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In semi-arid areas of China, gravel and sand mulch is a farming technique with a long history. In this study, a sample survey was conducted on long term gravel sand mulch observational fields in the Northwest Loess Plateau to determine the effects of long term mulch on soil microbial and soil enzyme activities. We found that after long term gravel-sand mulch, compared with bare ground, soil organic matter, alkali nitrogen, conductivity decreased, while pH and soil moisture increased. Urease, saccharase and catalase decreased with increased mulch thickness, while alkaline phosphatase was reversed. The results of Illumina MiSeq sequencing shows that after gravel-sand mulch, the bacterial and fungal community structure was different from bare land, and the diversity was reduced. Compared with bare land, the bacteria Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria abundance increased with increased thickness, and Actinobacteria was opposite. Also, at the fungal genus level, Fusarium abundance was significantly reduced, and Remersonia was significantly increased, compared with bare land. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that soil environmental factors were important drivers of bacterial community changes. Overall, this study revealed some of the reasons for soil degradation after long term gravel-sand mulch. Therefore, it is recommended that the addition of exogenous soil nutrients after long term gravel-sand can help improve soil quality.  相似文献   

风沙流中颗粒跃移研究的某些进展与问题   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:9  
杨保  邹学勇 《中国沙漠》1999,19(2):173-178
风沙流研究是风沙物理学的主要内容,研究方法上大致分宏观和微观研究两个方面。宏观研究着眼于风沙流的整体结构和动力学过程,微观研究侧重于单一颗粒的运动状态。宏观和微观研究相结合是解决风沙物理学中一系列问题的一条合理路线。但长期以来,由于在颗粒运动机理研究方面进展缓慢且不成熟,对联系宏观和微观研究的纽带——起跳粒子的运动状态分布的重要性认识不够,造成风沙流宏观研究和微观研究的严重脱节。本文综述国内外在这两方面的研究历史和现状,指出了现存问题和解决途径,并对风沙物理学的发展方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

风沙流研究是风沙物理学的主要内容,研究方法上大致分宏观和微观研究两个方面。宏观研究着眼于风沙流的整体结构和动力学过程,微观研究侧重于单一颗粒的运动状态。宏观和微观研究相结合是解决风沙物理学中一系列问题的一条合理路线。但长期以来,由于在颗粒运动机理研究方面进展缓慢且不成熟,对联系宏观和微观研究的纽带——起跳粒子的运动状态分布的重要性认识不够,造成风沙流宏观研究和微观研究的严重脱节。本文综述国内外在这两方面的研究历史和现状,指出了现存问题和解决途径,并对风沙物理学的发展方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

公路防沙设计中夸大沙害严重性原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在多年实践的基础上逐渐认识到,在多种因素影响下,研究人员在进行公路防沙设计时,往往会夸大沙害的严重性。要解决这一问题,首先应认识到,当有风沙吹向公路时,并不一定会有较为严重的沙害;其次,要认识到在沙漠的不同区域,如沙丘分布区与平坦的流沙地等,其风沙运动规律及沙害特征等,会有很大不同;此外,还应注意到防沙工程对外侧来沙的容纳量要比我们以前所认为的要大得多。本文从沙害强度与输沙率之间的关系、阻沙栅栏的导沙与阻沙作用、固沙带中积沙的不均匀性、公路的输沙作用、沙害防治的评价标准等方面入手,对此问题进行较为全面地探讨。  相似文献   

输沙量与输沙势的关系   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
 区域风沙活动在时间、空间和强度上的不确定性,导致对输沙量进行长期测定比较困难。所以,输沙量通常是用来研究短期的风沙活动强度,对长期的风沙活动强度,一般是利用输沙势来衡量,使用这两种指标评价区域风沙活动强度,势必会产生一定的差异。利用中国科学院风沙科学观测场积累的长期输沙量和输沙势观测资料,对区域风沙活动强度进行评价。研究结果表明,月输沙量变化在0.89~18.11 kg·m-1之间,而月输沙势变化在0.03~21.01之间,每年的4—5月是风沙活动最为强烈的时期; 输沙量随输沙势增加而增加,它们之间可以近似用线性函数来表达。  相似文献   

本文在实地调查研究的基础上提出对北京风沙一些问题的看法:1)北京风沙物质来源为本地超沙,尘的来源复杂,以外来成分最多;2)分析35午风沙资料得出这些年北京平原风沙趋于成少。  相似文献   

莫高窟顶戈壁偏东风作用下输沙率变化的观测研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
通过一次沙尘暴天气过程对莫高窟顶不同观测点戈壁风沙流结构和输沙率的时空变化特征进行了系统同步观测。观测表明,偏东风条件下,当风速为10 m·s-1时,水平观测方向上存在一个各点输沙率平衡的阶段,即崖顶戈壁至鸣沙山边缘戈壁各观测点的输沙率相当;当风速大于10 m·s-1时,戈壁地表以风蚀搬运作用为主,出现了戈壁向鸣沙山的长距离风沙搬运;当风速小于10 m·s-1时,戈壁沙物质的长距离搬运作用不明显。不同风况及沙源条件下,风沙流结构和输沙特征会发生显著变化。借鉴Lattau输沙率方程,运用风速和输沙率推算各观测点输沙率的时空变化,计算结果表明,在风速为10 m·s-1左右时,窟顶戈壁带的输送效率约为60%。  相似文献   

中国海岸风沙沉积的成因与特征   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
东部和南部沿海是我国风景优美、气候宜人, 工农业与交通事业发达和人口密集的重要经济区。在16, 000多公里的海岸上, 风沙作用的海岸线就有近3, 000公里, 目前它们都在不同程度上处于风沙作用而后退或大大改观的状态。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠风沙入黄影响因子变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乌兰布和沙漠是黄河上游内蒙古河段风沙的主要来源区,风沙入黄影响因子的变化会直接改变入黄风沙量,并进而对黄河水沙输移以及河床演变产生一定影响。依据野外调查和遥感影像,对河道边界条件、土地利用状况、沙漠所在区域风力条件和沙尘暴特征等风沙入黄影响因子进行了研究,揭示了其变化特征和趋势。结果表明:乌兰布和沙漠沿黄边界已发生很大变化,沿黄区域已修建一定规模的大堤,重新界定了河道范围,流动沙丘临河段长度较20世纪80年代大大减少,半固定沙丘多分布在距河道较远的地方,中间已被农田、村庄和开发地阻隔;沙漠所在区域年均风速及年最大风速总体上呈下降趋势,其中年均风速自20世纪50年代至今降低了1~1.3 m·s-1,年最大风速较20世纪90年代初期降低6~10 m·s-1;风力条件的变化导致了沙尘暴发生频率的降低,进而使得入黄风沙量减少,其影响周期与气候变化的周期有关。  相似文献   

Reputed as a wonderful achievement of the world's highway construction history, the Taklimakan Desert highway is now facing serious sand drift encroachment problems due to its 447- km-long passage of sand sea consisting of crescent dunes, barchan chains, compound transverse dune ridges and complex megadunes. To solve some technical problems in the protection of the highway from sand drift encroachment, desert experts have been conducting the theoretical and applied studies on sand movement laws; causes, severities and time-space differentiation of sand drift damages; and control ways including mechanical, chemical and biological measures. In this paper the authors give an overall summary on the research contents and recent progress in the control of sand drift damages in China and hold that the theoretical research results and practices in the prevention of sand drift encroachment on the cross-desert highway represent a breakthrough and has an epoch-making significance. Since the construction of protective forest along the cross-desert highway requires large amount of ground water, what will be its environmental consequence and whether it can effectively halt sand drift encroachment on the highway forever are the questions to be studied urgently.  相似文献   

西藏日喀则流沙固定的几个问题   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
1995年首次在西藏日喀则进行固沙植物的引种试验,大多数中国内地固沙植物不适应该地的流动沙丘,沙面高温和生长季短是主要制约因素。沙木蓼和籽蒿表现最好;油蒿种子不能成熟,因此不能做后续植物;乡土植物砂生槐在播种当年出苗率低、生长缓慢,只能用做后期植物。在西藏日喀则,有效的植物固沙程序是:在保护措施(草方格沙障、砾石层)下,在流动沙丘上播种外来种沙木蓼、籽蒿和油蒿或移栽籽蒿,同时播种乡土植物砂生槐。在沙木蓼和籽蒿种群衰退、油蒿种群未衰退但不能靠天然下种自行更新时,砂生槐开始发挥固沙作用,并最终凭其适沙特性和长寿命接替先锋固沙植物有效地固定沙丘。选择乡土固沙植物应将重点放在蒿属和锦鸡儿属上。  相似文献   

在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的部分垄间平沙地中,天然分布有一种特殊物质——沙粒胶结体,其与地表的粗沙和极粗沙呈复区分布,共同构成了覆盖沙面的大颗粒层。实地调查和取样分析表明:沙粒胶结体直径不一,能达到粗沙级、极粗沙级和砾石级(细粒和中砾),最大可达23.5 mm;颗粒形状不规则,质地较硬,手捏不碎;密度为2.51 g·cm-3,略小于砾石和当地沙丘沙;可溶物的pH值呈中性,电导率2.56 mS·cm-1,主要成分为CaSO4。砾石尺度的沙粒胶结体在地表的分布密度可达807粒·m-2,覆盖度2%~3%,由于其尺度和密度与砾石接近,它也应具有与砾石类似的风沙效应。沙粒胶结体也是一种天然固沙材料,研究其形成机制有助于开发新型固沙技术和固沙产品;沙粒胶结体可以抑制沙面风蚀、调节风沙流输沙强度、影响沙丘形态演变,探讨其风沙效应有助于深入认识塔克拉玛干沙漠垄间地的沙面稳定机制。沙粒胶结体的形成应与特殊的地质历史环境背景有关,可以作为沙漠地区历史时期气候变化的一个证据。因此,沙粒胶结体在防沙治沙技术开发、沙漠地区特殊下垫面风沙运动过程、沙漠环境形成演变等方面具有重要的研究价值,值得今后进行深入研究。  相似文献   

中国东北沙地埋藏土壤的成因和环境指示意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对我国东北沙地沙丘埋藏土壤的形成原因重新进行了探讨。新的观察和证据表明,中晚全新世沙丘埋藏土壤的形成主要是过去人类活动等非气候因子导致附近沙丘活化或沙漠化所引起的,气候变化所起的作用可能比原来认为的小得多;中晚全新世的埋藏土壤及其风沙层序列因而不能被用来指示过去气候变化,但可以被用来重建过去人类活动与沙地环境相互作用历史。  相似文献   

Aqueous and petroleum fluid flow associated with sand injectites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field, petrographic and fluid inclusion characteristics of sand injectites from five outcrop localities and from the subsurface of the Tertiary of the south Viking Graben are described. Although the case studies are from a wide variety of sedimentological, stratigraphic and tectonic settings, and hence their diagenetic evolutions differ significantly, it is possible and useful to assign diagenetic events to three distinct phases of fluid flow associated with sand injectites in sedimentary basins. Firstly, there is fluid flow associated with the injection of the fluid–sediment mix during shallow burial. Early diagenetic imprints in sand injectites reveal that basinal fluids, which may be released during movement along deeper‐seated faults, can be associated with this process and thus the injection process may reveal information on the timing of basin‐scale movement of fluids. Secondly, following the injection process, basinal fluids continue to migrate through uncemented injectites and mix with the ambient meteoric and/or marine pore fluids that invade injectites from the overlying and surrounding host sediments. Early, often pervasive, carbonate cementation is common within sand injectites and rapidly turns sand injectites into flow barriers during shallow (<1 km) burial. If early carbonate cementation is not pervasive, fluid inclusions in late quartz cement (~>2 km of burial) reveal additional information on fluid flow associated with sand injectites during deeper burial. The latest phase of fluid flow occurs when sand injectites are reactivated as preferential fluid conduits during phases of deformation, when well‐cemented subvertical sand injectites become sites of focussed brittle deformation (fracturing). This study shows that sand injectites are a common and volumetrically important type of structural heterogeneity in sedimentary basins and that long‐lived fluid flow associated with sand injectites in very different settings can be assessed and compared systematically using a combination of petrography and fluid inclusion studies.  相似文献   

A V-shaped nylon net fence installed in 1990 on top of the Mogao Grottoes is shown to be effectively resisting aeolian sand damage to the grottoes. The structure guides and causes deposition of sand from westerly wind (the primary hard wind), but to some extent hinders the inverse function of easterly wind carrying sand away from the grottoes toward Mount Mingsha. The gobi side by the fence experiences higher wind speed, so that on which are easily formed undercutting pits, and the deposited sands on it generally form double-peak structures due to abundant sand sources. If the earth surface characteristics in gobi areas by both sides of the fence are quite varied, the erosion and deposition features of the accumulating sand section are similar in different seasons; however, if the earth surface characteristics are similar, the features become irregular in different seasons. Sand depositions with long slope feet are formed along the south and north sides of V-shaped nylon net fence. Disrupted by strong westerly wind and northwesterly wind, sand accumulations by north of the fence are in form of single peaks. Although the operation duration of the V-shaped nylon net fence has exceeded its design life (10 years), our observations indicate that it is still effective in reducing wind-driven sand damages to the Mogao Grottoes, so it should not be withdrawn.  相似文献   

树枝状沙丘是古尔班通古特沙漠独特的沙丘地貌类型.分析了古尔班通古特沙漠树枝状沙丘表层沉积物的粒度和微形态特征.结果表明:(1)树枝状沙丘以中砂为主,其次是细砂和粗砂;平均粒径与分选系数有较好的线性关系,平均粒径越小,分选系数越好;沉积环境以河流湖泊环境为主;石英颗粒形态以圆形和长形为主,磨圆度适中,碟形坑分布广泛,同时...  相似文献   

李清  殷勇 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1843-1855
11DT02孔位于南黄海辐射沙脊群东北部里磕脚沙脊南坡,通过沉积相分析、粒度统计,结合年代地层数据,重建晚更新世以来里磕脚沙脊的长周期环境演化,分析沙脊成因、厘定沙脊发育年代。研究表明:里磕脚沙脊从下至上由潮滩相、硬黏土相、潮滩相和潮流沙脊相组成。潮流沙脊和潮滩由粉砂、细砂和少量黏土组成,两者均成正偏态分布。潮流沙脊和潮滩在概率累积曲线上分别表现为三段式和四段式分布,以跳跃次总体为主,并呈双跳跃特点。研究区晚更新世经历海平面下降发育潮滩环境,到完全暴露形成标志性的“硬黏土”层;全新世初期经历海侵,研究区复又开始潮滩沉积,随后被海水完全淹没,潮流作用渐强,改造下伏潮滩和“硬黏土”,逐渐堆积成高差最大达30 m的脊槽地形。  相似文献   

沙尘起动初期近地面浓度分布数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对沙尘事件发生初始阶段近地面空间的风沙运动进行了数值模拟研究。考虑固相的剪切黏性、总体黏性、气固相间动量交换、升力等,建立了一个二维气固两相流动数学模型。采用Fluent流体力学软件,进行数值计算。对一组风洞实验数据进行了模拟计算,验证了本模型和计算方法的正确性。研究区域高500 m、长1 000 m。近地层风速廓线采用指数式。沙尘粒度分布用R-R分布;粒径5~150 μm。模拟计算得出近地层内不同风速、沙粒直径的风沙速度及沙尘体积浓度空间分布。结果表明,沙尘起动初期分为发展壮大、回落、稳定3个阶段。沙尘卷起的发展段长度、沙尘卷扬高度及浓度分布曲线形状,均随沙粒和入口风速而明显变化。到达稳定阶段,沙尘浓度沿高度的分布表现为,近地面存在一个均匀的浓度层,即饱和层,其浓度、高度取决于风速和沙粒粒径;饱和层以上沙尘浓度呈指数衰减。  相似文献   

基于GIS的长江河口没冒沙动态演变及稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据该海区近百年来各个时期海图资料,运用Mapinfo软件分析没冒沙的形成及形成后的演变过程。结果表明:没冒沙的形成和发育经历了局部边滩冲刷、边滩沙嘴发育和沙脊形成三个阶段;无论是其横断面变化,还是平面变化,均反映了其沙头部位冲刷下移(但其移动距离不大);近半个世纪来,沙体中轴位置在稳定强劲的涨落潮流作用下呈现出西北-东南走向,位置基本不变,形态变化不大,其冲淤量在1959年后变化很小,0m沙体变化基本不变,-2m沙体略有冲刷,冲刷量为0.07×106m3/a,反映出没冒沙稳定性比较好。  相似文献   

青海苏干湖表层沉积物粒度分布模式与大气粉尘记录   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
位于干旱区柴达木盆地具有年纹层的苏干湖是以地下水补给为主的内陆封闭湖泊, 其表层沉积物粒度具有多组分峰态分布特征, Weibull 函数的拟合结果发现, 其粒度分布全部具 有4 个基本组分: 超细粒组分, 众数粒径在1 μm 上下; 细粒组分, 众数粒径在5~10 μm; 粗粒组分, 众数粒径在50~100 μm; 砂组分, 众数粒径在500 $m 左右。粒度主峰出现在细 粒组分或者粗粒组分。直接来自大气粉尘的冬季湖泊冰面样品及当地尘暴样品的Weibull 函数粒度拟合也显现出了相似的分布模式, 冰面样品的粒度主峰位于众数粒径在15~20 μmm 的 细粒组分, 砂组分(众数粒径452.9μm) 的出现指示出砂粒在冬半年沿冰面而进入湖泊中心。 尘暴降尘样品在尘暴季节(5 月份) 和非尘暴季节(11 月份) 的粒度分布普遍具有3 个组分, 缺少砂组分, 强沙尘暴事件样品则由4 个组分组成, 粒度主峰均位于众数粒径在100~200 μm 的粗粒组分。结果显示, 苏干湖湖泊沉积能够较好记录当地大气粉尘, 砂组分与湖泊周边干旱地表经历的近地面强沙尘活动有关, 粗粒组分记录了区域性的尘暴事件, 细粒组分主要反映 流域径流状况, 超细粒组分代表干旱区的大气背景粉尘和气溶胶。研究表明, 苏干湖内陆湖 泊沉积客观记录了区域大气粉尘和尘暴事件, 具有重建干旱区大气粉尘变化历史的潜在优势。  相似文献   

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