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Metal life cycles define and quantify the rates of supply and demand for metals currently used in modern society. Each metal life cycle stage is potentially influenced by material transformation losses, import/export flows, and stockpiling. Flows and stocks in metal life cycles, the rates of by-product extraction, determinations of metal stocks in use, and scrap generation rates remain difficult to quantify, rendering it difficult to make reasonable estimates of the future supply of secondary metals and, therefore, of the future demands for primary metals. This paper presents four grand challenges to geologists, materials scientists, product designers, and industrial ecologists. Addressing these challenges is a prerequisite to achieving better resource efficiencies, as well as to addressing our moral obligation to enable a resource-sufficient life for future generations.  相似文献   

出口对中国区域经济增长和产业结构转型的影响分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
1978年改革开放以来,特别是加入WTO以后,中国对外贸易迅速增加,成为经济增长的主要动力之一。这不仅改变了中国在世界经济中的地位,也导致了中国区域经济格局的变化。在当前全球金融危机下,中国对外出口大幅度下降。因而,定量研究出口对中国区域经济增长和产业结构转变的作用,对理解金融危机的影响具有重要意义。本文运用投入产出表方法,计算了中国各省市区对欧、美、日的商品出口对各自产业增加值和产业结构升级的贡献程度。研究发现,对欧、美、日出口在中国区域经济增长和产业结构转型中起着越来越重要的角色,特别是沿海地区。  相似文献   

唐山市钢铁工业发展特征及动力机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐山市钢铁工业自20世纪80年代以来一直为唐山市的支柱产业,90年代以来,省属特大型企业唐钢和地方钢铁企业都得到了迅速发展,在唐山市经济总量中占据着举足轻重的地位。本文详细分析唐山市钢铁产业的发展过程,探讨改革开放以来影响城市最具代表性产业的驱动因素。研究表明,基于本地化的区域产业基础和国家引导下的制度因素是唐山市钢铁工业迅速发展的主要驱动力,企业在动态的环境中适应和创新的能力则是内在因素。产品结构雷同、彼此利益独立使企业之间面临着激烈竞争,因此建议发挥政府的协调作用,引导地方企业调整工艺流程和产品结构,扶植相关产业,促进区域经济整体发展。  相似文献   

In 1990, scrap was a major feedstock component of U.S. metals production. Steel scrap represented 56% of raw steel production, old lead scrap was 66% of total lead production, and purchased aluminum scrap represented 37% of total production. Copper scrap makes up 44% of total U.S. copper consumption annually. Although some recycling operations, such as past (but now obsolete) lead-acid battery breaking and the use of high salt fluxes on aluminum drosses have created environmental problems, the recovery of obsolete autos, cast or extruded products, appliances, lead-acid batteries, beverage containers, and drosses represents major environmental benefits in terms of reduced litter, landfill wastes, and energy savings. Evolving technologies, marketing concepts, and regulations promise even higher levels of recycling in the future. The cumulative amounts of aluminum, copper, lead, and ferrous scrap that would have had to be absorbed by our environment as discards during the period 1965–1990 had they not been recycled totaled more than 2.2 billion tons, just for the four metal groups. Concurrently, huge energy savings were realized and environmental benefits achieved through reduced emissions associated with generating that energy.Correspondence should be directed to: Earle B. Amey, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center 983, Reston, Virginia 20192.  相似文献   

中国钢铁产品国际贸易流与碳排放跨境转移   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
张晓平  王兆红  孙磊 《地理研究》2010,29(9):1650-1658
控制温室气体排放最终要落实到不同国家、不同行业之间的利益分配和责任分担,尤其是通过国际商品贸易转移的碳排放是在国家间分配排放配额时必须考虑的指标。基于中国钢铁产品国际贸易流的分析表明,中国在国际钢铁产品贸易中处于垂直产业内贸易的低端,中国具有比较优势的钢铁产品多为加工程度低、技术含量低、能源消耗强度大的初级产品。由于我国进出口钢铁产品在附加价值和能源消耗强度方面存在明显的差异,随着中国钢铁产品国际贸易规模的扩大,使大量CO2排放责任向中国净转移。我国学者应以更加积极的姿态参与到国际谈判、国际规则的制订中,从产品生产者和消费者两个层面合理界定中国在全球温室气体减排中的责任,力争在气候变化国际谈判中确保中国的经济贸易利益。  相似文献   

中国商品贸易结构不均衡性对地缘经济格局的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
孟德友  马颖忆  王晗  柯文前 《地理科学》2015,35(10):1238-1246
从国家对外经济联系中不同产业和产品结构的进出口贸易视角,考察中国(① 由于数据限制,本文研究区域为中国大陆地区,不包括港澳台地区。)地缘经济格局特征与影响。研究表明,中国商品贸易的总体态势是资源产品进口对富含能源国家的高依赖及工业制成品净出口对国际市场的强需求的不均衡特征;空间上则表现出国别、地区和方式较为单一且相对稳定,这可能会导致中国地缘经济与其他国家关联强度有一定的倾向性。集成资源产品进口和工业制成品进出口多指标显示,以工业制成品进出口为主的外向经济是影响中国当前地缘经济格局最主要的因素,而资源产品进口则次于工业制成品的作用,且石油和铁矿的作用高于天然气;在空间上形成了以重点经济发达国家与其外围周边国家为重点面域,联合重点能源国家为扩展的“面-点”地缘经济格局,中国进出口贸易地区大致形成了由近及远的多圈层结构,且关联度较低的国家镶嵌其中而表现出破碎化的特征。这一格局昭示未来一段时间中国地缘局势总体稳定,但受诸多不可控因素的影响,积极开辟和寻求多元化的地缘经济空间是有效应对对外经济联系突发事件的重要途径。  相似文献   

韩良  宋涛  佟连军 《地理研究》2006,25(4):692-700
汽车产业属于资源和能源消耗型产业,作为长春市支柱产业的汽车产业在推动长春市经济发展的同时也引发了相应的环境问题,长春市汽车产业开发区是具有较高产业集聚度的汽车产业共生体,可以作为生态产业园区建设的良好载体,研究其生态化改造,对长春市汽车产业的可持续发展具有重要意义。因此综合国内外生态产业园区规划的方法与手段,基于长春汽车产业开发区现有的产业发展基础及资源回收与综合利用体系,通过生态链设计和系统集成对长春市汽车产业开发区生态化改造进行了总体框架设计,并在此基础上对生态功能划分、代谢分析和物质平衡核算以及空间布局进行了研究,最后在对园区建设的效益予以估算及评价的基础上提出生态产业园区未来发展可能存在的问题及初步的对策建议。  相似文献   

王诺  张进  卢毅可  吴暖 《地理研究》2019,38(5):1253-1264
本文研究了1971—2015年世界铁矿石供需与流动格局的时空变化,结果显示:① 世界铁矿石年产量期末比期初增加了12.26亿t,年均增长2.17%;1992年以前,欧洲曾是世界铁矿石的消费重心,但随后亚洲后来居上。② 研究期内世界铁矿石输出量年均增长达3.7%,大洋洲和南美洲成为铁矿石的主要输出地,2015年占世界的比重分别达53.73%和26.23%;本世纪以来铁矿石输入量最大的是中国、日本和韩国,2015年分别占世界总量的65.07%、8.94%和5%。③ 基于“场”理论,采用位势、“源”、“汇”、迹线等概念审视全球铁矿石流场的基本特征和流场成因,发现世界铁矿石流动的“位势”北半球较低,而南半球较高;亚洲、欧洲是主要的汇流场,大洋洲、南美洲是主要的源流场。本文研究揭示了近半个世纪以来世界铁矿石资源的流动状态及其演变过程,对于我国科学地制定产业政策具有重要价值。  相似文献   

全球性经济一体化背景下,跨国企业通过产品与服务贸易、生产要素配置、中介机构国际往来等三种方式实现产业组织全球化。随之地方城市逐步融入世界城市网络,在全球化网络体系中得到重构与再造。长沙有三一重工、中联重科、山河智能等为龙头的工程机械产业集群,产业全球化组织趋势明显,在此作用下长沙在一定程度上不再是地方性的,而是城市国际化网络的一个重要节点,开始在世界范围内争取资源和发展机会,构建了以长沙为中心的城市国际网络。在全球化时代的世界城市体系中,地方城市必须积极主动地对接全球产业链,融入全球生产组织网络,推动城市国际化发展进程。  相似文献   

Based on the most current GTAP8 database, we analyzed flow, structure and change in tradeembodied carbon emissions between China and the developed world and the developing world from 2004 to 2007 using input-output model. We found that China was always a net embodied emissions exporting country over this period. Based on the LMDI decomposition method, we found that factors influencing net embodied emissions exported from China to developed countries and developing countries differ. Trade surpluses and differences in emissions factors were vital in determining net embodied emissions exported from China to the developed world. Differences in export structures and emissions factors were key factors influencing net emissions between China and developing countries. These were closely related to respective divisions amongst developed countries, China and other developing countries in the global industrial chain. From 2004 to 2007, the export structure of China was transformed to high-end manufacturing with domestic producing technology gradually approaching the level of developed countries. With further technological improvement, industrial upgrades and export structure optimization in China, the net export of embodied carbon emissions will decrease and the driving forces of trade for China's domestic carbon emissions will decline.  相似文献   

Policymakers and analysts now recognize that US military activities abroad contribute to the creation of refugee flows into the US. Previously, immigration into the US was viewed as a result of inept and failed domestic policies in the countries of origin. Results show that recent immigrants to the US come from countries with neither the poorest nor the largest population growth rate in the less developed world. However, the sending countries received US direct foreign investment (DFI) in the 1970s, particularly labor intensive investment in export manufacturing. Significant levels and concentrations of DFI promote emigration through: 1) the incorporation of new segments of the population into wage labor and the associated disruption of traditional work structures, 2) the feminization of the new industrial work force and its impact on the work opportunities of men, and 3) the consolidation of objective and ideological links with the highly industrialized countries where most foreign capital originates. The data suggest an examination of the causes of emigration on a much more specific level than that of underdevelopment, poverty, and population growth. These facts carry immediate policy implications for US immigration organizations: 1) if US firms in export processing zones recruited workers from the pool of unemployed--mostly prime-age males--rather than expanding the labor supply by recruiting young women, thereby disrupting unwaged work structures, and 2) if these firms would desist from having high turnover rates among workers, then the migration impact of this type of development would be minimized.  相似文献   

黎诗扬  朱华晟  丁玥 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1514-1522
随着中国人口红利逐渐消失,劳动力技能升级的问题日益突出。已有研究表明,发展中国家融入全球生产网络体系并非必定能够促进劳动力技能的升级。论文以中国大陆地区主要地级市为例,利用2005、2010、2015年的面板数据,试图分析国际贸易对各地区劳动力技能结构变动及技能升级方面的影响。结果表明:出口贸易对地区高技能劳动力就业比重具有抑制作用,表现为出口贸易对劳动力技能降级的影响;而进口贸易所产生的技术扩散效应尚未显现,进出口贸易整体影响并不显著。进一步来看,从区域产业地理格局角度,对外贸易影响了不同技能水平劳动力人群的区域间流动,使得对外贸易对劳动力技能升级的影响效果在不同的区位与城市规模特征间存在显著差异。沿海城市和大城市主要表现为进口贸易显著促进高技能劳动力就业比重进而带来地区劳动力技能升级,相对于内陆地区和小城市而言,出口贸易会带来高技能劳动力就业比重下降,地区劳动力技能呈现降级趋势。  相似文献   

桂东经济区生态农业、生态工业和生态旅游业已现雏形。猪一沼一果的生态农业模式已得到广泛推广,绿色农业和观光农业等生态农业模式也已在部分地区得到发展;区域内的贵港国家生态工业(制糖)示范园是我国第一个生态工业示范园;以国家森林公园为主的生态旅游已成为某些地区旅游业的亮点。但不可否认的是,桂东经济区产业生态化仍处于起步阶段。文章在对国内外产业生态化发展趋势和桂东经济区产业生态化典型案例分析的基础上,提出了该区产业生态化发展对策。  相似文献   

一个多世纪以来,大众集团在沃尔夫斯堡的工业品牌世界“大众汽车城”向世人展示着世界汽车工业技术和社会化发展历史。然而,对于20世纪30年代末-1945年期间,纳粹时期所发生的一些黑暗历史事件,诸如苦役劳动力和制造武器,却采取着遮遮掩掩的态度。甚至于试图让数以百万计的参观者们相信,大众汽车集团的历史仅可追溯至1945年。正面的历史部分被展示和传播着,黑暗的历史事件却被刻意忽视。因此,大众汽车城尽管整体上反映了汽车工业的重要成就、经历和组成,却并不足以成为具有完整历史价值的工业文化遗产。只有敢于承认和展示自身完整的(包括那些黑暗的部分)历史,大众汽车城才能成为一个真正的“产业文化基地”。  相似文献   

本文论述了皖南山区的区位特点对国土开发的影响,国土开发的现状与存在的主要问题。在此基础上着重分析了该区国土整治的对策,内容包括社会开发,能源交通建设,产业结构与空间布局的调整,以及横向经济联合与接触“效应”等方面的问题。  相似文献   

The U.S. Geological Survey National Minerals Information Center (NMIC) is the U.S. Government agency tasked with the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information on the production, consumption, import, export, and other measures of the flows of non-fuel mineral commodities of importance to the U.S. economy and national security. The NMIC and its agency predecessors have maintained a database of this information, collected and published annually, dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Time series analysis of annual information from the NMIC provides the opportunity to identify trends in the supply chains of the minerals and metals which are increasingly in demand for advanced technologies. The identification of trends in data for net import reliance, country concentration of production, global demand, price volatility, and other measures, when combined with world governance indicators, can be used to focus attention on individual mineral commodities where supply chain restrictions may develop. Specific examples for U.S. net import reliance, global tantalum primary mining, and mineral criticality screening are presented to illustrate the utility of time series analysis of trends in mineral commodity supply and demand, the types of data required, and the limitations of currently available information.  相似文献   

夏启繁  杜德斌  段德忠  黄晓东 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2429-2448
新冠肺炎疫情大流行仍在肆虐全球。国际合作,尤其是在全球大流行时期保持医药卫生健康领域正常流通的特需药品贸易是抗击疫情的关键。然而,疫情期间越来越多的出口管制已经使得以往的全球药品贸易发生一定程度的改变,全球抗病毒药品贸易中的相互依存关系在大流行期间被刻画的更加清晰。本文通过梳理2000—2018年全球抗病毒药品贸易格局的时空演化特征,探讨了全球抗病毒药品贸易的产品结构及各国(地区)在全球抗病毒药品贸易体系中的地位变动,特别是揭示了中国与其他国家(地区)在全球抗病毒药品贸易体系中的相互依存关系。研究发现:① 产业结构上,以疫苗产品为主的全球抗病毒药品贸易体系正向以疫苗、含抗生素药品为主演化。两类药品出口都集中于欧美发达国家;中国则主要出口抗生素。② 拓扑结构上,全球抗病毒药品贸易网络是一典型的“核心-边缘”式的小世界网络。网络核心由美国逐步转向西欧国家。网络社团逐步聚拢,中国逐步脱离美国社团,向以德国、比利时为代表的西欧社团靠拢,并且在网络中的地位也越来越重要。③ 空间结构上,全球抗病毒药品进出口贸易格局逐步由分散走向集中,形成欧洲主导、美国衰落、亚洲兴起的发展态势。④ 在抗病毒药品贸易上,中国与主要发达国家(地区)间的相互依存关系逐步加深,而与“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)间的相互依存关系较低。  相似文献   

世界钢铁工业发展趋势及对我国钢铁工业的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
20世纪是世界钢铁工业快速发展的世纪。在科技进步和市场需求的拉动下,世界钢铁生产的规模、地区格局与原材料供应等都发生了显著变化。进入21世纪,世界钢铁工业将在高科技的推动、原材料供给与产品销售的激烈竞争、以及环境容量的制约下,进入新的结构调整和发展时期。未来世界钢铁工业将以发展中国家的增长为主;生产体制从注重产量向环境友好转化;市场竞争将加速跨国公司全球资本重组。我国钢铁工业在今后20至30年内仍有较大发展空间,国内外市场需求的变化与跨国公司的并购重组,将推动我国钢铁工业布局进一步接近市场,向沿海或大都市周边地区集中。  相似文献   

基于流量数据的中美两国与东北亚地缘经济关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
马腾  葛岳静  黄宇  刘晓凤  林荣平  胡志丁 《地理学报》2020,75(10):2076-2091
由于全球化和市场经济在全球范围内得到普遍认可,在各类地缘关系中地缘经济关系成为最活跃也是研究最多的一类。本文从中国与东北亚各国地缘经济研究现状入手,基于流量数据建立地缘流势模型来探寻地缘经济复杂关系背后的规律性因素,并通过对比中美两国与东北亚的地缘经济关系分析其驱动机制,得出如下结论:① 2000—2016年中国与东北亚地缘经济联系不断加强,其中贸易联系明显强于投资联系,但投资联系在2012年后得到了飞速的发展。② 中国与东北亚地区的总体经济流势呈现上升态势,其中贸易流势起主导作用,中美地缘经济流势表现最强、增速最快,中国对日、韩两国的地缘经济流势强度不断显现,中俄、中蒙、中朝三股地缘经济流势虽然近年来不断增长但对区域整体地缘经济关系影响有限。③ 中美两国与东北亚的地缘经济流势均呈现出波动上升的趋势,并在国家关系分布上较为一致;两国在地缘经济差异主要体现在两个方面:一是驱动因素不同,中国以贸易关系为主而美国主要依赖投资驱动;二是空间分布差异开始显现,美国与东北亚的地缘经济关系越来越集中于中、日、韩三国,而中国与俄、蒙、朝三国联系开始不断加强。  相似文献   

With intense urbanization and sustained population growth, securing food production with limited land sources has increasingly become a pressing issue. Based on an analysis of international cereal (i.e., barley, buckwheat, maize, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, soybean, and wheat) trade and differences in yields of the cereal between export and import countries over the period of 2007 to 2011, we explore the great potential of land saving through the international cereal trade. By ‘land saving’, we refer to the reduced global total of lands required to produce a necessary amount of cereal when cereal is exported from a country with relatively large yield of the cereal to a country with relatively small yield of the cereal. Our scenario analysis suggests that international cereal trade would help mitigate the shortage of domestic arable land for many island countries (e.g., Japan) and countries in the arid Middle East and North Africa (e.g., Syria and Morocco). Furthermore, international cereal trade has the potential to generate ‘land saving’ of 50,092,284 ha of land per year, which is roughly the size of Spain. Drawing upon the definition of a similar concept — virtual water (Hoekstra and Hung 2002), we define virtual land as the area of land resources used for the production of goods. Through introducing the concept of virtual land, we believe land resources that are traditionally considered as stationary resources can flow with anthropogenic socioeconomic activities. The largest virtual-land flows (> 3,000,000 ha/year) exist between the United States (US) to China, Brazil to China, the US to Japan, the US to Mexico, and Argentina to China. However, not all virtual-land flows necessarily result in land saving. Thus, more endeavors are needed to plan the virtual-land flows for a larger land saving at the global scale.  相似文献   

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