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Atmospheric carbon dioxide is widely studied using records of CO2 mixing ratio, δ13C and δ18O. However, the number and variability of sources and sinks prevents these alone from uniquely defining the budget. Carbon dioxide having a mass of 47 u (principally 13C18O16O) provides an additional constraint. In particular, the mass 47 anomaly (Δ47) can distinguish between CO2 produced by high temperature combustion processes vs. low temperature respiratory processes. Δ47 is defined as the abundance of mass 47 isotopologues in excess of that expected for a random distribution of isotopes, where random distribution means that the abundance of an isotopologue is the product of abundances of the isotopes it is composed of and is calculated based on the measured 13C and 18O values. In this study, we estimate the δ13C (vs. VPDB), δ18O (vs. VSMOW), δ47, and Δ47 values of CO2 from car exhaust and from human breath, by constructing ‘Keeling plots’ using samples that are mixtures of ambient air and CO2 from these sources. δ47 is defined as , where is the R47 value for a hypothetical CO2 whose δ13CVPDB = 0, δ18OVSMOW = 0, and Δ47 = 0. Ambient air in Pasadena, CA, where this study was conducted, varied in [CO2] from 383 to 404 μmol mol−1, in δ13C and δ18O from −9.2 to −10.2‰ and from 40.6 to 41.9‰, respectively, in δ47 from 32.5 to 33.9‰, and in Δ47 from 0.73 to 0.96‰. Air sampled at varying distances from a car exhaust pipe was enriched in a combustion source having a composition, as determined by a ‘Keeling plot’ intercept, of −24.4 ± 0.2‰ for δ13C (similar to the δ13C of local gasoline), δ18O of 29.9 ± 0.4‰, δ47 of 6.6 ± 0.6‰, and Δ47 of 0.41 ± 0.03‰. Both δ18O and Δ47 values of the car exhaust end-member are consistent with that expected for thermodynamic equilibrium at∼200 °C between CO2 and water generated by combustion of gasoline-air mixtures. Samples of CO2 from human breath were found to have δ13C and δ18O values broadly similar to those of car exhaust-air mixtures, −22.3 ± 0.2 and 34.3 ± 0.3‰, respectively, and δ47 of 13.4 ± 0.4‰. Δ47 in human breath was 0.76  ± 0.03‰, similar to that of ambient Pasadena air and higher than that of the car exhaust signature.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the application of stable isotopes in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects has focused on δ13C values of CO2 to trace the migration of injected CO2 in the subsurface. More recently the use of δ18O values of both CO2 and reservoir fluids has been proposed as a method for quantifying in situ CO2 reservoir saturations due to O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O and subsequent changes in δ18OH2O values in the presence of high concentrations of CO2. To verify that O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O reaches equilibrium within days, and that δ18OH2O values indeed change predictably due to the presence of CO2, a laboratory study was conducted during which the isotope composition of H2O, CO2, and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) was determined at representative reservoir conditions (50 °C and up to 19 MPa) and varying CO2 pressures. Conditions typical for the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot in Alberta (Canada) were chosen for the experiments. Results obtained showed that δ18O values of CO2 were on average 36.4 ± 2.2‰ (1σ, n = 15) higher than those of water at all pressures up to and including reservoir pressure (19 MPa), in excellent agreement with the theoretically predicted isotope enrichment factor of 35.5‰ for the experimental temperatures of 50 °C. By using 18O enriched water for the experiments it was demonstrated that changes in the δ18O values of water were predictably related to the fraction of O in the system sourced from CO2 in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Since the fraction of O sourced from CO2 is related to the total volumetric saturation of CO2 and water as a fraction of the total volume of the system, it is concluded that changes in δ18O values of reservoir fluids can be used to calculate reservoir saturations of CO2 in CCS settings given that the δ18O values of CO2 and water are sufficiently distinct.  相似文献   

To understand possible volcanogenic fluxes of CO2 to the Martian atmosphere, we investigated experimentally carbonate solubility in a synthetic melt based on the Adirondack-class Humphrey basalt at 1-2.5 GPa and 1400-1625 °C. Starting materials included both oxidized and reduced compositions, allowing a test of the effect of iron oxidation state on CO2 solubility. CO2 contents in experimental glasses were determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Fe3+/FeT was measured by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The CO2 contents of glasses show no dependence on Fe3+/FeT and range from 0.34 to 2.12 wt.%. For Humphrey basalt, analysis of glasses with gravimetrically-determined CO2 contents allowed calibration of an integrated molar absorptivity of 81,500 ± 1500 L mol−1 cm−2 for the integrated area under the carbonate doublet at 1430 and 1520 cm−1. The experimentally determined CO2 solubilities allow calibration of the thermodynamic parameters governing dissolution of CO2 vapor as carbonate in silicate melt, KII, (Stolper and Holloway, 1988) as follows: , ΔV0 = 20.85 ± 0.91 cm3 mol−1, and ΔH0 = −17.96 ± 10.2 kJ mol−1. This relation, combined with the known thermodynamics of graphite oxidation, facilitates calculation of the CO2 dissolved in magmas derived from graphite-saturated Martian basalt source regions as a function of P, T, and fO2. For the source region for Humphrey, constrained by phase equilibria to be near 1350 °C and 1.2 GPa, the resulting CO2 contents are 51 ppm at the iron-wüstite buffer (IW), and 510 ppm at one order of magnitude above IW (IW + 1). However, solubilities are expected to be greater for depolymerized partial melts similar to primitive shergottite Yamato 980459 (Y 980459). This, combined with hotter source temperatures (1540 °C and 1.2 GPa) could allow hot plume-like magmas similar to Y 980459 to dissolve 240 ppm CO2 at IW and 0.24 wt.% of CO2 at IW + 1. For expected magmatic fluxes over the last 4.5 Ga of Martian history, magmas similar to Humphrey would only produce 0.03 and 0.26 bars from sources at IW and IW + 1, respectively. On the other hand, more primitive magmas like Y 980459 could plausibly produce 0.12 and 1.2 bars at IW and IW + 1, respectively. Thus, if typical Martian volcanic activity was reduced and the melting conditions cool, then degassing of CO2 to the atmosphere may not be sufficient to create greenhouse conditions required by observations of liquid surface water. However, if a significant fraction of Martian magmas derive from hot and primitive sources, as may have been true during the formation of Tharsis in the late Noachian, that are also slightly oxidized (IW + 1.2), then significant contribution of volcanogenic CO2 to an early Martian greenhouse is plausible.  相似文献   

Dissolution rates of limestone covered by a water film open to a CO2-containing atmosphere are controlled by the chemical composition of the CaCO3-H2O-CO2 solution at the water-mineral interface. This composition is determined by the Ca2+-concentration at this boundary, conversion of CO2 into H+ and in the solution, and by diffusional mass transport of the dissolved species from and towards the water-limestone interface. A system of coupled diffusion-reaction equations for Ca2+, , and CO2 is derived. The Ca2+ flux rates at the surface of the mineral are defined by the PWP-empirical rate law. These flux rates by the rules of stoichiometry must be equal to the flux rates of CO2 across the air-water interface. In the solution, CO2 is converted into H+ and . At low water-film thickness this reaction becomes rate limiting. The time dependent diffusion-reaction equations are solved for free drift dissolution by a finite-difference scheme, to obtain the dissolution rate of calcite as a function of the average calcium concentration in the water film. Dissolution rates are obtained for high undersaturation. The results reveal two regimes of linear dissolution kinetics, which can be described by a rate law F = αi(miceq − c), where c is the calcium concentration in the water film, ceq the equilibrium concentration with respect to calcite. For index i = 0, a fast rate law, which here is reported for the first time, is found with α0 = 3 × 10−6 m s−1 and m0 = 0.3. For c > m0ceq, a slow rate law is valid with α1 = 3 × 10−7 m  s−1 and m1 = 1, which confirms earlier work. The numbers given above are valid for film thickness of several tenths of a millimetre and at 20 °C. These rates are proven experimentally, using a flat inclined limestone plate covered by a laminar flowing water film injected at an input point with known flow rate Q and calcium concentration. From the concentration measured after flow distance x the dissolution rates are determined. These experiments have been performed at a carbon-dioxide pressure of 0.00035 atm and also of 0.01 atm. The results are in good agreement to the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

A model is developed for the calculation of coupled phase and aqueous species equilibrium in the H2O-CO2-NaCl-CaCO3 system from 0 to 250 °C, 1 to 1000 bar with NaCl concentrations up to saturation of halite. The vapor-liquid-solid (calcite, halite) equilibrium together with the chemical equilibrium of H+, Na+, Ca2+, , Ca(OH)+, OH, Cl, , , CO2(aq) and CaCO3(aq) in the aqueous liquid phase as a function of temperature, pressure, NaCl concentrations, CO2(aq) concentrations can be calculated, with accuracy close to those of experiments in the stated T-P-m range, hence calcite solubility, CO2 gas solubility, alkalinity and pH values can be accurately calculated. The merit and advantage of this model is its predictability, the model was generally not constructed by fitting experimental data.One of the focuses of this study is to predict calcite solubility, with accuracy consistent with the works in previous experimental studies. The resulted model reproduces the following: (1) as temperature increases, the calcite solubility decreases. For example, when temperature increases from 273 to 373 K, calcite solubility decreases by about 50%; (2) with the increase of pressure, calcite solubility increases. For example, at 373 K changing pressure from 10 to 500 bar may increase calcite solubility by as much as 30%; (3) dissolved CO2 can increase calcite solubility substantially; (4) increasing concentration of NaCl up to 2 m will increase calcite solubility, but further increasing NaCl solubility beyond 2 m will decrease its solubility.The functionality of pH value, alkalinity, CO2 gas solubility, and the concentrations of many aqueous species with temperature, pressure and NaCl(aq) concentrations can be found from the application of this model. Online calculation is made available on www.geochem-model.org/models/h2o_co2_nacl_caco3/calc.php.  相似文献   

Longitudinal acoustic velocities were measured at 1 bar in 10 Na2O-TiO2-SiO2 (NTS) liquids for which previous density and thermal expansion data are reported in the literature. Data were collected with a frequency-sweep acoustic interferometer at centered frequencies of 4.5, 5, and 6 MHz between 1233 and 1896 K; in all cases, the sound speeds decrease with increasing temperature. Six of the liquids have a similar TiO2 concentration (∼25 mol %), so that the effect of varying Na/Si ratio on the partial molar compressibility of the TiO2 component can be evaluated. Theoretically based models for βT and (∂V/∂P)T as a function of composition and temperature are presented. As found previously for the partial molar volume of TiO2 in sodium silicate melts, values of (13.7-18.8 × 10−2/GPa) vary systematically with the Na/Si and Na/(Si + Ti) ratio in the liquid. In contrast values of for the SiO2 and Na2O components (6.6 and 8.0 × 10−2/GPa, respectively, at 1573 K) are independent of composition. Na2O is the only component that contributes to the temperature dependence of the compressibility of NTS liquids (1.13 ± 0.04 × 10−4/GPa K). The results further indicate that the TiO2 component is twice as compressible as the Na2O and SiO2 components. The enhanced compressibility of TiO2 appears to be related to the abundance of five-coordinated Ti ([5]Ti) in these liquids, but not with a change in Ti coordination. Instead, it is proposed that the asymmetric geometry of [5]Ti in a square pyramidal site promotes different topological rearrangements in alkali titanosilicate liquids, which lead to the enhanced compressibility of TiO2.  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometric stable isotope measurements of CO2 use molecular ion currents at mass-to-charge ratios m/z 44, 45 and 46 to derive the elemental isotope ratios n(13C)/n(12C) and n(18O)/n(16O), abbreviated 13C/12C and 18O/16O, relative to a reference. The ion currents have to be corrected for the contribution of 17O-bearing isotopologues, the so-called ‘17O correction’. The magnitude of this correction depends on the calibrated isotope ratios of the reference. Isotope ratio calibrations are difficult and are therefore a matter of debate. Here, I provide a comprehensive evaluation of the existing 13C/12C (13R), 17O/16O (17R) and 18O/16O (18R) calibrations of the reference material Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW) and CO2 generated from the reference material Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) by reaction with 100% H3PO4 at 25 °C (VPDB-CO2). I find , 18RVSMOW/10−6 = 2005.20 ± 0.45, 13RVPDB-CO2/10-6= 11124 ± 45, and 18RVPDB-CO2/10-6=2088.37±0.90. I also rephrase the calculation scheme for the 17O correction completely in terms of relative isotope ratio differences (δ values). This reveals that only ratios of isotope ratios (namely, 17R/13R and 13R17R/18R) are required for the 17O correction. These can be, and have been, measured on conventional stable isotope mass spectrometers. I then show that the remaining error for these ratios of isotope ratios can lead to significant uncertainty in the derived relative 13C/12C difference, but not for18O/16O. Even though inter-laboratory differences can be corrected for by a common ‘ratio assumption set’ and/or normalisation, the ultimate accuracy of the 17O correction is hereby limited. Errors of similar magnitude can be introduced by the assumed mass-dependent relationship between 17O/16O and 18O/16O isotope ratios. For highest accuracy in the 13C/12C ratio, independent triple oxygen isotope measurements are required. Finally, I propose an experiment that allows direct measurement of 13R17R/18R.  相似文献   

The steady state dissolution rate of San Carlos olivine [Mg1.82Fe0.18 SiO4] in dilute aqueous solutions was measured at 90, 120, and 150 °C and pH ranging from 2 to 12.5. Dissolution experiments were performed in a stirred flow-through reactor, under either a nitrogen or carbon dioxide atmosphere at pressures between 15 and 180 bar. Low pH values were achieved either by adding HCl to the solution or by pressurising the reactor with CO2, whereas high pH values were achieved by adding LiOH. Dissolution was stoichiometric for almost all experiments except for a brief start-up period. At all three temperatures, the dissolution rate decreases with increasing pH at acidic to neutral conditions with a slope of close to 0.5; by regressing all data for 2 ? pH ? 8.5 and 90 °C ? T ? 150 °C together, the following correlation for the dissolution rate in CO2-free solutions is obtained:

The enthalpy of mixing of the calcite-rhodochrosite (Ca,Mn)CO3 solid solution was determined at 25 °C from calorimetric measurements of the enthalpy of precipitation of solids with different compositions. A detailed study of the broadening of powder X-ray diffraction peaks shows that most of the precipitates are compositionally homogeneous. All the experimental enthalpy of mixing (ΔHm) values are positive and fit reasonably well (R2 = 0.86) to a Guggenheim function of three terms:

Solubility and solution mechanisms of H2O in depolymerized melts in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 were deduced from spectroscopic data of glasses quenched from melts at 1100 °C at 0.8-2.0 GPa. Data were obtained along a join with fixed nominal NBO/T = 0.5 of the anhydrous materials [Na2Si4O9-Na2(NaAl)4O9] with Al/(Al+Si) = 0.00-0.25. The H2O solubility was fitted to the expression, XH2O=0.20+0.0020fH2O-0.7XAl+0.9(XAl)2, where XH2O is the mole fraction of H2O (calculated with O = 1), fH2O the fugacity of H2O, and XAl = Al/(Al+Si). Partial molar volume of H2O in the melts, , calculated from the H2O-solulbility data assuming ideal mixing of melt-H2O solutions, is 12.5 cm3/mol for Al-free melts and decreases linearly to 8.9 cm3/mol for melts with Al/(Al+Si) ∼ 0.25. However, if recent suggestion that is composition-independent is applied to constrain activity-composition relations of the hydrous melts, the activity coefficient of H2O, , increases with Al/(Al+Si).Solution mechanisms of H2O were obtained by combining Raman and 29Si NMR spectroscopic data. Degree of melt depolymerization, NBO/T, increases with H2O content. The rate of NBO/T-change with H2O is negatively correlated with H2O and positively correlated with Al/(Al+Si). The main depolymerization reaction involves breakage of oxygen bridges in Q4-species to form Q2 species. Steric hindrance appears to restrict bonding of H+ with nonbridging oxygen in Q3 species. The presence of Al3+ does not affect the water solution mechanisms significantly.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, a significant research effort has focused on determining the feasibility of sequestering large amounts of CO2 in deep, permeable geologic formations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Most models indicate that injection of CO2 into deep sedimentary formations will lead to the formation of various carbonate minerals, including the common phases calcite (CaCO3), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), magnesite (MgCO3), siderite (FeCO3), as well as the far less common mineral, dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2). Nevertheless, the equilibrium and kinetics that control the precipitation of stable carbonate minerals are poorly understood and few experiments have been performed to validate computer codes that model CO2 sequestration.In order to reduce this uncertainty we measured the solubility of synthetic dawsonite according to the equilibrium: , from under- and oversaturated solutions at 50-200 °C in basic media at 1.0 mol · kg−1 NaCl. The solubility products (Qs) obtained were extrapolated to infinite dilution to obtain the solubility constants (. Combining the fit of these values and fixing  at 25 °C, which was derived from the calorimetric data of Ferrante et al. [Ferrante, M.J., Stuve, J.M., and Richardson, D.W., 1976. Thermodynamic data for synthetic dawsonite. U.S. Bureau of Mines Report Investigation, 8129, Washington, D.C., 13p.], the following thermodynamic parameters for the dissolution of dawsonite were calculated at 25 °C: , and . Subsequently, we were able to derive values for the Gibbs energy of formation (, enthalpy of formation ( and entropy ( of dawsonite. These results are within the combined experimental uncertainties of the values reported by Ferrante et al. (1976). Predominance diagrams are presented for the dawsonite/boehmite and dawsonite/bayerite equilibria at 100 °C in the presence of a saline solution with and without silica-containing minerals.  相似文献   

The solubility of Fe-ettringite (Ca6[Fe(OH)6]2(SO4)3 · 26H2O) was measured in a series of precipitation and dissolution experiments at 20 °C and at pH-values between 11.0 and 14.0 using synthesised material. A time-series study showed that equilibrium was reached within 180 days of ageing. After equilibrating, the solid phases were analysed by XRD and TGA while the aqueous solutions were analysed by ICP-OES (calcium, sulphur) and ICP-MS (iron). Fe-ettringite was found to be stable up to pH 13.0. At higher pH-values Fe-monosulphate (Ca4[Fe(OH)6]2(SO4) · 6H2O) and Fe-monocarbonate (Ca4[Fe(OH)6]2(CO3) · 6H2O) are formed. The solubilities of these hydrates at 25 °C are:   相似文献   

The electrical conductivities of aqueous solutions of Li2SO4 and K2SO4 have been measured at 523-673 K at 20-29 MPa in dilute solutions for molalities up to 2 × 10−2 mol kg−1. These conductivities have been fitted to the conductance equation of Turq, Blum, Bernard, and Kunz with a consensus mixing rule and mean spherical approximation activity coefficients. In the temperature interval 523-653 K, where the dielectric constant, ε, is greater than 14, the electrical conductance data can be fitted by a solution model which includes ion association to form , , and , where M is Li or K. The adjustable parameters of this model are the first and second dissociation constants of the M2SO4. For the 673 K and 300 kg m−3 state point where the Coulomb interactions are the strongest (dielectric constant, ε = 5), models with more extensive association give good fits to the data. In the case of the Li2SO4 model, including the multi-ion associate, , gave an extremely good fit to the conductance data.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that oxygen three isotope measurement (16O, 17O, and 18O) of water provides additional information for investigating the hydrological cycle and paleoclimate. For determining the 18O/16O value of water, a conventional CO2-water equilibration method involves measurement of the ratios of CO2 isotopologues which were equilibrated with water. However, this long-established technique was not intended to measure the 17O/16O ratio, primarily because the historic ion correction scheme does not allow for possible deviations from a fixed (and mass-dependent) relationship between 17O/16O and 18O/16O isotope ratios. Here, we propose an improved method for obtaining the 17O/16O isotope ratio of fresh water by the equilibration method and measurement of the 45/44 CO2 ion abundance ratio. Equations which we formulated for 17O/16O measurement have two features: first, instead of absolute isotope ratio (R), all equations are formulated in δ values, measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Second, we include two “assigned” δ values of water standards in the equations, because the δ18O are commonly measured against two working standards to normalize the span of the δ scale. This approach clarifies that the contribution from 17O (12C16O17O+) to the molecular ion current at mass-to-charge ratio m/z 45 signal depends not on the absolute 13C/12C ratio, but on the relative δ13C differences between the working standards and the sample. The pH value of water affects δ17O estimation because δ13C of CO2 was changed in the water-CO2 system. We reevaluated this effect using a set of equations, which explicitly includes CO2 partial pressure effect on pH value. Our new estimation of pH effect is significantly smaller than previously reported value, but it does not alter the main conclusions in the previous study. The method was verified by δ17O measurements of an international standard reference water (GISP) provided by the IAEA. We applied the method to investigate 17O-excess of the ice core drilled at the Dome Fuji station, Antarctica. A total of 1320 samples from a 130 m section around Marine Isotope Stage 9.3 (∼330,000 years before present) were measured. The error of a measurement for δ17O is 0.175‰ and that of 17O-excess is 184 per meg. Although these analytical uncertainties hampered accurate estimation of the changes in 17O-excess, the averaged data indicate that 17O-excess around MIS 9.3 was higher than during the subsequent glacial period. This approach can be applied only to fresh water samples, and additional improvements will be needed to measure samples which contains significant amount of carbonate minerals.  相似文献   

Armenite, ideal formula BaCa2Al6Si9O30·2H2O, and its dehydrated analog BaCa2Al6Si9O30 and epididymite, ideal formula Na2Be2Si6O15·H2O, and its dehydrated analog Na2Be2Si6O15 were studied by low-temperature relaxation calorimetry between 5 and 300 K to determine the heat capacity, Cp, behavior of their confined H2O. Differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetry measurements, FTIR spectroscopy, electron microprobe analysis and powder Rietveld refinements were undertaken to characterize the phases and the local environment around the H2O molecule.The determined structural formula for armenite is Ba0.88(0.01)Ca1.99(0.02)Na0.04(0.01)Al5.89(0.03)Si9.12(0.02)O30·2H2O and for epididymite Na1.88(0.03)K0.05(0.004)Na0.01(0.004)Be2.02(0.008)Si6.00(0.01)O15·H2O. The infrared (IR) spectra give information on the nature of the H2O molecules in the natural phases via their H2O stretching and bending vibrations, which in the case of epididymite only could be assigned. The powder X-ray diffraction data show that armenite and its dehydrated analog have similar structures, whereas in the case of epididymite there are structural differences between the natural and dehydrated phases. This is also reflected in the lattice IR mode behavior, as observed for the natural phases and the H2O-free phases. The standard entropy at 298 K for armenite is S° = 795.7 ± 6.2 J/mol K and its dehydrated analog is S° = 737.0 ± 6.2 J/mol K. For epididymite S° = 425.7 ± 4.1 J/mol K was obtained and its dehydrated analog has S° = 372.5 ± 5.0 J/mol K. The heat capacity and entropy of dehydration at 298 K are Δ = 3.4 J/mol K and ΔSrxn = 319.1 J/mol K and Δ = −14.3 J/mol K and ΔSrxn = 135.7 J/mol K for armenite and epididymite, respectively. The H2O molecules in both phases appear to be ordered. They are held in place via an ion-dipole interaction between the H2O molecule and a Ca cation in the case of armenite and a Na cation in epididymite and through hydrogen-bonding between the H2O molecule and oxygen atoms of the respective silicate frameworks. Of the three different H2O phases ice, liquid water and steam, the Cp behavior of confined H2O in both armenite and epididymite is most similar to that of ice, but there are differences between the two silicates and from the Cp behavior of ice. Hydrogen-bonding behavior and its relation to the entropy of confined H2O at 298 K is analyzed for various microporous silicates.The entropy of confined H2O at 298 K in various silicates increases approximately linearly with increasing average wavenumber of the OH-stretching vibrations. The interpretation is that decreased hydrogen-bonding strength between a H2O molecule and the silicate framework, as well as weak ion-dipole interactions, results in increased entropy of H2O. This results in increased amplitudes of external H2O vibrations, especially translations of the molecule, and they contribute strongly to the entropy of confined H2O at T < 298 K.  相似文献   

NaCl solubility in gaseous carbon dioxide has been measured in the pressure range from 30 to 70 MPa at 623 and 673 K. Our originally-designed high pressure apparatus allows in situ sampling of a portion of the fluid phase for chemical analysis. The results indicate that the solubility of NaCl increases with both temperature and pressure, and is about 4-5 orders of magnitude higher than saturated NaCl pressure values at the same temperature conditions (6.02 × 10−12 at 623 K and 1.51 × 10−10 at 673 K). It is also 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than predictions according to the Equation of State of the ternary H2O-CO2-NaCl system by Duan, Moeller and Weare [Duan, Z., Moller, N., and Weare, J. H. (1995) Equation of state for the NaCl-H2O-CO2 system: prediction of phase equilibria and volumetric properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta59, 2869] and has the opposite pressure dependence. The activity values of NaCl in the vapor phase, calculated from the experiments (with pure molten NaCl as a standard state in the vapor), have been fitted to the Darken Quadratic Formalism: , where, xNaCl,v is mole the fraction of NaCl in the vapor phase, , , where P is the pressure in MPa and T the absolute temperature. Caution should be exerted while extrapolating this empirical equation far beyond the experimental P-T-compositional range.  相似文献   

From July to November 2009, concentrations of CO2 in 78 samples of ambient air collected in 18 different interior spaces on a university campus in Dallas, Texas (USA) ranged from 386 to 1980 ppm. Corresponding δ13C values varied from −8.9‰ to −19.4‰. The CO2 from 22 samples of outdoor air (also collected on campus) had a more limited range of concentrations from 385 to 447 ppm (avg. = 408 ppm), while δ13C values varied from −10.1‰ to −8.4‰ (avg.=-9.0‰). In contrast to ambient indoor and outdoor air, the concentrations of CO2 exhaled by 38 different individuals ranged from 38,300 to 76,200 ppm (avg. = 55,100 ppm), while δ13C values ranged from −24.8‰ to −17.7‰ (avg. = −21.8‰). The residence times of the total air in the interior spaces of this study appear to have been on the order of 10 min with relatively rapid approaches (∼30 min) to steady-state concentrations of ambient CO2 gas. Collectively, the δ13C values of the indoor CO2 samples were linearly correlated with the reciprocal of CO2 concentration, exhibiting an intercept of −21.8‰, with r2 = 0.99 and p < 0.001 (n = 78). This high degree of linearity for CO2 data representing 18 interior spaces (with varying numbers of occupants), and the coincidence of the intercept (−21.8‰) with the average δ13C value for human-exhaled CO2 demonstrates simple mixing between two inputs: (1) outdoor CO2 introduced to the interior spaces by ventilation systems, and (2) CO2 exhaled by human occupants of those spaces. If such simple binary mixing is a common feature of interior spaces, it suggests that the intercept of a mixing line defined by two data points (CO2 input from the local ventilation system and CO2 in the ambient air of the room) could be a reasonable estimate of the average δ13C value of the CO2 exhaled by the human occupants. Thus, such indoor spaces appear to constitute effective “sample vessels” for collection of CO2 that can be used to determine the average proportions of C3 and C4-derived C in the diets of the occupants. For the various groups occupying the rooms sampled in this study, C4-derived C appears to have constituted ∼40% of the average diet.  相似文献   

Interdiffusion coefficients have been determined for H2O-CO2 mixtures by quantifying the flux of CO2 between two fluid-filled chambers in a specially designed piston-cylinder cell. The two chambers, which are maintained at 1.0 GPa and at temperatures differing by ∼100°C, each contain the XCO2-buffering assemblage calcite + quartz + wollastonite, in H2O. The positive dependence of XCO2 on temperature results in a down-temperature, steady-state flux of CO2 through a capillary tube that connects the two chambers. This flux drives the wollastonite = calcite + quartz equilibrium to the right in the cooler chamber, producing a measurable amount of calcite that is directly related to CO2-H2O interdiffusion rates. Diffusivities calculated from seven experiments range from 1.0 × 10−8 to 6.1 × 10−8 m2/s for mean capillary temperatures between ∼490 and 690°C. The data set can be approximated by an Arrhenius-type relation:

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