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Center to limb variation of the excess brightness of photospheric facular granules was observed at 530 nm with a balloon-borne telescope of 10 cm aperture. Facular granules are found to be 9.2% and 16.2% brighter than the adjacent quiet region at cos = 0.65 and 0.50 respectively, being the angle between the Sun's normal and the line of sight. This observation, together with our earlier result (Hirayama, 1978), leads to facular models which are 600 K hotter than the photosphere if the diameter of facular granules is assumed to be 600 km, and 1000 K hotter if 150 km is assumed instead. It was also found that the soft X-ray bright points as observed with the Skylab do not correspond spatially to the photospheric facular granules near the polar region.  相似文献   

Analysis of facular contrast I/I qs from Extreme Limb Photometer (ELP) data of the summer of 1983 yield a mean contrast of 0.91 ± 0.19% and 1.57 ± 0.16% for apertures 1 and 2 located at = 0.198 and at = 0.111, respectively. The ratio of the mean contrast in the outer aperture (closer to the limb) to that of the inner one is 1.71 ± 0.40, indicating an increase in the mean facular contrast toward the limb. This result is in agreement with observations made in 1975, 1979, and 1982. The errors are dominated by the random presence of solar active regions. The combined results from all seasons follow an approximately –1 curve. Facular excess solar oblateness signals for 1983 are 33.8 ± 6.6 arc ms and 16.5 ± 2.1 arc ms for ELP apertures 1 and 2, respectively, in reasonable agreement with the 1983 excess solar oblateness results of Dicke, Kuhn, and Libbrecht (1985).  相似文献   

The center-to-limb variation of the excess intensity in faculae was obtained for 266 active regions with an accuracy of 10–3. For this observation full-disk images were obtained with a rotating one-dimensional diode array whose rotation axis was set at the disk center, at the wavelength of 5450 Å with a bandpass of 400 Å. From the center-to-limb variation of excess intensity of active regions the excess effective temperature was found to be 6.4 K on the average where the mean longitudinal magnetic field is 65 G as measured by 5233 Å line. In other words the ratio of the excess radiative flux to the total flux was 0.44% on the average for the present measurements of low spatial resolution of 20.The average excess intensity for 60 active regions near the disk center was found to be 4 × 10–4 of the quiet Sun intensity. This very low excess brightness averaged over the whole active region, in contrast to the reported high excess brightness of facular points (diameter 0.2) of 0.4, leads to a hypothesis that the background in between facular points in the active region is darker than the true quiet photosphere by 1%. It is further surmised that the inferred darkness of intra facular points is due to partial compensation for excess total irradiance of facular points. This interpretation is also consistent with previous observations of the contrast of facular points near the limb.  相似文献   

Observations of facular regions on 35 days during 1982 obtained with the Extreme Limb Photometer are reported. The data were obtained at a wavelength of 0.53 m with two apertures, No. 1 covering 36 arc sec and No. 2 covering 11 arc sec, inwards from the limb. The mean contrasts for all regions detected are 1.05 ± 0.12% and 1.59 ± 0.16%, respectively. The mean contrast of the faculae closer to the limb (aperture 2) is 1.51 ± 0.23 times that from aperture No. 1. This contrast ratio can be fit to a –1-curve. These results are consistent with those from 1975 and 1979 observations and may be consistent with the facular limb-darkening function determined by Libbrecht and Kuhn (1984, 1985) if our data are normalized by the area of the solar surface. However, no calibrations or corrections are required to obtain the mean facular contrast presented here.  相似文献   

Sütterlin  P.  Wiehr  E.  Stellmacher  G. 《Solar physics》1999,189(1):57-68
We have determined absolute continuum intensities and brightness temperatures of individual facular grains at a spatial resolution limited by the =50 cm aperture of the SVST on La Palma. A facular region at 57° was observed simultaneously in three narrow continuum windows at 450.5, 658.7, and 863.5 nm. We corrected for image degradation by the Earth's atmosphere using the speckle masking method. The brightness temperatures do not exactly follow the Planck law. The differences of T blueT red=220 K and T irT red=–42 K reflect the wavelength dependence of the continuum formation depth. The (red) temperatures of 250 facular grains show excesses between 250 and 450 K above their undisturbed neighborhood. The wavelength dependence of the relative intensity ratios C= [I fac/I phot] show a large scatter around mean values of C blue/C red=1.075 and C ir/C red=0.98. We determined the center-to-limb variation of the 863.5 nm continuum contrast for 0.17>cos>0.39 by measuring 270 grains in reconstructed facular images. The upper envelope of the data points increases linearly to 1.5 at cos=0.17. Application of the mean color dependence yields green contrasts up to C 550=1.7, which is far higher than previously observed values. The behaviour for cos>0.17 is estimated from (unreconstructed) frame-selected best images taken over a time interval of 7 hours. Six distinct facular regions clearly discernible during the whole time interval indicate a slight contrast decrease towards the extreme limb. The observed quantities are useful for an adjustment of model calculations and for a discrimination of competing models.  相似文献   

Ahern  Sean  Chapman  G.A. 《Solar physics》2000,191(1):71-84
Full-disk images from the Cartesian Full-Disk Telescope no. 2 (CFDT2) were used to study the center-to-limb (CLV) variation of facular contrast in two colors. The CFDT2 images, which have 2.5 arc sec pixels, were obtained during the summer months of 1993, 1994 and 1995. In order to minimize the bias in finding faint facular features in continuum images, we have used coaligned images obtained in the Ca K-line to identify faculae. Faculae were sorted into 20 annular bins of equal width. To reduce the effects of seeing, faculae were not identified closer to the limb than =0.2. The facular pixel contrasts were fitted to various trial functions. The contrast in the blue filter (470.6 nm) rose from 0.122% at disk center to 12.2% at =0.2. The contrast in the red filter (672.3 nm) rose from 0.13% at disk center to 8.16% at =0.2. We have also analyzed the facular contrasts multiplied by their -value to obtain an estimate of facular flux tube contrasts. These flux tube contrasts increased roughly linearly from =0.95 to 0.25. The blue flux tube contrast reached a maximum of 2.48% near =0.25. The red flux tube contrast reached a maximum of 1.59% at =0.2. These contrast values are not corrected for the filling factor. The blue curve leveled off slightly betwen =0.25 and 0.2 while the red curve showed no deviation from its linear trend. These results may provide some support for the hot wall model of facular flux tubes.  相似文献   

The change in facular area around decaying sunspots is investigated. The data are from full-disk photometric images from CFDT1 (5 arc sec pixels) obtained at the Ca ii K-line = 393.4 nm. The 31 active regions are from a list previously used to study the decay rate of sunspots. We find a weak, marginally significant relation between spot decay rate and growth of the surrounding facular region (r2 = 0.1255). We conclude that, for this group of decaying sunspots, the growth or decay of the surrounding facular region was not clearly related to the decay rate of an active regions sunspots.  相似文献   

A microflare or a group of Ellerman bombs was found to be associated with several points of white-light enhancements. These points had similar sizes as facular points (d 0.3 arc sec). Temporal evolution of these activities is described. Origins of these activities are discussed to be deeply seated excess heating in chromospheric and photospheric levels.  相似文献   

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1977,52(2):249-262
From time series of high resolution photographs, morphological properties of the photospheric facular granules were derived. The facular granules are cells of the common granular pattern, brighter than the normal granules when seen between cos = 0.6 and the limb. Their apparent diameter, which decreases towards the limb, is smaller than that of the normal granules: 0.65 and 1.25 respectively at cos = 0.55; their lifetime is 25 min but their bright stage lifetime is only 15 min; they are visible closer to the limb than the normal granules: 1.2 compared to 2–5; the brightening of the facular granules occurs at a faster rate than their fading. From the great similitude of both morphological properties and temperature models of facular and normal granules, it appears possible that the photospheric facular granules are convective cells modified by the presence of a magnetic field of some hundreds Gauss.  相似文献   

R. Muller 《Solar physics》1975,45(1):105-114
High resolution pictures (about 0.3) of photospheric faculae near the solar limb have been obtained with the Pic du Midi 50 cm refractor; their granular structure then clearly appears. The microphotometric study of these facular granules shows that the ratio of their intensity to the photospheric intensity, I f/I ph (cos) reaches a maximum near cos = 0.3 and then decreases towards the limb. The values of this ratio have been corrected with a most likely spread function. Then a temperature model of a facular granule is obtained: with respect to the neighbouring photosphere, this granule appears as a photospheric hot cloud which does not extend high in the solar atmosphere (thickness 100 km above 5000 = 1). The temperature excess is 750K at maximum. This hot region is located over a layer which is cooler than the normal photosphere at the same level. Another hot region might extend above the photospheric hot cloud, possibly up to the chromosphere. This photospheric facula model which is confined to the lower photosphere seems to indicate that this phenomenon is different from the photospheric network which is visible up to the lower chromosphere.  相似文献   

Eker  Zeki 《Solar physics》2003,212(2):277-300
Assuming the clouds as plane parallel structures above the photosphere, center-to-limb contrast variations of various cloud models for solar faculae with approximations such as optically thin or thick, hot or cold, and with or without surface reflections, have been investigated. It has been found that the observed facular contrast data from Frazier (1971) and Taylor et al. (1998) at the 525 nm continuum is best represented by a cloud which is 230 K hotter than the undisturbed photosphere, with an optical depth =0.4283, and with isotropic surface reflections causing 11% of the background photons to be lost before penetrating into the cloud. This model and some other cloud models are shown to provide a fit better than the other physical and non-physical facular models presented previously.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of photospheric magnetic fields, Caii K emission, the photospheric network and continuum faculae show that these four quantities are correlated in a complicated manner. The photospheric and calcium networks show increasing contrast with increasing magnetic field strength up to field strengths of about 500 G. Higher values of the magnetic field are found only in pores and sunspots. Continuum faculae also show increasing contrast with increasing magnetic field strength (even at the disk center), but this contrast reaches a maximum at field strengths of about 200 G. At higher field strengths, continuum faculae become monotonically darker until pore or spunspot conditions are reached.Measurements of the photospheric network and the continuum faculae over a wide range of result in families of limb contrast curves. These curves indicate that the dependence on H is as important as the dependence on . They also indicate that the magnetic field has a preferred inclination of about 50°. The facular contrast shows little dependence on resolution. This is interpreted in terms of a geometric model in which faculae are clumps of many individual flux tubes. These tubes are closely packed and unresolvable in the photosphere, but are more widely spaced, and therefore resolvable, in the low chromosphere.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Stellmacher  G.  Wiehr  E. 《Solar physics》2001,202(2):259-268
High-spatial-resolution spectra of limb faculae show spatial displacements of line cores relative to the adjacent continuum at cos<0.35, confirming results from earlier photographic analyses. The observed displacements are geometric measures which probe the upper atmospheric layers of fluxtubes forming facular grains. We selected spectra with highest contrast and smallest width of the facular continuum streaks, in order to avoid clustered structures. The spatial displacements of Stokes-Q and -V maxima were also measured: we find Q-signals spatially located near the continuum, as is expected from their origin in line wings; V-signals – which should give evidence for the existence of horizontal fields – are not found, except for one case of a 'hidden' pore.  相似文献   

Plage areas and intensities derived from CaII K spectroheliograms are used as a proxy for the facular irradiance excess of solar active regions for the period 19 August to 4 September 1980. Using a calibration method proposed by Vrnak et al. (1991), the photospheric facular index (PFI) with constant facular contrastC p = 0.018 is replaced by a variableC p , depending on the plage brightness. A sgnificant increase ofC p from 0.015 to 0.025 is found for plage areas varying from a few to approx. 6 · 103 millionths hemispheres.Combining the facular irradiance excess with sunspot deficits (as determined for the same period by Steinegger et al. 1990) yields good aggrement with the irradiance variations measured by ACRIM I, using a center-to-limb variation ofC p according to Chapman and Meyer (1986). The ratio of facular excess to sunspot deficit (integrated over solid angle 2) decreases from values of 1.5 to 2 for regions with sunspot areas below 100 millionths hemispheres to 0.2 for sunspots of areas > 1000 millionths hemispheres,  相似文献   

The total solar eclipse of February 26, 1979 was monitored at far infrared wavelengths from the NASA Lear Jet Observatory flying at 12.9 km in the eclipse shadow. The resultant eclipse curve for radiation within a bandwidth of 20 cm–1 centered upon 25 cm–1 (400 m) was measured and analysed at an equivalent angular resolution of 1 arc sec over a 100 arc sec region adjacent to the limb to provide information on the intensity distribution of continuum radiation close to this limb. The curve has been compared to predictions derived from models of the solar atmosphere for the specific geometry of this eclipse, and is shown to match most closely that derived from a uniform distribution of radiation across the disk. This is in distinct contrast to the result obtained in the only other comparable experiment, carried out over Africa in 1973 from a supersonic Concorde aircraft, in which an intense but narrow spike of far infrared radiation at the extreme solar limb was inferred from the data. The absence also in the present observations of the significant limb brightening predicted by the HSRA model (in which homogeneity within the source region is assumed) is in substantial agreement with lower resolution results from mountain altitudes. This result is interpreted as further evidence for the presence in the Sun's lower chromosphere of significant inhomogeneity with a scale size of at least 1000 km at this depth.  相似文献   

Whereas data for the extinction of starlight in the visible show the interstellar grains must be partially hollow, data in the ultraviolet show the vesicular interiors must be irregular. In particular, the absorbing materials responsible for excess extinction over a band centred at 2175 Å are required to be concentrated in irregularly distributed chromophores with dimensions of the order of or less than one-tenth of the whole grain.The laboratory measurements of absorptions produced by microorganisms agree very closely with astronomical observations for a large number of early-type stars. Since the interior structures of microorganisms are indeed highly irregular, the laboratory measurements made with microorganisms suspended in a fluid, can reasonably be transferred to microorganismsin vacuo.The characteristic dimension for the scattering of visible light by rod-like grains has in the past been taken to be rod diameters. An alternate interpretation with the characteristic dimension taken instead to be rod-oengths may turn out to have advantages in respect of data in the ultraviolet, as well as agreeing in scale with bacteria-like objects found in meteorites, and possibly also, in particles entering the Earth's atmosphere from the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

Spruit  H. C.  Zwaan  C. 《Solar physics》1981,70(2):207-228
Intensity contrasts and number densities of bright points, knots and pores ranging in size between 0.15 and 4 are studied using high resolution pictures in Mg b1 of a young active region. On the average, the contrast in the wing of the line increases very strongly with decreasing size, while the continuum contrast increases more slowly. The ratio of contrast in the line to contrast in the continuum increases rapidly with decreasing size. The possibility is explored of using this contrast ratio as an indicator of size. The distribution of the contrast ratio in a part of the active region is used in this way to derive a size distribution of facular points. The resulting distribution has a limited accuracy, but is free from systematic distortion due to selection effects. Validity checks on the method are presented. We measure the size distribution of the pores in the same area, and combine the result with that for the facular points. The combined distribution shows that the surface area covered by magnetic elements with diameter has a maximum near = 0.8. It increases roughly proportional to for < 0.3 and falls off as for > 1.5. It is inferred that elements with 0.5 < < 1.6, which show no conspicuous contrast in the line wing or in the continuum, occupy as much area as the pores, and twice as much as the facular points. We suggest that the changing appearance of a facular area with increasing height of formation reflects at least as much the increasing weight of the small elements in the contrast as a real change in intrinsic properties (such as the diameter) of individual elements. A spatial resolution better than 0.1 may be needed to resolve the individual elements in plages and the chromospheric network.The observed variation of continuum contrast of facular points with size agrees with predictions based on magnetostatic flux tube models if a field strength of about 2000 G is assumed.  相似文献   

Shanmugaraju  A.  Moon  Y.-J.  Dryer  M.  Umapathy  S. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):301-317
We present results from a study of sunspots and faculae on continuum and Caii K images taken at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) during 1989–1992; a total of approximately 800 images in each bandpass were used. About 18000 red sunspots, 147000 red faculae, and 800000 Caii K faculae were identified based on their contrasts. In addition, we computed the contrasts of pixels on the red images cospatial with Caii K faculae. Sunspot contrasts show a strong dependence on size but no dependence on heliocentric angle. There are continuous but systematic differences among facular regions. We find that the contrast of Caii K faculae is relatively insensitive to heliocentric angle, but is a strong function of facular size, in the sense that larger Caii K faculae are always brighter. The contrast of red faculae is a function of both heliocentric angle and size: the contrast functions show that larger regions contain larger flux tubes, contain deeper flux tubes, and have larger filling factors than small facular regions. Comparisons of cospatial pixels on red and Caii K images show a tight correlation between the average contrast of a region in the continuum and its size and heliocentric angle in the Caii K images. The average contrast of all facular regions is positive everywhere on the disk, even though the largest regions contain flux tubes which appear dark at disk center.  相似文献   

We study the influence of faculae on sunspot heat blockage using a thermal model based on eddy heat diffusion through the convection zone. The facula is represented as a localized area of excess emission surrounding the sunspot, which is represented as a thermal plug. Our computations using a range of reasonable combinations of spot and facular depths show no significant influence of the facula on the long storage times of heat blocked by sunspots. However, the local cooling of surface layers produced by excess facular emission in this model propagates globally within the convection zone in a similar way to the heating produced by a spot. The net effect of spots and faculae on L over time scales longer than an active region lifetime should thus be determined by the global sum of sunspot flux deficits and facular excesses.  相似文献   

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