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Organisms tend to inhabit predictable portions of estuaries along salinity gradients between the ocean inlets (salinity > 35 psu) and the freshwater tributaries (salinity = 0). Previous studies have suggested that the continuous change in biological community structure along this gradient is relatively rapid at certain salinities. This is the basis for estuarine salinity zonation schemes similar to the classic Venice System (i.e., 0–0.5, 0.5–5, 5–18, 18–30, 30–40, > 40). An extensive database (n > 16,000 samples) of frequency of occurrence of nekton was used to assess evidence for estuarine salinity zones in two southwest Florida estuaries: Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor. Rapid change in nekton community structure occurred at each end of the estuarine salinity gradient, with comparatively slow (but steady) change in between. There was little strong evidence for estuarine salinity zones at anything other than low salinities (0.1–1). As previously suggested by other authors, estuaries may be regarded as ecoclines, because they form areas of relatively slow but progressive ecological change. The ends of the estuarine salinity gradient appear to be ecotones (areas of rapid change) at the interfaces with adjacent freshwater and marine habitats. This study highlights the rapid change that occurs in nekton community structure at low salinities, which is of relevance to those managing freshwater inflow to estuaries.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs and GIS analysis were used to map the distribution of tidal marsh vegetation along the salinity gradients of the estuaries of the Altamaha and Satilla Rivers in coastal Georgia. Vegetation maps were constructed from 1993 U.S. Geological Survey Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads, 1∶77,000-scale color infrared photographs taken in 1974 and 1∶24,000-scale black and white photographs taken in 1953, Changes between years were identified using a GIS overlay analysis. Four vegetation classifications were identified and groundtruthed with field surveys: salt marsh (areas containing primarilySpartina alterniflora), brackish marsh (Spartina cynosuroides andS. alterniflora), Juncus (Juncus roemerianus), and fresh marsh (Zizania aquatica, Zizaniopsis miliacae, and others). There was no evidence for an upstream shift in marsh vegetation along the longitudinal axis of either estuary over the time frame of this analysis, which implies there has not been a long-term increase in salinity. Although the inland extent of each marsh zone was further upstream in the Satilla than the Altamaha, they corresponded to similar average high tide salinities in each estuary: areas classified as salt marsh occurred from the mouth up to where average high tide salinity in the water was approximately 15 psu;Juncus ranged from 21 to 1 psu; brackish marsh ranged from 15 to 1 psu; and fresh marsh was upstream of 1 psu. Approximately 63% of the 6,786 ha of tidal marsh vegetation mapped in the Altamaha and 75% of the 10,220 ha mapped in the Satilla remained the same in all 3 yr.Juncus was the dominant classification in the intermediate regions of both estuaries, and shifts between areas classified asJuncus and either brackish or salt marsh constituted the primary vegetation change between 1953 and 1993 (87% of the changes observed in the Altamaha and 95% of those in the Satilla). This analysis suggests that the broad distribution of tidal marsh vegetation along these two estuaries is driven by salinity, but that at the local scale these are dynamic systems with a larger number of factors affecting the frequently changing borders of vegetation patches.  相似文献   

Beginning in late 1987 Florida Bay experienced a large and unprecedented die-off ofThalassia testudinum. The die-off occurred only in stands of denseT. testudinum. We initiated an experimental monitoring effort in 1989 to attempt to ascertain the cause of this die-off phenomenon. From 1989 to 1995 the abundance and productivity ofT. testudinum was measured at five stations associated with the seagrass die-off and three stations where no die-off had occurred (including one on the seaside of Key Largo, outside of Florida Bay). Early in the study the salinity was very high, exceeding 46 psu, but it has decreased to 29–38 psu in recent years. Seagrass standing crop and either short-shoot density or mass per short shoot declined at nearly all stations, including the stations without die-off (unaffected stations). Over the course of the study, areal productivity declined at three die-off stations; but mass-specific productivity increased at all die-off stations and one unaffected station. Seasonality was pronounced; detrended standardized residuals showed responses for all of the seagrass parameters to be greater than the yearly mean in spring and summer and less than the mean in fall and winter. Detrended residuals also showed decreased productivity to be correlated with increased salinities in the summer despite a long-term record of declining salinities. We propose a conceptual model of the seagrass die-off phenomenon. We document that salinity does contribute to stress onT. testudinum in Florida Bay, but salinity is believed to be only one contributing factor to the loss of seagrasses. The documented increase in the mass-specific productivity ofT. testudinum over the period 1989–1995 suggests seagrasses are growing rapidly in Florida Bay by 1995; we predict that the loss ofT. testudinum may be slowing down and that recovery is possible.  相似文献   

Changes in freshwater inflow and salinity patterns may affect the nursery value of estuarine systems for penaeid shrimp, but the relationship between salinity and shrimp abundance is complex and likely confounded by other environmental variables. Laboratory experiments can provide insights into salinity selection, and we designed an experimental gradient tank to examine salinity preferences of juvenile brown shrimp and white shrimp. Our design uses gently flowing water to eliminate various physical constraints often associated with selection experiments. We conducted experiments with juvenile brown shrimp (12 trials) and white shrimp (seven trials), to examine selection for salinities along a gradient from 1 to 42. Data were analyzed using contingency tables and log-linear modeling to examine relationships with salinity and possible interactions with temperature. Both brown shrimp and white shrimp were present in all salinities examined within the experimental range. In general, brown shrimp showed a preference for salinities from 17 to 35 and demonstrated avoidance for the extreme low salinities along the gradient. Results for white shrimp were not statistically significant, and this species did not appear to avoid low salinities. There was no effect of water temperature on the observed selection patterns for brown or white shrimp. Our results suggest that although salinity preferences likely exist for these species, strong distribution trends associated with salinity gradients in estuaries are likely caused by other environmental factors.  相似文献   

During 1973 and 1974 seasonal abundance and mean total length of Atlantic croaker,Micropogonias undulatus, were investigated by otter trawl at 33 stations in South Carolina estuaries in relation to bottom salinity and temperature. Relative abundance of Atlantic croaker was measured by catch per unit effort at 3°C temperature intervals and 3‰ salinity intervals. Croaker occurred over a bottom temperature range of 9.0–31.4°C while occurring most abundantly in waters above 24.0°C. No significant correlation between size and temperature was found. Croaker were collected in salinities from 0.4 to 34.4‰. High correlations of size and salinity were evident in 1973 during winter (r=0.79), summer (r=0.82), and fall (r=0.94). In 1974, correlations were significant only during fall (r=0.76).  相似文献   

Species richness declines to a minimum (artenminimum) in the oligohaline reach of estuaries and other large bodies of brackish water. To date, observations of this feature in temperate estuaries have been largely restricted to benthic macroinvertebrates. Five years of seine data collected during the summers of 1990–1995 in the major tidal tributaries to the lower Chesapeake Bay were examined to see if this feature arose in estuarine fish assemblages. Estimates of numerical species richness (alpha diversity) and rates of species turnover between sites (beta diversity) were generated via rarefaction and detrended correspondence analysis. Two spatial attributes of the distribution of littoral fish species along salinity gradients in the tributaries of the lower Chesapeake Bay were revealed: (1) a species richness depression in salinities of 8–10% and (2) a peak in the rate of species turnover associated with the tidal freshwater interface (salinities of 0–2%). Expression of the minimum is influenced by the physical length of the salinity gradient and the interaction between a species’ salinity preferences and tendency to make long excursions from favorable habitats.  相似文献   

The brown shrimp,Farfantepenaeus aztecus, is the major component of the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery, and it is critical that we understand its environmental requirements. Brown shrimp spend a large portion of their post-larval (PL) and juvenile life within estuaries distributed along salinity gradients and yet our understanding of the salinity tolerance of various age groups is limited. A series of 48-hr bioassays were conducted in which various ages ofF. aztecus (PL-10, PL-13, PL-15, PL-17, PL-20, and PL-23) were acclimated from a salinity of 26‰ to 1‰, 2‰, 4‰, 8‰, 12‰, and 26‰ in order to determine their tolerance to these salinities. Finally, PL-80.F. aztecus were transferred directly from 25‰ to 2‰, 4‰, and 8‰ waters to study the effects of rapid salinity reductions on juvenile survival. Survival of 10-and 13-day-old PLs was significantly, different from the control (26‰) for all salinities tested. Survival of PL-15 shrimp and older was significantly lower than survival of the controls at 1‰ and 2‰ but similar to the control at all other salinities tested. A 4-wk growth trial was conducted with juvenile shrimp at 2‰, 4‰, 8‰, and 12‰. There was no significant difference in survival among treatments, although shrimp maintained at 8‰ and 12‰ grew significantlymore than shrimp maintained at 2‰ and 4‰. There was no growth difference between shrimp at the two low salinities or between shrimp at the two high salinities. Survival of juveniles transferred directly from 25‰ to various salinities were 100% at 25‰, 94.2% at 8‰, 67.3% at 4‰, and 63.5% at 2‰. These results suggest that PL-13 and younger brown shrimp would have a better chance of survival by delaying entry into estuaries susceptible to rapid salinity declines. The brown shrimp juveniles would, be more densely distributed in areas with salinities greater than 4‰ than in salinities less than 4‰. Although food availability, and bottom type also affect shrimp distribution survival and growth, salinity may also greatly affect the shrimp and its fishery.  相似文献   

The distribution and salinity preference of immature bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) were examined based on the results of longline surveys in three adjacent estuarine habitats in southwest Florida: the Caloosahatchee River, San Carlos Bay, and Pine Island Sound. Mean sizes were significantly different between each of these areas indicating the occurrence of size-based habitat partitioning. Neonate and young-of-the-year animals occurred in the Caloosahatchee River and juveniles older than 1 year occurred in the adjacent embayments. Habitat partitioning may reduce intraspecific predation risk and increase survival of young animals. Classification tree analysis showed that both temperature and salinity were important factors in determining the occurrence and catch per unit effort (CPUE) of immatureC. leucas. The CPUE of <1 year oldC. leucas was highest at temperatures over 29°C and in areas with salinities between 7‰ and 17.5‰ Although they are able to osmoregulate in salinities from fresh to fully marine, youngC. leucas may have a salinity preference. Reasons for this preference are unknown, but need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The distribution and size of the barnacle Balanus subalbidus were studies along salinity gradients in coastal Louisiana and Mississippi. It was common in gradient estuaries occurring in salinities ranging from near fresh water to 16 ppt. It was the dominant barnacle species in the oligohaline zone, but at salinities above 6 ppt its relative abundance decreased and it was replaced by B. improvicus and B. eburneus. Its low-salinity limit corresponded to the boundary between the oligohaline and fresh water estuarine salinity zones and there was a high negative correlation between size (basal rostral-carinal diameter) and salinity. Its size and distribution could be used to determine prevailing salinity at a site because of its abundance and uniform distribution in oligohaline areas.  相似文献   

Delaware Bay is one of the largest estuaries on the U.S. eastern seaboard and is flanked by some of the most extensive salt marshes found in the northeastern U.S. While physicochemical and biotic gradients are known to occur along the long axis of the bay, no studies to date have investigated how the fish assemblage found in salt marsh creeks vary along this axis. The marshes of the lower portion of the bay, with higher salinity, are dominated bySpartina spp., while the marshes of the upper portion, with lower salinity, are currently composed primarily of common reed,Phragmites australis, S. alterniflora, or combinations of both. Extensive daytime sampling (n=815 tows) during May–November 1996 was conducted with otter trawls (4.9 m, 6 mm mesh) in six intertidal and subtidal marsh creek systems (upper and lower portions of each creek) where creek channel depths ranged from 1.4–2.8 m at high tide. The fish taxa of the marsh creeks was composed of 40 species that were dominated by demersal and pelagic forms including sciaenids (5 species), percichthyids (2), and clupeids (7), many of which are transients that spawn outside the bay but the early life history stages are abundant within the bay. The most abundant species wereMorone americana (24.3% of the total catch),Cynoscion regalis (15.4%),Micropogonias undulatus (15.3%),Anchoa mitchilli (12.0%), andTrinectes maculatus (10.8%). Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling ordination of catch per unit effort (CPUE) data indicated two fish assemblages that were largely independent of the two major vegetation types, but generally corresponded with spatial variation in salinity. This relationship was more complex because some of the species for which we could discriminate different age classes by size had different patterns of distribution along the salinity gradient.  相似文献   

The effects of light and salinity onVallisneria americana (wild celery) were studied in outdoor mesocosms for an entire growing season. Morphology, production, photosynthesis, and reproductive output were monitored from sprouting of winter buds to plant senescence and subsequent winter bud formation under four salinity (0, 5, 10, and 15 psu) and three light (2%, 8%, and 28% of surface irradiance) regines. Chlorophylla fluorescence was used to examine photochemical efficiency and relative electron transport rate. High salinity and low light each stunted plant growth and reproduction. Production (biomass, rosette production, and leaf area index) was affected more by salinity than by light, apparently because of morphological plasticity (increased leaf length and width), increased photosynthetic efficiency, and increased chlorophyll concentrations under low light. Relative maximum electron transport rate (ETRmax) was highest in the 28% light treatment, indicating increased photosynthetic capacity. ETRmax was not related to salinity, suggesting that the detrimental effects of salinity on production were through decreased photochemical efficiency and not decreased photosynthetic capacity. Light and salinity effects were interactive for measures of production, with negative salinity effects most apparent under high light conditions, and light effects found primarily at low salinity levels. For most production and morphology parameters, high light ameliorated salinity stress to a limited degree, but only between the 0 and 5 psu regimes. Growth was generally minimal in all of the 10 and 15 psu treatments, regardless of light level. Growth was also greatly reduced at 2% and 8% light. Flowering and winter bud production were impaired at 10 and 15 psu and at 2% and 8% light. Light requirements at 5 psu may be approximately 50% higher than at 0 psu. Because of the interaction between salinity and light requirements for growth, effective management of SAV requires that growth requirements incorporate the effects of combined stressors.  相似文献   

Species richness and abundance of epibenthic fishes and decapod crustaceans were quantified with day-time beam trawl tows and throw traps to provide information on nekton assemblages inZostera marina and unvegetated sandy habitats in northern latitudes. Sampling at randomly selected stations with a 1.0-m beam trawl occurred in eelgrass (Zostera marina) and unvegetated sandy substrates of two mid-coastal Maine estuaries: Casco Bay and Weskeag River. Random 1.0-m throw trap samples were collected inZostera and adjacent unvegetated sandy substrates in Casco Bay and Weskeag River as well. Species richness and faunal abundances were positively associated with the occurrence ofZostera within Weskeag River and Casco Bay estuaries using both gear types. A total of 17 species of fishes and 6 species of decapods were collected in the two estuaries using both gears. Populations of most species were dominated by young-of-the-year and juvenile life history stages. Number and densities of fishes were higher inZostera, due primarily to the abundances of eelgrass residents such as threespine,Gasterosteus aculeatus, and fourspine sticklebacks,Apeltes quadracus, grubby,Myoxocephalus aenaeus, and cunner,Tautogolabrus adspersus. Crangon septemspinosa dominated decapod catch per unit effort and density in both estuaries and habitats.  相似文献   

Changes in circulation, water level, salinity, suspended sediments, and sediment flux resulted from Tropical Storm Frances and Hurricane Georges in the Vermilion-Atchafalaya Bay region during September 1998. Tropical Storm Frances made landfall near Port Aransas, Texas, 400 km west of the study area, and yet the strong and long-lived southeasterly winds resulted in the highest water levels and salinity values of the year at one station in West Cote Blanche Bay. Water levels were abnormally high across this coastal bay system, although salinity impacts varied spatially. Over 24 h, salinity increased from 5 to 20 psu at Site 1 on the east side of West Cote Blanche Bay. Abnormally high salinities were recorded in Atchafalaya Bay but not at stations in Vermilion Bay. On September 28, 1998, Hurricane Georges made landfall near Biloxi, Mississippi, 240 km east of the study area. On the west side of the storm, wind stress was from the north and maximum winds locally reached 14 m s−1. The wind forcing and physical responses of the bay system were analogous to those experienced during a winter cold-front passage. During the strong, north wind stress period, coastal water levels fell, salinity decreased, and sediment-laden bay water was transported onto the inner shelf. As the north wind stress subsided, a pulse of relatively saline water entered Vermilion Bay through Southwest Pass increasing salinity from 5 to 20 psu over a 24-h period. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-14 reflectance imagery revealed the regional impacts of wind-wave resuspension and the bay-shelf exchange of waters. During both storm events, suspended solid concentrations increased by an order of magnitude from 75 to over 750 mg l−1. The measurements demonstrated that even remote storm systems can have marked impacts on the physical processes that affect ecological processes in shallow coastal bay systems.  相似文献   

Between August 14 and September 26, 2004, four tropical weather systems (Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne) affected the central Indian River Lagoon (IRL). The central IRL received a prodigious amount of rainfall for the 2 mo, between 72 and 83 cm, which is a once-in-50-yr rainfall event. High stream discharges were generated that, combined with wind-suspended sediments, significantly reduced salinities and water transparency. In September, salinities among central IRL segments dropped from 30 psu or more to ≤15 psu, color increased from a low of 10 pcu to ≥100 pcu, and turbidity increased from ≤3 NTU up to 14 NTU. Evidence of the hurricanes' physical effects on seagrasses (burial, no scour) was limited to just one of the more than 25 sites inspected. Within 2 to 3 mo following the hurricane period, most parameters related to water transparency returned to or showed improvement over their prehurricane (February–July 2004) levels. Unseasonably low salinities (<20 psu) and moderately high color (>20 pcu) were observed through spring 2005, largely attributable to a relatively long residence time and a wetter-than-average spring season in 2005. By the end of the study period (July 2006), the central IRL generally showed a continuation of two opposite seagrass trends—an increase in depthlimit coverage but a decline in coverage density—that began before 2004. Also, within a limited reach of the central IRL, there was a temporary shift in species composition in summer 2005 (Ruppia maritima increased asHalodule wrightü decreased). It is likely that the persistently low salinities (not color) in 2004–2005 affected the species composition and coverage density. This study reveals that seagrasses are resilient to the acute effects of hurricanes and underscores the need to reduce chronic, an thropogenic effects on seagrasses.  相似文献   

Sharm Obhur is a narrow coastal inlet about 10 km long. The maximum depth at the entrance is about 35 m, which decreases gradually towards the head. Nine field trips were conducted for hydrographic survey in the Sharm during April 2015–January 2016 covering pre-summer transition, summer, pre-winter transition and winter seasons. In each trip, eight stations along the central axis of the Sharm were occupied for the measurement of temperature and salinity. In addition, an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) mooring was deployed near the entrance (at station 2) during 18 February–26April 2015. The vertical structures of temperature and salinity show two distinct layers—a relatively low saline surface layer and a high saline bottom layer. The thermohaline properties increase from the entrance towards the head in all the seasons except for a slight decrease in temperature during December. Near the head, the observed maximum temperature and salinity are 33.22 °C (August) and 40.36 psu (April), respectively, while the observed minimum temperature and salinity are 25.05 °C and 38.97 psu, respectively, during January. The water exchange between the Sharm and the Red Sea shows two-layer structure, with a surface inflow and a deep outflow which is typical of basins where evaporation exceeds precipitation. The pressure gradient generated by the increasing density towards the head pushes the relatively low saline surface water from the Red Sea to the Sharm with a gradient in surface salinity influenced by the evapouration and heat exchange. Near the head, it sinks and returns as a deep water flow. The estimated flushing time of the Sharm varies between 7 and 12 days with an average of 9.5 days.  相似文献   

Swimming speeds of oyster larvaeCrassostrea virginica were determined in constant and increasing salinities to learn more about the oyster larval “salinity response”. “Normal” non-directed swimming speeds ranged from less than 1 cm/min for early veligers to 5 cm/min for “eyed” veligers with temperature an important variable. When subjected to hourly salinity increases of 0.5‰, most larvae swam upward or downward at approximately 3 times the above speeds. Larvae with values closed in response to traces of formalin sank at speeds of 5 to 50 cm/min depending on larval stage. The results may explain the differential vertical position of larval stages in estuaries and suggest the presence of a taxic component to the salinity response.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of interstitial salinities to a depth of 6 cm in subtidal estuarine sediments was measured monthly from June 1977 to August 1978 in mud substrates in the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia. Measurements were made at six stations ranging from oligohaline to polyhaline. The results of this study demonstrated that vertical salinity gradients were present, particularly in the mesohaline zone of the estuary, in the sediments and that the magnitude of these gradients changes seasonally.  相似文献   

Modification of brackish marshes by nonindigenousPhragmites australis has occurred across a broad geographical area in eastern North America. Among its effects on marsh processes,Phragmites may be increasingly unfavorable to marsh surface fishes as its invasion progresses within an estuary. We assessed the effect of thePhragmites invasion on resident marsh surface fishes by examining the population response ofFundulus heteroclitus (mummichog, 5–48 mm TL) andF. luciae (spotfin killifish, 5–41 mm TL) to four distinct invasion stages in three estuaries of the U.S. mid Atlantic region (New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland). We documented precipitous declines in mean catch per unit effort ofF. heteroclitus in pit traps from natural marsh (51.6), through initial (33.8), early (12.3), and late invasion stages (2.4) across all sites. A similar pattern was documented forF. luciae, with mean catch per unit effort in pit traps declining from natural marsh (48.9), through initial (39.1), early (9.3), and late invasion stages (2.7). Population structure of both species also changed somewhat across invasion stages such that we collected a narrower size range of individuals of both species from late invasion stages. Patterns suggest that as thePhragmites invasion progresses, there is a decline in habitat function for larval and juvenileF. heteroclitus and an increased risk of extirpation ofF. luciae from brackish marshes along the east coast of the U.S.  相似文献   

Salinity is an important determinant of estuarine faunal composition; previous studies, however, have indicated conflicting accounts of continuous vs. relatively rapid change in community structure at certain salinities from geographically distinct estuaries. This study uses a large fisheries monitoring database (n?>?5,000 samples) to explore evidence for estuarine salinity zonation by nekton in the lower St. Johns River estuary (LSJR). There was little evidence to support the presence of estuarine salinity zones except at the extremes of the salinity gradient (i.e., 0.1?C1.0 and 34?C39). The LSJR estuarine nekton community exhibits progressively slow ecological change throughout most of the salinity gradient with rapid change at the interfaces with fresh and marine waters??an ecoline bounded by ecotones. This study affirms the rapid change that occurs at the extremes of the salinity spectrum in certain estuaries and is relevant to efforts to manage surface water resources and estuarine ecosystems. Given the disparity in the results of the studies examining biological salinity zones in estuaries, it would be wise to have, at minimum, a regional understanding of how communities are structured along the gradient from freshwater to marine.  相似文献   

Five stations on the lower Saint John River, a complex multibasin estuary, were sampled semiquantitatively for zooplankton at biweekly intervals for one year, and qualitatively over a 4-year period. Planktonic Crustacea were dominated by the true estuarine copepods,Acartia tonsa andEurytemora affinis and the euryhaline marine copepodsOithona similis andPseudocalanus minutus. Atypical estuarine forms, confined to a lower fiord-like basin with salinity of 20‰, were the amphipod,Parathemisto abyssorum and the mysidErythrops erythrophthalma. River flows were highly variable from year to year. Certain basins function as lakes in some years and estuaries in other years, causing extreme zooplankton community fluctuations, and succession patterns dependent on salinity rather than season. On occasion freshwater zooplankters maintained viable populations at unusually high salinities (ca. 5‰). Vertical and horizontal distributions of zooplankters indicate that the estuary in fact comprises two systems: a true estuary in the upper reaches and the surface waters at the lower end, and a fiord in a subsidiary basin in the lower end.  相似文献   

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