma reservoirs emplaced at shallow levels in the crust, but crossed the continental crust directly. Since continental crust in this region is relatively thin (30–33 km), we propose that an intense extensional episode favored the direct ascension of these magmas through the brittle crust, with little interaction with the country rock during ascent to the surface, to end up forming aligned dome chains or complexes. Geochemical data favors this model, as the felsic rocks show no depletions in Nb and Th but instead relatively enrichment in these elements. REE show flat or concave up patterns, suggesting that the magmas involved enriched (fertile), metasomatized lithospheric fluids that generated partial melting at the base of the continental crust. Based upon these data, we infer an intra-plate tectonic setting for these rocks.  相似文献   

We report an 39Ar–40Ar age determination of a whole rock sample of the olivine-rich, martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737. Those extractions releasing 0–48% of the 39Ar define an 39Ar–40Ar isochron age of 160–190 Ma, when evaluated in various ways. Higher temperature extractions show increasing ages that eventually exceed the reported Sm–Nd age of 1.42 Ga. At least part of this excess 40Ar may have been shock implanted from the martian atmosphere. We considered two possible interpretations of the Ar–Ar isochron age, utilizing the measured Ar diffusion characteristics of NWA 2737 and a thermal model, which relates Ar diffusion to the size of a cooling object after shock heating. One interpretation, that 40Ar was only partially degassed by an impact event ~ 11 Ma ago (the CRE age), appears possible only if NWA 2737 was shock-heated to temperatures > 600 °C and was ejected from Mars as an object a few 10 s of cm in diameter. The second interpretation, which we prefer, is that NWA experienced an earlier, more intense shock event, which left it residing in a warm ejecta layer, and a less intense event ~ 11 Ma ago, which ejected it into space. Our evaluation would require NWA 2737 to have been heated by this first event to a temperature of ~ 300–500 °C and buried in ejecta to a depth of ~ 1–20 m. These conclusions are compared to model constraints on meteorite ejection from Mars reported in the literature. The second, Mars-ejection impact ~ 11 Ma ago probably heated NWA 2737 to no more than ~ 400 °C. NWA 2737 demonstrates that some martian meteorites probably experienced shock heating in events that did not eject them into space.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic investigation was carried out on the late Neogene fluviolacustrine sequence of the Yuanmou Basin, located near the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Magnetostratigraphic results indicate nine reverse magnetozones (R1 to R9) and eight normal magnetozones (N1 to N8) in the sedimentary profile, which can be correlated to the geomagnetic polarity timescale from C3n.3r to C1r.1r. The age of the sedimentary sequence of the Yuanmou Basin can thus be paleomagnetically constrained to an interval from early Pliocene to Pleistocene, with sedimentation rates varying from 12.5 to 55 cm/kyr. In addition to its highly resolved magnetostratigraphic sequence, the Yuanmou Basin provides a record of Plio-Pleistocene tectono- and climato-sedimentary processes. The mean declinations of the seventeen polarity units (excluding samples with transitional directions) can be grouped into three distinct directional intervals, Group I (2.58–1.37 Ma), Group II (4.29–2.58 Ma) and Group III (4.91–4.29 Ma). These directions indicate that the Yuanmou Basin has probably experienced vertical-axis clockwise rotation of about 12° from 1.4 Ma to 4.9 Ma, which may be related to slip activity of the Red River fault to the southwest and the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault to the east.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and refraction data acquired on four transects spanning the Southeast Greenland rifted margin and Greenland–Iceland Ridge (GIR) provide new constraints on mantle thermal structure and melting processes during continental breakup in the North Atlantic. Maximum igneous crustal thickness varies along the margin from >30 km in the near-hotspot zone (<500 km from the hotspot track) to 18 km in the distal zone (500–1100 km). Magmatic productivity on summed conjugate margins of the North Atlantic decreases through time from 1800±300 to 600±50 km3/km/Ma in the near-hotspot zone and from 700±200 to 300±50 km3/km/Ma in the distal zone. Comparison of our data with the British/Faeroe margins shows that both symmetric and asymmetric conjugate volcanic rifted margins exist. Joint consideration of crustal thickness and mean crustal seismic velocity suggests that along-margin changes in magmatism are principally controlled by variations in active upwelling rather than mantle temperature. The thermal anomaly (ΔT) at breakup was modest (100–125°C), varied little along the margin, and transient. Data along the GIR indicate that the potential temperature anomaly (125±50°C) and upwelling ratio (4 times passive) of the Iceland hotspot have remained roughly constant since 56 Ma. Our results are consistent with a plume–impact model, in which (1) a plume of radius 300 km and ΔT of 125°C impacted the margin around 61 Ma and delivered warm material to distal portions of the margin; (2) at breakup (56 Ma), the lower half of the plume head continued to feed actively upwelling mantle into the proximal portion of the margin; and (3) by 45 Ma, both the remaining plume head and the distal warm layer were exhausted, with excess magmatism thereafter largely confined to a narrow (<200 km radius) zone immediately above the Iceland plume stem. Alternatively, the warm upper mantle layer that fed excess magmatism in the distal portion of the margin may have been a pre-existing thermal anomaly unrelated to the plume.  相似文献   

Least-squares collocation technique was used to process regional gravity data of the SE South American lithospheric plate in order to map intermediate (10–2000 km) wavelength geoid anomalies. The area between 35–10° S and 60–25° W includes the Paraná CFB Province, the Southern São Francisco Craton and its marginal fold/thrust belts, the Brazilian continental margin and oceanic basins. The main features in the geoid anomaly map are: (a) Paraná CFB Province is characterized by a 1000 km long and 500 km wide, NE-trending, 9 m-amplitude negative anomaly which correlates with the distribution of sediments and basalts within the Paraná basin. (b) A circular (600–800 km in diameter) positive, 8 m-amplitude geoid anomaly is located in the southern S. Francisco craton and extends into the northeastern border of the Paraná CFB Province. This anomaly partially correlates with Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP), where alkalic volcanism and tholeiitic dikes of ages younger than 80 Ma are found and where a low-velocity zone in the mantle has been mapped using seismic tomography. This positive geoid anomaly extends towards the continental margin at latitude 21° S and joins a linear sequence of short wavelength positive geoid anomalies associated with Vitoria–Trindade seamounts. (c) A NE-trending, 1000 km long and 800 km wide, 4 m-amplitude, positive geoid anomaly, which is located along the southeastern coast of Brazil, from latitude 24 to 35° S. The northern part of this anomaly correlates with the Ponta Grossa Arch and Florianopolis dyke swarm provinces. The age of this intrusive volcanism is 130–120 Ma. (d) A circular positive anomaly with 9 m of amplitude, located over the Rio Grande and Uruguay shields and offshore Pelotas basin. Few alkaline intrusives with ages between 65 and 80 Ma are found in the region and apatite fission track ages in basement rocks indicates cooling at around 30 Ma. A semi-quantitative analysis of the observed geoid anomalies using isostatic considerations suggests that the mechanism which generated Paraná CFB Province did not change, in a significant manner, the lithospheric thermal structure, since the same geoid pattern observed within this province continues northward over the Neoproterozoic fold/thrust belts systems separating the São Francisco and Amazon cratons. Therefore, this observation favours Anderson’s idea of rapid basaltic outpouring through a pull-apart mechanism along a major suture zone. A thermal component may still be present in the Southern São Francisco Craton and in the Rio Grande Shield and contiguous continental margins, sites of Tertiary thermal and magmatic reactivations.  相似文献   

Changes in oceanic O–Sr isotopic compositions and global cooling beginning in the Eocene are considered to have been caused by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The specific timing and uplift mechanism, however, have long been subjects of debate. We investigated the Duogecuoren lavas of the central-western Qiangtang Block, which form the largest outcrops among Cenozoic lavas in northern-central Tibet and have widely been considered as shoshonitic. Our study demonstrates, however, that most of these lavas are high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites. Moreover, they are characterized by high Sr (367–2472 ppm) and Al2O3 (14.55–16.86 wt.%) and low Y (3.05–16.9 ppm) and Yb (0.31–1.48 ppm) contents and high La/Yb (27–100) and Sr/Y (48–240) ratios, similar to adakitic rocks derived by partial melting of an eclogitic source. They can be further classified as either peraluminous and metaluminous subtypes. The peraluminous rocks have relatively high SiO2 (> 66 wt.%) contents, and low MgO (< 1.0 wt.%), Cr (4.94–23.3 ppm) and Ni (2.33–17.0 ppm) contents and Mg# (20–50) values, while the metaluminous rocks exhibit relatively low SiO2 (55–69 wt.%) contents, and high MgO (1.41–6.34), Cr (25.7–383 ppm), Ni (14.13–183 ppm) and Mg# (46–69) values, similar to magnesian andesites. 40Ar/39Ar and SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating reveal that both peraluminous and metaluminous adakitic rocks erupted in the Eocene (46–38 Ma). Paleocene–Early Miocene thrust faults and associated syn-contractional basin deposits in the Qiangtang Block suggest that this region was undergoing crustal shortening within a continent during the Eocene. The low εNd (− 2.81 to − 6.91) and high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7057–0.7097), Th (11.2–32.3 ppm) and Th/La (0.23–0.88) values in the Duogecuoren adakitic rocks further indicate that they were not derived by partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. Taking into account tectonic and geophysical data and the compositions of xenoliths in Cenozoic lava in northern-central Tibet, we suggest that the peraluminous adakitic rocks were most probably derived by partial melting of subducted sediment-dominated continent of the Songpan-Ganzi Block along the Jinsha suture to the north at a relatively shallow position (the hornblende + garnet stability field), but the metaluminous adakitic rocks likely originated from the interaction between peraluminous adakitic melts generated at greater depths (the garnet + rutile stability field) and mantle. Because the Duogecuoren adakitic rocks must have originated from a garnet-bearing (namely, eclogite facies) source, Eocene continental subduction along the Jinsha suture caused the thickening of the Qiangtang crust. Given that crustal thickening generally equates with elevation, the uplift of the Central Tibetan Plateau probably began as early as 45–38 Ma, which provides important evidence for tectonically driven models of oceanic O–Sr isotope evolution during global cooling and Asian continental aridification beginning in the Eocene.  相似文献   

Age of Seychelles–India break-up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many continental flood basalt provinces are spatially and temporally linked with continental break-up. Establishing the relative timing of the two events is a key step in determining their causal relationship. Here we investigate the example of the Deccan Traps and the separation of India and the Seychelles. Whilst there has been a growing consensus as to the age of the main phase of the Deccan emplacement (65.5 ± 1 Ma, chron 29r), the age of the rifting has remained unclear. We resolve this issue through detailed seafloor magnetic anomaly modeling (supported by wide-angle and reflection seismic results) of the north Seychelles and conjugate Laxmi Ridge/Gop Rift margins, and geochemistry and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of rocks from the north Seychelles margin. We show that syn-rift volcanics offshore the Seychelles Islands in the form of seaward-dipping reflectors were most likely erupted during chron 28n, and the first organized seafloor spreading at the Carlsberg Ridge also initiated during this chron at 63.4 Ma. The severing of the Seychelles occurred by a south-eastward ridge propagation that was completed by the start of chron 27n (~ 62 Ma). A brief, pre-28r phase of seafloor spreading occurred in the Gop Rift, possibly as early as 31r–32n (~ 71 Ma). Initial extension at the margin therefore preceded or was contemporaneous with the Deccan emplacement, and separation of the Seychelles was achieved less than 3.5 Ma afterwards. This is the shortest time interval between flood basalt emplacement and break-up yet reported for any continental flood basalt-rifted margin pair. A contributing factor to the apparently short interval in the Deccan case may be that rifting occurred by a ridge jump into already thinned continental lithosphere. However, we conclude that external plate-boundary forces, rather than the impact of a mantle plume, were largely responsible for the rifting of the Seychelles from India.  相似文献   

A sharp increase in deposited sediment volume since Pliocene times has been observed worldwide and in particular around the European Alps. This phenomenon has been linked to a rise in denudation rates controlled by an increase of either climatic or tectonic forcing. Observation of in-situ cooling histories for orogens is critical to assess the reality of the inferred increase in denudation rates, and to determine whether this phenomenon is widespread or localized at active tectonic structures. We exploit the unique density of fission-track ages in the Western European Alps to reconstruct cooling isoage surfaces and to estimate exhumation rates on the orogen scale between 13.5 and 2.5 Ma. Our novel technique is based on the association of isoage contours with age–elevation relationships. It uses map-view interpolation, enabling a spatio-temporal analysis of exhumation rates over the entire Western Alps. The resulting exhumation histories reconstructed for eight areas of the Western Alps display strong similarities in timing and rates with orogen-wide average denudation rates inferred from sediment volumes. This consistency validates the use of both techniques for the study of an orogen characterized by strong relief and high recent exhumation rates. We conclude that exhumation rates in the Western Alps have increased more than twofold since Late Miocene times. This increase may have been locally modulated by the distinct response of different tectonic units.  相似文献   

Along the deformation front of the North Ecuador–South Colombia (NESC) margin, both surface heat flow and trench sediment thickness show prominent along-strike variations, indicating significant spatial variations in sedimentation rate. Investigating these variations helps us address the important question of how trench sedimentation influences the temperature distribution along the interplate contact and the extent of the megathrust seismogenic zone. We examine this issue by analysing 1/ a new dense reflection data set, 2/ pre-stack depth migration of selected multichannel seismic reflection lines, 3/ numerous newly-identified bottom-simulating reflectors and 4/ the first heat probe measurements in the region. We develop thermal models that include sediment deposition and compaction on the cooling oceanic plate as well as viscous corner flow in the mantle wedge. We estimate that the temperature from 60–150 °C to 350–450 °C, commonly associated with the updip and downdip limits of the seismogenic zone, extends along the plate interface over a downdip distance of 160 to 190 ± 20 km. We conclude that the updip limit of the seismogenic zone for the great megathrust earthquake of 1979 is associated with low-temperature (60–70 °C) processes. Our models also suggest that 60–70% of the two-fold decrease in measured heat flow from 3°N to 2.8°N is related to an abrupt southward increase in sedimentation rate in the trench. Such a change may potentially induce a landward shift of the 60–150 °C isotherms, and thus the updip limit of the seismogenic zone, by 10 to 20 km.  相似文献   

Twenty-four K-Ar radiometric ages are presented for late Cenozoic continental volcanic rocks of the Cordillera Occidental of southernmost Perú (lat. 16° 57′–17° 36′S). Rhyodacitic ignimbrite eruptions began in this transect during the Late Oligocene and continued episodically through the Miocene. The development of andesitic-dacitic strato volcanoes was initiated in the Pliocene and continues to the present.The earliest ignimbrite flows (25.3–22.7 Ma) are intercalated in the upper, coarsely-elastic member of the Moquegua Formation and demonstrate that this sedimentary unit accumulated in a trough, parallel to Andean tectonic trends, largely in the Oligocene. More voluminous ash-flow eruptions prevailed in the Early Miocene (22.8–17.6 Ma) and formed the extensively preserved Huaylillas Formation. This episode was coeval with a major phase of Andean uplift, and the pyroclastics overlie an erosional surface of regional extent incised into a Paleogene volcano-plutonic arc terrain. An age span of 14.2–8.9 Ma (mid-Late Miocene) is indicated for the younger Chuntacala Formation, which again comprises felsic ignimbrite flows, largely restricted to valleys incised into the pre-Huaylillas Formation lithologies, and, at lower altitudes, an extensive aggradational elastic facies. The youngest areally extensive ignimbrites, constituting the Sencca Formation, were extruded during the Late Miocene.In the earliest Pliocene, the ignimbrites were succeeded by more voluminous calcalkaline, intermediate flows which generated numerous large and small stratovolcanoes; these range in age from 5.3 to 1.6 Ma. Present-day, or Holocene, volcanism is restricted to several large stratovolcanoes which had begun their development during the Pleistocene (by 0.7 Ma).The late Oligocene/Early Miocene (ca. 22–23 Ma) reactivation of the volcanic arc coincided with a comparable increase in magmatic activity throughout much of the Cordilleras Occidental and Oriental of the Central Andes.  相似文献   

The region located between the Carpathian–Balkan and Aegean arcs, the Moesian Platform and Bulgarian Rhodope, is generally assumed to have been stably attached to the East European craton during the Cenozoic evolution of these arcs. The kinematic evolution of this region is, however, poorly constrained by paleomagnetic analysis. In this paper we provide new paleomagnetic data (800 volcanic and sedimentary samples from 12 localities) showing no significant post-Eocene rotation of the Moesian platform and Rhodope with respect to Eurasia, therefore confirming the stability of this region. We compare this result to a provided review of paleomagnetic data from the South Carpathians (Tisza block) and the Aegean region. The Tisza block underwent 68.4 ± 16.7° of middle Miocene ( 15–10 Ma) clockwise rotation with respect to the Moesian Platform, in line with previous rotation estimates based on structural geology. The stability of the Moesian platform during middle Miocene eastward emplacement of the Tisza block into the Carpathian back-arc supports dextral shear along the Southern Carpathians recorded by 13–6 Ma clockwise strike-slip related rotations in foreland deposits. The new reference direction for the Moesian platform and Rhodope allows accurate quantification of the rotation difference with the west Aegean domain at 38.0 ± 7.2° occurring between 15 and 8 Ma. To accommodate this rotation, we propose that the pivot point of the west-Aegean rotation was located approximately in the middle of the rotating domain rather than at the northern tip as previously proposed. This new scenario predicts less extension southeast of the pivot point, in good agreement with estimates from Aegean structural geology. Northwest of the pivot point, the model requires contraction or extrusion that can be accommodated by the coeval motion of the Tisza Block around the northwestern edge of the Moesian platform.  相似文献   

We have investigated the phase relations of iron and iron–nickel alloys with 18 to 50 wt.% Ni up to over 300 GPa using a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. The synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements show the wide stability of hcp-iron up to 301 GPa and 2000 K and 319 GPa and 300 K without phase transition to dhcp, orthorhombic, or bcc phases. On the other hand, the incorporation of nickel has a remarkable effect on expanding the stability field of fcc phase. The geometry of the temperature–composition phase diagram of iron–nickel alloys suggests that the hcp–fcc–liquid triple point is located at 10 to 20 wt.% Ni at the pressure of the inner core boundary. The fcc phase could crystallize depending on the nickel and silicon contents in the Earth's core, both of which are fcc stabilizer.  相似文献   

Hazardous sinkholes started to appear in alluvial fans and unconsolidated sediments along the western Dead Sea coast in 1990. Since then hundreds of sinkholes have appeared from north to south along the shoreline. The Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method was used to achieve a better understanding of the subsurface geoelectric structure at the sinkhole development sites, taking into account that electric parameters (such as resistivity or conductivity) are very sensitive to formation properties and their variations in time. Fifteen image lines were surveyed at the Ein Gedi area during a period of active sinkhole development (in 2001–2002) over an area of 300 × 550 m2. Resistivity cross-sections and maps were constructed from 2-D linear surveys. The process of sinkhole formation in the surveyed area is located in a strip 50–70 m wide and 300–500 m long, extending approximately in a north–south direction. The sinkholes are arranged along a tortuous line within this strip. On resistivity maps and sections this U-shaped zone appears as an alternation of high resistivity anomalies of 350–1000 Ωm (at sinkhole group locations) with narrow background resistivity zones of 50–100 Ωm. The large size of resistivity anomalies (250 × 300 m2), which are considerably greater than those of the sinkholes, form one of the features of the sinkhole sites in the Ein Gedi area. The anomalies continue down to the water table or even deeper (maximum of 25–35 m depth). A low resistivity layer of 1–8 Ωm underlies them. The combined analysis of the image results and other geophysical data shows that high resistivity anomalies are associated with the decompaction of the soil mass at the sinkhole development sites and surrounding areas. Recent studies have shown that sinkholes in the Ein Gedi area are developing along the salt western edge located at a depth of 50 m. The subsurface high resistivity anomaly conforms to the sinkhole line (and salt boundary). They are presumably located above the great dissolution caverns at the salt edge. The heterogeneity of the resistivity structure within the high resistivity anomaly (seen in both lateral and vertical planes) confirms that a disintegration of internal formation structure takes place. Away from the sinkhole sites the subsurface resistivity distribution is homogeneous.  相似文献   

江南隆起位于扬子与华夏地块的碰撞汇聚带,是研究华南大地构造演化的关键地质单元.本文采用磷灰石裂变径迹及(U-Th-Sm)/He年龄分布特征定性分析与径迹长度分布数据定量模拟相结合,主要研究了幕阜山岩体新生代的隆升与剥蚀过程,并在此基础上结合区域构造背景, 对其构造-热演化之间的关系进行了探讨.自晚白垩世持续隆升以来,幕阜山岩体经历的平均剥蚀厚度约4800 m.在不同岩体间,隆升过程及幅度存在差异,空间上具有非均匀性.热史结果显示幕阜山岩体经历了3期剥蚀, 其中两期快速剥蚀分别发生在晚白垩世-古近纪(80~50 Ma)和10 Ma以来,而这之间为一期缓慢剥蚀过程.研究区古近纪的快速剥蚀反映了中-下扬子喜山期大规模伸展断陷作用造成的肩部块体快速剥蚀事件; 约10 Ma以来的快速剥蚀是对太平洋板块向西运动的响应.幕阜山岩体自燕山晚期以来的隆升剥蚀作用具有良好的盆地沉积响应, 三期隆升剥蚀事件与研究区构造演化的动力学背景相吻合.  相似文献   

An eruption along a 2.5 km-long rhyolitic dyke at Krafla volcano, northern Iceland during the last glacial period formed a ridge of obsidian (Hrafntinnuhryggur). The ridge rises up to 80 m above the surrounding land and is composed of a number of small-volume lava bodies with minor fragmental material. The total volume is < 0.05 km3. The lava bodies are flow- or dome-like in morphology and many display columnar-jointed sides typical of magma–ice interaction, quench-fragmented lower margins indicative of interaction with meltwater and pumiceous upper surfaces typical of subaerial obsidian flows. The fragmental material compromises poorly-sorted perlitic quench hyaloclastites and poorly-exposed pumiceous tuffs. Lava bodies on the western ridge flanks are columnar jointed and extensively hydrothermally altered. At the southern end of the ridge the feeder dyke is exposed at an elevation  95 m beneath the ridge crest and flares upwards into a lava body.Using the distribution of lithofacies, we interpret that the eruption melted through ice only 35–55 m thick, which is likely to have been dominated by firn. Hrafntinnuhryggur is therefore the first documented example of a rhyolitic fissure eruption beneath thin ice/firn. The eruption breached the ice, leading to subaerial but ice/firn-contact lava effusion, and only minor explosive activity occurred. The ridge appears to have been well-drained during the eruption, aided by the high permeability of the thin ice/firn, which appears not to have greatly affected the eruption mechanisms. We estimate that the eruption lasted between 2 and 20 months and would not have generated a significant jökulhlaup (< 70 m3 s− 1).  相似文献   

The timing of ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism has been difficult to determine because of a lack of age constraints on crucial events, especially those occurring on the prograde path. New Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb age and rare-earth element (REE) data of zircon are presented for UHP metamorphic rocks (eclogite, garnet peridotite, garnet pyroxenite, jadeite quartzite and garnet gneiss) along the Dabie–Sulu UHP complex of China. With multiphase metamorphic textures and index mineral inclusions within zircon, the Dabie data define three episodes of eclogite-facies metamorphism, best estimated at 242.1 ± 0.4 Ma, 227.2 ± 0.8 Ma and 219.8 ± 0.8 Ma. Eclogite-facies zircons of the Sulu UHP complex grew during two major episodes at 242.7 ± 1.2 and 227.5 ± 1.3 Ma, which are indistinguishable from corresponding events in the Dabie UHP complex. A pre-eclogite metamorphic phase at 244.0 ± 2.6 Ma was obtained from two Sulu zircon samples which contain low pressure–temperature (plagioclase, stable below the quartz/Ab transformation) and hydrous (e.g., amphibole, stable below  2.5 Gpa) mineral inclusions. In terms of Fe–Mg exchange of trapped garnet–clinopyroxene pairs within zircon domains, we are able to determine the Pressure–Temperature (PT) conditions for a specific episode of metamorphic zircon growth. We suggest that mineral phase transformations and associated dehydration led to episodic eclogite-facies zircon growth during UHP metamorphism ( 2.7 Gpa) began at 242.2 ± 0.4 Ma (n = 74, pooling the Dabie–Sulu data), followed by peak UHP metamorphism (>  4 Gpa) at 227.3 ± 0.7 Ma (n = 72), before exhumation (<  220 Ma) to quartz stability (~ 1.8 Gpa). The Dabie–Sulu UHP metamorphism lasted for about 15 Ma, equivalent to a minimum subduction rate of 6 mm/year for the descending continental crust.  相似文献   

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