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Phase-referenced observations of 13 star-forming regions in the  2Π1/2, J = 1/2  transition of rotationally excited OH at 4765 MHz have been carried out using MERLIN. Two of the regions were also observed at 4750 MHz and one at 4660 MHz. There were 10 maser detections at 4765 MHz and three non-detections. There were no detections at 4750 and 4660 MHz. The 4765-MHz masers have brightness temperatures of  ∼107 K  at MERLIN resolution (∼50 mas). Several cases of 4765-MHz masers overlapping in position and velocity with 1720- and 1665-MHz masers are reported. There are also isolated 4765-MHz masers with peak flux densities ≥30 times that of any ground-state counterpart. Most of the 4.7-GHz maser spots are unresolved at 50-mas angular resolution, but in four of the nearest sources the maser spots are resolved, indicating a characteristic size for 4765-MHz maser regions of ∼100 au. In W3(OH) we discovered that 20 per cent of the 4765-MHz emission comes from a narrow low-brightness filament that stretches north–south for ∼1.0 arcec (∼2200 au) between two previously known 4765-MHz maser spots. The filament appears in projection against the H  ii region and has a brightness temperature of  ∼4 × 105 K  . There are matching absorption features in mainline transitions of highly excited OH. The filament may trace a shock front in a rotating disc.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to make a sensitive  (5 σ ≃100 mJy)  search for maser emission from the 4765-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→0  transition of OH. 55 star formation regions were searched and maser emission with a peak flux density in excess of 100 mJy was detected toward 14 sites, with 10 of these being new discoveries. In addition we observed the 4750-MHz 2Π1/2   F =1→1  transition towards a sample of star formation regions known to contain 1720-MHz OH masers, detecting marginal maser emission from G348.550−0.979. If confirmed this would be only the second maser discovered from this transition.
The occurrence of 4765-MHz OH maser emission accompanying 1720-MHz OH masers in a small number of well-studied star formation regions has led to a general perception in the literature that the two transitions favour similar physical conditions. Our search has found that the presence of the excited-state 6035-MHz OH transition is a much better predictor of 4765-MHz OH maser emission from the same region than 1720-MHz OH maser emission is. Combining our results with those of previous high-resolution observations of other OH transitions we have examined the published theoretical models of OH masers and find that none of them predicts any conditions in which the 1665-, 6035- and 4765-MHz transitions are inverted simultaneously.  相似文献   

We have made observations of the four hyperfine transitions of the 2Π3/2,     ground state of OH at 1612, 1665, 1667 and 1720 MHz and the related 1.6-GHz continuum emission towards NGC 6334 using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The observations covered all the major radio continuum concentrations aligned along the axis of NGC 6334 (V, A to F). We have detected seven OH masers plus a possible faint eighth maser; two of these masers are located towards NGC 6334-A. Absorption at 1665 and 1667 MHz was detected towards almost all the continuum distribution. All transitions show non-LTE behaviour. The 1667-/1665-MHz intensity ratios range from 1.0 to 1.2, significantly less than their LTE value of 1.8. The results of the OH 'Sum Rule' suggest that this discrepancy cannot be explained solely by high optical depths. The 1612- and 1720-MHz line profiles show conjugate behaviour whereby one line is in absorption and the other in emission. In addition, the profiles commonly showed a flip from absorption to emission and vice versa, which is interpreted as a density gradient. The OH line-to-continuum distribution, optical depth and velocity trends are consistent with a bar-like shape for the molecular gas which wraps around the continuum emission.  相似文献   

We present evidence for interaction between the supernova remnant (SNR) G357.7+0.3 and nearby molecular clouds, leading to the formation of wind-swept structures and bright emission rims. These features are not observed at visual wavelengths, but are clearly visible in mid-infrared mapping undertaken using the Spitzer Space Telescope . Analysis of one of these clouds, the bright cometary structure G357.46+0.60, suggests that it contains strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features in the 5.8 and 8.0 μm photometric bands, and that these are highly variable over relatively small spatial scales. The source is also associated with strong variations in electron density; a far-infrared continuum peak associated with dust temperatures of ∼30 K; and has previously been observed in the 1720 MHz maser transition of OH, known to be associated with SNR shock excitation of interstellar clouds. This source also appears to contain a young stellar object (YSO) within the bright rim structure, with a steeply rising spectrum between 1.25 and 24 μm. If the formation of this star has been triggered recently by the SNR, then YSO modelling suggests a stellar mass  ∼5–10 M  , and luminosity   L YSO∼102–2 × 103 L  .
Finally, it is noted that a further, conical emission region appears to be associated with the Mira V1139 Sco, and it is suggested that this may represent the case of a Mira outflow interacting with a SNR. If this is the case, however, then the distance to the SNR must be ∼half of that determined from CS   J = 2–1  and 3–2 line radial velocities.  相似文献   

We present submillimetre observations of the   J = 3 → 2  rotational transition of 12CO, 13CO and C18O across over 600 arcmin2 of the Perseus molecular cloud, undertaken with the Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), a new array spectrograph on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The data encompass four regions of the cloud, containing the largest clusters of dust continuum condensations: NGC 1333, IC348, L1448 and L1455. A new procedure to remove striping artefacts from the raw HARP data is introduced. We compare the maps to those of the dust continuum emission mapped with the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA; Hatchell et al.) and the positions of starless and protostellar cores (Hatchell et al.). No straightforward correlation is found between the masses of each region derived from the HARP CO and SCUBA data, underlining the care that must be exercised when comparing masses of the same object derived from different tracers. From the 13CO/C18O line ratio the relative abundance of the two species  ([13CO]/[C18O]∼ 7)  and their opacities (typically τ is 0.02–0.22 and 0.15–1.52 for the C18O and 13CO gas, respectively) are calculated. C18O is optically thin nearly everywhere, increasing in opacity towards star-forming cores but not beyond  τ18∼ 0.9  . Assuming the 12CO gas is optically thick, we compute its excitation temperature, T ex (around 8–30 K), which has little correlation with estimates of the dust temperature.  相似文献   

This paper describes submm, 12CO (J = 2–1) observations of the interacting pair of galaxies NGC 4490 and 4485, and together with high resolution H  i and multifrequency radio continuum data we investigate the evolution of the ISM in this system. We find the following. (i) The smaller member of the pair, NGC 4485, has had the atomic, molecular and dust components of its ISM stripped via ram pressure during its recent passage through the extended H  i distribution of NGC 4490. A bow-shock is identified in the H  i ahead of the stripped gas. (ii) Within the disc of NGC 4490 we find a very low H2-to-H  i ratio as well as a strong correlation between thermal emission and mass of H2 suggesting that the star formation rate is limited in this case by the conversion of H  i to H2. (iii) 12CO emission from an H  i and radio-continuum bridge between the two galaxies is detected.  相似文献   

Radio surveys of supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Galaxy have discovered 19 SNRs which are accompanied by the OH maser emission at 1720 MHz. This unusual maser is thought to be produced behind a shock front when a SNR expands into a molecular cloud. An important ingredient of this model is that the X-ray emission from the remnant enhances the production of OH molecules. In this sense, to study the characteristics of the mixed-morphology SNRs accompanied by the OH maser emission at 1720 MHz is important. By studying the X-ray characteristics of the mixed-morphology SNRs accompanied by the 1720 MHz OH maser emission, it is found that the ionization rate of X-ray is not correlated with the physical parameters , D, r, r2 and so on, but is correlated with the X-ray luminosity Lx. Meanwhile, Lx is closely correlated with the beam flux density of the weakest feature of the accompanying 1720 MHz OH maser emission. These mean that the X-ray emission from SNRs is sufficient to dissociate the water molecules behind a shock front and to produce the 1720 MHz OH masers.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of H2 line emission associated with 6.67-GHz methanol maser emission in massive star-forming regions. In our UNSWIRF/AAT observations, H2 1–0 S(1) line emission was found associated with an ultracompact H  ii region IRAS 14567–5846 and isolated methanol maser sites in G318.95–0.20 , IRAS 15278–5620 and IRAS 16076–5134 . Owing to the lack of radio continuum in the latter three sources, we argue that their H2 emission is shock excited, while it is UV-fluorescently excited in IRAS 14567–5846 . Within the positional uncertainties of 3 arcsec, the maser sites correspond to the location of infrared sources. We suggest that 6.67-GHz methanol maser emission is associated with hot molecular cores, and propose an evolutionary sequence of events for the process of massive star formation.  相似文献   

Masers at the ground-state OH satellite transitions near 1612 and 1720 MHz are occasionally found in star-forming regions, accompanying the dominant maser of OH at 1665 MHz. The satellite lines can then be valuable diagnostics of physical conditions in star-forming regions if we can first ascertain that all maser species truly arise from the same site. For this purpose, newly measured satellite line positions with subarcsecond accuracy are reported here, and compared with masers of main-line OH at 1665 MHz, with methanol masers at 6668 MHz, and with ultracompact H  ii regions. We confirm that most of the satellite-line OH masers that we have measured are associated with star-forming regions, but a few are not: several 1612-MHz masers are associated with late-type stars, and one 1720-MHz maser is associated with a supernova remnant. The 1720-MHz masers in star-forming regions are accounted for by a pumping scheme requiring high densities, and are distinctly different from those in supernova remnants where the favoured pumping scheme operates at much lower densities.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of CO in the bulge of M31. The 12CO (1–0) and (2–1) lines are both detected in the dust complex D395A/393/384, at 1.3 arcmin (∼0.35 kpc) from the centre. From these data and from visual extinction data, we derive a CO luminosity to reddening ratio (and a CO luminosity to H2 column density ratio) quite similar to that observed in the local Galactic clouds. The (2–1) to (1–0) line intensity ratio points to a CO rotational temperature and a gas kinetic temperature of >10 K. The molecular mass of the complex, inside a 25-arcsec (100 pc) region, is 1.5×104 M.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive near-infrared study of two molecular bow shocks in two protostellar outflows, HH 99 in R Coronae Australis and VLA 1623A (HH 313) in Rho Ophiuchi. New, high-resolution, narrow-band images reveal the well-defined bow shock morphologies of both sources. These are compared with two-dimensional MHD modelling of molecular bows from which we infer flow inclination angles, shock speeds and the magnetic field in the pre-shock gas in each system. With combined echelle spectroscopy and low-resolution K -band spectra we further examine the kinematics and excitation of each source. Bow shock models are used to interpret excitation (CDR) diagrams and estimate the extinction and, in the case of VLA 1623, the ortho–para ratio associated with the observed H2 population. For the first time, morphology, excitation and kinematics are fitted with a single bow shock model.
Specifically, we find that HH 99 is best fitted by a C-type bow shock model (although a J-type cap is probably responsible for the [Fe  ii ] emission). The bow is flowing away from the observer (at an angle to the line of sight of ∼45°) at a speed of roughly 100 km s−1. VLA 1623A is interpreted in terms of a C-type bow moving towards the observer (at an angle to the line of sight of ∼75°) at a speed of ∼80 km s−1. The magnetic field associated with HH 99 is thought to be orientated parallel to the flow axis; in VLA 1623A the field is probably oblique to the flow axis, since this source is clearly asymmetric in our H2 images.  相似文献   

CO isotopes are able to probe the different components in protostellar clouds. These components, core, envelope and outflow have distinct physical conditions, and sometimes more than one component contributes to the observed line profile. In this study, we determine how CO isotope abundances are altered by the physical conditions in the different components. We use a 3D molecular line transport code to simulate the emission of four CO isotopomers, 12CO   J = 2 → 1, 13CO J = 2 → 1  , C18O   J = 2 → 1  and C17O   J = 2 → 1  from the Class 0/1 object L483, which contains a cold quiescent core, an infalling envelope and a clear outflow. Our models replicate James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) line observations with the inclusion of freeze-out, a density profile and infall. Our model profiles of 12CO and 13CO have a large linewidth due to a high-velocity jet. These profiles replicate the process of more abundant material being susceptible to a jet. C18O and C17O do not display such a large linewidth as they trace denser quiescent material deep in the cloud.  相似文献   

We have detected the   v = 1 → 0 S(1) (λ= 2.1218 μm)  and   v = 2 → 1 S(1) (λ= 2.2477 μm)  lines of H2 in the Galactic Centre, in a  90 × 27 arcsec2  region between the north-eastern boundary of the non-thermal source Sgr A East, and the giant molecular cloud (GMC)  M−0.02 − 0.07  . The detected  H2 v = 1 → 0  S(1) emission has an intensity of  1.6–21 × 10−18 W m−2 arcsec−2  and is present over most of the region. Along with the high intensity, the large linewidths  (FWHM = 40–70 km s−1)  and the  H2 v = 2 → 1 S(1)  to   v = 1 → 0 S(1)  line ratios (0.3–0.5) can be best explained by a combination of C-type shocks and fluorescence. The detection of shocked H2 is clear evidence that Sgr A East is driving material into the surrounding adjacent cool molecular gas. The H2 emission lines have two velocity components at ∼+50 and  ∼0 km s−1  , which are also present in the NH3(3, 3) emission mapped by McGary, Coil & Ho. This two-velocity structure can be explained if Sgr A East is driving C-type shocks into both the  GMC M−0.02 − 0.07  and the northern ridge of McGary et al.  相似文献   

The central arcminute of the Perseus cooling flow galaxy, NGC 1275, has been mapped with the JCMT in 12CO(2–1) at 21-arcsec resolution, with detections out to at least 36 arcsec (12 kpc). Within the limits of the resolution and coverage, the distribution of gas appears to be roughly east–west, consistent with previous observations of CO, X-ray, Hα and dust emission. The total detected molecular hydrogen mass is ∼ 1.6 × 1010 M, using a Galactic conversion factor. The inner central rotating disc is apparent in the data, but the overall distribution is not one of rotation. Rather, the line profiles are bluewards-asymmetric, consistent with previous observations in H  i and [O  iii ]. We suggest that the blueshift may be due to an acquired mean velocity of ∼ 150 km s−1 imparted by the radio jet in the advancing direction. Within the uncertainties of the analysis, the available radio energy appears to be sufficient, and the interpretation is consistent with that of Bo¨hringer et al. for displaced X-ray emission. We have also made the first observations of 13CO(2–1) and 12CO(3–2) emission from the central 21-arcsec region of NGC 1275 and combined these data with IRAM data supplied by Reuter et al. to form line ratios over equivalent, well-sampled regions. An LVG radiative transfer analysis indicates that the line ratios are not well reproduced by single values of kinetic temperature, molecular hydrogen density and abundance per unit velocity gradient. At least two temperatures are suggested by a simple two-component LVG model, possibly reflecting a temperature gradient in this region.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the distribution of the OH masers at 1665 and 1667 MHz towards the cometary ultracompact H  ii region in the complex G34.3+0.2. The results are based on observations made in both senses of circular polarization with a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) array having an angular resolution of 5×20 mas2. 38 maser features are identified in the region. 33 of these lie on an arc at the edge of the cometary H  ii region. Five are located in a cluster offset toward the north-east by 3 arcsec, and are probably associated with an independent ultracompact H  ii region. There is a velocity gradient of 30 km s−1 pc−1 across the arc. We identify five Zeeman pairs and determine that the magnetic field varies between 1 and 7 mG, but is always directed away from the Earth.
The OH masers may arise in clumps in a shell of gas in a bow shock caused by the motion of the exciting star through the molecular cloud. The stand-off distance and the thickness of the shocked shell are roughly consistent with those predicted by such a bow-shock model. Also, the position of the exciting star(s), as estimated from the focus of the parabolic bow shock, closely matches that of the peak emission from the cometary H  ii region. However, the north–south velocity gradient in the ionized material remains difficult to explain in the context of the bow-shock model.  相似文献   

The 'Carina Flare' supershell, GSH 287+04−17, is a molecular supershell originally discovered in  12CO( J = 1–0)  with the NANTEN 4 m telescope. We present the first study of the shell's atomic ISM, using H  i 21-cm line data from the Parkes 64-m telescope Southern Galactic Plane Survey. The data reveal a gently expanding,  ∼230 × 360  pc H  i supershell that shows strong evidence of Galactic Plane blowout, with a break in its main body at   z ∼ 280  pc and a capped high-latitude extension reaching   z ∼ 450  pc. The molecular clouds form comoving parts of the atomic shell, and the morphology of the two phases reflects the supershell's influence on the structure of the ISM. We also report the first discovery of an ionized component of the supershell, in the form of delicate, streamer-like filaments aligned with the proposed direction of blowout. The distance estimate to the shell is re-examined, and we find strong evidence to support the original suggestion that it is located in the Carina Arm at a distance of  2.6 ± 0.4 kpc  . Associated H  i and H2 masses are estimated as   M H I≈ 7 ± 3 × 105 M  and     , and the kinetic energy of the expanding shell as   E K ∼ 1 × 1051  erg. We examine the results of analytical and numerical models to estimate a required formation energy of several 1051 to  ∼1052  erg, and an age of  ∼107 yr  . This age is compatible with molecular cloud formation time-scales, and we briefly consider the viability of a supershell-triggered origin for the molecular component.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution MERLIN observations of the 18-cm OH maser and continuum emission associated with the active core of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy Markarian 273. The continuum emission comes from three distinct regions in the central arcsecond of the galaxy. The brightest region of emission has a double-peaked structure which is spatially coincident with similar structures observed at 6 cm and 2.2 μm. The peak of the OH maser emission is spatially coincident with the peak in the continuum. For the first time the maser emission is spatially resolved, allowing us to measure the gas motion within the central 100 pc of the galaxy. Maser emission is found in both the 1665- and 1667-MHz lines, with no systematic offset found in the spatial locations of the two lines. The brighter component of the maser emission shows ordered motion and is aligned along the axis of the double-peaked structure in the brightest continuum region. The gas motion enables us to estimate the central mass density to be 850±50 M pc−3, which corresponds to a total mass of ≈1.5×108 M.  相似文献   

Compact regions of enhanced HCO+ and NH3 emission have been detected close to a number of Herbig–Haro objects. An interpretation of these detections is the following: a transient clump within the molecular cloud has been irradiated by the shock that generates the Herbig–Haro object. The irradiation releases icy mantles from the grains within the transient clump and initiates a photochemistry. On the basis of this picture, we have developed an extensive chemical model which predicts that a wide range of species, other than NH3 and HCO+, should also be detectable. These include CH3OH, H2S, C3H4, H2CO, SO, SO2, H2CS and NS. The chemical effects should last ∼  104 yr  .  相似文献   

Positions with subarcsecond accuracy have been measured for seven 22-GHz H2O masers associated with H  ii regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC); two of the masers are new detections. Initial position measurements were obtained with the 70-m antenna of the Canberra NASA Deep Space Network during a period of more than two years in which the antenna was used to monitor the maser emission. The positions were further improved using 22-GHz observations involving three antennas of the Australia Telescope Compact Array.
The positions have been compared with those of 1.6-GHz continuum emission and other LMC masers (of OH and CH3OH). The H2O maser positions range from within 1 arcsec (270 mpc) of the centre of a compact H  ii component to beyond the boundary of significant continuum emission. Three of the four masers located near continuum peaks are close to OH masers. In two cases the positional agreement is better than 0.2 arcsec (53 mpc); in the third case the agreement is worse (0.9 arcsec) but the positions of the individual H2O features appear to be spread over more than 1 arcsec. The velocities of the OH masers are within the spread of the H2O velocities. The three H2O masers offset from continuum centres are located  3–7 arcsec  from optical or infrared phenomena probably associated with very early stages of star formation; no other molecular masers are known in these directions.  相似文献   

The results of a survey searching for outflows using near-infrared imaging are presented. Targets were chosen from a compiled list of massive young stellar objects associated with methanol masers in linear distributions. Presently, it is a widely held belief that these methanol masers are found in (and delineate) circumstellar accretion discs around massive stars. If this scenario is correct, one way to test the disc hypothesis is to search for outflows perpendicular to the methanol maser distributions. The main objective of the survey was to obtain wide-field near-infrared images of the sites of linearly distributed methanol masers using a narrow-band 2.12-μm filter. This filter is centred on the  H2 v = 1–0 S(1)  line; a shock diagnostic that has been shown to successfully trace CO outflows from young stellar objects. 28 sources in total were imaged of which 18 sources display H2 emission. Of these, only two sources showed emission found to be dominantly perpendicular to the methanol maser distribution. Surprisingly, the H2 emission in these fields is not distributed randomly, but instead the majority of sources are found to have H2 emission dominantly parallel to their distribution of methanol masers. These results seriously question the hypothesis that methanol masers exist in circumstellar discs. The possibility that linearly distributed methanol masers are instead directly associated with outflows is discussed.  相似文献   

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