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Fifty five samples from the Koongarra uranium deposit have been analysed for radiometric disequilibrium. The deposit is situated in the Northern Territory, Australia and consists primarily of steeply dipping pitchblende veins overlain by a dispersion fan of weathered ore. The disequilibrium ratios, which assess the degree to which the emitted gamma radiation represents the uranium content of a sample, show the pitchblende ore to be at, or close to, equilibrium. The host wall rocks, which have a low uranium grade, and some samples from the dispersion fan have low ratios indicating radium enrichment. Analysis of Variance of the data was performed to determine if significant disequilibrium trends were associated with sample location, grade, rock type or grouping by ore type. A significant trend was found in samples from the dispersion fan where the disequilibrium ratio increases in the direction of the groundwater flow, indicating movement of uranium in these waters. No conclusive evidence was found for movement of uranium from depth to the dispersion fan and the fan is apparently a result of weathering processes on a previous upward extension of the primary pitchblende veins. Redistribution of both uranium and radium has occurred at depth within primary ore zones and host wall rocks.  相似文献   

Analysis of radioactive (210Pb) and stable lead isotopes in near-surface samples has been tested as a method of uranium exploration in the Pine Creek Geosyncline, Northern Territory, Australia. The lead isotopes were extracted from the samples by a mild leaching agent and were measured by alpha spectrometry for 210Pb and by mass spectrometry for stable lead isotopes. The results are compared with those obtained by conventional methods utilizing measurements of radioactivity and radon (Track Etch) in situ and 226Ra, 228Ra and U contents of soils. The major problems addressed were whether the lead isotopic methods are more sensitive than the conventional methods and whether they can discriminate “real” anomalies from the common barren anomalies found in black soils and swamps which contain radium in excess of the uranium present.Four test areas, representing a range of exploration problems, were chosen in the vicinity of the Koongarra uranium deposits and 25 samples from each area were analyzed. Most samples have more 226Ra than uranium. Radium analyses of several water samples show the source of this radium to be non-uraniferous rocks within the Kombolgie sandstone. The results for soil 226Ra, radon, scintillometry and 219Pb were generally closely correlated, and as a result, the 210Pb method was not considered to have any advantages over the conventional methods.At the Koongarra X prospect, which has a weak surface expression, the ratio gave the strongest indication of the underlying uranium mineralization with an anomaly to background ratio of 12.5. However, this ratio is correlated with uranium content and does not offer any particular advantages over uranium analyses alone. More subtle indications of uranium mineralization were found by relating the radiogenic lead (206Pb) and the thorium-derived lead (208Pb) to the common lead content (204Pb). A plot of versus (horizontal axis) is linear for country rock samples, irrespective of the amount of more recently introduced 226Ra. Samples above uranium mineralization lie off this trend, along a line of near-zero slope. By the use of this plot, indications were found of the Koongarra No. 2 orebody, which is concealed by about 40 m of barren overburden; none of the other techniques detected this mineralization.  相似文献   

In vitro bioaccessibility tests (IVBA) are inexpensive, physiologically-based extraction tests designed to estimate the bioaccessibility of elements along ingestion exposure pathways. Published IVBA protocols call for the testing to be done on the <250-μm fraction of soil, as these particles are most likely to adhere to the hands of children and be ingested. Most IVBA in the literature to date have been applied to soil samples from highly contaminated sites or to spiked samples, and relatively little work has been done to evaluate bioaccessibility of elements in a wide variety of uncontaminated ‘background’ soils.In 2004, the US Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada sampled soils along north–south and east–west transects across the two countries to test and refine sampling and analytical protocols recommended for the planned soil geochemical survey of North America. Samples were collected at 220 sites selected randomly at approximately 40-km intervals. The focus of the investigation presented in this paper was twofold: (1) to begin to examine variations in bioaccessibility of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in a number of ‘background’ (i.e., unpolluted) soils from around North America and (2) to determine if there are significant differences that would preclude using the standard size fraction of <2 mm for extraction with a simulated gastric fluid as an expeditious and inexpensive bioaccessibility screening tool for the large numbers of future samples to be collected by this continental-scale project. A subset of 20 soil samples collected along the north–south transect at a depth of 0–5 cm was used for this study. Two separate size fractions (<2 mm and <250 μm) were extracted using a simulated human gastric fluid consisting of a solution of HCl and glycine adjusted to a pH of 1.5. In general, the leachate results for the <2-mm size fraction were not substantially different than those for the <250-μm size fraction for concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb. Leachate concentrations for Cd, Ni and Pb appear to be controlled to some extent by the total concentration of the element in soil. Bioaccessibility of the elements in this study decreased in the order, Cd > Pb > Ni > As > Cr.  相似文献   

Chemical partitioning data are of fundamental interest to exploration geochemists. This paper is one of the few studies which has investigated the relative proportions of the rare elements in various soil extracts. The dispersion of trace elements from weathering pegmatites in Powhatan Country, Virginia, was found to be restricted to the immediate vicinity of the pegmatites. A sequential extraction procedure was used to measure the distribution of Be, La, Nb, Sn, U, Li, and Ni,among the following fractions of the B soil horizons: exchangeable, Fe and Mn oxyhydroxide, residual, and aqua regia digestion. The elements Sn, Be, Li, and U were found to be associated with soils over the complex Herbb No. 2 pegmatite, whereas La and Ni were generally associated with the background soils.A geochemical exploration model was developed using stepwise discriminant function analysis to determine the combination of elements and soil extracts that best differentiates between complex pegmatitic, simple pegmatitic, and background soils. Log-transformed aqua regia extract concentrations of Sn, La, U, and Li were the most effective variables when used to separate complex pegmatitic from simple pegmatitic soils.  相似文献   

The problem of using surface geochemical exploration techniques in areas of very thick and electrically conductive weathering residuum is common to much of Australia. At the Elura deposit (New South Wales) a distinct electrogeochemical H+ anomaly can be detected in the top few cm of residual soil above about 100 m of conductive residual overburden. In the present paper the results of an investigation of the much more difficult problem of detecting sulfide mineralization beneath thick conductive transported overburden are described.The objective of the study was to demonstrate that sulfide mineralization beneath thick transported overburden can be detected by geochemical patterns in surface soils in the context of an electrogeochemical model of dispersion.The Thalanga massive sulfide deposit in northeast Queensland has at least 4 million tonnes of 15% combined Zn, Pb and Cu. The mineralized horizon lies at the contact between rhyolitic and dacitic rocks of the Cambro-Ordovician Mt. Windsor Volcanics. The deposit is covered by transported cemented Tertiary terrigenous clayey sandstones and grits; these are electrically conductive and vary in thickness from 0 to 70 m.Near-surface soil samples were collected along five traverses normal to the strike of mineralization. The traverses were located to give 0 m, 1 m, 30 m, 50 m, and 70 m overburden thicknesses; there is no known significant mineralization along the last traverse which is assumed to be background, and there is a small gossan where the overburden is absent.Dispersion patterns influenced by electrogeochemical processes should result in relatively low values for ions over massive sulfides with lateral peaks; this has been termed a “rabbit-ear” anomaly. “Rabbit-ear” anomalies in surface soils for H+, Cu, and Zn occur over the sulfide zone. The H+ pattern is better defined where there is a significant depth of overburden (where the anomaly is about 500 m wide). The Cu anomaly is 300–600 m wide, and the Zn anomaly is 450–675 m wide.Even where the overburden is 50 m thick, anomalous “rabbit-ear” anomalies for H+ and Zn are clearly identifiable, but the anomaly for Cu is a single peak of 20 ppm over the hanging wall. It is suggested that the results of this work convincingly demonstrate that at Thalanga surface soil samples may reliably be used to detect massive sulfide deposits - even where they are effectively blind beneath a considerable thickness of transported and conductive overburden. The processes of dispersion are speculated to be diffusion, and it is argued that the pattern-controlling mechanism is electrochemical.  相似文献   

This study investigates U-series, Sr isotopes, major and trace elements in a chalk aquifer system located in Eastern France. Soil and rock samples were collected along depth profiles down to 45 m in four localities as an attempt to investigate the weathering processes in the soil, the unsaturated zone and the saturated zone of the aquifer. Interstitial water was extracted from soils and rocks by a centrifugation technique. U-series offer a powerful tool to calculate weathering rates because the relative mobility of the U- and Th-isotopes can be precisely measured and it does not require the determination of a reference state as in other approaches. As expected, the data show very large mobile element depletion in the soil with large 230Th excess relative to 238U, while the rocks show more limited but not insignificant mobile element depletion. The U-series data have been used to constrain weathering rates based on a 1-D reactive transport model. Weathering rates in the near surface are about 10–100 times faster than at depth. However, when integrated over the depth of the cores, including the unsaturated and the saturated zones, this underground weathering represents more than 30% of the total weathering flux, assuming congruent dissolution of carbonates. The (234U/238U) ratios in interstitial water are consistent with solid samples showing 234U depletion near the surface and an excess 234U at depth. A leaching experiment performed on chalk shows that the excess 234U in natural waters percolating through carbonate rocks results both from preferential 234U leaching and direct recoil in the interstitial water. A new approach was used to derive the recoil ejection factor based on BET measurements and the fractal dimension of chalk surface. Consideration of preferential leaching and recoil allows a more accurate modeling of weathering rates.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of radioelements on bulk and microscopic scales were investigated in residual granitic-derived soil at a facility for investigating the movement of radon into structures. In bulk soil samples, Ra concentrations range from 0.6 to 1.3 pCi/g, and variations in Ra, Th, and K appear to be controlled mainly by heterogeneities inherited from the parent granitic rock, which contains abundant dikes and inclusions. U in soil and parent rock is concentrated in primary minerals (mainly zircon and sphene), and in secondary sites that are of greater importance for Rn emanation. The main U-bearing secondary sites are weathered sphene, grain boundary coatings, weathered biotite and plagioclase, as well as dense Fe-rich coatings and a REE-phosphate mineral present in near-vertical fracture zones in saprolite underlying shallow loam. Elevated U in these sites generally correlates with high Ti, Al, Fe, and/or P. Preferential distribution of U and Ra on grain boundaries and porous weathered minerals is reflected in relatively high Rn emanation rates in the soil. Highest emanation occurs between 1.3 and 2.3 m depth, where fine pedogenic phasesgibbsite and amorphous silica and Fe-OOH—are most abundant; it is related to fixation of Ra by these phases, which precipitate close to the surface and accumulate at these depths by illuviation. Separation of Ra from U may occur locally, given remobilization of U-series elements from secondary sites, and large differences between Ra and U sorption capabilities of several phases present in the soil. Concentration of U along permeable fracture zones in saprolite suggests that contribution of soil-gas Rn from depth (> 2 m) could be significant to Rn availability near the surface.  相似文献   

The Turpan–Hami basin, covering an area of approximately 50,000 km2 in NW China, contains concealed sandstone-type U deposits in a Jurassic sequence of sandstone, mudstone and coal beds. Sampling of soil profiles over the Shihongtan concealed U deposit in this basin shows that fine-grained soil collected from the clay-rich horizon contains U concentrations three times higher than similar soils at background areas. Selective leaching studies of these soils show that U is mainly associated with clay minerals, which comprise from 17.9% to 40% (average 30.4%) of the total mineral content. This may indicate that U is converted to uranyl ions [UO2]2+ under oxidizing conditions and is sorbed on clay minerals to accumulate in anomalous concentrations. Fine-grained soil (<120 mesh, <0.125 mm) from the clay-rich horizon, generally occurring at a depth of 0–40 cm, is shown to be an effective sampling medium for deep-penetrating geochemical surveys. A wide-spaced geochemical survey at a density of approximately 1 site per 100 km2 was carried out throughout the whole basin using this sampling medium. Samples were analyzed for 30 elements by ICP-MS following a 4-acid extraction. Three large-scale geochemical anomalies of U and Mo were delineated over the whole basin. One of the anomalies is consistent with the known U deposit at Shihongtan in the western part of the basin. A new potential target in the eastern part of the basin was selected for a follow-up survey at a density of 1 sample per 4 km2. A drilling exploration programme at the center of the geochemical anomaly delineated by this follow-up survey discovered a new U deposit.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research program to determine if a geochemical signature is retained in surface and sub-surface soils over a well-contained underground nuclear explosion. Samples of soil at surface and about 10–15 cm below were collected on orthogonal traverses up to about 1 km from ground zero (GZ, surface projection of blast point) at three locations in central (Ville) and southern Yucca Flat (Laredo and Presidio) on the Nevada Test Site (NTS). They were analyzed for total element content by instrumental neutron activation (INAA) and, using selective leaches, for partial element content, namely that amount bound to amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide and that amount bound to Mn oxide. Forty-two elements were determined in these leaches of both surface and sub-surface soils, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), ICP emission spectrometry (ICP-ES) and hydride generation quartz tube atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-QTAAS). These partial leaches were chosen on the premise that the extreme temperature and pressure conditions created by an underground blast would volatilize elements in the surrounding rock and transport them along with fission products to the surface where they would be trapped by these phases in the soil. The INAA data generally show consistent concentrations of major, minor and trace elements within each location. In contrast, the selective leach data show distinct geochemical anomalies in numerous elements. Iodine, As, Mo, and U demonstrate particularly consistent positive anomalies at and around GZ at all three locations by both leaches. The amplitudes of these anomalies can exceed two orders of magnitude over background, particularly for I. This positive response is shown by more elements associated with Mn oxide than associated with Fe oxyhydroxide at all three locations; furthermore these patterns are more coherent and intense for some elements. The Mn oxide phase itself is more consistently distributed than is the Fe oxyhydroxide phase at the sites within each location. In most cases, significant depletion of Fe as amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide coincides with the multiple positive anomalies in this phase. The number and group of elements displaying distinct patterns is dependent upon the location as well as on the leach. The concentration ranges of elements extracted from the Fe oxyhydroxide or Mn oxide phase are similar for sites at Laredo and Presidio but dissimilar from those at Ville, probably a reflection of the differing geological settings. Whereas some anomalies are spatially quite compact, extending only about 50 m from GZ (e.g. Rb, Cs, Th), others such as I and Sb extend up to 300 m. The geochemical behaviour of the surface soil samples, although slightly noisier, is similar to that of the sub-surface suite. These results indicate that analysis of specific geochemical phases in soils over a suspected underground nuclear test has an important role in the on-site inspection component of the verification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿深穿透地球化学勘查方法实验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鄂尔多斯盆地尚未开展区域化探扫面工作。文中以东胜砂岩型铀矿区为例,开展深穿透地球化学勘查方法实验。东胜铀矿床产于侏罗系直罗组下段,为隐伏矿床。研究发现,富含细粒级地表结层是半干旱盆地砂岩型铀矿区域地球化学勘查的有效采样介质。在东胜砂岩型铀矿区及周边2 000 km2的方法实验中,每4 km2采集一个样品,过筛后取-200目进行全量分析,在矿化出露区及隐伏矿区圈出了铀及相关元素的地球化学异常。对元素比值R=lnU/(lnCe+lnY+lnZr+lnNb)在不同区域分布特征的研究表明,样品中活动态铀是形成铀异常的主要原因,提取细粒级土壤组分进行全量分析,可作为区域深穿透地球化学的砂岩型铀矿找矿指标。在矿床尺度深化穿透地球化学勘查方法中,因实验区地形特点使得富含细粒级地表结层样品不易普遍取得,地表土壤的全量分析不能满足勘查要求,需要采用铀专属性强的提取试剂进行元素活动态分析。文中采用作者研制的MML-U活动态提取剂,在东胜铀矿区孙家梁矿段剖面实验中,成功探测到矿体上方土壤中的U、Mo、V等元素的活动态异常。  相似文献   

Tests in three different areas of the Austrian Alps showed that in mountainous areas, soil samples taken at the break of slope are an alternative sampling medium to stream sediments for regional geochemical exploration even if taken at the unusually low density of 1 sample/km2. B-horizon soil samples from the nearest break of slope were collected in conjunction with stream sediment orientation studies. The minus 0.2 mm fraction of all samples was routinely analyzed for the total contents of 36 elements. The results for the indicator elements in the three test areas (Area 1: Cu; Area 2: Ag, As, Cu, Pb, Sb, Sn, Zn; Area 3: As, Cu) showed that break-of-slope soil samples more clearly indicate known mineralization than drainage geochemistry. In the soils, almost all elements showed a higher natural variability of the data with considerably higher metal contents. In mountaineous regions, each soil sample will have a clearly defined area of influence. The break of slope represents a site where clastically and hydromorphically dispersed elements are concentrated. It is concluded that soil samples can be used for regional exploration using low sampling densities in mountaineous areas. At the same time they will provide valuable information for other fields of science (e.g. agriculture, forestry, environmental sciences) and are thus superior to stream sediments.  相似文献   

In 2004, the US Geological Survey (USGS) and the Geological Survey of Canada sampled and chemically analyzed soils along two transects across Canada and the USA in preparation for a planned soil geochemical survey of North America. This effort was a pilot study to test and refine sampling protocols, analytical methods, quality control protocols, and field logistics for the continental survey. A total of 220 sample sites were selected at approximately 40-km intervals along the two transects. The ideal sampling protocol at each site called for a sample from a depth of 0–5 cm and a composite of each of the O, A, and C horizons. The <2-mm fraction of each sample was analyzed for Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Ti, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, In, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sn, Sr, Te, Th, Tl, U, V, W, Y, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry following a near-total digestion in a mixture of HCl, HNO3, HClO4, and HF. Separate methods were used for Hg, Se, total C, and carbonate-C on this same size fraction. Only Ag, In, and Te had a large percentage of concentrations below the detection limit. Quality control (QC) of the analyses was monitored at three levels: the laboratory performing the analysis, the USGS QC officer, and the principal investigator for the study. This level of review resulted in an average of one QC sample for every 20 field samples, which proved to be minimally adequate for such a large-scale survey. Additional QC samples should be added to monitor within-batch quality to the extent that no more than 10 samples are analyzed between a QC sample. Only Cr (77%), Y (82%), and Sb (80%) fell outside the acceptable limits of accuracy (% recovery between 85 and 115%) because of likely residence in mineral phases resistant to the acid digestion.A separate sample of 0–5-cm material was collected at each site for determination of organic compounds. A subset of 73 of these samples was analyzed for a suite of 19 organochlorine pesticides by gas chromatography. Only three of these samples had detectable pesticide concentrations. A separate sample of A-horizon soil was collected for microbial characterization by phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA), soil enzyme assays, and determination of selected human and agricultural pathogens. Collection, preservation and analysis of samples for both organic compounds and microbial characterization add a great degree of complication to the sampling and preservation protocols and a significant increase to the cost for a continental-scale survey. Both these issues must be considered carefully prior to adopting these parameters as part of the soil geochemical survey of North America.  相似文献   

The scheelite dispersion was studied in a drainage system over an area of 150 km2 with stratabound mineralization of scheelite in a Pre-Ordovician volcano-sedimentary Series in the Hercynian Iberian Massif (Zamora province, NW Spain). A density of two samples per square kilometer (approximately 500 m sample spacing along streams), a sample volume of 10 l and sieving at 5 mm ensure that an anomaly source is detected. It was found that the dispersion of scheelite is typically less than 1 km. The methods applied to panned concentrates (mineralometric scheelite study, with or without multifractional grain size basis, and X-ray fluorescence tungsten analysis) give similar anomaly patterns and are efficient in exploration for scheelite mineralization.  相似文献   

Large sections of the Abitibi volcanic belt of Archean age are covered by thick glacial and glacio-lacustrine overburden. To increase our knowledge of the geology and the economic potential of the basement, approximately 5000 ground-water samples were collected from wells, springs and drill holes over an area of about 20 000 km2. Samples were collected at intervals varying from 150 to 500 m in settled areas. They were analysed for: Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Cr, Mn, Fe, Mo, Hg, As, U, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Li, F, and Cl and pH.Several types of regional and local geochemical patterns were identified. However, since the apparent dispersion distance of trace elements from a point source is usually less than 1 km in ground waters, the local zones of geochemical activity having an area less than 15 km2 are considered of greatest interest for exploration. The large regional patterns and geochemical complexes which consist of clusters of grouped, overlapping, and superimposed regional and local patterns are presumed to be related to particular geological or metallogenic contexts.The elements with the highest frequency of occurrence in the 240 identified local zones of geochemical activity are As, Ni and U which occur in more than 30% of these zones; they are closely followed by the groups Co, Cu, Mo and Zn, Hg, Pb, F which occur respectively in more than 25% and 20% of the zones. Element associations in these zones can be broken down into three major groups: the trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Cd, Mo), the major and associated elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Li, F, Cl) and the elements As, U and Ni which occur with elements of either of the first two groups.Ground-water samples were also collected in 21 mines. The results of this study suggest that the best indicator elements for base metal deposits are As, Mo and F, whereas As, Ni, F or Cl and Mn are the best indicators of gold deposits.The results of the ground-water survey have identified numerous new areas to explore. Anomalous concentrations of at least two of the best indicators occur in more than 33% of the 240 local zones of geochemical activity.  相似文献   

The East Kemptville Sn deposit in southwestern Nova Scotia was discovered in 1978 by Shell Canada Resources, Limited using regional till exploration procedures. In 1977 and 1978, southern Nova Scotia was covered by a government-funded regional centre-lake bottom sediment survey (1 site per 5 km2) for Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Ni-Co-Fe-Mn-Ca-Mg-Mo-Hg-As-U-LOI. Detailed lithogeochemical studies on drill core from East Kemptville have demonstrated significant roles for the elements Zn-Cu-Th-Li-F-Sn-Cl-Rb in the hydrothermal mineralization event. Most of these significant mineralizing elements were not analyzed as part of the original lake sediment survey.Later, in 1985, a subset of 55 lake sediment samples from the deposit area was analyzed for Sn, Rb, F and Cl. The pilot study was aimed to test the applicability of these lithophile elements to regional centre-lake bottom sediment geochemical programs. Anomalous values of F, Rb and Sn form a distinct halo of elevated levels southwest, southeast and northeast of the East Kemptville deposit, which appears to lie in an area of background values. The detailed till sampling undertaken by Shell Canada at East Kemptville provides a check, especially for Sn as to probable sources for these elements found in the centre-lake bottom sediments.Cassiterite is the main economic mineral at East Kemptville. Trace wolframite is found along with subsidiary chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Zn and Cu are recovered as by-products at the mine. Heavy minerals were separated from a bulk lake sediment sample from Moosefly Lake (the site of the highest Sn value from the regional survey subset). Spot analysis by scanning electron microscope indicates the presence of angular and discrete grains of cassiterite in the centre-lake bottom sediment, in addition to numerous grains of zircon, monazite and magnetite.The Sn anomaly in the centre-lake bottom sediment is due, at least in part, to the presence of discrete cassiterite grains. Their lack of abrasion would seem to indicate derivation from the nearby known cassiterite-rich tills. The lack of correlation of Sn data with organic material (as LOI) and the other elements probably indicates the dominance of mechanical over chemical dispersion processes in Sn distribution from the tills to the lakes.A common dispersion model for centre-bottom lake sediment surveys is one of initial glacial clastic dispersion, followed by subsequent hydromorphic dispersion into the lake basins. Although the dominance of hydromorphic processes is recognized, it is clear that clastic dispersion models must also be considered. Centre-lake bottom surveys appear to have greater application than previously presumed in the search for lithophile elements commonly dispersed as refractory grains.  相似文献   

The substrate composition is directly associated with the distribution of the Ribbed Mussel Geukensia demissa (=Modiolus demissus) along tidal-creek banks. Mussels were counted within a 2 dm × 5 dm microplot frame, and soil samples were collected at 5 m intervals for 320 m along Big Sheepshead Creek, near Tuckerton, New Jersey. Organic decomposition, percentage organic matter, and percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined for each soil sample. Mussels were most frequently found in substrates characterized by low organic decomposition (Von Post >5), high organic matter content, (10–20%), and low sand content (0–20%).  相似文献   

荒漠戈壁区地表疏松层中元素的分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对荒漠戈壁区不同矿区地表疏松层中元素的分布规律研究发现:主要成矿元素和指示元素均在近地表疏松层中富集,同时,在粒级分布上又倾向于细粒级(-160目)富集,可见,在对荒漠戈壁区进行区域地球化学调查中,采集弱胶结层(10~40 cm)细粒级样品(-160目)为最佳采样介质,这样能有效地捕捉深部含矿信息。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(3):327-332
This paper describes an investigation carried out in 1990 by the Geological Survey of Norway into the contamination of soils and groundwater at a former industrial site. The site covers an area of 0.5 ha and was used for a small plant generating gas for lighting purposes and from the middle of the last century for a small electrochemical facility (The Nidelven Brass and Iron Co. Est. 1843). The site is located immediately adjacent to the Nidelva river, in the central area of the city of Trondheim (pop. 150,000), Norway. Soil samples were obtained from 10 boreholes drilled to approximately 4 m depth. Analysis of the heavy metal content of these soil samples was subsequently undertaken. A subset of the samples was analysed for tar, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni and PAH in the soils are all below the maximum permissible levels recommended by the authorities. In certain localities, however, the concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn are higher than the action levels at which remediation is required. It is estimated that approximately 4400 m3 of soil are contaminated, but that the contaminants are bound so tightly to the soil that the risk of dispersion of the pollutants is negligible.Groundwater samples were also collected from 4 monitoring wells installed at the site. Analysis of these groundwaters indicated the presence of only slightly contaminated groundwater. With the exception of 1 sample with a slightly higher concentration of Cu, the concentrations of PAH and the trace metals Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni and Zn in the groundwater were below natural background values. This confirms the results from the soil analyses in which it was concluded that the dispersion of contaminants is negligible. A TCLP-extraction of 5 soil samples with high concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn showed that only Zn was released in amounts exceeding the water guidance levels requiring monitoring.This study therefore indicates that the contaminants found in the ground at the site are strongly bound to the soil and are unlikely to be mobilised. This, combined with a slow base-flow, causes an insignificant contamination contribution to the waters in the River Nidelv. It should be noted, however, that the leaching experiments were not undertaken on the samples containing the highest Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

东昆仑山玉珠峰冰川雪坑中痕量元素的组成特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了认识玉珠峰冰川区域大气中痕量元素的组成和来源,利用高分辨电感耦合等离子体质谱仪对2009年10月采自玉珠峰冰川海拔5800m的一个75cm雪坑中15种可溶性痕量元素(A1、Fe、Ba、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Li、Ni、Zn、Pb、Sb、Sr、U和V)的浓度进行了测试.结果表明:痕量元素的浓度变化很大,从最小值1....  相似文献   

To determine the mobility of natural radionuclides in boreal forest soil, a five-step sequential extraction procedure was carried out on soil samples taken from various depths down to 3 m on Olkiluoto Island, Finland, where there are plans to construct a spent nuclear fuel disposal repository in the bedrock. The extracted fractions studied were exchangeable, acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable and tightly bound. It was found that the extractability of most of the radionuclides studied was dependent on the sample grain size and depth. All the elements were concentrated in the smallest grain size samples (<0.063 mm). The extraction behaviour of Th, however, did not vary with sample depth, and only about 10% of the Th was extracted by the time of the final extraction step. Stable Pb and 210Pb, as well as Ba and Ra concentrations were strongly correlated in the extractions. Radium and Ba were leached more readily than the other elements; approximately 17% of the total Ra was found in the first fraction extracted, representing exchangeable ions. Uranium was more mobile in the topsoil horizons than in the lower horizons. In the topsoil samples, an average of 51% of the extractable U was leached in the second extraction step, representing the elements soluble in weak acids, whereas only 13% of the U in the subsoil samples was extracted in this step. This is probably due to changes in soil redox conditions lower down the soil profile. The extraction behaviour of Pb and Fe also suggests the presence of more reducing conditions in the deeper soil horizons, because the percentage of extractable Pb and Fe in the oxidizable fraction increased with sample depth.  相似文献   

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