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二次生烃机理在中下扬子高演化烃源岩评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外地质观察、油气地球化学和样品分析的基础上,通过总结二次生烃特征和生烃机理,将其应用到中下扬子区海相高演化烃源岩生烃潜力的评价。模拟实验结果表明,二次生烃具有明显的迟缓现象,也仍具有相对的生烃高峰,二次生烃量与一次生烃量的总和小于连续热演化的生烃量,这些特征都与一次生烃的演化程度密切相关,初始演化程度成为评价高演化烃源岩二次生烃潜力的关键因素。中下扬子区中—古生界发育的6套烃源岩中,下二叠统、下志留统和下寒武统烃源岩具有较强的生烃能力,是主要的烃源层。下古生界烃源岩进入生烃时间较早,在强烈的构造运动背景下,生成的油气难以保存;上古生界烃源岩热演化程度相对较低,燕山—喜山期的再次沉降地区成为二次生烃的供源区。因此,下古生界台地相区和上古生界烃源岩具有一定的二次生烃潜力。  相似文献   

通过生烃模拟获取生烃动力学参数是近年来油气资源评价工作中极为重要的一个环节,利用地层热压生排烃模拟装置对南黄海盆地南二凹陷阜四段烃源岩进行了生烃模拟实验,并拟合了生烃动力学参数.实验及研究结果表明,阜四段烃源岩的生烃演化可分为3个阶段:第1阶段产烃量随温度上升快速增大,以产油为主;第2阶段产烃量随温度上升缓慢增加,为油...  相似文献   

海水中各类烃化合物的测定已有一些报道,例如海水中C_1—C_4烃,C_3—C_6烃等。C_6—C_(14)挥发性液态烃,近几年才进行了较多的研究。本文介绍一种简易的测定海水中挥发性液态烃的采样器和富集方法,其中包括  相似文献   

生烃是岩石中所含的有机质产生流体有机化合物的化学反应。岩石有机质化学反应存在两种系统:封闭系统和开放系统,随着埋深加大,烃源岩越来越致密,岩石的化学反应逐渐由开放系统转变为封闭系统。目前的生烃理论仅仅是开放系统下烃源岩成熟与生烃理论,烃源岩成熟与生烃是不匹配的。封闭系统下烃源岩成熟与生烃是不匹配的,烃源岩成熟但不生烃,而是形成另外一种成熟的固体有机质。大多数情况是烃源岩为半封闭系统,烃源岩处于欠生烃状态。构造运动形成的断层和裂隙将烃源岩与疏导层沟通,烃源岩迅速由封闭、半封闭系统转变为开放系统。这种生烃系统的转变形成短时间内过量生烃,笔者将这种生烃作用命名为构造生烃,意味着构造运动期即为主生烃期,伴随着多次构造运动可以形成多个幕式生烃高峰。构造生烃理论开拓两个极其重要的勘探领域:第一,新构造勘探。以往认为已经过了生、排烃期的构造得以解放,如渤海湾郯庐断裂带第四纪圈闭不是过了主生烃期,而是正处于构造生烃的过生烃高峰期。以PL19-3为代表的油气运聚强度只有构造生烃能够解释;第二,超深勘探,特别是天然气勘探。深层勘探的下限将大大延伸,生烃门限,特别是生气门限将大大加深,仅生烃而言万米都不是天然气勘探的极限。  相似文献   

本文介绍海洋中烃的提取和分析方法,以及部分海域海水中烃的分析结果。  相似文献   

通过向具有相同营养盐浓度的培养体系中添加不同浓度的石油烃,对中肋骨条藻、赤潮异弯藻、微小亚历山大藻和锥状斯氏藻进行周期性培养,探讨了石油烃对微藻营养盐吸收动力学的影响.结果发现,在开始30min内,微藻对营养盐均有一非耗能的短暂快吸收,随后吸收速率下降并趋于稳定.石油烃对中肋骨条藻和赤潮异弯藻氮、磷的吸收都表现抑制作用,浓度从0.13 mg/L到8.25mg/L的石油烃所呈现的抑制作用基本表现为先减弱后逐渐增强,8.25mg/L浓度的石油烃抑制作用最强.与中肋骨条藻和赤潮异弯藻实验结果不同的是,石油烃对微小亚历山大藻和锥状斯氏藻的氮、磷吸收在低浓度时呈现促进作用,且促进作用的程度随石油烃浓度的增加有先增强后减弱的趋势,在高浓度下促进作用会消失,8.25mg/L的石油烃不表现促进作用.石油烃对微藻营养盐吸收动力学的影响表现出复杂性,这既受石油烃浓度的影响,也与浮游植物的种类有重要关系.  相似文献   

通过向培养体系中添加不同浓度的营养盐和相同浓度的石油烃, 对中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo Hada)和锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)进行周期性培养, 研究了营养盐对海洋微藻的石油烃吸收动力学的影响。当营养盐按照Redfield比值添加时, 三种微藻在初始的12h中摄取的石油烃都是最大的。对于三种藻而言, 不同营养盐浓度条件下, 对石油烃的摄取程度从强到弱依次为氮潜在限制>磷潜在限制>硅潜在限制(中肋骨条藻)。在相同营养盐浓度条件下, 在这三种微藻中, 中肋骨条藻对石油烃的摄取程度最大, 在初始的12h里, 石油烃浓度的减少几乎完全是藻将摄取的吸附在表面或吸收入体内的石油烃又重新释放回了水体引起的。  相似文献   

烃源岩的形成和分布受多种因素的影响,构造作用是一个主要的方面。研究认为,断裂作用对烃源岩的影响较大,大的断裂对周边富烃凹陷的形成有明显的控制作用,同时断层活动产生的热量也会影响烃源岩的演化。火山作用造成的岩浆侵入体携带的热能可认为是一个附加热源,促进烃源岩的演化。热液中的一些稀有元素会促进源岩的分布和生烃速率,对烃源岩生烃产生积极作用。构造活动中,挤压作用产生的超压也在一定程度上对烃源岩产生影响。  相似文献   

石油烃污染物对海洋浮游植物生长的影响--实验与模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文应用 1次培养实验方法 ,研究了 No.0柴油石油烃污染物对 6种海洋浮游植物生长的影响 ,结果表明 ,高浓度石油烃污染物 (CPH>1.0 5 mg· dm-3 )对裸甲藻 ,新月菱形藻 ,三角褐指藻 ,小球藻和亚心形扁藻的生长有抑制作用 ,对于中肋骨条藻 ,石油烃污染物浓度在高于 1.96 mg· dm-3 时抑制其生长。但低浓度石油烃污染物则易促进赤潮藻类 (裸甲藻 ,新月菱形藻 ,中肋骨条藻 )的生长。在 Logistic生长模型的基础上 ,结合 L orentz方程和 Exponential方程 ,引入石油烃污染物浓度项 ,建立石油烃污染物条件下的海洋浮游植物生长的模型。Lorentz方程可描述石油烃污染物对浮游植物生长速率参数的影响 ,Exponential方程可描述石油烃污染物对浮游植物生物量的影响 ,并且实验验证了该模型  相似文献   

生烃是地层有机质生成油气的化学平衡。由于油气的密度低于干酪根,它是典型的体积增大化学反应。与实验室开放系统不同,地层有机质生烃反应能等于活化能加排烃能。成熟阶段的地层比较致密,排烃能较大,与开放系统相比,形成了欠生烃。构造运动形成裂隙网,大大降低地层排烃能,使欠生烃的有机质短时间集中生烃,笔者称之为构造生烃。成熟地层通常较致密,排烃能较高,较多欠生烃有机质成为页岩气的物质基础。致密地层在过成熟条件下还有大量欠生烃有机质。经典生烃理论认为Ro大于2.0就基本不生烃,而许多Ro达到3.0,个别甚至4.0的页岩气发现,证明欠生烃的存在。分子越小,排烃能越低,相对致密地层生气的反应能通常最低,更多的有机质形成了页岩气,页岩气资源潜力巨大。页岩气的开采速度比地层自然排烃速度高出多个数量级,天然气排出最快的,最有利于生成天然气的化学平衡。勘探开发实践表明页岩含气量与其TOC成正比,笔者认为这正好预示着页岩中存在游离气、吸附气和有机质的化学平衡。游离气压降低,吸附气就会解吸附;吸附气解吸附,有机质就会生烃。有些过成熟岩石存在未—低成熟度Tmax值。这样低的Tmax值预示着,有机质能够在地层被压裂后随着排烃能的降低而满足反应条件,而成为潜在资源。页岩气的开采与普通气层相比更复杂、更漫长、更巨大。  相似文献   

温菲 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):110-119
以Web of Science数据库核心合集内收录的1971—2020年海水淡化文献为数据源,借助CiteSpace对国际海水淡化研究领域的国家和研究机构、关键词、参考文献、期刊与基金等信息进行分析,提出国际海水淡化技术演进大致经历了三个阶段:起步阶段;以反渗透、多级闪蒸、超滤、微滤等研究为主的积累阶段;减压渗透、正渗透、纳米颗粒、石墨烯等海水淡化新材料新技术不断涌现的快速发展阶段。同时,从技术进步和政策支持两个方面提出了对国内相关研究的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

Yong-Ming Liu  Kitack Lee   《Marine Chemistry》2009,115(1-2):110-117
To achieve greater precision and accuracy in the measurement of seawater boron concentrations, we propose a series of modifications to an established (curcumin) method based on the reaction of boric acid with curcumin. The modifications were derived from a series of experiments evaluating the stability of the curcumin–acetic acid reagent, the dependence of the reaction on temperature and duration, the effect of evaporation during the dehydration process, the interference of water, and the effect of sea salts. Application of the modified method to analysis of seawater samples collected from the Pacific Ocean indicated that it yielded considerably better precision and accuracy for boron concentration measurements than both the conventional curcumin method and other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

岛礁工程海水拌养珊瑚礁、砂混凝土修补与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对用海水拌养珊瑚礁、砂混凝土修补与抢修远离大陆的岛碾损坏工程进行应用研究和调研,对该种混凝土的原材料和物理力学性能进行检测,研究了修补界面剂的配合比与修补工艺以及操作方法,并进行了海水拌养珊瑚礁、砂混凝土与海水拌养普通混凝土修补的粘结强度对比测试和海水拌养快凝快强混凝土快速抢修的工程应用实践检验,为岛礁工程修补和抢修提供技术参考资料。  相似文献   

海水冲厕技术研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推广海水冲厕是解决沿海城市淡水资源紧缺的有效措施之一。综述了近年来我国海水冲厕技术的研究现状和发展趋势,介绍了海水冲厕在香港的应用现状和在青岛等内地沿海城市的推广应用情况。总结并探讨了海水冲厕推广应用存在的问题及解决这些问题的应对措施。  相似文献   

It is often desirable or necessary to store collected seawater samples prior to analysis for dissolved inorganic nutrients. It is therefore important to establish preservation and storage techniques that will ensure sample integrity and will not alter the precision or accuracy of analysis. We have performed a series of experiments on the storage of nutrient samples collected at the oligotrophic North Pacific benchmark Station ALOHA, using both standard autoanalyses and low-level techniques. Our results reveal that for oligotrophic oceanic waters, the immediate freezing of an unfiltered water sample in a clean polyethylene bottle is a suitable preservation method. This procedure is simple, it avoids potentially contaminating sample manipulations and chemical additions, and it adequately preserves the concentrations of nitrate + nitrite, soluble reactive phosphate, and soluble reactive silicate within a single water sample.  相似文献   

Three methods for the determination of dissolved organic carbon in seawater were compared. Samples were analysed using persulphate oxidation, high-temperature combustion, and ultraviolet photo-oxidation. The dissolved organic carbon content of the seawater samples ranged from 0.6 to 1.6 mg C/I. This study shows that results of high-temperature oxidation and photo-oxidation procedures differ by less than 5%, whereas results with persulphate oxidation are about 15% less than those obtained with the high-temperature oxidation. The relative merits of each of the oxidation techniques for the determination of organic matter in seawater are discussed.  相似文献   

The unstable state of nitrite results in its very low concentration in seawater,which is below the limit of detection(LOD) of conventional techniques of analysis. Some sensitivity-enhanced methods have been proposed for the determination of nitrite at nanomolar level to illustrate the role of nitrite in the marine nitrogen cycle. However,most of previous reports are not widely accepted,because of their complexity and cost equipment or intensive labor requirement. In this study,a simple automatic system for the determination of nanomolar level nitrite using on-line preconcentration with spectrophotometric detection was described. An Oasis HLB cartridge was adopted to quantitatively enrich the pink-colored azo compound,formed from nitrite via Griess reaction. The cartridge was rinsed with water and ethanol(volume fraction is 55%,the same below) ,in turn,then eluted by an eluent containing 50% ethanol and 0.25 M(mol/dm 3 ) H 2 SO 4,and determined at 543 nm with a 2 cm path-length flow cell. Under the optimized experimental conditions,the calibration curve showed a good linearity in the range of 1.4-85.7 nM,and the LOD(3σ) was estimated to be 0.5 nM. The relative standard deviations of 7 measurements were 4.0% and 1.0% for the samples spiked at 7.1 and 28.6 nM,respectively. The recoveries for the different natural water samples were between 92.2%-108.4%. Each HLB cartridge could be reused for at least 50 times. As compared with other SPE methods,the advantages of this method included the free of interference from salinity variation and less sample consuming. The results of the application of the proposed method to natural water showed good agreement with liquid waveguide capillary cell detection method.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of seawater pH has long been sought by marine chemists (for example: [Dickson, A.G. 1993a. The measurement of sea water pH. Marine Chemistry, 44, 131–142, Dickson, A.G. 1993b. pH buffers for sea water media based on the total hydrogen ion concentration scale. Deep-Sea Research, 40, 107–118; Zhang, 1996; Tapp, M., Hunter, K.A., Currie, K. and Macaskill, B. 2000. Apparatus of continuous-flow underway spectrophotometric measurement of surface water pH. Marine Chemistry 72(2–4), 193–202; Friis, K., Koetzinger, A., Wallace, D.W.R. 2004. Spectrophotometric pH measurement in the ocean: Requirements, design and testing of an autonomous charge-coupled device detector system. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 2, 126–136]. Recently, such attempts have taken on greater significance as anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions may create rapidly changing oceanic pH. Spectrophotometric techniques have been accepted generally as the best for determination of seawater pH. Here we report a new technique using thymol blue as the indicator dye and fitting the entire spectrum from 400 to 900 nm rather than measuring the absorbance values at only two or three points in the spectrum. This full-spectrum modelling enables a reduction in signal to noise over other techniques. In the laboratory, we find with seawater samples a pH precision increase of five-fold “within” a sample and seven-fold “between” samples when comparing the full spectrum to the three-point method of analysis [Zhang, H., Byrne, R.H. 1996. Spectrophotometric pH measurements of surface seawater at in-situ conditions: absorbance and protonation behaviour of thymol blue. Marine Chemistry 52, 17–25].  相似文献   

A trace of tin exists in seawater, and is also probably in combination with organic materials or microbes. Therefore, it was reported that methods for determining tin in seawater need to use a separation or preconcentration stage in analysis. This paper provides an oscillopolarographic method for determining directly tin in seawater by irradiating it with ultraviolet rays. In a seawater system with 0.0035% cupferron (Hcup), 0.0038% Tween-80, 0.318 mol/1:0.375mol/1 NH_3 H_2O:HAc as a basic solution, there occurs a sensitive derivative  相似文献   

Accurate and precise measurements of stable lead isotopic compositions in seawater are critically dependent upon the ultra-clean techniques developed for accurate measurements of low (0.1 ng kg−1) lead concentrations in seawater by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. These include both limiting and measuring lead contamination during all phases of sampling, storage and analysis. Essential to this are samplers and shipboard facilities for collecting uncontaminated samples, and laboratory facilities for cleaning containers, purifying reagents and processing samples and standards. Techniques are also required to compensate for the absence of an internal standard, refractory hydrocarbon contaminants and the limited sensitivity of the detectors. Adaptation of those techniques has lowered the lead analytical detection limit for seawater analyses to 0.02 ng kg−1. While the precision of these analyses (0.1–0.4%) is less than that of high precision isotope ratio measurements (0.001%), it is sufficient to identify sources of lead inputs to the ocean and to trace biogeochemical cycles of lead within the ocean. The accuracy of these initial data is currently being established with interlaboratory calibrations and evaluated in terms of its oceanographic consistency.  相似文献   

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