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海南今年将重点发展旅游会展业、演艺娱乐业等文化旅游休闲业,推进旅游与文化融合发展,增强旅游文化魅力。据了解,海南今年将重点发展四项文化旅游休闲业。一是大力发展旅游会展业。重点借助博鳌亚洲论坛的品牌效应,进一步办好国际旅游论坛、中国(海南)国际旅游商品博览会、中国体育旅游博览会等,打造海南旅游会展品牌。  相似文献   

中国旅游业发展空间差异的综合评判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从旅游收入、游客人数、旅游交通和旅游接待设施4个方面寻找评价旅游业发展空间差异的相对性指标,构建了一种中国旅游业发展空间差异的综合评判模型.评判结果表明,在31个省级行政区中,旅游业的发达程度具有从沿海向内陆、从东、南部向西、北部逐渐减弱的趋势,这与从沿海向内陆逐步对外开放的步伐以及经济发展的客观规律是一致的.研究还表明,旅游业最发达的地区是北京、上海和天津传统直辖市,这与以往认为广东省居于旅游业发展之首的结论有所不同.  相似文献   

中国实景演艺旅游资源时空格局研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
余玲  刘家明  姚鲁烽  李涛 《地理科学》2019,39(3):394-404
以2004~2017年间国家5A、4A级旅游景区的283个实景演艺旅游资源为样本,借助ArcGIS软件对其发展阶段、类型特征、多维空间格局、时空扩散过程等进行了分析。主要结论包括: 定量化测度了实景演艺旅游资源的投资规模与数量,从而将中国实景演艺发展分为3个阶段:探查参与期(2004~2007年)、快速发展期(2008~2014年)、成熟巩固期(2015~2017年)。 依据实景演艺旅游资源在演出时间、演出形式等方面的特征,将其归纳为晚会式夜场、情景式日场和室内全天候3种类型,并刻画了不同类型实景演艺旅游资源的分布特征。从时空演化视角,研究在认识中国实景演艺旅游资源多尺度(全国、三大地带、省域)空间格局的基础上,分析了实景演艺旅游资源在中国的时空扩散过程与特征。  相似文献   

建立中国沿海与内陆两区域旅游系统模型,在空间经济学演绎模型的基础上,通过基于agent建模(agent-based modeling)的计算实验方法,探讨市场需求、区域间和区域内旅游产品的替代弹性、固定成本投入以及区位和交通条件等影响因素对区域旅游系统演化的非均衡动态过程。模拟表明,旅游往往集聚在具有区位优势、规模经济和消费能力的沿海地区,而交通条件的持续改善、沿海与内陆区域间以及区域内部旅游产品和服务的持续差异化将有助于加快中国内陆地区旅游产业的空间集聚过程,并且收入水平越高、外部需求越大对区域旅游系统的动态影响越大。  相似文献   

中国农民跨省旅游网络空间结构研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
陈超  刘家明  马海涛  王润  周彬  陈楠 《地理学报》2013,68(4):547-558
依据《中国国内旅游抽样调查资料2008》,利用中国农村居民旅游流的内在联系特性,构建旅游流空间网络结构,采用社会网络分析方法,结合运用GIS 空间分析和数理统计等技术,对农民旅游空间的网络节点中心性与结构洞分析,对旅游空间的整体网络的密度、中心势、核心-边缘结构、凝聚子群分析。结果表明:① 中国农民旅游流网络密度低,随时间发生微弱增密态势,旅游空间的节点呈现“东部沿海密、内陆疏、偏远地区游离”的格局,网络整体结构比较松散而且不均衡;② 网络中心势内向高于外向,旅游目的地集中度高于客源地,东部沿海旅游节点兼具客源地与目的地功能,内陆与偏远地区基本是单一的旅游客源地或目的地;③ 网络核心-边缘空间结构的核心区辐射能力弱,仅限于部分边际省域,中心度指数高的节点占据网络的核心位置,具备核心竞争优势,东部沿海旅游点入度普遍高于内陆与偏远地区,点出度与出游力成正对应;④ 网络区域集聚子群各自形成核心、边缘旅游空间,内部联系紧密,构成与子群相对应的核心旅游地,形成5 个区域集聚子群。构建以省域为节点的农民旅游空间网络结构并进行深度分析,为中国农民旅游空间均衡发展和旅游通达性提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

徐敏  阙维民 《地理研究》2014,33(4):735-750
以中国各级文物保护单位中的窑业遗产为研究对象,运用地理学方法,将中国沿海区域分为内、中、外三个地带,分析这一特定地理区域三个地带内的窑业遗产构成、类型及其时空分布;通过与中国内陆区域同类遗产相关特点的异同比较,获知沿海区域窑业遗产的区域整体特色;进而探讨窑业经济发展与区域地理环境之间的深层内在联系。研究认为:该区域内窑业遗产的时空分布特征,折射出历史时期中国沿海区域窑业经济发展进程是一个从北到南、由内而外逐步推进的有序演进过程。  相似文献   

杨建明 《地理研究》2010,29(5):830-840
旅游生态负荷是指特定地域空间旅游业发展对自然生态系统施加的压力,是旅游人地关系的具体体现。基于对旅游生态负荷现象诱发因素的分析,从旅游者压力、旅游交通负荷和旅游建筑性侵害3个方面寻找人口密度、旅游密度、千人客车拥有量、公路网密度、旅游饭店床位密度、旅游森林负荷6个相关指标,通过模型的构建,对中国旅游生态负荷的省际差异进行综合评价。研究结果表明:中国旅游生态负荷在空间分布上具有沿海大于内陆、东南部大于西北部的总趋势,其中旅游生态负荷最高的地区位于中东部沿海。针对中国旅游生态负荷的空间差异,采取相应的策略与措施,是保证中国旅游业可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

本文以解决中国区域——内陆与沿海发展再度失衡为出发点,用事实阐明了内陆有条件和能力同沿海携手并进。作者认为,内陆发展要赶上沿海,必须实施下述扩大开发策略:(1)遵重区域发展规律要求,国家在发展总方针上应合理解决扩大内陆开发的认识与决策。(2)从实际出发,实施符合内陆自身条件的新的扩大开发模式。(3)内陆必须像沿海一样,大胆改革开放,大胆解放思想。(4)国家对内陆同样应给予政策上的大力支持。  相似文献   

福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源空间结构与开发潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用定量统计和GIS分析方法研究福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源的类型结构、空间结构特征及资源群开发潜力,为“海丝”文化旅游资源的保护和旅游目的地开发提供决策依据。结果表明:(1)福建沿海“海丝”文化旅游资源分为海上交通、商业贸易、文化融合和宗教文化4大类及12个亚类;(2)从整体空间结构看,资源呈集聚型分布,形成“一带四区”格局,即宁德-福州-莆田-泉州-厦门-漳州的沿海带状区域和以泉州为中心的极核区、以漳州和福州为中心的两个高密度区、以莆田为中心的次级密度区;(3)从各类型资源空间分布特征看,海上交通类资源在沿海港口处高度聚集,商业贸易类资源在福州和泉州的城区及内陆山区河流两岸聚集,文化融合类资源高度聚集在泉州、漳州和福州,宗教文化类资源以泉州为中心在沿海广泛分布;(4)从资源群开发潜力看,泉州为开发潜力最大城市;宗教文化类资源群为最具开发潜力的资源类型。基于以上研究结果,提出构建以“点-轴-网”为格局的福建“海丝”文化旅游资源空间开发格局设想。  相似文献   

结合中国海洋功能区划发展状况,在指出青岛海洋旅游功能区划的重要意义的基础上,从探讨青岛海洋旅游区划的依据与原则出发,通过分析海洋旅游资源地域特征和功能类型,制定了青岛海洋旅游功能区划方案,确定青岛海洋旅游功能区划体系,包括四大旅游功能类型,28个滨海旅游功能区,同时考虑到区域差异性、互补性,结合旅游发展空间定位要求,进一步提出海洋旅游资源开发次序,即南部重点海洋旅游区、西海岸次级海洋旅游区、胶州湾新兴复合海洋旅游区、东部沿海潜在旅游区。  相似文献   

大连市文化产业空间布局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着社会生产力的不断提高和人们对精神文化需求的日益增长,文化产业逐渐成为国家经济新的增长点和学者深入研究的热点话题之一。依据文化产业的相关知识和经济地理学有关空间布局的理论知识,调查研究大连市文化产业的发展现状,并运用制图软件绘制大连市现有文化产业空间布局分布图,论述大连市文化产业类型、空间布局的特征和发展方向,就发展方向提出大连市文化产业应向产业集聚化、产业链、特色文化产业和合理化布局方向发展。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产旅游开发探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
非物质文化遗产是一种重要的旅游资源,但不是所有的非物质文化遗产都适合进行旅游开发。根据非物质文化遗产的特点及在旅游开发过程中所承载的功能,可以将其分为五大类别,即民间文学类、表演艺术类、工艺美术类、传统医药类、民俗类。目前旅游开发比较理想的非物质文化遗产资源是表演艺术类、工艺美术类和民俗类的非物质文化遗产。通过对非物质文化遗产旅游开发进行适应性分析,分别对表演艺术类、工艺美术类、民俗类非物质文化遗产提出了旅游开发构想。  相似文献   

摘要:后工业时代,文化资源的挖掘利用正日益成为各国政府引导城市更新、城市转型的重要手段。上海也积极利用各种文化资源来塑造国际文化大都市的形象。论文在回顾上海文化战略发展的基础上,分析了文化战略导向下上海对演出场馆资源的五种开发利用模式,并重点剖析了城市文化战略的实施对上海演出空间的塑造作用。在当前上海打造国际文化大都市的进程中,演出场馆的空间分布格局正日趋成形,同时,这种文化符号效力也带来了显著的空间效应,包括全球文化消费引领地的形成,艺术表演集聚区的初现以及演出空间的专业化拓展等。塑造与提升上海演艺文化空间格局成为上海加快建设国际文化大都市的必经之路。  相似文献   

中共十八大报告对文化产业的发展提出了新的要求,文化产业作为一个新兴产业,越来越受到各国各地区的重视。西南各省市区位于中国西南边陲,经济欠发达,科技水平较低,但文化资源丰富,民族特色得天独厚,文化产业正在日新月异的发展。然而由于地理位置,资源环境,生态环境等方面的不同导致西南各省市区文化产业发展极其不平衡。因此,使用主成分分析法对西南各省市区的文化产业竞争力进行分析和研究,进而提出西南地区发展文化产业的模式及相关政策建议。  相似文献   

自中共十六大提出发展文化产业的政策后,文化产业如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,其中体育文化产业作为新兴的朝阳产业也呈现出强劲的发展态势。运用文献、资料查阅法对大连市体育文化产业的现状进行研究,大连市体育文化产业现状是拥有优良的自然基础和经济基础,市场腹地广阔,各相关产业的发展态势较好,但仍存在人才缺乏、知名企业缺乏和产业结构不合理等问题。针对这一系列问题,提出了培养人才,营造宽松政策环境,加大开发力度,调整产业结构等改进对策,为今后大连市体育文化产业的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Starting from the skill characteristics of ski tourism, this paper discusses the impact of consumer skill on travel decisions, and the moderating effect of the ski resort’s comprehensive leisure environment (including the ski resort sports environment and the regional cultural tourism environment), in order to both understand their impacts on the travel distance characteristics of skiers and attempt to provide necessary research support for the development of China’s ski industry and the construction of destinations. Based on the data from multi-period visitor surveys, this paper constructs the consumption skill-travel radius decision-making influence model under the moderating effect of the ski resort comprehensive leisure environment. The results show three main characteristics. (1) The travel radius obviously differs among skiers with different skill levels. The skill level of skiers has a significant positive effect on the larger travel radius, and a significant negative effect on the smaller travel radius. That is, skiers with a higher skill level are more inclined to undertake long-distance skiing travel, while skiers with a lower skill level are more inclined to undertake short-distance skiing travel. (2) The comprehensive leisure environment has a significant moderating effect on the skiers’ travel radius, with a significant positive impact on enlarging the travel radius, while the influences on high-skill and low-skill skiers are significantly higher than on middle-skill skiers. (3) In the comprehensive leisure environment, there are differences in the moderating effect of the ski resort sports environment and the regional cultural tourism environment on the skiers travel radius, and the positive moderating effect of the ski resort sports environment on the high-skill skiers’ travel radius is more obvious. While the regional cultural tourism environment has a more obvious positive moderating effect on the travel radius of non-skiers and junior skiers, it is more conducive to promoting domestic travel. In general, the skier skill level in China was generally lower, and the ski resort comprehensive leisure environment optimization is conducive to overcoming the limitation of the travel radius caused by the disadvantageous skill level of consumers. However, to promote the development of China’s ski industry in the long run, it is necessary to focus on improving the consumer’s ski skill level, but prevent the risk of losing high-skill consumers overseas. In the course of improving the level of domestic ski sports facilities, we should also focus on the domestic leisure cultural tourism environment to better enhance the attractiveness of domestic ski destinations.  相似文献   

基于FCS框架的城市文化产业景观生态特征及网络关联   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
传统的产业研究多基于数量结构的分析范式,忽视产业集聚形态层面呈现的规律性。论文尝试基于高德地图POI数据,从微观到宏观尺度分析地理嵌套层级关系,构建企业(firm, F)-集群(cluster, C)-系统(system, S)多尺度结合的FCS产业生态分析框架,基于产业分类标准将城市文化产业POI点分为文化艺术、新闻出版、广播影视、体育健身和娱乐休闲5大类,选取济南市城区为案例区,利用500 m蜂巢格网,综合POI点核密度分析、景观产业生态学模型及社会网络分析方法,揭示文化产业点集聚、产业集群景观与产业系统网络关联的特点。研究结论如下:① 通过建立基于POI点数据的文化产业分类体系,利用区位商模型建立从产业点到产业景观的研究手段,拓展文化产业空间研究的新视角;② 济南市文化产业具有连片集中与分散聚集的特点,景观镶嵌体空间形态特征存在区域异质性,不同产业类型彼此交织构成生态网络,系统层面存在耦合关联,其中娱乐休闲业表现出群体数量优势,而广播影视业却扮演着关键物种的角色。相应的发现可为不同层面的产业调控与政策优化提供依据,深化了产业区位分析的理论与方法,拓展了地理微观大数据的应用实践。  相似文献   

The spatial structure of a region is known to affect the degree of face-to-face interaction opportunities for a city’s residents. These interaction opportunities are important building blocks in aspects of economic production. To date, though, there is scant empirical evidence linking interaction opportunities to worker locations. In this article, using a spatial measure of social interaction potential (SIP), we seek to discover whether, and by how much, opportunities for interaction differ at home and work locations for workers within different industry and occupation groups in U.S. metropolitan areas. Based on the time-geographic concept of joint accessibility, SIP is sensitive to population and employment densities, as well as travel times associated with worker commutes in a region. We compare SIP at the census tract level of geography both within and between Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) nationally and test SIP distributions by occupation and industrial categories using nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn tests. The study finds that several categories of higher skill and creative workers live and work in higher SIP areas. These findings provide evidence in support of theories of knowledge creation that rely on spontaneous face-to-face interaction and also indicate the effect of lifestyle preferences in location choices for highly skilled and arts workers.  相似文献   

Very few tourism geographers have investigated the way meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) travelers search for information and their travel behavior based on cultural background and country of origin. In addition, little attention has been paid to examining the factors that affect MICE travelers' decisions to visit a certain destination. To address this knowledge gap, this paper aims to examine the impact of cultural factors on the information acquisition and travel behaviors of MICE tourists. It also examines the factors that affect travelers' decisions to visit a certain destination in cross-cultural settings. The primary data, related to the impact of cultural aspects of MICE travelers on their information searching and travel behaviors, were collected through a self-administered survey. The survey tool was composed of key elements—the country of normal residence, behaviors in information searching, the arrangement of the present trip, travel behaviors, significant effects on tourists' choices and satisfaction, and the socio-demographic characteristics of MICE travelers. The sample population was composed of Chinese-, Arabic-, and English-speaking MICE travelers at one of the top Middle Eastern MICE tourism destinations, Doha, Qatar. The relevant data were collected from MICE travelers at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center, which is considered the main MICE sector setting in Doha. To test the proposed hypotheses, which concern categorical variables, a series of chi-square tests for independence or relatedness were conducted. These tests are appropriate for analyzing the relationship between two categorical variables. The study revealed notable differences between the three respondent groups. This paper proposes that destinations marketers should develop targeted marketing strategies based on the information and travel behavior of each cultural group. Particular marketing implications for Doha are discussed.  相似文献   

The vast majority of states impose visa restrictions on travelers from some foreign countries. Such restrictions are likely to deter foreign visitors from affected countries. They will therefore reduce the flow of tourists, businesspeople, and other travelers and thereby damage a country's tourism industry, reduce its trade, and affect its scientific, cultural, and other exchanges with foreign countries. This study estimates the damaging effect exerted by visa restrictions on bilateral travel in a country dyad data set covering the period from 1995 to 2005. It finds that, depending on the exact model specification chosen, visa restrictions reduce such travel by on average between 52 and 63 percent but with substantial regional variation. Given this large detrimental effect of visa restrictions on bilateral travel, the article discusses the determinants of why states impose such restrictions.  相似文献   

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