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Samples taken from loess and paleosols were examined for carbonate content. The main results were as follows:
  1. The carbonate content measured differed significantly when the samples were analysed jointly with the concretions occurring in them or separately from these constituents.
  2. Solubility of different carbonates (calcite, dolomite, aragonite etc.) was found different. This factor also might have influenced the measured total amounts of carbonates.

The profile of the copper-bearing shales (Kupferschiefer) displays 3 types of lithological developments of the Sudetic Foreland:
  • in reduction facies: with the notably diminishing of participation of clay minerals and organic substance from bottom to top.
  • Many horizons of concentration of copper, lead and zinc are present.
  • in oxidation facies: where marley shales are forming, the metals decrease to trace contents.
  • in intermediate zones, from reduction facies to oxidation facies shales, the lithological formation is changing and the greatest variability is encountered in the intensity of metal contents.
  • The concentrations of copper sulphides occur in lagoonal areas in which an oxigen deficiency was associated with a great amount of organic matter. The beds formed in the oxidation facies represent the coastal zones of an open sea basin where the influence of inflow and outflow were considerable.  相似文献   

    Massive sulfide deposits located on Hercynian islets of northwestern Morocco exhibit four main characteristics:
  • They are strata-bound massive pyrrhotite deposits mined for sulfur and/or base metals occasionally occurring as sulfides of workable grade.
  • Volcanic rocks with which these massive sulfide orebodies are associated are scarce, although always present as acid flows of submarine emissions of either rhyolitic or more often quartz-keratophyric nature. Later on, basic plutonics intruded the pelitic country rocks.
  • Stockworks underlying the massive sulfide orebodies are common, but not systematic. When present, they occur in siltite ± phyllite ± carbonate rocks at the wall of massive sulfide lenses. They consist of fissural disseminations transformed by epimetamorphic recrystallization and by one schistosity generally concordant with s0.
  • Associated alterites and exhalites belong to three types, i.e., sericitite (or biotite-rich rock), chloritite, and/or chert (jasper).
  • Generally well located in a back-arc basin environment characterized by a two-phase geological history, i.e., “extension and volcanism, compression and metamorphism”, these volcano-sedimentary deposits exhibit distal features with regard to the volcanism coeval with their sedimentation. They are mostly linked with strongly reducing environmental properties entailing pyrrhotite and/or magnetite syngenetic deposition, whatever the iron activity.  相似文献   

    Geologic, petrological and geochemical investigations have been carried out in the western part of the “Zillertaler Alpen”. Important results are:
    1. The premetamorphic material of the Greiner series consists of conglomerates, breccias, arcosic-sandstones or greywackes, bituminous shales, volcanic lavas and tuffs.
    2. The southern part of the “Zentralgneis” shows a differentiation trend from alkaline granite to quarzdiorite with predomination of granodiorite.
    3. Chemical relationships of granodiorite to its restitic inclusions allow the supposition of a palingenetic origin of the granitic rocks.
    4. At least two stages of metamorphism can be differentiated.
    5. Parts of the Greiner series, covered by triassic metasediments, are supposed to be of Permian age. A lower age boundary can not yet be given.
    6. Some vertical, northeast striking faults with throws of more than 1 or 2 kilometers produced southward verging drag folds.
    7. Geodynamic aspects, revealed from regional metamorphism and tectonics, are discussed.

    Mn-activated cathodoluminescence can be used in several fields of carbonate petrography. It may, for instance, be possible to recognize
    1. cement sequences and their correlation (Tab. 1, Figs. 1, 2, 4; Tab. 2, Fig. 1)
    2. growth fabrics of skeletons (Tab. 2, Figs. 2, 3, 4; Tab. 3, Figs. 1, 2)
    3. dolomitisation processes and problems (Tab. 1, Figs. 1, 2; Tab. 4, Fig. 2)
    4. transformation paths from Mg-calcite to calcite and from aragonite to calcite (Tab. 2, Fig. 1; Tab. 3, Figs. 3, 4; Tab. 4, Fig. 1)
    5. growth structures in certain types of ooids (Tab. 1, Fig. 4; Tab. 3, Fig. 3; Tab. 4, Fig. 1)
    6. reworked skeletal particles (Tab. 3, Fig. 4)
    7. phantom grains and fossil-outlines in a micro- or macrocrystalline groundmass (Tab. 4, Figs. 2, 3)
    8. healed fissures crossing micro- or macrocrystalline carbonate rocks (Tab. 4, Fig. 4).
    These are, however, no general luminescence criteria indicating the depositional environment. Luminescence of calcite and dolomite requires 20–40 ppm Mn, with the equipments used in this study. Aragonite is not yet investigated systematically. Zonal luminescence in carbonate cements may indicate changes of the chemical composition of the aquifer and may be used for “cement stratigraphy”. In skeletons it rather indicates physiological changes. While aragonitic skeletons lose their luminescence Zonation during replacement by calcite, Mg-calcite skeletons may keep parts of it, because their replacement preserves the original crystal fabric. Blotchy luminescence developes in Mg-calcitic particles during their adjustment to lower Mg-calcites by dissolution-precipitation processes in solutions with changing Mn/Fe-ratios.  相似文献   

    From 14 deeps and other regions of the Red Sea totally 226 samples from 28 cores recovered during the VALDIVIA cruises (1971, 1972) were investigated according to their clay mineral content (<2μm resp. < 6.3 μm) after carbonate dissolution. Three facies groups are to distinguish:
    1. normal sediments: dominance of chlorite, kaolinite, illite, small amounts of smectite and sepiolite. Two palygorskite types are present only in a few samples.
    2. normal sediments with hydrothermal influence: clay mineral paragenesis similar like that of normal sediments; but increase of smectite and presence of goethite in each sample; partly small contents of talc.
    3. heavy metal deposits: dominance of iron-bearing smectite, partly with amorphous components resp. pure ore mineral assemblages with authigenic silicates (talc, quartz, opal, chrysotile, sepiolite, palygorskite, chlorite).
    Crystallinity of the clay and ore minerals is independent from sedimentary overburden. Sepiolite shows in small amounts a wide distribution; palygorskite2 (d110=11.3 Å) yields locally an increased concentration in the range of pteropod layers cemented by aragonite. The environment of ore deposits is characterized by iron-bearing smectite besides the ore minerals.  相似文献   

    The present work represents the first attempt to classify the entire Banatian ore deposits, from the seismo-tectono-magmatic point of view, taking into consideration the plate tectonic premises which defined this Carpathian section. The suggested classification distinguishes in the Banat area two subprovinces, which are:
    1. The »Altkristallin« Banato-Carpathian province (Danubian Autochthonous a crystalline Getic Basement and Supragetic crystalline Basement) which consists of Proterozoic-Paleozoic crustal series, reactivated by the Laramidian subduction. These units contain a large number of Proterozoic and Paleozoic metamorphosed geosynclinal iron, manganese, pegmatite, gold, chromite, asbestos, and barite deposits as well as cyanite-sillimanite schists. The metallogeny of the Banatian crystalline complex represents an old crustal metallogeny.
    2. The Laramidian province of the Banatites contains the classical copper, iron, lead-zinc tactite ore deposits, well known for centuries, and the recently discovered »porphyry copper« deposits. The »seismotectonomagmatic« lineaments of the province of the Banatites (Westbanatian and Eastbanatian Lineamems) are tectonically conlrolled by the marginal fault zones and the fractured proterozoic crystalline scales, as a result of the Laramidian subduction.
    While the Carpathian crystalline complex represents an old crustal type of metallogeny, the Banatitic province is characterized by a typical Alpine metallogeny, including »porphyry coppers« forming part of the Tethyan panglobal copper-molybdenum belt.  相似文献   

    About 1,500 samples of Pb and Zn concentrates and ores from 89 ore deposits of the polymetallic province of the Andes of central Peru have been analyzed. The distributions of Cd, In, Ge, Ga, Ag, Bi, Se, Hg, and Sn in these ore deposits can be reported on the basis of
  • the typology of ore deposits, i.e., some types of ore deposits (syndiagenetic without associated volcanism and volcano-sedimentary of Triassic-Lias, exhalative sedimentary of Upper Jurassic) show very characteristic minor and trace element patterns;
  • the temperature of ore formation that controls the abundance of Bi and Hg, in general, and of Ag, Se, and Sn in the Tertiary hydrothermal deposits;
  • the age and nature of the country rock, e.g., an In, Ga, and Sn positive anomaly and Cd negative anomaly appears in the deposits with Paleozoic country rock;
  • the geographic position of ore deposits, e.g., in the northern part of the province an In, Ga, Ge, and Cd positive anomaly appears.
  •   相似文献   

    In the North Bavarian Basement (FR Germany) as well as in the Thuringian Forest (GDR) both of which belonging to the Saxothuringian Zone antimony mineralizations have been worked up to the early fifties. Mineralogical and geological investigations led to the following classification of antimony ore deposits and -concentrations:
    1. Stratabound and stratiform fahlore (Fahlerz) mineralization in Silurian and Lower Devonian black shales.
    2. Sulphosalt- and stibnite-bearing veins (partly associated with native gold) in wall rocks of the Late Variscan granites.
    3. Monometallic and monomineralic antimony lodes along anticlinal structures.
    4. Sulphosalt-bearing lead-zinc veins.
    Antimony in the black shales was concentrated during late diagenetic cementation along with copper. The sulpho-salt-bearing stibnite veins in the metamorphic country rocks of the granites are genetically associated with the granitic intrusions nearby. This is proved by trace element chemistry and structural as well as mineralogical features of those veins. U/Pb age dating of contemporaneous pitchblende from the »polymetallic uranium paragenesis« from Hoehensteinweg uranium deposit yielded a late Variscan age of formation for these veins of type 2. Early Paleozoic rocks (metavolcanics) are suggested to have been the parent material for these granite-related Sb concentrations. However the monotonous Sb veins are more akin to the basic protore in deeper crustal sections. The thermal aureole of a deep-seated heat source is preserved by the Ag/Sb ratio of galena in Pb-Zn veins (type 4), which shows a marked variation along the SW plunging Berga Anticline from increased Ag/Sb ratios near the core of the anticline towards reduced values in mining sites more peripheral to this fold structure. Pb isotopes of stibnite as well as Pb sulphides point to a crustal derivation of both elements. An in-situ re-deposition and leaching of Sb from the wall rocks as well as antimoniferous black shales may be ruled out. It has to be emphasized that intra-crustal mass movements (A subduction) and the late Vanscan igneous activity are the major factors controling release of Sb from the Early Paleozoic low metal concentrations within metavolcanic rocks and subsequent discharge of Sb-bearing fluids within joints and fractures related to late Variscan tectonic movements. A schematic exploration concept is outlined.  相似文献   

    Detailed sedimentological investigations were performed on sediments from DSDP-Site 594 (Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand) in order to reconstruct the evolution of paleoclimate and paleoceanographic conditions in the Southwest Pacific during the last 6 million years. The results can be summarized as follows:
    1. High accumulation rates of biogenic opal and carbonate and the dominance of smectites in the clay fraction suggest increased oceanic productivity and an equable dominantly humid climate during the late Miocene.
    2. During Pliocene times, decreasing contents of smectites and increasing feldspar/quartz ratios point to an aridification in the source area of the terrigenous sediments, culmunating near 2.5 Ma. At that time, accumulation rates of terrigenous components distinctly increased probably caused by increased sediment supply due to intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulation, lowered sea level, and decreased vegetation cover.
    3. A hiatus (1.45 to 0.73 Ma) suggests intensified intermediate-water circulation.
    4. Major glacial/interglacial cycles characterize the upper 0.73 Ma. During glacial times, oceanic productivity and terrigenous sediment supply was distinctly increased because of intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulations and lowered sea level, whereas during interglacials productivity and terrigenous sediment supply were reduced.
    5. An increased content of amphibols in the sediments of Site 594 indicates increased volcanic activities during the last 4.25 Ma.

    The term fault-block mountains refers to an orogen, formed in an ensialic back arc by extension. The voluminous magmatism due to underplating of hot oceanic lithosphere, extrem thinning of the continental lithosphere and partial melting as well as mantle diapirs will be examplified by three ore provinces:
    1. Southwestern North America (Middle Tertiary peralkaline ignimbrites and resurgent cauldrons)
    2. Central Iran (Infracambrian ignimbrites and riebeckitegranite)
    3. Arabian Shield (Infracambrian alkaligranites and rhyolites, 625-570 m.y.).
    An overview of mineral deposits related to resurgent cauldrons will be given, encompassing disseminated deposits (Cu, Mo, Sn), skarns, massive magnetite ores, beryl pegmatites, sedimentary deposits (Pb-Zn; Hg, U, Li; Mn, borates, zeolites), mineralized vents (Au, U, apatite), vein type deposits (Au, Ag, Te, fluorite, U) and hydrothermal replacements (alunite). The value of several deposits exceeds 10 billion German Marks at current prices. The exploration concept based on resurgent cauldrons may also be applied successfully in other provinces.  相似文献   

    The following facts have supported the origin of the Araguainha circular structure in Central Brazil by a meteoritic impact:
    1. the almost circular contour
    2. the impact-morphologic sequence including a central uplift, ring walls and a basin rim of escarpments
    3. outcrops of suevites and mixed breccias
    4. the evidence of shock metamorphism
    5. the presence of shatter cones, and
    6. negative anomalies of the total intensity of the magnetic field at the center of the ring structure.

    Two zoning patterns in tin deposits are proposed according to geochemical environments.
    1. Acidic zoning pattern is characteristic of tin deposits associated with sialic rocks and tin-bearing veins in carbonate rocks. Six zones may be recognized from the granite mass outwards: (1) Nb?Ta?(Li?Be?Mo), (2) Sn, (3) W?(Sn), (4) Cu?Pb?Zn?(Bi), (5) Sb?Hg, and (6) Au?Ag. This kind of zoning is related with the temperature difference involved in the deposition of various ore minerals in an acidic (or neutral) geochemical enviroment. From the granite outwards, the temperature decreases gradually with increasing distance from the heat source.
    2. Alkaline zoning pattern is typical of tin deposits occurring in calcareous and magnesian carbonate rocks. Three zones can be recognized from the granite mass outwards: (1) Cu?Zn?Bi, (2) Sn, and (3) Fe?Pb?Zn?Cu. A calcium-and magnesium-rich alkaline environment is responsible for this zoning pattern. In this case the normal sequence of mineral formation will be greatly changed owing to neutralization when an acidic ore-forming solution enters the alkaline environment.
    Zoning structure in tin deposits is very complex and highly variable, depending on: (1) the geochemical environment in which the deposits are formed, (2) the type of shield beds, and (3) the character of ore-forming solutions. However, there are some known examples showing similar zoning patterns for the deposits that are similar in these three aspects.  相似文献   

    Principe is one of the volcanic centres comprising the Cameroun line in West Africa. The volcanic rocks can be divided into two stratigraphic units:
    1. Younger lava series — basanite and nephelinite overlying.
    2. Older lava series — transitional to mildly alkaline basalt and hawaiite.
    These units lie on a basement of palagonite breccias of tholeiitic affinities. The basic lavas are intruded by plugs ranging in composition from tristanite to phonolite and are overlain by phonolite lavas. These rocks form two chemically and mineralogically distinct suites:
    1. Phonolites which evolved by low pressure crystal fractionation of the younger lava series basanitic magma, and
    2. Tristanite — trachyte — trachyphonolite suite which may have evolved by high pressure crystal fractionation of the older lava series magma.

    Prior experimental work has shown that in the laboratory the mineralogy of eclogites is sensitive to the ratio of CaO ∶ MgO ∶ FeO and that the reaction pyroxene + kyanite?garnet + quartz proceeds to the right at high pressures in rocks rich in magnesium and to the left in rocks rich in calcium and iron. Typical basalts crystallized at high pressure never contain kyanite. The chemistry and mineralogy of a large number of naturally occurring eclogites show they belong to three classes.
    1. Kyanite-free magmatic eclogites, rich in magnesium, from:
    2. kimberlites
    3. dunites and serpentinites.
    4. Kyanite-bearing eclogites and grosspydites rich in CaO and low in FeO with intermediate MgO from:
    5. kimberlites
    6. gneisses.
    7. Kyanite-free eclogites of metamorphic origin rich in iron with low magnesium and intermediate amounts of calcium from:
    8. glaucophane schists
    9. gneisses.

    The paper presents novel information on the Caledonian orogeny in Ireland. A series of Dalradian (Upper Precambrian-Lower Cambrian) metasedimentary rocks occur as an envelope to a granitic igneous complex at Slieve Gamph, Western Ireland. These metasedimentary rocks have been deformed at several distinct times and evidence is shown for the following sequence of events:
    1. formation of major nappe structures and a tectonic slide. The axial-plane traces of the folds probably trended N. E.-S. W.
    2. formation of upright, gently plunging folds with axial-plane traces of the folds trending N. E.-S. W. Emplacement of the components of the Slieve Gamph igneous complex.
    3. formation of a conjugate set of folds:
      1. Open folds with N. N. E.-S. S. W. trending axial-planes which dip to the east,
      2. Open folds with E.W. trending axial-planes which dip to the north.
    4. formation of kink-bands, open and conjugate folds with an axialplane trace trending N. W.-S. E.
    Late phase of faulting. No isotopic dates are available for these structural events.  相似文献   

    The morphology of pyrites from the Proterozoic, auriferous and uraniferous conglomerates of the Upper Witwatersrand System of the Klerksdorp Goldfield (South Africa) was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pyrite particles were recovered by hydrofluoric acid leaching, thus making a three-dimensional SEM examination possible. According to morphological criteria the pyrites were classified into three types. Trace-element analysis by atomic absorption spetrophotometry (Au, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, As) and the statistical evaluation of the results confirmed the morphological classification:
  • Type 1: Authigenic, idiomorphic to hypidiomorphic pyrites or pyrite accumulations, which were formed in the conglomerates during diagenesis or metamorphism.
  • Type 2: Allogenic, rounded, compact pyrites. This type was eroded from primary deposits in the hinterland of the Witwatersrand basin and deposited with the Witwatersrand sediments. It shows the closest trace-element affinity to pyrites from the Barberton Mountain Land, the source area model for the Witwatersrand sediments. The recognition of this pyrite type from the Klerksdorp Goldfield is in agreement with observations on detrital compact pyrites described from other goldfields of the Witwatersrand.
  • Type 3: Allogenic, rounded, porous pyrites. These were formed from pyritic muds and iron sulfide gels existing on the surface of the alluvial fan, and later were reworked as mud balls or fragments and deposited with the conglomerates. Indentations with radial fracture patterns point to transport partly in a plastic state. The occurrence of colloform pyrites among this type supports the postulation of pyritic muds or iron sulfide gels. Only in this type of pyrite various inclusions such as gold, quartz, silicates, brannerite, copper- and titanium-bearing minerals were found. It is suggested that these inclusions were trapped as dust-like particles in the pyritic muds or iron sulfide gels on the surface of the alluvial fan. Only the presence of the allogenic, porous pyrites could be correlated with high gold values in the conglomerates.
  • The three-dimensional SEM examination of the pyrites has shown that the pyrite types described by previous authors from the Witwatersrand System can be classified into the three types of pyrite given here.  相似文献   

    Marine sedimentary iron ore samples from various early and middle Precambrian ore provinces of the world (“itabirite, banded ironstones, jaspelites, Quarzbändererze”) have been investigated by means of vaporisation pyrolysis gaschromatography (VPGS) with regard of their contents of organic substances. The main results were:
    1. All investigated itabirite samples show, concerning their qualitative hydrocarbon content, a typical distribution in chromatographic diagrams.
    2. The amount of pristane and phytane as results of the decomposition of chlorophyll points at a reasonable photosynthetic activity of organisms during the itabirite genesis.
    It appears likely that organic life has influenced and promoted the genesis of the iron ore deposits of the itabirite type.  相似文献   

    Geological and geochemical characteristics of REE iron formation (REEIF), a term proposed by Prof. Tu Kuang-chih to specify a special type of Precambrian iron formations rich in REE, are discussed in this paper with special reference to its REE contents, REE distribution patterns, the formation mechanism, the relationship between its development and the multi-stage evolution of the continental crust in China, and the implications of REE as an indicator of oxidation state for ancient atmosphere. Major conclusions are outlined as follows:
    1. REEIFs are characterized by high REE concentrations against the very low REE levels in normal Precambrian iron formations.
    2. REEIFs are formed by marine sedimentary-diagenetic processes in miogeosynclines or transition zones during Proterozoic times To some extent, volcanic activity may play an important role in the deposition of ore-forming materials. In a broader sense, REEIFs belong to Fe-bearing dolomite formations. Most REEIFs in China may be superimposed by late geological processes such as hydrothermal-metasomatism, migmatization and metamorphism. Generally, REEIFs have much in common with stratabound ore deposits in respect to their characteristic features.
    3. Similar to Precambrian iron formations, REE are enriched in LREE. But, the degree of LREE enrichment is noticed to increase of total REE content. Most REEIFs are characterized by high ratios of σ Ce/σY, (Mg+Fe)/Ca, Na/K, Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf, Th/U, Ba/Sr, etc.
    4. The extensive occurrence of REEIFs indicates higher REE abundance in the continental crust of China, thus lending further support to the multi-stage theory regarding the evolution of chemical elements and the differentiation in the continental crust of China.
    5. Preliminary data seem to support the time-dependence of REE distribution patterns and relative Eu contents of REEIFs in China.

    Based on research on the “Xinyu-type” Sinian iron deposits in Jiangxi Province and metamorphosed iron deposits in Jiangkou and Qidong of Hunan, Sanjiang and Yingyangguan of Guangxi, Longchuan of Guangdong and some other areas in Fujian, the authors have come to the following conclusions:
    1. The metamorphosed late Precambrian iron ores widespread in south China may be roughly assigned to two ore belts, namely the Yiyang-Xinyu (Jiangxi)-Jiangkou(Hunan)-Sanjiang (Guangxi) ore belt or simply the north ore belt, and the Songzheng(Fujian)-Shicheng (Jiangxi)-Bailing (Longchuan of Guangdong)-Yingyangguan (Guangxi) ore belt or the south ore belt. Tectonically, the former lies along the southern margin of the “Jangnan Old Land”, while the latter along the northwestern border of the “Cathaysian Old Land”.
    2. Iron deposits of this type occur exclusively in the same interglacial horizon of the Sinian Glaciation in south China. Above and below the ore bed there lie the glacial till-bearing volcanic-sedimentary layers.
    3. Based on sedimentary features, the iron formations can be divided into four types: silica-iron-basalt formation, silica-iron-clastic rock formation, silica-iron-tuff formation and silica-iron-carbonate rock formation, which progressively grade into each other.
    4. Iron ores were formed at the late stage of late Proterozoic rifting in neritic environments, with their distribution governed by the rift valleys on the margins of the “Jiangnan Old Land” and “Cathaysian Old Land”. Consequently, intense mafic volcanism as well as weathering and denudation of palaeocontinent during rifting provided material sources for the formation of iron deposits. Meanwhile, warm and humid stationary neritic environment during the south China great glacial period constitutes favorable palaeoclimatologic and palaeogeographic conditions for the deposition of iron ores.
    5. The iron formations have undergone regional metamorphism of greenschist-amphibolite facies.
    To sum up, the late Precambrian banded iron ores should be of metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary type.  相似文献   

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