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This paper summarizes the discussions held during the session dedicated to Aerosol forcing at the Workshop Observing and Modelling Earth’s Energy Flows. The session Aerosol forcing was convened by P. Ingmann and J. Heintzenberg and included 10 presentations given by R. Kahn, D. Winker, U. Baltensperger, J. Haywood, S. Schwartz, J. Heintzenberg, H. Le Treut, U. Lohmann, R. Wood, and E. Philipona. The presentations given ranged from overviews of current observational capabilities to analyses of aerosol–cloud interactions in observations and models of varying complexity. This paper is organized around a few key points, summarizing the major points of agreement, disagreement, and discussion that the presentations gave rise to. The focus is largely on the uncertainties that remain with regard to aerosol forcing, particularly related to aerosol-cloud interactions and indirect aerosol effects on climate.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of discussions during the Cloud’s Role session at the Observing and Modelling Earth’s Energy Flows Workshop. N. Loeb and B. Soden convened this session including 10 presentations by B. Stevens, B. Wielicki, G. Stephens, A. Clement, K. Sassen, D. Hartmann, T. Andrews, A. Del Genio, H. Barker, and M. Sugi addressing critical aspects of the role of clouds in modulating Earth energy flows. Presentation topics covered a diverse range of areas from cloud microphysics and dynamics, cloud radiative transfer, and the role of clouds in large-scale atmospheric circulations patterns in both observations and atmospheric models. The presentations and discussions, summarized below, are organized around several key questions raised during the session. (1) What is the best way to evaluate clouds in climate models? (2) How well do models need to represent clouds to be acceptable for making climate predictions? (3) What are the largest uncertainties in clouds? (4) How can these uncertainties be reduced? (5) What new observations are needed to address these problems? Answers to these critical questions are the topics of ongoing research and will guide the future direction of this area of research.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2007,48(4):4.15-4.15
Over the next 15 pages we present a snapshot of current astronomy outreach programmes, targeting schools, children and adults, by means of observatories, robotic telescopes, podcasts and more. Much of this activity was presented and discussed at the National Astronomy Meeting this year in Preston, in a well-attended session organized by Paul Roche and Carolina Ödman.  相似文献   

In this introduction we briefly summarize the fourteen contributions to Part II of this special issue on Tsunami Science Four Years After the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. These papers are representative of the new tsunami science being conducted since the occurrence of that tragic event. Most of these were presented at the session: Tsunami Generation and Hazard, of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXIV General Assembly held at Perugia, Italy, in July of 2007. That session included over one hundred presentations on a wide range of topics in tsunami research. The papers grouped into Part II, and introduced here, cover field observations of recent tsunami’s, modern studies of historical events, coastal sea-level observations and case studies in tsunami data analysis.  相似文献   

In this introduction we briefly summarize the 14 contributions to Part I of this special issue on Tsunami Science Four Years after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. These papers are representative of the new tsunami science being conducted since the occurrence of that tragic event. Most of these were presented at the session: Tsunami Generation and Hazard, of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXIV General Assembly held at Perugia, Italy, in July of 2007. That session included over one hundred presentations on a wide range of topics in tsunami research. The papers grouped into Part I, and introduced here, cover topics directly related to tsunami mitigation such as numerical modelling, hazard assessment and databases. Part II of this special issue, Observations and Data Analysis, will be published in a subsequent volume of Pure and Applied Geophysics.  相似文献   

参与全面禁止核试验条约组织(CTBTO)筹备委员会核查工作组(B组)会议,以及相关的技术交流活动、核查系统建设等工作,涉及到较为复杂的技术系统和专业技术。为便于从事相关管理和技术工作的专家参考,本文系统地编译了相关技术名词,以供参考。  相似文献   

第六届国际地震岩土工程大会于2015年11月1-4日在新西兰克莱斯特彻奇市召开。本文介绍了大会概况;阐述了大会设置的21个专题,并综述了场地效应和小区划,斜坡、河堤、大坝与废弃物填埋场,地震危险性与强地面运动,土壤液化与侧向扩展共4个重要专题分会的交流内容;通报了国际地震岩土工程及其问题技术委员会(TC203)全委会内容和决议事项;论述了相关领域的研究进展与亮点,包括新西兰坎特伯雷地震灾后重建催生了岩土工程共享数据库建设取得突破性进展;土壤液化与侧向扩展研究成为国际岩土地震工程一大热点研究领域;提出了在液化机理、液化势评价、液化后变形和基于性能的抗液化工程设计等方面需要进一步研究的重要问题;运动颗粒模拟方法实现了对斜坡破坏的全过程数值模拟;"Ishihara-Idriss-Finn演讲特别分会"成为本次会议一大亮点;2010-2011年新西兰坎特伯雷地震序列(CES)发生后,美国与新西兰开展了非常紧密的合作调查与研究工作,并在地震序列认识、灾害快速评估、确保稳健恢复的政策与规划分析等方面取得了多方受益的科学进展。  相似文献   

On 15 July 2009, a Mw 7.8 earthquake occurred off the New Zealand coast, which by serendipitous coincidence occurred while the International Tsunami Symposium was in session in Novosibirsk, Russia. The earthquake generated a tsunami that propagated across the Tasman Sea and was detected in New Zealand, Australia and as far away as the US West coast. Small boats close to the epicenter were placed in jeopardy, but no significant damage was observed despite a measured run-up height of 2.3 m in one of the Sounds in close proximity to the source (Wilson in GNS Science Report 46:62 2009). Peak-to-trough tsunami heights of 55 cm were measured at Southport, Tasmania and a height of 1 m was measured in Jackson Bay, New Zealand. The International Tsunami Symposium provided an ideal venue for illustration of the value of immediate real-time assessment and provided an opportunity to further validate the real time forecasting capabilities with the scientific community in attendance. A number of agencies with responsibility for tsunami forecast and/or warning, such as the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, GNS Science in New Zealand, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the European Commission Joint Research Centre were all represented at the meeting and were able to demonstrate the use of state of the art numerical models to assess the tsunami potential and provide warning as appropriate.  相似文献   

A study to analyse the effectiveness of WASH interventions in mitigating diarrhoeal diseases in ward 22 of Chipinge district, Manicaland Province was done in 2012. The objectives of the study were to determine the existing WASH interventions in the ward, to assess the KAP on WASH interventions as a mitigation measure against diarrhoeal disease, to analyse the trend of diarrhoea from 2005 to 2011 and to analyse the behaviour change attributed to WASH interventions. Data was collected using interviews, questionnaires, FGDs and observation checklists. Data was analysed using SPSS version 16.0 and qualitative data was analysed by developing themes related to specific objectives. Results showed that WASH interventions were in place in all the villages of ward 22 though they were inadequate. The interventions among others included borehole rehabilitation, latrine construction and Participatory Health and Hygiene Education (PHHE). The cases of diarrhoea were on the increase between 2005 and 2011 despite the various WASH interventions. It was also noted that, although the communities had knowledge on good hygiene practices, economic hardships prevented them from practicing. Behaviour change was also noticed due to an increase in the number of households with hygiene enabling facilities. It was concluded that there is need to provide more water supply and sanitation facilities in the ward. Nurses and EHTs in the ward need to intensify on Health and hygiene education. It was recommended that the duration for PHHE sessions be lengthened and that Village Health Clubs should be formed for sustainability of the health and hygiene component of the interventions. Participation of vulnerable groups such as the disabled, People Living with HIV and AIDS and child headed families should also be encouraged as their participation was seen to be very low, yet their contribution in the society is very critical.  相似文献   

北京时间2017年9月3日11:30发生在朝鲜的核试以其大当量而震惊全球。以William Walter和Douglas Dreger为首的科学家立即在12月即将于新奥尔良举办的美国地球物理联合会秋季学术年会上召集了一个特别的专题进行研讨。中国科学家也针对该次核试的影响范围进行了数值模拟研究,位移场模拟结果认为,本次核试的影响范围在110 km以外的其他地区对地壳运动测量资料的影响几乎可以忽略。本文作者于核试后第2天,从中国地震地下流体前兆观测台网中距离分别为335 km和420 km处发现了2口承压井水位出现幅度分别为50 mm和7 mm的显著阶跃变化,两井均位于鸭绿江断裂西侧。如此明显的大幅度的核试诱发井水位变化尚属首次监测到。本文仅报道对该观测现象的客观性所做的初步分析,其物理机制及对自然灾害风险的影响需进一步研究。   相似文献   

Introduction to geodynamics for high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the first workshop on ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism at Stanford in 1994 and the special issue of The Island Arc `Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Tectonics' published in December 1995, many symposia and special sessions specifically with regard to the UHP metamorphic terrane have been held. While we are still wondering how exhumation of UHP rocks from mantle depths to the surface takes place, the finding of possible records from the mantle transition zone at 300–400 km depths is astonishing. The study of the UHP regime has expanded to include input from mineral physics, experimental geochemistry and kinetics in addition to the petrochemical and tectonic study of a variety of HP–UHP rocks. It was with this theme that the second workshop for the task group III-6 `Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Geodynamics in Collision-type Orogenic Belts' of the International Lithosphere Program was held during the International Geological Congress in Beijing, 1996. The Symposium 8–9 `Dynamic Metamorphic Rocks and High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism' (Cong Bolin & J. G. Liou conveners) had more than 25 presentations in two oral sessions and 70 papers in one poster session. This second special issue of The Island Arc includes nine papers from this symposium and a few related contributions to the geodynamics of HP–UHP metamorphism and tectonics. It is our hope that The Island Arc will continue to publish a special issue on this increasingly recognized subject that is essential to our understanding of continental collision, mantle dynamics and geochemical + fluid cycles.  相似文献   

Connectivity has emerged in recent years as a significant conceptual framework within which to address the spatial and temporal variability in runoff and sediment transport. This special issue draws together several of the papers that were presented in the session “Connectivity in water and sediment dynamics: how do we move forwards?” at the 2012 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna, Austria. The papers submitted for this special issue fall into three groups: empirical studies, modelling studies, and conceptual development. Although it may be evident that the concept of connectivity helps us to express the complexity (in terms of water and sediment yields) of landscape responses to rainfall inputs, does it improve our ability to understand or predict those responses? There would still seem to be some way to go in connectivity research before this nagging concern can be assuaged. That it can be will undoubtedly be an important task for a number of ongoing research initiatives. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although Georgia receives approximately 50 inches of precipitation annually, concern over water quantity is increasing in this State. Historically, ground-water problems were associated with major urban-industrial withdrawals but recent irrigation development in the southwestern portion of the State has attracted attention. Irrigation withdrawals were exempted from the permit requirements of the 1972 Ground Water Use Act. This has led to an inability to manage the resource and questions regarding legal rights to the use of water. Current activities in the State indicate that measures may be taken during the 1980 session of the Georgia General Assembly to enable better management of the State's water resources.  相似文献   

介绍了第13届世界地震工程大会的概况。内容涉及大会报告和6个专题(工程地震、岩土地震工程、结构工程、生命线工程、综合减灾与社会经济问题以及近期地震的经验教训与地震工程实践)。作者还对目前国际范围内的地震工程最新进展及其发展趋势作以论述。最后,根据对本届世界地震工程大会的认识,作者对如何办好由中国地震局主办2008年在我国北京举行的第14届世界地震工程大会谈了一些初步的看法。笔者愿以此文使国内同行对本届大会有一个概略的了解。  相似文献   

This is the second topical volume on “Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring” that started with Pure and Applied Geophysics Topical Volume 167 (2010), and again reports on the most recent advances in science and technology that have been achieved to monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This progress in the development and testing of new sensor technologies and analysis methodologies in all relevant scientific disciplines improves the capabilities in detection, location and characterization of CTBT-relevant events. In particular, the latter poses a challenge for smaller events, where natural or manmade but CTBT-irrelevant sources can generate false-positive events. The efficient discrimination of these events pursued at a minimum risk of missing a nuclear explosion is the overall challenge. The 29 papers of this volume can be structured into 16 waveform studies, eight in the field of radionuclide monitoring and related atmospheric backtracking, and five papers related to on-site inspection or overhead detection of relevant events, with many of these originally presented at a special session on “Research and Development in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring” at the most recent annual General Assemblies of the European Geosciences Union.  相似文献   

从美国地球物理学会2001秋季年会谈非线性地球物理进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍美国地球物理协会2001秋季年会“非线性地球物理”分会的活动情况。它可以大致反映出目前非线性理论和非线性地球物理的发展现状和趋势,尤其是在分形,多维分形,尺度独立性,混沌和自组织临界理论方面的研究。  相似文献   

We present a new LA–ICP–MS system for zircon fission‐track (FT) and U–Pb double dating, whereby a femtosecond laser combined with galvanometric optics simultaneously ablates multiple spots to measure average surface U contents. The U contents of zircon measured by LA–ICP–MS and standardized with the NIST SRM610 glass are comparable to those measured by the induced FT method, and have smaller analytical errors. LA–ICP–MS FT dating of seven zircon samples including three IUGS age standards is as accurate as the external detector method, but can give a higher‐precision age depending on the counting statistics of the U content measurement. Double dating of the IUGS age standards gives FT and U–Pb ages that are in agreement. A chip of the Nancy 91500 zircon has a homogeneous U content of 84 ppm, suggesting the possibility of using this zircon as a matrix‐matched U‐standard for FT dating. When using the Nancy 91500 zircon as a U‐standard, a zeta calibration value of 42–43 year cm2 for LA–ICP–MS FT dating is obtained. While this value is strictly valid only for the particular session, it can serve as a reference for other studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes design, observation methodology, results and interpretation of the GPS surveys conducted in the areas of the N-W of Tenerife where deformation was detected using InSAR. To avoid undesirable antenna positioning errors in the stations built using nails, we designed and used calibrated, fixed-length metal poles, allowing us to guarantee that the GPS antenna was stationed with a height repeatability of the order of 1 mm and of less than 3 millimeters on the horizontal plane. The results demonstrate that this system is ideal for field observation, especially to detect small displacements that might be masked by accidental errors in height measurements or centering when observed with a tripod. When observations were processed, we found that using different antenna models in the same session sometimes causes errors that can lead to rather inaccurate results. We also found that it is advisable to observe one or two stations in all the sessions. The results have reconfirmed the displacement in the Chío deformation zone for the period 1995–2000 and indicate a vertical rebound from 2000 to 2002. They also confirm that the subsidence detected by InSAR to the south of the Garachico village has continued since 2000, although the magnitude of the vertical deformation has increased from around 1 cm to more than 3 cm a year. Detected displacements could be due to groundwater level variation throughout the island. A first attempt of modelling has been made using a simple model. The results indicate that the observed deformation and the groundwater level variation are related in some way. The obtained results are very important because they might affect the design of the geodetic monitoring of volcanic reactivation on the island, which will only be actually useful if it is capable of distinguishing between displacements that might be linked to volcanic activity and those produced by other causes. Even though the study was limited to a given area of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, some conclusions apply to, and are of general interest in similar geodynamic studies.  相似文献   

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