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研究了企业在市场经济体制中的主体地位和企业承担的环境责任,通过对生态补偿的涵义和政策范围进行分析,明确了生态补偿与排污费、资源费之间的区别和联系,提出了完善企业履行生态补偿责任的政策框架、搭建企业履行生态补偿责任的职能体系及创新企业履行生态补偿责任执行形式的建议。  相似文献   

任勇、俞海等在2006年12月8日《中国环境报》撰文指出,在我国构建一个发挥路线图作用的战略与政策框架非常重要。针对我国建立生态补偿机制存在的政策障碍和要解决的现实问题,战略与政策框架应该包括7个部分:战略定位、目标、原则和步骤,优先领域,法律和政策依据,补偿依据和标准,政策手段,责任赔偿机制和管理体制等。[第一段]  相似文献   

本文着重分析了西部经济的高速发展及其所带来的生态环境问题,目前西部存在四大问题,即工业化所带来的污染、水资源短缺、水土流失和荒漠化。日益恶化的生态环境,对西部以及其他地区的经济和社会带来极大危害,严重影响可持续发展。因此,必须将经济、技术、法律和政策手段相结合,采取有力措施改善西部生态环境,如加强对西部地区气候生态环境的动态监测和评估;促使产业结构升级、发展循环经济;对有利于生态环境保护的行为和做法采取鼓励和补偿政策;加快和完善生态立法等。  相似文献   

正全流域的水资源保护和流域内各行政区经济发展的矛盾成为阻碍生态画廊建设的一个瓶颈问题。通过对目前我国水资源生态补偿的现状、补偿标准和途径进行分析,尝试对水资源生态补偿机制建立过程中几个主要问题提出若干建议,为生态画廊建设提供参考。生态画廊一般涉及某个特定的河湖流域,针对该流域采取相关生态和环境管理措施,保护和恢复流域生态环境,以达到环境恢复、生态景观优良的目的。已有的案例如"汉江、漓江、清江生态画廊"等。  相似文献   

王莽  戴雪 《陕西气象》2019,(1):48-50
通过分析汉中市、县气象部门在强化防雷安全监管工作的实践经验和存在问题,提出市县履行防雷安全监管职责,必须坚持推动党委领导、政府主导、部门协同、公众参与、企业责任主体、法治保障的防雷安全治理体系建设。同时,要加强制度建设和防雷检测服务标准的应用。  相似文献   

全面分析了气候变化给企业带来的机遇与挑战。全球契约的"关注气候"倡议为企业响应全球号召应对气候变化带来了机遇,全球契约是全球企业共同应对气候变化、实现企业社会责任和树立企业形象的良好平台。另外,通过调查研究分析了中国民营企业应对气候变化的现状,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

通过对国内外城市规划建设与气象服务工作现状的分析,从法律、政策、技术依据等方面论证了我国气象部门对城市规划建设应承担的责任与义务,进而对气象服务领域拓展提出构想。指出,城市规划建设必须以科学规划为先导,以气候规划为依据,才能为城市防灾减灾、可持续发展和生态城市建设提供有力保障。  相似文献   

中国在碳达峰碳中和的“1+N”政策体系中提出要将能耗双控过渡到碳排放双控,建立碳排放总量控制制度。已有研究大多关注目标制定、碳排放分配的方法学,或以制度体系设计为对象进行分析,缺乏对分解模式、不同责任主体协同、责任主体与排放源匹配等制度关键问题的讨论。文中从制度实施角度着眼,梳理国内外控制碳排放的相关制度实践,提出构建碳排放总量控制制度的“目标分解→出台政策→实施行动→评估调整”全流程管理和要素,并提出各个环节的具体建议:(1)目标分解采用“区域和行业分解相结合”的模式,将发电等纳入碳市场行业的重点排放单位按行业分解和管控,其他排放源(包括一般排放企业、建筑、交通等)按区域分解和管控;(2)政策工具要匹配责任主体的管理模式和排放源的减排重点,发挥不同责任主体间的协同作用,避免重复管理;(3)要建设相应的数据核算和支撑体系,并形成评估反馈和调整机制。  相似文献   

一、什么是审计审计是由独立的专职机构或人员,依据国家的财经法规,采用专门的程序和方法,对被审查单位财政财务收支及其有关经济活动的真实性、合法性和有效性进行评价,以证明、确定是否履行经济责任的监督活动。简  相似文献   

在人工控制水分条件下 ,通过田间小间隔不同水分等级和持续时间试验 ,分析了水分胁迫对小麦生理、生态及产量的影响 ,探讨了小麦对不同水分胁迫后复水的滞后作用和补偿效应 ,得出了有利于小麦高产、高效的轻度水分胁迫临界土壤相对湿度指标为 55% .  相似文献   

Sea-level rise due to climate change will have significant effects on coastal areas and populations. Adaptation policies recommend the managed realignment of the most vulnerable assets and activities. Despite their medium- and long-term benefits, these policies face significant friction due to social acceptability in the communities where they are implemented.

This article investigates the hypothesis that respecting principles of justice in the implementation of managed realignment should increase its acceptability. We compare preferences of those people who are exposed to the risk of climate-change-induced flooding and those who are not, as regards funding managed retreat policies and defining compensation criteria for assets at risk. The main theories of social justice provide the four principles included in the analysis: efficiency, need, responsibility and priority assigned to property rights.

A choice experiment survey was conducted with 258 residents of coastal and hinterland communities in the south of France. Four attributes were selected to define the managed realignment policy: the dialogue arrangements, the implementation period, the policy implementation schedule and the cost. The results show support for a relatively fast launch of these policies (within 15 years) but in stages and through a process of dialogue with the population. People's perceptions of the funding criteria reveal a preference for national solidarity. Finally, national funding of managed retreat policies and compensation criteria based on market prices have a significant positive influence on the acceptability of managed realignment policies, whereas introducing responsibility-based compensation criteria tends to favour the status quo over the adaptation policy.

Policy relevance

Prioritization of the funding criteria reveals the preference for national solidarity. Preferences for the justice criteria underpinning compensation reveal a great diversity of values. Besides implantation modalities, preferences for managed realignment policies depend on which level they are implemented at, on the expropriation criteria (the emphasis given to property rights, i.e. market price), on the attachment (people perceived as worst off, i.e. the property is their main residence rather than a second home or they have lower levels of income) and on the degree of responsibility (related to the date of purchase, i.e. on the information given at the time on the risk).  相似文献   

无功补偿技术在区域气象中心供电系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了供电保障系统在沈阳区域气象中心业务中的重要作用及无功补偿的基本原理,概述了在应用设计中选择无功补偿装置的配置地点及智能式复合开关无功补偿成套装置的性能、结构及特点,并从减少输电线路和变压器的损耗、增加变压器及输电线路的利用率、改善电压质量、获得力率电费奖励4个方面分析了无功补偿的经济价值。应用表明:采用无功补偿技术可节约资金20多万元,达到了预期改造的目的,经济效益和社会效益较为显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the adoption of discourses on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) across different national contexts. It draws on institutional theories to develop and test a number of hypotheses on the role of shared beliefs and politico-economic institutions in determining the discursive choices of policy actors. The results show that win–win ecological modernization discourse, embraced by powerful government agencies and international actors, dominates national REDD+ policy arenas. This discourse is challenged primarily by a minority reformist civic environmentalist discourse put forward primarily by domestic NGOs. We find evidence that countries with a less democratic political system and large-scale primary sector investments facilitate the adoption of reconciliatory ecological modernization discourse, which may not directly challenge the drivers of deforestation. Policy actors who believe in and are engaged in market-based approaches to REDD+ are much more likely to adopt ecological modernization discourses, compared to policy actors who work on community development and livelihoods issues.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that calculations of historical responsibility for global warming should be used to distribute mitigation requirements in future climate agreements. For a medium-term mitigation scenario, we calculate regional mitigation costs resulting from global allocation schemes based on the Brazilian Proposal that solely incorporate historical responsibility as a burden sharing criterion. We find that they are likely to violate ability-to-pay principles. In spite of less stringent abatement requirements, developing country regions experience cost burdens (as a percentage of GDP) in the same range as those of developed countries. We also assess the policy options available for calculating historical responsibility. The periodic updating of responsibility calculations over time, concerns over the robustness and availability of emissions data, and the question of whether past emissions were knowingly harmful, may lead to policy choices that increase the relative historical responsibility attributed to developing countries. This, in turn, would increase their mitigation cost burden.  相似文献   

Rapid environmental change in the Arctic has led to calls for new forms of environmental governance that consciously fit policy solutions to both the policy problem as well as the underlying social–ecological system dynamics. While efforts to evaluate the ecological fit of institutions to place have become more sophisticated, efforts to measure the social fit of policy remains underdeveloped. In order to examine the effect of institutional form on policy processes and socially relevant outcomes, I employ a mixed methods approach including ethnographic data and social network analysis to compare the implementation of two international wildlife regimes in two indigenous Iñupiaq towns in Alaska. My results yield three findings: (1) that separate institutions create differently structured policy networks, (2) differences in network structures and levels of power-sharing correlate with perceptions of policy, and (3) networks that reflect local social patterns are more likely to be considered fair and inclusive. These findings support congruence theory, which posits that public policy reflective of local constructions of legitimacy will achieve greater success than policy that is not reflective.  相似文献   

河南省南召县退耕还林工程生态效益价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退耕还林工程生态效益评估,是制定科学管护措施和保障退耕还林工程有效运转,以及退耕还林生态补偿标准制定和调整的关键之一。以河南省退耕还林工程典型地区南召县为研究区,根据当地实际情况,在充分考虑退耕还林的生态、社会和经济三个方面的效益,以及指标的适用性和可操作性的前提下,构建了南召县退耕还林生态效益评价指标体系,选择对退耕还林生态效益影响较为密切的11个因子作为评价指标。针对各个评价指标分别采用影子工程法、等效替代法等方法评估了南召县退耕还林工程的理论生态价值。通过计算,南召县退耕还林工程的理论生态总价值865.47万元,其中涵养水源价值601.63万元,改良土壤价值7.92万元,净化空气价值24.13万元,生物多样性保护价值194.94万元,经济产出价值36.85万元;生态效益和社会效益之和为828.62万元,约占总价值的95.74%;年生态效益和社会效益共13741元/(hm2·a),略高于谢高地等2008年的研究结果。根据南召县退耕还林工程现状及相关调查研究结果,为保障退耕还林工程的各项效益,提出应明确退耕还林工程在生态建设中的定位,增强配套措施实施力度和加强效益监测与档案管理三条建议。今后应加强基于林木生长发育规律、资金利率变动等的动态生态效益评估,以期为退耕补偿标准的修订提供数据支持和科学依据。  相似文献   

Having agreed upon a binding emissions reduction path by 2020, the EU plays a leading role in international climate policy. The EU currently pursues a dual approach through an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) at the EU level and also via national targets in sectors not covered by the ETS. The latter include the buildings sector, transportation, agriculture, and waste. Emissions from these sectors are mainly subject to policies at provincial and local levels. A method is presented for elaborating and implementing a long-term climate policy process up to 2030 for the regional (provincial) level. Building on regional GHG inventory data, a set of indicators for each sector is developed in order to arrive at a target path consistent with the deduced regional GHG reduction requirement. Policy measures and their implementation are then settled subsequent to this process. Quantitative regional targets are found to be a prerequisite for the formation of regional climate policy as they increase participant responsibility and commitment. A five-step process of stakeholder participation ensures effective implementation of regional climate action plans. Insights from an exemplary European region are drawn upon, and policy issues are discussed in both quantitative and institutional terms.  相似文献   

Existing research emphasizes interdependencies between social and ecological systems in climate change adaptation. Ecological systems are often complex and span several issues that are not integrated in the social governance system. In order to increase the fit between social and ecological systems, understanding factors that promote the integration of interdependent issues is crucial. In this paper, we consider 11 issues related to flood risk management, e.g., technical flood protection and habitat loss, which are typically addressed in different policy sectors but exhibit ecological, functional, or geographical interdependencies. We analyze two bases for issue integration: a) political actors connecting issues and, b) the legal framework cross-referencing issues. We propose a network method for systematic comparisons between issue integration based on actors and integration based on laws. For the case of Swiss flood risk management, we find that actor- and law-based issue integration co-vary and might be self-reinforcing. We further find that issue integration mostly rests on laws, although cases exist where actors are the main basis of integration. Results promote our understanding of potential bases for the integration of policy issues, thereby contributing knowledge about adaptive governance capacities in social-ecological systems that buffer the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

“天气-风障-产量”是一个复杂巨系统, 若想通过该系统取得最佳效益, 必须对林带结构做出优化决策。该文论述了马尔可夫决策过程 (MDP) 在该决策中的应用问题。利用在沈阳市康平县对农田防护林带考察中所取得的资料, 依据概率论的基本原理, 计算出不同结构林带对玉米气象产量影响这一生态控制系统中有关状态的转移概率; 用MDP折扣模型计算出折扣率β=0.9条件下的最优策略并加以改进。结果表明:在当地天气、作物状况下所形成的复杂系统中, 采用透风系数为0.35的疏透结构农田防护林带具有最优决策结果。  相似文献   

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