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泥石流是磨西河流域地质环境演化的一个重要地表过程,研究该流域内泥石流的地貌发育及演化特征可为磨西河流域第四纪以来地质环境的演变提供重要信息.通过对流域51条泥石流沟地貌形态的统计分析发现,磨西河流域内泥石流的分布在空间上表现出明显的不均性,流域内泥石流沟的数量与对应的主沟长度、主沟纵比降及流域面积之间存在着明显的分形现...  相似文献   

四川省都江堰市龙池地区泥石流危险性评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震灾区震后泥石流灾害较震前活跃,对灾区泥石流危险性进行评价是灾后重建过程中合理防灾减灾的基础工作。通过研究泥石流灾害事件中的泥石流规模、泥石流沟堆积扇面积及相应的灾害损失等基础资料,提出以泥石流在泥石流沟堆积扇上的平均堆积厚度替代泥石流规模作为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法。用该方法对汶川震区都江堰市龙池镇龙溪河流域2010年"8.13"泥石流事件中的29条沟谷型泥石流进行危险性评价,评价结果中9条为高度危险,12条为中度危险,8条为低度危险。用以泥石流规模为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法进行对比评价,2种评价方法中有65.5%的泥石流的危险性评价结果一致。以泥石流沟堆积扇平均堆积厚度为主要危险因子的单沟泥石流危险性评价方法更能突出规模对泥石流综合危险度的贡献,能更好地反映小泥石流流域和小泥石流堆积扇的泥石流在中小规模的泥石流总量下的危险程度。  相似文献   

Typhoon Herb in 1996 caused widespread debris flows in central Taiwan. The 7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake on September 21, 1999, which also took place in central Taiwan, induced many landslides in the region. These landslides turned into debris flows when Typhoon Toraji struck Taiwan in 2001. This research selects three regions which suffered a ground motion class of 5, 6, and 7 on the Richter scale during the Chi-Chi earthquake as study areas. Air photos from 1997 and 2001 of these regions are used to map the gully-type debris flows that took place after Typhoons Herb and Toraji, respectively. The gullies adjacent to the debris flow, but without a trace of debris flows, are also mapped as the non-debris flow data. The topography, hydrogeology, and rainfall factors – where debris flow occurred and in which there was no occurrence of debris flows in these gullies were retrieved from DTM, geological maps, and iso-countour maps, and of rainfall through GIS processing. These characteristic are introduced into a probabilistic neural network to build a predicting model for the probability of the occurrence of debris flows. Three series of cross analyses are conducted to compare the probability of the occurrence of debris flows of the same dataset predicted by different prediction models. The results reveal that the susceptibility of debris flows was elevated after the Chi-Chi earthquake struck. The upsurge of susceptibility was more obvious for the regions that received a higher class of ground motion.  相似文献   

在2008年5月12日汶川地震后的地震灾区暴发了许多泥石流灾害,其中以四川省绵竹市清平乡文家沟泥石流最为显著。文家沟原来不是泥石流沟,在汶川地震时由于滑坡形成的巨大的滑坡-碎屑流堆积体改变了文家沟的泥石流形成条件,在此后的3个雨季内,文家沟先后暴发了5次大规模和特大规模的泥石流灾害,其中以8.13文家沟泥石流规模和危害最大。8.13文家沟泥石流暴发时的总降雨量为227mm,泥石流持续时间约2.5h,泥石流总量约310×104m3;泥石流造成7人死亡,5人失踪,39人受伤,479户农房被掩埋,直接经济损失4.3亿元。5次大规模和特大规模的泥石流以及洪水仅带走了16%的可以很容易形成泥石流的滑坡-碎屑流堆积物,文家沟如再遭遇较大降雨还会暴发泥石流。即使在今后的雨季中暴发几次规模如8.13泥石流一样大的特大规模泥石流,文家沟在较大降雨下仍然可能暴发泥石流灾害,因此对文家沟泥石流的防治工作将是一个长期的工作。  相似文献   

西部地区交通建设中的泥石流灾害与防治对策   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
我国西部地区铁路、公路交通干线共有泥石流灾害 4 70 0余处, 占全国道路泥石流灾害的 70 %以上。泥石流分布广泛, 成灾方式多样, 灾害严重, 制约了西部地区交通建设的发展。本文提出了做好路线方案比选, 防患于未然, 正确评判泥石流沟和发育现状, 工程设计要适合泥石流特点, 以及提高防灾减灾勘察设计水平, 开展泥石流防治试验示范工程研究等六条防治对策。  相似文献   

Debris flow sites were identified at 140 locations in the Xiaojiang Basin in Yunnan province, southwestern China. Their spatial distribution and catchment characteristics are described in detail on the basis of previous research, air photo interpretation, field investigation and mapping using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Using a statistical approach, a quantitative model of hazards assessment and zonation was developed through synthesis analysis of basin areas, gradients, and the relative reliefs of these debris flow sites. In terms of debris flow hazard assessment, areas within the Xiaojiang Basin can be classified as severe, heavy and light hazard regions.  相似文献   

金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流对工程影响分析   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流沟分布面积广、发生频率高;调查表明库区现有不同类型泥石流沟31条,其中属于高度危险的泥石流沟4条,中度危险的泥石流沟15条;这些泥石流不会造成严重的堵河问题。在施工期泥石流对水电站工程的影响突出,特别是靠近库首的泥石流对工程的安全构成威胁。水库蓄水后,库区泥石流对水电站工程影响有所降低,但位于大坝下游区的泥石流对水电站正常运行仍有较大的影响。  相似文献   

国道212线甘肃段地貌特征与滑坡泥石流关系研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
国道212线甘肃段是甘肃省南北向的主要通道,在甘肃境内全长707km,公路沿线是我国滑坡、泥石流的主要发育区,特别是陇南市的宕昌武都段是我国最主要的滑坡、泥石流灾害区之一。线路通过地区的自然地理条件迥异,造成滑坡、泥石流类型和性质有很大差别。本文分析了该区地形地貌时、时空规律性及其与滑坡、泥石流的关系,为未来的高速公路建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

5.12震源区牛眠沟暴雨滑坡泥石流预测模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
牛眠沟研究区位于2008-05-12汶川大地震线性震源的南端,受强烈地震力作用,区内山体遭受严重破坏,发生多处滑坡和泥石流灾害。根据已建立的暴雨滑坡、泥石流预测概念模型,暴雨滑坡、泥石流预测可视为判断滑坡形成的地质环境和确定触发滑坡的降雨特征。查明研究区地质环境及灾害特征,确定了产生滑坡、泥石流的必要地质环境因子,以数字滑坡技术获取这些因子数据,代入模型,即可评价研究区各处、各沟谷发生滑坡、泥石流的危险程度;与相似地质环境及气候条件进行类比,确定研究区触发滑坡、泥石流的降雨特征及降雨量阈值后,最终建立暴雨滑坡、泥石流预测模型。据此模型进行研究区暴雨滑坡、泥石流预测,实地验证表明滑坡、泥石流发生位置的准确率>90%。  相似文献   

2012年8月18日汶川震区的银厂沟区域暴发群发性泥石流,造成人员伤亡,公路、房屋等基础设施严重受损。这场泥石流灾害发生在汶川地震极震区内,是地震与强降雨共同作用下的结果,因此研究其成灾机制和灾害特征对于进一步认识强震区泥石流活动具有重要意义。本研究采用地面调查和遥感解译方法,分析银厂沟区域泥石流形成条件的变化。研究结果表明强震条件下崩塌、滑坡等产生的松散固体物质,是泥石流活动的物质基础; 沟道受松散岩土体堵塞,有利于泥石流规模放大; 快速激发型的雨量特征为泥石流暴发提供了动力。在此基础上讨论了泥石流起动、运动和堆积过程,总结了泥石流活动特征,发现泥石流沿发震断裂呈带状分布,成因组合上属于降雨控制型,尚处于青年期,且在成灾模式上满足致承耦合效应。  相似文献   

分别叙述了永嘉县坡面泥石流和沟谷泥石流的发育分布特征,并分别对其成因进行了分析。阐述了泥石流的形成条件和影响因素,初步分析了坡面泥石流的形成过程及沟谷泥石流的形成方式和侵蚀特征。  相似文献   

汶川震区北川9.24暴雨泥石流特征研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
2008年9月24日汶川震区的北川县暴雨导致区域性泥石流发生,这次9.24暴雨泥石流灾害导致了42人死亡,对公路和其他基础设施造成严重损毁。本研究采用地面调查和遥感解译方法分析地震与暴雨共同作用下的泥石流特征,获取的气象数据用于分析泥石流起动的临界雨量条件。本文探讨了研究区泥石流起动和输移过程,并根据野外调查,分析了泥石流形成的降雨、岩石和断层作用,特别是强降雨过程与物源区对泥石流发生的作用。根据应急调查发现北川县境内暴雨诱发的泥石流72处,其分布受岩石类型、发震断层和河流等因素控制。根据对研究区震前和震后泥石流发生的临界雨量和雨强的初步分析,汶川地震后,该区域泥石流起动的前期累积雨量降低了14.8%~22.1%,小时雨强降低25.4 %~31.6%。震区泥石流起动方式主要有二种,一是由于暴雨过程形成的斜坡表层径流导致悬挂于斜坡上的滑坡体表面和前缘松散物质向下输移,进入沟道后转为泥石流过程;二是消防水管效应使沟道水流快速集中,并强烈冲刷沟床中松散固体物质,导致沟床物质起动并形成泥石流过程。调查和分析发现沟内堆积的滑坡坝对泥石流的阻塞明显,溃决后可导致瞬时洪峰流量特别大。研究结果表明了汶川震区已进入一个新的活跃期。因此,应该开展对汶川地震区的泥石流风险评估和监测、早期预警,采取有效的工程措施控制泥石流的发生和危害。  相似文献   

奥布公路泥石流危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为喀喇昆仑公路的重要组成部分,奥依塔克-布伦口(简称奥布)公路受到沿线数量众多且规模较大的泥石流影响,常导致行车中断,人员和车辆安全受到威胁。在现场地质考察和走访基础上,依据ArcGIS工具对奥布公路段的15条典型泥石流沟开展了重点调查和危险性评价。首先对汇流面积、纵坡度、面积宽度比、堆积区面积和距公路距离等5个评价因子属性进行归一化处理;然后采用两层结构的层次分析法计算得到影响因子的权重,随后将属性函数与权重乘积加和,得到灾害易发性指数(DFRD);最后对泥石流危险度(DRFR)进行计算分析和危险程度分级。结果发现,高-中度危险的11条泥石流主要分布在布伦口峡谷上游、盖孜检查站和加水沟之间,构成了泥石流灾害发育较为集中且危害性较大的路段。工程上相应采用隧道、高架桥等绕避措施,取得较好成效。  相似文献   

山区道路泥石流工程防治原则与模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绕行(避让)或穿越是道路面对泥石流灾区两种传统的处理方式。绕行就是远离灾区,穿越有从流通区或从堆积淤埋区通过两种模式。在淤埋区通过包括地上桥梁(忌用涵洞)和地下隧道两种模式。地上模式中还有从扇顶、扇腰或扇缘通过三种模式可供选择。这些原则与模式均与泥石流性质、规模和公路级别息患相关。本文对这些模式进行了对比研究,最后提出了道路泥石流工程防治的原则与模式。  相似文献   

泥石流堆积物作为泥石流发育最终的产物,含有大量与泥石流发生过程和发育特征相关的信息,能够反映泥石流灾害程度和活动强度。研究表明,泥石流堆积物颗粒具有明显的自相似性和无标度区间,运用分形理论,计算泥石流堆积物颗粒分布的分维数。分析分维数与主沟长度、泥砂补给段长度比、主沟平均比降、流域最大相对高差和松散物源量的关系,结果表明分维数与各因素之间存在较强的非线性响应关系。以乌东德库区泥石流实测数据为例,以上述的5个因素作为输入单元,建立了泥石流堆积物分维数支持向量机预测模型,并对分维数进行了预测,其预测结果的最大误差为1.25%,说明预测值与实测值吻合度较高。综合表明支持向量机预测模型能够较好地模拟和泛化数据,是一种行之有效的泥石流堆积物分形维数预测方法,可用于不具备筛析条件的泥石流堆积物粒度分布特征的预测与研究,进而可为研究泥石流的形成机理、类型、危险度和堆积物的形成演化特征及物理力学性质提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

Some of the Earth's largest submarine debris flows are found on the NW African margin. These debris flows are highly efficient, spreading hundreds of cubic kilometres of sediment over a wide area of the continental rise where slopes angles are often <1°. However, the processes by which these debris flows achieve such long run‐outs, affecting tens of thousands of square kilometres of seafloor, are poorly understood. The Saharan debris flow has a run‐out of ≈700 km, making it one of the longest debris flows on Earth. For its distal 450 km, it is underlain by a relatively thin and highly sheared basal volcaniclastic layer, which may have provided the low‐friction conditions that enabled its extraordinarily long run‐out. Between El Hierro Island and the Hijas Seamount on the continental rise, an ≈25‐ to 40‐km‐wide topographic gap is present, through which the Saharan debris flow and turbidites from the continental margin and flanks of the Canary Islands passed. Recently, the first deep‐towed sonar images have been obtained, showing dramatic erosional and depositional processes operating within this topographic `gap' or `constriction'. These images show evidence for the passage of the Saharan debris flow and highly erosive turbidity currents, including the largest comet marks reported from the deep ocean. Sonar data and a seismic reflection profile obtained 70 km to the east, upslope of the topographic `gap', indicate that seafloor sediments to a depth of ≈30 m have been eroded by the Saharan debris flow to form the basal volcaniclastic layer. Within the topographic `gap', the Saharan debris flow appears to have been deflected by a low (≈20 m) topographic ridge, whereas turbidity currents predating the debris flow appear to have overtopped the ridge. This evidence suggests that, as turbidity currents passed into the topographic constriction, they experienced flow acceleration and, as a result, became highly erosive. Such observations have implications for the mechanics of long run‐out debris flows and turbidity currents elsewhere in the deep sea, in particular how such large‐scale flows erode the substrate and interact with seafloor topography.  相似文献   

中巴经济走廊内的中巴公路奥布段泥石流频发且类型复杂,严重影响着安全出行和贸易流通。在对中巴公路奥布段沿线泥石流沟谷纵剖面形态分析的基础上,揭示其形态指数特征和活动程度,并从区域地形、地质和气象等因素方面探讨了泥石流的活动性差异成因及危害性。研究发现:公路沿线泥石流类型主要包括冰川型和降雨型两种,冰川型泥石流为27条,降雨型为26条。冰川型泥石流活动性强烈,形态指数N ≥ 1的沟谷占冰川型沟谷总数的81%,多数沟谷形态呈下凹状;降雨型泥石流活动性相对较弱,形态指数N ≥ 1的沟谷占其总数的50%,沟谷形态多呈上凸状。研究区大落差地形、不同物源供给和充沛水源条件等对泥石流的发育和活动具有重要影响,也是不同类型泥石流活动性差异的控制因素。研究结果可为研究区泥石流预测和防治提供指导,也可为中巴经济走廊区内交通工程选线和泥石流防治提供参考。  相似文献   

根据西藏八一电厂沟1991年6-7月暴发的泥石流的地质条件和现场调查,分析泥石流的特征及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper presents a neural network (NN) based model to assess the regional hazard degree of debris flows in Lake Qionghai Watershed, China. The NN model was used as an alternative for the more conventional linear model MFCAM (multi-factor composite assessment model) in order to effectively handle the nonlinearity and uncertainty inherent in the debris flow hazard analysis. The NN model was configured using a three layer structure with eight input nodes and one output node, and the number of nodes in the hidden layer was determined through an iterative process of varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer until an optimal performance was achieved. The eight variables used to represent the eight input nodes include density of debris flow gully, degree of weathering of rocks, active fault density, area percentage of slope land greater than 25° of the total land (APL25), frequency of flooding hazards, average covariance of monthly precipitation by 10 years (ACMP10), average days with rainfall >25 mm by 10 years (25D10Y), and percentage of cultivated land with slope land greater than 25° of the total cultivated land (PCL25). The output node represents the hazard-degree ranks (HDR). The model was trained with the 35 sets of data obtained from previous researches reported in literatures, and an explicit uncertainty analysis was undertaken to address the uncertainty in model training and prediction. Before the NN model is extrapolated to Lake Qionghai Watershed, a validation case, different from the above data, is conducted. In addition, the performances of the NN model and the MFCAM were compared. The NN model predicted that the HDRs of the five sub-watersheds in the Lake Qionghai Watershed were IV, IV, III, III, and IV–V, indicating that the study area covers normal hazard and severe hazard areas. Based on the NN model results, debris flow management and economic development strategies in the study are proposed for each sub-watershed.  相似文献   

牛牛坝水电站是美姑河流域“一库五级开发方案”的龙头电站。牛牛坝库区为泥石流多发段。泥石流具有规模较大、分布范围广、发育密度大(1.33条/km)、发生频率高、致灾作用强烈的特点。泥石流灾害是库区重大地质灾害之一。通过系统分析工程区陡峻的地貌条件、发育的区域构造、软硬相间的岩层、广泛分布的堆积体、降雨集中的气候条件及不合理的人类活动等因素对泥石流的影响,揭示了美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流的成因。  相似文献   

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