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土地利用空间优化配置研究进展与展望   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
土地利用优化配置是实现土地可持续利用,促进区域经济快速发展和环境逐步和谐的重要途径.科学的土地利用优化配置能充分发挥土地利用潜力、提高土地聚集效应、保持土地生态系统平衡.以往的土地利用优化配置研究主要侧重土地利用数量结构的优化,却忽视了土地利用空间布局的优化.尽管土地利用数量结构是土地利用合理配置的基础,但是在地域空间上分布不当,就会限制土地利用效率的提高,影响土地资源配置的科学性和精确性.因此如何将各土地利用类型数量在地域空间上进行合理的落位,开展土地利用空间优化配置问题研究显得尤为重要.本文全面地解释了土地利用空间优化配置的概念,系统介绍了国内外土地利用空间布局的相关理论和方法,并从地理学、景观生态学、系统工程和管理学、地理信息系统及遥感和数学模型应用、社会学和政策学等理论角度,对土地利用空间优化配置的发展方向和趋势进行了展望,以期促进土地利用空间优化配置研究的创新和深化.  相似文献   

土地利用类型数量在地域空间上的优化配置是实现土地可持续利用,提高土地聚集效应和保持土地生态系统平衡的重要途径.针对当前土地利用优化配置模型存在的不足,构建了基于多目标线性规划与元胞自动机的土地利用优化配置模型(MCDM-CA),在定义邻域规则、转换规则和土地适宜性评价的基础上,开展了基于经济效益、生态效益最大化的土地利用空间配置,实现了土地资源数量结构优化与空间布局优化的统一;并运用该模型对天水市土地利用结构优化进行了实证研究.研究表明,该模型兼顾到区域宏观水平上的土地利用数量结构与局部尺度上的土地利用适宜性,能够较好地同时模拟不同土地利用类型以及不同人类决策情景下的土地利用效果.本研究可为解决土地利用规划中的资源优化配置关键问题提供新的技术方法.  相似文献   

多智能体区域土地利用优化配置模型及其应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
土地利用优化配置对促进区域可持续土地利用具有重要意义,然而现有的土地利用优化配置模型引导可持续土地利用的能力有待提高。本文从整体考量区域土地利用优化配置数量、空间、时间三维特征的角度,定义了区域土地利用优化配置多智能体系统及其决策行为规则,构建了基于多智能体系统的区域土地利用优化配置RLUOA (Regional Land Use OptimizationAllocation) 模型,并以中部地区典型城市--长沙市为例开展了实证应用研究。研究结果表明:该模型能够将规划时间段内多目标约束的区域土地利用规模的数量结构合理配置到不同的空间单元,实现土地利用数量结构、空间布局、效益的协同优化,构建整体上经济可行、社会可接受、生态环境友好的土地利用格局,并明显提高区域整体土地利用经济、生态和社会效益,从而能够为促进区域土地资源可持续利用和制定土地利用总体规划提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

为营造绿色、健康、可持续发展的生态环境,探究绿色、低碳排放视角下的土地利用优化配置方式,对低碳概念界定、土地利用碳排放基本概念进行阐述,分析了解土地利用碳排放研究现状,并且探讨了人地关系理论、可持续发展理论和土地优化配置理论在土地资源管理中的应用。最后系统地分析了土地利用结构优化的影响因素、研究模型及方法,结果表明∶土地利用结构优化模型在科学、合理地进行土地资源分配利用方面起着重要作用,目前定量分析法已成为现代土地利用规划研究的热点方法,随着对土地利用结构优化的方法趋于成熟,数量化、空间化、效益化的有机结合将成为低碳导向土地利用结构优化研究方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

以沂蒙山区典型小流域——双河峪小流域为研究对象,将线性规划模型与GIS有效耦合,以控制N、P等面源污染物输出与增加经济效益作为土地利用优化配置首要目标,以地块为单元对研究区土地利用结构进行优化配置。结果表明:线性规划模型与GIS有效结合,使土地利用优化配置结果既具有面积上的约束,又同时与具体的空间位置相匹配;将N、P等面源污染物输出纳入土地利用优化配置所考虑的因素当中,使配置结果兼顾经济与环境效益的统一;双河峪小流域优化方案提高园地与林地面积,降低了耕地与未利用地面积比重,N、P年输出量降低15.3%,年经济效益提高41%。  相似文献   

土地利用结构多目标优化遗传算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统数学方法难以有效解决土地利用结构多目标优化问题,针对土地利用结构优化的多目标性和遗传算法在多目标优化求解方面的优势,以经济效益和生态效益为目标函数建立土地利用结构优化数学模型,采用遗传算法进行模型求解.以重庆市合川区为例详细介绍了具体应用过程,得出了4个可行方案,对方案进行论证择优,选出满意的最佳方案,证明采用遗传算法进行土地利用结构多目标优化求解是科学可行的.  相似文献   

广州市土地利用结构优化配置及其潜力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龚建周  刘彦随  张灵 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1391-1400
基于广州市土地利用结构、地区经济、生态与社会特点,结合广州城市总体规划(2010-2020),对广州市域土地利用结构进行生态经济效益-自然生态效益导向的多目标优化配置研究。结果表明:对广州市土地利用数量结构进行调整,一定时间内能够满足地区可持续发展;但是,土地仍然承担着巨大的压力,焦点是建设用地和农用地之间的数量转变,以耕地为主,也包括对未利用土地的利用;土地利用潜力度模型结果显示,通过优化土地利用结构,土地系统的协调度增大而潜力度减小:在生态经济效益目标下,潜力度分别为0.628~0.661,0.372~0.339;在自然生态效益目标下,分别为0.531~0.782,0.469~0.218,表明土地利用系统将趋于更高的协调状态,而其数量结构优化配置的潜力减小,优化各产业部门内部土地资源结构及其空间布局,将是广州市土地资源高效集约利用和进一步挖潜的主导方向。  相似文献   

土地利用优化配置中系列模型的应用——以乐清市为例   总被引:44,自引:12,他引:32  
土地利用优化配置,既包括宏观数量与空间结构格局的优化,也包括微观尺度生产要素的合理比配,是一个多目标、多层次的持续拟合与决策过程。本文结合乐清市实证研究,提出了运用系列模型研究县域土地利用优化配置的新方法。系列模型由空间分区模型、结构优化模型和微观设计模型,按照土地资源优化配置目标的内在联系性组合而成。系列模型既能够发挥单个模型的作用,也能充分利用它们在土地利用优化配置与决策中所具有的同一性与互补性,在科学协调土地利用配置数量与空间、宏观与微观之间的关系中更好地发挥其综合优势,因而具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对传统优化模型难以将土地利用数量结构与空间布局优化有效统一的问题,本文提出基于混合蛙跳算法的土地利用优化模型,以地理栅格为基本操作单元,引入首尾排序分组、智能学习算子与变异算子改进算法,实现土地利用空间格局优化。以重庆市渝北区2016年的土地利用数据对2030年土地利用空间格局进行优化,优化前生态系统服务价值为2.012×10~9元,优化后为2.099×10~9元,区域经济总产出优化前为1.263×1011元,优化后为2.148×1011元,土地利用集约度优化前为0.654,优化后为0.812,增长幅度分别为4.3%、70.1%、26.3%。研究表明利用混合蛙跳算法建立土地利用优化模型,能够在多个优化目标与限制条件下,同时进行土地利用数量与空间格局优化,具有较强的全局寻优能力与较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

刘彦随 《地理学报》2001,56(4):426-436
山地土地类型的多样性及其结构格局的序列性特征明显,相应地呈现出土地类型在空间、数量和质量等3个方面基本格局型式,格局分析能够揭示土地类型结构与功能的异质性及其有序性,从而为全面认识土地类型群体的生态属性与其演替规律提供重要的理论依据,同时为土地利用优化配置的实践提供科学指导,以陕西秦岭山地为例,进行了土地类型的结构分析,并根据山地类型结构格局的空间层次性、结构多级性和功能多元性的特点,提出了不同空间尺度下山地土地利用配置的模式及其优化利用方案。  相似文献   

Optimizing land use allocation is a challenging task, as it involves multiple stakeholders with conflicting objectives. In addition, the solution space of the optimization grows exponentially as the size of the region and the resolution increase. This article presents a new ant colony optimization algorithm by incorporating multiple types of ants for solving complex multiple land use allocation problems. A spatial exchange mechanism is used to deal with competition between different types of land use allocation. This multi-type ant colony optimization optimal multiple land allocation (MACO-MLA) model was successfully applied to a case study in Panyu, Guangdong, China, a large region with an area of 1,454,285 cells. The proposed model took only about 25 minutes to find near-optimal solution in terms of overall suitability, compactness, and cost. Comparison indicates that MACO-MLA can yield better performances than the simulated annealing (SA) and the genetic algorithm (GA) methods. It is found that MACO-MLA has an improvement of the total utility value over SA and GA methods by 4.5% and 1.3%, respectively. The computation time of this proposed model amounts to only 2.6% and 12.3%, respectively, of that of the SA and GA methods. The experiments have demonstrated that the proposed model was an efficient and effective optimization technique for generating optimal land use patterns.  相似文献   

In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

广州市城市边缘区土地利用优化配置(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

A spatial multi-objective land use optimization model defined by the acronym ‘NSGA-II-MOLU’ or the ‘non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II for multi-objective optimization of land use’ is proposed for searching for optimal land use scenarios which embrace multiple objectives and constraints extracted from the requirements of users, as well as providing support to the land use planning process. In this application, we took the MOLU model which was initially developed to integrate multiple objectives and coupled this with a revised version of the genetic algorithm NSGA-II which is based on specific crossover and mutation operators. The resulting NSGA-II-MOLU model is able to offer the possibility of efficiently searching over tens of thousands of solutions for trade-off sets which define non-dominated plans on the classical Pareto frontier. In this application, we chose the example of Tongzhou New Town, China, to demonstrate how the model could be employed to meet three conflicting objectives based on minimizing conversion costs, maximizing accessibility, and maximizing compatibilities between land uses. Our case study clearly shows the ability of the model to generate diversified land use planning scenarios which form the core of a land use planning support system. It also demonstrates the potential of the model to consider more complicated spatial objectives and variables with open-ended characteristics. The breakthroughs in spatial optimization that this model provides lead directly to other properties of the process in which further efficiencies in the process of optimization, more vivid visualizations, and more interactive planning support are possible. These form directions for future research.  相似文献   

Book Review     
In this paper, we examine the applicability of spatial optimization as a generative modelling technique for sustainable land‐use allocation. Specifically, we test whether spatial optimization can be used to generate a number of compromise spatial alternatives that are both feasible and different from each other. We present a new spatial multiobjective optimization model, which encourages efficient utilization of urban space through infill development, compatibility of adjacent land uses, and defensible redevelopment. The model uses a density‐based design constraint developed by the authors. The constraint imposes a predefined level of consistent neighbourhood development to promote contiguity and compactness of urban areas. First, the model is tested on a hypothetical example. Further, we demonstrate a real‐world application of the model to land‐use planning in Chelan, a small environmental amenity town in the north‐central region of the State of Washington, USA. The results indicate that spatial optimization is a promising method for generating land‐use alternatives for further consideration in spatial decision‐making.  相似文献   

Rural land use development is experiencing a transition stage of socioeconomic and land use development in China. Historic land use transition process and policy interventions have key influence on the applicability of land use allocation solutions in future land use management. Strategic land use allocation is therefore required to possess a good adjustment capability to the transition process. Although heuristic optimization methods have been promising to solve land use allocation problems, most of them ignored the spatially explicit effect of historic land use transition and policies. To help resolve this issue, this study aims to optimize future land use pattern in the context of rural land use development. We took Yunmeng County, one of the typical major grain producing and rapidly urbanizing areas in central China, as a case study and solved the sustainable land use allocation problem by using an improved heuristic optimization model. The model was constructed based on the integration of a spatial discrete particle swarm optimization and cellular automata-Markov simulation approach. The spatiotemporal land use patterns and policy interventions were represented by the CA-Markov as in spatially explicit transition rules, and then incorporated into the discrete PSO for optimal land use solutions. We examined the influence of the joint effect of spatiotemporal land use patterns and policy interventions on the land use allocation outcome. Our results demonstrate the robustness and potential of the proposed model, and, more importantly, indicate the significance of incorporating the spatiotemporal land use patterns and policy interventions into rural land use allocation.  相似文献   

基于研究区2000、2005年的土地利用矢量数据,从土地利用数量、土地利用结构以及土地利用程度3方面分析了科尔沁沙地2000~2005年的土地利用变化特征,结果表明:(1)科尔沁沙地土地利用总体变化速度较慢,综合土地利用动态度仅为0.44%;科尔沁沙地土地利用变化的主要趋势是未利用地明显减少、建设用地与林地迅速增加。(2)研究区各旗县的各种土地利用类型的变化都和整个科尔沁沙地的变化相当,差异不大,土地利用结构信息熵总体呈下降态势。(3)土地利用变化程度两个模型的研究表明,科尔沁沙地土地利用程度不断增强,用地效率明显提高,土地利用正处于发展期,综合水平较高。  相似文献   

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