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1956-2010 年甬江流域降水变化特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几十年气候变化加剧了一些地区的水资源时空分布不均匀性, 使水灾害事件呈突发、频发、并发、重发趋势。本文选取中国东南沿海的甬江流域为研究对象, 基于近55 年日过程降雨资料(1956-2010 年), 采用集中度分析和Mann-Kendall(MK)趋势检验等统计学方法, 分析甬江流域降水的变化特性。结果显示, 甬江流域20 世纪80年代后, 年降水集中度呈现显著(置信水平95%)的下降趋势, 汛期降水量占年降水量比重减少, 其中5 月份降水量比重下降最为明显;而非汛期降水量占年降水量比重增加, 1 月份降水量比重增加最为明显;50~100 mm/d级别的暴雨总量稳定且有增加趋势。总体上, 甬江流域降水年内分布呈现坦化趋势, 不同量级暴雨变化趋势有利于洪水资源化, 因此结合合理的工程措施可以有效地增加该区域的水资源可利用量。  相似文献   

<正>天台山位于浙江省天台县城北,是浙江省东部名山。山体呈东北-西南走向,西南连仙霞岭,东北遥接舟山群岛,为曹娥江与甬江的分水岭,平均海拔500 m以上,主峰华顶山在天台县东北,海拔1 098 m,由花岗岩构成。天台山自然景观得天独厚,风光奇丽秀美,人文积淀深邃厚实,悠久灿烂。不仅是一座少有的佛道  相似文献   

七千年来姚江平原的演变   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姚江平原属于宁(波)—绍(兴)平原的一部分,西起曹娥江,东止于甬江,南界四明山山地,北临杭州湾。平原高程绝大部分在5米以下。但有不少孤丘和低山凸出于平原上,略排成东西两列:东列在慈溪县南,余姚县北,东西横亘;西列界于上虞与余姚两县间,南北纵列。姚江干流自西向东横贯平原南部(图1)。姚江平原是浙江省的  相似文献   

GIS支持下中小流域洪水风险图系统研究   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
中国东南沿海中小流域经济发达,洪水灾害频繁发生,防洪减灾研究十分重要。洪水风险图综合自然、社会经济和洪水灾害等多种信息,在防洪减灾中可发挥重要参考作用。以中国东南沿海甬江流域为例,开展以地理信息系统为支持的洪水风险图信息系统研究,借助历史洪水数据库和社会经济数据库,结合流域空间信息动态分析,探讨流域洪水风险图快速编制的方法和途径。该研究为洪水风险图动态更新创造了条件,提高洪水风险图的准确性,为中小流域防洪减灾快速决策提供有力支持。  相似文献   

东南沿海中小流域平原区洪水淹没模拟   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
我国东南沿海中小流域洪水过程短,调节能力差,洪水灾害严重。而该区洪水灾害主要发生在流域中下游冲洪积平原上,为此本文以我国东南沿海甬江流域奉化江下游为实验区,探讨了将遥感和地理信息系统应用于中小流域洪水淹没模拟研究的方法和途径。开展了基于遥感和GIS的流域降雨径流和洪水演进模型的研究,建立了基于数字高程模型的洪水淹没范围和灾情评估模型。最后利用遥感、遥测和GIS信息,对实验区洪水淹没和灾情评估进行了验证分析,并取得了较满意的成果,从而为中小流域防洪减灾决策研究提供了经验。  相似文献   

<正>中国古代矿物学和绘画所使用的颜料有一定关系。古人对矿物颜料的认识是古代矿物学的组成部分。汉代墓室壁画使用的矿物颜料有石青、石绿、赭石、石黄、朱砂等。魏晋隋唐壁画使用的矿物颜料是赭石、黄土、石青、石绿、白垩、朱砂、孔雀蓝、煤黑、高岭土、蓝铜矿、绿泥石、氧化铝、青金石,密陀僧(PbO)、黄铜粉、绛矾(Fe2O3)、金、银、银朱(硫化汞)、铅粉(碱式碳酸铅)等。制造陶瓷的原料和彩绘着色剂都和矿物有关。这方面的矿物知识也是中国  相似文献   

薛光 《中国地名》2012,(3):34-34
(一)新的居民区通名频出。20世纪90年代中期以来,我国城市居民区通名的种类一下子变得多姿多彩,数量之多令人目不暇接。据初步统计,目前我国大中城市的居民住宅区的通名用字达20多个,主要包括“园、苑、城、府、家、居、庭、舍、邸、座、村、寓、墅、堡、院、阁、坊、轩、堂、山庄、公馆、雅筑、美庐”等。这些通名新词的出现,使得居民区的通名由单一化向多样化迈进。由于新的通名蕴涵现代意识和时代精神,具有较高的文化品位,且与格调高雅的居民区相协调,颇受广大市民欢迎。  相似文献   

地名与历史事件相连地名因人而起地名以字附义1.以名人命名。有因帝王或领袖人物而得名的如洪武路、逸仙桥、中山门、中山路、中山(东、南、北)路、中山桥、中山码头等;有为纪念某些名垂青史的名人的,如郑和公园、正学路、杨公井等;还有一些因曾为官员府邸而得名,如张府园、王府园、李府巷、常府街、马府街、邓府巷、许府巷、邓府山、沈举人巷、石婆婆巷、杨将军巷、程阁老巷等。  相似文献   

西藏灌木林群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过涵盖西藏自治区的阿里、日喀则、拉萨、山南、林芝、昌都和那曲7个地区(市)、涉及33个县的370个西藏灌木林群落标准地调查,从树种组成、盖度、树高结构、直径结构和物种丰富度等方面研究西藏灌木林群落的结构特征.结果表明:(1)主要灌木林群落类型(优势树种组)有白刺花、班公柳、茶藨子、杜鹃、高山栎、高山柳、旱柳、红柳、金露梅、锦鸡儿、狼牙刺、爬地柏、蔷薇、忍冬、沙棘、水柏枝、小檗、绣线菊、栒子、野丁香、紫金标和醉鱼草等灌木林群落;(2)灌木林群落物种组成较为单一,优势树种在群落中所占的比例较大,常常形成单优群落;(3)灌木林群落的盖度多在0.4以上;(4)灌木林群落的树高多分布于0.1~ 6.0 m范围,地径多分布于1~ 5 cm范围.  相似文献   

<正>海南矿产资源种类较多,全省共发现矿产88种,经评价有工业储量的矿种70种、产地396处,其中列入2010年矿产资源储量统计的58种、产地451处。海南矿产资源主要包括石油、天然气、黑色金属、有色金属、贵金属、稀有金属、冶金辅助原料、化工原料、建筑材料、其他非金属矿、地下水、热矿水和饮用天然矿泉水等种类。探明储量居全国前列的优势矿产有石油、天然气、玻璃用砂、钛铁砂矿、锆英石  相似文献   

长江中下游阻隔性河段作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阻隔性河段能够阻隔上游河势调整向下游的传递,对稳定河势起到关键性作用。本文以长江中下游34个单一河段为研究对象,在系统总结长江中下游河道演变规律的基础上,归纳出阻隔性河段控制要素包括:单一微弯的河道平面形态、河段中上部无挑流节点;河相系数小于4;河道纵比降大于1.2?;凹岸黏粒含量高于9.5%;床沙中值粒径大于0.158 mm等。从Navier-Stokes方程出发,推导出河湾水流动力轴线弯曲半径的表达式,进而分析了各控制要素对水流动力轴线摆动及阻隔性河段形成的作用。阻隔性河段的判别条件为:不同流量级下水流动力轴线摆动力与河道边界条件约束力的比值始终小于1;阻隔性河段作用机理在于:即便上游河势发生调整,本河段的河道边界始终能约束主流摆动幅度,归顺上游不同河势条件下的主流平面位置,为下游河道提供了相对稳定的入流条件,从而阻隔上游河势调整向下游传递。  相似文献   

Alluvial channel has always adjusted itself to the equilibrium state of sediment transport after it was artificially or naturally disturbed. How to maintain the equilibrium state of sediment transport and keep the river regime stable has always been the concerns of fluvial geomorphologists. The channel in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is characterized by the staggered distribution of the bifurcated river and the single-thread river. The change of river regime is more violently in the bifurcated river than in the single-thread river. Whether the adjustment of the river regime in the bifurcated river can pass through the single-thread river and propagate to the downstream reaches affects the stabilities of the overall river regime. Studies show that the barrier river reach can block the upstream channel adjustment from propagating to the downstream reaches; therefore, it plays a key role in stabilizing the river regime. This study investigates 34 single-thread river reaches in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. On the basis of the systematic summarization of the fluvial process of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the control factors of barrier river reach are summarized and extracted: the planar morphology of single-thread and meandering; with no flow deflecting node distributed in the upper or middle part of the river reach; the hydraulic geometric coefficient is less than 4; the longitudinal gradient is greater than 12‰, the clay content of the concave bank is greater than 9.5%, and the median diameter of the bed sediment is greater than 0.158 mm. From the Navier-Stokes equation, the calculation formula of the bending radius of flow dynamic axis is deduced, and then the roles of these control factors on restricting the migration of the flow dynamic axis and the formation of the barrier river reach are analyzed. The barrier river reach is considered as such when the ratio of the migration force of the flow dynamic axis to the constraint force of the channel boundary is less than 1 under different flow levels. The mechanism of the barrier river reach is such that even when the upstream river regime adjusts, the channel boundary of this reach can always constrain the migration amplitude of the flow dynamic axis and centralize the planar position of the main stream line under different upstream river regime conditions, providing a relatively stable incoming flow conditions for the downstream reaches, thereby blocking the upstream river regime adjustment from propagating to the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

This paper mainly analyzes the geomorphological changes of the tidal deposition in the Liaohe Estuary based on the multi-year bathymetric charts in 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2005 and Landsat TM images in 1987, 1994, 2002 and 2005. Evolution of the tidal depositional system during the past 20 years in the Liaohe River was studied on the basis of 50 boreholes drilling and 30 km shallow stratigraphic exploration from 2002 to 2005. The main tidal depositional body of the modern Liaohe River delta is located in the Shuangtaizihe Estuary. The stratum within the depth of 10 m includes tidal bank facies, tidal channel facies and neritic facies with paleo-delta facies underlying them. The sediments of tidal bank facies are mainly composed of sand and silt with siltation load and suspended load of about 50% respectively in proportion. The sediment of tidal channel facies and neritic facies is composed of clayey silt and silty clay which belongs to suspended load. The study area was a small bay between the old Daliaohe River, the old Dalinghe River and the Raoyanghe River complex delta since the Holocene to 1896. Many tidal banks formed and expanded rapidly after the Shuangtaizihe River was excavated by labor in 1896. The runoff and sediment discharge have decreased since the construction of brake at the Shuangtaizihe River in 1958.The Shuangtaizihe Estuary is in the state of deposition as a whole whose tidal bank is increasing and expanding southward, westward and northward. The maximum expansion speed is 87 to 683 m/a and the mean depositional rate is 0.189 m/a. Erosion occurred in some part of tidal bank with average erosional rate of 0.122 m/a. The tidal channel was filled up with sediment at a migration speed of 48–200 m/a. Geomorphologic changes have happened under the combined influences of runoff, ocean dynamics and human activities. The main source of sediment changes from river sediment to sediment driven by tidal current and longshore current.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲地貌演化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper mainly analyzes the geomorphological changes of the tidal deposition in the Liaohe Estuary based on the multi-year bathymetric charts in 1990, 1996, 2002 and 2005 and Landsat TM images in 1987, 1994, 2002 and 2005. Evolution of the tidal depositional system during the past 20 years in the Liaohe River was studied on the basis of 50 boreholes drilling and 30 km shallow stratigraphic exploration from 2002 to 2005. The main tidal depositional body of the modern Liaohe River delta is located in the Shuangtaizihe Estuary. The stratum within the depth of 10 m includes tidal bank facies, tidal channel facies and neritic facies with paleo-delta facies underlying them. The sediments of tidal bank facies are mainly composed of sand and silt with siltation load and suspended load of about 50% respectively in proportion. The sediment of tidal channel facies and neritic facies is composed of clayey silt and silty clay which belongs to suspended load. The study area was a small bay between the old Daliaohe River, the old Dalinghe River and the Raoyanghe River complex delta since the Holocene to 1896. Many tidal banks formed and expanded rapidly after the Shuangtaizihe River was excavated by labor in 1896. The runoff and sediment discharge have decreased since the construction of brake at the Shuangtaizihe River in 1958.The Shuangtaizihe Estuary is in the state of deposition as a whole whose tidal bank is increasing and expanding southward, westward and northward. The maximum expansion speed is 87 to 683 m/a and the mean depositional rate is 0.189 m/a. Erosion occurred in some part of tidal bank with average erosional rate of 0.122 m/a. The tidal channel was filled up with sediment at a migration speed of 48–200 m/a. Geomorphologic changes have happened under the combined influences of runoff, ocean dynamics and human activities. The main source of sediment changes from river sediment to sediment driven by tidal current and longshore current.  相似文献   

黄河流域河型转化现象初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄河以其高含沙水流以及下游河道的高沉积速率而著称于世。迄今的研究, 主要针对黄河中下游流域的 侵蚀、水文泥沙和河床演变方面的研究, 而对黄河流域主支流发生河型转化的现象关注不够。在黄河的不同河段, 河型的变化频繁, 类型多样, 现象复杂, 是研究者不可回避的科学问题。本文选取黄河上游第一弯的玛曲河段、黄河 上游末段托克托附近河段及黄河下游高村上下河段来研究河型转化的形式及影响因素。玛曲河段沿流向发生网状 河型→弯曲河型→辫状河型的转化现象, 该系列转化呈现出由极稳定河型向极不稳定河型的转化, 这与世界上通 常可以观察到的沿流向不稳定河型向稳定河型转化的情况完全相反。这主要受到地壳的抬升、上下峡谷卡口、水动 力特征、边界沉积物特征及植被的区域分布等因素的控制。托克托附近沿流向发生了弯曲河型→顺直河型转化的 现象, 这是较稳定河型向极稳定河型的转化, 主要受到边界沉积物、水动力等因素的控制。高村上下河段沿流向发 生的辫状河型→弯曲河型转化的现象, 是由极不稳定河型向较稳定河型转化的现象, 河道边界沉积物及水动力是 其主要控制因素, 人工大堤只是限制了河道摆动的最大幅度, 对河型的性质影响不大, 但其上游河段修筑的水库导 致下泻的水流在辫状河段的侵蚀能力增强而使其边界沉积物粗化, 并将泥质物大量沉积在弯曲河段, 客观上促进 了河型的转化。  相似文献   

长江中下游河道冲淤与河床自动调整作用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据实测河道测图资料及水沙资料,首次利用断面地形法和输沙平衡法较全面地系统地计算分析了长江中下游河道泥沙的冲淤变化及其分布规律,计算结果表明宜昌-大通段呈冲槽、淤滩、淤汊特征;同时剖析和验证了长江中下游河床具有较强的自动调整作用。  相似文献   

近半个世纪长江口九段沙湿地的冲淤演变   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
根据1958~2004年的系列地形图,在地理信息系统软件ArcGis8.2的支持下,探讨近半个世纪九段沙湿地演变过程。研究表明:九段沙在长期的自然淤积过程中既具有趋势性的渐变,又存在非趋势性的突变,北槽深水航道工程改变了九段沙的自然冲淤模式,使九段沙顶端至江亚南沙大片区域显著淤积,工程后期,淤积速率回落,九段沙形态稳定。  相似文献   

浙江椒江山溪性强潮河口的若干特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
祝永康 《地理研究》1986,5(1):21-31
本文从椒江河口的径流、潮流变化,泥沙运移和沉积结构以及河床演变和河口的发育过程探讨了山溪性强潮河口若干特征。  相似文献   

本文从河口塑造与输沙关系、流域泄沙与输移模式,以及口外来沙与潮流输移特征等三方面,探讨河口区的泥沙运移规律和补给来源。并在此基础上,提出粗细不同粒级的造床泥沙按不同方式治理的设想。  相似文献   

师长兴 《地理科学》1997,17(1):56-62
以西辽河红山水库修建后上游河道调整为例,说明了除来水来沙等的变化所引起的河流系统调整外,存在由于河流系统可调要素之间的相互联系,相互作用,在水库水位上升后造成的溯源淤积发展中,主、支流河道、上、下游河段冲淤相互影响,槽,滩淤积相互转换,地生态系统调整的影响下,产生的可调要素的复杂多向的调整过程。  相似文献   

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