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么枕生 《气象学报》1941,15(1):47-48
1.民國二十九年一月份:(1)月初一老年氣旋發現於西伯得亞,故知冷氣團已俟機而動;惟中國本部仍在久經(?)質冷氣團控制之下、故天氣和暖晨多重霧。於月之三日此氣旋之冷鋒已至華北,此後盤桓於是地數日不去,於是大河以北終成氣旋追逐之場。自六日起此冷氣方開始南進,十日即行抵南海。自十九日至二十二日因有一低氣壓槽自印度侵入,故長江流域先後雨雪數日。  相似文献   

廣元測候所開始觀测中央研究院氣象研究所鑒於嘉陵江河谷焉寒潮入川之主要途徑,其上游尚乏可靠之測候紀錄,爰擇定廣元籌設測候所一處,藉供研討川北氣候之資料,經調員訓練前往籌備,業於九月成立,五日開始觀测。九月二十一日日全食觀測是日中國科學社假氣象研究所舉行社友會,並在該所觀測日全食。氣象研究所同人並於日食時間,測候各項天氣要素之燮異。邵陽通訊湖南七月份雨量,湘南多於湘中湘西,上半月少於下半月,舆過去四年同月平均數比较,湘南幾超過二倍。南獄是月一日之雨量,竟達267.2mm,造成全  相似文献   

朱永禔 《气象学报》1955,26(3):195-210
一。問題与方法 北京地區在冬半年(11月至4月)的降水日數很少,平均每月僅兩天(表1),而又往往集中於幾次持续性的坏天氣期間,雖然持续72小時以上的坏天氣(包括持续性降水和間有九成以上的中、低雲)出現次數不多,但在以往实際工作中,往往不能及時地作出此种類型天氣的預報,基於这种实際的需要和这种天氣大都出現在類似環流形勢下的經驗,因此本文試圖以苏联C.T.巴格瓦的中期天氣預報方法对此种天氣  相似文献   

張寶堃 《气象学报》1941,15(1):27-42
人多說重慶天氣壞,昆明天氣好。昆明天氣好到如何程度,容當另文述之。重慶天氣壞到如何程度,與何時比較好些,何時的確最壞,作者為欲明瞭此中情形,遂有起草本文之動機。茲根據海關測候所民國十六年至二十五年十年間之天氣紀錄,詳加整理,按月按季按候(每五天)用表解說明其晴雨陰霧可能性,藉供關心重慶天氣與防穿人員們的參攷。(一) 逐月睛兩陰霧可能性(甲) 雨天日數與降雨可能性重慶近十年來雨天日數,以十月為最多(13.8天),五、六月次之,一月八月最少(各為6.2天)。如與長江三峡以東之宜同時期(1927-1936年)天氣比,則知宜昌雨日以八月為最多,適與重慶相反,一月最少,彼此互同,且  相似文献   

么枕生 《气象学报》1941,15(2):95-97
1.民國二十九年四月。(1)四月方值寒暑迭代之際,冷暖氣團衝突浸為頻繁。本月上中二旬亦如常年,颮線數見不鲜,惟下旬則NPc氣圍盤踞華中,日久其勢倔強不變,故平均雨量各地多較少於常年。月初一冷鋒由北南侵,在江湖盆地且因地形關係一氣旋造成,漸向日本推進,惟不久冷氣圍漸趨穩定,除山地尚呈陰象外,平原地帶皆轉晴佳。六日至入日雖任穩定冷氣圍控制之下,然各地先後報雨,考其原因則係暖氣流緣冷流之上而北進之故。七日一盛大V形氣旋已  相似文献   

本文載英國皇家氣象學會季刊一九三七年七月號,為F.A.Paneth所著,其中所列地面大氣中各種氣體所佔百分率之數字,與一般者颇有岐異,且謂在對流層及平流下層,並不隨高度而生若何變動,亦與前人研究之結果相違。茲特加以節述,以供同道者之參考。關於大氣成份之分析,乃化學家分内之事,氣象學家不過就化學家所得結果,加以研討。目前氣象典籍中所列大氣成份百分率,每互有出入,推究其因,不外二種:所援引之原作不同。此其一分析手續未盡精當而生錯誤,此其二。Paneth 本人為化學家,且於大氣成份研討應有年所,故其說當視一般為可信也。  相似文献   

引言:最近十年来國内的氣象事業在高空探測方面發展得相當可觀。尤其測風氣球觀測站設立得最多,主要的原因是國内航空事業的進步。航空事業愈進步,牠所需要的氣象資料愈迫切。七七事變未發生以前,國内幾個有名的航空公司在其航線中主要的起落地點,曾設立幾個測風氣球觀測站,其中有觀測時間繼續了五,六年之久的。這種記錄相當可貴,而且似乎還很少人用牠来作過綜合的統計研究。中央研究院氣象研究所在南京,北平,西安,青岛觀象台在靑島,外人在上海與香港,也有較長時期的測風氣球記錄。那些記錄已經多人利用作過各方面的研究。研究結果散見國内外各氣象刊物。七七事變以来,由於空軍方面的需耍,在内地設立了不少的測風氣球  相似文献   

Isentropic AnlysIs(等位温層分析)*,C.G.Rossby著,載美國氣象學會氣象業報,18卷,6-7期之201-210頁:應用位置溫度和比較濕度二因子來分析天氣,不過是氣象界近数年間的事,但他在氣象學演進的過程中,却放出了異樣的光彩,因為這兩因子,不但富保有守性,並且還有動力學的意義。現在我們分析天氣、不僅僅從經驗上或實際上可以體會得到,並且在理論上也奠定了鞏固的基礎,因為現在的分析法,已從平面進到立體,二度進入三度。在一九二八年Bergeron發表了‘天氣三度分析論’,我們對於天氣的  相似文献   

自然季節的劃分無論是在氣候学工作上和天氣預告,特别是中、長期預告工作上都是一個很重要的問題。 我國勞動人民从很古的時候就把天文現象和产業生产的实踐結合起來劃分季節。近代从氣象观測的科学工作建立以後,人們更科学地依據大量的氣候資料按照  相似文献   

顧震潮  葉篤正 《气象学报》1955,26(3):167-181
近年來我國的氣象观测資料愈來愈多,天氣工作实踐中对於西藏高原地形对东亞大氣環流的影响也逐漸了解得比过去更多。有一些过去個別年份的事实还不是普遍的,因而一些推斷和結論需要修改;但更多的观測事实則更深刻的証明了地形对天氣过程和大氣環流的重要性。中亞細亞的天氣实踐也証明了这些。曾  相似文献   

采用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-interim再分析资料驱动WRF模式,对环渤海区域1981—2012年123次强风过程进行了模拟,并对不同天气系统形势下环渤海区域强风过程的气候特征进行了分析,得到以下结论:1)WRF数值模式可以较好地模拟环渤海区域强风过程的发展演变特征。2)西北路冷锋过程引起的环渤海区域强风强度较其他过程偏强,强风集中在辽东半岛西部、渤海海峡和山东半岛东部。黄河气旋引起的强风过程与冷锋相比,分布特征有着明显的不同,强风主要集中在山东半岛东部及黄海海域,渤海海域的强风相对偏弱。3)强风过程存在明显的季节变化,秋冬季强风持续时间长,风速大,春季次之,夏季最弱。4)强风过程在渤海海域的最大风速呈增加趋势,而在渤海海峡以东海域和山东半岛南部呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

下垫面对郑州城市边界层风的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王魁山 《气象》1998,24(7):10-13
根据1993年1月和7月郑州市中心测点和南郊郑州气象观测站同步观测的地面和边界层气象资料,分析了郑州城市下垫面对边界层风的影响。结果表明,在地面气压梯度比较小且天气晴朗条件下,郑州存在城市热岛环流。受城市热岛环流影响,郊区地面风向指向市区;边界层800m以下,城市上空吹偏西风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向左侧,吹偏东风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于市区风向右侧;1200m以上,城市上空吹偏西风时,同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向右侧  相似文献   

The spatial variation and diurnal fluctuation of sea surface wind over the Qiongzhou Strait were described using verified datasets from automatic weather stations on board a ferry, buoys, and on the coast. Results are as follows: (1) On average, sea surface wind speed is 3–4 m/s larger over the Qiongzhou Strait than in the coastal area. Sea surface wind speeds of 8.0 m/s or above (on Beaufort scale five) in the coastal area are associated with speeds 5–6 m/s greater over the surface of the Qiongzhou Strait. (2) Gust coefficients for the Qiongzhou Strait decrease along with increasing wind speeds. When coastal wind speed is less than scale five, the average gust coefficient over the sea surface is between 1.4 and 1.5; when wind speed is equal to scale five or above, the average gust coefficient is about 1.35. (3) In autumn and winter, the diurnal differences of average wind speed and wind consistency over the strait are less than those in the coastal area; when wind speed is 10.8 m/s (scale six) or above, the diurnal difference of average wind speed decreases while wind consistency increases for both the strait and the coast.  相似文献   

利用2012年海南岛沿海6个常规气象站、2个海岛站的逐时风向、风速资料,分别对全年以及不同季节内近地面风速大小、风速日变化以及风向频率分布等进行了统计分析.结果表明:2012年全年海南岛沿海近地面风速约在1.8~5.7 m/s之间,其中三亚站风速最大,冬季高达6.5 m/s,大部分站点夏季风速最弱,最大风速出现在春、冬季;海南岛南部沿海风速大于北部,东部大于西部;各站24 h风速基本呈现白天大、夜晚小的典型特征,由于所处地形、植被独特,三亚部分季节风速呈现相反的日变化特征;全年各站基本存在两个盛行风向,大部分站点近地面风向与南海季风的风向变化较为一致,夏季以南风、西南风为主,冬季以北风、东北风为主;各季沿海近地面风向南北部差异较大,东西部差异较小,随着季节转变,南部沿海盛行风转向最明显,东西部次之,北部则不明显.  相似文献   

In the present study, the performance of the GRAPES model in wind simulation over south China was assessed. The simulations were evaluated by using surface observations and two sounding stations in south China. The results show that the GRAPES model could provide a reliable simulation of the distribution and diurnal variation of the wind. It showed a generally overestimated southerly wind speed especially over the Pearl River Delta region and the south of Jiangxi Province as well as the coastal region over south China. GRAPES also exhibited a large number of stations with the opposite surface wind directions over the east of Guangxi and the south of Jiangxi during the nocturnal- to-morning period, as well as an overall overestimation of surface wind over the coastal regions during the afternoon. Although GRAPES could simulate the general evolutional characteristics of vertical wind profile, it underestimated wind speed above 900 hPa and overestimated wind speed below 900 hPa. Though the parameterization scheme of gravity wave drag proved to be an effective method to alleviate the systematic deviation of wind simulation, GRAPES still exhibited large errors in wind simulation, especially in the lower and upper troposphere.  相似文献   

Using the 5-day averaged data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis, and precipitation from rain gauge stations in China for the period 1981–2000, we investigated seasonal variations and associated atmospheric circulation and precipitation of the southwesterly wind over eastern China. The southwesterly wind over eastern China begins earliest over southeastern China and strengthens gradually from spring to the early summer, as it extends northward. The strengthening of the spring southwesterly wind, the tropospheric upward motion, and the convergence of low-level water vapor over southeastern China results in the beginning of the local rainy season. The beginning of the Mei-yu (Plum rainfall) is connected with the northward march of the southwesterly wind. The southwesterly wind reaches the valley of the Yangtze River in the early summer and northern China in the middle summer. This signifies an onset of the large-scale southwesterly wind over eastern China. Accordingly, the rain belt over southeastern China moves to the valley of the Yangtze River in the early summer and to northern China in the middle summer. Moreover, the southerly wind extends southward to the South China Sea from the spring to summer, though it does not stretch from the South China Sea to southeastern China at those times. The strengthening of the southerly wind over southeastern China is associated with a weakening/strengthening of the eastward/westward subtropical tropospheric temperature gradient between southwestern China and the western North Pacific. The developments of a low-pressure system over southwestern China and the subtropical high-pressure system over the western North Pacific may contribute to the strengthening of the southwesterly wind. A northward advance of the high-pressure system favors the southwesterly wind stretching from southeastern China to northern China. The onset of the Indian summer monsoon also strengthens the summer southwesterly wind over eastern China.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of surface wind over central eastern China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hourly wind observations from 452 meteorological stations are used to document the diurnal cycle of the surface wind over the central eastern China (100°–122°E, 20°–42.5°N). Both the surface wind speed and the wind direction show large diurnal variation with pronounced topographic effects. At most stations, the surface wind speed reaches the maximum in the afternoon and the minimum in early-morning. This diurnal phase shows small seasonal variation, whereas the diurnal amplitude varies significantly in different seasons. The diurnal amplitude of the surface wind speed reaches maximum in spring over the northern and southwestern China and in summer over the southern China. The diurnal cycle of the wind direction is more complicated. Over the coastal (mountain) regions, the diurnal wind direction is greatly influenced by the land–sea (mountain–valley) breezes with large (small) seasonal variation. Over the northern plain region, the wind direction exhibits small diurnal variation but with remarkable seasonal rotation. The surface wind over the stations located on the top of mountains shows distinct diurnal variation, which represents the diurnal cycle of the tropospheric low-level wind. The wind speed over these stations is highest in pre-dawn and lowest in the afternoon. The wind anomaly rotates clockwise from late night to late afternoon, and shows significant seasonal variation as influenced by the annual cycle of the monsoon system. The contribution of the diurnal surface wind to the diurnal feature of precipitation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

河西走廊风能变化及储量   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用河西走廊地区1970~2004年风速气候资料和2004年9月至2005年8月风塔精细资料,研究了河西走廊风能资源特征。结果表明:河西走廊地区环境风速比较稳定,在气候上没有明显的减小趋势;绿洲内风速下降明显。风能分布存在区域差别,存在2个风能大值区域。全区风能普遍较高,10 m层内风能密度都在100 W/m2以上,大部分地方在150 W/m2以上,大值地带在200 W/m2以上;在10~70 m高度层风能随高度按线性关系增长,平均每升高10 m风能增加28 W/m2;70 m层普遍在300 W/m2以上。河西走廊风能存在日和年变化,2~6月是风能密集阶段;距地面10 m高度处风能在07:00前后处于低值,从08:00以后不断增大,到18:00前后达到日最大,然后逐渐减小。河西走廊年有效风速时数普遍在6000 h以上,大值区接近7500 h。  相似文献   

本文以850 hPa、200 hPa月平均风场和西太平洋副热带高压脊线北抬至25°N日期资料及福建省25个代表站(县)5—7月的降水资料为基本分析素材。首先标定福建入夏异常的标准与年例,其次揭示850 hPa2、00 hPa 6月风场与异常年例的基本特征,进而探讨了对福建入夏早晚的影响关系。结果表明:在低层索马里-阿拉伯海区的越赤道气流强劲,南海至东亚低纬区域西南风偏大,西太平洋区域低纬度地区南风减弱、东风强劲,且东西风交汇区偏西;而在高层辐合区东风范围偏大,索马里-阿拉伯海区的区域东风风速强劲,青藏高原南侧和副高主体季节性位移的关键区以吹东风为主,东亚区域经向度小,位于青藏高原至我国东部区域范围内,形成一逆时针“距平”风环流;在此高低层风场特征的匹配下,有利于福建提早进入夏季;反之亦然。  相似文献   

利用1979—2017年共39 a欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)海表面10 m风场资料,采用经验正交函数方法(EOF)、小波时频特征分析等方法分析了南海近海面风场变化特征及其对ENSO的响应。结果表明:南海近海面风场第一模态海表面平均风速呈减小趋势, 呈现年代际变化,且与ENSO相关,但相关性在1990年后趋于减小;第二模态中南海北部和南部平均风速呈减小趋势,中部增大;第三模态中南海中部海表面平均风速趋于减小,北部和南部增大,第二和第三模态均表现为年际变化,且均与ENSO显著相关,近年来ENSO与第三模态的相关性逐渐增强。春季南海表面平均风速从南到北逐渐增加;夏季在越南沿岸部分海域仍有一个风速极大值中心,从该海域向四周逐渐减小,整片海域风向均是西南风;秋季由南向北依次增加;冬季南海整片海域风速都较大,越南沿岸和我国东沙群岛海域存在两个极大值中心。  相似文献   

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