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Understanding the Changing Planet: Strategic Directions for the Geographical Sciences(UCP),published by the National Research Council(USA),and its comments in The Professional Geographer propose that uppercase and plural "Geographical Sciences"(GS) is the strategic direction for geography in the next decade for better understanding of our rapidly changing planet. According to these comments,UCP valued technologies and tools excessively("task"),and did not pay much attention to methodology("discipline"). Actually,both"task" and "discipline" are geographical wings,especially in the time of "big science".Enlightenment from UCP and its comments is the strategic direction that should be balanced between "task" and "discipline",GS should be a three-dimensional construct of a disciplinary system,methodology,and technologies and tools,and this system should be scientific humanism based on scientific spirit and directed by humanism. During the last 60 years,Chinese geographers devoted themselves to GS,including practice and theory. Obviously progress and outlook are proposed as interdisciplinary GS,Earth Surface Sciences(ESS) and Geographical Construction(GC). The disciplinary system of GS is very complex,and is composed of such human knowledge domains as sciences,technologies,engineering,and philosophy. The main mission is to research the open,complex,and macro earth system(not only scientifically,but also humanistically),and one significant methodology is "comprehensive integration of qualitative and quantitative means"(CIQQM). At the same time,another changing direction in Chinese geography is Human-Economic Geography(HEG).  相似文献   

孙俊  潘玉君  汤茂林  杜莹 《地理研究》2014,33(8):1557-1568
基于编史学视角对国外地理学史著作的中国部分以及中国地理学史著作的考察,重点论述了实证主义和思想史两类编史方法论特征。考察表明:国外实证主义地理学史以实证主义方法论为核心,是一种普遍主义和进步主义的叙事模式,这种模式里并不存在实质性的中国古代地理学,而中国近代地理学则是欧美地理学的移植。在后历史的立场上,对地理学应作宽泛的理解,实证主义地理学史是建构的历史,中国学者遵循实证主义方法论的重要意义在于建构了中国地理学理性的一面。中国地理学史人文的方面是通过思想史方法论建构起来的,这种方法通过中国古代原有文化体系、观念、概念、材料来认识地理学的发展史,首要的意义是与实证主义建构相反的还原。基于思想史方法论的中国近代地理学史研究表明,中国近代地理学的形成首要的并不是西方地理学的移植,而是自主地基于中国古代传统的学术重构,反映的是中西学术的双向互动,并不是西方地理学的单向传播。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the main statements of V.B. Sochava’s theoretical legacy which are currently central to the advancement of modern cultural geography. Among them are the geographical science studies: metageography and geographical tectology, structural-dynamical approach to culture and landscape, and the concept of the geosystem and its invariant. The study brings out the importance of systems approach to culture and landscapes as well as the significance of the theory of geosystems, a catalyst for the emergence of new cultural-geographical knowledge. The problem of geographical tectology as stated by V.B. Sochava is implemented by adjusting the methods and knowledge of related disciplines for the particular purposes of geographical investigation. An outline is given of the specific character of methodological development of cultural geography in circumstances where the postmodernism world outlook platform is dominant as well as of the “drift” of the interests of the scientific community from the material aspect of man–environment interaction to the postmodern “dematerialization” of social geography. These processes which are progressing more intensely in Western science have influence on national geocultural research. Furthermore, the key characteristics of postmodernization, i.e. recognition of the equivalence and uniqueness of cultural-geographical phenomena, the equality of research standpoints, and refusal from the search for a “metanarrative” unfairly push to the methodological periphery the issues related to evolution, hierarchy, and interobjective connections of culture and landscape. The dominant emphasis on the nonmaterial aspects of cultural-geographical phenomena and processes does not imply that their systems side has lost value. V.B. Sochava’s theoretical developments provide a meaningful potential source for a further advancement of cultural geography. Moreover, even the international science has recently shown an enhancement in the tendency toward the “restoration of materialism” in cultural geography. This paper is built upon an integral approach to demonstrate an avenue for a harmonious combination of the “material” and “nonmaterial” sides of the discipline.  相似文献   

姚文捷 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1140-1147
通过引入区位熵的方法,构建生猪养殖产业集聚演化的环境效应模型,旨在从理论层面揭示出生猪养殖污染本身的特殊性和内在的规律性。以嘉兴市辖区为样本的研究表明,生猪养殖污染集聚程度与生猪养殖产业集聚程度存在的倒U型曲线关系,本质上是生产的环境负外部性效应,以及对其实施纠正措施的演化轨迹。生猪养殖生产的环境负外部性效应曲线在污染治理政策的作用下,随着产业集聚程度的提高由向右上方倾斜而逐渐向下弯曲;在受到耕地资源约束时,会向上平移;在因下弯而减轻的污染集聚程度被因上移而增加的污染集聚程度所抵消并盖过时,污染治理政策则有可能是失效的。因此,生猪养殖污染治理政策的实施,必须将城镇化推进所引起的耕地资源的变化考虑在内。  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese cartography dates back to the Western Jin Dynasty in the third century. Cartography was initiated during this period by Pei Xiu, a minister and cartographic expert, who suggested six principles of cartography. Pei Xiu, who is known as the father of Chinese cartography, oversaw the completion of the “Yu Gong Regional Maps”, along with 18 articles and the “Terrain Fangzhang Map” (AD 224–271). This led to a number of subsequent cartographic initiatives including the “Wooden Fangzhang Map” (an administrative map) which was completed by Xie Zhuang, a minister during the Southern Dynasties (AD 502–557), “Haineihuayi Tu” (Map of China and its neighbouring countries) (AD 730–805), drawn by Jia Dan, a cartographer of the Tang Dynasty, and “Shouling Tu” (an administrative map, AD 1031–1095), drawn by Shen Kuo, a scientist during the Northern Song Dynasty. Throughout the 16th century, ancient Chinese cartography developed continuously and cumulatively, and formed the specific characteristics of China ancient cartography. Although Western latitude- based and longitude-based mapping techniques introduced to China in AD 1460, the theories and methods of Chinese and Western mapping systems co-existed for over 400 years. The cultural heritage of Chinese cartography can be seen in many famous ancient Chinese maps, including astronomical figures and atlases (world, Chinese, regional, military, water conservancy, historical, and educational maps), charts, and maps of scenic spots. These have hitherto been kept in well-known archives and institutions across the world. They form an important part of the global cultural heritage of ancient maps and cartography. Given their high cultural value, these maps remain an important point of study. This paper provides a preliminary discussion on the rarity, application, and the historical, scientific, and artistic value of ancient Chinese maps.  相似文献   

高菠阳  刘卫东  宋涛  冯锐  计启迪 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2718-2730
“一带一路”倡议的深入推进加速了中国企业对外投资的步伐。而对于这些“走出去”的企业而言,往往面临着东道国社会环境及治理结构变革、制度制约、文化冲突等多重挑战。此前经济地理学提出的“主动嵌入”和“被动嵌入”,并不能完全解释“一带一路”倡议背景下中国企业在“走出去”过程中所呈现的“外资”与东道国治理结构、地方制度文化环境之间的复杂相互作用关系。本研究构建了“全球-国家-地方”多尺度嵌入的分析框架,以缅甸莱比塘铜矿为例,阐释企业如何通过多样化制度创新,顺应东道国的社会变革,突破制度和文化的制约,从而取得政府、企业、当地社区“多赢”局面的合作模式,从而从新的视角理解制度的多尺度性和尺度之间的相互作用。研究发现:尺度要素之间存在耦合关联作用,且作用模式有不同的组合,同时多个尺度要素的嵌入和影响过程也存在时序效应。最后,结合莱比塘案例,为中国企业“走出去”提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This article performs actor-network theory (ANT) to examine the development of gorilla tourism at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. We depict a number of translations in which gorillas were designated and enrolled as coexisting with local livelihood practices, as “trophies” in the hunting network, “man's closest neighbor” in the scientific network, “endangered species” in the conservation network, and finally, through habituation processes, became part of the tourism network. These five versions of the “gorilla” network show how gorillas are shaped in and by the relations in which they reside. By examining Bwindi in terms of ANT's notions of ordering, materiality, and multiplicity, we not only show how gorilla tourism has gained permanence and popularity, but also draw attention to new ways of thinking about actors and agency in tourism, conservation, and development.  相似文献   

Off the western coast of Sumatra among the islands of Pulau Banyak, fishing is the primary occupation for the men of Haloban. They are self-described “traditional” fishers, using low-tech gear and small boats to catch fish, octopus, lobster, and other sealife in the nearby coral reefs and mangroves. Women also regularly venture out into the deep mud of the mangroves to collect clams. Their efforts to extract livelihoods and subsistence from the reefs take place in an open-access commons with few formal institutions or enforcement mechanisms to regulate resource use. While explicit regulations and customary limitations on fishing in the coral reef commons are lacking, Haloban fishers improvise some common etiquette and practices that are adaptable to the shifting context.This case study presents Haloban fishers' use of the commons as situated practices, unarticulated and embedded within a complex social–ecological system. These practices reflect fishers' understanding of, and relationship with, their environment, and may represent a nascent form of local “rules-in-use”, informing behavior without direct social mechanisms for enforcement. This paper presents research collected using ethnographic methods, including participant observation at sea. As NGOs and government agencies work to craft management plans that share use of the reefs with tourism and conservation, a better understanding of actual resource use and fishing practice may inform more nuanced, adaptable, and truly “local” community-based management.  相似文献   

张机  徐红罡 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1057-1065
以社会角色与角色冲突的相关理论为指导,以云南丽江白沙村当地纳西族居民家的微观空间为研究对象,对当地居民与游客在互动过程中的角色冲突质性进行了研究。研究发现,当地少数民族居民与汉族游客在家空间的互动过程中,双方各自存在角色内冲突的现象,同时彼此之间也存在两种角色间冲突现象。互动双方在处理这些角色冲突的过程中,既反映出当地居民对经济利益的诉求,也反映出当地居民与游客在家空间中的地位与权力关系。  相似文献   

以黄土高原近现代规模最大的“回民起义”战争为切入点,结合不同地貌区合水和靖边聚湫重建的同时期侵蚀量、文献记录的人口数量和生态-社会状况,明确该事件驱动下的人地关系演变。黄土高原中南部高塬沟壑区的合水流域土壤侵蚀强度受战争影响有所减缓,归因于人口数量锐减后当地生态的快速自然恢复;战后人口增加未显著改变当地的生态平衡,展现出较高的生态承载力和弹性。中北部丘陵沟壑区的靖边聚湫在战争持续影响下土壤侵蚀显著增强,生态植被恢复缓慢且直至“禁垦期”达到与气候间的平衡态;人口激增后侵蚀强度和生态恶化再次加剧,具有较低的生态弹性。建议高塬沟壑区内近600 mm降水量区域的当代生态保护和可持续发展要以开发与保护并举,而丘陵沟壑区内近400 mm降水量的区域应以保护为主、坝库系统内的土地利用为辅,并重视“空心村”大量废弃土地的水土管理和科学利用。  相似文献   

在"多规合一"发展的背景下,以武汉为例,聚焦城市规划与土地利用规划融合("规土融合")在地方层面的实施路径与发展目标。系统梳理了其在体系结构、技术语言、信息平台等方面的技术革新策略,同时概括出管理模式创新中协调成本内部化、转变政府角色、倡导交往理性、加快接轨市场等有益尝试。此外,强调武汉实践中"两规"与"规-土"的内涵差异,丰富对规划融合发展目标的认识,以期为相关地方实践带来有益启示,也为宏观规划体系改革提供自下而上的思考视角。  相似文献   

Wen Lin 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):901-922
While local governments have been one of the major user groups of GIS, there is still little research on how GIS development in local government might be intertwined with urban governance, particularly in non-Western contexts. Drawing upon insights from GIS implementation, critical GIS, and governmentality studies, this article seeks to bridge this gap by examining the implications of Chinese urban government GIS practices amidst China's changing urban governance. Through an in-depth case study of Shenzhen, this article analyzes how urban GIS has been transformed from a practice involving internal organizational workflow automation, into a more active dimension of the governance of urban spaces—reflected in the expanding practice of “geo-coding” the urban landscape. “Geo-coding” here refers to a broadly defined spatial practice of carving and reconstructing a rational urban space. GIS practices have constituted a particular form of geographic rationality that seeks to govern at a distance while simultaneously regulating the urban environment, intersecting with the broader transformations of China's urban governance. These GIS developments have been largely government-centric rather than citizen-centric, yet they provide possibilities for new forms of spatial knowledge production for citizen participation in urban governance.  相似文献   

曹帅强  邓运员 《热带地理》2018,38(1):131-142
根据景观基因及其图谱理论,探讨景观基因及其图谱和画卷式旅游规划概念,建立了基于三者之间内在关系的古城镇“画卷式”旅游规划技术;遵循“一目标、二意义、三功能、四特性、五要素”的理论结构,探讨以基因信息的遗传路线和文化故事表达为图谱形态的“画卷式”旅游规划模式。在此基础上,以靖港古镇为例,结合实地走访与历史文化特色分析等方法,探寻了该古镇景观主体基因图谱,构建并运用了“画卷式”旅游规划模式。结果表明:靖港古镇宜居宜业的生态文明是主体基因图谱表达的画卷模式;军事科教的活动体验是内在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式,地方性很强的民俗活动是外在唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式;宗教文化活动是局部唯一基因图谱表达的画卷模式。  相似文献   

张铃钰  叶浩威  安宁 《热带地理》2019,39(6):880-888
通过文本分析和档案分析的方法,立足文学地理学分析框架和研究范式,分析了香港70年代、过渡时期、后殖民时期三部文学界热门且公认具代表性的作品——《我城》《烦恼娃娃的旅程》和《后殖民食物与爱情》,解构了作品中“本土”“国家”和“全球”3个空间维度下再现的地理物象、空间想象、人物活动、地方文化,窥探其内部隐含的文化认同与身份意识问题。结果发现,由于香港社会历史和文化背景不断变迁等原因,香港的文化和身份意识处于不断重塑的状态。通过文本分析,发现香港文学作品中最早萌芽的是“本土”意识。西西的《我城》被认为是本土意识的发轫之作,其在港英政府和回不去的家这一夹缝中在“城”这一空间尺度上勾勒出浓浓的地方意识。其次,在中国恢复行使香港主权这一背景下,《烦恼娃娃的旅程》这一极具回归题材代表性的作品深刻地刻画了香港人在身份认同尺度升级过程中的迷惘。最后,也斯的《后殖民食物与爱情》通过“食物”为线索讲述了回归后的香港故事,为读者认识后殖民时期多元文化混杂下的香港社会提供了细致的观察。通过对三部文学作品的分析,发现港人经历了由殖民统治时期本土身份意识的觉醒以及对中国文化的归属,到回归过渡阶段身份意识的尺度升级及其不适,再到回归后多元文化的交织和协商,不仅在尺度上实现了由地方到国家再到全球化的身份意识塑造,而且在结构上存在中华文化、西方文化和香港本土文化不断协商与冲突的三重性。更为重要的是,通过文学地理视角的讨论,发现这样的文化和身份意识不是属于某个群体的特有特征,而是根植于香港社会的每一寸肌肤,不仅反映了小说作者对香港社会的细致观察,在一定程度上也反映了社会本身所面临的文化和身份困扰。  相似文献   

李欣  方斌  殷如梦  许昕  陈添悦 《地理科学》2020,40(4):599-607
以经济发达区江苏省扬中市为例,基于土地利用变更调查及农户抽样调查数据,利用因子分析、GIS空间分析、标准差椭圆等方法对居民生活质量与生产、生活和生态(三生)功能水平空间格局进行定量测度及关联研究。结果表明:① 研究区各单一功能水平不等,空间形态差异显著;“三生”功能水平整体较低,高值区分散,低值区长江沿岸、建成区周边集聚,与生产功能高低值集聚区空间重叠度高。② 扬中市居民生活质量主观感知总体为中等水平,相邻村域生活质量感知趋同,高值区集中于三茅街道及五一村、丰乐村等地,低值区呈零星散布状。③ 研究区“三生”功能与生活质量主观感知整体空间关联密切,局部因地域分异及公共基础设施与环境条件差异有所偏差,未来仍需因地制宜强化管理,协调区域生产-生活-生态功能关系。  相似文献   

基于“本体-认识-方法”论的逻辑范式,从关系范围和主驱力两个视角重新界定了滨海旅游的基本内涵,认为滨海旅游与海岸旅游和海洋旅游具有交叉关系,是在一定的社会经济条件下,以沿海岸线陆域和海岸为依托,以满足人们精神和物质需求以及不同经济主体利益为目的而进行的海陆观光、休闲和度假等旅游活动所产生的现象和关系的总和;结合国内外发展实践认为滨海旅游应有独特的滨海生态与人文资源、较长的可游憩时间、优越的区位条件和交通环境、较好的海陆经济产业发展、较高的开发技术支撑和强烈的海洋意识培养等六方面特性;基于内涵界定并遵照滨海旅游发展模式构建的市场经济驱动、不同主体参与、地方特色强化和游憩环境保护4项原则,从管理经营、空间布局和要素开发等3个关键领域系统地提出了滨海旅游发展的政府主导与企业驱动相结合的管理经营模式、“集聚-联动”驱动的空间布局模式、RMIP要素开发模式,以期为沿海城区滨海旅游地建设和完善提供了理论和实践的双重借鉴。  相似文献   

Combined with the current status of Antarctic data management and the characteristics of polar science data resulted from Chinese Antarctic and Arctic Research Expeditions, the Chinese Polar Science Database System(CPSDS) has been designed and established in 2002. The infrastructure, technical standard, mechanism of sharing data of this system are reviewed in this article. Meanwhile, the development of Chinese polar data management is summarized. As the metadata is the powerful and useful tool for managing and disseminating scientific data, the metadata is also used as “search engine” of CPSDS. Besides, the trend of data management and sharing is also discussed.  相似文献   

中国人居环境研究的总体特征及其知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CNKI、CSCD文献搜索引擎,以及文献计量可视化工具,采用传统文献研究与知识图谱相结合的方法,对1992—2017年中国人居环境研究的总体特征与知识图谱进行了定量识别和全景式展现。结果发现:1)近25年来,中国人居环境研究发文数量显著增长,《建筑学报》《城市规划》《城市发展研究》等期刊是学者的主要科研阵地;2)研究的优势机构和团队主要集中在中国科学院地理与资源研究所,以及辽宁师范大学、清华大学等其他建筑、规划类和师范类院校;3)研究经费多元化趋势明显,国家级基金是最主要的来源。4)在研究热点方面,人居环境、居住环境、宜居城市、人类环境、可持续发展、居住空间等是学者长期重点关注的热点词汇。5)在研究主题与知识基础方面,相关研究内容广泛,主题尚不集中,城市人居环境、宜居城市、居住环境、农村人居环境、自然适宜性、居住生活满意度、人居环境科学、人口发展是受到关注较多的8个热点主题,其知识基础建立在31篇经典文献之上。6)在具体演进轨迹方面,相关研究的知识结构呈连续发展且彼此联系紧密的态势,发展脉络较为清晰,并具有较强的问题导向性和政策导向性;社会经济发展的阶段性和动态性,问题或政策的学科发展导向,以及学者间的合作交流、学科间的交叉融合、技术方法的革新与应用等是其演进的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

多层级治理视角下跨界地区合作模式探究——以广佛为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏宗财  陈婷婷  李郇  谢石营 《地理科学》2016,36(9):1418-1425
基于多层级治理的视角,以广州、佛山两市为研究地区,通过深入访谈、文献资料分析等方法,从宏观政策尺度和微观项目尺度分别对广佛两市及其所辖的区、街镇不同层级政府在实施《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008~2020年)》过程中,跨界地区合作模式制度建构及实践进行了深入研究。出于行政压力和经济利益的驱动,地级市政府的角色出现了新的变化,水平联系显著增强,促成了跨界地区合作在制度建构方面的新进展,形成了“以项目库为载体的地级市单一合作模式”。研究发现,这种新的合作模式有助于将不同城市的诉求表达程序化,可以协调合作过程中存在的问题及督办项目的进展,具有较强的可操作性和可监督性;但也存在一些不足。受限于行政管理体制,目前的跨界合作集中在地级市单一层级,区及镇街政府缺乏直接合作的平台;合作平台不能全天候运作;缺乏相应的激励机制,地方政府的积极性难以持续等。  相似文献   

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