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试析农村土地流转成因及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地制度是中国农业经济发展的最重要的制度。农村集体土地使用权的流转是中国土地制度的第三次创新。土地流转的出现既有直接方面的原因,又有深层的理论依据。土地流转有利于生产要求的合理流动。有助于农村经济结构的调整和农业产业化,有利于农村劳动力的转移和农民收入增加。  相似文献   

土地整治是改善农业生产条件,改善生态环境,发展现代农业,提高农业综合生产能力的一项重要举措。笔者就土地开发整治,以增加有效耕地面积,提高土地利用率,提高土地产出率这一问题,谈点粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

如今,每天有数亿人使用的鼠标,就诞生在硅谷的斯坦福国际开发中心。让我们启动关注的鼠标,去点击农业高新区现代化的发展步伐:  相似文献   

Advances in Research on Soil Moisture by Microwave Remote Sensing in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil moisture is an important factor in global hydrologic circulation and plays a significant role in the research of hydrology, climatology, and agriculture. Microwave remote sensing is less limited by climate and time, and can measure in large scale. With these characteristics, this technique becomes an effective tool to measure soil moisture. Since the 1980s, Chinese researchers have investigated the soil moisture using microwave instruments. The active re- mote sensors are characteristic of high spatial resolution, thus with launch of a series of satellites, active microwave remote sensing of soil moisture will be emphasized. The passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture has a long research history, and its retrieval algorithms were developed well, so it is an important tool to retrieve large scale moisture information from satellite data in the future.  相似文献   

中国农经文明肇始于何时?地老天荒,它太遥远、遥远了……当域外的民族还在茹毛饮血,在中华大地上我们的先祖就从狩猎、采集野果的生存状态中走出来,知道了开发土地、种植五谷了。用历史断代度量,至少在新石器时期,大约七八千年前吧。  相似文献   

2003年10月29日,浙江省农业和土地工作会议在杭州召开。此次会议是经浙江省委常委会、省政府常务会议研究后决定召开的。会议的主要任务是:以党的十六届三中全会精神为指导,认真学习和贯彻国务院常务会议和省委常委会、省政府常务会议关于切实加强土地管理的重要决策精神。  相似文献   

Since land and labor force are primary resources to be used and controlled by rural households, the allocation of labor forces will influence land uses, and further lead to land use conversion. The present study used the Binary Logit model to investigate the influence of labor force transfer, characteristics of rural households, location, and land market on agricultural land use conversion at rural household level. This study was conducted based on 329 valid questionnaires, which were obtained in Changshu, Rudong, and Tongshan counties, respectively representing the southern, middle and northern areas of Jiangsu Province. The results showed that land market participation, location, zonal difference and labor transfer had strong influences on agricultural land use conversion. The participation of land market had a strong positive effect on land use conversion, especially for the farmland converted to the fishpond. The nearer to the county seat, the more conversion of land use occurred. Particularly, the labor force transfer caused by wage employment decreased this conversion probability, while the labor transfer caused by self-employment led to more conversion; and the increasing of income from labor transfer increased the conversion. Moreover, land use conversions demonstrated zonal difference, which were more in Rudong and Changshu counties than in Tongshan County, and the factors influencing this conversion were different in the three regions.  相似文献   

现行城市土地节约利用法律制度,其立法规定比较零散、不全面,在城市土地节约利用法律制度设计理念和原则、城市土地节约利用政府管制、市场调节、社会调整等方面都存在明显的问题,亟待完善。  相似文献   

土地制度是人们在一定的社会条件下的土地关系的总称,包括土地所有制、土地使用制和政府的土地管理制度.土地制度是一切社会形态中最重要、最基础的制度.在任何一种社会经济制度中,土地制度是其最基本的组成部分,它对一个国家一定时期的上层建筑起着决定性的作用.从历史上看,土地制度的矛盾是引起社会变革的根本原因之一.一种社会土地制度的变革及调整,是任何一个国家政权首先要参与解决的问题.改革开放以来,我国土地制度虽然作了重大改革,促进了土地资源的合理利用和资源效益的提高.但是,随着改革的逐渐深入和社会经济的不断发展,原有土地制度出现一些与新形势情况不相应的新问题和新矛盾,阻碍了改革的深入和社会经济发展.要确保改革的顺利进行和社会经济的不断发展,只有进行土地制度改革.土地制度改革,必将在一定程度上影响农业和农村发展,清楚地认识这些影响,是确保农业和农村健康发展的必要前提.  相似文献   

土地管理制度创新在各地创造了许多鲜活、有效的经验,为农民增收、农业增效、农村经济发展提供了保障。同时还有一些问题亟待解决。调整政策、完善机制才能更好地为解决好“三农”问题,特别是农民增收问题,作出国土资源管理部门应有的贡献。  相似文献   

党的十大六报告提出,党要承担起推动中国社会进步的历史责任,必须始终紧紧抓住发展这个执政兴国的第一要  相似文献   

6月15日,笔者一行来到武陟县乔庙乡杨洼村,正好碰上在自己的荷塘边转悠的杨关林,杨关林家的4.4亩低洼地,今年全部种上了莲藕。望着绿油油的荷叶在风中摇曳,杨关林的高兴劲儿溢于言表:“这片兔子不拉屎的涝洼地,想不到如今长出景致来了!”  相似文献   

农村土地整理作为一项工程措施,对提高遂昌县耕地总体质量水平,促进经济发展和农业现代化建设等都具有积极意义。据统计,2002年遂昌县整理各类土地共2.6万亩,新增有效耕地0.4万亩,建成标准农田2.2万亩,取得土地整理折抵指标3000亩。该年内建成的标准农田和取得的折抵指标数分别是前四年总和的2.1倍和2.2倍。  相似文献   

In order to assess the information content and accuracy of Landsat ETM digital images in land cover change detection,change-detection techniques of image differencing, normalized difference vegetation index,principal components analysis and tasseled-cap transformation were applied to yield 13 images. These images were thresholded into change and no change areas. The thresholded images were then checked in terms of various accuracies. The experiment results show that kappa coefficients of the 13 images range from 48.05-78.09. Different images do detect different types of changes. Images associated with changes in the near-inflared-reflectance or greenness detects crop-type changes and changes between vegetative and non-vegetative features. A unique means of using only Landsat imagery without reference data for the assessment of change in arid land are presented. Images of 12t June, 2000 and 2‘d June, 2002 are used to validate the means. Analyses of standard accuracy and spatial agreement are performed to compare the new images (hereafter called “change images” ) representing the change between the two dates. Spatial agreement evaluates the conformity in the classified “change pixels” and “no-change pixels” at the same location on different change images and comprehensively examines the different techniques. This method would enable authorities to monitor land degradation efficiently and aeculately.  相似文献   

Building effective institutions for markets is a great challenge to China's transitional economy. China's ex-perience in establishing urban land markets is characterized by trial and error and the gradual evolution of transitional institutions. Based on archive data and interviews in a neighborhood (Jinhuajie) of Guangzhou, this research reveals that China's land redevelopment in the past two decades has followed an approach of partial and gradual reform, which was structured by the gradual evolution of transitional institutions to speed up local land redevelopment within the ex-isting property fights system. Transitional institutions, including highly compensated residents' land use rights, in-kind land lease payment, flexible control on development rights of developers and short-term actual ownership of work units, are generated by the local government sequentially to dispel existing land use rights of different land users and make further development be able to follow market mechanisms.  相似文献   

随着农业现代化进程的加快,如何推动土地流转和适度规模经营,加快农村小康社会建设的步伐,是亟待研究、解决的重大课题。  相似文献   

论土地开发整理与湖南农业产业化的关系以及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析了土地开发整理与农业产业化关系的基础上,结合湖南省土地资源的现状,重点探讨了土地开发整理推动湖南农业产业化的优势,并就土地开发整理如何进一步推动湖南农业产业化提出了具体措施。  相似文献   

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