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一、全面推进依法行政工作国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》出台后,我厅高度重视,成立了由建设厅厅长任组长,各分管副厅长任副组长,相关处室一把手为成员的建设厅依法行政领导小组,负责推进《纲要》的贯彻落实和我厅的依法行政工作。及时制定《福建省建设厅关于贯彻实施〈全面推进依法行政实施纲要〉若干意见。召开全省建设系统法制工作会议,总结回顾“十五”期间建设系统法制工作,  相似文献   

为切实加强建设用地,特别是工业用地的批后监管,2009年省国土资源厅、省发改委、省经贸委、省建设厅联合下发了《关于加强建设用地批后监管的通知》(浙土资发[2009]3号),为构建最严格的节约用地制度,加强工业用地的批后监管,提供了较好的政策环境和操作依据。在政策具体实施和操作中,我们结合基层实际进行了专题调研,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

信用是市场经济的基础,诚信是和谐社会的基本要求。在建设部、省建设厅和市委市政府领导下,我们认真贯彻《建设部关于加快建立建筑市场信用体系建设工作的意见》,积极探索在社会主义市场经济条件下建立建筑市场信用管理体系,转变市场监督管理方式,加强对建筑市场各方主体的监管,努力构建“统一开放、守法诚信、公平竞争、优胜劣汰”的  相似文献   

各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委及有关部门,新疆生产建设兵团建设局:为贯彻落实全国住房和城乡建设工作会议精神,做好2009年建设稽查执法工作,现将《住房和城乡建设部稽查办公室2009年工作要点》印发给你们,供工作中参考。  相似文献   

雷斌 《探矿工程》1993,(1):46-48
我公司在部、局及省建设厅各级领导的大力支持、关心下,几年来坚持贯彻“经济建设必须依靠科学技术,科学技术工作必须面向经济建设”的方针,大力推行科技进步,积极开发,应用和推广施工新技术、新工艺、新方法,促进了企业生产经营的全面发展,经济效益在全国同行业中处于领先地位,社会效  相似文献   

各省辖市国土资源局,各省直管县(市)国土资源局(地质矿产局): 2011年以来,全省国土资源管理系统认真贯彻依法治省基本方略,全面贯彻《河南省国土资源系统进一步推进依法行政五年规划(2011~2015年)》和《河南省国土资源系统开展法制宣传教育的第六个五年规划(2011~2015年)》,国土资源依法行政工作和普及法律常识工作取得重要进展,科学民主决策机制不断完善,领导干部学法用法意识显著增强,依法行政能力和水平不断提升。  相似文献   

部分省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委(规委、规划局、房地局)稽查机构: 为进一步落实全国建设工作会议的有关部署,做好2008年建设稽查、规划督察、房地产市场秩序专项整治和治理商业贿赂等各项工作,现将<建设部稽查办公室2008年工作要点>印发你们,供参考.  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市建设厅、规划委(局)、园林局、编委办公室、计委、财政厅(局)、监察厅(局)、国土资源厅(局)、文化厅(局)、旅游局、文物局: 《国务院关于加强城乡规划监督管理的通知》(国发[2002]13号,以下简称《通知》),对城乡规划建设工作提出了明确要求,各地区、各有关部门必须从实践“三个代表”重要思想的高度,认真贯彻落实《通知》精神,切实端正城乡规划建设指导思想,充分发挥城乡规划的综合调控作用,促进  相似文献   

一、主要做法和初步成效1.健全体制,形成省、市、县三级指导配合相协调的稽查工作格局2004年,我厅将“省建筑市场稽查办公室”更名为“省建设监察  相似文献   

我院在省建设厅的直接领导下,坚持小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,按照“改革、发展、稳定”的原则,积极促进两个根本性转变,推进各项改革,经全院职工的共同努力,对上顺利完成了省建设厅的技术经济承包责任制,对内加强以效益为中  相似文献   

矿产资源开发利用曾为无锡市乡镇企业的起步和发展奠定了一定的物质基础。通过2000年与2006年无锡市矿产资源开发利用的情况分析,矿山数、开采总量均实现规划目标要求,阐述了实施《无锡市矿产资源总体规划》的体会。  相似文献   

Earth Science data and particularly the satellite images supplies important information on status and dynamics of earth covering vegetation. The development of environment applications is a challenge for Grid technologies and software development methodologies. This paper exemplifies and experiments the development of the GreenView application over SEE-GRID infrastructure by the Grid Application Development Methodology. The paper highlights through the ESIP and gProcess platforms based methodology the steps of the GreenView development. The application reveals three main functionalities—refinement of the satellite image resolution, field measurements based calibration and satellite image classification by vegetation index computation. A few experiments evaluate the execution time of the tasks at four sites of the SEE-GRID infrastructure.  相似文献   

张若木  杜文山 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):261-266
这是一个复杂条件下的既有建筑物纠倾加固的工程实例。介绍了建筑物的基本情况。用多种方法详细观测了其倾斜和开裂现状。辅以补充地质勘探,从勘察、设计、施工、检测等方面分析了倾斜原因,提出了纠倾和加固方案。介绍了工程实施情况和效果。简要地总结了经验和体会。  相似文献   

There are many scientific applications that have high performance computing (HPC) demands. Such demands are traditionally supported by cluster- or Grid-based systems. Cloud computing, which has experienced a tremendous growth, emerged as an approach to provide on-demand access to computing resources. The cloud computing paradigm offers a number of advantages over other distributed platforms. For example, the access to resources is flexible and cost-effective since it is not necessary to invest a large amount of money on a computing infrastructure nor pay salaries for maintenance functions. Therefore, the possibility of using cloud computing for running high performance computing applications is attractive. However, it has been shown elsewhere that current cloud computing platforms are not suitable for running some of these kinds of applications since the performance offered is very poor. The reason is mainly the overhead from virtualisation which is extensively used by most cloud computing platforms as a means to optimise resource usage. Furthermore, running HPC applications in current cloud platforms is a complex task that in many cases requires configuring a cluster of virtual machines (VMs). In this paper, we present a lightweight virtualisation approach for efficiently running the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (a computing- and communication-intensive application) in a cloud computing environment. Our approach also provides a higher-level programming model that automates the process of configuring a cluster of VMs. We assume such a cloud environment can be shared with other types of HPC applications such as mpiBLAST (an embarrassingly parallel application), and MiniFE (a memory-intensive application). Our experimental results show that lightweight virtualisation imposes about 5 % overhead and it substantially outperforms traditional heavyweight virtualisation such as KVM.  相似文献   

Improvements in analytical technique, study of multielement partitioning in natural systems and improvements in ionic radius values have permitted construction of Onuma diagrams, in which the logarithm of partition coefficient is plotted versus ionic radius. The optimum radii, corresponding to crystallographic sites, do change in response to changes in major element composition for any particular mineral-type. In natural systems elements compete for sites rather than substituting for another element. It is proposed on empirical grounds, for equilibrium ionic bonding, that Onuma diagram curves for a particular lattice site are parabolic near optimum radius, linear elsewhere, parallel for different valences and mirror images on opposite sides of optimum. Deviations may be due to overlapping peaks, liquid structure, polyvalence, bonding differences, contamination, kinetics, alteration, etc. However, dominant crystal-chemical control is indicated.  相似文献   

Fault-creep events measured on the San Andreas and related faults near Hollister, California, can be described by a rheological model consisting of a spring, power-law dashpotand sliding block connected in series. An empirical creep-event law, derived from many creep-event records analyzed within the constraints of the model, provides a remarkably simple and accurate representation of creep-event behavior. The empirical creep law is expressed by the equation: D(t)= Df [1?1/{ct(n?1)Dfn?1+1}/(n?1)] where D is the value of displacement at time t following the onset of an event, Df is the final equilibrium value of the event displacementand C is a proportionality constant. This discovery should help determine whether the time—displacement character of creep events is controlled by the material properties of fault gouge, or by other parameters.  相似文献   

Governing equations often used in soil mechanics and hydrology include the classical Darcy's law, Terzaghi's effective stress principle, and the classical Fick's first law. It is known that the classical forms of these relations apply only to non-swelling, granular materials. In this paper, we summarize recent generalizations of these results for swelling porous media obtained using hybrid mixture theory (HMT) by the authors. HMT is a methodical procedure for obtaining macroscopic constitutive restrictions which are thermodynamically admissible by exploiting the entropy inequality for spatially-averaged properties. HMT applied to the modeling of swelling clay particles, viewed as clusters of adsorbed water and clay minerals, produces additional terms necessary to account for the physico-chemical forces between the adsorbed water and clay minerals or, more generally, for swelling colloids. New directions for modeling consolidation of swelling clays are proposed based on our view of clay particles as a two-phase system.  相似文献   

中国地质调查局“海域天然气水合物陆地试采工程”项目组在山东省东营市的沿海滩涂地区建设了一处钻井试验基地。该钻井井场地基土是黄河三角洲的典型粉沙质粘土,存在微振液化特性。对比填方方案在造价、工期、环保和适用性等方面的优缺点,选择灰土垫层施工方案并严格控制施工质量。灰土垫层可以形成有效的隔水层,隔离地下水上升通道和地表水下渗通道,切断微振液化的根源,同时杜绝场地内工程污水的下渗。填方施工全程采用静压压实填土配比,避免了孔隙水上升、土体产生微振液化效应。填方区域分为重载区和轻载区,采用不同的填方方案,既满足了承载力要求,又节约了成本。该填方方案取得了良好的施工效果,为试验基地的顺利运行提供了保障。  相似文献   

We report an empirical determination of the probability density functions Pdata(r) of the number r of earthquakes in finite space–time windows for the California catalog for different space (5 × 5 to 50 × 50 km2) and time intervals (0.1 to 1000 days). The data can be represented by asymptotic power law tails together with several cross-overs reasonably explained by one of the most used reference model in seismology (ETAS), which assumes that each earthquake can trigger other earthquakes according to complex cascades. These results are useful to constrain the physics of earthquakes and to estimate the performance of forecasting models of seismicity.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed towards investigating the filtration law of an incompressible viscous Newtonian fluid through a rigid non-inertial porous medium (e.g. a porous medium placed in a centrifuge basket). The filtration law is obtained by upscaling the flow equations at the pore scale. The upscaling technique is the homogenization method of multiple scale expansions which rigorously gives the macroscopic behaviour and the effective properties without any prerequisite on the form of the macroscopic equations. The derived filtration law is similar to Darcy's law, but the tensor of permeability presents the following remarkable properties: it depends upon the angular velocity of the porous matrix, it verifies Hall–Onsager's relationship and it is a non-symmetric tensor. We thus deduce that, under rotation, an isotropic porous medium leads to a non-isotropic effective permeability. In this paper, we present the results of numerical simulations of the flow through rotating porous media. This allows us to highlight the deviations of the flow due to Coriolis effects at both the microscopic scale (i.e. the pore scale), and the macroscopic scale (i.e. the sample scale). The above results confirm that for an isotropic medium, phenomenological laws already proposed in the literature fails at reproducing three-dimensional Coriolis effects in all types of pores geometry. We show that Coriolis effects may lead to significant variations of the permeability measured during centrifuge tests when the inverse Ekman number Ek−1 is 𝒪(1). These variations are estimated to be less than 5% if Ek−1<0.2, which is the case of classical geotechnical centrifuge tests. We finally conclude by showing that available experimental data from tests carried out in centrifuges are not sufficient to determining the effective tensor of permeability of rotating porous media. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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