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The diffusion of scalar fields (temperature, density number of some admixture) in a compressible medium showing an isotropic, homogeneous and stationary turbulence is considered. The derived formulae for turbulent diffusivity χT(ξ) hold up to ξ ≈ 1, where ξ = u0 τ0/R0 (u0, τ0, and R0 are characteristic velocity, life-time, and correlation length of turbulent pulsations, respectively. The velocity field of turbulent motions u(r, t) is assumed to be known and the influence of the scalar field onto u(r, t) is neglected. It is shown that the velocity correlators, which change their signs in dependence on the space corrdinates, may give negative values for ξT(ξ) when ξ ≠ 0.  相似文献   

A one-zone model for the late time SN II energized by the radioactive decay56Ni–56Co–56Fe is presented. The model succeeds in reproducing for the late time evolution of H and [Oi] 6300 emission lines in SN1970g for the reasonable set of parameters: mass of ejecta 4M , boundary velocityv 0=4000 km s–1 and amount of56NiM Ni=0.02M . However, a one-zone model does not account for the late time continuum. In the case of SN1980k the radioactive model fits H and [Oi] 6300 emissions att250 day satisfactory but fails at very late time, e.g.,t=670 day when the predicted value of the ratioL(H)/L(6300) is two orders of magnitude smaller than the observed one. We suggest that the strong H emission in SN1980k on the 670th day is due to the interaction of the supernova envelope with the pre-SN wind. The radioactive model for the late time SN II predicts strong Mgii 2800 line and detectable Hei 10830 line in emission and absorption.  相似文献   

The problem of the detection or discovery of RS CVn-type close binary systems with the aid of the magnesium emission doublet 2800 Mgii is discussed. On the example of a star, HD 102077, the possibility of such an approach is shown. The determining factor is the magnitude of the measureless parameterR(Mgii), that is, the relative power of the magnesium doublet emission. For the normal Main-Sequence stars the magnesium emission has a purely chromospheric origin andR(Mgii) 1 (in units of 10–5). However, in the case of close binary systems of RS CVn-typeR(Mgii) 100. Wit the help of IUE it is foundR(Mgii) 100 for the star HD 102077 and, therefore, it is identified with RS CVn-type objects in which the magnesium doublet emission is generated in the intercomponent medium by gaseous matter and is transferred from one component of the system to the other. The basic physical parameters of the intercomponent medium in the case of HD 102077 are obtained.  相似文献   

The synthetic equivalent width (W H) of the line H in emission is obtained for Hii regions opaque to the Lyman photon flux, with embedded OB associations with different initial chemical compositions and initial mass functions. The variation ofW H as a function of the evolution of the ionizing stars is analysed. The observations ofW H for M33, M101, and M51 by Searle (1971) are discussed.  相似文献   

Translational kinetic energy Et and rotational kinetic energy Er of the fragments produced in the laboratory catastrophic disruption of a basalt sphere by the impact of a high-speed projectile were determined. It was found that the maximum value of Et/Et is of the orders of 10−2, which is not so different in the order of magnitude from the value estimated for family asteroids in spite of the great difference of the scale. However, the laboratory value is significantly higher than the value for the family.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to search for a consistent model to explain the electromagnetic spectrum of the Crab nebula (Tau A). It is assumed that there is a continuous injection of electrons at the centre of the nebula with an energy spectrumE –1.54 as evidenced by radio data. This spectrum must steepen to a slope larger than 2 at some energyE i in order to ensure that the energy input into electrons remains finite. The spectrum must also steepen beyond an energyE c depending on the magnetic field because of synchrotron energy losses. Two types of models are considered: Class I, in which the whole nebula is characterised by a uniform magnetic field, and Class II, in which besides the general fieldH 0, small filamentary regions of strong fieldH s are postulated.In models of Class I, the best fit to the observed data is obtained whenE t >E c andH 05×10–4 gauss. However, this predicts a decrease in X-ray source size beyond 40 KeV. There are two possibilities of Class II model depending on the residence time of electrons in strong field regions being small or large. The former case explains the flattening in the optical spectrum.Experiments to distinguish between the various models are indicated.Presented at the International Conference on Cosmic Rays, Budapest, 1969.  相似文献   

The surface photometry of S254–S257 has been carried out by means of a wide range image processing technique in the reduction system. The photographic plates in the H+[NII] andV-bands are taken with the Schmidt telescope. Especially, we have obtained the calibrated map of theHii region, superposing two or more plates with different exposure times, and removing the star images. Three kinds of calibrated maps of theHii regions are drawn: (1)E-map in the (H+[NII]+continuum) (2)V-map in the continuum atV-band, (3)(E-V)-map in the (H+[NII]) line emission. The intensity profiles across the nebular centers were also obtained. Based on calibrated maps, the morphological structure and mass distribution of S255 and S257 are discussed. The location of observed nebulae on the (m Hm v) diagram, wherem H andm v denote the surface brightness, expressed in the magnitude per square arcmin, is shown together with that of some other nebulae. Some arguements on the age sequence of observedHii regions are presented.  相似文献   

A principally new, quantitative system of the classification of the spectra of planetary nebulae is proposed. Spectral class of excitation class of the nebulap is determined according to the relative intensities of emission lines (N 1+N 2) [OIII]/4686 HeII and (N 1+N 2) [OIII]/H (Table I, Figure 1). The excitation classes are obtained for 142 planetary nebulae of all classes—low (p=1–3), middle (p=4–8), and high (p=9–12+) (Tables II, III, and IV). An empirical relationship between excitation classp and mean radius of nebulae is discovered (Figure 2). This relationship as well as excitation classp, as an independend parameter, admit an evolutionary interpretation. It is shown that after reaching the highest class of excitationp=12+ the nebulae decrease their class of excitation with the further increases of sizes. The diagram of this relationship has two nearly-symmetric branches — rising and descending with the apogee onp=12+ (Figure 2).  相似文献   

The excitation temperature, colour excess and continuum of Car in the visible and near ultraviolet have been determined from the study of the excitation of the ionized iron emission lines. The excitation temperatures of Feii and [Feii] are about 8000K, value which is very much lower than the mean ionization temperature of the elements in Car.E B-V is about 1m.1; the absolute visual magnitude is presently –10m.5±1m. From the equivalent widths of the emission lines the true continuum between 1.5 and 3.0 –1 has been derived. The correspondingB-V is –0m.14, while the Balmer jump is less than 0m.5. The continuum appears mainly nebular in origin with a strong contribution of the two-photon emission from the 2s-level of hydrogen in the blue.  相似文献   

The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) gives us a chance to investigate the theoretical Neupert effect using the correlation between the thermal-energy derivative and the nonthermal energy, or the thermal energy and the integral nonthermal energy. Based on this concept, we analyze four M-class RHESSI flares on 13 November 2003, 4 November 2004, 3 and 25 August 2005. According to the evolution of the temperature [T], emission measure [EM], and thermal energy [E th], each event is divided into three phases during the nonthermal-energy input [ \frac dEnthdt\frac {\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{nth}}}{\mathrm{d}t} in the units of erg s−1]. Phase 1 is identified as the interval before the temperature maximum, while after the thermal-energy maximum is phase 3, between them is phase 2. We find that these four flares show the Neupert effect in phase 1, but not in phase 3. The Neupert effect still works well in the second phase, although the cooling becomes slightly important. We define the parameter μ in the relation of \fracdEthdt=m\fracdEnth(t)dt\frac{\mathrm {d}E_{\mathrm{th}}}{\mathrm{d}t}=\mu\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm {nth}}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} or Eth(t0)=mò0t0\fracdEnth(t)dt dtE_{\mathrm{th}}(t_{0})=\mu\int_{0}^{t_{0}}\frac{\mathrm{d}E_{\mathrm{nth}}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t}\,\mathrm{d}t when the cooling is ignored in phase 1. Considering the uncertainties in estimating the energy from the observations, it is not possible to precisely determine the fraction of the known energy in the nonthermal electrons transformed into the thermal energy of the hottest plasma observed by RHESSI. After a rough estimate of the flare volume and the assumption of the filling factor, we investigate the parameter μ in these four events. Its value ranges from 0.02 to 0.20, indicating that a small fraction (2% – 20%) of the nonthermal energy can be efficiently transformed into thermal energy, which is traced by the soft X-ray emission, and the bulk of the energy is lost possibly due to cooling.  相似文献   

Integrated photoelectric measurements of the equivalent widthW H, the [Oiii]/H ratio and the H emission line flux were obtained for 30Hii regions in the SMC. Physical properties of theHii regions and their ionizing stellar associations were derived. Some aspects of the recent star formation in the SMC and the evolution ofHii regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the hypothesis that the supergiantHii-complex 30 Doradus (NGC 2070) is the mildly active galactic nucleus of the Large Magellanic Cloud. For this purpose the general properties of galactic nuclei and the characteristics of active nuclei are reviewed (Section 2). Examination of 30 Doradus shows that it plasy the same exceptional role among allHii-regions of the LMC as Sgr A among those of our Galaxy, and has all the properties of a galactic nucleus (luminosity, emission spectrum, IR source, semistellar central object R 136, symmetry centre of an starting point of spiral structure). Evidence for the activity is given by the peculiar filamentary structure (Figure 1), the young spiral filaments superposed on old, broad and smooth near-circular arms (Figure 2), the splitting of the [Oiii] 5007 profile in two components corresponding to an expansion velocity of 50 km s–1, and the strong non-thermal component (Section 3). The mass loss of 30 Dor is estimated at 0.05M /a. It is speculated that the nucleus of a galaxy may be wandering due to explosive events.  相似文献   

An empirical relationship between the ratio of the intensities of emission lines in spectra of planetary nebulae, 4686 Heii/H andN 1+N 2[Oiii]/4868 Heii, is established (see Equation (1), curve in Figure 1). A new statistical temperature scale based on this empirical relationship is proposed for the determination of lower limits of the temperatures of the nuclei of planetary nebulae. The well-known method 4686 Heii/H gives the upper level of the temperature of the nucleus. A simultaneous application of both methods has been carried out for 97 planetary nebulae, in order to determine both the upper and lower limits of the temperature of their nuclei (last two columns in Table I). A new quantitative system for the determination of excitation classes of nebulae is proposed (Tables IV and V).  相似文献   

In this paper we relate two methods of analyzing the kinematic parameters of the local macroscopic motions of the Galaxy:
  1. The Ogorodnikov-Milne model (OM) that consists in the three-dimensional Taylor expansion of the mean velocity field.
  2. The two-dimensional spherical harmonic development of the velocity components (SH). We present the theoretical relations between the SH coefficients and the second-order OM ones for the radial velocityv r and the galactic heliocentric components of the velocityU, V, W. Only the hypothesis of separability of the stellar density function of the sample into angular and radial parts is needed. Also, we apply them to 4732 A-M stars included in the Figueras (1986) sample.

In this paper we are concerned with incompressible MHD turbulence in a rotating system and have derived an equation for the rate of change of vorticity covariance of MHD turbulent flow. The result derived shows that the defining scalars (r,t), (r,t), and (r,t) for the rate of change of vorticity covariance solely depend on the defining scalars of the tensorsW ij, Pik,j, Fkj,i, Tik,j, andR kj,ialready defined in the text.  相似文献   

The equivalent width of the 2175 Å band,W 2175, well known as the big bump in the interstellar extinction curves, has been found to be closely correlated with the colour excessE B-V as well as with the extinction differencesE 8–6 andE 9–7 defined to characterize quantitatively the steep slopes of the extinction curves in the far ultraviolet.The equivalent widths of the 5780 and 5797 Å diffuse lines show good correlation withE B-V. The correlations ofW 5780 andW 5797 withE 8–6 resp.E 9–7 are, however, rather weak. Correlations betweenW 2175 andW 5780 and betweenW 2175 andW 5797 are indicated.The results have been qualitatively interpreted in favour of the dust model consisting of a mixture of small silicate grains and larger silicate grains coated by molecular mantles.Paper presented at the Symposium on Solid State Astrophysics, held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, between 9–12 July 1974.  相似文献   

We investigate the total kinetic powers (L j) and ages (t age) of powerful jets of four FR II radio sources (Cygnus A, 3C 223, 3C 284, and 3C 219) by the detail comparison of the dynamical model of expanding cocoons with observed ones. It is found that these sources have quite large kinetic powers with the ratio of L j to the Eddington luminosity (L Edd) resides in 0.02<L j/L Edd<10. Reflecting the large kinetic powers, we also find that the total energy stored in the cocoon (E c) exceed the energy derived from the minimum energy condition (E min ): 2<E c/E min <160. This implies that a large amount of kinetic power is carried by invisible components such as thermal leptons (electron and positron) and/or protons.  相似文献   

It is found that charged particles of positive energiesE, when constrained on axisymmetric isoflux surfaces , execute sinusoidal motions with typical frequencies =(2E/m)1/2). In general, it was found that under equilibrium condition p=J ^B/cthe particles develop a non-ambipolar drift velocityv d =(cµ/eb)[1+q 2 +2(q/)2]p.  相似文献   

In real intensive cosmic sources it is necessary to take into account the ?erenkov reabsorption which restricts the brightness temperature of ?erenkov emission by energies of emitted relativistic electrons. As ?erenkov optical depth is given by τc~N/E, the brightness temperature of emission on frequencies near gyrofrequency is determined by electron energyE r in which τc(E r)=1. It is shown that most of the synchrotron sources (quasars, pulsars) must be powerful sources of ?erenkov emission. In these sources the high density of low frequency ?erenkov emission can give rise to many parametric effects.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields observed in the galactic disc are generated by the differential rotation and the helical turbulent motions of interstellar gas. On the scalesl=2k –1 which lie in the intervall 0<l<l e (l 0100 pc is the energy-range scale of the galactic turbulence), the spectral density of the kinetic energy of turbulence (k –5/3) exceeds the magnetic energy spectral density (k –1). The equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies is reached atl=l e 6 pc in the intercloud medium and is maintained down to the scalel=l d 0.03 pc. In dense interstellar cloudsl e is determined by the individual cloud size andl d 0.1 pc.The internal turbulent velocities in Hi clouds (cloud size is assumed to be 10 pc) lie in the range from 1.8 to 5.6km s–1, fitting well within the observed range of internal rms velocities. Dissipation of the interstellar MHD turbulence leads to creation of temperature fluctuations with amplitudes of 150 K and 65 K in dense clouds and intercloud medium, respectively. The small-scale fluctuations observed in the interstellar medium may arise from such perturbations due to the thermal instability, for instance. Dissipation of the MHD turbulence energy provides nearly half of the energy supply needed to maintain the thermal balance of the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

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