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The phenomenon of negative viscosity-alpha in convectively unstable Keplerian accretion discs is discussed. The convection is considered as a random flow with an axisymmetric mesoscale pattern. Its correlation tensor is computed with a time-averaging procedure using Kley's 2D hydrocode. There is a distinct anisotropy between the turbulence intensities in the radial and azimuthal directions, i.e. the radial velocity rms dominates the azimuthal one. As a consequence, an extra term in the expression for the turbulent transport of angular momentum appears which does not vanish for rigid rotation ('Λ-effect'). It is negative ('inwards transport') and even seems to dominate the positive contribution of the eddy viscosity representing outwards transport of angular momentum. For a turbulence model close to that of the mixing-length theory, the rotational influence on the anisotropy of the turbulence intensities,     , and the covariance  〈 u ' R u ' φ 〉  – representing the angular momentum transport – is computed and compared with the accretion disc simulations. Indeed, the negative angular momentum transport can be explained with the observed dominance of the radial turbulence intensity. If, on the other hand, in turbulence fields the azimuthal intensity would dominate or the turbulence is even isotropic, then we always find a positive transport of the angular momentum.  相似文献   

We study the stability of poloidal magnetic fields anchored in a thin accretion disc. The two-dimensional hydrodynamics in the disc plane is followed by a grid-based numerical simulation including the vertically integrated magnetic forces. The three-dimensional magnetic field outside the disc is calculated in a potential field approximation from the magnetic flux density distribution in the disc. For uniformly rotating discs we confirm numerically the existence of the interchange instability as predicted by Spruit, Stehle & Papaloizou . In agreement with predictions from the shearing sheet model, discs with Keplerian rotation are found to be stabilized by the shear, as long as the contribution of magnetic forces to support against gravity is small. When this support becomes significant, we find a global instability which transports angular momentum outwardly and allows mass to accrete inwardly. The instability takes the form of a m =1 rotating 'crescent', reminiscent of the purely hydrodynamic non-linear instability previously found in pressure-supported discs. A model where the initial surface mass density Σ( r ) and B z ( r ) decrease with radius as power laws shows transient mass accretion during about six orbital periods, and settles into a state with surface density and field strength decreasing approximately exponentially with radius. We argue that this instability is likely to be the main angular momentum transport mechanism in discs with a poloidal magnetic field sufficiently strong to suppress magnetic turbulence. It may be especially relevant in jet-producing discs.  相似文献   

We study the excitation of density and bending waves and the associated angular momentum transfer in gaseous discs with finite thickness by a rotating external potential. The disc is assumed to be isothermal in the vertical direction and has no self-gravity. The disc perturbations are decomposed into different modes, each characterized by the azimuthal index m and the vertical index n , which specifies the nodal number of the density perturbation along the disc normal direction. The   n = 0  modes correspond to the two-dimensional density waves previously studied by Goldreich & Tremaine and others. In a three-dimensional disc, waves can be excited at both Lindblad resonances (LRs; for modes with   n = 0, 1, 2, …  ) and vertical resonances (VRs; for the   n ≥ 1  modes only). The torque on the disc is positive for waves excited at outer Lindblad/vertical resonances and negative at inner Lindblad/vertical resonances. While the   n = 0  modes are evanescent around corotation, the   n ≥ 1  modes can propagate into the corotation region where they are damped and deposit their angular momenta. We have derived analytical expressions for the amplitudes of different wave modes excited at LRs and/or VRs and the resulting torques on the disc. It is found that for   n ≥ 1  , angular momentum transfer through VRs is much more efficient than LRs. This implies that in some situations (e.g. a circumstellar disc perturbed by a planet in an inclined orbit), VRs may be an important channel of angular momentum transfer between the disc and the external potential. We have also derived new formulae for the angular momentum deposition at corotation and studied wave excitations at disc boundaries.  相似文献   

A semi-analytic method is presented for solving for the radial and vertical structures of an accretion disc, with a magnetically channelled wind flowing from its surfaces. Both magnetic and turbulent viscous effects are taken into account, and the essential wind properties are related to the disc structure. The angular momentum removed by the wind plays a major part in driving the inflow through the disc, with photospheric temperatures being sufficient to generate the required wind mass flux. The magnetic field is generated by an αω-dynamo, but the method of solution should have application with other magnetic field sources. Self-consistent disc-wind solutions result, with rms turbulent Mach numbers which are in good agreement with those found in simulations of turbulence generated from magnetic shearing instabilities.  相似文献   

The stability of turbulent accretion discs is considered, in which a magnetically influenced wind plays a major role in driving the inflow. The magnetic field is generated by a dynamo operating in the disc, involving radial shear and turbulence. The steady angular momentum balance is found to be linearly stable for a range of radial boundary conditions, and an expression is derived for the adjustment time-scale as a function of the equilibrium ratio of the magnetic and viscous disc torques.  相似文献   

In the light of recent results from numerical simulations of accretion disc MHD turbulence, we revisit the problem of the configuration of large-scale magnetic fields resulting from an α Ω dynamo operating in a thin accretion disc. In particular, we analyse the consequences of the peculiar sign of the α -effect suggested by numerical simulations . We determine the symmetry of the fastest-growing modes in the kinematic dynamo approximation and, in the framework of an ' α -quenched' dynamo model, study the evolution of the magnetic field. We find that the resulting field for this negative polarity of the α -effect generally has dipole symmetry with respect to the disc midplane, although the existence of an equilibrium configuration depends on the properties of the turbulence. The role of magnetic field dragging is discussed and, finally, the presence of an external uniform magnetic field is included to address the issue of magneto centrifugal wind launching from accretion discs.  相似文献   

We investigate the growth or decay rate of the fundamental mode of even symmetry in a viscous accretion disc. This mode occurs in eccentric discs and is known to be potentially overstable. We determine the vertical structure of the disc and its modes, treating radiative energy transport in the diffusion approximation. In the limit of very long radial wavelength, an analytical criterion for viscous overstability is obtained, which involves the effective shear and bulk viscosity, the adiabatic exponent, and the opacity law of the disc. This differs from the prediction of a two-dimensional model. On shorter wavelengths (a few times the disc thickness), the criterion for overstability is more difficult to satisfy because of the different vertical structure of the mode. In a low-viscosity disc a third regime of intermediate wavelengths appears, in which the overstability is suppressed as the horizontal velocity perturbations develop significant vertical shear. We suggest that this effect determines the damping rate of eccentricity in protoplanetary discs, for which the long-wavelength analysis is inapplicable and overstability is unlikely to occur on any scale. In thinner accretion discs and in decretion discs around Be stars overstability may occur only on the longest wavelengths, leading to the preferential excitation of global eccentric modes.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric incompressible modes of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with a vertical wavenumber are exact solutions of the non-linear local equations of motion for a disc (shearing box). They are referred to as 'channel solutions'. Here, we generalize a class of these solutions to include energy losses, viscous, and resistive effects. In the limit of zero shear, we recover the result that torsional Alfvén waves are exact solutions of the non-linear equations. Our method allows the extension of these solutions into the dissipative regime.
These new solutions serve as benchmarks for simulations including dissipation and energy loss, and to calibrate numerical viscosity and resistivity in the zeus3d code. We quantify the anisotropy of numerical dissipation and compute its scaling with time and space resolution. We find a strong dependence of the dissipation on the mean magnetic field that may affect the saturation state of the MRI as computed with zeus3d . It is also shown that elongated grid cells generally preclude isotropic dissipation and that a Courant time-step smaller than that which is commonly used should be taken to avoid spurious anti-diffusion of magnetic field.  相似文献   

The excitation of spiral waves by an external perturbation in a disc deposits angular momentum in the vicinity of the corotation resonance (the radius where the speed of a rotating pattern matches the local rotation rate). We use matched asymptotic expansions to derive a reduced model that captures non-linear dynamics of the resulting torque and fluid motions. The model is similar to that derived for forced Rossby wave critical layers in geophysical fluid dynamics. Using the model we explore the saturation of the corotation torque, which occurs when the background potential (specific) vorticity is redistributed by the disturbance. We also consider the effects of dissipation. If there is a radial transport of potential vorticity, the corotation torque does not saturate. The main application is to the creation, growth and migration of protoplanets within discs like the primordial solar nebula. The disturbance also nucleates vortices in the vicinity of corotation, which may spark further epochs of planet formation.  相似文献   

We study protoplanetary disc evolution assuming that angular momentum transport is driven by gravitational instability at large radii, and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the hot inner regions. At radii of the order of 1 au such discs develop a magnetically layered structure, with accretion occurring in an ionized surface layer overlying quiescent gas that is too cool to sustain MHD turbulence. We show that layered discs are subject to a limit cycle instability, in which accretion on to the protostar occurs in ∼104-yr bursts with ̇ ∼10−5 M yr−1, separated by quiescent intervals lasting ∼105 yr where ̇ ≈10−8 M yr−1. Such bursts could lead to repeated episodes of strong mass outflow in young stellar objects. The transition to this episodic mode of accretion occurs at an early epoch ( t ≪1 Myr), and the model therefore predicts that many young pre-main-sequence stars should have low rates of accretion through the inner disc. At ages of a few Myr, the discs are up to an order of magnitude more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula, with most of the mass locked up in the quiescent layer of the disc at r ∼1 au. The predicted rate of low-mass planetary migration is reduced at the outer edge of the layered disc, which could lead to an enhanced probability of giant planet formation at radii of 1–3 au.  相似文献   

We study the viscous evolution of protoplanetary discs driven by the combined action of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, resulting from the magneto-rotational instability (MRI), self-gravity torques, parametrized in terms of an effective viscosity and an additional viscous agent of unspecified origin. The distribution of torques driving the evolution of the disc is calculated by analysing where in the disc the MRI develops and, to incorporate the effect of self-gravity, calculating the Toomre parameter. We find that, generally, discs rapidly evolve towards a configuration where the intermediate regions, from a fraction of an au to a few au, are stable against the MRI due to their low-ionization degree. As an additional source of viscosity is assumed to operate in those regions, subsequent evolution of the disc is eruptive. Brief episodes of high mass accretion ensue as the criterion for the development of the MRI is met in the low-ionization region. The radial distribution of mass and temperature in the disc differs considerably from disc models with constant α parameter or layered accretion models, with potentially important consequences on the process of planet formation.  相似文献   

We present a linear analysis of the vertical structure and growth of the magnetorotational instability in stratified, weakly ionized accretion discs, such as protostellar and quiescent dwarf novae systems. The method includes the effects of the magnetic coupling, the conductivity regime of the fluid and the strength of the magnetic field, which is initially vertical. The conductivity is treated as a tensor and is assumed to be constant with height.
We obtained solutions for the structure and growth rate of global unstable modes for different conductivity regimes, strengths of the initial magnetic field and coupling between ionized and neutral components of the fluid. The envelopes of short-wavelength perturbations are determined by the action of competing local growth rates at different heights, driven by the vertical stratification of the disc. Ambipolar diffusion perturbations peak consistently higher above the midplane than modes including Hall conductivity. For weak coupling, perturbations including the Hall effect grow faster and act over a more extended cross-section of the disc than those obtained using the ambipolar diffusion approximation.
Finally, we derived an approximate criterion for when Hall diffusion determines the growth of the magnetorotational instability. This is satisfied over a wide range of radii in protostellar discs, reducing the extent of the magnetic 'dead zone'. Even if the magnetic coupling is weak, significant accretion may occur close to the midplane, rather than in the surface regions of weakly ionized discs.  相似文献   

Angular momentum transport within young massive protoplanetary discs may be dominated by self-gravity at radii where the disc is too weakly ionized to allow the development of the magneto-rotational instability. We use time-dependent one-dimensional disc models, based on a local cooling time calculation of the efficiency of transport, to study the radial structure and stability (against fragmentation) of protoplanetary discs in which self-gravity is the sole transport mechanism. We find that self-gravitating discs rapidly attain a quasi-steady state in which the surface density in the inner disc is high and the strength of turbulence very low (  α∼ 10−3  or less inside 5 au). Temperatures high enough to form crystalline silicates may extend out to several astronomical units at early times within these discs. None of our discs spontaneously develop regions that would be unambiguously unstable to fragmentation into substellar objects, though the outer regions (beyond 20 au) of the most massive discs are close enough to the threshold that fragmentation cannot be ruled out. We discuss how the mass accretion rates through such discs may vary with disc mass and with mass of the central star, and note that a determination of the     relation for very young systems may allow a test of the model.  相似文献   

Star formation is thought to be triggered by gravitational collapse of the dense cores of molecular clouds. Angular momentum conservation during the collapse results in the progressive increase of the centrifugal force, which eventually halts the inflow of material and leads to the development of a central mass surrounded by a disc. In the presence of an angular momentum transport mechanism, mass accretion onto the central object proceeds through this disc, and it is believed that this is how stars typically gain most of their mass. However, the mechanisms responsible for this transport of angular momentum are not well understood. Although the gravitational field of a companion star or even gravitational instabilities (particularly in massive discs) may play a role, the most general mechanisms are turbulence viscosity driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI), and outflows accelerated centrifugally from the surfaces of the disc. Both processes are powered by the action of magnetic fields and are, in turn, likely to strongly affect the structure, dynamics, evolutionary path and planet-forming capabilities of their host discs. The weak ionisation of protostellar discs, however, may prevent the magnetic field from effectively coupling to the gas and shear and driving these processes. Here I examine the viability and properties of these magnetically-driven processes in protostellar discs. The results indicate that, despite the weak ionisation, the magnetic field is able to couple to the gas and shear for fluid conditions thought to be satisfied over a wide range of radii in these discs.  相似文献   

The stability properties of magnetized discs rotating with angular velocity Ω = Ω( s ,  z ), dependent on both the radial and the vertical coordinates s and z , are considered. Such a rotation law is adequate for many astrophysical discs (e.g., galactic and protoplanetary discs, as well as accretion discs in binaries). In general, the angular velocity depends on height, even in thin accretion discs. A linear stability analysis is performed in the Boussinesq approximation, and the dispersion relation is obtained for short-wavelength perturbations. Any dependence of Ω on z can destabilize the flow. This concerns primarily small-scale perturbations for which the stabilizing effect of buoyancy is strongly suppressed due to the energy exchange with the surrounding plasma. For a weak magnetic field, instability of discs is mainly associated with vertical shear, whilst for an intermediate magnetic field the magnetic shear instability, first considered by Chandrasekhar and Velikhov, is more efficient. This instability is caused by the radial shear which is typically much stronger than the vertical shear. Therefore the growth time for the magnetic shear instability is much shorter than for the vertical shear instability. A relatively strong magnetic field can suppress both these instabilities. The vertical shear instability could be the source of turbulence in protoplanetary discs, where the conductivity is low.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the influence of radiative transport on the growth of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in accretion discs. The analysis is performed by the use of analytical and numerical means. We provide a general dispersion relation together with the corresponding eigenfunctions describing the growth rates of small disturbances on a homogeneous background shear flow. The dispersion relation includes compressibility and radiative effects in the flux-limited diffusion approximation. By introducing an effective speed of sound, all the effects of radiation transport can be subsumed into one single parameter. It can be shown that the growth rates of the vertical modes – which are the fastest growing ones – are reduced by radiative transport. For the case of non-vertical modes, the growth rates may instead be enhanced. We quantify the effects of compressibility and radiative diffusion on the growth rates for the gas-pressure dominated case. The analytical discussion is supplemented by numerical simulations, which are also used for a first investigation of the non-linear stage of the MRI in gas-pressure dominated accretion discs with radiation transport included.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of poloidal magnetic field advection and bending of an initially vertical field owing to radial inflow in thin accretion discs. For a ratio of kinematic viscosity to magnetic diffusivity of order unity, significant bending of an externally applied vertical field cannot occur in a disc with no internal dynamo. However, we show that if poloidal field is generated by a dynamo operating near its critical state, then significant field bending may be possible. Our results are of particular relevance to wind launching from accretion discs.  相似文献   

The global structure of a self-excited magnetic field arising from the magnetic shear instability has been simulated in spherical geometry by a 3D fully non-linear approach. In order to model the structure of an accretion disc we prescribe a rotation profile of the Brandt type which is Keplerian in the outer regions but yields rigid rotation at the inner core. We performed a whole series of runs at different dynamo numbers with an increasing number of modes in spectral space, thereby checking the influence of the numerical resolution in our simulations. Starting from arbitrary small perturbations, the magnetic and kinetic energies grow by several orders of magnitude as soon as a certain azimuthal resolution of at least m =15 was used at a dynamo number of order C =105. Several phases of the transition to turbulence are realized and interpretations are given for the respective effects occurring at each stage. The resulting magnetic field is highly non-axisymmetric and possesses a pronounced inhomogeneous vortex structure of twisted flux tubes. The flow is almost axisymmetric but shows a Kolmogorov-like behaviour for small scales. The outer surface of the shell is penetrated by magnetic field lines in spot-like regions, which are located mainly in the equatorial plane. For very high dynamo numbers we find a cyclic behaviour of the averaged magnetic field amplitude. The problem of angular momentum transport is discussed in terms of the ShakuraSunyaev viscosity alpha , which depends exponentially on the radial distance and adopts values in the range 103105.  相似文献   

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