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Consecutive phases of de-icing of ice-cored moraines and the formation of dead-ice moraine were monitored over a 4-year period at the terminus of the Kötlujökull glacier, Iceland. Particularly, the transition from partially ice-cored moraine with isolated dead-ice blocks to the ice-free landscape receives attention in this paper in order to link the final melting processes to the architecture of the sedimentary end product. In the current humid sub-polar climate of south Iceland de-icing of partially ice-cored moraines results chiefly from melting along the bottom surface of ice-cores with an annual average rate of 25 cm. The final de-icing is associated with an interrelated group of re-sedimentation processes and surface features. Series of sinkholes evolve at the toe of dead-ice blocks, which initiate retrogressive rotational sliding or backslumping of the ice-cored slopes and the formation of distinct edges and fractures in the adjacent basins. Although backslumping is the dominant process in this phase of re-sedimentation, structures resulting from this process are rarely recognized in the ice-free landscape. As ice-cores gradually diminish the effect of the latest re-sedimentation events will overprint or destroy most existing sedimentary characteristics. Thus, in the ice-free landscape, structures mainly related to the formation of sinkholes and fractures remain imprinted on the sediment succession. Generally, no inversion of the topography occurs during the final phase of de-icing. The overall topography recognized in the late phase of the fully ice-cored terrain is merely lowered and the amplitude of the relief reduced as de-icing progresses. The sediment architecture of the ice-free landscape is characterized by heterogeneous and often slumped diamict sediments with variable thickness and lateral distribution; clast orientation is related to the direction of slopes, and boulders are found in isolated groups or in linear arrangements.  相似文献   

An extensive dead-ice area has developed at the stagnant snout of the Holmströmbreen glacier, Svalbard, following its last advance during the Little Ice Age (LIA). The most common landform is ice-cored slopes hosting sediment gravity flows. Dead-ice melting is described and quantified through field studies and analyses of high-resolution, multi-temporal aerial photographs and QuickBird 2 satellite imagery. Field measurements of backwasting of ice-cored slopes indicate melting rates of 9.2 cm/day. Downwasting rates reveal a dead-ice surface lowering of 0.9 m/yr from 1984 to 2004. The volume of melted dead-ice in the marginal zone since the LIA is estimated at 2.72 km3. Most prominently, dead-ice melting causes the growth of an ice-walled lake with an area increasing near-exponentially over the last 40 years. Despite the high-Arctic setting, dead-ice melting progresses with similar rates as in humid sub-polar climates, stressing that melt rates are governed by processes and topography rather than climate. We suggest that the permafrost and lack of glacier karst prevent meltwater percolation, thus maintaining a liquefied debris-cover where new dead-ice is continuously exposed to melting. As long as backwasting and mass movement processes prevent build-up of an insulating debris-cover, the de-icing continues despite the continuous permafrost.  相似文献   

Anders Schomacker   《Earth》2008,90(3-4):103-113
In the geological record, hummocky dead-ice moraines represent the final product of the melt-out of dead-ice. Processes and rates of dead-ice melting in ice-cored moraines and at debris-covered glaciers are commonly believed to be governed by climate and debris-cover properties. Here, backwasting rates from 14 dead-ice areas are assessed in relation to mean annual air temperature, mean summer air temperature, mean annual precipitation, mean summer precipitation, and annual sum of positive degree days. The highest correlation was found between backwasting rate and mean annual air temperature. However, the correlation between melt rates and climate parameters is low, stressing that processes and topography play a major role in governing the rates of backwasting. The rates of backwasting from modern glacial environments should serve as input to de-icing models for ancient dead-ice areas in order to assess the mode and duration of deposition.A challenge for future explorations of dead-ice environments is to obtain long-term records of field-based monitoring of melt progression. Furthermore, many modern satellite-borne sensors have high potentials for recordings of multi-temporal Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for detection and quantification of changes in dead-ice environments. In recent years, high-accuracy DEMs from airborne laser scanning altimetry (LiDAR) are emerging as an additional data source. However, time series of high-resolution aerial photographs remain essential for both visual inspection and high-resolution stereographic DEM production.  相似文献   

The Klutlan Glacier is a valley glacier 82-km long emerging from the Icefield Ranges of the St. Elias Mountains. It is one of at least 200 surging glaciers identified in western North America. During about the past 1200 yr, the glacier has deposited at its terminus a series of at least 7 surge-related Neoglacial ice-cored moraines. Lithologic characteristics of the Klutlan moraines suggest that they have resulted principally from the surging of the tributary Nesham Glacier, which periodically injects a lobe of medial and lateral moraines and the underlying ice into a more slowly moving Klutlan ice stream. Subsequent surges of the main ice carry the Nesham surge lobes to the Klutlan terminus as discrete geomorphic features. For the past 400 yr a Nesham lobe has reached the Klutlan terminus at approximately 80-yr intervals.  相似文献   

New geomorphic and chronological data of Holocene advances of the Drangajökull Ice Cap, located on eastern Vestfirðir, northwest Iceland, are presented. At least two glacial advances and two transgressions during the Holocene are interpreted from moraines and raised beach deposits, respectively. Geomorphic evidence is concentrated in the three valleys adjacent to the modern outlet glaciers of the Drangajökull Ice Cap: Kaldalónsjökull, Leirufjarðarjökull, and Reykjarfjarðarjökull. The valley surrounding Kaldalónsjökull contains a vegetated Holocene moraine with a minimum radiocarbon age of ∼2600 cal. yr BP, which provides geomorphic evidence for Neoglacial activity on eastern Vestfirðir. The second extensive Holocene glacial advance on eastern Vestfirðir occurred during the Little Ice Age, and moraines associated with this advance are present in all three outlet glacier valleys. The Neoglacial advance is the most extensive ice advance on eastern Vestfirðir. Raised beaches parallel to the coastlines of Ísafjarðardjúp and Jökulfirðir, at an elevation of approximately 5 m a.s.l., suggest a minor transgression at ∼3000 cal. yr BP based on radiocarbon ages of shells. A minor transgression of 0.3–0.5 m a.s.l. is associated with the timing of the Little Ice Age advance. Correlation of geomorphic events with sediment proxy records facilitates distinguishing local perturbations from regional North Atlantic climate signals. This study supports regional interpretations of climatic instability during the Holocene.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between late Holocene fluctuations of Lambatungnajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap in Iceland, and variations in climate. Geomorphological evidence is used to reconstruct the pattern of glacier fluctuations, while lichenometry and tephrostratigraphy are used to date glacial landforms deposited over the past ˜400 years. Moraines dated using two different lichenometric techniques indicate that the most extensive period of glacier expansion occurred shortly before c . AD 1795, probably during the 1780s. Recession over the last 200 years was punctuated by re-advances in the 1810s, 1850s, 1870s, 1890s and c . 1920, 1930 and 1965. Lambatungnajökull receded more rapidly in the 1930s and 1940s than at any other time during the last 200 years. The rate and style of glacier retreat since 1930 compare well with other similar-sized, non-surging, glaciers in southeast Iceland, suggesting that the terminus fluctuations are climatically driven. Furthermore, the pattern of glacier fluctuations over the 20th century broadly reflects the temperature oscillations recorded at nearby meteorological stations. Much of the climatic variation experienced in southern Iceland, and the glacier fluctuations that result, can be explained by secular changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Advances of Lambatungnajökull generally occur during prolonged periods of negative NAO index. The main implication of this work relates to the exact timing of the Little Ice Age in the Northeast Atlantic. Mounting evidence now suggests that the period between AD 1750 and 1800, rather than the late 19th century, represented the culmination of the Little Ice Age in Iceland.  相似文献   

Lakes of the Klutlan moraines originate by down-melting of stagnant ice under a mantle of rock debris and vegetation ranging from scattered herbs and shrubs on the younger moraines to multiple-generation closed spruce forest on the oldest moraines, which are 600–1200 yr old. Lakes on the youngest moraines are temporary, turbid with glacial silt, and marked by unstable ice-cored slopes. On older moraines most lakes have clear water and stable slopes. On the oldest moraines many lakes have brown water caused by dissolved humic materials derived from the thick forest floor, but even here some slopes are unstable because of continued melting of buried ice. Morainic lakes contain bicarbonate waters of moderate alkalinity and conductivity and low levels of nutrients. The highly diverse phytoplankton is dominated by chrysophytes and cryptomonads, with few diatoms. Extremely low values for phytoplankton biomass place most of the lakes in an “ultraoligotrophic” category. Zooplankton is dominated by copepods, which were found even in ice ponds only a few years old, and by the cladoceran Daphnia pulex. Surface-sediment samples contained a total of 16 species of chydorid Cladocera. Of these, Alonella excisa and Alona barbulata are apparently the pioneer species in the youngest lakes. Chydorus sphaericus only appears in lakes of the oldest moraines. A successional pattern is not conspicuous, however, partly because some of the lakes on the older moraines originated by recent collapse over buried ice. Lakes on the upland outside the dead-ice moraines yielded 39 species in the zooplankton. The distinctive assemblage on upland lakes may relate more to different water chemistry than to age.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):743-758
Detailed examination of the Tekapo Formation in the Tasman Valley, New Zealand has identified 20 facies, and five facies associations. These associations are delta foresets and bottomsets, sediment density flows, ice-contact lake sediments with ice-rafted debris and resedimentation deposits, and outwash gravels. Interpretation of the sediment-landform associations informed by observations at modern glacier termini suggests that the Late Pleistocene Tekapo Formation moraines have been formed by downwasting of a more expanded Tasman Glacier. During the early stages of glacier retreat, ponds on the glacier surface develop into thermokarst lakes which enlarge and coalesce to form a large supraglacial lake. Continued downwasting causes the lake outlet river to entrench into the impounding latero-frontal ice-cored moraine, lowering the lake level. This exposes lake-bottom sediments and forms shorelines on the proximal slopes of the ice-cored moraine. As the ice-cored moraine melts, these lake sediments are deformed and deposited against the Mt. John moraine. The observations and interpretations reported here suggest the Late Pleistocene end moraine is a constructional feature not a structural (glaciotectonic) feature as suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

Two glaciers at Eyjafjallajökull, south Iceland, provide a record of multiple episodes of glacier advance since the Sub-Atlantic period, ca. 2000 yr ago. A combination of tephrochronology and lichenometry was applied to date ice-marginal moraines, tills and meltwater deposits. Two glacier advances occurred before the 3rd century AD, others in the 9th and 12th centuries bracketing the Medieval Warm Period, and five groups of advances occurred between AD 1700 and 1930, within the Little Ice Age. The advances of Eyjafjallajökull before the Norse settlement (ca. AD 870) were synchronous with other glacier advances identified in Iceland. In contrast, medieval glacier advances between the 9th and 13th centuries are firmly identified for the first time in Iceland. This challenges the view of a prolonged Medieval Warm Period and supports fragmentary historical data that indicate significant medieval episodes of cooler and wetter conditions in Iceland. An extended and more detailed glacier chronology of the mid- and late Little Ice Age is established, which demonstrates that some small outlet glaciers achieved their Little Ice Age maxima around AD 1700. While Little Ice Age advances across Iceland appear to synchronous, the timing of the maximum differs between glacier type and region.  相似文献   

A model for sedimentation by surging glaciers is developed from analysis of the debris load, sedimentary processes, and proglacial stratigraphy observed at the Icelandic surging glacier, Eyjabakkajökull. Three aspects of the behavior of surging glaciers explain the distinctive landformsediment associations which they may produce: (a) sudden loading of proglacial sediments during rapid glacier advances results in the buildup of excess pore pressures, failure, and glacitectonic deformation of the overridden sediments; (b) reactivation of stagnant marginal ice by the downglacier propagation of surges is associated with large longitudinal compressive stresses. These induce intense folding and thrusting during which basal debris-rich ice is elevated into an englacial position in a narrow marginal zone. As the terminal area of the glacier stagnates between surges, debris from this ice is released supraglacially and deposited by meltout and sediment flows; (c) local variations in overburden pressure beneath stagnant, crevassed ice cause subglacial lodgement tills, which are sheared during surges, to flow into open crevasses and form “crevasse-fill” ridges.  相似文献   

Evidence for former fast glacier flow (ice streaming) in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet is identified on the basis of regional glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, highlighting the depositional processes associated with the margin of a terrestrial terminating ice stream. Preliminary mapping from a digital elevation model of Alberta identifies corridors of smoothed topography and corridor‐parallel streamlined landforms (megaflutes to mega‐lineations) that display high levels of spatial coherency. Ridges that lie transverse to the dominant streamlining patterns are interpreted as: (a) series of minor recessional push moraines; (b) thrust block moraines or composite ridges/hill–hole pairs constructed during readvances/surges; and (c) overridden moraines (cupola hills), apparently of thrust origin. Together these landforms demarcate the beds and margins of former fast ice flow trunks or ice streams that terminated as lobate forms. Localised cross‐cutting and/or misalignment of flow sets indicates temporal separation and the overprinting of ice streams/lobes. The fast‐flow tracks are separated by areas of interlobate or inter‐stream terrain in which moraines have been constructed at the margins of neighbouring (competing) ice streams/outlet glaciers; this inter‐stream terrain was covered by more sluggish, non‐streaming ice during full glacial conditions. Thin tills at the centres of the fast‐flow corridors, in many places unconformably overlying stratified sediments, suggest that widespread till deformation may have been subordinate to basal sliding in driving fast ice flow but the general thickening of tills towards the lobate terminal margins of ice streams/outlet glaciers is consistent with subglacial deformation theory. In this area of relatively low relief we speculate that fast glacier flow or streaming was highly dynamic and transitory, sometimes with fast‐flowing trunks topographically fixed in their onset zones and with the terminus migrating laterally. The occurrence of minor push moraines and flutings and associated landforms, because of their similarity to modern active temperate glacial landsystems, are interpreted as indicative of ice lobe marginal oscillations, possibly in response to seasonal climatic forcing, in locations where meltwater was more effectively drained from the glacier bed. Further north, the occurrence of surging glacier landsystems suggests that persistent fast glacier flow gave way to more transitory surging, possibly in response to the decreasing size of ice reservoir areas in dispersal centres and also locally facilitated by ice‐bed decoupling and drawdown initiated by the development of ice‐dammed lakes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Controlled moraines are supraglacial debris concentrations that become hummocky moraine upon de-icing and possess clear linearity due to the inheritance of the former pattern of debris-rich folia in the parent ice. Linearity is most striking wherever glacier ice cores still exist but it increasingly deteriorates with progressive melt-out. As a result, moraine linearity has a low preservation potential in deglaciated terrains but hummocky moraine tracts previously interpreted as evidence of areal stagnation may instead record receding polythermal glacier margins in which debris-rich ice was concentrated in frozen toe zones. Recent applications of modern glaciological analogues to palaeoglaciological reconstructions have implied that: (a) controlled moraine development can be ascribed to a specific process (e.g. englacial thrusting or supercooling); and (b) controlled moraine preservation potential is good enough to imply the occurrence of the specific process in former glacier snouts (e.g. ancient polythermal or supercooled snouts). These assumptions are tested using case studies of controlled moraine construction in which a wide range of debris entrainment and debris-rich ice thickening mechanisms are seen to produce the same geomorphic features. Polythermal conditions are crucial to the concentration of supraglacial debris and controlled moraines in glacier snouts via processes that are most effective at the glacier–permafrost interface. End moraines lie on a process–form continuum constrained by basal thermal regime. The morphological expression of englacial structures in controlled moraine ridges is most striking while the moraines retain ice cores, but the final deposits/landforms tend to consist of discontinuous transverse ridges with intervening hummocks, preserving only a weak impression of the former englacial structure. These are arranged in arcuate zones of hummocky moraine up to 2 km wide containing ice-walled lake plains and lying down flow of streamlined landforms produced by warm-based ice. A variety of debris entrainment mechanisms can produce the same geomorphic signature. Spatial and temporal variability in process–form relationships will lead to the sequential development of different types of end moraines during the recession of a glacier or ice sheet margin.  相似文献   

Evidence of past glacier fluctuations is valuable palaeoenvironmental data, but determining their relationship to climatic change is sometimes complex because of differing glacier sensitivities and patterns of response. In Iceland, a diverse range of glaciation creates changing geographical patterns of response to climatic changes. The outlet glaciers of the Márdalsjökull ice cap in southern Iceland have produced detailed, but differing, records of change. For a key southwestern sector of the ice cap, we specifically searched for evidence equivalent to the c . 4500 BP, c . 3100 BP and c . 1200 BP advances of Sólheimajökull reported earlier. A combination of geomorphological mapping and dating by tephrochronology and lichenometry was used to constrain the glacier advances and determine the relative magnitude of Neoglacial glacier episodes. This is a key step towards creating a record of the changes for the entire ice cap. Major glacier advances c . 4500–1000 BP previously identified on the southern margin of Márdalsjökull are shown not to have occurred in this sector, where Neoglacial maxima occur post-1755 AD.  相似文献   

The morphology, sedimentology and architecture of an end moraine formed by a ~9 km surge of Brúarjökull in 1963–64 are described and related to ice‐marginal conditions at surge termination. Field observations and accurate mapping using digital elevation models and high‐resolution aerial photographs recorded at surge termination and after the surge show that commonly the surge end moraine was positioned underneath the glacier snout by the termination of the surge. Ground‐penetrating radar profiles and sedimentological data reveal 4–5 m thick deformed sediments consisting of a top layer of till overlying gravel and fine‐grained sediments, and structural geological investigations show that the end moraine is dominated by thrust sheets. A sequential model explaining the formation of submarginal end moraines is proposed. The hydraulic conductivity of the bed had a major influence on the subglacial drainage efficiency and associated porewater pressure at the end of the surge, thereby affecting the rates of subglacial deformation. High porewater pressure in the till decreased its shear strength and raised its strain rate, while low porewater pressure in the underlying gravel had the opposite effect, such that the gravel deformed more slowly than the till. The principal velocity component was therefore located within the till, allowing the glacier to override the gravel thrust sheets that constitute the end moraine. The model suggests that the processes responsible for the formation of submarginal end moraines are different from those operating during the formation of proglacial end moraines.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a landsystem approach to analyse the landforms and sediments exposed on the forefields of three closely spaced outlet glaciers of the Vatnajökull Ice Cap, southeast Iceland; Morsárjökull, Skaftafellsjökull and Svínafellsjökull, in order to determine how individual glacier and environmental characteristics influence landscape development. Analysis of satellite imagery and fieldwork were used in conjunction to examine the geomorphology and sedimentology of the forefields, and to define the characteristic landsystems of each of the glaciers. Morsárjökull and Skaftafellsjökull have similar proglacial fields, with similarities in the distribution and scale of the landforms, and their characteristics conform to the established active temperate landsystem. Svínafellsjökull differs significantly from the other glaciers having a proglacial field that more closely resembles an early stage debris‐charged landsystem. Variations between the glaciers in terms of their ice distribution (hypsometry, equilibrium line altitude), bedrock type, topography and debris content are important factors that contribute to the landsystem variability evident in their proglacial fields. The forefields of these three glaciers may be used as analogues to enhance understanding of palaeoenvironmental conditions that existed along the southern margin of Pleistocene glaciers that covered much of northern North America and Europe in the past.  相似文献   

Mapping along a transect from the southeastern margin of the South Patagonian Ice-field in Torres del Paine National Park (Chile) to the limits of fresh moraines of the last glacial cycle indentified eight glacier advances. The four younger ones have been dated by dendrochronology, tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Although the bases of 10 m deep bogs were sampled, close limiting radiocarbon dates were not obtained because bog formation in this rain-shadow area appears not to have commenced until ca.12000 yr ago. The outermost Little Ice Age moraine formed during the seventeenth century and three inner ones were deposited around ad 1805, 1845 and after 1890. Densely vegetated older moraines contiguous with Little Ice Age deposits are possibly of late Holocene age. Tephra from the eruption of Reclus volcano at ca. 11 880 yr BP was incorporated by a readvance that deposited large multiple moraines 10–16 km from the modern ice-front; the oldest basal peat found inside the moraine has been dated to ca. 9200 yr BP. These bracketing dates indicate that some eastern outlet glaciers of the ice-field advanced at a time when some western tidewater outlet glaciers terminated inside their modern limits. This questions the view of J. H. Mercer and other that Patagonian glaciers did not readvance during the late-glacial interval. A stadial event also occurred when the glaciers were some 18–20 km from their modern positions and is closely dated to ca. 11880 yr BP because Reclus pumice flushed down-glacier forms thick upper beds in outwash deltas deposited in proglacial lakes. The four older moraines pre-date the late-glacial eruption of Reclus but are not dated closely. Comparison of their spatial extent with well-dated moraines in the Chilean Lakes Region suggests that they may mark advances culminating at ca. 14000 yr BP, ca. 20000 yr BP and earlier.  相似文献   

Sharp-crested moraines, up to 120 m high and 9 km beyond Little Ice Age glacier limits, record a late Pleistocene advance of alpine glaciers in the Finlay River area in northern British Columbia. The moraines are regional in extent and record climatic deterioration near the end of the last glaciation. Several lateral moraines are crosscut by meltwater channels that record downwasting of trunk valley ice of the northern Cordilleran ice sheet. Other lateral moraines merge with ice-stagnation deposits in trunk valleys. These relationships confirm the interaction of advancing alpine glaciers with the regionally decaying Cordilleran ice sheet and verify a late-glacial age for the moraines. Sediment cores were collected from eight lakes dammed by the moraines. Two tephras occur in basal sediments of five lakes, demonstrating that the moraines are the same age. Plant macrofossils from sediment cores provide a minimum limiting age of 10,550-10,250 cal yr BP (9230 ± 50 14C yr BP) for abandonment of the moraines. The advance that left the moraines may date to the Younger Dryas period. The Finlay moraines demonstrate that the timing and style of regional deglaciation was important in determining the magnitude of late-glacial glacier advances.  相似文献   

A series of seven groups of push-ridges ranging from 7 to 40 m in height, 50 to 280 m in length, and occupying a total width of more than 2 km, mark the marginal zone of the A.D. 1890 maximum of Eyjabakkajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. The internal structure of one ridge complex comprises two distinct elements: a proglacial part which has been subject to compressional stresses, resulting in the development of imbricate thrust sheets; and a subglacial part which comprises low-angle normal fault structures. The two sub-systems appear to be linked via a floor thrust and to have evolved together as the glacier reached the limit of its rapid advance in A.D. 1890.  相似文献   

Rock glaciers and block fields,review and new data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tongue-shaped and lobate rock glaciers are recognized in most alpine regions today. For the tongue-shaped, two situations emerge: those with buried glacier ice (debris-covered glaciers) called ice-cored rock glaciers, and those with interstitial ice known as ice-cemented rock glaciers. Those with ice cores are revealed by depressions between rock glacier and headwall cliff (where a former glacier melted), longitudinal marginal and central meandering furrows, and collapse pits. Ice-cemented rock glaciers ordinarily do not possess these features. As applied to 18 rock glaciers in the Colorado Front Range, 11 of 12 east of the Continental Divide are ice-cored, 6 west of the Divide are ice-cemented. The majority of lobate rock glaciers in the Colorado Front Range are on the south sides of valleys, and, except for talus, are the most voluminous form of mass wasting. All those active and above treeline have characteristics common to all rock glaciers. In addition, they originate from talus, contain interstitial ice, move outward from valley walls at 1–6 cm/yr, and transport more debris as a process of erosion than heretofore realized. Block fields and block slopes, in polar and alpine regions, are thin accumulations of angular to subrounded blocks, on bedrock, weathered rock, or transported debris. They extend along slopes parallel to the contour. Block streams are similar but extend downslope normal to the contour and into valleys. They are made of interlocked blocks without interstitial detritus, but many have finer material deeper inside. The fabric of surface blocks indicates that motion most likely occurred during a periglacial time when interstitial debris, now washed or piped out, permitted movement of the whole deposit.  相似文献   

Glacier sediment–landform associations are commonly used as interpretive and predictive tools to reconstruct the nature of past glacial events. Here we provide a regional-scale study of the sediments and landforms around the temperate North Patagonian Icefield, an area with outlet glaciers that terminate in the full range of environments possible in a temperate glacier setting (land-terminating, lake-terminating and tidewater-terminating). We present a regional-scale geomorphological map and sedimentological data collected at 11 outlet glaciers of the icefield. Key sediments and landforms include large tracts of ice-scoured bedrock, extensive sandar, terminal moraines, ice-contact glaciofluvial landforms and evidence of paraglacial slope adjustment following glacier recession. The sediments and landforms developed around the North Patagonian Icefield contrast with those previously identified at other temperate outlet glaciers in Iceland and Alaska, and we argue that this is largely a result of topographic controls on glacier terminal environment (e.g. local relief, topography and geomorphological setting).  相似文献   

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