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Gamma ray burst (GRB) fireballs provide one of very few astrophysical environments where one can contemplate the acceleration of cosmic rays to energies that exceed 1020 eV. The assumption that GRBs are the sources of the observed cosmic rays generates a calculable flux of neutrinos produced when the protons interact with fireball photons. With data taken during construction IceCube has already reached a sensitivity to observe neutrinos produced in temporal coincidence with individual GRBs provided that they are the sources of the observed extra-galactic cosmic rays. We here point out that the GRB origin of cosmic rays is also challenged by the IceCube upper limit on a possible diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos which should not be exceeded by the flux produced by all GRB over Hubble time. Our alternative approach has the advantage of directly relating the diffuse flux produced by all GRBs to measurements of the cosmic ray flux. It also generates both the neutrino flux produced by the sources and the associated cosmogenic neutrino flux in a synergetic way.  相似文献   

We estimate energy spectra and fluxes at the Earth’s surface of the cosmic and Galactic neutrino backgrounds produced by thermonuclear reactions in stars. The extra-galactic component is obtained by combining the most recent estimates of the cosmic star formation history and the stellar initial mass function with accurate theoretical predictions of the neutrino yields all over the thermonuclear lifetime of stars of different masses. Models of the structure and evolution of the Milky Way are used to derive maps of the expected flux generated by Galactic sources as a function of sky direction. The predicted neutrino backgrounds depend only slightly on model parameters. In the relevant 50 keV–10 MeV window, the total flux of cosmic neutrinos ranges between 20 and 65 cm−2 s−1. Neutrinos reaching the Earth today have been typically emitted at redshift z2. Their energy spectrum peaks at E0.1–0.3 MeV. The energy and entropy densities of the cosmic background are negligible with respect to the thermal contribution of relic neutrinos originated in the early universe. In every sky direction, the cosmic background is outnumbered by the Galactic one, whose integrated flux amounts to 300–1000 cm−2 s−1. The emission from stars in the Galactic disk contributes more than 95% of the signal.  相似文献   

We reconsider the possibility that gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) within the internal shock model, assuming a pure proton composition of the UHECRs. For the first time, we combine the information from gamma-rays, cosmic rays, prompt neutrinos, and cosmogenic neutrinos quantitatively in a joint cosmic ray production and propagation model, and we show that the information on the cosmic energy budget can be obtained as a consequence. In addition to the neutron model, we consider alternative scenarios for the cosmic ray escape from the GRBs, i.e., that cosmic rays can leak from the sources. We find that the dip model, which describes the ankle in UHECR observations by the pair production dip, is strongly disfavored in combination with the internal shock model because (a) unrealistically high baryonic loadings (energy in protons versus energy in electrons/gamma-rays) are needed for the individual GRBs and (b) the prompt neutrino flux easily overshoots the corresponding neutrino bound. On the other hand, GRBs may account for the UHECRs in the ankle transition model if cosmic rays leak out from the source at the highest energies. In that case, we demonstrate that future neutrino observations can efficiently test most of the parameter space – unless the baryonic loading is much larger than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

We present numerical simulations of the axisymmetric accretion of a massive magnetized plasma torus on a rotating black hole. We use a realistic equation of state, which takes into account neutrino cooling and energy loss due to nucleus dissociations. The calculation are performed in the ideal relativistic MHD approximation using an upwind conservative scheme that is based on a linear Riemann solver and the constrained transport method to evolve the magnetic field. The gravitational attraction of the black hole is introduced via the Kerr metric in the Kerr–Schild coordinates. We simulate various magnetic field configurations and torus models, both optically thick and thin for neutrinos.We have found an effect of alternation of the magnetic field orientation in the ultrarelativistic jet formed as a result of the collapse. The calculations show evidence for heating of the wind surrounding the collapsar by the shock waves generated at the jet–wind border. It is shown that the neutrino cooling does not significantly change either the structure of the accretion flow or the total energy release of the system. The angular momentum of the accreting matter defines the time scale of the accretion. Due to the absence of the magnetic dynamo in our calculations, the initial strength and topology of the magnetic field determines the magnetization of the black hole, jet formation properties and the total energy yield. We estimate the total energy of accretion which transformed to jets as 1.3 × 1052 ergs which was sufficient to explain hypernova explosions like GRB 980425 or GRB 030329.  相似文献   

The observed association of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts (LGRBs) with peculiar Type Ic supernovae gives support to Woosley‘s collapsar/hypernova model, in which the GRB is produced by the collapse of the rapidly rotating core of a massive star to a black hole. The association of LGRBs with small star-forming galaxies suggests low-metallicity to be a condition for a massive star to evolve to the collapsar stage. Both completely-mixed single star models and binary star models are possible. In binary models the progenitor of the GRB is a massive helium star with a close companion. We find that tidal synchronization during core-helium burning is reached on a short timescale (less than a few millennia). However, the strong core-envelope coupling in the subsequent evolutionary stages is likely to rule out helium stars with main-sequence companions as progenitors of hypernovae/GRBs. On the other hand, helium stars in close binaries with a neutron-star or black-hole companion can, despite the strong core-envelope coupling in the post-helium burning phase, retain sufficient core angular momentum to produce a hypernova/GRB.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of magnetic fields on the model of neutrino-dominated accretion flows (NDAFs) for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) via the assumption that the accretion rate of the disc is totally caused by the torque of the Lorentz force, i.e. the magnetic braking of large-scale magnetic fields and magnetic viscosity of small-scale magnetic fields. We calculate the structure, composition, luminosity of neutrino emission and the Poynting flux, and the rate of mass loss driven by neutrino heating or launched centrifugally by large-scale magnetic fields, based on the physical condition of the magnetized NDAFs. It is shown that the magnetized disc is favourable to interpret the diverse prompt emissions as well as the X-ray flares observed in the early afterglow of GRBs.  相似文献   

We present millimetre (mm) and submillimetre (submm) photometry of a sample of five host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), obtained using the Max Planck Millimetre Bolometer (MAMBO2) array and Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA). These observations were obtained as part of an ongoing project to investigate the status of GRBs as indicators of star formation. Our targets include two of the most unusual GRB host galaxies, selected as likely candidate submm galaxies: the extremely red  ( R − K ≈ 5)  host of GRB 030115, and the extremely faint  ( R > 29.5)  host of GRB 020124. Neither of these galaxies is detected, but the deep upper limits for GRB 030115 impose constraints on its spectral energy distribution, requiring a warmer dust temperature than is commonly adopted for submillimetre galaxies (SMGs).
As a framework for interpreting these data, and for predicting the results of forthcoming submm surveys of Swift -derived host samples, we model the expected flux and redshift distributions based on luminosity functions of both submm galaxies and GRBs, assuming a direct proportionality between the GRB rate density and the global star formation rate density. We derive the effects of possible sources of uncertainty in these assumptions, including (1) introducing an anticorrelation between GRB rate and the global average metallicity, and (2) varying the dust temperature.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2007,51(7):539-546
Cosmological gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the brightest explosions in the Universe. Satellite detectors, such as Beppo-SAX, HETE2 and more recently Swift, have provided a wealth of data, including the localization and redshifts of subsets of GRBs. The redshift distribution has been utilized in several studies in attempts to constrain the evolving star formation rate and to probe GRB rate evolution in the high-redshift Universe. These studies find that the GRB luminosity function and/or the rate density evolve with redshift. We present a short review of the problems of constraining GRB rate evolution in the context of the complex mix of biases inherent in the redshift measurements. To disentangle GRB rate evolution from the biases prevalent in the redshift distribution will require accounting for the incompleteness of the observed redshift sample. We highlight the importance of formulating a ‘complete GRB selection function’ to account for the main sources of bias.  相似文献   

The extragalactic flux of protons is predicted to be suppressed above the famous Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin cut-off at about EGZK  50 EeV due to the resonant photo-pion production with the cosmic microwave background. Current cosmic ray data do not give a conclusive confirmation of the GZK cut-off and the quest about the origin and the chemical composition of the highest energy cosmic rays is still open. Amongst other particles neutrinos are expected to add to the composition of the cosmic radiation at highest energies. We present an approach to simulate neutrino induced air showers by a full Monte Carlo simulation chain. Starting with neutrinos at the top of the atmosphere, the performed simulations take into account the details of the neutrino propagation inside the Earth and atmosphere as well as inside the surrounding mountains. The products of the interactions are input for air shower simulations. The mountains are modelled by means of a digital elevation map. To exemplify the potential and features of the developed tools we study the possibility to detect neutrino induced extensive air showers with the fluorescence detector set-up of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Both, down-going neutrinos and up-going neutrinos are simulated and their rates are determined. To evaluate the sensitivity, as a function of the incoming direction, the aperture, the acceptance and the total observable event rates are calculated for the Waxman–Bahcall (WB) bound.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented which will enhance the sensitivity of neutrino telescopes to identify transient sources such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and core-collapse Supernovae (SNe). Triggered by the detection of high energy neutrino events from IceCube or other large scale neutrino telescopes, an optical follow-up program will allow the identification of the transient neutrino source. We show that once the follow-up program is implemented, the achievable sensitivity of IceCube to neutrinos from SNe and GRBs would increase by a factor of 2–3. The program can be realized with a small network of automated 1–2 m telescopes and has rather modest observing time requirements.  相似文献   

γ射线暴是宇宙中恒星尺度的最剧烈爆发现象。γ射线暴瞬时辐射结束后,进入余辉辐射阶段。X射线耀发是γ射线暴X射线辐射衰减过程中出现的短时标闪耀现象。X射线耀发的脉冲轮廓具有不对称性,其上升时标小于下降时标。在部分γ射线暴中,X射线耀发的亮度达到瞬时辐射的亮度。X射线耀发的持续时间与峰值时间具有线性关系。X射线耀发的光谱比X射线余辉的光谱硬。早期X射线耀发与晚期X射线耀发相比,其脉冲轮廓较窄,光谱较硬。X射线耀发产生的物理过程类似于γ射线暴瞬时辐射的物理过程。在火球(fireball)模型中,内部壳层之间发生碰撞,产生的内激波加速电子,电子的同步辐射产生X射线耀发。当火球扫过星际介质,外激波加速电子时,电子的同步辐射也可产生X射线耀发。在光球(photospere)模型中,能量耗散发生在光学厚的区域,热辐射的光谱峰值落在X射线能段附近,γ射线暴的喷流在光球半径处会产生X射线耀发。如果射线暴喷流由坡印亭能流主导,喷流就会与星际介质相互作用,磁场的不稳定性使磁场发生耗散,产生的能量形成X射线耀发。γ射线暴的喷流具有几何效应。一部分同步辐射可能发生在喷流辐射面的高纬度处。由于曲率效应(curvature effect),各向异性辐射与各向同性辐射相比,X射线耀发的峰值出现较晚。此外,在γ射线暴发生后,黑洞会间歇性地吸积外部介质。在吸积过程中,黑洞周围的磁场会调节吸积的速率和喷流中的能量,这是出现多个X射线耀发的原因。  相似文献   

A method is presented for the identification of high-energy neutrinos from gamma ray bursts (GRBs) by means of a large-scale neutrino telescope. The procedure makes use of a time profile stacking technique of observed neutrino induced signals in correlation with satellite observations. By selecting a rather wide time window, a possible difference between the arrival times of the gamma and neutrino signals may also be identified. This might provide insight in the particle production processes at the source. By means of a toy model it will be demonstrated that a statistically significant signal can be obtained with a km3 scale neutrino telescope on a sample of 500 GRBs for a signal rate as low as 1 detectable neutrino for 3% of the bursts.  相似文献   

Loeb and Waxman have argued that high energy neutrinos from the decay of pions produced in interactions of cosmic rays with interstellar gas in starburst galaxies would be produced with a large enough flux to be observable. Their model is reexamined here and we obtain an upper limit to the diffuse neutrino flux from starburst galaxies. The upper limit obtained here is a factor of 5 lower than the flux which they predict. Our predicted neutrino flux would be below the atmospheric neutrino foreground flux at energies below 300 TeV and therefore would be unobservable. Compared with predicted fluxes from other extragalactic high energy neutrino sources, starburst neutrinos with PeV energies would have a flux considerably below that predicted for AGN models.

We also estimate an upper limit for the diffuse GeV γ-ray flux from starbust galaxies to be of the observed γ-ray background, much less than the component from unresolved blazars and more than an order of magnitude below the estimate of Thompson et al.  相似文献   

定义了一个新的量,曲率宽度,去检查同步模型与伽玛射线暴(GRB)光谱的一致性.此量用于测量GRB中辐射能谱(νFν,ν和Fν分别是频率和随频率变化的能量流量)峰值处的光谱拐折锐度.然后使用它检查了理论同步模型与观测到的GRB光谱之间的一致性.首先计算几种典型的同步模型的曲率宽度,包括单能、单幂律和拐折幂律电子同步模型.其次从Fermi/GBM (Gamma-ray Burst Monitor)长GRB时间分辨光谱目录中选择包含1198个光谱的GRB样本,将光谱与常用的经验模型拟合,并计算最佳拟合模型的光谱曲率宽度.通过比较两个曲率宽度,发现大多数样本与同步模型不一致,因为同步模型的光谱拐折比数据的光谱拐折更加平滑.结果表明同步模型很难适合大多数观测到的GRB光谱.此外,在暴脉冲中发现光子流量和曲率宽度之间存在强的反相关性,这表明流量越高,光谱拐折越尖锐,或者与同步模型的偏差就越大.  相似文献   

We compute the luminosity function (LF) and the formation rate of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) by fitting the observed differential peak flux distribution obtained by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) in two different scenarios: (i) the GRB luminosity evolves with redshift and (ii) GRBs form preferentially in low-metallicity environments. In both cases, model predictions are consistent with the Swift number counts and with the number of detections at   z > 2.5  and >3.5. To discriminate between the two evolutionary scenarios, we compare the model results with the number of luminous bursts (i.e. with isotropic peak luminosity in excess of 1053 erg s−1) detected by Swift in its first 3 yr of mission. Our sample conservatively contains only bursts with good redshift determination and measured peak energy. We find that pure luminosity evolution models can account for the number of sure identifications. In the case of a pure density evolution scenario, models with   Z th > 0.3 Z  are ruled out with high confidence. For lower metallicity thresholds, the model results are still statistically consistent with available lower limits. However, many factors can increase the discrepancy between model results and data, indicating that some luminosity evolution in the GRB LF may be needed also for such low values of Z th. Finally, using these new constraints, we derive robust upper limits on the bright end of the GRB LF, showing that this cannot be steeper than ∼2.6.  相似文献   

Since the launch of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope on 2008 June 11, significant detections of high-energy emission have been reported only in six gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) until now. In this work we show that the lack of detection of a GeV spectrum excess in almost all GRBs, though somewhat surprising, can be well understood within the standard internal shock model and several alternatives like the photosphere internal shock (gradual magnetic dissipation) model and the magnetized internal shock model. The delay of the arrival of the >100 MeV photons from some Fermi bursts can be interpreted too. We then show that with the polarimetry of prompt emission these models may be distinguishable. In the magnetized internal shock model, a high linear polarization level should be typical. In the standard internal shock model, a high linear polarization level is still possible but much less frequent. In the photosphere internal shock model, the linear polarization degree is expected to be roughly anticorrelated with the weight of the photosphere/thermal component, which may be a unique signature of this kind of model. We also briefly discuss the implications of the current Fermi GRB data on the detection prospects of the prompt PeV neutrinos. The influences of the intrinsic proton spectrum and the enhancement of the neutrino number at some specific energies, due to the cooling of pions (muons), are outlined.  相似文献   

We performed detailed time-resolved spectroscopy of bright long gammaray bursts(GRBs)which show significant GeV emissions(GRB 080916C,GRB090902B and GRB 090926A).In addition to the standard Band model,we also use a model consisting of a black body and a power law to fit the spectra.We find that for the latter model there are indications of an additional soft component in the spectra.While previous studies have shown that such models are required for GRB 090902B,here we find that a composite spectral model consisting of two blackbodies and a power law adequately fits the data of all the three bright GRBs.We investigate the evolution of the spectral parameters and find several interesting features that appear in all three GRBs,like(a)temperatures of the blackbodies are strongly correlated with each other,(b)fluxes in the black body components are strongly correlated with each other,(c)the temperatures of the black body trace the profile of the individual pulses of the GRBs,and(d)the characteristics of power law components like the spectral index and the delayed onset bear a close similarity to the emission characteristics in the GeV regions.We discuss the implications of these results and the possibility of identifying the radiation mechanisms during the prompt emission of GRBs.  相似文献   

We have ascertained an important role of rotation effects in a collapsing stellar core using a quasi-one-dimensional hydrodynamic model with a rigorous allowance for the neutrino energy losses including the neutrino opacity stage. However, the neutrino scattering processes are not considered in the neutrino emission kinetics as secondary compared to the absorption processes. The quasi-one-dimensional approximation (with averaging of the expression for the centrifugal force over the polar angle) allows numerical calculations to be performed relatively easily up to the formation of a hydrostatically equilibrium neutron star after a very long stage of collapsar cooling by neutrino emission (about 2 s). We present detailed results of our numerical solution, including the neutrino spectra, with electron neutrinos making a dominant contribution to them and the contribution from electron antineutrinos being smaller by an order of magnitude. In the model under consideration, we solve the equation of matter neutronization kinetics by taking into account the main process of nuclear reactions on free nucleons, although the contribution from iron and helium nuclei is included in the equation of state.  相似文献   

A gamma-ray burst (GRB) releases an amount of energy similar to that of a supernova explosion, which combined with its rapid variability suggests an origin related to neutron stars or black holes. Since these compact stellar remnants form from the most massive stars not long after their birth, GRBs should trace the star formation rate in the Universe; we show that the GRB flux distribution is consistent with this. Because of the strong evolution of the star formation rate with redshift, it follows that the dimmest known bursts have z  ∼ 6, much above the value usually quoted and beyond the most distant quasars. This explains the absence of bright galaxies in well-studied GRB error boxes. The increased distances imply a peak luminosity of 8.3 × 1051 erg s−1 and a rate density of 0.025 per million years per galaxy. These values are 20 times higher and 150 times lower, respectively, than are implied by fits with non-evolving GRB rates. This means either that GRBs are caused by a much rarer phenomenon than mergers of binary neutron stars, or that their gamma-ray emission is often invisible to us due to beaming. Precise burst locations from optical transients will discriminate between the various models for GRBs from stellar deaths, because the distance between progenitor birth place and burst varies greatly among them. The dimmest GRBs are then the most distant known objects, and may probe the Universe at an age when the first stars were forming.  相似文献   

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