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v--vThe prototype International Data Centre (IDC) in Arlington, Virginia has been acquiring data from seismic stations at locations designated in the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty for the International Monitoring System (IMS) since the start of 1995. A key characteristic of these stations is their background noise levels and their seasonal and diurnal variability. Since June 1997 an automated sample selection effort has collected over 700,000 individual noise sample spectra from 39 primary and 57 auxiliary stations. Monthly median and 5 and 95 percentile estimates have been calculated for each channel of every station. Compatibility of median spectra obtained for the same station and channel in the same month for two different years confirms the consistency of the noise-sampling algorithm used. A preliminary analysis of the results shows strong (more than a factor of two) seasonal variation at a quarter of all stations. Strong diurnal variations at half of the sites indicate that many of the selected sites are poorly located with respect to cultural noise sources. The results of this study are already being used to evaluate station quality, improve those processes that require background noise values, such as automatic association and requesting auxiliary station data, and to improve the estimation of station and network detection and location thresholds.  相似文献   

v--vS/P amplitude ratios have proven to be a valuable discriminant in support of monitoring a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Regional S and P phases attenuate at different rates and the attenuation can vary geographically. Therefore, calibration is needed to apply the S/P discriminant in new regions. Calibration includes application of frequency-dependent source and distance corrections for regional Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg phases.¶Jenkins et al. (1998) developed Pn, Pg, Sn, and Lg amplitude models for nine geographic regions and two global composite models, stable and tectonic. They determined frequency-dependent source and attenuation corrections from a large data set obtained from the Prototype International Data Center (PIDC). We use their corrections to evaluate calibrated S/P discriminants.¶Our discrimination data set includes >1000 amplitude ratios from earthquakes, industrial explosions, chemical explosions, and nuclear explosions from Lop Nor, India and Pakistan. We find that the calibrated S/P ratio is largest for earthquakes and smallest for the nuclear explosions, as expected. However, the discriminant is not universally valid. In particular, the S/P ratio for the Pakistan nuclear explosion fell within the normal range for the earthquakes. This event was recorded by only a few stations at far-regional distances and appears to have an anomalously high Sn amplitude. The industrial explosions overlap with the earthquake population, however the buried chemical explosions generally register lower S/P ratio than earthquakes.  相似文献   

v--vRegional crustal waveguide calibration is essential to the retrieval of source parameters and the location of smaller (M < 4.8) seismic events. This path calibration of regional seismic phases is strongly dependent on the accuracy of hypocentral locations of calibration (or master) events. This information can be difficult to obtain, especially for smaller events. Generally, explosion or quarry blast generated travel-time data with known locations and origin times are useful for developing the path calibration parameters, but in many regions such data sets are scanty or do not exist. We present a method which is useful for regional path calibration independent of such data, i.e. with earthquakes, which is applicable for events down to Mw = 4 and which has successfully been applied in India, central Asia, western Mediterranean, North Africa, Tibet and the former Soviet Union. These studies suggest that reliably determining depth is essential to establishing accurate epicentral location and origin time for events. We find that the error in source depth does not necessarily trade-off only with the origin time for events with poor azimuthal coverage, but with the horizontal location as well, thus resulting in poor epicentral locations. For example, hypocenters for some events in central Asia were found to move from their fixed-depth locations by about 20 km. Such errors in location and depth will propagate into path calibration parameters, particularly with respect to travel times. The modeling of teleseismic depth phases (pP, sP) yields accurate depths for earthquakes down to magnitude Mw = 4.7. This Mw threshold can be lowered to four if regional seismograms are used in conjunction with a calibrated velocity structure model to determine depth, with the relative amplitude of the Pnl waves to the surface waves and the interaction of regional sPmP and pPmP phases being good indicators of event depths. We also found that for deep events a seismic phase which follows an S-wave path to the surface and becomes critical, developing a head wave by S to P conversion is also indicative of depth. The detailed characteristic of this phase is controlled by the crustal waveguide. The key to calibrating regionalized crustal velocity structure is to determine depths for a set of master events by applying the above methods and then by modeling characteristic features that are recorded on the regional waveforms. The regionalization scheme can also incorporate mixed-path crustal waveguide models for cases in which seismic waves traverse two or more distinctly different crustal structures. We also demonstrate that once depths are established, we need only two-stations travel-time data to obtain reliable epicentral locations using a new adaptive grid-search technique which yields locations similar to those determined using travel-time data from local seismic networks with better azimuthal coverage.  相似文献   

Application of Regional Phase Amplitude Tomography to Seismic Verification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
v--vWe have applied tomographic techniques to amplitude data to quantify regional phase path effects for use in source discrimination studies. Tomography complements interpolation (kriging) methods by extending our ability to apply path corrections into regions devoid of calibration events, as well as raising levels of confidence in the corrections because of their more physical basis. Our tomography technique solves for resolvable combinations of attenuation, source-generation, site and spreading terms. First difference regularization is used to remove singularities and reduce noise effects.¶In initial tests the technique was applied to a data set of 1488, 1.0 Hz, Pg/Lg amplitude ratios from 13 stations for paths inside a 30° by 40° box covering western China and surrounding regions. Tomography reduced variance 60%, relative to the power-law distance correction traditionally applied to amplitude ratios. Relative Pg/Lg attenuation varied with geologic region, with low values in Tibet, intermediate values in basins and high values for platforms and older crust. Spatial patterns were consistent with previous path effect studies in Asia, especially local earthquake coda-Q. Relative spreading was consistent with expected values for Pg and Lg. Relative site terms were similar to one another, yet some tradeoff with attenuation was evident.¶Tomography residuals followed systematic trends with distance, which may result from the evolution from direct to coda phases, focusing, model tradeoff or data windowing effects. Examination of the residuals using a kriging interpolator showed coherent geographical variations, indicating unmodeled path effects. The residual patterns often follow geological boundaries, which could result from attenuating zones or minor blockages that are too thin to be resolved, or that have anisotropic effect on regional phases. These results will guide efforts to reparameterize tomography models to more effectively represent regional wave attenuation and blockage. The interpolated residuals also can be combined with predictions of the tomographic model to account for path effects in discrimination studies on a station by station basis.  相似文献   

--The electromagnetic (EM) coupling effect in induced polarization (IP) data is an important problem. In many works it has been computed only considering homogeneous or layered earth models with discretely uniform conductivity. In this study, an algorithm has been developed to compute the EM coupling effect in IP data measured on the earth, whose conductivity varies (increases or decreases) exponentially with depth. The EM coupling effects for Percent Frequency Effect (PFE) and phase data are computed for a dipole-dipole array with different separations, however the method can be applied to any electrode array. The results obtained for the cases of increasing and decreasing conductivity as a function of depth indicate that the EM coupling effect strongly depends on the subsurface resistivity and the dipole length. Here an "exponential" earth model is considered to remove EM coupling from the IP data in frequency and phase domain. For this purpose, first, the region of pseudo-section is divided into segments, and within each segment a typical average apparent resistivity (a) curve is constructed. An exponential conductivity model is fitted to average a data. The conductivity model is then used to compute EM responses. Next the data are corrected for the EM coupling contribution. This decoupling process is applied to field data from a galenite-pyrite mineralization area at the Dolluk site, in western Turkey. The results from the decoupling method developed here are compared with other techniques.  相似文献   

v--v Continuous seismic threshold monitoring is a technique that has been developed over the past several years to assess the upper magnitude limit of possible seismic events that might have occurred in a geographical target area. The method provides continuous time monitoring at a given confidence level, and can be applied in a site-specific, regional or global context.¶In this paper (Part 1) and a companion paper (Part 2) we address the problem of optimizing the site-specific approach in order to achieve the highest possible automatic monitoring capability of particularly interesting areas. The present paper addresses the application of the method to cases where a regional monitoring network is available. We have in particular analyzed events from the region around the Novaya Zemlya nuclear test site to develop a set of optimized processing parameters for the arrays SPITS, ARCES, FINES, and NORES. From analysis of the calibration events we have derived values for beam-forming steering delays, filter bands, short-term average (STA) lengths, phase travel times (P and S waves), and amplitude-magnitude relationships for each array. By using these parameters for threshold monitoring of the Novaya Zemlya testing area, we obtain a monitoring capability varying between mb 2.0 and 2.5 during normal noise conditions.¶The advantage of using a network, rather than a single station or array, for monitoring purposes becomes particularly evident during intervals with high global seismic activity (aftershock sequences), high seismic noise levels (wind, water waves, ice cracks) or station outages. For the time period November-December 1997, all time intervals with network magnitude thresholds exceeding mb 2.5 were visually analyzed, and we found that all of these threshold peaks could be explained by teleseismic, regional, or local signals from events outside the Novaya Zemlya testing area. We could therefore conclude within the confidence level provided by the method, that no seismic event of magnitude exceeding 2.5 occurred at the Novaya Zemlya test site during this two-month time interval.¶As an example of particular interest in a monitoring context, we apply optimized threshold processing of the SPITS array for a time interval around 16 August 1997 mb 3.5 event in the Kara Sea. We show that this processing enables us to detect a second, smaller event from the same site (mb 2.6), occurring about 4 hours later. This second event was not defined automatically by standard processing.  相似文献   

v--vWe present a preliminary study of T waves from Polynesian nuclear tests at Mururoa, recorded on digital stations of the Hawaii Volcano Observatory network, following their conversion to seismic waves at the southern shore of the Island of Hawaii, and subsequent propagation to the recording stations. We show that seismograms are composed of several packets, which can be interpreted as resulting from TMP and TMS conversions, and which feature distinct spectral characteristics. As the distance from the shoreline to the station increases, the relative importance of the several wave packets changes; a prominent shadow for TMP is found at 8-12 km from the shore. This pattern is affected by the local crustal structure; in a favorable case, propagation in deep, low-attenuation layers resulted in a clear record as far as 76 km from the shoreline. While these results are generally robust, they can be moderately affected by a change of location of the source inside Mururoa Atoll.  相似文献   

v--vThe phenomenon of "Lg blockage," where Lg is strongly attenuated by crustal heterogeneities, poses a serious problem to CTBT monitoring because Lg is an important seismic phase for discrimination. This paper examines blockage in three continental regions where the Lg blockages may be caused by large, enclosed sedimentary basins along the propagation path. The Barents Sea Basin blocks Lg propagation across the Barents Sea from the Russian nuclear test sites at Novaya Zemlya to Scandinavian stations. Also, "early Lg" waves are observed in Sn codas on NORSAR, NORESS, and ARCESS recordings of Novaya Zemlya explosions where direct Lg is blocked. Early Lg waves may have resulted from Sn-to-Lg mode conversion at the contact between the Barents Basin and the Kola Peninsula. The Northern and Southern Caspian Sea Basins also block Lg waves from PNEs and earthquakes, perhaps due to thick, low-velocity, low-Q sediments replacing the granitic layer rocks in the crust. Lg blockage has also been observed in the Western Mediterranean/Levantine Basin due to low-Q sediments and crustal thinning. A "basin capture" model is proposed to explain Lg blockage in sedimentary basins. In this model, shear waves that reverberate in the crust and constitute the Lg wave train are captured, delayed, and attenuated by thick, low-velocity sediments that replace the "granitic" layer rocks of the upper crust along part of the propagation path. Sn waves, which propagate below the basin, would not be blocked and in fact, the blocked Lg waves may be diverted downward into Sn waves by the low velocity sediments in the basin.  相似文献   

v--vThis second paper (Part 2) pertaining to optimized site-specific threshold monitoring addresses the application of the method to regions covered by a teleseismic or a combined regional-teleseismic network. In the first paper (Part 1) we developed the method for the general case, and demonstrated its application to an area well-covered by a regional network (the Novaya Zemlya nuclear test site). In the present paper, we apply the method to the Indian and Pakistani nuclear test sites, and show results during the periods of nuclear testing by these two countries in May 1998. Since the coverage by regional stations in these areas is poor, an optimized approach requires the use of selected, high-quality stations at teleseismic distances.¶To optimize the threshold monitoring of these test sites, we use as calibration events either one of the nuclear explosions or a nearby earthquake. From analysis of the calibration events we derive values for array beamforming steering delays, filter bands, short-term averages (STA) lengths, phase travel times (P waves), and amplitude-magnitude relationships for each station. By applying these parameters, we obtain a monitoring capability of both test sites ranging from mb 2.8-3.0 using teleseismic stations only. When including the nearby Nilore station to monitor the Indian tests, we show that the threshold can be reduced by about 0.4 magnitude units. In particular, we demonstrate that the Indian tests on 13 May, 1998, which were not detected by any known seismic station, must have corresponded to a magnitude (mb) of less than 2.4.¶We also discuss the effect of a nearby aftershock sequence on the monitoring capability for the Pakistani test sites. Such an aftershock sequence occurred in fact on the day of the last Pakistani test (30 May, 1998), following a large (mb 5.5) earthquake in Afghanistan located about 1100 km from the test site. We show that the threshold monitoring technique has sufficient resolution to suppress the signals from these interfering aftershocks without significantly affecting the true peak of the nuclear explosion on the threshold trace.  相似文献   

Microtremor Measurements for the Microzonation of Dinar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
v--vThe geotechnical site conditions in Dinar town located in western Turkey were investigated after the 1995 Dinar earthquake based on borings, in situ penetration tests, seismic wave velocity measurements, and microtremor records. The variation of damage distribution within the town was evaluated with respect to 23 district damage ratios calculated, based on the detailed damage survey conducted by the General Directorate of Disaster Affairs. Site amplifications were estimated from microtremor spectral ratios and microzonation was performed using a GIS methodology. The results of in situ penetration tests and seismic wave velocity measurements as well as the damage distribution were compared with the amplification zonation obtained from microtremor records. The results indicate the applicability of microtremor spectral ratios for assessing the local site conditions and site amplifications.  相似文献   

We have developed a new numerical method to determine the shape (shape factor), depth, polarization angle, and electric dipole moment of a buried structure from residual self-potential (SP) anomalies. The method is based on defining the anomaly value at the origin and four characteristic points and their corresponding distances on the anomaly profile. The problem of shape determination from residual SP anomaly has been transformed into the problem of finding a solution to a nonlinear equation of the form q = f (q). Knowing the shape, the depth, polarization angle and the electric dipole moment are determined individually using three linear equations. Formulas have been derived for spheres and cylinders. By using all possible combinations of the four characteristic points and their corresponding distances, a procedure is developed for automated determination of the best-fit-model parameters of the buried structure from SP anomalies. The method was applied to synthetic data with 5% random errors and tested on a field example from Colorado. In both cases, the model parameters obtained by the present method, particularly the shape and depth of the buried structures are found in good agreement with the actual ones. The present method has the capability of avoiding highly noisy data points and enforcing the incorporation of points of the least random errors to enhance the interpretation results.  相似文献   

-- A technique to estimate the depth to anomalous sources from the scaling power spectra of long nonstationary gravity profiles is presented. The nonstationary profile is divided into piecewise stationary segments based on the criterion of optimum gate length in which the time-varying and time-invariant autocorrelation functions are similar. The division of a nonstationary into piecewise stationary allows identification of the portion of the crust with different geological histories, and using the stationary portion of the gravity profiles, more consistent depths to the anomalous sources have been obtained. The technique is tested with the synthetic gravity profile and applied along the Jaipur-Raipur geotransect in western and central India. The geotransect has been divided into four stationary parts: Vindhyan low, Bundelkhand low, Narmada rift and Chhattisgarh basin; each section corresponding to a different geological formation. Forward modeling of gravity data using results of each stationary section is carried out to propose the subsurface structure along the Jaipur-Raipur transect.  相似文献   

v--vThe special aerological observations carried out as a part of Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX) were used to investigate the thermodynamic structure of the convective boundary layer during the summer monsoon of 1997. The analysis suggested that the convective boundary layer top was found at 700 hPa which was associated with Še minimum and Šes maximum values. Double-mixing line structure was noticed in the conserved variable diagrams which was possibly attributed to the radiative warming/evaporation of falling precipitation.  相似文献   


New mathematical programming models are proposed, developed and evaluated in this study for estimating missing precipitation data. These models use nonlinear and mixed integer nonlinear mathematical programming (MINLP) formulations with binary variables. They overcome the limitations associated with spatial interpolation methods relevant to the arbitrary selection of weighting parameters, the number of control points within a neighbourhood, and the size of the neighbourhood itself. The formulations are solved using genetic algorithms. Daily precipitation data obtained from 15 rain gauging stations in a temperate climatic region are used to test and derive conclusions about the efficacy of these methods. The developed methods are compared with some naïve approaches, multiple linear regression, nonlinear least-square optimization, kriging, and global and local trend surface and thin-plate spline models. The results suggest that the proposed new mathematical programming formulations are superior to those obtained from all the other spatial interpolation methods tested in this study.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Grimaldi

Citation Teegavarapu, R.S.V., 2012. Spatial interpolation using nonlinear mathematical programming models for estimation of missing precipitation records. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 383–406.  相似文献   

-- I present a new algorithm for calculating seismic wave propagation through a three-dimensional heterogeneous medium using the framework of mode coupling theory originally developed to perform very low frequency (f < ~0.01т.05 Hz) seismic wavefield computation. It is a Greens function approach for multiple scattering within a defined volume and employs a truncated traveling wave basis set using the locked mode approximation. Interactions between incident and scattered wavefields are prescribed by mode coupling theory and account for the coupling among surface waves, body waves, and evanescent waves. The described algorithm is, in principle, applicable to global and regional wave propagation problems, but I focus on higher frequency (typically f S ~0.25 Hz) applications at regional and local distances where the locked mode approximation is best utilized and which involve wavefields strongly shaped by propagation through a highly heterogeneous crust. Synthetic examples are shown for P-SV-wave propagation through a semi-ellipsoidal basin and SH-wave propagation through a fault zone.  相似文献   

—We have developed a least-squares minimization approach to determine the shape (shape-factor) of a buried polarized body from a residual self-potential anomaly profile. By defining the zero anomaly distance and the anomaly value at the origin on the profile, the problem of the shape-factor determination is transformed into the problem of finding a solution of a nonlinear equation of the form f(q) = 0. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the depth of polarization angle, and the electric dipole moment. The method is applied to synthetic data with and without random noise. The obtained shape-factor agrees very well with the model shape-factor when using synthetic data. After adding ± 2 percent random error in the synthetic data, the shape factor obtained is within ± 4 percent. Finally the validity of the method is tested on a field example from the Ergani copper district, Turkey.  相似文献   

Geophysical Applications of Multidimensional Filtering with Wavelets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
--We present imaging results in geophysics based on using multidimensional Gaussian wavelets as a filter in a 2-D Cartesian domain. Besides decomposing the field into various distinct lengthscales, we have also constructed the 2-D maps describing the spatial distributions of the maximum of the wavelet-transformed L2-norm Emax (x,y) and its corresponding local wavenumber kmax (x,y), where x and y are the Cartesian coordinates. For geoid anomalies, using a wavelet filter extending to 90 degrees, we have discerned the distinct outlines of convergent and divergent tectonic zones and have conducted a quantitative comparison of the short-wavelength gravitational anomalies at those wavelengths between two different geographical locations. We have also compared the wavelet results with a nonlinear bandpass filter in the spectral domain where a Gaussian filter with the logarithm of the degree l acting as the argument has been employed. A wavelet solution, with a length-scale corresponding to 256 degrees, would need a filter with over 400 spherical harmonics centering around l=157 for an optimal spatial fit. The computational effort with the bandpass filter technique greatly exceeds those associated with wavelets. We have also shown the ability of the wavelets to analyze the vastly different scales present in high Rayleigh number convection and the mixing of passive heterogeneities driven by thermal convection. Wavelets will be a useful tool for rapid analyzing of the large multidimensional fields to be captured in many other geophysical endeavors, such as the upcoming gravity satellite missions and satellite radar interferometry images.  相似文献   

We have developed a least‐squares minimization approach to depth determination using numerical second horizontal derivative anomalies obtained from magnetic data with filters of successive window lengths (graticule spacings). The problem of depth determination from second‐derivative magnetic anomalies has been transformed into finding a solution to a non‐linear equation of the form, f(z) = 0. Formulae have been derived for a sphere, a horizontal cylinder, a dike and a geological contact. Procedures are also formulated to estimate the magnetic angle and the amplitude coefficient. We have also developed a simple method to define simultaneously the shape (shape factor) and the depth of a buried structure from magnetic data. The method is based on computing the variance of depths determined from all second‐derivative anomaly profiles using the above method. The variance is considered a criterion for determining the correct shape and depth of the buried structure. When the correct shape factor is used, the variance of depths is less than the variances computed using incorrect shape factors. The method is applied to synthetic data with and without random errors, complicated regionals, and interference from neighbouring magnetic rocks. Finally, the method is tested on a field example from India. In all the cases examined, the depth and the shape parameters are found to be in good agreement with the actual parameters.  相似文献   

In this study, an inexact two-stage stochastic partial programming (ITSPP) method is developed for tackling uncertainties presented as intervals and partial probability distributions. A scenario-based interactive algorithm is proposed to solve the ITSPP model. This algorithm is implemented through: (i) obtaining extreme points of the linear partial information (LPI); (ii) generating an inexact two-stage stochastic programming (ITSP) model under each extreme point; (iii) solving ITSP models through interactive algorithm proposed by Huang and Loucks (Civil Eng Environ Syst 17:95–118, 2000); (iv) acquiring the interval solutions under each extreme point and the final optimal interval for the objective function. The developed method is applied to a case study for water-resources planning. The modelling results can generate a series of decision alternatives under various system conditions, and thus help decision makers identify the desired water-resources management policies under uncertainty.  相似文献   

v--vPrior to the October 18, 1989 Loma Prieta Ms 7.1 earthquake, Fraser-Smith et al. (1990) recorded a 10-100 fold increase in ultra-low frequency (ULF) magnetic fields near the earthquake epicenter. Several mechanisms for generation of these ULF fields by fluid flow in the earth have been advanced, but all appear to require unrealistic fluid velocities or hydraulic permeabilities to match the observations. As an alternative explanation, Merzer and Klemperer (1998) proposed that the increase in ULF magnetic fields could result from induced electric currents flowing in a fault-zone made temporarily much more electrically conductive by stress-induced reorganization of pore geometry. Using a numerical model we show that while this mechanism could produce a significant increase in ULF variations, mutual induction between the fault zone and the surrounding crust would probably limit the amplitude increase to levels well below those observed at Loma Prieta. We consider a variant on this quasi-static conductive fault zone model in which low frequency telluric currents are modulated by small higher frequency variations of bulk fault zone conductivity. We show that because the spectrum of natural EM variations is red, substantially larger relative increases in ULF magnetic fields could be produced by this mechanism with even small conductivity fluctuations at these frequencies. These variations would be easy to detect with a well-designed experiment, if they occurred. In principle this mechanism could explain the Loma Prieta ULF observations, however the magnitude of conductivity fluctuations that would be required to match the very large reported amplification factors still appears to be too large to be physically plausible.  相似文献   

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