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Digital Earth has seen great progress during the last 19 years. When it entered into the era of big data, Digital Earth developed into a new stage, namely one characterized by ‘Big Earth Data’, confronting new challenges and opportunities. In this paper we give an overview of the development of Digital Earth by summarizing research achievements and marking the milestones of Digital Earth’s development. Then, the opportunities and challenges that Big Earth Data faces are discussed. As a data-intensive scientific research approach, Big Earth Data provides a new vision and methodology to Earth sciences, and the paper identifies the advantages of Big Earth Data to scientific research, especially in knowledge discovery and global change research. We believe that Big Earth Data will advance and promote the development of Digital Earth.  相似文献   


While significant progress has been made to implement the Digital Earth vision, current implementation only makes it easy to integrate and share spatial data from distributed sources and has limited capabilities to integrate data and models for simulating social and physical processes. To achieve effectiveness of decision-making using Digital Earth for understanding the Earth and its systems, new infrastructures that provide capabilities of computational simulation are needed. This paper proposed a framework of geospatial semantic web-based interoperable spatial decision support systems (SDSSs) to expand capabilities of the currently implemented infrastructure of Digital Earth. Main technologies applied in the framework such as heterogeneous ontology integration, ontology-based catalog service, and web service composition were introduced. We proposed a partition-refinement algorithm for ontology matching and integration, and an algorithm for web service discovery and composition. The proposed interoperable SDSS enables decision-makers to reuse and integrate geospatial data and geoprocessing resources from heterogeneous sources across the Internet. Based on the proposed framework, a prototype to assist in protective boundary delimitation for Lunan Stone Forest conservation was implemented to demonstrate how ontology-based web services and the services-oriented architecture can contribute to the development of interoperable SDSSs in support of Digital Earth for decision-making.  相似文献   

本文以我国自主高分辨率遥感立体测图卫星为主要数据源,利用高精度卫星影像无地面控制几何定位技术和智能采编技术,研制了全球陆域范围统一框架下的多尺度、多类型的基础地理信息产品,以发挥测绘地理信息在全球治理和可持续发展方面的重要作用,为“一带一路”倡议,国家经济社会发展,全球战略实施,智慧社会建设提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

"一带一路"战略的发展建设依赖于大量经济要素数据,战略决策需要结合大量经济数据和空间位置信息进行参考辅助。文中以中国社会科学院"一带一路"数据库为数据支撑,研究百度ECharts与MapGIS空间数据的相互解析与调用方法,以MapGIS为计算内核、百度ECharts为可视化工具,实现对"一带一路"经济数据的空间可视化与分析功能,为"一带一路"经济建设提供数据参考和决策支持。  相似文献   

全球离散网格是面向空间大数据的模型框架,常用于构建数字地球平台。基于球体的剖分瓦块不仅可以构建真三维的数字地球模型,而且可以实现天地一体化的空间数据集成、融合、表达和应用。本文详细论述了球体大圆弧QTM八叉树网格的剖分原理、网格几何特征分析和编解码方法等理论体系,并利用剖分瓦块实现了球体的任意分割以及地下、地表和空中实体的可视化建模。研究表明,球体QTM网格具有剖分规则简单、体系规整、几何特征明晰,适用性强等特点,尤其是可以推广到椭球。因而,该方案可用于天地一体化的空间数据的组织、管理与应用。  相似文献   


This paper aims to demonstrate results and considerations regarding the use of remote sensing big data for archaeological and Cultural Heritage management large scale applications. For this purpose, the Earth Engine© developed by Google© was exploited. Earth Engine© provides a robust and expandable cloud platform where several freely distributed remote sensing big data, such as Landsat, can be accessed, analysed and visualized. Two different applications are presented here as follows: the first one is based on the evaluation of multi-temporal Landsat series datasets for the detection of buried Neolithic tells (‘magoules’) in the area of Thessaly, in Greece using linear orthogonal equations. The second case exploits European scale multi-temporal DMSP-OLS Night-time Lights Time Series to visualize the impact of urban sprawl in the vicinity of UNESCO World Heritage sites and monuments. Both applications highlight the considerable opportunities that big data can offer to the fields of archaeology and Cultural Heritage, while the studies also demonstrate the great challenges that still are needed to be overcome in order to make the exploitation of big data process manageable and fruitful for future applications.  相似文献   


The enhancement of computing power, the maturity of learning algorithms, and the richness of application scenarios make Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution increasingly attractive when solving Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS) problems. These include image matching, image target detection, change detection, image retrieval, and for generating data models of various types. This paper discusses the connection and synthesis between AI and GSIS in block adjustment, image search and discovery in big databases, automatic change detection, and detection of abnormalities, demonstrating that AI can integrate GSIS. Moreover, the concept of Earth Observation Brain and Smart Geo-spatial Service (SGSS) is introduced in the end, and it is expected to promote the development of GSIS into broadening applications.  相似文献   

覃帮勇  万雪  轩诗宇  李盛阳  刘康 《遥感学报》2020,24(9):1088-1098
港口城市在“一带一路”建设中具有重要地位和作用,遥感影像数据可以为港口城市的动态监测提供有效的信息支撑。天宫二号空间实验室搭载的宽波段成像仪是新一代中分辨率成像光谱仪,具有谱段宽、视场大等特点,在可见近红外、短波红外、热红外谱段共设置有18个通道,空间分辨率分别为100 m、200 m和400 m,自2016-09—2019-07获取了大量的对地观测多光谱影像数据。本文面向 “一带一路”沿线的25个港口城市,从天宫二号宽波段成像仪获取的多光谱数据中挑选出58组不同时间获取的高质量影像,经过预处理、辐射校正、几何校正等处理和数据质量控制,构建了“一带一路”沿线港口城市专题影像数据集,并对该数据集的应用价值和潜力进行了分析。结果表明该数据集可以为“一带一路”沿线港口城市及其周边区域资源环境遥感监测提供重要信息支撑,在港口城市相关的中大尺度场景分类识别方面具有较大应用价值。  相似文献   


Since Al Gore created the vision for Digital Earth in 1998, a wide range of research in this field has been published in journals. However, little attention has been paid to bibliometric analysis of the literature on Digital Earth. This study uses a bibliometric analysis methodology to study the publications related to Digital Earth in the Science Citation Index database and Social Science Citation Index database (via the Web of Science online services) during the period from 1998 to 2015. In this paper, we developed a novel keyword set for ‘Digital Earth’. Using this keyword set, 11,061 scientific articles from 23 subject categories were retrieved. Based on the searched articles, we analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of publication outputs, the subject categories and the major journals. Then, authors’ performance, affiliations, cooperation, and funding institutes were evaluated. Finally, keywords were examined. Through keyword clustering, research hotspots in the field of Digital Earth were detected. We assume that the results coincide well with the position of Digital Earth research in the context of big data.  相似文献   

基于Google Earth管线巡检系统地图数据的制作方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘祥磊  马静  江涛 《测绘科学》2008,33(2):141-142,126
本文简明介绍了Google Earth的基本状况,阐述了其优缺点。为了弥补Google Earth的缺点以满足管线巡检系统的要求,本文提出了向Google Earth叠加影像数据和基础地理数据的思想,文中详细介绍了叠加影像数据和基础地理数据的原理和技术,以及如何利用这些数据,并以德阳市为例进行实现。最后提出了在Google Earth进行商业开发存在的几点问题。  相似文献   

遥感与中国可持续发展:机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国要实现可持续发展,必须积极应对资源短缺、环境恶化、海洋开发和气候变化等一系列重大资源环境问题;随着全球经济发展一体化进程加快,中国必须以全球视角研究和解决面临的资源环境问题。遥感在地球科学、环境科学、资源科学与全球变化研究中具有宏观动态的优点,是不可替代的全球观测手段,是实施可持续发展战略的基础性技术支撑。本文回顾了遥感科学技术进步的历程,总结了国际上围绕可持续发展所开展的全球遥感科学计划,分析了中国遥感现状和服务于可持续发展的前景,并结合国际上地球综合观测系统的发展态势,提出了中国遥感科学技术发展面临的挑战和机遇,进一步阐述了遥感发展面临的建立地球综合观测系统之系统、高精度遥感模型与参数反演、遥感产品真实性检验与遥感性能判据及测试系统、遥感数据与地球系统模式同化、遥感大数据与主动服务等前沿科学与技术问题。最后指出遥感要更好地服务于社会可持续发展,服务于国家的全球战略,服务于国民经济建设;必须创新遥感应用服务模式,加快遥感产业化和商业化进程;建议推进卫星观测系统的商业化,加快无人机遥感发展,促进遥感应用市场化。  相似文献   

展望大数据时代的地球空间信息学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李德仁 《测绘学报》2016,45(4):379-384
20世纪90年代,随着全球信息化和互联网的推进,地球空间信息学应运而生,推动了数字地球和数字城市的建设。21世纪以来,随着全球信息化与工业化的高度集成发展,出现了物联网和云计算,人类进入了大数据时代。本文论述大数据时代地球空间信息学的特点(无所不在、多维动态、互联网+网络化、全自动与实时化、从感知到认知、众包与自发地理信息、面向服务)和必须解决的主要关键技术问题(全球空天地一体化的非线性地球参考框架构建技术、星基导航增强技术、天地一体化网络通信技术、多源成像数据在轨处理技术、天基信息智能终端服务技术、天基资源调度与网络安全、基于载荷的多功能卫星平台设计与研制)。本文最后给出大数据时代地球空间信息学的新定义,即地球空间信息学是用各种手段和集成各种方法对地球及地球上的实体目标(physical objects)和人类活动(human activities)进行时空数据采集、信息提取、网络管理、知识发现、空间感知认知和智能位置服务的一门多学科交叉的科学和技术。从这个新定义出发,地球空间信息学将在构建智慧地球和智慧城市的大数据时代面临更多的发展机遇和艰巨的任务,必将为人类社会的进步和可持续发展作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

Google Earth作为公共地图服务平台,为测绘、勘探等工作提供了数据支持。本文探讨了开发应用软件,将GIS数据批量转换为Google Earth数据的关键技术,实现了数据管理、数据转换等功能。  相似文献   

智慧地球时代测绘地理信息学的新使命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先指出智慧地球是数字地球、物联网和云计算等有机的融合,随后分析了智慧地球的主要特性,并重点阐述了智慧地球时代测绘地理信息学的新使命。作者认为我们已经从绘制地形图为主的小测绘发展成为当今以地理空间信息服务为主的大测绘,现在必须抓住机遇,不失时机地拓展智慧地球时代测绘地理信息学的新使命,将传统测绘提升为能够实时、智能地采集和处理海量空间数据、提供空间信息和知识服务的智慧测绘新阶段。  相似文献   

基于WKML库的Google Earth二次开发及其在测绘中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Goolge Earth具有很强大的显示、查询和分析功能,而直接使用KML对Google Earth进行二次开发,通常难以实现数据的批量化处理。因此,介绍一种简单的方法对Google Earth进行二次开发,并将这种方法引入到测绘领域中,以实现测量数据的可视化、查询与分析。  相似文献   

迎接"数字地球"的挑战   总被引:94,自引:1,他引:93  
从地球科学发展战略的角度,分析了“数字地球”对中国的挑战以及“数字地球”本身所面临的挑战,论述了发展“中国数字地球”的必要性和可能性,提出了发展“中国数字地球”的战略措施  相似文献   


This paper introduces a new concept, distributed geospatial information processing (DGIP), which refers to the process of geospatial information residing on computers geographically dispersed and connected through computer networks, and the contribution of DGIP to Digital Earth (DE). The DGIP plays a critical role in integrating the widely distributed geospatial resources to support the DE envisioned to utilise a wide variety of information. This paper addresses this role from three different aspects: 1) sharing Earth data, information, and services through geospatial interoperability supported by standardisation of contents and interfaces; 2) sharing computing and software resources through a GeoCyberinfrastructure supported by DGIP middleware; and 3) sharing knowledge within and across domains through ontology and semantic searches. Observing the long-term process for the research and development of an operational DE, we discuss and expect some practical contributions of the DGIP to the DE.  相似文献   


Turning Earth observation (EO) data consistently and systematically into valuable global information layers is an ongoing challenge for the EO community. Recently, the term ‘big Earth data’ emerged to describe massive EO datasets that confronts analysts and their traditional workflows with a range of challenges. We argue that the altered circumstances must be actively intercepted by an evolution of EO to revolutionise their application in various domains. The disruptive element is that analysts and end-users increasingly rely on Web-based workflows. In this contribution we study selected systems and portals, put them in the context of challenges and opportunities and highlight selected shortcomings and possible future developments that we consider relevant for the imminent uptake of big Earth data.  相似文献   


Measuring the achievement of a sustainable development requires the integration of various data sets and disciplines describing bio-physical and socio-economic conditions. These data allow characterizing any location on Earth, assessing the status of the environment at various scales (e.g. national, regional, global), understanding interactions between different systems (e.g. atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere), and modeling future changes. The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) was established in 2005 in response to the need for coordinated, comprehensive, and sustained observations related to the state of the Earth. GEO’s global engagement priorities include supporting the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. A proposition is made for generalizing and integrating the concept of EVs across the Societal Benefit Areas of GEO and across the border between Socio-Economic and Earth systems EVs. The contributions of the European Union projects ConnectinGEO and GEOEssential in the evaluation of existing EV classes are introduced. Finally, the main aim of the 10 papers of the special issue is shortly presented and mapped according to the proposed typology of SBA-related EV classes.  相似文献   

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